Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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James S. Arndt, a nubile lnstruc-
- tor of Oscaloosn, la.. Is sojourning
lu Mod ford for a few weeks.
I Arthur Gates of Monroe. Wash.,
arrived Wednesday night and will
bring his family to Medford as Boon
as a house can be obtained.
Clyde M. Harrison of Hoppnorr" Is
I" the city on n visit with old friends
and will remain until after .the holi
days. j Charles H. McDougal of Qlonrock,
Wyo., has arrived In Medford and will
VIriI for several weeks. Mr. McDou
BJ1 l a cabinet maker by trade and
If suited probably will locate In Med.
ford. Ho does only fancy hand made
cabinet work and employs a number
01 men in ins stiop.
'. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nader have mov
ed to their new home at Phoenix.
Dr. J. F. noddy left Tuesday on a
business trip to San Francisco.
, Have you visited the "Marlnolla
Shop?" You are Invited to call up
stairs In the Renter -block and oxam
m -Ino the nicely fitted rooms and learn
about "Marlnolla."
'k Hiram Hayes arrived from Castle
nock, Wash., Wednesday night and
will accept a position on the Snowy
Butte orchard tracts near Central
It's a pleasure to step Into the Med
ford Hardware Co.'a storo since It has
boon remodelled.
John M. Hlgglns of Long Pine.
. ftuii., visited Medford Wednesday aft
ernoon and Thursday. Mr. Hlgglns Is
a. master mechanic on tho Fromont,
Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railway.
Mrs. Martha Harmon and daughter
Miss Lucia, are hero from Hastings,
Neb., In tho Interest of Mr. Hnrmon's
Wanted floardors A now board
ing house has opened at 70C South
Oakdale. Call and see us for fair
treatment, or address F. H. More-
land. 302
Charles C. Clarke, a business man
of Seaside, Is sojourning a few days
'In Medford.
II. IJ. Patterson, tho Quaker Nur
soryman, Is going to Salem Satur
day to pack his nursery stock. Bet
ter get busy.
i Amos W. Lelghton, Recently of
Waco, Tex., was among tho arrivals
Thursday morning. Mr. Lelghton has
a cotton plantation on tho famous
Brazos river bottoms of tho Lono
Star slate.
.Horvman, Jg going. .to, Salem.. Satur
day topack.hIs nursery stock. Bet
ter got busy.
Orvlllo Harding pf nod Wing.
vMlnn., hns arrived In Medford to
'spend the winter, desiring to escape
jtlm cold winter of tho "flour" stnte.
Xtnns photos made by Mmikcy wiP
jijlh'HSO. tf
? J. M. Wilson of Denver, Co., Is In
-tho city with a view to buying a
liiime. Mr. Wilson Is a retired hard
jwaro merchant of tho Colorado mo
st ropolls.
2 Tho Plaza Oyster Porlors, tho place
Jto eat.
to U p.
National bank.
js Henry Day of near Sheridan, Wyo.,
Jnrrlved on Wednesday night. Mr.
Day Is here for tho purposo of In
vestigating walnut culture In the
Tltoguo River valloy, but has no state
ment to mako as to his Intentions at
Havo you noticed tho new build
'Ings going P In Oakdale Park ad
dition Just south or Mr. Hoofs? tf
When you think gifts, think of the
Medford Hardware Co.
John S. Nash, who was one of the
promoters of the electric railway be
tween Centralla and Chohalls, Wash.,
and who It Is believed is hero for a
similar purpose, is In town. Tho Cen
tralla line was a' failure.
If. B. Patterson, tho Quaker Nur
seryman, Is going to Sr.lotu Satur
day to pack his nursery utock. Bol
ter get busy.
Charles W. Boyd of Portland was
In Medford on a business mission
Wednesday. TIiIb is Mr. Boyd's first
visit lir six years and ho is more
thnn surprised at tho growth and
progress of tho city.
If it's to bo found In a first-class
hardware store, it can bo found at tho
'"Medford Hardware Co.
George Stykes of North Bond Is
'' among tho many visitors In Medford
from Oregon points.
Every light but electricity gives
off smoke and smoke contains soot,
which deposits on your wall paper,
curlaln8, draperies. Electric light
glows In an air tight bulb. tf.
Fred S. Penfleld of Junction City,
camo in WeJiiehday night and will
remain on business for a week or
If you haven't got a block In Oak
dalo Park addition you had better
get ono nt once. See W. II. Everhard,
909 Ninth street, West, for particu
lars, tf
It. M. Sylvostor, who Is Booking a
location for his family and has been
looking over tho valloy for two
weeks, came. In from Jacksonville
Wednusday evonlng and will try Med
ford again.
John O. Oliver- of Junction City.
Mont., Is looking ovor Modford and
vlclnly with a view to looatliiK-
Commercial lunch 11 a. m.
m. Upstairs, opposlto First
Arthur Brown or tho Itoguo Mug
azino returned Thursday morning
from a business trip to Woodvllle,
where he hnd been ror two days In
the Interest or his publication.
A. E. Woolverton was up rrom Cen
tral Point Thursday.
Lynn Purdln or tho Central Point
Globe unnounces that he will suspend
publication or that paper and will
remove tho plant to Medrord In about
two weeks, at which tlmo the publi
cation of the Iloguo Magnzlno will
occur rrom its own preset. Mr. Pur
dln having nssoclatod himself with
Mr. Brown and others In the Itogue
Magazine company.
L. B. Warner, who has been spend
ing several monthB in Portland look
ing after business Interests there, is
spending a few days with his family
In this city and greeting old friends.
Mr. Warner will leave for Portland
again at the end of tho week.
Mrs. IUchard Calder spent Wednes
day night In Medrord vllstlng with
Z. Cameron or Applecato was a
visitor In Medrord Thursday.
V. C. Brown leaves Thursday ove
rling on an extoiiBlvo business trip
Henry C. Shotwell or Ashland spent
Thursday In Medrord on busluess
J. W. Wilson or Trail Creek Is
spending a row days in Medford on
William D. Thomas or Eugeno Is
spending a row days with rrionds In
Itoguo rlror has rallen two feet
rrom high water mark during tho
present storm.
Bort Kelly or near Woodvlllo, who
has been doing assessment work on
hts quartz claim, also attending to
his placer mining claim a row miles
rrom Woodvllle, was In Medrord on
business and nfter supplies Thurs
day. Alvln Shoemaker ot near Ayers
Spur camo down Thursday to meet
his mother, Mrs. L.,1. Woolsoy, who
arrived rrom Dallas, 111.
Clarenco Wilson, who camo rrom
Occola, Knn., threo weeks ao and
purchased a small plnco near Gold
Hill, camo up to meet his wlfo and
'iaby Thursday.
G. F. Cuthbort & Co, have had
completed ror their largo establish
ment ono of tho handsomest gold
letter signs in tho city.
J. A. Wilbur or the Ashland Or
chard syndicate was in Medrord
Thursday on business connected with
tho syndicate, and reports much im
provement and progress on tho lands
now under development,
II. T. Van Do Car carries tho 'Llb-
by," "Hawks" and "Horn's" rich cut
glass. Phlpps bldg.
You can buy "Llbby," "Hawkes"
nnd Horn's" cut glass at Van Do
Car's, Phlpps bldg.
Freo reading rooms at Presbyte
rian church, open overy evening rrom
0:30 to 10 except Sunday.
Lnto magazines, papers, and pe
riodicals at Presbyterian reading
room in church, comer Holly and
Main streets. Open C:30 to 10 p.
m. Every man and boy is Invited
to spend tho evening hero.
J. E. Day or Woodvllle Is In tho
city transacting business.
Neff & Mcaley havo picked up their
law office, bag and baggage, and mov
ed it to rooms 1 and 2, over tho post
office. ,
We serve tho best meals In town.
First-class cooking. Good servlco,
afic. Tho Piaza Cafe, 128' East Main
street. . tr
Walter Goodyear and wire or Fort
Stephens ' reached Medrord Tuesday
morning and will mako tholr homo
here. Mr. Goodyear haB a position
In ono or the large orchards near the
Have your Xmus photos made li.v
Mnckey if you want hoiiH'lliinj,' In
lease. tf
Moor-Ehnl Co., oxcluslvo agents
'or property In Crescent and Wake
'leld, Or., townsltes on Hill's new
nllroad. See them. Crescent If
llvlsion point. 220
George Perkins or Portland Is In
own ror a few days on business In
fonnectlon with a Portland Invest-
iient company.
Is your ouso wired? One cigar
es a day would pay for a hundred
ter cent Increase In comfort. Start
Ivlng tho electric life. ' tr.
William Altgold, an orchardJst of
Springfield, Mo., Is visiting tho or
chards or tho Hoguo JUver valloy
md comparing them with the orch
ards of tho Ozark mountains.
Flfty-throo acres Bpecial, 10 acres
oming Into bearing orchard. Call on
l. B. Wood, Coudor Water & Powor
o.'s office. ' tf
r-nri Kiuman came In from Asto
ria Wednesday night, accompanied
by his wlfo and children. He will
make his homo In Medford.
Tho Hull auto llvory has doolded
to accommodate tho trade to and
from tho opora, natatorlum dances,
cafes and so forth, and by placing
a rail they will call for you at any
lime. Tholr orders will be booked
at their office. Phone 31 11. '
Davo Whltoomb and wlfo of Mc
Mlnnvlllo aro visiting In Medford for
a few days.
Moor-Klini Co.. 1. rYtiilarow-
i ..... r. I!
er linpic uiiiiiiiiik.
The ".tore news" in (hi hiiej
would make it h valuable ne KiMr. i
even if it ountaiiiei! no oilier new i
Stock Adjusting Sale
"When we opened up in Modford we marked till of our merchandise at exceptionally low prices. On account
ul uiH-imig iitu- wr u-iL ui.u tuts was am- uur prospective customers. For tins reason we will offer
Suits, Coats .and Raincoats
Dresses, Etc. at
.ilk iUwK ,
JLa )kMkJm mi, ik,
lilW ml tIKvi H (lT,,'n,JnMnlill!ii'iiiniriinTTrWT
r 7HiBP?nR9R9DrVnVCrf 9nn3iBKR&EMF9ffiiTTv?iiy' 1H
This moans a great deal more to you than if we had
.marked our goods like they are generally sold and then
offered a greater reduction.
Owing to our late opening wo find we have, over
bought on certain lines and will give tho public tho ben
efit of a general price reduction of 25 PER CENT
this from our regular low prices.
Tailored Suits at 25 PERCENT discount.
Entire line of Indies', misses' and children's Coais,
25 PER CENT discount. '' , '
Evening Coats and Capes, 25 PER CENT discount.
Dresses, in serge, messaline, foulard, ninrouo.Ue, ehif
fon, etc., 25 PER CENT discount.
Any one of the above mentioned articles make most
appropriate .Xmas gifts and a useful gift is always most
appreciated. Yours for good merchandise,
AH.Millinery on Sale-Reductions from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent
Don't fail to visit our Millinery Department. You will find many styles here that are new and exclusive
with this store. Tho saving to you should be a great inducement to trade at this store.
W. H. Ranlon's Establishment on
Central Is Modern in Every Re
spectWould Bo Credit to Lam
est Cities on the Coast.
KntorprlHo Is tho ono essential elo
mont which keens tho machinery In
motion and umdHts In building a city.
Without It wo degenornto. Tho com
pany, firm, corporation or Individ
ual who possesses ontorprluo dosorvou
the commendation of every member
of a community, and In thiti connec
tion too much, cannot bo said or the
enturprlso of W. 11. Itnrdon & Co.,
whose new grocery store at lit! and
.'IS Noith Central avenue would do
credit to a Seattlo or u San Fran
cisco. Such business men as W. II.
Hard on & Co., blessed with an en
terprising spirit which knows no fall,
aro tho kind of men who could open
a business in tho midst of a desert
and causo tho world to build a town
around them. Few lii'loed aro tho
cities so fortunate as Medford, for It
Is such business men an W. H. Itar
dou & Co. which has caused her to
ribo like a Spl.lux from tho sands of
Hgypt to become a "thing of beauty
ami a Joy forever."
There Is not a store in all southern
Oregon more complete In all Its ap
pointments ami wnen tlio veil was
pulled aside and tho public was per
mitted to poop through they beheld
a veritable market garden, a com
plete grocery stock, gnrulshed with
green, gold and scarlet, an autumn
scone, n winter scene, and n spring
time vale, wliluh followed, nlowly
budded Into summer, making tho
scene a mercantile wonderland sel
dom son in a city of 10,000 popur
Rardon & Co. havo done for Med
ford what hut few men havo done for
other cities along the Hue given her
a metropolitan grocery store, a sani
tary grocery store, a pure food gro
cery store; In fact, tho bt, baud
nomofet and most perfectly equipped
food emporium between Portland and
San Francisco, and their enterprise
l(puld and no doubt will be justly
Loose ami mounted. The
InigcKl and finest stock I
hate ewr hbown.
A inosl k'hwoiii illNplay
V Hie iih'ixH r Hie
t i Ill's bent ileslgiieiH,
rliitluum .Mounting i feu.
MARTIN J. REDEY, The Jeweler,
Near Postofflce.
Announcing New Holiday Goods
A Cordial Invitation is Extended to One And All
to witness the splendor and refinement that prevails In every department, whero prices are as fair as
reason will make them, for pods of the superior class, and represented hy an absolutely hltidlnfi rjuar
antee. Wc therefore suncjest early selecting, of your holiday nifts. as tho varieties arc now at their best,
affordinu ample choice.
B & C
Cash Store
Jersey Butter, the Quality
brand, 2 pounds 85c
Eastern ITnms, choice, spec
ial, pound 18c
Eastern Bacon, light weight,
special, pound ,25c
Picnic llain, light weight,
specialfi pound 16c
LARD Pure Lard
JMh. pails, each 50c
5-lh. pails, each 80c
10-lh. pails, each $1.55
50lb. tins, each $7.25
I Imported Itu Chestnuts, per
pound 20c
Eastern Bloaters, fat ones,
each 5c
Norway Mackerel, large, 12-
pound kits, each $2.75
Norway Mackerel, fancy, 12
pound kits; each !3.25
Syrup, best maple, in tins 50c
and 90c
Holland Herring, imported,
kegs, each $1.50
(toffee, 13. & C. blend of Mo
cha and Java, lb ...40c
Pineapple, 2 -lb. tins, extra
choice, 1 doz. $2.75, case
Haviland China Dinner Sets
42-pieco Dinner Set, calue
$20, special price $15.65
50-pieco Dinner Set; value
$20.25; special price $21.05,
Haviland China, gold border,
small flower decoration.
()0-pieec Dinner Set; value
$38.15; special price $32.1d
100-picce Dinner set; value.
$(50.00; special price $55.75
GU-pieee Dinner Met; value
$70.00; special price $65.00
Somi-Porcolain English Din
ner Sets.
IH-piece set, white and gold;
special, sot $7.85
!V7-piecu set, while and gold;
special $8.70
fihpioec set, blue decoration;
special $10.75
15-pieco set, floral decora
tion $8.40
Tea Pots, all sizes, 50c and up
Child's Dinner Set, 14 pes;
set $1.35
Tree Caudles, Caudle Hold
el's, Paper Hells, Wreaths.
Il-piece Jap China Tea Set.
per set $1.65
Cut Star Custards, set of
six $2.25
Cash Store
223 West Main.
Telophono 2351
Pon't auk your frlemla 10 find u
roomer want ndvortUo.
Sl'OKANK, W.11' , Dor. 1. "Krom
tho lntorent nnntr 'oil ly ClilfixiKoaim
in tlio Nk'.IqiiiiI Applo nIiow It kuuiiih
us tLoimlj ChleRi'o him jouo applu era
ty." wild Chiirlou K. I'latr. publicity
sunt of Uic Hi oknrio & Inland, who
roturiiMil to M'jIuiiu tlild morning on
thn Orlontal UiiiIIim! nftur a montli'H
visit lu Clilcnso. Now York. I'lttn
burg, Iluffalo and Hartford, Conn.,
IiIk old liorr.o. whrt ho wont In tlio
liitorwUi of iiulillcity work for tiU
"Tho annual land chow hold In
Chicago lioforo tho ajijilo ohow nil
011 Ibiwoiiwj Hiiccam und udvrllMl
tb nortbwoit wonderfully. Hut tho
Uiid uUovf itibiply h hotted tlio appo
int of the ChlcaKoaiiH for tho won
derful dl!ilay at tho applo show.
"Uur io:iifcilvo U an locorrw t ono
for tho lituum thut wo i-amiot prop-
rl apprciluto hc MlKiilflcuii. t- off
DiU xhov to tho nillM '
VaUlu tjii rtpplf nio tt-y ioi in Chicago. Oro'ou :ipplo, f
in ,Ht i iiifi'H. , uro Ht ill nII.'1 tly lu tho
"On South Wntor Htroot, ono of tho
principal w'lolmalo and niarhut dlx
trlitu, I wiv htiridrodu of hoxoi of
applon from woll known north wout
It HiHiiuud like witlklitK down a Spo
kuuo LiihIikwd Btroot 10 nuo nil til two
many apple with Uholu of uorthwott
fliiuu prouilut'ntly illulnyti.M
LOriSVIIXK, Kj., Dec. l.-Hon-cillol
TIioiiiuh. it wiluoMH lor till'
ImIo. ItMliliiiil IoiIhv in llio t Hal of
Jimtipli W'oiiilliiitf. fhnvti'tl with lliv
uiiirilur of Alniu Kttlluor. lliat lio
found n Minull xlovo in Kt. .lolin' i
I'liun-li oiiuilur to one of u pitir ou-L-l
by 111 lililc airl. Hi UioiikIiI ll
ulovo IihiI boen dlipiH(l iicoidiHitully
mul kwupl ii up uuil liuniHil it.
ll i- ! iolfri-( In mile Hint 1"
Anufli'-. ii- tho hoiiit ot one nt i In1
mii-t illilil(' iil'y.iiilZalliili-. in (lir
wrld. IIhti; Iiciiiu piiliap- one other,
anil Hint in I.iiiiilnii t i- no a-ii
i'kiIiuii . until i ti,,i-r nu. i vine
hpuil, to Ktinl.v nml U'xloio the (Vi
lli' IniiKiiiiKf, to delvo into the lr,
lilioiiH, IiiMtory und litoiiiluio ot (lit
(Villi' nice, all of uliiult uro known
lo bo noli in poulry und rouiiiueo.
At thi! olith toouiri will ho found,
ftouiiiiKliiij- in wuiiuoHt fellowship,
Ihoko of vniyitif,' politieul nml leli.
iotit, InilliM. lU iiieiuooixhjp otii
ln'iieon ii biMiiop of (ho Kotuuii Culh
olio t'Hiiioli nml ono of llio I'nilil
nut loliuiou. A jihIko of tho wu-
piuiuo eintil of Cnlifoinin, Ihu umyor-
or l.o AiikuIo mid iniin.v olhor mil
ed poivoiik liiiloiijf. lloiu winy he
fiMiml Iiinhiuon, Sooluhiiiuii mid
WuIhIiiiuui, ('oiiiihhiimn, .Miiiimmuii
I mill llroloiM uffiliutiiii; in tho spirit
of fulljuiluiiil, (ho hiiikiin,' buek or
tlio mini In (lio limo uhoii, a, ono
Imnily, (ho Colt Minified for e.ii-eiii-o
Al ii lueenl riKiolitiK of (ho eluh a
pilKriiniijjo to tho Coltio ViiiiiiiritM.
vh imloii.ud, iimlor tho lumloiiip
of I wo of iu iiittnilioix, Juhn S. Mo
flroiuly, oililor of Tho WW Coiut
.MiCiiy.uie, nml Fnuik Mukei', u tra
eler mill leetuior. Thn pilriiuiio
will be Hindi in April of next en.
nml it jr Impetl thut a liue pait
will bi leirnileil ,i iht- I'unlu- nuhi
to make tho trip.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
DAY PI 1 ON I 2271
Nilit 'Phones:
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
N'otli'o Ih liuroby kIvou that tho un
ilwrslpnt'il linn boon appointed hy tho
county court of JiiokHou county, Oro.
Hon, im iidiululHtriitor of tlio ittJtutu
of OeoiKo Mrown, docannod, and hua
iimllflod. All persona IiuvIuk uliiliim
iiKalnst Knld QHtuto nro horolty potl
flod to pronont thoui with propor
vouohorH and duly vorlflud to tho iin
derslKiiod at KiirIo Iont. Oiokoii, or
to M. IMudlii, iiltMi'ituy fur thu est u to,
at .Modford, Oitigon. within six
inontliH from tho ditto ot thU notice.
pa ted und first publluhod Uecum
her 1. 1010.
Adiiilnlutiator or tho Khtatoof licorr.o
Hrown. Uoceaued
llasklna for health,
i i
f I
v' : svj
'" !