Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1910, THANKSGIVING EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 16

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, U-..J
Every HouseReeker Will Find it Advantageous to
Davis' Best Flour .'..: :. ' $1.25
J)lLiL OLvIIl J? lULll ...... t.mMt..i..iwi JL AJ
Middlings, 90 lbs-
Heavy Mill Feed 75 lbs ;..l.,.
i t '
Process Roll Barley, 75 lbs .-4-. v 1.15
Bran, 60 lbs Z. Z. , .95
f " i
White Feed Oats, 100 lbs ..,..1 ... 1.75
Screenings, 100 lbs .'. ' 1.50
Graham and Gerina, 10 lbs...: 30
Davis' Best Flouivr hundred pound. ......
Blue Stem Flouivr hundred ww
Process Roll Barley,
Tvni' iiir hu nil rod pound. ,.............,......
Middlings iKr ,,,,'v,r,u' i,,,,",'s ......
Heavy Mill Feed, u,r i po".
White Feed Oats, ' ",,r m,n,lred ,ouml8
lior hundred poundst:...'..,,
.. aw. ....... v..... ...........
4. -,'-:- j
We guarantee every sack of Flour and feed we sell to
give satisfaction or refund your money.
Our flours arc imailiilU'riilcil and arc uol lilcacliccl by anils ur oilier processes dial arc injurious.. Single sack lots not delivered, but a mixed order of 500 pounds of any of the
above delivered to any part of Hie city free of eliare.
Cor. 9th and
South Front iSts.
Cor. 9tH and
South Front Sts,
v r,"
Portland Will Have Less Than 209,
000 People Reported No , Evi
dence of Discrimination Expect
Announcement on Noxt Tuesday.
,u (10 Jersey cow ami tlic holder of
a miliine iiioiiiituiu climbing locord.
Floisjehnor started his clinili after
AhkiikHim Wciiiur, (10, had bouslcd oi
hiH own record for tliu tiii. Floiseh
llor disparaged llui performance
xvheroiipon Wciiier lmidily iluoluroil
liis friend could liuvo tho cow if liu
liiinir up a butter record,
I FleiHfliner won with an hour to
spare, mid of fined to lopual Hie
lilp the sauio day for another tier
Muv in tliu Wciiier ptint m c. lie wi
jiiouo the xvorno for his clinili.
Arrested at 107.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 10.
Diroctor Uiirnnd o.pccU tliu Poit
laud census iigiuow to tie given out
ut'M Tiii'Nility ,11111 end the unnoted
in v coulioxersy whiuli now pi ox nil,
lie saya Suporxinor lleach and the
N'ltllo Hiiinirvitor eiiinu huio and
mill over tliu figure. ot thair iu
N'i'tiu uitim with tliu cousin olfi Tim f ijiu ros aro tindor llio
'ii'i.(i0i murk. Kneh agreed (hat Ihp
P 'inictd uliininntinus should III)
in.. do. Durrani! said that the iu
ili'imuH will ho approximately the
one in ouch city. Ho said: "So fyr
n I can wee there in no ovidoiico of
a dwcniaiiialimi against I'nrtlaud in
liivnr of Soaltlo."
Farmer Makes Record.
I'ASADF.NA. Cul., Nov. 111. Jlo-
Mi ,. he uiimIu die round Inp frnui
Hi. Inoi .if f Sierra Mndro umiin
t hi - i.i die summit of Mount Wil--11.
l'i.2 miles, in oighl bonis, Otto
I u imIiuci, hi, letircd tanner ot Iv'c
fl'il. In.. Iiidax is the possessor in
Prolialily the oldest iiiiui uxor ar
roMted in I Im I'nited States, wan iin
priied at Fort Totteii ly n dop
ill.v nlui'hliiil when ho placed in oiik
tinly l M. Xiiihach, J (17 yoarH old.
on u iiharuii of iulrodiiclin; linuor on
IIid lutliun lUHiirvulioii. Ziubiii'liV
ciifu will ho coiiHidored liy tliu nu.l
fudorul uraud jury and in tliu nieau
lliuo ho will ho ullowed fieedom uu
dtr hiPiidti.
Yos, He's Dead.
CASI'HU, Wyii.. Nov. 111. I Imiiul
.Mi'Milliin, an o.peit in tho iimi of
puwder and dynamite, outployud .it
lliu Ninth Aiueiica iifheNtim uiiiiiiN,
ounuuilted Kiiieido by u.plodiiiK K(l
PoiiihIh of dvuauiito under his hod..
His biidv xMir. blown to nloiii'. anil
tin IIMI Imil lex el of flio mine where
ho ended his hie, was badlx recked.
full imil moo Hie cook or Hcrvanl
xvIioho ad liulax uialicM her eein "cll-Klblo."
Howard EHIott and Ren H. Rice Will
Remain as Officials Permancdt
Quarters Aro Wanted to House
Annual Applo Exhibit.
i SI'OK'ANIO, WhhIi., Nov. 1).-K.
V. Uartier Van Disxul, weeoud ieu
priihiilent and chairuiau ot tlio board
of trustees of Hie third iiittioual ap
ple hoxx - uiiUDUiiced today .licit
Howard Kllioll, pruMident, and Ken
II, Kiee, necretary and itiauaer of
tliu outaliixutinn, will bo invited to
eontinuu in their proout offieos for
uiiothor year at tliu annual nicotine
in Janim ry, adding: alho tluyt Spo
kano will haxu tho fourth uniuutl
ooiupetitixu u.ptbi(ioii in 11)11.
'''Wo hIiiiII haxu to have larr
iiuartom for thu ne.t show," Mr.
Van l)uiul Miiid, "mid it is not un
likely that a colihoiuu will be eruetud.
This could iiImo nerve for national
mid bImIu itonvoutioiiti mid other
laruo KalliPtiiiKM, Ihh-mi shows mid
oilier fiiuctiniiH which leiptiie more
rooiii than m now available.
I ! I I II
"Our e.Npohition space is a mat
ter ol mole than three and a half
acii's this vcar, but we were not able
to ai'coniuiotlate all the exhibits that
ciuilil haxe been obtained this year.'
An it i, xvu liuvo HO carload-., in &trnie,ht car.s, and the e.
hibitioii ciiHily io tho lrj;cst of it
Unit that ban uxor been put to
cthor anyxvlioro.
"Thu hhow this year is a urcatei
success tuiu liibt year, which was
far ahead of thu first exposition in
1DUS, and if thu plans now in inakiim
(to through thu 11)11 show will be as
far ahead of thu nrcsuut one as this
Lxvi'okV u.hlhition leads the one in
C'harleri'JI. r'usKutt, necretary ol
thu Spokmiu chainbur of eounnerce.
guvo out thin Htatumeut today:
"Thu ayplo slioxy, which is of so
mueh henefif to thu untiie uorthwcMt.
should be tirovidcd.xvitli a petmaiiuiit
buildiusr. Tlieri 14 no doubt llint the
tru.stces of tliuii:ianlier, of coiuinurie
"Will solxo thuJlrobIem "wheiV .it i-i
hrouht belom- them."
Veterans Fed Rat Poison
STAMKOItl), Conn., Nov. 1!).
r'iftoou ininatos of the Stato Sol
diei' home 1110 ill hero as thu result
nf a iiuial of rat poison. Thiciiili die
curoliissuess uf an attuudant 11 plate
of broad and butter which had hern
piuparod for rats in thu cellar ot the
dormitories was placed mi 0110 ol
thu tables in thu d'uliin: hall. The
h! own id iiiiinedialiily millod thu sol
diers to the hospital and iidiiiinis
tined dnulie leiuedicM.
It would l:c no hotter liuilnoM pol
icy for oiy to try to find a tenant
for a furnished room, without ml
xcrtlIUK, than for a department store
to try to do IiiisIiicsh without adver-
Naval Commanders May Cancel All
Leaves of Absence Report Out
That Dead Seaman Was Robbed
and Stabbed and Not Drowned.
PAWS, Nov. 1!). Street fighting
lietweon American and Kroucli milium
continued today and ttio finding of
tho bodies of n bluejacliui and n
woman ut Kurlouiin gavo rlno to wild
Sovornl pollcoinuu xvuro wounded
la trying to ijuull tlio.dliiturbaucu and
thu sit nation Is considered no Horloti
that thu authorlticK of I! rest are con
xldorlag asking tho ntivul command
cr8 to cancel lonvos of abKoncc.
I. a I'rosiso, a French puhllcntlon,
apiiearod on the streotB this nftornoon
with nn elaborate account of tho
death of Seaman KitzslmmoiiH from
the liattleshlp I.tmlstana. Tho papor
Htatod Hint Flt.nlmmons died In n
hoipltal at Chorhourg after hnx'lng
lioou atnliliud. This Is rugardod no
dUprovliiK the Htorlen of droxvnlng
Klvon out by the French authorities.
LONDON. Nov. It). That the
American sailor whose liody was
found xestordax m tho Inner harbor
at CherboiiiK. France, had been stab-
'd .mil riiblu'd and that Amorlcau
Bailors xvero nialtreated by French
soldiers wore tho chnrges mnilo today
by London newspapers following the
receipt of dlapatdios from Franco
dcsnrlhlug thu riots at Cherbourg yes
torday. Tho noXvspaporB defend tho Aincr
tcau sailors In their fight with tho
French bluejnekots and refer skepti
cally to FrCnch attempts to place tho
blamo on tho Amorlcaun.
It la assorted thutgho men of tho
American &.tiadron worn attacked by
French artlllerymon and Hint prop
erty belonging to four American sea-
111011 was found in tho possession of a
number of nrtlllurymeu.
' DKNVKR, Colo., Nov. 1!). Archie
lloxie, dof vine; snow, sleet nutl xviud,
made thico flights in a pale blow
iii'' '2o miles an hour at Overland
1'urk todav and lent an added inter
est to the most darim; meet in the
history of American aviation.
Coachman Heir to $150,000.
I'lllLADKLl'lllA. Pa., Nov. II). -Ilenrv
('. White, a reclusu xvho died
011 October 20, left practically his
entire ostnto. valued at about .$1."(),
000, to his eoachinmi. Joseph II.
Corbett, "as a rewind for lone; nnd
fuilhful seixice." Tho x eoaehinnn
had refused imiiiv offers to leavo the
While stables ami receive much nunc
money lib n chauffeur,
Keep trying! Keep advertising for
xx'ork and keep nnsworlng help
xvantod ads. You'll win.
Clcvcland'Wilson Bound Over to Ap
pear Before Grand Jury on Stat
utory Charrjc Preferred by Eva
Cleveland Wilson of Snni'a Valley
xvas bound ovuk to appear before thu
grand jury by Justice Juuus of Cen
tral Point Friday, accused of a stat
utory eiiinu by Eva Stallsworth. Thu
crime is alleged to have been com
mitted about ton months ugo, when
tho L'irl wius loss than 15 years of
ago. Snbhoipicntly about fixo
months niro sho wus darned u
Charles Painter, and Painted was in
court Friday, hearing in lu& aims
u threu xveeks old child. Painter ih
staiidine; by his xvifo in the pio&e
eution, stilting that 'she xva's irro
bponsible. While Coiistnblo Holmes of Con
tral Point xvas taking Wilwin to. tho
train Saturday morning en route for
ilaekwmxlllu Hie lri,onor escapol,
and the last seen of him ho win
breaking the Marathon record in a
directum duo north. Officers aie 011
his trail.
If (hero's a nrosnert Hint tlm nrti.
clo advertised "for salo" today might
bo xvhat you xvant, go nnd seo It.
' t
Will Enjoy a Glad Thanksgiving Day if the .
Material foiMheir HOME was purchased from the
- ; ''
r ,.
m i
We are Thankful for the Liberal Patronage of the Past Year