Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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1 .
city tfoficEs.
-n r tit. ?
. .in
o MMMMgr taaaaaggagi
soiitliwestorii cormir of said lot 12: county recorder's record of JackHOu
OrfliiiHtiro declaring Hie cohI of tho ' f)iinr northerly nlonK flit west Klclol count t Oregon. fi foot: intc tier
IliltltVit'fttttnti) tt V.. 1 1. .. I ., 1 Mini. '
ifiiwiuHivin wt tiwi ill .giui(ii (if J-
lino from JnckBon to Court atrcctB,
mill n(nosHlK tho property benefited
thnrcuy, and declaring niirh aBacaa
of Kalil lot 100 root: tlicnco north
onalorly nnd at rlKltt angles with until
west lino to the lino of said lot
No. 12; tlicnco kouIIi nloiiK tint taltl
inrnt, nnd directing tlio out i y thereof east lino to the KoiitliPiialorii corner
In tho docket of city IIoiif, for huIiI lot; tlicnco went on Hie flouth
Tho city of Medford doth ordain ns lino of mild lot No. 'l to tho place
followa. I of heKlnnlnt:; rrnntttgn 100 feet on
Section 1. That no protel hav-.lho cant Kldo of North Central nve
Ing hcen filed ngalnst tho Improve-1 uuo, anil described Jn Vol. 00. page
ment of North Central nvontio from 1232, comity recorder's rccordn of
JackHon to Court streets, duo notlco ' Jnckaou county. Oregon; 100 Jeot;
of tho Intention of the council to! rate per foot IG.Sii, amount Ji'r.'i.
caiiBo Bald Improvoniont to ho made J AflKessnient No. 1.1 Josephine I'oe.
having heen given, and wild Improvo-, West half of lots 1 and 2 nnd all of
I'nont hnvlng been ordered mado, tho Mot a, block 18, Ileatty'R addition to
foiincll Iibh considered tho matter and J tho city of Medford. Oregon; front
herewith imcertalns tho prohnhlo cost ibo 1 1 1 feet on the east Hide of North
of making such Improvement to ho . Central avunuc and iloKcrlbod In Vol.
uiuMiiiiinifiu.ub9.7U. i io. lingo .xy, county iccordor's rec
Ann nam council rurtliur finds that
tho Rpecial and peculiar bcnofltB ac
crulng upon oneh lot or part thereof
adjacent to Bald Improvement and
In Just proportion to benefits, to bo
tho respective, amounts herolnnttcr
set oppoiilto tho niimlier or descrip
tion of each lot or part thereof, nnd
such amounts respectively nro here
by dcclnrod to bo tho proportionate,
ehnro of each lot or part thereof, of
tho emit of Hiich Improven.ont, nnd Is
hereby declared to bo nwtcstsod
RKnliiRt unld lot or parccla respoct
ively, tho namo appearing above
each description, bolng tho naino of
the owner of hiicIi lot or parcel.
Amcssntont No. 1 J. A. I'orry.
hot 2, block 1, Whitney' addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; rront
ngo 120 feet on tho cant side of North
Central avenue, nnd described In Vol.
71, pace 007, county recordur'B rec
ord's of Jnekfion county, Orognu; 120
fret: rato per foot Sfi.Dfi; amount
. ABHOHHinent No. 21. h. Kantlltou.
Lot 1, block 1, Whlttioy'8 addition to
tho city -of Medford, Oregon: front
age 100 foet on thcourit ulrio of North
('mitral avenue, and described lu Vol.
(Ill, pafte tni. totinty reeorder'H roc
ord of JnckHon county. OfogonJ 100
feet; rato per foot 15.05; nuiomil
Assessment No. 3- Mary II, Mar
tin. Lot 0, block 0. Ilcntiyj'H addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon rront
ngo 00 feel on tho cnat aldo of North
Con) ml nvenuo, and described In Vol.
01, pago 373i county recorder's rec
ordH t)f JncJR(in comity, Orccon; 00
fret: rato per foot $"; amount
AiwoRiiniunt No. ! Mary It. Mnr
tlu. Lot 0, block I), llcatty'ii addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 00 feet on tho cant Bide of North
Coutrnt avenue, nnd described In Vol.
01, pagu 373, county recorder' ree
ordn of JnckHon count;, Oregon; r0
feel; rato per foot $Ti 00; amount
AtwiMHiticiit No, 0 Win. Owing,
lot t, block 9, Jieutty'H addition to
tho city of Medford; Oregon; rront
ngo 00 feet on tho emit Hldo of North
Central nvenuo, nnd dottcrlhed In Vol.
73, pago S3, county recorder h rec
ords of Jacl.Hon county, Oregon; 1 II
feet; into per foot 10 00; amount
ABsessment No. 10 Mahlon I'ur
dlu. A parcel of land commencing ut
tho west comer of lot 12, block' 1,
Cottngo addition to Medford, as
Hhown by tho official pint thereof,
now of record, and running thence
eiiHt 200.0 feet; thence south 27 feet;
thence tmuth 02 degrees 30 minutes
wcHt 100 feet to C street; thence
uoi th 30 degrees 8 minutes west
hlong tho east line of C street 111
feet to the plnco of commencement;
' ff.i tr. r.r. titnonnt !.1.13
Assessment No. 30 Olllo llrcnla
no. Lot 1, block -I, Cottage addition
to the cllv of Medford. Oregon; front-
ago 10 feet on tho west side of Nortli
Central nvenuo, and descilbod lu Vol.
I". I'agO ISO, con iu rucuruci ii'i-
ords or Jnckhon county, Oregon, 10
feet; rate per foot $0.00; amount
Assessment No. 31 Kiln MedyiiHkl,
Lot 2 and the nortli 13 1-3 feet of
lot 3, block i. Cottage addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
53 1-3 feet on the west side or North
Central avenue, nnd described In Vol
00, page 011, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
03 1-3 feet; rate per foot $0 00;
amount $2'Jft.
Assessment No. 32 J. K. Kliwo
gnn. South 20 2-3 feet or lot 3. block
1, Cottage addition to tho city or
Medfoid. Oregon; fronttigo 2C 2-3 (
root on the west side of Nortli Central
avenue, and described In Vol. 08,
page 202, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 20 2-3
feet: rnto lor foot $0.50; amount
YsKosuhicnt No. 33 J, K. Khwe-
gan. Lot I, block I, Cottage, addition
to the city or Medford, OiegoTi; front-
age in reel on mo wosi sine oi tnrin
Central avenue, nnd described In Vol.
m B. PATTERS()ft
is booking orders now for early fall plant
irig. Don't delay 'in placing your order,
all stock guaranteed.
Office 116 Main Sffeet
All Wlr ftiinrnntnnfl iMcCS RoilSOlltlblo
11 North D St..Mcdfoid4Oro.
Phone 303
frontage HI feel on tho east side ofl"8. page 202, comity recorder's rec-
North Central uvonue, and described
In Vol. 71, page 10, county recorder's
records of Jackson county; Oregon:
1-M feet; rate per foot $0.05; amount
Assessment No. 17 Mahlon I'ur
itln. A paicel of Innd roninionclug nt
tho holithenst corner of lot 11, block
1, of said Coltngo addition, nnd run
ning thence west 48 feet to C street;
thenco north 30 degrees 8 minutes
west alotm the east line of C street
120 feet; thence east 117 feet: thenco
south 08 feet to tho place of com-
moncenient; frontage 120 feet on the
ensi side or North Central nvenuo,
and described In Vol 71, page 10,
county recorder's records of Jackson
Count . Oregon; 120 feet; rato per
foot $0.00: amount $000.
Assessment No. 18 Jackson Co.
Hldg. & Loan Assn. The south part of
n parcel of laud marked Y on the
map or tho city or Medford, Oregon;
front-ago 02 foot on the east Hldo of
N'Qrth Central nvenuo, and described
lu Vol. 78, pnge 100, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
(52 feet; rate per foot $0.00; amount
Atsessnient No. 10 M. A. Ander
son. Tho central portion of n paicel
of land marked Y on tho map of tho
city Of Mfdford, Oregon; frontage 01
feet on tho east nldo of North Con
tra! avenue, mid described lu Vol. H2,
page 108, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oiegon; 01 feet;
into per root $6.00; amount $388.00.
Assessment No. 20 Kffle Taylor.
The nortli jmrt of a puree! or hind
marked Y on Ihe limp of tho city of
Medford. Oregon: rrontngo 16 feet
on tho east side of North Central nvo
nutt. mid described lu Vol. 71. page
13, countj recorder's records of
JnckHon county, Oregon; to feet;
orils of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 J rate per foot $0.05; amount $205.30.
1 foot; rnlu. per root $0.00; amount
Assessment No. 0 C. II. I'nrker.
Lot 2. block 0, lleatty's addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 00 feet on the east side of North
Central avenue, nnd described In Vol.
, S0, page 503, comity recorder's roe-
oi ds of Jackson county, Oregon; 00
feet; rnto per font $0.50; aiuocrit
. . Assessment No. 7 (). H. Vorlfock,.
Lot 3, blork 0. lleatty's addition to
the city or Miulford, Oregon; rrofit
1 ago 00 reel on tho east side or North
(Vutrul nvenuu, nnd described In Vol.
. . , page . . . county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon; 00,
feet, rate per foot $5.05; amount
Assessment No. S Win, Wertn.
Lot 1. block 1). lleatty's uddltlou to
the city of Medfoid, Oregon ; front
ago tfi reel on the east side or North
(Vutrnl avenue, and descilbod lu Vol.
70. page 130, county recorder's rvr
ords of Jnckkoii county, Oregon; 0
feet; rate per root $0 05; amount
AHMiHhimuit No ii -.Minnie Theirs.
Lot 3, block 8, Itoatty addition to the
cllv of Medford, Oregon; fi outage 00
feet on the oust side of North Cen
tral uxeiiue. and described In Vol 37,
page 002, eouut.v lecoidcr't. records
of Jackson couut, Oregon; !0 feet;
into per root $6 50; amount $510 15.
Assessment No. Ill Minnie Thelss
iMt 2. blouk 8. Ilootty addition to
the city of Medfoid. Oregon; front
age 00 feet on tho east side of Nortli
Central iwouue, and described In Vol.
37 pauo 502. count) recorder's rec
ords ol Jackson county, Oregon; 09
feet; ruto per foot $5.05; amount
Assessment No. 1 1 tleo K Chiuii
beilalu. A panel of laud commencing
rt 1 1 "outlumtit comer or lot -I, In
block 17 or llixitty's uddltlou to the
cits (if M ml ford. Orrnoii, nd running
theme south 152 tcot to the Intorvee
tlou ot C ktieot mid llwitty street;
thence north 35 16 degree watt along
line of wild C streot 100 ftl; tliHite
mist IOC teot to the place of com
muiicawiiHiit, frontage 100 feet on tho
ttant side or Nortli I'Miaml uenue.
AsoaMitiont No. 21 N. S. lleuuutt.
South 30 reel or the north 30 reel or
lot 7. block 3. Cottage uddltlou to
the city or Moil ford. Oregon; rrontngo
fill fct't on tho west side of North
Central avenue, and described lu Vol.
71. page 1S1. county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 30
reef, rnto per toot $5.55; amount
Assessment No. 22 J S. Howard.
A strip or land 00 root lu width ad
joining tbe south end or the north 00
feet ot lot 7, block 3. Cottage addi
tion to the city of Medford. Oregon:
(loiitngo GO feet on the west side or
North Central avenue, and described
In Vol. 72. page 308. county record-
Jtr'a records of Jackson county. Ore-
gon; uo reel; rate per foot $0.55;
amount $300. 30.
AssoMsmont No 23 Martha II.
Howard A strip of laud 70 feet lu
width adjoining the north side of the
south 50 rec4 or lot 7. block 3. Cot
luge addition to the city or Medford,
Oregon, fi outage "5 feel on the west
side of North Central avenue, mid
described In Vol. 72. page 3G7, coiin
tv recorder's records of Jucksou conn
tv. Oregon; 75 feet: rnto per foot
$5.05; amount $110.20
WofcMiH'iil Nn 2 t Kred CarlMin.
The south 50 reel or lot 7. block 3.
Cottage addition to the city or Med
lord, Oregon; 0 milage Mi reel on the
wet ide or North Central aveiiuo,
described Vol, 80. pgo 8S7. county
recorders records or Jackson county.
Oroiewn: &u foot, ruto per root $5.65;
amount $S77 50
AHMMMiueut No JO Weeks & Orr.
Nortli 157 (eel ot kit S. block 3.
Cnttngt addition to the eltv or Med
lord. Oregon; fronUno 157 teot on
th west side or North Central iivrM
who. mid dwrtlHHl In Vol. 50. page
310, (ouuty recorder's records i if
Jackson count v. Oregon: 157 feet;
rtt por foot $5 :..'; amount JS7t .'
AttmoMt No IB- Inihc I', (in!.
tatlhwi The south 100 foot of lot
S. block S. Cottage addition to ibo
elt) of Mwdlonl. Oregon, wive nnd
oxcopttng tUrttfiTun a trli 20 UhA In
width along the entire wmiUi side or
irnld lot 8. nUIrk bits been dtHlksit-
i Ail fitr iilroiit kitkn... .,..... en
and dowrlbed In Vol 22. ,.mm 17(5. r '7' :: ,T' VI', .Tv.V.Vu nfl .!.
avenue, and iltwcribod In Vol 53.
county recorder's rcords ot Jacktou
county. Oregon. 100 fMt. rato pr
foot $0.55; amount $1051 50
AnfejooiHMit No 12 Itebucea H.
Moore. Lot t. block IT. Ilmiltys ad
dition to the city of Mudfurd, Oregon:
rrontngo 03 reel on tku wast tilde of
North Central avenue, uttd dtwrrlbml
lu Vol. SO. Htge S27. comity rtxttid
er's reconU ot .Isckwrn county. Or
gou; GS feet, ruu per foot $5.5&,
page SOO. count) roctirder's records
of JacknuN couiU). Ormon, !0 feet;
rate ur fot $5 55: amount $HI
AasiMhieHi No J7- Wni. M Sniltlt.
North 110 feat of lot 0. UlocJt 3. Cot
MHe addition to the ctty of Modfonl.
av aHd eHiHttg llmrerrom a xtrlp
of land in fiMt lH width along thl'
llre north aide f said lot 0. whleh
htM Ir dedicated fr ktrtt uur
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 10
feet; rnto per foot $0.05; nnlount
Assessment No. 31 J. E. Ehwo
gnn. Lot 5, block k Cottago addition
to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; front
ngt' 10 reel on the west side of North
Central nventie, and described In Vol.
OS, pago 202, county recorder's refc
ordH of JncHsou county. Oregon; 40
reel; rato per toot $0.05; amount
t i .I n
. Assessment No. 30 .1. K, Ehwe
gan. Lot 0, block I, Cottage addition
to the city or Medrord. OrcRon; rront-
litge 10 feet on tho west sldo or North
Central nvenuo. nnd described in vol.
08. page 003. county recorder's rec
ords ot JackBon county, Oregon; 10
root: rato per toot $0.00; amount
Assessment No. 30 J. Khwe
gen. Lot 7, block I, Cottago addition
to tho city or Medrord, Oregon: rront
ngo 10 root on the west slde'or Nortli
Central uventie, nnd doicrlbcd In Vol:
OS, page 203, county recorder's rec
ords or .Inckson county. Orcson; 10
feef; rato per root $0.50; amount
Assessment No. 37 I R. Ehwc-
gnu. Lot G, block 1, Cottage addi
tion to the cty or Medford, OroRon;
frontage 00 .'cot on the west sldo of
North Central nvonue. and described
In Vol. OS. page 203, county record
er's records of Jnckbou county, Ore
gon; GO feet; rato per root $0.00;
amount $3G0.30.
Assessment No. 38 Maryy A
Pryce. Lot 2, block 13, lleatty's ad
dition to tho city or Medford, Oregon;
frontage to feet on tho west side of
North Central avenue, and described
In Vol. 13 M 173. county recorder's
records of Jucksou county, Oregon; 10
feet; rnto per toot $0.05; amount
$'' 2
Assessment No. 30 Mary A. 1'ryco.
Lot 1. block 12, lleatty's uddltlou to
the city ot Medrord, Oiegon; rront
ngo 10 feot on thelwest side or North
Central avenue, mid described lu Vol
IS M 173. county recorder's records
or Jucksou county. Oregon; 10 reel;
rate per toot- $0.05; amount $222.
Assessment No. 40 Mary A
Prjcu. LoL,2. block 12. Ueatty uddl
tlou to the city or Medrord. Oregon;
frontage 40 reel on tho wost sldo ot
North Central nvonue. and described
In Vol. 13 M 173, county recorder's
tecords ot Jackson county. Oregon:
4 0 teet; rate per Toot $5.00; amount
AtM)fniont No. II Mur A.
Pryce. Lot 3, block 12, llenlty addi
tion to the city or Medrord, Oregon:
rrontngo 10 rcet on tho west side ot
North Central nvufiuo. nnd described
In 13 M 173, county recorder's rec-j
ords ol Jackson count.v, Oiegon. 10
teet; rato per toot $5.50; amount
t .i
Asktkwinout No. 12 Frank (Jag
lion East 100 teet or lot 2. block
11. Uentty addition to the city ol
.Medrord, Oregon; frontage in root on
the west side or North Central ave-.
line, mid described In Vol. 78. pauo
so, i omit v recorder's record of
Juckwuiounly, Oregon; 10 fool; rule
per toot $0.0ii, amount $222
Asesnionl No 4 3 Frank fiag
uon Eust 100 teot or lot 2, block 11,
lleattj addition to the city of Mod-
ford. Oregon; frontage 10 fevi on the
vot side ot North Central avenue,
and deMiibttd lu Vol. 78. page SO.
county roeiirdor's records of Juekbon
countj . Oro8in. 10 root; rtit'or f'l
$5.55; amount $222.
Assessment No 1 1 - Jobti
Simorvllle. Kaht 100 toot
or lot 3, block 11. Ueatt) addition
to the city of Medford mid the eosl
100 feet of the north 13 1-3 teot or
lot 1, block i0. llantty uddltlou:
r coinage 03 1-3 root on the west side
ot North Central nvenuo, nnd dos
crlbed In Vol. ... puge ... eount
recorder's records or Jnekon cennty.
Oregon. OS 1-3 feot; rate per foot
Tr6utman Orchard Heater
The world's standard of efficiency and economy.
They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any
requirements. Special prices for short time. We
also manufacture the lard pail headers. Write Karl
R. Wundt, General Agent, Meridian, idaho.
Che finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Telephone In Every Itoom
Christmas Holiday Excursion
via tho
. ''onsisliiu? of Observation Car, Pullman, ves
'tibuled sleeping cars, smoking car and din
ing iiiy, will leave Third and Townsend
streets, Sjui Francisco, via the Coast Line.
Tbe, excursion is run tinder the auspices of
the Southern Pacific, National Lines of
Real Estate L oans
Can be had through us
Current rate of Interest.
no, international
l-bi& S. A. and Hiinl
and Great Northern,
Round Trip Fare
Corresponding low rates from other O. R. '
& N. and S. P, points.
Interesting side trips on the return trip,
including the Grand Canyon, may he made.
Final Peturn limit (50 days from dale of sale.
Equipment on this train will be limited and
no more passengers will be taken than can
be comfortably provided for.
For further information, details and beau
tifully illustrated booklet on "Mexico," call
on auv O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent or write to
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Fisher & Whitmire
Mining and Fruit Land
Orchard and City Property
32 South Central Ave.
The One Right Way
is the Hand-Tailored
Your clothes will fit perfect
ly, woar longer, look bettor
nnd bo absolutely satisfac
tory If furnished by
Progressive Tailor.
ABrOWiueiit No 48 UnKllli
Cuuinucll. Lot 2, block 2. Whitney s
aililltlon to the illv n r Mtidfiiril Ore.
roii; rrnntaKo lir feet on tho wet
ljlo ot North Central n-nue. mid,
described in Vol. . . pane . , count
rocoruer records o jucksou rouniy
. !!..
"-i'xirVi-S-rnh K llol..OP: AV rate ,.er toot $5 35 .
hum liMMt lob fetw
G :-3 feet of lot 1. and ho cutt 100
feet or the norm :i :? ihi oi ioi
.unviiili ftfif.un. , .,. .,..-., ,n r... .... .t .......
AmomiiiuhI Nn IS- flea U. C'hmu- 'Z'' ."VTlZ Al. lZT""."' "T.J
A ,K.r.l or land ,i.c. j-, "U - -'--?-J---
) rorler recordti of JueKwin
Ihk at the uorikwiMt comer of lot 4,
i.l. ii...... i ...l.lhl,.,, .. t.k !. 1
..?... V "u.v- Ortm. ISO rwt. ruu per
or Medrord, Oregon. Htul runnliu; foot iJi, iiuiotiiit ITSl J
thenco uutt 3i teet to C btroe; Ahfjuut No. JS Cbarles N.
thence south 35 ft decree Moiik f IUmu South lT feet f lot 9
i-ald ittnioi OS feel, thence north 5S blot, a. rottatt atldlttan to the city
foot to the place or eoiiiinuueeniettl; 1 1 sifurd Orvto; (rotu f
frontRRe 08 rl on tho eoit side uf ' fwt ait thr w.-i id ol North Ch
North Cetitrel avenue, mid deMcrlbeill ml avenue, aU JwrltHMl In Vol. .
lu Vol.. .. page .. county recorder's f pap? . cuantj rrordr'k reMmts U
record of Jackson county. Oruon; ' Juckiu.n count). Oroa. l7 feot;
(52 roit. rule pur foot ft SS. awuuut rate pr foot 5 i' awuuat S1SJ.8I
3 ,0 AlWeHtilil No jy -O I' lturkilull.
ft ... . . ,.. a.. it ., i t. . .. . - - .
-uiuiii o. ii auio rueu ,tsat Hair or tot le Mark J
nii hi laiiti I'll iuu vuuiuuru enu
or lot i; In hliu-J, l. of the Comae
..Ki.k. n o ih(ii. in Ai..ii.hi o
Cubvd a. (ull-Ha V. ..liitviru. .of i iiu
.. .j..... in.
or th south, "uri.r. , .
I of .Medford In hereby directed to en-
i "...", .,.",,"'..:. "ffi.i.. . .Y?...Ur a stateinent of the assessments
!.'.. .?. ;...'n '...... ilterebj made In
the docket of clt
Heirs, and to give notice by public
tlon ns required uy tho charter and
ordinance No. 2."i0 of. bald city. In the
Dull Mail Trlbuno, fi novvupaper pub
lUhod and of Renepil circulation In
wld city.
Ihe foret;iug ordluatico was pats
cllv- uf Medford, Oregon: troutapo
5S t-3 feH on the west aide ot North
Central uvnuo. and dOfcrlbwl lu Vol.
88. onko t'S. county reoorder'8 nnsj
nnla or JaakMin countx. Oregon;
03 1-3 feet; rate per foot 5 SS;
amount J20.
AvooshineHt No. 16 Kmll and Ko
DoltolHMtui. Kast 100 feet
13 1-3 tuel of lot 2. aud
ant leu feet of lot 3. block
iy MiuoR i rii) ui uiuu. Wich ayp Merrlek nyc. Kmorlok
Mfyw1 mjiAtvAQV' ww w ' otw
aud d-rlbed In Vol. tS. WRp 2IJ. v,la..i v,;v
count) recortler g records or JauKson
ohuI). OreKon: 13 1-S ftet. rate perl
foot Ji hi; aaiuunt it$C
Aemat No. IT Thos. Tnrnlu. !
Ut l, bU)ok 2. Whluey'a addition to'
the clt) of MtHlfoni. Oreuu; fronU'
ace lee reel on ibo vveel bine or .Mtrm
n .Till 'MMlford. Orogou. un tKe 2d duj of
k 10 Ileal 'November. I'Jlo. by the following
abktuit, Wortman aye, Hlfert aboont.
Approved November 3. 1910.
, W. 11. aVNON. Major.
City Kecorder.
fottai"1 Central avenHe and dtcribe! la Vl
To the owner, or reputed ownor, of
addition to the clt of Mod ford, Orej62. pago OS count) reeotdt jr t. rec- mvk jarcol of properly desert bel In
mm. f runtime ce ttH mi thv m lorda nf JnckMtn county Ont.n ieeith, fi,.,iin .mUn.nuHv a
4. vititt
blN !
. u -ii,,) i.i.i .a tin liCO dniltil bv
:.inl uiJiiunir a rcvurdt-d in ihe
docktH ii utj lien
You nr' hertbj notified tint the
ahMMsuitHt dtH'laroil bv the roresidng
orumauctt nas uwn mane and the lien
therefor eutvrud in tAo clt lion dock
et, and that the Mttue U due and )ou
are hereby required to tay th same
to the city recorder within ten days'
from the borvlee of thU notice, which
service U made.U) pHblleutiou of the'
foregolug ordinance and MM notice i
lb rot' times In the Medford Mall
Tribune, pursuant to an order or the
city council of sunt city.
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