Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1910, THANKSGIVING EDITION, SECTION THREE, Image 17

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Medford Mail Tribune
11 ' '
fifth yeAi?.
No. 207;,
-- -i '
f 4 ' f ff
The regular moiithlly meet-
ing of the Greater Medford'
. " club will bo held in tlio club ,
looms Monday, November
28, at 3 o'clock. 4
The first iirt exhibit ever .seen in
Medford was held Inst week in the
club rooms of tho Greater Medforii
club, and' to that club is due the
iTridil For getting (he exhibit here, ll
was most liberally patronized b.
f every one, over .$120 beiug"tnUuii in.
and it" was made possible for all the
school children to attend. The
teachers in tho public schools did ail
in their miner to make it a success
keeping Hie subject before the chil
dren and giving all the- assistance
possible. The .school children all
sold tickets and tho two schools sell
ing the greatest number of tickets
(the Washington and the North) arc
each to receive a nicture.
The ladies of tho (heater Medford
club liavvo worked unceasingly, the
club being divided into committees
on, tho ditfurenl branches of art, and
especially to Mrs. Ketttiier, president
of tho club, aud Airs. B. N. Warner,
who had charge of tho exhibit, is
'great credit due.
Tho receipts over tho expenses aie
to bo used in purchasing pictures in
tho collection, which will bo given to
tho now library uud tho schools by
tho club. Tho exhibit was open
Thursday, Friday and Saturday uft,
ernoons aud Friday night, when tho
hall was crowded, all of Medford's
smart set being present, nnd it was
deeide'dly' a social nffnir. Tho high
soli uid orchestia played several se
lections during tho evening under the
able direction of Professor Collins
Tho oxhibit of art work done by
tho scholars was most creditable,
aud praiso should bo given Mis
Sncdicor for the progress which ha
been made by the pupils in the tw
months hat (here 1ms .been an art
department in the schools, as il was
only introduced this fall.
A pretty home wedding was cele
brated ut the country residence of
Mr. nnd Mi's. James Spink near Med
ford last Monday morning. Tho
looms were tastefully trimmed with
tho bright madrono leaves and ber
ries and white chrysanthemums
while. ou tho broad rail around the
room vases of roses alternated with
groups of waxen tapers, in which
subdued light Mis.s Louise Spink and
Mr. Paul Mills Jauncy wero united
in marringc. Tho Hev. Mr. Hamil
ton, lute nf Chicago, rend the im
prcssivo Kpisonpa! Hug service, lin
ing the book presented by the hrideV
aunt to tho old St. Mark's church of
Minneapolis and consecrated h
years of service.
The bride looked charming in a
. hand-embroidered Paris gown of
silk mull over white satin. She also
nine a beautiful veil, which is an
A wedding bronU'asi was served,
after tho ceremony, which closed
with the formal pledging of health
and happiness to the bridal pair.
Only tho immediate families were
present. Mr. and Mrs, Jnnney will
bo at home to their friends December
1 at their new country home on West
Main street.
Mr. It. II. Hauniicr was host at a
dinner Inst week at the N'nsh grille
given in honor of his birthday, Cov
ers vvcio laid for four.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Conro Fiero were
the dinner guests of Mr. Sooy-Sniilh
and Mr. Middlcburger at the Nash
The beautiful now homo of Mm.
W. II. Brown, ou Siskiyou Height,
was I ho scene of a most elaborate
function Monday when Mrs. Browi.,
assisted by Mrs. M. Cleiiunous ol
Grants Pass entortuhied at cards.
The house is most attractive and"
lends itself wtdl to decoration. Yel
low chrysanthemums wore used very
effectivejy. Mrs. Stokes won the
first prize at bridge, a club record,
and Mrs. Luke carried off the con
solution prize, two decks of card-
and a bridge score. Miss Austin
with tho highest score at 500 won a
hook. Most delicious refreshmctits
were served, with Mrs. Price as ca
terer. Those enjoying Mrs. Urown's
hospitality were: Mesdames Dunlop,
Poster, Knight, Hudge, Mjors, Mc
Donald, Knot, Morrick, Kentuer,
Moulden, Harmon, Wakemau, Luke,
Stokes, Clemmons of Grauls Pass,
Kolgor, Denuiston, Morrison, B. B.
Davis, Mollis, Nickolson, Carov,
Dodge, Woodford, Stoddard, David
sou. LuiumIcii, Heath, Black, 1idd,
Boeok; Misses Heard, Puller, Austin.
CJara Austin.
Mr. George A. Btilz and Mr. J. V.
Mclntyre left Friday afternoon for
the cast via an Francisco. Mr. Hutz
goes to New York City for a visit,
aud will return next mouth, nceotn
pnnied ,by his father, George ltutz
Sr., and his aunt, Miss Hutz, who
will subsequently make their homo in
Medford. The elder Mr. Hutz is one
of Now York's hem-known nrchi
coots. Mr. Mclntyro goes to Chicago
to be married and will return to our
city with his bride sumo time in the
spring. The two young men aie
among our most successful orchard
ists and have just finished the work
incident upon the complete harvest
ing aud disposition of their crop of
aoples. Thursday evening n crv
pleasant time in honor of them was
hud at the homo of P. J, Neff. Mu
sic and dancing were indulged in
Those present were: Mr. nnd Mrs
Neff. Mr. and Mrs. Will McNeill v
Mr. aud Mrs. B. S. .Parsons, Misses
He ill ui English add Herring, and
Messrs, Kirby S. Miller, Hen Shel
don, George Hutz, Will Mcalcy and
J. V. Mclntyre. '
A vcrv pretty wedding uis sol
emnized Wednesday evening at the
homo of Hev. and Mr. A. A. Holmes,
when Miss Stella Josephine Holme ,
sister of Mrv Holmes, becamo the
bride of Mr. Bdward A. Fox of Can
dle. Alaska. The bride was most be
comingly gowned in a white sorgo
dress trimmed with velvet and satin.
Mrs. A. A. Holmes acted as matron
of honor and Mr. Charles C. Hoover
was best man. The Hev. Holme of
ficiated, the ring ceremony being
rend. The house was most artis
tically decorated, the color scheme
being pink and white. Clirysuntlio
muuir, were used in masses. After
the ceremony a reception was given
to tho friends of the bride.
Mr. and Mis. Fox leave for Seat
tle, whore they make a visit. 'and
will then travel until the spring, when
they will make their homo in Caudle,
Miss Bdua McDermotl wns hostess
to a number of her friends last week.
Her guests were Miss Marion Foster.
Messrs. Hall. Foster and Witther.
Mr. Soov-Smilh mid Mr. F. D.
Frazicr ciitorlniuml a patty, from the
Clifford Opera company ,at the
Louvre Friday night.
Invitations are out for the first
Swastika dance of the season, which
will he given next Tuesday at St.
Mark's hall.
Arrs. Scott Davis entertained th
Five Hundred club last week.
European Horse Enthusiasts Attend
Annual New York Horcs Show.
V I flftflgNgVflgflgflLiggggggCTlliv iX" rf J
flsHHgttgiw fv vLiMflMNPWWBRBMlBlLAk dl gfti.aggL
VIIHIVnkW tywyww TJjKl WMHBHfigt fcflir BWiJWBPWPTr'"H' a Jt PMtfna
Kyw -vf HBUhi iggy KTir Ti T" -v V i VJ'ft'Sl'i'''' J'u'lKvVm'JPiB
- II IBHRU v ' '
The animal Iioino hIiow lu New Yorl: city Is a reiuiirUalilii gathering this year, due to the fact Mint liiniiy of
the crowned lieiids of Huropo have entered blooded anlimils la an etTort to win prize Tin I'rcndi aud (ienniin
goveriimeuis have sent wpetlal tralau.1 arm.v hordes (o also cninpi te The cult Ick from Hie I lilted Stales are linger,
t halt ever, and the uhiiqI display of wealth and society will Keep .Madison Sitmrc Gulden Hie center of attraction for
ten days.
Mrs. C. A. Mould, who has been
spending the past year with hoc
daughter. Mrs. C. M. Kidd, loft for
tho ea,st Thursday.
Mr. J. W. Manning and soiij A. .1.
Manning, of Klaumth Falls, am in
Medford and will spend the winter
with Mrs. .1. D. Fay. Mr. Manning
is Mrs, Fav's futhor.
Mr. W. A. Sumner loaves
for Sarasota, Flu., whom ho will
spend tho winter, returning to Med
ford it; the nprhig.
Miss Bula Howard of Grants Piim
visited frionds in Medford for a few
days last week. Miss Howard will
spend tho winter in San PrnuciHco.
Miss Gertrude Fay loft Thursday
for San Frnncihco, where olio will
spend sonic time visiting toInlUoM, ,
Mossr. Unwind uud Waller Dud
ley ItiiMi taken the Worrell house on
West Bleveulh shoot for Hie winter.
Tho Juvenile Dauuiug olub huld
their lUKiilar dance Monday nuilit.
The Lndio Aid of tho Christian
church will meet at the church Wed
nesday alteinoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Totnlin enter
tained Wednesday evening with a
"duck dinner." Tho gnosis worn:
Mr. and Mrs, Cluulori M.' Hoyutoii.
Messrs. Sheldon and Hardwell.
Klla Whreler Wiluotf, the taleulod
uuthore-H, will bo u vVitor in Med
ford llii weok, vlioi she will be lie
guest ol' Mr. and Mrs. lUiuptniau of
Table Koek.
The Ladies' Aid of ho Ptoidiyter
iau church will uieoj with Mih. Giiuii
awa on Soulh Grapo slioat, Tne
dav afliiraooti at 2 ML o'clock. Mr
Wide will ns.l Mr. Gammway in
roceiviiig. , ,
An clahoralo dililiyc wii lcn at
the Nash grillo 'IVnMdiu; uvouiiiK by
Mr. and Mrs. UnviUiluu uud Mil).
Danlev of AhIiIuiiiI. Coxors woi
laid for six.
Mix. .1. Do P. Su)uuj leaves this
week for Snn l-'rauubwo, whine uliu
mid Mr. Hulienk will tj.imiiI Hie win
ter. ' ''W
r V""
Mix Mayuiu S. Imiiul is able U
be out nun in nftur iutjIu mi Uluoitf.
Mn- K. K. Owrg&.'ur Drliy
isiimu' triuuds ill Mudiuid lusl wuU.
Mr. Gvuj'go Hutz loft for Califor
nia Tliutsilay. Ho will meet his
father and aunt there and later they
will return to Medford for the win
ter. The Ladle' Aid of tho HaplUl
chut ch will incut nt the church Tues
day al (ol noon.
Mr. uud Mrs. ,f. D. Oluull arc still
in Sealtlo and aie not expected to
i el urn for noiuo tiuiu.
Colonel and Mi. Mnndy and Mr.
Waller Mnndy am vlwllilig In Scui-
"u- . .
Dr. uud Mr. Gibboiioy loft last
week for Spoknuo, whuro Ihoy will
spend 1 li w wiulor.
Mr. B. B. Gom, Sr., 1 hMII voiv
HI ami il is reared ho will not re
cover. '' Mr. L. P. llubbaid lul't WdnoiIay
for a short Imimuioh trin lu Mtiiiiojip-
Mr. Uhuii Munition lot! hint week
for hn. old lioinu in Lincoln, lib, for
H short visil.
- Mr. ,1. D. Ileanl is till confined
to the hoMMi by illlieiM.
Thanksgiving day will bo a busy
dav for every one in Medtord, bo
tvvcen the football game, thu theater
and the numerous dinners which are
planned for that day. Tho football
gamo between Medford nnd Ashland
is being eagerly looked forward to
by the enthusiasts tifthc game, and
a great turnout is expected,
For tho first time Medford is to
have mi attraction at tho thea'or
Thanksgiving evening, aud it is a
play well worth seeing. Mr. Fivman
aiipeared heie last year in the sumo
play, "Mary Juno's Pa," with tin)
same company ho has this year, and
till who saw him then will ho sure
to see him again.
Miss Hlauchc Heddy entertained
Friday pigltt at her home ou South
Riverside for a number of her
friends, The evening was bpent hi
games and nitisic aud delicious re
freshments were served. Those
present wcro: Misses Clairo Mas
sutuu, Winifred Field, GoraldhiQ
Micho, Kathorino Murphy, Holeii
Heddy, Katio Hums, Elizabeth Car
nahan, Agues Broad, Mrs. Watsoiii
Mvh. Dilm; Mossrs. Hodson, Kd
lteddy, John George, Charles Mur-i
)ihy, Flynn.
Tho first number of tho Natator
itun cutortninmeiiL courno was" given
Thursdny night aud proved a most
enjoyable affair. Madame Langen
dorff, who wns tho attraction, pos
Hosscs a Hpleiud voice and proVoij
herself an artist. Sho was ably as
sisted by Mr. Callow, violinist, and
Mr. Kurt Wanieck, accompanist. Tlnj
courso is an unusually good ono, in
eluding Judge Ben Lindsoy, Champ
Clark, ox-Govonior Folk, W. ' Li
Hubbard aud several musical at
Miss Helen Watt oittortuhied for
her guust, Miss LoroTtn Kclloy of
Devil's Luke, N. I)., Friday after
noon, Tho afternoon wiih spout in
the making of Christinas .gifts, after
which a daiutv luncheon was served.
Tho guests wore: Missos Jcanetto
Osgood, Gertrude Treichlor, Bertha
Buglish, Flora Gray, Arra Harmon.
Lotta Luke. Bess Koutncr,, Jeuuesse
Butler, iMablo Ita.W Helen Worrell.
Phoebe Horn. Mrs. Howard Hill and
Mrs. Dave Wood.
Tho members of tho younger sol
gave a inmit enjoyable subscription
dance Friday night at St. Mark's
hull, Tho affair was in charge of
Misses Hazel Davis, Madge Itiddell.
Bess Kent nor and Blizaboth Folger,
nnd was given as a return to tho
young moii who entertained with a
danco several weeks ago. Punch was
served during tho evening and about
2o eotiploH were pronant.
Mrs. George II. Harrouu an
nounces (ho engagement of her
daughter, Kathervu, to Mr, Leonard
II. Willotl of Medford, Or. Tho
tun cringe will take place some lium
next February. Kansas City Star.
.Mr. Willett is in charge of the job
printing department of tho Mail
Triljuue and has made many friends
during his stay hero.
A faiownll party wan given by M1.
Geo. A. Hutz in honor of Mr. J. V.
Molntyio, at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Portiir .1) Neff Thursday eve
uiug. Mr. Mclntyre leaves Sunday
.lor Chicago, the guests woro: Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Noff, .Mr. and Mm. B.
S. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
McNtmly, Misses Biirtha Buglish and
Honing; Messrs. II. (V Sheldon, W.
P. Mouluy, K. S. Miller uud J. W.
Mr. Durilop oiitei tallied a few
friends most informally at luncheon
last week'.
A now club was organized lust '
week which will bo kiiow'u as tho
"Question club." Tho club will liieot
every two weeks and datlces will bo
given during tho winter. The. mem
bers of to club aro: Missos Agnes
Isaacs, president; Bertha Branden
burg, secretary and trensurpr; Fern
Jerome, Lc-rnino Itlilbn, Edna
Humphrey, Bvn Humphrey, Gertrude
lluntphvey, Flora Welch, Cordelia
Goff. Mildred Gerig, Tone Flynn and
Opal Daley. Tho club was organised
al the homo of Misa Flynn and tlm
next meeting will bo with Miss Isaacs
December 2. ',
Mr. and Mr. O. J, Pattoji enter
tained delightfully at their homo ou
South Gritpo fctreot Monday night
with u most elaborate dinner, given
in honor of Spokntta friopfts. Tho
deeorutious woro ehryflnntlfeinuuis,
Tho invited gnoses worn: pr. 'mill
Mrs. Heddy, Mr. nnd Mrs. ,l! P. Sul
livan. Mr. and Mi-ij, Walter MeOril
lum, Itussell Hammer -and Murt Pul
tun. Tho Monday Bridgu club was en
tertained by Mrs, Diuilbp last week.
Mrs. ilnfur carried off Uiq Jirieo, :i
shakor work basket., Mcsdame.4
Harmon, Carey and MorriHoti Hiib
Btittited for nbsont oiemberK. Tho
club meoto this wqok Ith Mrw. Car
penter. The Womiurs Homo Mlssioifury
society of tho M. K. rlnirch wiy meet
Friday uftovnonn, November '2d, it
.1 o'clock at. tho homo of Mrs. A.
Wines, fil.1 West Holly, onp block
north jof Second and west of Olosou
street. All Indies iuoreslod in Ifomo
mission work are cordially iuvitqd fo
Announcement has bc'eu made of
the wedding of J. V. McIi(yro of this
city to Miss Nellie, Byrpn Moffitt'of
Decatur. III. Thd wcddiiifc will oc
cur in December, aidHfi((ir a tpHr
tho couple wil nuikii'jtf'aijford (heir
Miss Mitble Hay oiitrrlninod ui
Klng'ii DatightoiB at her home pit
West Main Htreot Tuesday after
noon. The afternoon was spent- in
owing for tho Christmas snle, after
which dainty rofroidiments wore
Tho Misses Crowoll and Crawford
gave ait elaborate after-theater din
ner Tuesday to celebrate tho begin
ning of their second year'K engage
ment at the Nash grille. Tito invited
guests woro: Miss Blanche Wood,
Hohort Brovard, llorniau Powell and
liVnian Orton.
Tho Modford high school orches
tra, under tho management of Pro
fessor Collins, gave a concert at the.
Table Hock hchool. Tho orchestra
is making great progress, with Pro
fessor C. B. Hoot as director aud
Professor Collins as manager.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hoseiibiium loft
for Portland Satuiday night. Mr
Itosouhuuui will take a ten days' trip
on a tour of inspection with (he rail
road officials of (ho Sotilhoru Pil
ot' fio.
Messrs. Ilnltir, Totnlin, Dudley
Boyulou and Heard, returned hist
week from a hunting trip in the
Klamath country, A project Is o.i
to build a hunting lodge in that
country and make a resort there.
Mr. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville
is recovering rapidly al'ter a severe
Mr. and .Mrs. M. B. Worrell and
Miss Helen loft last week for Sum'
Valley, where they will reside ptir'
maueutlv nit their ranch.
Reminiscences of the Daye of 1851
By J. H. Twog'ood
When my brother, O. B. nnd I
ciomioiI tho plitluK In 1SS1 there was
no settlement west of tho Missouri
river until wo reached tho great Col
umbia river , where Dr. Whitman
and family had started a mission to
try to clvllUe tho Treacherous red
man. as early as 1S3C. We had a
rough trip over tho Cascades, ar
riving la Oregoni City, August 20,
1S51. and loosing every thing wo bad
trying to help others. At this timo
Oregon City was a commercial center
fioni whence all goods went south
(o th Willamette and Umprjua val
leys. Loflng my tools. I cpuld not
gat work and times were dull and
mono)' scarce. There was no Port
land then, only one paper. There
was nothing doing anywhoro In tho
iiorlliwot. .,-.-
Wo heard of the great gold mines
at Yreka, and In southern Oregon
Sam Hadley and I had a slight at
tack of the yellow fever. Wo rigged
up a tent, aud with two packs und
two saddle horses started south to
tho now Kldorado. Traveling up tho
valley wo found It vory sparhely fcet
tied. Many bcctlous of good land
could bo taken up by the Imtnlgranta
living on five years and It was donat
ed by. our dear old Uncle Sam. In
tho valley we came to Kugcne Skin
ner's placo where ho bad taken up
a section of land. He had a log
lion t.e and barn and part of his yard
was fenced, where he raised garden
truck. Today Eugene Is a big city
with an opera house.
Wo then traveled south over the
Calnpoola mountain, up tho rrovb In
tho North Unipqun. Horo wo ferried
nt Winchester, which waH then tho
county seat of DoiigliiB county, a
town of one log house. Tho county
reached to tho Slsklyous on tl- south
and to Culapoola on tho north, 300
miles, and from tho Pacific ocoan on
the west to die Hooky mountains on
tho oast, enough territory tr, form 16
or 20 stulofi like Now "Jorsoy". KIvo
miles furthor south wo found l)tr
crook, likewise Aaron Hoho and fami
ly, who wero our traveling compan
ion when wo crossed tbo plains.
Hose had located a half Miction do
nation claim, which today la tho pro
sent tuwnslto of ItoMjhiirg, tho coun
ty seat of Douglas eounty. but the
saiiio territory Is now carved up into
a dozen com. ties.
TrHvnlliiK up tho K'oiih iMtipa"-
rlvur 2h iuIUm we riaino to tho month!
of the grout canyon ovor u horrllilo
road of 'i miles on thu old Imitilr,
grant trail. 1 do not sao how It wh
possible for jHMiple to go ovor those
roads wltt a wugnu. In H5-' I saw'
a man itart over that road through
the canyon with two yoko of oxun
aud good woman, and ut tho end of
two days, ho got through with only a
front whul. Mtro wo foil ml Mr! and
Mr JM9jih Knott, who crossil thu
plaius in ItCO from Ottumwu. Iu.,
and bad located a ranch, built a log
cubtA. Mil culled it Cun)onvlll. Tlioy
had tbrM grown chlldron. Levi, Jack
and Lll'by whom Vlneo Davis callwl
SU Hhe niarrlMl Bob Lttdd, a vo
D wealthy banker (a Portland. The
rmt or thm crowed the groat divide,
,,..u- .iro. and I am tlx only ono loft.
After gutting through thu canyon
wo traveled down Cow oreok sovon
inlltM, thou crossed ovor tho moun
tains and on to Gravo crook, whoro
we found a bountiful little valley
with gigantic oak troo and u gravo
right bcwlde tho mud. Clovor giovv
to tho height)! of 0 Inchas and It wns
an Idoal camping ground. . Did wo
camp thoro? should say not. No one
would dnro to camp thoro on nccottnt
or tho Indians. It'us considered tho
most dangerous point ou tho road.
Ou south tevon mllos wo crossed
JuiiiP'Off-Joe und Louse crook, and
oamw to the Kogue rtvor. Horo wo
In uud Ben Halsteud had otitnblhdiod
tbo first ferry ou tho trail between
California uud Oregon. Wo crossed
here and went down sovon miles and
found Iami N Vnnimy. 'Gin Tail k
Co. had taken up n splendid ranch I
nnd had established a ferry. Both
waio us good moii In principal us ov
or lived and both aro now dead From
here wo traveled up the Applcgute
into (ho Illinois valley, which wo fol
lowed up to u point whoro Ketb.v-
ville now stands. We struok off
north and found Ham Fry,, who win.
running a horse corral.
It seems as though a sintill com
pany of California minors, during
the month of August, 1851, left
Vieka and traveled north in search
of gold. They traveled ou the old
Hudson Bay trapper trail over tho
Siakivou, down Beur creek, and right
bv JneUoii creek, whero (hero were
good diggings, uud on to the Illi
nois valley. Hero they went north
nvi'i' pretty steep mniiuinins nnd
found gold in two different clocks.
One 'thev named Canyon creek and
the other Josephine, in honor of it
young lady who was a member of
the party. This -was tho first gold
found in Oregon. Afterwards Sailor
diggings, Althousa and many oilier
good digging Avcro struck. I was
with the Joe Knott party In Febru
ary, 18.VJ, aud we wero tho firt
white men to ever make the trip Up
Galico cioek, whoro wo found good
diggings. -
HaNted and Vannoy had the only
two log cabins in tho Rogue Hivor
vallov in 1851. It bonus to pie like
a fairy tale when I read about a fruit
ranch being sold there For .f 108,(HM),
and laud near Grants Pass pruduc
big $.100 worth of fruit per uore.
(ConUniifit on Pi I.)