I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IIDDFORDMATLTRTBUNJ'. rRDFORD, OREGON. TCICSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1910, B II t, M .1 t Famous General' von Steuben's Memory to Be at Last Honored. GREAT ACTIVITY E MINES A T onic Malt no mtttaU. Take enlu thou mtdl. clnt$ Iht but dodort aidone. Contull tiour own doctor fretlu, k J.C. A jtr Co., J'tWlf Mf, Tired? Jut! at tired In the mornlnp, At at nteht? Tlilrlw lool darkP Lack nerVe power? Just remember this: Aycr'sJ Saroaparllla is a strong tonic, entirely free from alcohol. K puts trA corpuscles Into the blood; elves steady, even power to the nerves ; strengthens the digestion. PLUMBING I Much Machinery Is Bcinn Installed In Different M,'ncs In Josephine LclantI Said to Have Struck nidi Vein of Gravel. Splendid Fruit Land Tract SHAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Worjk Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICB U Norlh ) St..MrdToid,Orti. Phone 303 'I'lti iiiwiiur.v f Ciiii'inl tti SIi'iiIm'ii, who tTirinrtl lu-rotr Hcnlri' for (I.'iiim;iI nliltiUiii Hint tin Mni'ili-Jiii tiiliinlci, will li ImiiiirtHl uc( tuoulji when ii iiiuiHiiiifiit ulll In- iiiivi-IIimI In iHihiKtmi by I'li'ililciu Tun. Cru fi'iil Mm Sli'iiliiMi inilvi'il In ihc 1'nlinl Siiili'i fnuii CcriiKiiiy In t lint in lieli WiitliliiKtnii lufni; tll. Iilltic mil t I'liiiKi ill Valley I'oifcf. Thi'tliTmiuiiilllicr luul Im. ii Iimiiii'iI iiihIim' I'li'tli'rlcU tin' iri-iit. Mini IiIn kiiuulciluv if nr did iiiih'li In Mur the ilny fur the Anicrlciiii force. Keibv Mini (lie whole llliiMii- vnl lc riiiiiili'V i i-xpcriciicmx n liuom in ihc illinium iiuliisirvt nv the Uuuiif lliver Courier. IIimiiii is Ininl Iv tin eurreet wind. Il in nilher n It lllV ll'llli.llillll til' llll' M)NHJIlilillCH nl' the linlriel, Hi'i'iti Ik from lluil Inwii Mii.v llnil never before wus hiih mi' - so umiil in nil lim-M J'ur ininiv yi'iirs iih il h now, tnnl il ih due . Ijii- rcncui'il ni'livity in mining. Tiiilny lioiHlin iiiiicliiiici-.v of tin Inlil mill iimihI I'llii'icnl ln is ic iiij.' iiliii'i'il mi the ilccp jrnivCl ihm Mlv ni'iir Wiililu. Cnliiiifl Fnml. I.clmiil, iiiiiilciil nl' tin1 (lii'ciiliiK'k ininc, ri'ii'ci'iilnij' I In .miiutiiI ail vciiliin rni'iKiraliiiii )' -1'J I tro.tiiwti v. i New VitrU, linn lii'i'ii proipfclini: tin- 1 propel I y for some time, mnl lur Ml. Mick i'invi'l (lull is nifl In lie ricli ill ll Inner ili'plll t It il is llii plnpei'l Iiiik liecii worked before. Tins in. one of -Hie uiill-kiinwn i plneer mines in the eonnlry ami u.is IfiM woikeil in IK7K. However, the j Hiirfnce wtiK merely skimmetl, lin uneil iiuieliinerv inula": it poHHible lo work the deep jnivcl. A ful enr- loud of mich miieliiuerv. iueluiliui; u i .'lll.inr-.cpiiuci' boiler, Iimh been litnil el out lo lle properly Hit punt week Miinv itmii'Ik of nclivily on iicur Iv nil the deck-: in I lie district tile here mid n pni'.pcrniis sciimiii w hi mill for Ihc Kcrb country Kane's Creek Items Mr. Lev. is it. id wife vcie in Mel ford over Sut in dtiVt u'lii'ie .Mrs. I.t-uir v:ih lut i ilt some detilnl work ilniic, I-'. Idinii'll, flllitnllN pnckul liunlel' of Southern OruKUJli "fpi'iit severnl - yf'fwnii "i ' III I u I'll reft: lill lust week on lint 4'htirleH Him clinMcr returned limne In. I l'rnln Innn Willtiuielli viillev pninir. itfier mi iiIimmicc of two yen ix, nud lei I mi Sumhty iiioiniut! Irmn lor l.ns Aii"ek'-' to' MiKiiid the ninliir. . .11 iMwv.kiii iiiiii himiii ii tuiv rni'iiii I vwi . I. ti in ii. i .i ' lllt.VH nnni:nej..1iii, iiniMC iiiuiiiii'Miiuiti. . - . - ftlr. nud Mr. Iii-m)II. hile.of Hid ' ,,' ' NiilalloiW ll.luie tit UoKcbuiy, n ' Mi'l'lidlnii, ulio hu- :, l. Hi miieli ili.lUi...i...l ..I iliis .ni. MUiiilz luiiii' Iciiseil mi upper Millet. nm. The elui.iKC wus iniiile for llie i'n'k' h'K"" 'S'""1.V nmhl in Cloltl In-U'fit of Mi-.. Kucll's hi'ultli. Ilin' ,,' i--im-i. tliiua- moviiiK which lius I ii M.ry hud lor the pa..( ,"l,,n ,,"',,,v "' ,1"' "' i1"' B'""1 Vl,nr enough, lui Miid, to keep otic Inwy Uey lluiiiphrey of Medfonl spent ,!'"ii"t' l'"r "'H-lliiu heller. SlHItlll.V Ill'M' tin Ulll'Hl.ol holliefolU. ! ''' "'I l1- SlllllnWiirlll of Toln W nre -.urry In miy tlitit .limit' "l"''" Suuilny mi ICiumV ereok it Titl'.r is MitlVriiiir wiih n ery hml' w'Ht "f ilieir ilnm-litW, Mrs. M,r.' felon on Ins hi'iiil. i I'miiM'liit'. ' I'liiff.sot' lliii'l'nii peiil Sntiir Churleo Sliiiehiiii: and ftiniily day mid Sunday with lis l';uinl. nl spent Suiiiln'v in I'luekwell n-v m-it IJaule I'miil. of Mi- Siiii'luiru's ,treuls. Phoenix and Vicinity HyT. I-. ItAWJ.lNH. jIMit.' ol'liciul liiiuitl uieeliiiK tinjl hiMiiiui'l nl Hit) Christian chinch SiUurilny iiveiiiii was a complete Miii't'i'sx mnl it very pleii'iiul ocens im. Tin pi inter or .w scribe, or both, liluihlci'od in MtyiiiK that the union 'I'liunkuwiviii); servien it t the I'resby leriau church was tit he on Sunday. , Thurstluy, llm the I'resbyti'r- Duii'l I'niui'l die diile 'Jllli, til 11 a. in., at inn church. A nice eiileiliiimiieiit s Inline pre pit rod by the. school obe jyen Wt'ilueniluv nflurntuin at the selinnl junius. il is in the iiuturc of a Tliiiuksuiviutr inileiluimiii'nt. There will he no school TIiiiimIuV' or l'n- th'V. Mis- Muuiiii' , a Iciicher in nue cess, of the ilepni'lineiits, will visit her sis ter at Until Thunk-iviii;:. Mrs. Hover, who is soon In lenve us and lake up her rcMtlcucc at Ashland for the purpose of putting her children in M'hnul iere, linsiii" viletl I lie three hiualler chishtis of the Christimi Siutilay schuol mid their teachers In a receptinu and tin t iiilt at the beautiful Hover hnuitt, next Sal unlay ufleruoon. Of eniioe llit'v will have u tiplemlid time, The firm of Meckel & Sou of I'hucuix hue sohl out their IiusIiicm to Crnv - Ue.'tiilHley. who will eon I'liue Hie biisiiit" s at Hie same stiiutl. There is rnmu in I'hnenix lor Iwti muni stores mid we with iheiu sue- SUDDEN FLOOD TAKES MANY LIVES j i- SAKION, French luiiii Cliitin, Nov. 'J'J. Mnre Hum IIMIII nntives are iliiml in ininKiiiK as a result of u sudden llund u) ICwiiiik N'unii mid In AnuiircH prnvini'i'. . Tim tolttl t'l' ileiul is e.xpeeletl lo iiukiviiIo even more Hum 1000. Tim proiyirl.V lot-.-: wus eiiurmnip', '100 limits with mer i'liniulie heiuir reiorled losl. l)lAD GIHL'S LOVER IS SUSPECTED OF MUrtDEIl SAN ,IOSK, I 'nl.. Nov. I',rances (Inrein, a Mirkini; m'rl, wan fnjiiiil deAd in her room at a loiluiiu; hse uf lliver mul Suiita (Mil. I sheets this innrniuir, Whelher or liol il is a ease of suicide has mil vet' lieeii ilelei'iuiiietl. A yoimn: mini who was much iu her t'tunpmiy is heiut; IntiJaiil J'ur by lite police, an the con dition of the liirl wn mints n Kiispi eiou of iniirtler. STEAMER DEAR DAS HARD TRIP AT SEA HAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2S. -Tlio Kleamer Hear liuttered by heavy huuh anil llfty lioun: ovurilue, arrived horo today from I'ortlnntl, with 700 pun hoiikoi'h and erow, Owlui; lo heavy liitlett In the north I'iuIIU', the' Jlour wan blown from her t'ourtto, burliod Im'tid wlndti anil literally t'olmht. her way Into port, IteportH I:ihi uli;ht and oarly to tiny were Hint tlio vennel hud met with tllHntitor, nuiLthoHO reporttt were enliiini't'd by Hut fuet thai tint marine e.'ci'lui nee and the wlreleH.t Htatloiiuin the vicinity of Han FrauelHco were umililo lo pick up the ellar. , ArnoND coliiJKoiB. Arrnngo to uttond the Kusena pet Inuaa CoIIoko, and lot u got jfn a Kood poaltlon when you gradCAtp. El ter now, Butul for our new oat Iokuo, 111a Wet aoteath street, NO COWS HERE WITH TUBERCULOSiS Office of .1. V. Mailey, state thtiry ami food eoinmi-.ioiifr, room 1'.'. Itreedeu liiiililiiif.', I'orllmid. Or., Nov 1. 1010. -Dr. .1. I-:. Shearer, Med lord. Or. My Dear Dr. Shearer Have just reiuruett to lite olltee and luul .your letter of the 1'Jth iust., in which you link for a more definite stuleiuent reuiiiiliui; the two cows iu Mr. t'nl houn's hertl, and 'whether or not I think they hnve tuberculosis. I did not intimate iu my repot t thut I hey have tuberculosis, nor did I see anything lhat iiidiente.s thai they have tu!mrculois. I renlire, however, that there is u tintlenev for pettple to hiirboV a wholesale fear of tuhereuloMH the I iniuule the words 'Vic!; cow" are mentioned. This is probably tlu reason why my report published in ,the Medford .Mail Tribune has result -t'd disu-.roiisly to the tliiiryinau. As I reineinber the ease, one of the eow.s in iiuestiou had been crippled Ihrotiah .Mime accident nud could nut L'et urouiid to feed, mul us a re sult was very thin iu tlcuh. Such an animal is of course constitution ally weak ami apt to cunt met other ,di-ea-es, hut no one could say from a physical examination lhat he had miv other iliseae. This i;ow was, at the lime of my visit, not wilh llie oilier cows. The other cow which I asked Mr. Calhoun to remove teiniyirnrily was a cow Ihut luul been tnpju'd for bloat mnl Hie wound was not lienlin ,t readily us il should and reiiderins,- it Miseeptitble for other .coinpliealioiis. Afl Hie other cows iu the herd ap pealed healthy and were iu oo.l lle.-di. Hud 1 suspeeletl tubcrculusi J should have iiolifietl the slnte vet erinariuu to that effect, .Just why so many people fear bo vine tubereulosis has never been ex plained. II is a well nettled fact lhat only a very siimll pereenluue inlioiil 'J per cent) of the e.ows iu Oreyon, except those In tlio inuneili jile vicinity of Portland, have tuber eulosis. Then iikhiii, n very sinnll jier cent of those lhat hnve tuher .ctilosis ean possibly transmit the dis ease through the milk. It is ul.n pmeli more tliffieult to truiisutit the disease, even if the kimius nre intro duced, from the bovine tjinn from ty hiimuu, However, the fear exists, and it would be much more satisfac tory to all concerned lo have the tlairv herds tested and then advertise tuberculin free milk. Those who can afford lo pay, or euie lo pay, foi Hmt .kind of mil; could then liny n mul those who prefe.r the c.ouuuon market mill; at tlio regular price could hnve il. Should you or your people at nnv lime in the future want, miy iismsI mice from this office, we woultl be ihitl lo serve vou. Yours trulv, M. C. SCilli'OCK, Deputy. Tlio iimtter of ucroiiinllRhlitK tilings would luivo no difficulties, worthy of the namo, if ono publication or n want ad alwuya hrouKht what ,vou wanted. HiiRldtiH for health, to .Medford, client). in I'Y.'mkliii'i'oimh', Wnshiiitf I'or Medl'oi'd or country prop -If!.") ncrcs r.'tu l;md. dost (MO ncrcs wlic.-il Ijmd Ion, to !.ciniie (!i'l,y. - !(!() .'teres lioir d'old Hill to exchange, i'or aity prop erly, '.Medford or Ashland. 28 acres Hear ('reek bollom, near Coniral Poinl, cheap and jjnod terms. 7 acres near city limits, good house, on fine road, W00O. , 7-room, bvo-slory house, new and slrieily modern, $2(J(J0; easy lernis. Corner lot-on West Main, $1000. - - ' '- Anylhine; in real eslate at D. 2i. JACKSON (EL COMPANY PHONE 2722. 1W, WEST MAIN ST. i n jnmi flic finest Sample Kooins in the city. Single rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Kvcry Iloom RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Real Estate Loans i Can be had through us Current rate of Interest. i R.F.GUERIN (3b CO. 4 UEorosD sraTxoirAi Banc Btraonra &A 'f fl "i w i cm Christmas Holiday Excursion TO TUK CITY OF MEXICO via iho . , SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY LIOAVINXI PORTLAND Dec. Hth and I2th,I9IO and RAN FRANCISCO HKCKMBER VI 1910. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN Consist fug of Ohservation Car, Pullman, ves tihuledj.slee.pne; ctirs, smoking car and (n ing ulu'jAvill leave Third and Towusend street.s, San .Francisco, via the (onst Line. The excursion is run under the auspices of the Southern Pacific, National Lines of JMexico, International and (rireat Northern, 0. II. &R. A. and Santa Fe. Round Trip Eare $104.00 FRO M PORTLAND iJilOLOO Corresponding low rates i'l'mvi other 0. R. & N. and S. I, points. interesting side trips on the return trip, including the (irand Canyon, may be made. Final return limit GO days from date of sale. Equipment on this train will be limited and no more passengers will be taken than can be comfortably provided for. For further information, details and beau tifully illustrated booklet on "Mexico," call on miv 0. K. & N. or S. P. Agent or write to ' WILLIAM McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon F. N. CUMMINGrS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD &CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON ' ' l OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANE BLDG. l II 'Ll Fisher &'4Whitmire HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and. City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford il I That Cold Room SSHl w on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a' lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a Perfection Smokeless r Absolutely smokeless and odorless which can Jie kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give a glowinE heat for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap does not screw on; but Is put In like a cork In a bottle, And is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents die wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and Is easy to remove and drop buqk so thut It can be cleaned In an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an Instant for rewlcking. Finished In japan or nickel, strong, durable, well made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool hanJle. Piilm Evtrywhtrt. If rot at yours, writ for dttcriff.fi circular to iht ntjrtil jftncy ef tht Standard Oil Company tlucorporntod) The King of Entertainers A Genuine Edison Phonograph Outfit Sent Without Cost to You on lODmya' Free Trial Why Not Consider This Offer Now? This is au invitation to every rea'f ot" tus paper to vH'b u, at ono, for our free trial offer no money down v moiuns 10 pay iio iniw- est chanred we nav tno rrenriii aim trive in uaya 10 try mi otukiu Phonograph iu your own Jiomo. Our Outfit No. 12 and itit'ludes New Edl"on Fireside Phonograph with tion reproduesr to jUay 2 and 4-iuinuto reerds; .uejy Ilorn, also hperial Fiber-Horn; half dozen Ediapn .berol 4-minute) Hecords And half dozen Gold Moul Standard Herords: niekel-ulated .Crane, bottle Phone 1. AM ' ll.'l I.... 1 .... A ..!.,;. ,:.. Tim. it. nttui.li- MUSlft V,'1")U Ull VII V. Ull UIIU jxuiuiyiiv.u U' i...vuyj liOUflM uteiti. inib uiiur in luir to yuu uuu iu ua, uwiw wo wiuit you a satisfied customer a boojttyZ,., for filers our best advertisement, bend us the eonpon eataloguo and full par-j tieulars will eouio to vou by return mail Eilers Music House tis &;& iifibirta-yw T'A7 MTT l'OUTI.AM), UIIISGUtf, I.ftrKet Wcatinn Deulorii In AU .MUUeU or UUIKIIIk .MH0I1U10J, 0 Uoconls, i'luiioK, urKkiui, otc till,' . tJn '1W A Add A '.IKS Wmhlnrlun at. j'Mtry Tw .-w..-..W-. wm wvm N Portland. Or.. Qent lament Plaai unit catuloicuts and i) a rl 1 o u J a r of your KdUon Fr Trial Olftr, Nam. MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. Medford Jron Work E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agonts in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. A