mmmmmmm vh'P- ",3i"w"r '. '! A . OTDFORT) irAn. TRIBUNE, MWDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, N0VEMB13ff' 20, 1910. DEPUTY SHERIFF GETS A PRISONER HERE Deputy Sheriff Matthews of Cholia Ha county, Washington, came hero from Montosano Monday evening Jo tako buck to llio Grays Harbor coun try Theodoto Adamson, who wns wanted for wlfo desertion and was anprclicndcd herd by tlio police de partment sonic time ago. Adalnson was brought over from Jacksonville .M'nday night mid' delivered to Depu ty Sheriff Matthews,' who hold requi sition papers for his return to Wash ington. The cntc Is one of long stand ing and a number of official heads have wondered at the slowness of Washington officials in clniming their in operty. , k -j i , . .1 PROMINENT MA NIS ' " LOST; TROOPS'SEARCH POISE, Idaho, Nov. 2J. The search i'ur 11.- K. Corbin, viee-prerfi-derit of the Union Snviifgs Building & .Trust company; who became lo.V. in the mountains near Yellowstone Park, Is being continued, but il i not bclieveil he will lie found alive. Corbiu disappeared u week ago mid it is feared that lie perished. There are fully 100 men trnin.mig over- tile rugged mountains iu Fre niiint count v, where lie was last seen bv friend with whom lie was hunt ing big game. United Stated troops stationed at Fort Yellowstone have joined in the search. Store-competition is conipetitioi: iu values not merely iu price; competition in service (of which ad vertising is mi important part), in reputation making,- in friend-nmkiiiK not merely iu the sales niado today! Hanking for health. What Have U For Trade i)D jicros t-. dootl improve ments; If) stores 'l-yesu'-old Nowlowus sind- llartloit pears; 15 stores hi stll'silfa, bs'isinou in ganUut; I'li miles .from town. 5(5 stores Uood improve menis; -10 stores in bostrhitf apples, balance all set to U-J-vestr-old trees: less .. than 2 miles from town. (510 stores-Stock rstnoh; good buildings; running water; pumping plant; !)2() stores desired. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. 11 N- ( MONTR AL AVE. MEUJFOUD, or. For sale J0 ncios, 3 mile!, of Central IM. in young" pears, fine bldg. site 3500. 10 ucies, I wiles out, bldgs, fine, ii rigatiug well, .1-3000. J 'JO acres, 10 orchard, 25 alfalfa, 70 cleared, under ditch, 4'j mile to station, ?1 10 per aorc I'a notes fruit trees and berries, 10 room bouse, 5 ebiekoii house, barn, now gitsolino engine, 100 chickens, cow, all tools; l1.. miles Modford P. ().! .-J-IHIOO, good terms. 10 acres Hoar creek bottom, 1 acre fine building bite; .fIJOOO, terms. 10 notes fine bottom soil, 3-yoar pours; $47.10, terms, 3 I acres, under ditch, fine pear and alfalfa bind, !l iniloK out, cleat ed and fenced; $250 per itoic. .$1500 bundles line bearing orchntM. 10 to 100 acre liuo soil, 1 miles out; -fl75 per acre. Kit) acres, 1'JO fenced, 'JO ploughed, five springs, small orchard, build ings, 4 horses, tools, etc.; $1000, lino terms. 15 to 70 aeroH. all rienrod, fine peai soil, .1-100 po.- acre, Euglo Point. City Property Housekeeping and furnished rooms fur rent. Lot 511x145, five blocks from 1'. O.. .850, oasy payments. 2 Wodmoroland lots, 6-75 oaob. 12 lots on Wed Pulm, $250 each. tenns. Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 to $350, omw.v terms. J lotb iu Koijwood, $050., WANTED WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR If you want .a nice home in the ;omihy, where you will not have to dney your family any of the conveni ences to be had in the mod ern city home, hero is some thing thnttwill interest Toti. A modern 5-room bunga low; electric lights, hot and cold water, bath, etc., pipe line from new gas plstnt psisscs within 100 feet and is located on newly graveled road twenty-two stores of Bear creek bottom soil; sev en stores planted to 3-year-old Uartlett pears stud 1J acres in Yellow Nowtowns 3 years old- Pumping plant sufficient to irrigate largo gstrden. Large new barn, tank house, chicken house and woodshed. This tract is only .1 JA milqs south of Modford on the Ash lstnd road. Ask your real estate agent to show you this, or call on M. F. Berryhill R. F. D. NO. 118, MEDFORD OREGON G. A. R. (. A. it., Chester A. Arthur Post. No. 47. Regular meeting first ami third Tuesdays of each mouth at 2:30 p. in. at Redinen ball. Visiting comrades iu good standing invito1. 1. Major Atidiews, adjutant; Charles Pall, com. LOST. LOST Lady's moss ugitto pin, Sat urday morning, between N. Oak dale and Jackson County bank. Re turn Mail Tribune office. 215 Furnl.sbcd Jtooins. FOR RENT Two IhrVo conneetinj; front rooms, fine tor offices or dressmaking parlors, -upstairs, een- tCi'-i)f town; $25 month. Phono,, 0202. 300 FOH IttiXTljiirgo elegantly fur nished front room, very close iu. No other rrfoincrs. Table boar I mny be bad next dbor. Call fo particulars at 0 So. Viv st. 21(1 FOll KENT KouiiiiTror rent, privuti fuinily; easy walking disinnco. Latl only, one who can furnish refer ence, lteusou, want companion eve nine Phono Main 4821. tf ' FOI HBNT Nicely furnished rooin iu private family, suitable for two gentlemen, .with or without board. :J45 N. Hivoi-sidc. :, FOR HUNT Sminy furuisbed rooms, one block from postoffiee: board if desired. 203 N. Central uve irncr filh st. HOP, FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; can board next door. Ap ply :il5 North Harllclt. II FOR RENT Front room, close itf. 'JUTS. Central nve, or phone 20W Inquire- after 5 p. lit. tf FOR RENT I'limlHliod bcdioom Konllcniuu only. 1130 N. Front st . 231 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 20:i Oleson st. Phone Main 4474. ' FOFR RENT -- Furnisked rooms, suitable Ifcht iuuisokcepiiif.', mod crn, 54:1 S. Ibjll.v. 21!) FOR RENT Larsro front room with board; suitable for two or Ihroe Kciitlemcii. :117 East .lacksou. 2U FOR RENT Nicely furiiLslicd 5 rpom bungalow, modern, close i.i Inquire 510 S. Holly. 211) FOR RENT Two furnished rnoir.s for light housekeepiii,'. C. E. K".U. East 14!h st." 2III Houses. FOR RENT New ' (l-room modctn bungalow, good location, .-JsIO pl moirth. iMoor-Ehui Co., 212 Fruit - growers' Hunk bldg. 215' FOR RENT House, 7 rooms, m west side; new. Dr. C. C. Vac Scoyoc, Fruitgrowers,' Bank build niir. 2 Hi FOR RENTTwo-room furnishcx house at (III N. Riverside. Call on Mr. Cornelius, Oregon Orchards Syndicate. tf lliiard iiiul Itoom. FIRST-CLASS table bouiil. ( pc week; room if duiicd. Mis. Sum .nieiliu. :i!7 E. . .Inckfrni st. 220 HOARD with room, $0 pji" uVok. mcnls served family style, home cooking. 440 S. Evergreen st., coi 12th, on Southern Pacific track.2:i . Itiislucs Itooini FOR RENT Office rooms iu Elce trio building, modern equipment steam bent, electric light, bnths toilet, hut and coV water. Qob Rav Ronltv Co.. 210 W. Main st. I' FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Two finely bred young road cams of colts, olie 2 black geldings, ono 2 bay uiaros, 1150 to 4250 pounds weight, for work teams not under l.'lOO pounds weight, from 8 to 12 yoars old. Cail or address 401 Riverside ave South. F. Ossenbruggc. tf FOR RENT Business room on W Mnin st., 24x140, suitablo fo" res tnurant or billiard room or othei business, steam lici't. Gold Rut Really Co.. 210 W. Main bI. tf ' FOR RENT-Oilleo over postonice Soo A. A. Davis. FOR SALE" 0RRJENT IIiinIiicns I'rojHTty. FOR EXCIIAN01'For Los Angeles propei ty, one of the finest small orchards iu (he Rogue River vallev; piicu $12,500; pijd last year .-KillllU net; an ideal home. AddroKs "Louis," euro Mail Tribune of fice. 221) FOR SALE OR RENT Oood open ing for general merchandise sto-( in new town with .?15,000 month! payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. fluid Ray Realty Co. 200 W Main. . tf. FOR EXCHANGE Medford nndj suburban property, ranches, timbui , Innds, for other properly. Address ' Boxl!)!).cam Mail Trilinne tf j FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. i FOR SALE OR EXCllANOK-Fivo-' passenger 4-cylindor touring auto mobile Audrcss JSox -uv, care Mail Tribune office tf FOR SALE Business Properly. FOR SA1M3 Choice business prop erty at u bargain, on long time, cusy. terms. Address Condor Wa ler Power Co. - IOtS. FOI SALE- Lot 50x220, 5 room hoiikc, for ."f I IS0. No. 822 Bennett uvc, John A. Henderson. 21 I FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating and bathing resort, Vj snuaro miles body of water, on railroad, within 12 milos of Med ford. Address Box 201, care. Mail! Tribune. tf 'I FOR LEASE Fully equipped ldaetfri mine. Call on Aldonhrgen, Iloguo ltlvor Electric Co., 21C West, Main. tf FOR SALE LuW, two (l-r.ioin houses, cheap. Coleman, 1KI .. fliapo. 210 r--r Acivagc. Girls for gucral hoiD-ework. a nntmln.; ranch work. Lietings of city property and machos. . j E. F. L BinNEB Room 2(M5, Taylor & Philips Blilfj I FOR REH'f. Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acrca to 400 acres, alfalfa- lund, fruit ranches, earden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Kay Realty i ". Co.. 21fi West Main. If j FOR SALE Ia Molinos irrigate-! lands, Tehama Co., Calif., vhurn water is king, alfalfa is queen and the fruitK of this royal union aiv riclic. and iudupeudenee. Iu Sunn v Citlifomia at th iipihh' end (if the great Sacramento valley there is a tract of the finest land iu the world, all of which cuu be irrigated ami carries with it title to a perpetual watertight. Six cuttings of alfalfa, a production of 10 to 12 tons pur Sounds good, but is il true' FOR SALE. Am cage. FOR HAJlEK-A tract of licU apple land, almost' 12 actcs ( dud nil sfnoolh, close iu; price $2ll)t). Write Owner, C. S. GiKon, MeMiiuivillc, Or. 2 1 FOR SALll-8t) acres, .fU00; 10 acres. $(!0Qf 20 acres, $400; must bo sold ni'otlce. Cull nt Palace ho ,tekJL,te,wnrt. J2!) FOR SALE--Fino farining Innds in Josephine and Jackson eouutic., Oregon, near Medford, Gold Hill Central Point, Phoenix, Talent Hud Ashland; alfalfa lauds; orchards ii small "or largo tracts from 10 to 8;i0 ncref also mining lands; also lots' in Mc'dford, Talent and Ash land. Write (inclosing stamps) or come mid see me at Talent, Or., Roberts, bblg.. L. N. .lddv t FOR SAIjE 'A snai). One aero love! ground, .'12 young upplo liees, choice strftWherrien, all kinds small fruit, city whl or, 0" room plastered huugn low, best garden spot iu Aslilanil. Call or ulddrcss R. Rouse, 100 Cnlif. t., Ashland, Ore. . 22 FOR SALE1 8 ncroa, bearing orch ard, 1 inilo fftim Medford. This h a htifgairi; smiill hoiifo and harh; finest fruit land in comity, $3500 Whit ft Tivbridgp tr FOII-SAIjH 0 and 10-nnro Irne just within hnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 0 annual pay ments. Address Condor Wntet Power Co. ' FOR SALE 20 acres, nicely loenl od,'K!f2()00; will excliungo for cit.v property. W. T. York & Co. tf Heal Estate. FOR SALE Ten days only, nea I Vi acre, well improved ilace at south eust corner of Central Point school 'rounds; half cash or trade; tool-, hay, wood, chickens, etc., foi $2000; cost of improvements.; clciu abstract; reason for selling, inn single; nlso Il-h. p. woodsaw outfit, first class, cheap. Address Ownei Box 18(1. 2211 FOR SALE Will sell or build f6i right party; have fine location f6i store sight on one of Miiaiu tliti' oiiglifurcs; no competition; goOi" opening for drug, meat, grocery 01 any store. Address Box 8, care ol Mail Tribune. Ml . Houses. FOR SALE 5" room furnished mod ern house, ten uiliilitcs1 walk' f ion postoffiee. "A simp, $2200; tends Moor-Elini yi., 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. - - ' "" FOR SALE -U-rooni house, fuiii ished, cloe iu. four uluioud tree in front, new lawn, will rent $Si per mouth, will sell if sold tin week for $2500. See owner or au di ess J. W. Lane, 22 Almoin ulrccl. , J31H. FOR SALE - O-'room modern house Imtlj, two toilets, licwiy fiirni'died .'III tiers wood ill shed, 12 chiok'cifs lot iu next block included; owuci miibt leave account sickness; prii $2800. M --Ehni Co., 212 Fruit- growers' Ba 1 1 k bldg. 215' FOR SALE Largo modern house with south ami cast' front, 1RI feel front on paved street, by 181 feel long, nicel. improved grounds; ev erything htncllv model 11; reaou for selling, lady of house needs a chuiige of climate; this place i suitable for nice homo or first cliiss rooming liousc; easy tonus to right parlv. Scu the Jackson Count v Rually Co., (101 Wo.t Tenth sL 2211 FOR' SALIC A completely furniwh;' bungalow, 0 rooms find bath, sleep ing porch, tiereuned buck poieh popular residence section, pavet' street, fullv mUl) price $1000. ctrius; party leaving for Californln is au.ious for (piick sale. Rogtie River Ondianl Laud Co., 10 Froj.i bl. Ninth. If FOR SALE An artistic bungalow. G rooms and bath, complcto with hhadoH and screens, reduced from $4200 to $.'1800; scats, bookcases, huffot, two fireplaces, beam coil ing, etc.; wcl 'built. Chus. D. Colby. 010 W. JOlh st. f FOR .SALK-700; now l-room house mid burn, 52-foot lot 011 Berttty t., m-nr Liberty nL; tuuiw $300 doui. liKtujto 4. S. Ornnge. tj' FOR SALE 5-room modorn bunga low, furnished complete nt $0,000; $1,200 handles this. Address Bov 70, care Mail Tribuno office. 501. Mlflctillaneoirs. FOR RENT Omee room., $4 ouuli per month, in Rtd's inodorp1 block at Coiitntl Point. Or. 2U7 FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas apt, furnished rooms, with hot and cold running water; baths, larse snnnv Horohes. 004 W. 10th St. or 124 King St. If- Housekeeping ItwoniN. FOR-RENTFirnUhed roorna and board. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Frutt- KrnwoiV hunt. "' Let mo prove it to you. You can I also grow splendid paying croM of I pears, tKMieho, figs, orangeo, olives, walnut, etc. In seeking a now lo-l cation you owe it to yourself audi family to investigate this propot- tiou. These lands, including a FOR SALE l'uriiitiire of fl-rortin house at less than half price, con sisting hi purt of leather and weathered osk dining 100m and Us ing room fumtturo, WiHon rug, brans bod, silk floss muttrotffeOrf. Monarch rano, Haviland illnhM. etc: all prjjetioally now. Phone Main 1101. FOR SALE. FOR -SALE-Two-cyliudcr Mco roadster for sale or trado for citv, lots.' Inquire Siskiyou Auto Coin- jwiv, , iJfV FOR SALE Team and double set o!' harness, one 5 and one 8 year old. cheap. Call at No. 10 East lltli st. 2i:t JSINESS DIRECTORY. C'ollectloiiH FOR SALE-Reiniiiglon typewriter; bargain. P. ()., Box SOU, Med ford. 214 FOR SALE Buggy, good as new, cheap 2.10 North Ivv st. :i()0 Miscellaneous. STRAYED A bay pony with wliiloi strip iu tare. Suitable reward if returned to A. C. Randall, Talent. On am .. OR SALE 50 tons corn. Inquire .Dr. R. C. Chnmv. Medford. FOR' SALE- Eleven real estate' bar gains, nil in Columbus Avenue Ad dition. Six lots, 47xl!t0, Aith ulley in rear, at the tistouudingly low price of $".100 each. - ' Five lots, 55.VH10. with alley iu rear, are offered at $850 each. There Irf sewer and water on ev ery lot ready to tup. This addition lin4 never been of fci'Od before, so net quick if you want first chdieb. 1IUNTLEY-KREMER CO.," Ex'cHrs'ivo A'g'etits.' 21-1 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. if FOR SALE Fresh milch cow. W. J. llnrtx.cH, Three Oakks orchard, M miles suulh of town, or telephone 4081 Main. ..-,. . .- 214 HELP WANTED. WANTED At once, men who can get lists of bind and business propel t for salo iu this vicinity. Good pay. pleasant employment. Address bo. 1H.TJ. Seattle. Wash. 215 WANTED A first-class Japanese boy for housework, 2 iu family and good wages. Apply mornings 21!) N. Oakdalc. tf WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of tlio northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako over $1000 mouth; choice of territory. Yakinni Valley Nurnory Co., Top pettish. WANTKI) On Crater Lake high way teamsters, muckers" and rock met!. Apply nt camp, 20 miles up Rogtio rivor, 35 milos cast of Med- ford. ' 217 ..... i. mi - Kelp Wanted PoiutUn. . WANTED -Will pay exfrh wages to competent girl for oral housework. .Must go niuhls. Cull phone Mnin 212. good gen- houie -211 WANTED- One womn.. in each county who desires employment in homo town, $15 per weok; bo Inde pendent uitd ffolf-supporting. J. S. Xiegler Co., Como block, Chicago, III. 1 WANTED Girl for general house work; wanes $1 per dny. Call at 210 W. Main st. tf WANTED Apjirentico gill Greg ory Studio. ' tf MiuiiMloiiH WnutcO. WANTED -NiiminiT l'.V Mrs. K. Mc Reynolds. Call at 1120 N. Itivoisido ave.. or phone Main .12. WANTED -Diessmnking. Address Mix. Fiiddcr. W. Walnut Park. 'JIM MlftrollmicouH. WANTED 100 to 1(10 acicH, eliu qfiiHhmciil, within 20 miles of Moll ford. Slate piiee, locution and iui piovciucul". i dil 1 ess E. iy Gniou, Medfoid. Or. 215 WANTED-Ono or two doeu Rhode Inland led pullotfl or year old lions, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Med . f"'(l- 'i'"l. ilHIItt. n22 WANTED To liiio bo'avy team Tor month or two. Addross 707 Wot Main. If- ACCOUNTS collbded in any part of the woild. No cuurgc if: not col lected. Pacific. Collecting, Co., 33 Jjiiiksoti Co. Bank bldg. """ Fldetl jy and Surety 'llnnks'i L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds iu the best companion. X Jackson Co. Baik bldg. MliMKrpi)-t-. ELLA M. GUANYAW Pnlta Hloel StonocrAphio work doue quickl. Itltllnrd Parlors. WANTED -Horson to feed for win tor. Address M. M. Welch. Wat kins. Or. a 10 WANTED Torent tfiruo Tmv barn, (4oo in. Apply 707 W. Main. If lloaul and Itoom, WANTED -Board nnd room, private family, by man and wilo. Call at loom 207. PliiniiH hhk. 2I7 WANTED First-class board and room bv the day or week, family wt.vlo; rcatouablu prices. 0011 East Main. BUSINESS DIRECTOHV S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci- gara and Soft Drinka. Up stnir:, Young & Ilr.ll building. A uise. cool place to spend the hot nflov noons. , .. NurKorics. T QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted.. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wc nro not In tlio trust. II. B. Pnltoraon, office removed (o 11(1 E. Main at. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers id" high grado nursCQ' stock. Office 25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for Bide, also other vuriotios of trees, by Wagner Creole Nursofj & Orchard Co., Boosou & Loster, Talent, Or. Tin Kliops. a. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin nnd , sheet iron wro on hniid and made to order. 128 Nortli G st. Read Cignrs nnd Tblmcro. IRELAND & ANTLE. Stnokchousoi- DculcrH iu tobacco, cigars and sluoroks' supplied, Exclusive ngon'ts of Lowia Siuglo Binder. El Moritt and El. Paloncia. 212 West Main street. 1 Uiiloim. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots: nt Smith's, hall, 12b North Grnpo tilroot, evory Thurs day ovoning promptly nt 8 o'clock, All jo'ifriioymoii carpenters, ns will uti local members, urged to bo pres ent. Business ol'svitnl intfarcs't to all carpentern trnnsnetod at thcHc mcotings.. J, J, Sonl. business ugt. Altonieys. W1TI1INGTON &. KELLY -Lawyers, ... Palm Jmlidiug. A. B 'U HAM ES- Lawyer, Garuott 'Coreji bldg. polFrERJ. neff, wmTpT MEA LEY Altornoyu-al-Iavv. No. I) D street, ground floor. COLVIG a, REAMES-W. M. Ciil- v?g, C,L Roames. Ltiwyora. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second .floor. Notqry Public, NOTARV PUBLIC Room Pliipps bldg. 207, NOTARY office PUBLIC Mail Tribune GrauKo Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W Main St., uiauufacturorR and deal ers in giiiouumcutnl and biiildin granite, crushed granite common brick and pressed brick, coarse nnd fine wnshed river snnd. PAUL & WOLFF ll sand and foun dation gin vol; nil orders promptly delivered., Phono 4721 mid 121.1 Mnin. MEDFORD URICK OO.-O00. Priddy. O. D. Nagle, Geo W. T. O'Brien- Contractors and mnnu- faclurcr of brisk; denlera in piesKcd brick and limn. Office iu (larnutt-Coroy block, room 101, ttli floor. J'lipiio No. ;t.)8l. - . I'Mlutcm and Vx:tk&mr. II. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phono :i7!U. Dirtin MeMulli. contractiiig painlers, painting, pa lior hnugiiiK ud linliug. I'Wliiiiatu on nil kinds of painting won;. Medford, Oiv. DECORATE your tinted walls with stojieil bordom by A. Risdou, imiilt er, deuorutor nnd papoi hanger, No. 5 E. :id s., .yodford- Photographers, Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY produdl aid all oito-yoar bud on il-your roots; roprosentativo office now iu Mcdlord; can supply apple, pear; and walnut treos on short notice ; nil guaranteed in evory respect; ranch era, write us of your need; will bo -Limited number of Po- China boa rd, 15 and 4 your deeded periwitual water right, sell at $150 Jo $200 per acre; ouu-finhl FOR SALE ilnurii unit liiilniirn in fuiii- itmiul nil- ) InHd ( lllHI iiuhI pavmsiits. Cull ut the office' t old. digible to go in the bed bonis A8SAYHR Hud let me expluin the project 111, nud ehup enough for nny fanner (JutMil. ' to buy. Buckley Orchards. Goo. C PRAN'K O. ANDRPAVS, Ostfood. mgr Phone Fanners 1. -. I'ii si . M.di.i.l Hie "! . :: if ttlad to quote yon prices. Noticed NOTICE Aftor Novombor 1-it my I oilloe will be in rooms 211 and 212 nmott Corey bldg., phone 2971 ; residence 113 Laurel st., plmuc 2002. R. W. 'Stearns. M. ". if WHAT 1 moan by "posing with Mnekoy and dying witli fay" Is 'to avoid wearing a long face after your photos ni-finidicib I1IU Poilera. VERNE T. CANON -Bill poster one Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jaokeon Count; Bank building, Modford. Or. Afycr. Architects, JOHNS & Tl'RNER. Arcbiieets and Buildera. Office 7-8. 325 Main. Plume Main 3171. Residence phone 74 . Earl V. IngelH. B. S. Rest eeqnipped assay office in Ore gon. Edublished five years. Ac curate rosults guaranteed. Grants Pi , Ore ?0i Printers and PubtUticm. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. 'has the best equipped job office iu South ern Oregon; Portland pricos. 37 1 -mill IY11 trul rivcnue BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Physicians and SuijteoBS. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure- rhoiWHutUui, UBllnnn, paralysis, oorerf and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at huuSe.sKd.. 211 i3. ( Front and 10th hto., Med ford, Or., where they will be bold by the pro-' pridor, Chow Young DivChuvv Young ids treated sov oral severe with his lemodies since coming to Asliiuud, and has for rcferenccu somti of tlio best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him Thin is to certify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended nic, mv trouble being lung trouble and nttihnin. I am belter than I huvo beeii for twelve years. I snw tho letter written by .Judge Ihuiuu and n ho recoimni'iided the ductur, m well thought 1 would try him ajso. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I (vim afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for ninny yciirri, and nt last ending in a stroke of paralysis', from whicli no ono ex pected Iny recovery, and 110 ono knows how 1 suffered, but ut hid 1 got a little bcl(or and 1 heard of ouu Dr. Chow Young. 1 took treat ment and atu well now and can reo-. ommend him to uiiyouu who may bo sick or afflicted with nny of theso complaints. I assure yn I "" well pleased nttd thankful thai I am alive at this timo." Mrs. Mury Ni day, Grants Puss, Or. "I have boon troubled with ca turrit for n long time and have tried over o tunny troalmonto of differ out kinds nud I can say 1 did not get anything to do mo nny good until I tried this 'Chinese doctor, and he Iiiih done mo a groat deal of. good, and I think ho can euro ca tarrh." Mr. Warren Drake, Asb hind. Or. 'Ml DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD - Physician and Surgeon. Office 21(1 E. Main-ML, over Hiid kinfi' drug dote. Phono Main 1001. DR.' STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Gnruolt-Coroy bldg, rooms 211-212, phono 10(12. Kcm deiice 113 Laurel st., phono 2002. W. A. LOVELACE-Conirador and practical builder; estimates free; patronage tippicoiatud. Almond st. 125 South DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Office llaskiiiH bldg. Phono 'Main 1001. DR. STEPHENSON filu glasHCH to correct any doled of (ho eye. Oi -fice over Allen & Bengali's. Phono Main 1H5I. Dr. W. M. 1uTScoyoo. Dr.' C. C. 'uii Scoyoc. VAN SCOYOC BROS., Dentists, Fruitgrower Bank bldg,, Medford, Or. Furniture, I'liQiiB.HnTfe NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS Jipuos A. McKenzio, dealer in now and second-hand furniture, haul ware, ulnthiug, boots and slices. Highest cash prices paid for good ens toff clothing. Call' and see miv whon you have something to soil, J 03 S. Control. II. F. WILSON & CO.. dualors ft now and second-hand furniture nnd hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and niugos. HI South Fir street. Phono Main 31(11. MISSION, FURNITURE WORKS - Cormfi 8II1 and Holly dieols. Med fordV Mission fiiinituro mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF CookstoveB and ranges. New and second. hand furniture. Ends' old stand. 18 W. F nt.. South. Phone 01. Medford. I'mli'i-takcrs. MEDFORD FrRNlTI'RE CO. I'u- dei takers. Day jilione 351, Night plumes: C. W. Co'iklin 3001; .!. E, Butl.r ii.'l. John A Peri 1111. IV'K m) V.l f 'VVSl' t " DRS. CONROY & CLANOY I'liv sioinus nnd surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211 -21 J. Office phono 501, residence phono (112. OlHco hours I) a. in. to 8 p. nu DR. !'." G. ' CAR LOW. DR.'EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic, phj'Hiciuiis. Moved lo Rooms 410 nud 4J7, Garnet t-Coroy bldg. Phono Main (151. , DR. E. II. PORT.ER Diseases of Women a specialty. Rooms 5, U, 7 8. St. Mark'u bldg., Mcdlord, Or. PlionuH: Office 4001, restdeiico 41151. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS - Prac" tico limited to discnuijt! of lliu eye, oar, none nud throat. Office 'Jlii E. Main st., over Medford Hard ware Co. , 1)11. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Office iu Rlulto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for oxtreoliou of (colli. Telephone Mnin (181. Night phono 4432. I)il. Vf. V. W!CK--IIoiueopalhic physician, rcMideuco 203 Olson st , phone Main '4171; office, rooms 3 and -V St. Mark's block, photic Main 1871. i It I K K! It i 1 1 1 iri 1 If f i i.