f MfcMNEl.. J 4 MEDFORD MAjJVrRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SFXDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1910. i M .j I c E 1 S 5 APPLE GROWERS IOJRGWIIZE Committee Appointed in Spokane to Form Association to Handle Prod uct of All Great Apple Orchards of the Northwest. SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. ID.-Kol-lowing n conference among 1 00 apple-growers hero, it Is expected tluil a definite co-operative plan for the mnrketing of the entire output of all the irreat apple orchards of the northwest, with the view of turn ing in the lurgcst (wsmblo profit In the grower, will be made public soon for the consideration of the growers. Growers visiting here h'nvo author ized the appointment of u committee to outline a feasible method .nf car rying out the idea. This committee in to rcxrt at the December Hesmon of tho Wnnhington tato Horticultural society. It in posmblc, however, that nmithqr dntu may ho decided npon. Tho appointment of tho committee wbb loft ill the hiindu of N. W. Irish of North Yakima, who wax unaiii inolihly chosen ehairman. Tho' en oiMsrativo idea wiih first brought he fore tho coiifcreiico by A. L. Holm of Wcuatchco, who miifgOHted that i body of representative apple-grow-era iniuht work in conjunction will tiio nurthwoHtorn iiHHocintion in th tank of mn.koting all tho npploH ol tho norlhwcHt, JACK'S HEART IS So Says Promoter of Automobile Race Loss of Racing Honors tr Barney Oldfleld Said to Have Pu Big Black to the Bad. YOU CAN'T BEAT OREGON APPLES Last Year Rotjue River Valley With Exhibit Won Sweepstakes and This Year Sister District Won Out Other Districts Lose. Out. Special Thanksgiving Sale SMASHED CHICAaO, Nov. 19. A brolion heart and not acuto Imlliiostlon If tiio rent cuinwj nf Jack Johnwiu'i breakdown, according to lou Houno man, who promoted tliu reront uto3 mobile rnco between Joliimon and Harney Oldflold In Now York. HoiiHumnn Inalqtcd today that II wnH tho unroot blow to lila prldu that Jobnuon ovor experienced whon Old flold bant him ho badly. ' "I visited JoluiBon nn hour nftot tho race," Bald Hoiiooinn't, "Jack wait In u utnto of collapHo nud war cotuplnlnlug bitterly about thq w(u tut Haiti Oldflold bud crowded hint llo wiih trembling alt ovor nti(l yui an near to Bobbing ns ho porhIuI) could bo without actually doing It. "1 how Jobnson'H manager last week and ho told mo that Jack had not been tho Humo man alnco the nice, llo Bald that ho wuh iiaiii)u8tjjcG. n) Jack'H Htrango nctloiiR, and thoTigHT a physician uhould bo consulted.!' t Says tiio Oiegoninn: JIoiAl Itivcr in 1010 took I lie grand sweepstakes prize at (lit1 National Apple show at Spokane. Last year tho naino distinction wiih achiovcd by Hie Rogue Itivcr valley. This covet ed prize was won in ench instance in competition with Wennlehoo, Yak ima, Idaho and other famous apple prodiiciug districts of tho Pacific northwest, which is the same n. nying that these were the strongest rivals in all the world. It would therefore appear to follow that Hood River's only rial rival is Rogue Itivcr; and that Rogue River's most daiiaerous competitor for all-round Jxccllcncy, beauty, flavor, order and ihapcliucss of its apples is Hood River. In othor words, tlrtiro is not inywhere nn apple like an Oregon .ipple, except another Oregon apple. It isn't necossiiry for any one to ittcmpt to settle the ipiestiou as Id vhether Hood Rivor or Rogue Rivor ippIcK arc the better, or the best. No knowing person cvorj permits himself to doubt or worry about ii, for thoy nro both tho best. Tho rce ird shows it, experience proves if, mil tho world's judgment confirms it. Hopd River lis entitled to con rratulatioiiK for its deserved triumph tt Spokane, and Rogue River is ad uoniHhed to bo there next year with Is finest product. If both Hood livor and Rogue River are at Kpo line, nil Oregon can rest content 'or whatovor happens, nn Oregon up do will win tho championship belt Unusual offerings of seasonable and holiday needs to wear right now. Shrewd and economical people will take advantago of tho low prices. MHHannBMmiHnnMiHMHHnH(HnBHHnHMH A PRK-frOLTDAY HANDKERCHIEF SALK Buy Men's, Wom en's and Children's Handkerchiefs at thissnle priee 5c TO 50c UNPARALLELED HOSIERY SAJVE Have a plentiful supply of Winter Hosiery. Take full advantage of these extraordinary values while the stock is complete, per pair 8c TO 50c SPtfCiAT, TN TIOUSFJTOLD LTNENfi All linon 98c $1.25 MENS UNDERWEAR, 95c. One ease of men's extra heavy wool Underwear, in gray, and tan; goods always-sold at $1.20; special 95 c $2.25 BROADCLOTHS, $1.75. 54-inch imported French Broadcloths in stock collars; extra value at $2.25; special for this sale $1.75 HOOD RIVER WINS BIG APPLE PRIZE . H. Sproat's Exhibit at National Show Takes Grand Sweepstakes Business Men Have Hin.li Praise for Exhibition at Spokane. TO HOLD BIG CLASS Medford Lodge, Nn. 421, Fratei mil Union nf America, Ik propnriiii for a class initiation on next Tito day evening, which promixim to In nun of tho gicutost events in the In to r.v of the order ho re. Invitations have linen extended u the Ashlnnd-Tnloul lodges to ulloiu and helti make merry. Tjie above nuined lodges wjll bo present with 'J. or iiune candidate for initiation Mcdfnrd will have about Ifi nev candidates, which will mvoII the ola-.-to about 10. The committee is busy making ar raugcinents for the reception of 1 1 visitors, mid a royal good time is as sured, Ueortre A. Ostium, tuiprome pin lector and uriuitl orguniror, will nr prtHnt to aid in the initiation woik." Frayne-Hooan Go Soon. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. l' - Johnnv Fniyno and "One Round" Jacl; llntfiiii made lnml Hrruugc iiionU todav for then tlulil here 01 December 17. The men uuieed h umko 1.1.1 pounds four Iioiii-m bofoic the fiuht, which is to bo htau-wd at !l o'clock iu the iiftrtrnoon in Loui Ulnl's otkui-uir nrenn. Tho nuic I lit nu u 7ft and 2.1 per cent baulf). Taft Coming Home. ON HOARD niriSKJt TKKNKS BKU, via wireln8 o Kt.y Wc.t, Fin. Nov. 111. I'jwident Taft lodav iu Hpecled the naval luihc at (lunula iiaino. He has not decided wbelher h will laud at riinilcxion, S. ('., i nt Hampton Road. knowing tune coni- Sl'OKANK, W'iihIi., Nov. JO.-C. I. Sprout of Hood Rivor, Or., is the .vinnor of the grnnd Hwoopstnkon rizo of tho thud National Apple dhow. Tho winning exhibit, a uarload of Vitzenborgn, in given u rating ol )U,7i). Tho .weopMnkoH prize consistn of 1000 in ciihb mid a gold uicdal mniiur. For the hccoimI year in succohhioii ho most covutcd prize of tho hhow :o-us til an Oregon oxhibitor, tho :w"0oHt akes Iiibt year having been ,ijoii by Tronsou ei (lulhrio of Kngle .oin(, Or., in tbi Rogue River vul- cy. M. llorau of W'oiiajuheo win, -ho winner at tho firl bliow. The hiiporiority of tho exhibit thi cur is houn by the laet that the eating of the winning exhibit of Iiim cur was U2.Ho, Tluco other caiload lots worn 'loso conloitnnlb tor tho urn ml Hwocpstakos prize. Tho.xo were the .'xhibi of Aery llio., of th( ,.0d River liggonnoiit oreliaiiU, who are howitig u cuiloml of Vellow New "Wiisj A. I). UuIiiik nf the Rogue-Kiwr-Ahhliiiiil dislriet, who ih hiw. aig Yellow Newlowns. ami II....... auwlho & Kwmlioll of Zillah, in th HiKiina valley, who nro !i 'Pitzenbergs. It wps iiece.sMtry for the judge to I" in or tiio exlubith a hoconjl mci (lie hcoreeanls had been nieien to ileenle (he winuor. ibo Walla Walla Couuucrcil tiub 'von tho gold medallion buiiuer nud !0 upplo trees for tho bet irriguted lUtrjct dihlay. Cnshmoic, Wuh. wiu seeo'iil. The two and tyo eoutot wn awaided to Ibo Klloiihbuiv idunnl of coinmoree. Tim ! :. ratio, mi gold iiimlal buunor and the .1. T. IVnikuii tniphv cup. R. I'ortuiio ot Salmon Artn, II. (, w..s -.chhiiI, winning 100 nud u mIi nodal banner. Sunnysltle Man Winner. Tho $'J.10 prize nud gold nied.il banner lor the bot full car dida of douathauh will tliu year g. (.. d. T. Haird, tho only euinpetilor ot Niiuiytide, Wnh. Tim two and two eonlit coin.iht if two lniMw f iipplttH, two pyru miiU. two baHkotn, two plntvh nnd two jatTh. lNiitluHil'i. big deleitation of ioi itiAOiilntixc liiiiiiicH men miw the it Htli .how nud wh duly iiuprt)cd b" the lUHKiiitude ir tho affair nud tho oxeelleneo nf the exhibit. To night lhe are a little ibe-l, and pardnunhlv mi, fur a .mi Rimi Fine, silver leaf omhossed Damask; vcrv durable and 70 inches wide; never before sold for less than $1.25; price for this sale " 9Se An unusually hih grade Damask for such a low price; comes full (JO inches wide; is full bleached and litis a fine mercerized finish; regular price (;; special '18c 20-inch all linen Crash; regular Inc. value; special for Monday ., .' 9 c i LADIES' LONG SWEATER GOAT Very soft, elastic, hand knit stitch; pure worsted; in white and gray; regular $8.00 value; special for this sale $(5.25 50c PILLOW TOPS, 39c. A very large assortment of stamped linen Pillow Tops; regular 50c; for 39c SILK AND WOOL UNDERWEAR, GARMENT, $1.25. Ladies' fine knit and wool Underwear; made with fitted waist; regular fall weight; at. per gar- ment , jI.J.j INTERESTING VALUES IN LONG AND SHORT KIMONAS. Kimonas of crepe, made with fii ted waist, tucked collstr and sleeve trimmed in plain and Persian hands; from $1.50 to $4.00 STAMPED PrLLOW CASES; made front best grade pillow tubing, '15x30 inches, AT 75c PER PAIR. STAMPED LINEN 11UCK TOWELS, 22x30 JNCIIES, ONLY 60c EACH. Simmons Kid Gloves $1.25 Air Colors Gray & Moe MEDFORD, OREGON New Idea Paper Patterns 10c na exhibit won the graml( prize for the bet cnrload of coiimiereiul npplts in lio world. Portland Men Praise Show. I). (). Lively, general mnnnger ol the union stockyards at l'ortlau 1 who has seen other national apple shown, suys this is tho largest he ha. witnessed, nud voices the seuliuieiils of other Portland visilois when iie pruiMLs the innnngenient nud nltrao- lions, 0. C. Chapman, manager of the IWllnml Couiiuereial club, is witii tho doloiMtinu. A. I), ('bullion, n--.sistunt uenernl passenger agent .l tho Northern I'neifio ill l'nrllnml was iu personal charge of the tru Tho Portland men proceeded ini tiuuliuloly to tho Spokuue hotel, whore they were welcomed by R. (I. Iluyhos, ussixtuul secretary of the ehamher of coiumcroc, nud nlTiciuK of the uiiple show. Later they iit- nl lite Dig e.Misitiiiu. Honor Lunchoon Given. Two hundred nud fifty visitor, to tho npple show were entertained at luueheon iu tho ehaiuber of eoui niorco. These included (51) reme-eii- ltntie of the Portluml Couuneiei.il elub nud deleuutort nud growe- from prnctieallv every upplo distriet iu the unithwct. Provident C. M. l-'aell of th' ehambor of couunctco presided ami llowurd Klliolt, itresideut of the ap ple hhow and of tho Xorthorn Pa cific railwuy, was a gue.t of honor. "1 boliovc that the Nntionnl Ap ple show is doing a aionl work nud that Simkaue i to bo it pciiiiiinei.t home," he said. MaRe This Your Allowing us to fill the Meat Orders If it's the best moat you ever ate that you want, we have it. If you are one of our patrons, you know we have it. Wo know we have the best, and if you are not one of our patrons, now is the best time to learn that this is the phice to buy your moat. Your Thanks giving dinner will bo a success if wo make up your meat order. Thanksgiving Turkeys YOrXO, fat and very fine. Order your turkey early. Wo will bo well supplied, but the demand will bo groat. Ladies, if you will mention that you would prefer to hae your turkey drawn, our men will be pleased to draw them for ou and sa.vo ou thttt trouble. Best ThanRsg'iving' And Furnish the Groceries "We are well prepared to supply your groceries. Our stock of fancy and staple groceries is in the very best possible condition complete in every way no de mand can be too great wo will bo pleased to have you give us your orders and guarantee that you will be well pleased with everything you buy hero. Satisfaction All tho long list of spices, citron, nuts, pumpkins, candy, dates and othor fruits, in (act anything thttt voir ean possibly think of that will bo ro'uirod to use in making that Thanksgiving dinner. Come to the store and one of our men will be pleased to help von iu the selections, or, if you p refer call on the plume titul we will give vour order personal attention, WARNER, WORTMAN GX GORE GROCERY PHONE 236 MAIN AND NEAR NORTH BARTLETT MARKET PHONE 281 Downing tor c l $&$& URT? TOMS EWi N The petition of ,1. II naturiilixaiiuu paper. Klisn J. Lewis vs. CLnrgc K. Chaiuberlnin, motion to ftlu tiiipplo- .mental oomplnint douied. Rebeeea R. Moore vs. Oonrgo L. ChHiuhoiUiu; motion for further time to plnd u'tniuted. , (lwneo Dalev w. Hello Pnluy, di- mmco; on I rial. Jowph Miller vvs. .Iot.se nnd CIov Storm, coiifiruiattbu of snlo. All nint teii. submitted to ooyit ; taken under ailvUoiuent to 1)0 PM- ed iiiHiii during vacation. All inat l tet-fc huw i wilding in eoiut are con tinued until next soewimi. ltlfl aeivs in soetioii 8, town-hip ;i.'l, : west Kvn L. Allen to Ous Xow bur.v. same properly .... I). C. Pclton to A. W, Silsby, ISO neres iu seetiou !2-l, township 0, :i oasl. . , . . . Suie L. Allen to M. O. Lin inuer, lot t and 'J, Allen dale addition to Ashland. Ji Id Diek Marrianc License. Hmdlev to Mnud Murrav. Circuit Court. r Y. Allen . Kxa L. Allen, di vorce; continued to iVeeuibor leun. John Peuiuger - I. J. lluuoti. iHoliou lor coutinuuiiee denied mid lesiinmnv taken iu Miid chii. Mabel K'ell.N vs. Steulten Kelly, di vorce; decree by default. W. T. (Iriexo v. Liiuie A. Little I ii-ll ; mdi'l eoiil ii'inini; -ale nt real proiert. Real Estate. '.lewiiu K. Wmd to t Ii ! Oiiihii, lot .'; blook k.'l. All j tlition-Toft mldition to Medford II R Mender to M.M. Uvu. kit A, block II, Anderson Tuft additibu to Medford Andrew Mnlhunii to V. 0. , llnviiex. 20 acros iu 1. U C. 7:t. lownshiii S7, S i'l .... V Y A'lcu i.i Kxa L. Allen, 10 10 Married. In Medford, November 17, 1010, bv Row W. J-'. SltieliU, .J. Au-lnll Green and I-nbelle Mnllby. i" In ClrNiits Passv Koveuiber lo ir IUIU. bv Rex. Ruber! McUmi. Krunk MH.M0010 and Amin L. McCnrthy. NW PLACE for new peoj)lo, at the new town and fruit tracts at $.10.00 to $100.00 per aero, at Three Pines, which is the shipping point on tho Southern Pacific railroad in tho lower end of tho ftogno KMver valley, for 700, 000,000 foot of lumber. A lumber flume 1 miles long is now completed and ti planing plant in operation. See 1IOWLAX1) for prices and terms on the fruit tracts, or Van Dyke Realty Co. xoom ti 123 Mai in 8 1 Townsend Coming West. WASHINGTON'. I). C., Nv. 10. - PnllowHwc n ten-dav eonferettce witb Attoniiv-Gitieml WickcrttliNw ami Searetnry UnllMiuer. T. It. TuxvntMnd, siHkeiHl HAsiritmit ifri c mh-i.i who brt been n-itfiicil to prn.eviil 11.000 lliiisc nneilllv liuln-lfil .it Tlicm. and Seaille lor .iIU'.-imI I , , i . I ii.tmi in connection with the ai'MiiUitimi of comI IhiuU in AIttsk, U eu mule ti tlt xvefct today. Provwms to kit. deiwrtutv from WaitliiiiKtun .t!lerlv Towniad diiiCUMd the titiin of pnccnlHir i'.l tin- li i :n-r ot li.iiidlmg '.! i;,i -e.-uuient' ce win. dedtle.J iikn. .1 -kin'- for health. Printer Is Dynamiter. ANNJXTON, Ala.. Nov. U) . warmitl for the nrrout of J. p. Adair, lirnter, wh iueil WUiy fullw w the dyuwuiiiuK of the ooHii,. r' "r he Annistuii Itla-t, tt d:iv imiwr. Tho room mid jjs Huipw .i er. .struw. Adair ree-uiK- un discharged frin the UUt. '1 V