Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Defeated hi state by 20,91 sicreating trouble roseburg wets
noHKntllWMnf-MH nHBRM
Offjcla) Votp Complete Shows That
County Taxation Amendment Car
ried Homo Rule Bill Carried bv
. ponjllatlon ,qf tho offclal vote on
tho vnrlous inttlatlvo and roteren
him measures, as canvassed by the
rmintv election hoards, reverses the
result heretofore announced on the
county taxation amendment that np
lieared under the ballot numbers .120
yes and 327 no. Instead, or having
been, defeated, th,e comntcto figures
sh,oy that, tho measure has carried
by a najpr,lty ot-lfinTv
rnilete Vole TnbulnleU.
Tho following are the measures
thai have been adopted and complete
volo oi each: , .
An. act authorizing, tho location,
construction .and maintenance ..of a
branch Insane asylum In eastern Oregon---
Yoes l",S7
No' itUCi
Hill creating the county of Nes-I
mith-Majority iiKainst, 4 i,;r. Hundreds of Knotty Problems Fol-lHoomc Ruc Bll Is to Bo Given
Clackamas-Multnomah annexation ,.,.,,,.. n . . r- ..
iuw nusiiinnioii 5 unuu ui ri.iii
blllMnJorlty against r.a.103.
Hill creating the county of
r . V i t i . "
Majority,, far,i..f ..,....,..
w bill,, providing. fr Ihe. support
and maintenance of the Monmouth
normal school
Yes . 5(0.101
No .. lO.Ottf
.,,.. 10,36 1
amendment em-
Majprlty for
A constitutional
powering .the people of each county
to regulate taxation and exemptions
within the county regardless of eon
slltutln.ual restrictions or state stat
utes, and nbo)lsh poll tax
1 C3 ..... . ........i.t,.'vJ
O ..... i.i .'(.(lini
lajflrUv for, ,.,
.Home rule liquor bill
l 5
iSj fi
Majority for
-4Employcrs' liability law
. 1.C33
. 4,517
Majority for ...... 22,112
,.A .hill. prohlbjUng tljp taking of
f(sh4frnrn thoRogue river except by
look and line '
Yjjs ....... . .i .. . .49,037
OP .......... .uo.'lOl
Majority for ,,,.,-. ..... .. . . .10,200-
Good roads amendment ..-;:
Yps 50,875
N'n TO or.")
U. ....... ............. Uta.OUM
I 1-.'
Majprty for f .. 18,053
.Presidential prlmnry law
Ycjj 43,253
No s. 41,574
Hams Majority against, 4St,430.
11111 creating the county of Orchard
Majority against, 40.. IMS.
1)111 creating the county of Clark
Majority against, 10.093.
lull providing for the support and
maintenance of the Western Normal
school Majority against, 5,511.
Washington-Multnomah annexation
hill Majority against, 53.S71.
Hill for tho support ami mainten
ance of the Ashland normal school
Majority against 10,098.
Prohibition amendment Majority
against. 17.S10.
Prohibition law Majority against,
Kmployes' Indemnity commission
blllMajorlty against 19,493.
Hill creating tho county, of Des
chutes Majorlty.agalnst, 43,232.
Hill providing" method for creating
new counties Majority against.
Official gazetto bill Majority
against, 2 1,301.
Proportional representation amend
ment Majority against, 7,927.
chiso to Women
Puzzllnn Officials.
'. p s
.for. ,...,,.. l.fiTSr:
.Three-fourth jury.amendrnent j
Yes 443E
Vn i iiFi. ri
' jtjp Hiid his two distinguished com
STOCKHOI.Xr,. Nov. 22. Standi
uavlan expioreis and scientists con
tinue to discuss the Wcllman attempt
to cross tho Atlantic by airship and
tho prospects of a more successful
effort in the near future. Inciden
tally It Is declared the ill-fated An
dree, who was lost in the Arctic re
gions, had Ideas about attempting
such a flight 17 years ago. Andree
once, with his balloon Svea, drifted
over the Ualtic and was only able
to land in the Finnish skargard. Dur
ing this trip lie became convinced
that-a balocn traveling at a steady
height could perfectly well retain a
sufficiency of gas for a long ocean
The following year he experiment
ed with a call he had Invented by
the aid of which he was able to gome
extent to steer the baloon. Br means
of Ms trailing lines lie could also
keep It at a steady level.
He laid his rlan beforo Professor
A. K. Nordcnskjold, who, however,
z&&. that, it would be easier to or
ganize a trip with tho north pole tor
Us goal than an Atlantic excursion.
It was only when hu had come round
o -Professor Nordenskjold's views
XJffiQJAndreo abandoned his plan of
sftnuiifiiig to cross tho Atlantic in
x balloon and substituted the venture
towards- the north pole, which cost
SKATTI.K, Wash.. . Nov. 21.
Since the adoption of the eitul Mif
lrage amendment knotty problem.
have been sown thick us drngoiiV
leuth along the pathway of sul'lruu
isfls?. Tho hne received the in
doicineiit of the voters at the poll.
There remain-, the ioinmlit.v of a
proclamation by (loveruor Hay" he
fore the umcudmcut becomes ti pat I
of the constitution, and after that.
preMimnbly, legislation adjustnis;
registration xiutute- to the ehungei
condiliou will he reunited. As a var
iation eome numerous itiieriws b..
foreign-horn women who.-e hicdmud
hae been iinluiiilixcd.
The intention hn arisen at Ureiu
erlon and C'liarle-.ton. in Kitsap
comity, with nlatiou to the nnalil'i-
entioiw of women to vote at the
i forlieoininc muiiieipal eleetimi. i'
. b.ih been Miuseled that inee tin-
I legist ratim Itooks close -Ml da- b -
lore the election the women will have
no chance to register, and hence ma
not otc. The law has no provision
which would petmit a city clerk :u
register n wniiiau voter even after
1 piDcIamation-liy the governor; in
' fact, the law specially piohihits nn.
clerk registering any person until ii-
1 takes tlio onth prescribed.
State Senator Hryap. who is him
self an anient advocate of wpmac
siil'fnige. win askeihto advise lb
eouncils of llreiuerliiii .iiml Charles
ton, lie informed litem that it max
he taken a settled that the women
cannot register to votojuiitil the leg
islature has passed it blow law.
Hut iiiav women vote without reg
istration, in the ahsvUii;e of such i'
lawf "Jt
"1 think lliey rimy," answers Sen
ator Bryan. "The riIU to volo is a
constitutional right. While the con
stitution requires the legislature to'
ennet registration Jawu, it does not
suspend the right to vote till" the leg
islature acts. The legislature hat'
to he elected Jiv voters who were not
registered before it could enact t,
registration statute. 1 believe, since
it is impossible for a woman to reg
ister under any existing registration
law, that she will ho entitled to vote
at the approaching muiiieipal elec
tions without being registered."
Majority for .,.,..... , 5,2351
I'roJilbltlon Hll Votp Heavy '
Thfl,grfiat.e8t nupibor of votes cast
on any measure was on tho prphbl
tlon law, which received a total o(
more than lQG.OOO. Tho bill Is dp
feared by 20,915. Approximately
11,000 votes fewer than those cast
tor candidates for gdVcrnor were
polled .on this hll.
Statowldq prohibition, as, provided
for by constitutional nmendrpont )vas
defeated by 17.840 lra tof.-iJ of more
hap 104,000 votes recordod on the
Tho highest majority polled, for or
against any nmanura was qn tho hill
providing that Dakcc county should
pay t000 yoarlyTn tho judge, of tlm
Hlghth Jutllcl;)! district in addition to
tho annual salary of $3000 received
iy hlni from tho state. In a total
of abou,!, 4,000 ,vo(ps theres is a ma-
JprHy agal.rst the. bijl of 08,308.
On woman's suffrage 91,059 yotea
were registered and tho amendment
was (defeated by 22,259,
.,Tho,1csmith ,county ,bll reqeved
Up) most favorable copsldonitlqn ol
any ,of tlit, county division mattery
uresfintiji .Injt went' dqwu to dpfeat
by tii, alvor;so majorjty pf 37,213.
nil. ...f i.i . .,. ii
l,iiV iiiu4p iipnt iiK'i'i'P1- oinur ui
yislon 1)11h. rangei up to 53,874.
which was tho jnaJor(ty recorded
against t,ioWashlngton -Multnomah
S(l. lm.ciidneiitH Defeutert
Tho olown(J 'H the complete state
Yptu Pf), all dofoatod measures: .
yftman's, suffrage amondment
MaJqrity.liBoJ.HHt, 22,250.
C(mKtitutlona convention Major
Hy.ugajnst, 34,320.
Legislative districting amendment
Majority .agalnsti, 30, 870.
Amondmont eliminating prraso
"and all taxation shall bo equal and
iinlforni" Majorfty against 2,399.
i .Jlallroad district amendment Ma
jority. .ttgnlnst, 12,108,
.Amendmopt directing a uniform
niu-of taxation except on property
sppcflcially taxed Majority against,
Hill, Increasing salary of Baker
county Judge Majority against C8,-
radca their lives.
TACOMA, ,Nov. 22.- Negroes may
')o barred from saloons ami saloon
men have the right to refuse thorn or
iiiy man liquor regardless of rare or
-olor, according to a decision handed
lovn by .Judt'o Clifford of tho hii
.ircmo court.
As a result of the decision Henry
N'ewmari, a negro, lost his suit for
M0O0 damages against (leo. Schroo
ler, proprietor of tho Olympic club.
Tho exact question Involved has
iover hecm passed' upon by tho su
jroruo court, says the court, adding,
hnu'f.Vfr tll'lf flu. confirnl trniiil if
.-.',,, ti ... ...v. re.n'f..., i
eglslatlon In Wnshingtong ludlcates
learly that It Is intended to dlsso
Ijito saloons as far as possible from
daces or public resorj. and confine
horn to the sale of liquor as a prlvato
mslness. Under tlis construction. It
vas held that Newman could not ro-over.
It is said that there are cortaln
springs In, Europe that give relief and
cure to Eczema and other skin dis
eases. If you knew that by washing
In these waters you could be relieved
from that awful itch, wouldn't you
rnake every effort to take a trip to
Europe at once? Would yon not be
willing to spend your last cent to find
the cure?
But you need not leave hams for
these distant spring. Belief if right
here in your own home town!
A. simple wash of Oli of Wlater
grceq, Thymol and other ingredient
as compounded only In I). D. D, Pro
scription will bring Instant relief to
that terrible burning itch, and leava
the skin as smooth and healthy u
that of a child.
If you have not already trtad it, set
at least a 25-cont bottle today. We
llr. .1.1. . I .. n , .. n . uaIIa,
- JUU Uk MIQiaill IQHC1, 1 j
niuiupru rnarmncy, near postomco.
22. Committees or the7facultles or
tho UnlverHlty of Oregon and Ore
gon agricultural college have been
appointed make a thorough Investi
gation of the trouble resulting from
tho footbnll game last Saturday. This
committee will meet within a few
days and attempt to place tho blame
vheie It belongs, and If any of the
students of either Institution can
justly ho convicted of starting the
fight they will undoubtedly ixj huh
ponded. The faculty of Oregon agri
cultural col lego Is especially anxious
that a satisfactory caiicluslon can be
reached, for If the matter In not set
tled fairly and squarely to all, friend
ly relations between tho colleges
will be at an end. Many of the prom
inent upper class men of the Unlver
slty of Oregon liavo publlrly ex
pressed inoinscives as favoring a sev
ering or relations of the two :;cIiooIh.
It Is thought that If future games
can ho played In Portland, all fur
ther trouble will bo avoided. How
ever, it seems to bo a general opinion
hero op t: campus, Hint Oregon
agricultural college should at leant
publish rind apology for tho mariner
in which they treated their guests
last Saturday.
Tboroiinh Trial Prohibitionists
Will Lend Association All Possibta
KOSIOlU'lltl. No 22 That the
citlxctis of Itosebui'K and Douglas
county will lend the greater Oregon
home rule association all possible en
couragement In Its effort to reform
the saloon system In Oregon. Is shown
here, and u large number of the
mo.Ht ardent advocates of prohibition
have expressed themselves In favor
of giving the mensute a fair and liu
partial trial.
They contend that tho wet element
has won a victory so far as securing
votes is concerned, but they disclaim
that they bave lost In their battle
.maliist Inunorallt.v. They say, how
ever, that they are ready and willing
to, assist In carrying out the Intention
if the homo rule amendment, and to
that cud they will work In harmony
with their wet friends.
According to mouthers of the ltose
burg council who have given some
study' to the question of home rule.
Koseburg will not support over six '
saloons, which means that one II
cense will be granted to each 0titt
Inhabitants within the corporate llm-1
Its of the city. As ltoschurg has '
approxlmntoly 5500 people. It Is pos
slide IhaLthe sixth saloon license will
he granted. In the event the rpuu
cll Is given power to draft ordinances'
regulating the saloons, attorneys will
be employed, and tho restrictions
will be so constructed that any at
tempt of the sahum men to revel t
back to tho old system of conducting
their establishments will prove equiv
alent to the, revoking of their licenses.
Open fronts In all buildings occu
pied by saloons will be demanded;
card and other gaming tables will be
forbidden; chairs and lounges will
be barred and stringent orders will
he given the saloon men against al
lowing women Jo frequent their
place4s of business.
Opening Overcoat
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmMmmmmmtsmiMwHimhm mmtmtwmMMmmmmm
and Suit Sale
PORTLAND. Nov. 22.- Convicted
under the federal statute prohibiting
white slave trafficking, (Iwrgo Kav
nlln, a graduate of the University of
Athens, Greece, and James Takes,
were sentenced to long terms 1n the
penltentinry Monday by Judge Wol
verton In the United States district
court. According to Federal Prose
cutor McCourt, the two men were the
first to be convicted undur the while
slavo law.
Kavalln, who was tho ring leader,
was sentenced to eight years ami
Takes to six years. They were con
victed on the charge of having
brought two young gliis from Kure
ka, Cal., to Portland for Immoral
Regular Price $16.50 up to $40.00,
Sale Price $14.85 up to $36.00 I
1 0 0 Discount Sale1
Tuesday, Wednesday
Nov. 22,
Nov. 21,
Nov. 23
Positively Opens Monday
Positively Closes Wednesday
Open Evenings
203 Garnett-Corey Building, Mcclford
IBi!' TflffT'i'v I
'Hnil B
H tlWPa
-;;'. '.".V'lT
Auto Owner
You read our Inst vveekw ml,
didn't vou, iih to our giiarunleeiug
our woik? Well, we liuvu proven
it to (piite ninny Cull mill we can
tuove it to you.
Offutt Rarhes
Auto Co. .
Ei(jlitl) and Central.
Iione ('J:il Main.
.The Best Sub-Division Proposition
in the Rogue Rivor Valloy
1 15 acres In grain; ie ncres In L'.your-olil pears, 15 acres In brush
ami timber, easily cleared; no waste; good house, two hum, all
fence'd with woven wire; telephone; It. V I),; par.t Irrigated,
Price, $155 per acre; total. $'Jii,360. Terms: 17500 cash; J1000 one
ytnr, fi per rent; JH.Sr.o five years, 0 per cent,
NKW YOltK, Nov. 2a.--A national
conference will hu hold hero Decem
ber 2 and i'l as a reaplt of the coun
try wide .igl atlou on the matter of
pure milk supily. The (enforces will
Include many of the rioted sanitary
authorities and utato officers the
country over. Tho BpeaUI.MH will In
cliidn Commissioner W. A. Krdnns of
the Chicago hoard .of health, and rep.
resenlatives from several states. Can
ada will be represented.
Perhaps n business man of this
city so much needs an employe of ex
actly your ability that your want ad
will appeal to him Instantly.
A want
l ho want
will bo worth while If
big enough to worry
. . Ifabkiu's for health.
Drunkenness Is no longer consider
ed a crlmo:eminont scientists and
physicians havo agreed that It Is a
dlseaso and must ho treated an bucIi.
Tho homo treatment that has boon
used for a number of years, and Is
highly successful, is Oniric, It Is
sold updor o positive guarantoo that
If It docs not effect a euro your rnon
ey will bo refunded. Whon desiring
to give secrotly purchase Orrlno No.
1, and if patlont will tnks treatment,
ntilnn Mn O l.n H..lnl
w,,,u ., m U1IWUIU UU i,r.'l, UlliltU
costs hut ?1 por bov. Mnlold on re
ceipt of piico. Wrlto for free booklot
on "Drunknnoes." Tho Orrlno Co.,
032 Orrlno Jlulldlng, YaslllrrBton D,
C. Sold In this city by I.eon II.
J Unships, LM1 K. Main slreii.
Girl Telh Hov a Dlotchy Bkln W
Cleansed By a Simple Wpsh,
"I was iif-liamcd nf my face,". writes
Miss Minnie I'lcknrd of Altamahaw,
N, O. "It was all full of pimples and
scars, but after using D. I), I), Pro
scription I can say that now there U
no sign of Unit I.'rzcmn, and that was
threo years ago"
I). I), I), has heroine sn famous as
a cure and Instant relief In Kczuma
and all other serious sklu diseases,
that Its vahm Is Koniftlint'H overlooked
In clparlng up rnsh, pimples, black
heads, and all other minor forms of
skin Impurltlfs
Tho fact Ik, that whllo D. D. D. In
so penetrating that It strikes to tho
very root of Kczemn or any other seri
ous trouble, the soothing Oil of Winter
giceii, Thymol und othtr Ingredients
are so carefully compounded there 1j
no wash for the tiktn rnadn (hut can
compare with this girat household
rtnaJy for every kind of skin trouble.
I), D, D Is pleasant to use, perfectly
harmless to tho most delicate nkln,
arid absolutely rolisjble. A , JiCccnt
bottle will give ym ppaltlvo 'phrof rjf
the wonderful effectiveness of this
great remedy
Medford limrntney, near poslofflce;
OuL Laurel, l'ir and I'iuc. liny yoiu
wiuler supply now; leafoiiuble
lilia Almond t.
i ' ...
Phono Main G05I. Joi Koyainn.
Parties niovfiifi will tit; well to cull on
(o handle their household floods.
They pack and ship furniture and
unpack and set up furniture and do
liaulinii of all kinds. Oanuanc In
cluded. Phone 2151.
for now people, nf Hie new town ami fruit Irnets al
Jjsno.00 io 1()0.0() per acre, al Three Pines, which is
the shipping point on the Southern Pacific raili'ujul
in the lower end of the Kotfiie UMver valley, for 700,
000,000 foe I of liuuher. A luinher fluiue 11 miles loin,'
is now completed and a planing plant in opera! ion.
See IIOWI.AND for prices and lerms on the fruit
tracts, or
Van DyKe Realty Co.
Room 3 123 Main
Contractors will next week com
pinto tho new sower system In Mouth
joa Addition, giving nanltary sewer
ago and drainage newer, In addition
to HO o(h In this addition, only flvr
blocks from Main street, tho clou
est-ln good resldonco lots now of
forlng In Medford, Tho matter ot
putting In tho drainage sowor af
fords opportunity to drain baiioiiientt
and collars and bring about tho best
sanltnry conditions. Medford's up-to-date
people only want up-to-date
conditions In their residence quar
ters, tf
Notice Is hereby given that there
will be a special meeting of stock
holders of the .loo ('rook Copper com
pany on December 2, 1010, it a
o'clock p. in., at tho offlco of tho sec
retary In tho J'alin building, at Med
ford, Oregon, to arrange for doing
assessment on the company's proper
ties and transact such other business
as may come before tho mooting.
l)y order of tho presldnnt,
a to floorelnry.
of lot) acres of deeded hind, for sale on
lerms. Properly has one tfianl, se-voral hun
dred feel of pipe, reservoirs, ditches, waler
ritflil, cool; house, lutiilc 'house and oilier
buildings, (iood dump and rade for flume.
Mostly, coarse iold. h'ive miles from rail
road and in Jackson counl v. Wiitfon road Jo
liiiiie. Orchard and garden.
Ilufakin'a for health'.
1 .
CIllOAdO, Nov. 3a" United HluloH
Judge K, M. I.uhdls, this afternoon
refused to transfer tho government
cases against ceitalu Chicago pack
ers to tho federal circuit court, but
transferred them lo another dopiirl
uieut of tho Hulled States district
court, presided over by Judge Car
peulor. The alloruoyH for the puck
ers recently protested against having
the cases transferred to the district
court, when Judge T.iiikIIh Intimated
that Hindi was his Intention,
liuiilln' action today followed a
ruling by him that ho was disquali
fied to act as trial Juilgo because of
the fact that la 181)5 he acted us a
government, attorney In prosecuting
the same defendants,
IT. vou dor 1 lollop, a reproKoutu
llvo olonl, wan In Medronl finin Wol
luii, Monday, .
The old Idea of inhig s.irh for darken
ng tlm hair i.i nrailu coidlng In vo'.'iir.
Our gniiidiantliors used to luive (lurk,
Klos.y hair nt the age nf Bcvi'iity-llve,
whllo our mothers have while linlr lii'fmo
they rn'u llfty. Our grujiiliimtlii'm u.cil
to innko a "mro tea" jiiiiI apply It Id
tlielr lialr. Thu lea iiuulu theli' li.ih- iioft
mid glossy mid gradually restored tlei
natural color, Ono objection to iihIuk
ftucli a prepnrritlori was tlio (roiililo of
tnrikhig it, cMpeclnlly in It Iiml lo let
irrndii every two or three dajrr on no'oiuit
of It souring rpilckly. 'I'hls nhjeetlmi iii
been overcoioo mill by asking iiIiiiuH
any flrst-cliiHi drugKlst for Wyelli's .S.ik-i
nrnl Sulphur the pulille can gel a sn
peiior preimrallon of Huge, willi llm ml
mixture of Hiilpliur, auotlier vahinlile rem
vily for linlr and sculp tumbles. D.illy
use of lids preparutlnn will not only
(jiilckly restore the color of tlio linlr hut
will also slop tlio lialr from falling out
and innko It grow'. It Is sold by nil
druggists for f0c. ami l?1.0fi a bolllv, or
U sent direct by tlio W.votli Chemical
Ciilnpanj, 71 Cortlandt'St., New York
City, upon receipt of price,
KINS, MI'lDKOHl), Oil.
11 1IH-