Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1910, THANKSGIVING EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 11

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i tJ .'A
Ladies of Greater Medfortl Club Arc
to Bo Conrjratulated on Showing
They Have Made In First Art Ex
hibit Ever Held In Medford.
Saturday closed tho irrt oxhlliit
nf lliu Nitlntoruiin. The women of
Iho Orentei Medford club tiro lo no
'corjn.ttiilntetl-on Iho yitceebsful re
Mill of tlio first nrt exhibit jjivon ii.
iiiiiiiirii. it was very ui!ttil,vin to
liou (Jip interest manifested lty lite
Hillili'dn if this various s;ellool.s. This
i'.vllihil will lie mi incniilivi. in ll..
'oiiltivnlion of nil anions the youths
br .Medford.
Y 1? I . . . ... . I . ...
e nave arrived ai n point in our
educational system where tire is re-
iriiyden ns an exsention as well as an
iicromplishtnont. Art means ino.--
Ilian looking at pictures for the
hnliisciiiciil of-the moment. Histon.
cuurncicr nnu strengtn ol a nation is
written in its art. The art of an-
eioui. ifi-cceo nnu Komc was souie-
whhl idealistic, with this point of
difference, in that Oreeee, being Iho
younger and more primitive- race,
was sjill unmnrred by' the suerl'i-
1'ial. Worshippers of henuly, they
idealized Iho physienl, hnrt we find
strength, suppleness in every
liii(' of the human body.
' Later, in (he timu of Miehnel An
gelo and Haphacl, (he civilized world
uak intensely Clmstiiur, snints, an
gels and Madonna monopolized nrl
music, arehitectnre and literature.
The church dominated the mind and
ambilipn of all Hurope. The fieltl.
Hid' forest and (ho brook, Did mead
ows jewelled Willi violets, the sheep
feiiding upon Ihe distant hills, Ihe
peasant and Ins humble cot wore
lieyW 'ii pari of The great Angelos
'dic'iitus. The simple things of lift
were yet unthought of. The myth
hn(l fancy of Iho unknown were the
Vlu'lflhal poeiv.' dreams wore made
of so in this period of unrenlitio:
wo read (he development and spiri;
of the, times.
The lilli century was the begin
ning of the. Hutch and Flemish
fcciiooli which in Ihe 17th contun
well nigh reached- porfeel ion in tin
person nf Itombrandl, who chose his
J-ubjeets from the lowly life of Hol
land. As a' portrait painted Kem
hrandt never had an equal. Ho
absolute mastor of light and shade
His portraits of the rough pciisun!
face through which the very soul
iiijil' thoiiglit of Ihe subject stood oul
in bold relief, are masterpieces thai
modern nil has bill feeblv imitated.
Hatubrandl wrts Iho one man who
could have painted Iho strong,
rough-fenture,s, bill kindly face of
oiir great Lincoln.
As to tlio art of the past decade,
jl is Millet, the French peasant, who
has given to the world Ihe grace and
M)t'(r.-of lowly life. In his Angelus,
'can almost hear the tone of the
that picture of reverential pause, we
parish bells limiting out across the
Court has given ns the landscape
wood filled with an atmosphere tlu.l
is not even lost in. tliu copy. Oip
American painters, likek our Amen
can musicians, aro today breaking
away from the canons of tlio old
Schools of Hurope, and rightly, too
Thvse fields have been gleaned
and at best we could bo but rinit.i
I ors. It is ever true that art follow -Hoso
upon the heels of a materia,
had commercial ago.
' Medford has oaot '''" gi'alelil
li (bo women of the Greater Mrtlfon.
club i'or each and every effort made
for Ihe impiovomeut and beautify
tug of our city. This gratitude i
agaiu fervently renewed for the re
lining and enduring influence of tin
jut exhibit. Long live the Oreatoi
.Medford club I K. M. A.
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SPOKANE. Nov. 10. Every stoic
office and business building and
dwelling at Metnlino Falls, a new
lown in" Stevens county, Wash., 100
inilo$ north of Spokane, will be
vmujereil with cement block, the pro
duct of a .1,000,000 plant under
construction there,.' The sidewalks
and curbing also will be cement. Tly
factory ,Vhich covers 'Mi aeix's, will
)io in operation next February. Ai
electric plant, costing $350,000, de
signed to generate 10,000 Iioi-m-jxiwor,
is Hearing completion. The
lumber yards have been opened and
with all kinds of innterials on hand
(hero i "'! huilding aotivily. L.
1. Laion of SMkaiie. owner of tin-tQiviu-ito,
was formerly a miner ii,
Colnmdo and nolheni Idaho.. 1P
discovered vast deposits of material
for (he muwufaeturo of cement nn.l
lime ou a Iwavib' (imbored mouutiiin
ri yuir ngo and wip shceossful in
inloitfstiug Pittslmix and Chicago
,.,.,.tt,iii..L. who aro invudtinjc ihou-
satidt of dollarK in asstiitiigf in
veloiiK the district Iribularv lo the
now lown, which has rail and water
You Are Invited to Visit this Store Before
i-' I i ' v t , ; t ' ' M
Style-Craft is the "American Beauty" in the Garden of Styles!
Inrported. Mpdes-Yes but the "STYLE CRAM1" Ijflprpys on thp Importation!
Authoritative Autppi Apprel
i'Style Craft" Cloaks and Suits
A banquet of.' bewildering beaut ies awaits your inspee
tion. .We are featuring this Fall commendable ereaf Ions'
I'rom uStyle-()ral,t' master designers.
This is an unusual exhibit. It is. a t'aseinating pano
rania ol' brilliant, seasonable merchandise to' inspect, and
admire itll the favored fabrics all the notable nolveties
all the original conceits of I)ame Fashion are to fee, seen
in 'our popular and busy Ladies' and Misses Garment De
part incuts. ' .
Rome of the suit offerings arc
beautiful braide.d broadcloth
suits also handsome tweeds in,-,
brown, grey and green riux
tutes; many smart touches.
All garments lined with a
guaranteed lining.. Skirts full,
or modified hobble. Must; be
seen to be appreciated.' ,,-
'Style Craft" Coafs and Capes
Uefe is truly stylo and skill-supremacy; spread before
'you in bountiful numbers in refined effects in pleasing
5t'Colne in and acquaint ypursoli? with the charm oC
"Style-Cral't" fitthe harinohy H tri)u'ming the 'jfinjiy
tlioVightful niceties, all so conscientiously, cleverly finishM
tliat have heh)ed to make Stylc-Jraft" such a hauselioTd
On the inside tailoring" depends the' pcritinucTnco of fit
liul WeaV. This fiei is sjfcrongly iii evidence wl6ri'yoU ip
l'M'ui voiu'self on u Style-Graft" garments.
sf!."lB y
Coats up to $,45
Suits $15.00 to $6S. jo
1 St;
Furs $1.98 and along
up: to $97.SO
'mk '' $& ' V'l
in most every conccivjible ma
terial and color are here for
your choosing all now, spick
and span, the new hobble, the
in o d i f i (mT hobble or
s t r'a i g h t "plaited effect.
Choose to your liking. Most
reasonably prid. f
r r .
iimsm&nxiSLWPSL :--vi . . .
fifi- . rs.-iV-
V ?? p
tf '.
, IJrotjiy sti'eet
serge at
$15.9g, $18.50, 9.50 AND UP
Pretty )arty dresses in chif
fon, marquisette and messa
- lino at ' ' ' - . '
$18.95, $25.00, $2;50 AND UP -
Millinery Styles
To Please All Fancies
You have but to slop here for a moment in order to
prove fo your entire satisfaction that this is the place to
buv vour hat.' Anv shape that vou mav wish anv price
that you can name and vejuake up to order any style that
vou can mention. If vou are in the market for fine mil-
liuery you cerliiinly will accept our invjtation to visit thjs
,( .
section soon and sec flic iiianv beautiful stvlcs on display.
MTlC. ill-
4fl Iffl mm
fflXIrl I 1111
ii '-t "vU vm .. m
m stimk i
.f II s5r' v tw
u - a
- si vi m
-I t i
' - M
JL 1 B82
New Bags
New Belts
New Waists
New Skirts
St. Mark's Building
West Maiqi Street
SANTA BAUHARA. Cpl.. Xov. 19.
Ciovernor-elei't Htram JuIiukoh ar
il vod horo wirly todny ti atiend tlio
"InsnrBPnt" ro'pulilican rdnfnrcnca In
sesslnn here. Tlio solvation or a prob
able auecessgr to Uiiltud Rtaton Son
alor Flint Is reporlod to 1m a fft'r
from inttdo as wlion tlio leglnlaulra
arrived horo Thursday.
Jnhnton'H position is anxloiiily
awaltod liy tho confrerew. Tha gor-oiiiur-eltict
In generally believed to
favor Jtilgo John Workit of Loii Aa
iem for tho sttntttorhlp. It In mw
rnmorod that In cns. of a dluieroc
mont ho may swInK bis support to
Mytr LIssner, chairman of tho
publican state central committee,
rumor that Governor Olllett will
put forward by tho "regularB"
caho of a failure to asree by tho
Hiii'Koiita" is not credited, hero.
Tho republicans aro of tho opinion
that tho insurgents will have com
plote control of the upper houua of
tho loglulaturo.
OUTIIIUK. Okla , Xov. 19. A call
Notwithstanding' ' viii mw uuima
tholr Rpimrunt stronKfh. rumors of a " "' "l" uuouwuii
the "roBiiIarii" In I ,,lIu.u , 'T ' , . . . V
I win ueKni hi uiiiiuiu iMuvvinuur .n
coinprouilso will)
the senatorial fight
aro current.
Arrango to attend the Eugene Bct
Inesa College, nnd let us get yoo 4'
good posltlou when you imdtiate. Bi
ter now. Send for oar mr )
loguo, 11)4 West 8Tenth street.
Hu-hui's fur Iioallh.
Tho governor de(lluul to say for
what purpose tho Ktnudon was called,
t It was undorstood that a bill pro
viding for the removal of tho state
capiUl to Oklahoma Oity will bo In
troduced. Tliu bill wll prkVido for
a special election to b'o hold Instead
of tlio one declarud by tho iitnte kii
prcme court to bo Illegal through a
le -hniiulity, by which Oklahoma City,
was cbokon as tho pernmiout capital.
DAYTON, Wash.. Nov. 19.--More
than six lnclie of snow has fallen
here since lust night ami. although
.t Is the first sign of winter this year,
fow storms havo boon so severe save
In tho very middle of the cold season.
Farm work Is practically conjploto
and the orchurd owners aro hurrying
together the last of tho tipple urop
with extra help todny. Old settlers
predict severe winter.
Am lo that nsotl nrtioln you want to
soil: make tho prlco nttnu'liva and
make Iho ml tunlicil. That's nil!
May Contest Election.
UOIHK, Iilulio, Nov. II). At r
luiblicitu state uciukimtrturs today it
was (Icl'initi'l.v aiinoum'ud that no
action will bu taken toward contest
ing the legality of, tho lVtnniH in
Custer and Fremont counties, where
tin action of the democrat. in pine
iuj; lite slogan "6t the people rule"
011 tlio ballot, as questioned.
Party lenders, chagrined by tho
victory of (Joveruor-Klcet Ilawlev,
wero delermiucil lo bcuiu a conlesl,
bill they were frowned down by Uov
urnor Krmly. who wiik defeated for
a homXfqr you.
I will sell you it lol in' Iho liet
lohideiico pail of Iho oily nnd build
you u house according to your own
lilntiH and s)c"('lfietuions. I'as.v
leims. A. F. WKNRTT,
Jtickou t'o. Iinnk bldtr. 207
CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Johnny fiv
ers, second baseman ot tho Chicago
Oiihs, announced today that ho'hiul
accepted tho terms of tho Uultcd
States naval academy at Auuapolie to
couchXtho navy baseball loam. Bvoi
said ito Svould take ilw'job whether
Frank Chanco ngrees to, It or not.
Kvera has a letter from Chance,
written nfter tho annouucemHiit of
tho navy offer, saying that Wvors
would bo oxpectoi to report to Cklcn
go for spring practUo, yr altjnod
tho navy contract bofom voplyl to
Chnnco'o utlsBlvo, Thok Informod
Chanco what ho had douq by vftro.