MEDFORD MAIL Tin P USE. MJ3DFQRT). OWSHOK. WEDN13.STMT, NOYRMJilOU J.6, JJJJJ). . . APPLE MARKET IS STILL UNSETTLED The Northwestern Fruit exchange- l ill n leconl hiillitiu snys: Apples. Early in thc'peason, wjien the speculative, detunnd for cold s'lornge apples, is always the strong est, wo had it heavy demand from all districts, and sent many letters and telegrnjus to various associa tions' in tho" northwest, urging them tjicui to jiume definite specifications under which wc might effect snlcs It is a fact that very lew ot tlie associations were in a position to lalic advantage 'of this demand, for tlie simple reason that they lacked control of the fruit grown hy their members, and seemed quite nimble lo mnko dependable estimates of '. . . . 't ., , , ... i ' yuu me twouiti evcniiiuuy snip, consequently a great deal of this demand wns lost, and there is an axiom in the fruit business that "de innnd which is once lost can never lie regained". We take occasion t.i call particular attention to (his con dition because il is vilalto the wel fare of the whole industry. It is easily seen that where an associa tion is so loosely organized as to do unable to offer its fruit in large bjneks under dofinito specifications tlie only alternative is to market each car seperuj'cly at the time it moves. It also results in the shipment of. .i great number of mixed cars contain ing more, of less fruit unsuitable for cold storage, and therefore very un attractive to the very best c'jnss bf trade. Wo wish to go, on record in tjie stutcmcut that wo cannot con ceive of anything which offers a more dangerous handicap to tlie suc cess of any district than the condi tions wo jiave cited, flio great cry ing need is organization of the groV crs at local shipping points on n sound up-to-dnto business basis with an' intelligent knowledge- of supply npd demand, the requirements of the ninrkel, and of Bio inevitable law of and effect. It dpos no good for growers to ignore- these condi tions mid then complnin later on, when through their own neglect mar ket conditions result in low prices and iiusatisfnelory sales. The market continues unsettled, weak and very difficult. T)ie demand is almosr negligible. MinViet centers jp all parts of the country report an over-supply and much of the slock is rhjo, and this adds to the complications. , , ,., .. w . ., dm MtiUFOJti) MARKETS. (Prices paid by-Medford merchants.) Potatoos ?l.i(Sfl.2rvper cwt. Cabtafo 2c. Squash 8Gc$1.00. Tomatoes lV6c. . Parsnips, l&c. Carrotc 1 2 c. ' v Ueols l'&c. Onions l'fcc. Pumpkins 8 1 2 Vi c Apples 2c. jPoars l'i2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. CjjJery-OOc a dozon. Iluttcr, Kggs untl Poultry. (Prices paid by Mcdford norcbants.) lluUur Fresh ranch, 32 &c; creamery, 37 Vic. Ebbs Freeh rauch, 40c. Poultry Mixed, 10 14c; spring chickens, 14QlCc; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $14; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Uraln Wheat, $1.1G bushel; oats, $36 ton; oarley, $32 ton. Deef Cows, 44Vic; 3teots, C1 C'jc. Pork 8 8 lie " Mutton G05c; iambs, Cc. Veal Dressed", 9c. (Selling prices.) v Rolled barley, I1.7G cwt, $32 ton; bran, J1.7C; middlings, $1.86 0 1.90; Not Jwry Ftf Ilunder. . "If myrfrteiids hrfaWt blundered iu thinking I ,wns a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alivo now." vritcs D. T. Sanders of flaf risburgfc Ky., "but for years they saw bvery attempt to cure n lung-racking cough fdi. At Inst I tried Dr. King's Now piscovery. The effect wns won derful. It soon stopped the cough dnd i qm now in better health than I have had for years. This wonder ful life-saver is an unrivaled remedy for cougjis,, colds, Ingrippc, nsfhmn. croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or wealY'Yungs. 50c, $1.00. Trin) botHc 'j,rebv" Guaranteed by Clins. Stran?. " mi' If you are worth more you can er.rn moro. Tell what you can do what tfoli Can do well in a classified nd. t 5t L01T, LOST Gold Wnlthnm face watch. .silver mednl fob fastened with leather strip ; lost on end Khsl Main street. Finder plenso return (b Mail Tribune office and ifcecho reward. 204 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating and bathing resort, lVa BQuhre miles body of water, ',on railroad, Vithin 12 miles of Bed ford. Address Box 201, caro Wat) Tribune. ' ft t'OIt LEASE Fully equipped placer hilno. Call, on Aldenhrvgen, Rogue Rlvor Electric Co., 210 West Mnln. tf .F0ltSALE Of! BENT. UHnoss roportft FOR SALE OR REN? Good opeii- ing for general merchandise sfoc in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 milcS fr6m Mcdford. Gold Ray Realty Q4 , 200 W MniH. . 3 tf. ' FOR SALE. ' FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ..i i . . i Real Kutatc, V fc. Saves an owa Man's Life. The very grave seemed lo yawn beforo Robert Mndsen of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in tlie hospital, four of the best physicians gavo him up. Then war shown the marvelous nurative power of Electric Hitters. For, after cikiu moiiius ol iriguuui guiicring from liver, trouble and vellow jaun dice, getting no help from other rem edies or doctors, live botjics of this matchless medioino completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for stomach, livelo'r kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c at Chus. Stranc's. , , in FOR EXCHANGE. j FOR EXCHANGE For Los Angeles j property, one of the finest sihrtll i orchards bribe Rogue River vnllcv; price )jil2,r)0i):paid lasl year$:i000l net; an idt'al home. Address "Lewis," care Mail Tribune lf fin. 221) FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford and suburban property, ranches, timbb'r lands, for other properly. Address Box 100. enre Mail Tribune. ' tf ; FOR EXCHANGE Two finely bred young rouu leiwus ol cuiia, unv 2 black geldings, one 2 bay mare, llfiO to 12u0 pounds weight', for work teams not under 1(100 pounds weight, horn 8 to 12 years old. Call or address ,401 Riversido ftVe. ."south. F. OaspHhrncco. tf for for best u I best Marriage Licenses. J. Jensen niul Annie Fidler, No vember 14, 3 01 0. ' AN OLD-TIME PRESCRIPTION i . In a modern prodact. From time Imme morial nge and sulphur bavo been used for the hair nud scalp. Almost every, ono known of thu value of such, a com bination for darkenlug the hair and mak Jng It grotf. In olden times the only way to get a hair tonic of tills sort was to brew It in the home fire)Kacc, a dtetbod which was troublesome and not alWrtjs Satisfactory. Nowadays almost eyery up-to-date druggist' can supply Ills' patrons with a ready to use product, skillfully Compounded In perfectly equipped labora tories. Such a preparation is Wjeth's ! 3a ire and Sulphur, which 4s sold by all fading drutfgists for fJQc. and $1.00 a bottle, or which U sent direct hy tlio Vyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortlandt St, New STork pity, upon receipt of prlc For sale and recommended by Leon D. Hakns. REAL ESTATE. Opportunities M00R-EHNI CO.. 21i2 Fruitgrowers Rank Illdg. Pbouo Malan 101. FRUit LANDS. 20 acres, under ditch, 17 acres planted, 10 bearing, bcoiiIc building site; $12,500. 8i acres, 3 bearing, 10 planted, - ir" balance in wheat, good buildings; 13,000. 3D acres, freo soil, no waste, 24 planted to apples, pears and peaches, Good buildings, tools, etc.; 19000. 7 acros, ratio from Mcdford, nil hearing fruit, gn'od buildings, windmill, tank, topis,' -etc., a good buy; J7000. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Acreage. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 mires, live miles front R. R., creek throtigll nlnce. 15 u iiuilor ditch, some fruit1. 4 n. cleared, 11-4 mile tn sulpxtl, gooj), Inud. Vil take some towii bts'. Apply O. V. Cliolirrcn. MedfoMf '201) 1 r. r-rr Mlsrullniicous. FOR SALE OR TRADE lib" Aiu gora goats to trade for stock (ini tio, II line Angora bucks cni'np; 1 black nuii'c, Weight 1400; m'y run ning pony Midgil ; 1 pairv vo)f hounds it mo. old; l 112-20 Winelies'i ter rifle to trade for good shotgnd Will buy, sell or trade. Ch.Vs. pil christ. Sams Valley, Ore. ' '2ll8 FOR REN1. Furnlfclicd Rooms. 1 FOIt KENT Sunny furnished rooms, one block from posoffice; board if desired. 208 N. Oeiftrnl ave.. corner oth st. 300 FOR RENT Nicely fiirnisjied rooms; can board next door. Ap ply 34.r) Nbitb Hnllctt. KOll llISNT-'-P'irnlBhcd board. No. 0 North street, noxt to Farmers and growers' bank. tf rooms and Grapo Fruit- "tf FOR RENT At the' Cottage, piem an t, furnished rooms, with hot and cold running water; baths,' Inre sunny porches. liOl W. 10th St. or 124 King St. tf. FOR RENT Furnished front room, cIobo in. Inquire 2ll) South Central avenue'i Call after .") p. m. or phone 2i:i:i. tf FQR RENT Nicely J'urnishod front room, 2011 Cottage st. 207 FOR RENT Iirge furnished room in block; fireplace. Gregory Studio. FOR RENT Fui nished rooms ut 44 S. Grnnu st. ' 208. Jloitsckccplng Jtooms. MEDFORD CITY. bungalow, T( Tlt.ADK (U VCIIANGK. Tho furnlturo of a 42-room hotel In Coeur d'Alone, Idaho. Ono of tjie very best cities of tho northwest, of l.i0,Q0 people, two railroads and In terurban llpes, and two pew rail roads building "in! Steamboats ply ing rivers and lnkes. For furnlturo of a hotel or rooming House In Med ford, or would Jrade for a flro In suranco business or Interest in ono and a homo In Mcdford. This place of ours In Coeur d'Aleue is A No. 1, - makes 40 per cent on the Invest ment. Furnlturo and bulldlug now and modern. Our object In wanting to trade Is to get furthor south. There Is no better city In the northwest, or i acre tracts; $400 per aero. ' coast cities oven, where there are so QQm h ,ot 11Cxm jinny opportunities to make money J - as In .Coour d'Alene, Idaho. Immense fruit and berries, ou now boulevard, forests, lakes and rivers and valleys' ci080 n; 500. all around coeur d'Alene. Four big lumber mills, each sawing 300,000 Tf( lHSUll2llC6 a day here. , "Address. S. B. GRAHAM, care Elite,!-- A 1 tfrtAVvlmo Hoiol, Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. 107 f 11 . I OilipIlICb C-room now modern good location, paved street; ?38G0. 7-rootn new modern bungalow ou paved etreet, 4 blocks from Wash ington school; $32G0, Look at C-room modern bungajow, northwest corner Park avonue and Dakota, and make an offer, Big list of business and residence it. lots and houses that you should Joolc at beforo buying. ASHLAND CITY. Flpo homo place, 7-room house, furnished, 1V4 acres bearing fruit, close to business section; $0200. 45 acres alfalfa and fruit land, within city limits, new house, barn, etc., right for subdividing In one- FOR KENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms, modern; no ohildr'd'n. 327 S. Onkdalo. " 204 FOR RENT -Housekeeping rooms ut r22 S.'lvy st . 207 Farms, FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfulfn laud, fruit ranches, garden lands, ' general farming randies. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 2111 West Main. tf lluxlues. Kooma FOR SALK Los Jlolinos Irngnted ' Lands, Tehnma county, CalfiforAin. Whut do you think of this rfcj? ord? At tho California stau fair held in September of this' yeni" ut SnOrninonto, Tehama countyjexhib its took tho following prizes; Tho first grand prize for boat county display. , Tho first grand prize orchard exhibit'. , Tho first grand prize farm exhibit. 8 And 111 medals and premiums in ensh amounting to- !?07bf05' Three first gnind prizes in cqiii potitiop wjlli every cminty'in Oiili fovnia. Isn't lliatJg'n,rtgr,ine7'' Secure, a 20 acre tract .of (his rich laud, VrhiHi with the abttnifaiit water" supply, will make you indn pendent. It is impossible lo find a, region whero, tho, returns nre nionl .gener ous. These" lands, including' n ddbfl ed porpofunl wnlor right, Sclfut .-Fino to .$200 iW here, mVo-flfth down nnd , bnlunco in fonr e'(i'.tl nununl iiaymonls.' Call n'llio ''nfA fico and lot mo explain the projbel in dot nil. ' i""' 4 " '-FR'AW'O'. AND.HKWS, -210 0 So. Fir st.. Med ford. Ore. nalwftftMnwwMipy; 1'tiniiH. FORSALE- " . Z - i. funding Ian -Jlow.'A liis? .,120ihircs dYcun be cut into thfoo goefd rniudies, good btiildingSf grtbd soil, 30 neres nrchurd', $25 rpor acre. Box. J 80, Central Point, 'Or. FOR SALEr-r Forlilo fnlit and fcli'iitfn farjns forVrfle, orchards, clC;lso houses and lots iu the newlyni'rtr no'rnted city f Taleul, OK; wiifi'rs mild, clinmte healthy; jluclhsc slninps. L.N. Judd, Talent, Qr.'gSfl FOR SALF-rrOno of tho best pnj'i'bg j 'busiiiDsff'prnpomtioiifl iu toWu; clonring ?50y per mouth. Address Box 80, ' caro Mail Trllftina ofiico. ;i0'i. , jj j lluslni'iis Property. FOR SALE-r-Chtiico businesS'prop orty at a linrgain, on long, tiiilo; easy lern'is. "'AddroM'CoiiilhrJ' Wa ter Piwof Cl.i t, Jlti ouses.' in soutii nini ciiHt lroui, .iiti'icui imt on pnvpl s'ti'eot, by l"t 1'Jot ij.', nicely improved' grounds; o'- FOR SAHE--Largo modern . liouAo with soutii and cust front, 11!1 4'det front lou orything strictly nlodiJiii; reason for selling, Indy of Jiouse needs' a chnuge of clim'ute; this phtijo is snitublo for JiU'e' homo ovfirst chlss rooming hbiisoV easy terms to right party. ' .ce tlio Jackson CbunlysReatiy 1., 004 WJsl Teillh nt. , -- FOR SALE1 am offering to the biiyeV n limited number bf lots, 1 Wd 5 acre tracts, a )argov horpo and fntm truok. AdesS P. O. Box G47 or 008 Newtown st. 207. FOR SALE First class baled hay, 'extra liorr.o hay, timothy, red top nTid clover mixed, Finst crop. For particiilars address N. D. Chase, Henley. Cal. 210 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cement SWewnlks. ..; ,n it,,..!, r . n .i i CEMEN7 SIDEViTALUS, uridkmnson, stbii6 mnsoii', pliUteririk and nil kin'ds of "stuc!ed vttirt. Biport work ihnnkfiip at' ronsdrinbl chnrgos by tho day or contract. Address Ma sons, fill E. Mnin st.. Mcdford. Or. Printers nnd Publishers. FOR SALE OR EXCIIANaE Fivo passeligor 4-bylfndor touring nUtb rnobile. Address Box 200, onro Mnil Tribune office. tf MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equippAl job office in Sotttli era Oregon; Portland prices. 3" South' Cintrul avetmb. Illlllartl Parlors. BUXINEJtS glBECTOKY. I Architect. JOHNS ft TURNBR, Arktietli i Bnilddrs. Cffiofl 7-8. 35 Mimb. Porio Main 341, RwitUtiM ptou JIQ l'liyskliiiiH Untl l t 34 FOB SALE -Thanksgiving turkeys delivered to you at your home. Ad dress or cnll mi II. C. Messenger, Agsile, Oregon. ' 'J 10 FOB SALE Imported birds, big re duction; $7 birds now $5; .jf.'i birds now ft!. 1)10 S. Central aye. 21 j FOlTSALE A ftAml inilch cow, cheap. Potter & Goold, Modford, Or. ' if FOB SALE Good work team, 1200 lbs. W. G. ant-lion. R. F. IV 1, Ash lilnd Vond. '2i)" c'dR SAtE fiO tons com. Impiire Dr. R. C. ClnnoV. Mcdford. FOB SALE Cottonwood $2.ti() per tier. Phono Main 84. 210 FOR SALE-Corn, $1 bushel. ) nuire Vilas ranch, Mcdford. 2l)') HELP WANTED. Help Wuntcri Male. WANTED -On Crnlor Lake high way tcams'fers, muoker'ft nnd rock mer. Apply at cunip, 20 miles up Roguo river, 35 miles cnst nt Met ford. 217 WANTED Salesmen In every looril ily of t)io northwest; money al vapced Weekly; innny mako o'er $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., To). poiiish. Waiih Help Wiinli'il F-nmlo. S. T. BROWN & CO.-Billiardn, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nvio, cool plnco to spond 'tho hot nftao-noons. Nunferle. QUAKER' NURSERIES-Our trees nrd budded, not grViftcd. Our 8(o(ik is irtit irrigated.' Wo gunrantco ev erything put otif. Wo nre not In tho trust. II. B. Pattorsdn, brficc romovod to 110 B Main st. ROGUE RIVfilt VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. GVowora f mill grndo httrilory filock. Office 2fl W. Mnln. Tc). 1201'. '' 5000 YELLOW NTBWTOWN npplc trees tot sa)'e, also oilier varieties of frees, by Wnnor Creek ftursory & Orchnni Co., Booson & Lcstor, Talent'. Or. Tin Shop. J. A. Smith Tin shop. "Jin nnd shoot iron wnro on hand and made Jo Arder. 128 Norlh G st, Cigars nnd Tobacco. WANTED- Two gentlemen roomei's; good board Close by. Ill" 2d st. ionn, ruuuo fliniu i r. -in i WANTKD Girl for" BAioral IioiTbo- work; wanes $t por tlay. Call 'at IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouso pualors in tobacco, cigars nnd smnrokV supplies. Kxclnsivo ngouts of Lewis Blnglo Binder. El Moritt and El Pnlencia. 212 West Ma'in street. Unions. 216 W. Main st. WANTEP-Appivntico girl, ory Studio. tf Greg- 'if HlluuUons Wanted. ( " ! f WANTI3D Janitor work of all kinds, tiy hour, day or contract; competent and reliable. Frahk Moroy, 002 Almond st. Phono Mnln C0D1. 201' WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mc- RWnAlds. Cnll nt 32!) N. Riversido ..- ..l r;. . oo ' ' or ijiiiiiiu iuuiii .-, ' nve., WANTED- Collecting to hours b'v voilng num. f Mall Tribune. , - WANTc-B do "spniti II. D., cird 205 MICtillHMOOHH. WANTED-rA horse, weight 1000 to 1200' pounds; must 'hov llionibgl'ily birike to all kinds of farm woi'k; nericotl.v gentle, not afraid of Hilton; Hiife for woipan lo drive. and sound. Call 1 1 Main si. 20) FOR SALE An urtistio bungalow, 0 rooms nnd bath, complcto with slmdcs, and screens, reduced- from $1200 to $3800; seats, bookcases, buffet, two firopacos, buiun' cnil iug, etc1.; well built. Chtts. ' 1). Colby. Dill W. 10th st. , If FOR SALE- -Choico rcsidijcuh1"'!' i1v, gootl ."t-rooni hoiiho, oi'ilcr Jot, fine locution, city water, lights, oW, price ..'i()0. Box 180, Point. Or. 207 FOR SALE fi-room modern bunga low, furnished complete at $3,000; $1,200 hnndlos this, Address Bov 70, care Mail TrilHiuo office. fJOl. FOR RENT 2 largo coiiiiccting front rooms, upstairs; line for of fices or dressmakings pallors, cen ter of town; $2.' mo. Phone 20SM. 20(1 FOR RENT Business room on W. Muiust., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiuiu room or other business, steam beet. Gold Buy Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms iu Elec tric building, modern equipment, sleum heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Rnv RenUv Co.. 21f! W! TMnln st. If FOR RENT Offlco over poslolllce. non A, At Uavis. Houses. FOR RENT Young (staple who enn furnish icTorcucei to sha'ie u mod ern, five-room 'cottage, nicely fur nihhed, close in. Address It. ) care Mlill" Tribune of fico. 20(1 FOB RENT Only hotel in rnilroud town of 1000 inhabitants; Rogue River valloy. Box 300, caVo of Mail Tribune. If. MiftcelUncou. WANTED. i AUTOMOBILES Teams to contract for hauling Quick Service. Easy RiiUif. lumber roro mill to railroad, l fc-. Pricw BUt. miles. pinnv ATTTH I.TVPUV CRATER LAKR LUMBER CO. ... ..... Apply Edgar Hafer. Bedford, Or. PHONtl MAIN 314L 1 FOR BENT Bar lithe in. 125 N. I lollv st. 207 FOR RENT--Barn. Imiuire at No. 72!) W. 1.1th sit 205 FOR SALE OR RENT. JS IfOMkCS. FOR SALE -Ndwrsix room bungalow cottage, nil nirtdoni, close in, 3500. Closv'in. Addi'esb,,box (10 f, oil, v. 200 -JL r V Txtts. FOR SALE ram offering to the buyer a limited lumber of lotH, 1 nud fi ncro tracts ftt-oxtrcmcly low prices. Tho above properties cany prefencd titb'. Addiess P. O. Box 047 or 1)08 Newtown st. 207 FOR SALE Lot .'0x220, ." mom house, for .illfid. No; 822 nvoj. John A. Hcinlcrsoii. 'ill Acreage. FOR SALE A biilip. Ono acie level ground, 32 yoiuig'applo trees, choice slruwberriei, all kinds small fruit, city wit lor, II room plastered btiuiu low, host gardeif spot iu Ashland. Cull or nddresrfR. Boiihe, 100 Caif. st.. Ahhland. Ou'. 2'j(l FOR SALE- r, 'and KLncro tnu-( just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on .r aiiiiliul pay ments, Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE- 8 nores, bearing orch ard, 1 mile from Mndford. This' is a bargain; small house nud biirn; finost fruit laud iu county, $35f)0. White & Trrtbridcc. ' tr WANTEf) Modfpn fi-'room liungii )ow ou or near paved shed, ut u priiM ol' froib $2000 to $2.riOI); slate locution and luuns. Address T, Mail-Tribune office. 203 WANTED To'hire ten acres nil plowed, adjoining town. English & Triechler. 100(1 S. Onkdalo av. 2011 ..,.. I HI - Il'1'1 ' WANTED- Boarders and lodged. 700 Soutii Onkdalo, or address V. II. Morcland. 201 WANTED One or (wo dor.en Rhode Island red pullets of year old hoiu, thoroughbreds. P. O, Box 88, Aled- . frd. Tel. Mt. 322. WANTED -To hlro honvy tcntn?(tr month or two. Addiess 707 West Main. tf CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 184p Moots ut 'Stalth'fl bait, 128 North Grnpo s'lroot', ovorj1 Thurs dnV evening pro)npt)y at 8 o'clock. aii journeymen carpentors, as wo) as local triemficrs, iiVgoif fo he prs. out. Businoss of vital Interest to nil onrpontors transacted at those. meetings. J. J. Sonl. business agt M ,- Aftonicy. WITIIINOTON S; KELLY -Lawyers, l'hlm building. A VJ. RrJAMES Lalwyor, Garnett 'Coro.v bldg. t JVIRTIJR '"JNKl'I', W&I. P."m7 Ll;V--A(tornoyfl-nt-uw. No. 0'D sli'mit. grouuil Moor. COLVG iV RIOAMES-W. M. Col Vlg, C. I.. Reoriios. Lriwyers. Of fice Modford NnltonnTB'ttuk' build- nig, Hccond floor. Notary Public, Ji NOTARY PUBLIC-Rocm 2V"7. I'liippH lildcr. , NOTARY PUBLIC Mall 'Tribune tut ii-ti. 1 ' -JrniiHo Works. WANTED -Team about 12.rtO. Ad dress or phone A. J. Branch, Cen tral Point. 210 WANTED Hoi-huh to feed for win tor. Addiuss M. M. Welch, Wat kins. Or, 23(1 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Field er, nddress 231 W. Cth st. 20C WANTED -To rent large hay barn, close in. Applv 707 W. Main, jf BUSINESS piRECTOPV Niirsn-y I'tmliu s ' THE OREGON Nl'RSERY prodiicl aio all onc-vcar bud on 3-yeiir roolx; rcpicneiitutive officii now iu Medfoid; can supply apple, pear nud walnut ticcs on short notice; all guurniifued iu evefy respect; ranch ers, write us of your needs; will be ulad til (mote Von prices". Notice. NOTICE- After November 1-t mv oliiue will bo iu rooms 211tnd 212 aruott Coiey bldg., phono 2071; residence 113 Laurel st., pluuic 2002. R. W. Stearns. M. ' if QOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 21(1 W. Main st., mhndfaaturorH and 'deal ers iu gmmiumontnl and biilldln grauito, crushed granilo common brink nud pressed brick, conrao ubd fino washod rivor sand. ' PAUL A WOLFF soil snnd nnd foun dation gnivol; all nrdors pr'Qiupllv delivered. Main. Phdifo 4721 and 12111 W MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Geo PrhTdy, 0. D. Nnglo, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors nud manu facturers of brhk; dealers in pressed brick and lime, Office in Garnott-Coroy block, room HOI, 4th floor. Phono No. II 181. rotator kb(1 raM)rhM. II. O. DEAN, 0. P. M'MULLEN Phoua 3732. Dean & McMullon, coiitrncting pnifftors, paiitiug, pa per Imugiiig mid tinting. Estimates on all .' ktmfk of painting wore Mcdford, Oro. DKCORA'J'E your tinted wus with hlonoil borders, by A. Rindon, paint er, decorutor and papeilmugor, No ft E. 3l st.. Med ford. I'liologrnphcrs. WHAT I mean by "'posing with Ma'okoy and dying with joy" i In moid wimriui; a long face alter your pliolos aw liiiitdiiii). ISIll Pouters. VERNE T. CANON-BIII poster an.' Distributor. All ordors promplb filled. Room 2p, Jackson CoUut Rank buildlmr. Medford. Or. DR. STEARNS Physician ami sur geon.. Office Garnctt-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1002. Rcsi dchco 113 Laurel at., phono 2002. W, A. LOVELACE, contractor anil practical builder: estimates free; pAtronage appreciated. 125 Soutii Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD--Praciico limited to diseases of wo men. ' OfxiCo Unskins bldg. Pho'ia Main 1001. DR. S. A. L0CKWO01- PhyBlclan and Siirgeon. Office 210 E. Main it., nvr lias kins' drug stor. Phono Mnin 1001. pR, W. W. WICKnomeopnlWc physician; rcRidauoo 203 Olson St., iijiono Main 4474 J office, rooms 3 litiiV 4, Hi, nrka bloelc. pjione Mnin 1871. "' i' r - - --p -J PR. ARTEMAS J. DEANK In Rinjto bldg., 323' E. Main Gns ndminiBtorod for extraction of teeth. TclepLone Main 681. Nigb phone 4432 DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO. Ddntwt Office In rooms 203f-'i04. Farmers' ft I'Vultgrowera' btik kulMk, wmit of the trclcs. DR. pLARK Et SAUNDERS Prati tlce limited 'lo diseases of tho eve-, ear, nbso'and lhronL Office 216 E. Main st., over Medford llard wdo Co. ' ' " DRS. CQNRQX & CLANCY, Pkysi clans nnd SurgeonB, Taylor and Phippa bldg., room3 210-211-212. Offico phone C01, residence phone DR.-F. G CARLtW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 and 417. GnrnulV-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 051. Htufiogntphoni, Anayir. MJtilnuieoL'a, FOR SALE -Thoroughbred White Leghorn and Buff Orpington ciiok rel nt a renoiiub)o price. Aply nt Pine True poultry raitch, Gmd Bay. Or, 2()'J ASSAVER Earl V. Ingols, II. B. Best ePOuippcd assay offico in Ore gon. Established five yours. Ac curate results guaranteed. Grants Pass. Ore. 205 CollectloiiM FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished hotuc 5 rooms, largo lot, 817 W. 10th st Inquire of Mrs. Woodford, J FOR SALE- Buggy, good owner, 128 S Holly Phone 1482 j cheap 210 North hy st. ACCOUNTS collected in any part of tjio world. N charge if not col lected. Pacific Collflctlug Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bank hhjtf. Fidelity and Kuroty Hunks, as lew, 300 L. L SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the bett etiiiipiinii' 33 JacliMoii Co Bank bldg BLIA M. GUANYAW Palm Block Stenographic nnd Voll. work done aofokli Anliltcct. FLEMING & HALE-Bitilder an) nontructors; estimator f iiruitied . work guaranteed, (live us a trrlal. Phono 3851. oilr. . kUU, NORMAN WINDER, arehHecturs' draftsman and builder See mi ubout your new home. I can eavi you money by planning to you own ideas nud figuring with yoi right. Write Box 37, P. 0 lfi fdrd. PR. E. 11, PpHTER Diseases t women n'spocjhlty,' Bpoms C, 0, 7, 8 HI'. Murk's bldg., MedfnrjL Or, Phohes: Offico 4!)01. residence 4951. CHOW YOUNG'S CllLNEtfiC MEDI CINES Will cuio rkmaaatisui asthma, paralysis, sore and' pri vate disease's. These rene4ie may be prooiirod at iibuse. Hi. 241 JJ. Frotil, hnd lOlli sis, MeUford, Or., wboro t!i6y will be sold by'tk pro priotor, Chow Youpg. Or, CJiow Yoiluj has treatml sev eral sevoru uusey with Ida wnediea slnco coming to Ashlnti aad has for njforuiieoH somo of tha beet known and most intelligent e-itizenr, In Southern Oregon. Call on bira. Thl is to certify Hint Dr. Chow Young, tho bearer, nltesded rno, my troublo (icing lung trouble and uathum. I am hotter thau I have boon, for twelve years. I saw tfie lo'tlor writtou by Judgo Hanua and as ho rooommondod the doctor eo well, thought I would try him ulso. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. ''I was affllotod with heart and fitomaeh troublo for mnny years, and at last ending in a itroku of pr.rulyflls, from which no ono ex pocfod my McoVory, and no one lciows how I Huffgred, but at at I got u littlo bettor and I heard of otic Dr. Chow young. I took treat ment nnd am well now aa4 can rec ommend him to any ono who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I nssuro yon JI am well ploitbcd and thankful that I am ulivo nt Ibis timo. Mrs. Mary Ni duy, Grants Pusn, Or. "I Imvo been troubled with ca tarrh for r. long tiiuo and hnvu tnsd over ho many treatments of iV.ffer ont kinds nud 1 can say 1 did not get anything to do mo nuy gool until I tried this Chinosso doctoi. and io has done mo " crcat deal of good and I think ho can euro ca tarrh." Mr. Warren Drako, Asb Innd. Ort'L'on. DR. STEPHENSON fits glas-ea to correct nuv defect of the eye. Of fico over Allen & Roagan's. Phoue Main 1S51. J''tirnliur(i. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOuud James A. McKouzio, deate-' la new and second-hand fumltn-, hardware, clothing, hoots and bIioc. Highest cubIi prices paid for koo, ciiHt-off clothing. Call and see u, when you havo something to sell, 101 South Central. II. F. WILSON fi CO., dealers u now nud second-haml fnroituw mid hardware. Agonts (or lIoua;- hold stoves nnd ranees. 10 Soutk Fir Btrcet. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS- Cornor Hth ntid Holly irerta:Mli' ford. Mission furniture matl ie order. Cabinet work of af Viada, A trial order soliicte. MORDOFF & WOLFF (iookstovM ami ranges. Now and rfcond-kao4 furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 Wl F at.. South Phone "1 MeA' Uiuleriiilirr. MEDFORD FUnWITOKK CO 0- uortnscors nay phone ?M, Kutkt phones. O W Conklln ?fl, J, It Butler 3571 John A. Fri 411L ."fi w L