nnPMimpi twtiw ww ssa'M WMnVWOTM( t Y-'''') v "" vw m THE WEATHER Kalii Inuiuhl mill Vi'iIiiihih,v, Tim Mcmmifo of tlm 2'tiiir. Whlii" l''nlr wi'uiiinr. Illiin - lliihi in- miiiw. While iiml iiliin l.nenl nlmwnrn Hindi lrliiiiuiiliiiv..Aliovii while, HlirniiTi Imliiw while, cnliltir. Wlilli. Willi liliu'U inntur Onlil Dr. Crippen Confesses, Selling' Story of His Crime to Aid Miss Leneve Medford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 3050 l-'ll-TII VIOAKV MKDJrtMD, OWWON, 'TKSDAY, NOVUM I5UR 22, 1010. No. 200. RE Ml PROFERIT WN BY AMERICANS DAMAGED BY HEAVY ARTILLERY FIRE S0tfy0lmfT" MONCTOVA. Mexico. Nov. 22 f Via Kin ! I.i 'I'Wilx.l After ill s pni'lllt' fiithtlng, thieo Mexican towns, defended li k' riinifiil Hoop, mir U'iulirinl tn the Initurgcntu Imliiy. Kew'ie Iohhck mi both ulilo itie repotted (0 llllVO llt'llll MtlHtitlllcd.. Torroon, Goinox Pallida tin. I l.oido. with it iiiitiltillon totalling "ft. mm. nro in Ihu IiiiiiiIk or tin1 rcvoliitlonUtrt. itrrordliiK lo railroad moil arriving lien. Tlm IttMivltmf fighting was ut Torroon, where inlllluim of dollar of Anmiicuii ruiillnl nro Invented In HiiH'ImrH iiml In the Inter-Continental Iteb hor eiiinpauy'M fucluiy. No Amoilnin rltlriiiia have boon loporltMl at Tot toon but tlm plants vroio ilnmagcit by artillery (lie. According tn tlie meagre advice received hurt, tlm fighting begun at (Ioiiui. I'aliicln. After a Hlulilioru nmlMtuneo tho federal gtirrUon HUtron dorml, anil then Joined foiccs with tho lumii'Ki'itla In an attack on Torionn Thin form, acting In conjiincilon with n" rebel detaclinient of 10m men. cnptuied ilio IiIIIh overlooking Torreon mid lii'Kiin a fierce lioinlmiilinent. The dofondots of the town withstood a withering fire for an hour, anil then lovvoied their flag. Tito hoinliardinent wrought heavy damage to the government hnmton iitnl factories tit Torreon. Urn ionldcnco section ocuplng taunt of tin; hIicIIh. It Ih posltlvclx teiHirleil that the Ilium-gouts captured the Vlllaidenn tiilnliiK canii In the state of Durungo, where a smelter Hunt plant I located. Tho monitor In wild to have been duiniigod, 'Hid Anicilcan cltUeiiH at the plant subjected to Indignities. fighting contliiiied at Uuriiugn and the lust icporU brought by the rttllroitil niuii Indicated that tho govcruuiiiiil roruw still controlled '.urntoeuH. ajUiilhuuliii(tlv()rlxliit Hun Lulu PoIoho and Saltlllo. " I'nnfclifrii Miitiero In reported near La Hnperniua. onrouto to Tort eon. Two regiments of Mexican cavalry slutted from Monteiey last night onruute to Torieon. (leneral (leroaltno Trovlno la In command. The liiMiii'Kout forces are Fining and elated, and a big buttle Ih expected. PRESIDENT DIAZ IS ERS0NAL OF FEDERAL TROOPS MEM CO CITY. Mc. So. 2J. Picidditut Ihni'. Indnv assumed pci miiiril euininniiil of I In .Mexieiu I'ureiK. in I ho field. Ilo with sum moned from u lienllli lesoil nl Cor nil, following n Hinior llttit Finn ciseo Minleio Iiml lieen m-cii at the luuiil of n Iiiiko ii'xoliiliomii'.v foicc Hinilli of Ciiulnil I'luliiio Din.. Ilelnlcil ilimnilehe- nrriviim licie IimIiiv Mule Iiml in mi oullnciil it t hixnlut feilernl Ihiok ilccileil l tlm ifVulnliiiiiiNl'. Nimileeu olli ecil llinl mull wci'e leenptnieil inn1 hlmt xcei'ctl.V, iiccoiilim; to the ic purl. Mililnrv offieiiiln nru witlilmlilitiv llui iletnilH of liihl niulit' liulilinu nl Hiiniimo, nml tlm H"ull of tli linllle-llioio is iiiilmnwii, lis (lie wire weio eut nller miilniulil. (hirnnuo'lins a pupiilnliou of !!, tlllll ami la rue forciw of rcwilntiou km were in Ilio vicinity of lite town II i lieliiHcil Hint liylilinu InMcil all n'mlil i.'iiil Hull ilctuilh. of Ilio cmi Kiel will !lmw n lienw I"" of lilt 'file uovuriiimnit forcch uie re piutcil us pi'eparim; lo attempt tin HillllllllllK'llllH uiiiiiliilulimi of iomi liiliniiihls in nil pailh of I lie repiili lie. Tln win ilcparlmeiil i puiiiini.' I mops nml riinilcs into cver.v uoilli eru .nte. I.AIIUIM), Tex.. Nov. 'J'J. UeporU of u liutllo nl Aenmliuro (luumijiilo iu Hie sfnlo of .Mexico, in which 27 iiivoliiliuiiists worn killed nml M womiilcil, ami in which several Mo icnu lovnlirtl solilii'i'H worn Iiml. rcnchcil hern today. Tho 1'iuhl was the fir! open hostile movement ii the leMiluliuiiNls ami is Imlievcil to lie llii' opening Kim in u natitinal ro- Mlll. 'I'lie liuliliu ul Acainliaia (luaua julo was liclwccii llllll lOMiluliiiuists who sloniii'il tho uovernniciit luiilil iuus ami jail, nml u compaiiv of feil oiul infiinli'viiiiiii. 'flio rovoliilioii ils I'lipliiri'il the jail, liheruti'il umic I tin il 1(10 mivorumeiil luisouers, ulid weie iiicniccrnloil foi' niili-Din. ut loniiici'H, Tl'o rolicls lielil posses iiui of Ilio lowu for si limit', ilnr IN ALL NIGHT BATTLE PROVE VICTORIOUS Kl. I'AStl. T... No. L'J Altei mi all iiiuht liuht near I'aiini --client' lowiliiliouisth weie iletcatcil In Hie .Mosienn leilcial lioop, nceoiil iui; to iiiinl'fieial uifiiimalinu urri in u hcic toilnv. 'flic KoU'lllinenl Citsllilltii1! weie lepiiileil us slight. 'I'lie icMilution iits ale mini lo lme lost 1 I Killed nml mam womiilcil. .Mexican ciiMiliv nml ruialc- wen pur-uiiiu Ilio lleeim: in-u i m'lit .. Minleio svmpallii.ers lime iccen ed cipher dispatches iiiilicntiiu; thai lexnlutiiiiiints are imiim; lo tiltacK ('liihiiahim ami I hey piodiel thai I'uclila will lull, 'flic dispatches slate tliul the iiisiimculs lime captuivd 'fui'iciiii nml (ioiiicz I'alacio, It is repiiited heie that agents ul M micro ate iu Wu-diiimloit to prc xeut tho lovolutioiiiots' coulciitiiiu to Hie state ilcparlineul. 'I'lmiisauils of Vinpii Indians, cn IimIciI In the ichcls of Caiiauca, me lepiiileil piepaiiuuf to luKo tho field. It is estimated that 000(1 Ympiis can ho siiimuiiucil to tho iusui'Kciil col or.i in' Noithweslern .Mexico. Secret mlvlecs state ll'int (100 ol tho murisoii ut (Jhihiiahua have priiiuiscil lo ili'M'rt to the iiistii'Kouls when mi atlaek on that city is ho-, mm. Other reports say that the uovei'iimeiit ofl'icinls discovered dis loyalty iu tho Chihuahua mirrisou and disarmed several handled sol diers, A ronownl of riolinu at l'uchln mid Zaenteeus wus roporteil todax. r'odonil imcnli hero learned Hint xv 1 1 i I it the I'niled States has hceu de voting its efforts lo prosorvinj,' neii lialitv alouu; tho Texas border, the iiisiiruouls liuve been saumuliiii; anas mid uimmiuitiou by wholesale iulo Mexico from Aiizona mid Now iMoxieo, Tho lieaihiuarlers of the siiiiiukIiI's ih reported to ho ul Nuco, Ariz, li'eiilliiui'il en Pa lie .) HI. I'ASO, Tex Nov. 'J'J. -A force of rov'oliiliouisls fully armed nml equipped has occupied tho height above I'anal, and a Iraiiiloml of Moxicnu iiifuiilry prepared to ills. Tl'Vml lulled on immi S.) With Passirifi ol Emerson E. Gore One More Representative of That Staunch and Sturdy Stock That Peopled Valley Is Lost to County. In the ph,-miij,' oxer ol Kiacrsoii IC. (loio ul the liiimly icsiilunco, two ami one-half mile south of .Mod ioli!, vosteiila.v ut 1 :'M) p. in., Jack on county loses iinother of her old '"l piimcci's, u iupiouiitulixu of that staunch nml sturdy stock that peopled ihu ItiiKiio Kivcr valley in thu caily '.lU, and wltocu tulf-duuv-uiK labors, ilatmtloss connive and lat-scciiii; exo laid thu founilation.-j for the xiilsL'iu'iit industrial devel opment ol this section ot the I'acitic uoithwest. .Mr. (lore was horn iu Malilux, Yt., Juno 'JO, KS'Jl, mi tl was ut the tiiuo of his death ue,cd ,S(i yearn and . luoiiths. His tint It nml curly uiaiilmoil weie spent iu Ohio ami lowu, nml iu I Hill lie. wan married to Air.. .Mdr.v 'H. Jt'ose, u imiii; woiiiiiu of rnro inlellixenee and deep spnil iiul iusmhl. Nine childrcu weie boi ii of (his uuioi;, two ilauu'hteis mil the loved xvil'o litiviuj precodutl Mr. (iui( to the better laud. .Mr. ami Mrs, (lore made the Km ii'iirncv iierosr. the plains with an ox ifiiin iik Ksrrj ami took up their rosi leneo iu .laekseoiixille, Ur., whele their oldest sun. Walter S war. burn, December 'A, l.S.VJ. In lS.VI the tainilv sclthil on the (lore donation hum. wheie the lnmilx has icsidcd 'iiutiniioiisl.v exer since. Mr., (lore wyis conveiletl in 181!) nml has been un older and faithful member of the 1'iesbv teriaii eliun h or ,"i0 veins. Tho sands of n lonj ami useful bl. haxe run out ami. siiriouiiiled bv the members of hi lainilv, he uenlly passed away iulo Hint sleep fiom which thoro is no at llitlx- wnkins:. A hi ief sei vice will be conducted it Hie lamilv icsiileuee ul 12:1111 on Wcdiicsdax ami at J o'clock at Ilio I'u-lixtnriiin i-luucli in l'lioeni.v, tho reimims In mt; laid to icst m the I'hoenix eeinetery. OREGON WOMEN 00 NOJJISPAIR Will Maintain Stronn Lobby Durinu Session of Li'iiislaturo and Will Endeavor to Secure the Rilit to Vote. 1'OKTI.ANI), Or.. Nov. 'J2. -Al-thounh wiiiuuu siiffruo wus bealeu ut Ilio reeeul elcctitni hy a hie; mu jorily, il wus lent nod today that the Oroou Initial Suffrano nssocintiou has started nnotliei' petition lot voles for women which will ho pto sented to the state louislaluro when il meels- in January. It is said that tho Hiiffrmrcttcs will maintain a slroni; lobhv at tho enitol durinpr tho sessinu of tlm legislature ami if thnl limb refuses In jivo them a lliilit to vote that anotlior oipial mif frauo auieiiilmont will ho presented ut Ihe next general etoetiou iu IDI'J. New Rates Expected. KKATTLi:, Wash., Nov, 'J'J.--I'rosidoul Howard Klliolt of Hie Norlhorn I'aoifio is iu Seattle, lo diiy nml followiut,' his conference' with local officials of Iho road, it iw helievod thul a now freinht rate schedule for Irniis-eonlineutal ship menU will he announced BELS ROUT GOVERNMENT TROOPS HAW CRIPPEN MAKES COMPLETE CONFESSION OF HIS CRIME BURR BROS. BAD "SUCKER LIST" MILS STORY TO GET FUNDS FOR THREE TOWNS ARE CAPTURED AFTER DESPERATE FIGHTING JACKSON LOSES IINOTHER OF HER GRAND 01D MEN BRAD ORCHARD SOLD Seventy-Five Thousand Is Reported Price Tract Comprises 220 Acres Orchard Has Lonu Been Noted as Heavy Producer of Splendid Fruit. The famous Ilriul-lmw orchards. Iviiic several tniloiS enit of .Medford on Little Mutto creek, luixe heen .old to Autin Corbin of New York. The reported price is $7.i,000. The tract comprises 'JJO acre-, 1 1(1 ot which me phiuled to trait apples and pears. The orchard for years lust past has had ihe'reputn tioti of producing tho most neatly perfect fruit of any orchard in Southern Otet;oii. 'fhe -uie wits ni.ule 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 tin uueiicv of 1'liil llaiuill and J. K. Kurkdiill. FLOOD TAKES BRIBES OUT Great Northern Loses Spans Across Skaflit River Towns Are Under Water Traffic Is Demoralized Wires Down. MKI.IJNdllAM. Wash.. Nov. 'J'J. -The Client Northern hridecs at I-'ern-dalc, iu this county, ami at .Mount Vernon, in Skajjit county, both steel spans, were xviHicd out last nfclit a a result of the flooded condition of tho Nooksack and tho Skutrit riv ers; tho Whatcom countv xvajjoii hridao is expected to gu out at any time; hundreds ot acres of laud arc inundated; towns ami settlements on both sticaius ate under water and K is believed thai unless cold weath er sets iu or the rains ceiiso quickly tho tlaiuiiuu will leach even a yieater tiuure t linn it hits already. liailroatl traltic i diuuoralicd ami the telephone wires into the couiitrv districts nro in hud shape. (Ileal Not thorn trains nro riinuim; xiu Smmis ami the Northern I'ncilic tracks. KILLS WOMAN, THEN ATTEMPTS OWN LIFE LOS AN(ii;i.l. Oil.. N.n. JJ. After slmotiii,' ami killing .Mrs. V. l Hunter nml then nttoiupliiu; suieidc. a man known here as ,), Wheeler is today iu the hnspitul with i charge of nuirilci hooked aguiiist him ut the city .tail. Tho mini is lic ensed of liiivintr "hot Mrs. Ilunl'r four times thro.u.uh thu body iu u Fifth-street loduiuu houso last nighi. He thou turned the weapon ou him self, iuflictinj; a slight sculp xvouml, ufler which he cut his throat with a ifocket knife. Mi's. Hunter died al most instantly. Wheeler is a blacksmith. Ho l saiil to liuvo a wife in Alabama. Ac cording to the surgeons ut the hos pital he will lecover. CONSTABLE SINGLER OFF TO GET MAN Constable A. 1. Singler left, this afternoon on Hie 'd:'J0 train for nunsniuir In serve a warrnnt on one Joe Warner, accused of having com milleil n larcenv hy taking a suit case from the Hoe Hive restaurant uiitl rooming hmisc Warner was ap prehended al Diuisinuir Monday, and unless ho fights against exlradiliun will ho relumed hero Wednesday. Boro Names o'f All Who Were Likely to Subscribe to Any Sort of Gct- Rich-Quick Scheme Hitchcock Investigating the Matter Personally. NKW YOItK. Nov. 22. A "sucker list" bearing tho mimes of iversons likely to subscribe, to any uort of it got-rlch-qulck. Bfhoino, was the most Important Item' of tho Burr brothers brokerage nrm's flies, according lo evidence that twenty girls and a dozen youths gave before the United States grand Jury today. Postmaster General Frank II. Hitchcock continued personally the Investigation today, nsslsted by tho I'lilted States district attorney. Those engaged In tho pr soctitlon announced that several other ar rests of men Involved lii the alleged swindles of the brokerage firm will follow before the Jury concluded Its hearing. They would give out no names, hut said that the warrants would he served In widely separated partB of the United States. Attorneys for Kugene II. and Shel don II. Uurr and Frank Tobey, vice president of the Burr brothers firm, spent tho day In a fruitless effort to secure ball for their release. The amount has been fixed at $10,000 each. THOUSANDS WEEP TOLSTOI DEATH Flower-Strewn Coffin Reaches St. Petersburg and Multitudes Stand With Bared Heads While Cortege Passes Through Streets. ST. I'KTKItSBUIlG. Nov. 22. Oreetod by thousands of xvceplng no bles and peasants, tho body of Count I .io Tolstoi arrived nt Saseka, near Vasnaya I'oliann, today. As the floxvor strewn coffin was borne past tho sorrowing multitude, heads were bared and noble and peasant alike bowed In reverence until tho cor tege Iiml passed. Tho body xvas taken to tho count's home, fronitxvhenco It xvlll be hurled. Tlm funeral xvas scheduled to take place this afternoon. Without pomp or ceremony ot any sort the last sad rites will be bold over the remains of the great Rus sian writer. The action of the Greek church In refusing to perform the funeral rites after Tolstoi bad declined a reconciliation xvas the cause of much unfavorabjo comment, and it xvas predicted that the affair would re sult In thousands desortlng tho church. Officials nml members of tho cabinet conferred In this belief. Contrary to expectations, there was no demonstration other than that of sorrow nt that railway sta tion when tho funeral train arrived. Tho Black Huudred, whoso membors both foaied and hated Tolstoi, did not put In an appearance. BERGER REPLIES TO ARCHBISHOP Socialist Leader Resents Attac) Made on Socialism by Noted Prel ateStates' That He Was UiT fair. BROOKINS SAYS HE WILL STAY WITH GAME ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22. Archbishop Glennon's attack upon socialism In a sermon heard by many leading labor leaders, received a "come back" today from Victor Berger, socialist congressman elect of Wisconsin. "Archbishop Glennon Intimates that socialism Is tho philosophy of the beer-mug." he said. "That Is un fair, nnd does not shoxv much learn ing. I might with equal Justice sax that tho archbishop's religion Is the religion of tho xvhlsky bottle. That would bo unfair, too. "Father Glennon contends that the Catholic church will solve tho labor problem. It has hnd over 1S00 years In which to do It, and has not yet accomplished the task. Tho condi tions of tho worklngmen In civilized countries are not nearly so xvretched as in tho Catholic countries of Ire land. Itnly, Spain, Portugal, Mexico and South America. In theso coun tries labor Is down to Its lowest ebb. "Concerning tho archbishop's state ments, It might be Interesting to know that at the last election, and In fact In all Milwaukee elections, the Catholic church went hand In hand with tho retail liquor dealers, saloon keepers' union and the red tight dis trict In attacklug socialism and the socialist party. "Tho only rcasonnblo ground for tho fears of the archbishop and other Catholic dignitaries Is that socialism xvlll enlighten, educate nnd culture tho musses, xvhllo certain priests would lose their grip on tho masses." niONVKIt, Nov. 22 Walter Brook Ins, the Wright aviator, denied today that ho Intended giving up aviation as tho result of tho death of Itulphj Johnstone, xvho was killed nt the moot hero last Thursday. Brooklna arrived at noon from Kansas City, where ho had tukou tho body of tho dead aviator for burial. Brooklns looked worn out. Ills eyes, red and; swollen, plainly showed tho strain ho had undergone tho Just fow days since ho left here with Johnstone's remains. Brooklns and Archlo Hoxey xvlll start tonight for Vancouver, xvhoro they are scheduled to fly for tho amusement and Instruction ot tho British Columbia public. VENUS LEGION HOLDS NTERESTING SESSION It would ho no hotter business pol icy for you to try to find a tenant for it furnished room, without ad- fiildlui. iltiin fm ii ilnnurtmnnt utnrnl IV'llltllllhl ll... . ..w,'. .. v... - to try to do business without advertising. ; Thero wtib n very successful meet ing held in Smith's hull lust evening, where Voutts Legion, Xo. 'J10'.), ol the National Protective Legion, licit' their opening meeting for tho vviutei uioiuhs. After thq business xvas transacted refreshments were serv ed, then a general social meeting was hold and an entertainment commit tee of three, namely, Frank 11, Hull. Kltuer Leslie and W. T. Weston, was appointed to phut ways and means to vaibo money for tho winter amusement and then nnd there $00 wus raised to tis&uro tho success of xvn vs and melius, Tho Mail Tribune will print from time to time tho progress of the committee, Venus Legion meets ev ery first and third Monday of twit month in Smith's hall, '- COMPANION London Times, Says Confession Is a Thrilling Human Document Replete With Cold, Callous Details of the Crime Miss Leneve Innocent. V LONDON, Nov. 2'J. Dr. Havvley II. Crippen litis made a complete confession of tho murder of his wife, Belle Elmore Crippen, accord ing to the Loudon Timed today. The Times bays the Confession irf a thrilling human document, replete with the cold, callous details of the crime, which will bo o.xpinted on the gitllows tomorrow by the Atncricun physician. It is understood that Crippen ar ranged to give the Evening Times his confession in order to get money for the care ot Miss Leneve niitl her unborn child. It is stipulated, ac cording to the Times, that u portion of the money muct go to Crippen a father in Southern California, thu aUthoritteri no.hiiYing to.lilJLhii..cou. , detuned mail thcR his- father is dead, intending that he should be hanged without the knowledge. The confession, it is understood, details (itmrreis between Crippen mid his wife over Mn. Crippeti's mule admirers. Shortly before thu kill ing thu tuarrels became continuous and finally hie wife, becoming cog nizant of CrippenV relations with Mis Leneve, upbraided them both. In January the Crippens quarrcl d and Mrs. Crippen told her hus nuid that she intended complaining ii tho authorities ami cause thu ur t'bt of thu doctor and Mi&s Leneve. As i'. result of this and of the kuovvi dgu that his wifu would not divorce him in order to allow him to marry, Crippen, it is said, began tho plan of murder. The reported confession says that Crippen poisoned his wife and bur .ed the body, starting thu story that ho died in America. Crippen, if is understood, insists that Miss Leneve did not know of ihe murder and that bur ucipiiltal ivtis justified. Contrary to uxpeclations, Hiu Times did not print tho details of the confession i:t its edition this af ternoon. It is supposed that thu confession itself will bo withheld until after Crippon's execution. It is reported 'hat the document is largely written u Crippon's own handwriting ami tvas prepared after he was placed in tho "denth cell" ut l'eutonville pris m. It is said to be -I00U words in length. l'KNTONVlLLE 1'HISON, Lou don, Nov. 'J2. Thu final farewell of F.thel Clairo Leneve to Dr. ilitwloy II. Crippen iu thu condemned man's cell here, was a sorrowful affair. It lasted liO minutes and aflor the in terview, hysterical ami almost faint ing, Miss Lonevo wan carried from the doomed man's cell. Crippon's requcat for a private, in terview with his former typist wus refused and his warder's woru pres nt during the last meeting. Crippen and tho girl embraced noli other, kissing with fervor ninny limes. Miss Leneve had to bo led away from tho cell before shu would consent to say tho final "good-bye.'' Powell Is Winner. NEW YOHIC, Nov. 2'J. Low IW ell of San Francisco, iu his leu round fight with Young Otto of the Olympic club last night, is conceded to have had considerably thu bettor of tho go. Tho Califoruian was on Iho receiving cud for tho first sevuti rounds, but iu tho Inst three puriml ho cut loose at a terrific clip, com pletely outclassing Otto, "Pnwo'l was given a popular verdict. i . V . , i.N '-1. i i ,m u i a " "3 K !'M T ifM -i'd Mi: 'ft '' ' - 'iV h, fi .? tiMUi .i---tl..