Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I . -fl
- I
Flfty-threo ucrefi npcclnl, 10 acres
coming Into bearing orchard. Call on
J. D. Wood, Condor Water & Power
Co.'b office. ' tf
A record In rapid building hns
bqen established by tho contractors
for tho extension to tho Mcdford Nu
tlonil bnnk' building, tho annex hnv
Ing been erected within ninety days
from the time ,tho first shovelful of
earth waB turned In tho excavating.
The Mall Trlbuno building Is running
n closo second.
Is your lotiso wired? Ono cigar
Icxs a day would pay for a hundred
per cent Increase In comfort. Start
living tho electric life. tf.
The plato glass front has been In
stalled In tho Iitg Hend Milling com
pany's building on Central avenue
and Cuthbert & Co. will soon bo es
tablished In their new quarters. The
room next to the poBtofflce, to be
occupied by a grocery firm, Is being j
pushed rapidly to completion.
Every light but electricity gives
off smoke nnd antoko contains soot,
which deposits on your wall paper,
curtains, draperies. Electric light
glows in an air tight bulb. tf.
Mlhs Gertrude Kay leaves on No
It" this afternoon for San Francisco
on a visit to relatives and friends.
Dr. Stephenson, graduate optician,
fits glasses to correct any defect ot
the eye. Office over Aljon &Ren
gnn'e. Phone Main 1S51. 212
Messrs. Hater, Tomlln, Dudly and
)ontou returned from a hunting
trip to Klamath county Tuesday eve
ning. They had all klnda of sport
and shot the limit of ducks 'and
geetie. J. D. Heard will be homo In
a Jew days, as soon as ho has worked
up a llttlo more Interest In his hunt-
Among the many gift that Nature has
lavished on the South none 1 more val
uable than her gift of the cotton plant.
In the soil, warmth and suniliinc of the
South, the cotton plant attains its high
est perfection, Formerly, only the white,
downy lint of the cotton boll was pre
served, but loday, from the kernel of the
cotton seed is pressed ai oil which, when
refined, compares favorably with the
purest olive oil. From the choicest of
this oil of the cotton seed is made a
cooking fat called Cottolcnc. In effi
ciency, purity and wholcsomencss, Cot
tolcnc far excels the fat of the hog, and
it has welljjcen named. "Nature's gift
from the Sunny 'South."
11. T Vnn do Car Is showing the
finest Hue of diamonds, brooches
nnd pendants In tho city. Phlpps
bldg. T 201
F. A. Chlnnock of Portland is a
Medford business visitor.
Glenn Eddfngs of Gold Hill, who
has .boon working In tho Aehlnnd
ynrdii, passed through .Mcdford Wed
nesday morning on his way to Itoso
burg to tnko a position there
Last chance to see Wayno Ozro
Adams' Panama canal and Jungle
show nt Savoy thenter tonight. 204
The Howard building, corner of
Sixth and Central, is being rushed
as fast as men and material can be
secured. Tho owners nro straining
cvjary norvo to got tho building un
der a roof before tho rains set In,
after w.lilch tho inside finishing can
bo douo In spite of bad weather.
Panama cannl nnd Junglo show to
appear ngaln tonight at Savoy tho
ntcr. 204
Fort Hubbard, who has been nav
igating by tho crutch roitto for the
past week, has discarded thoso aids
to locomotion! "Next time I bee n
spray outfit rolling toward my big
too," snld Mr. Hubbard, "I won't try
to stop' It. I'll simply aldo step."
lng lodge project.
Mnor-Ehnl Co,, exclusive ageuts ,
for property In Crescent and Wnko-,
field, Or., townsltcs on Hill's now Kidney Troubles Attack Medford
railroad. Seo thcni. Crescent Is I . j0 aj Woirien, Old and
dlvlston point. 220 i . . Ymm
Cms. H. Nowhall of I'ortinnd is1 "
registered nt the Mooro. ,
i.ji.. ...... .... ....... i..... ...mi. j
n..u., ,w "" " "' Children surfer In their early
flirts denned, remodeled and rellned.' '
Call ul Humphrey's stoio afternoons j yer ' , ',.,..
l.ol ween 3 and 5. Wo guarantee our. , Can't control the kidney
Kldnoy Ills solid young, and old.
Coino quickly with llttlo warning.
work. D. Uartlett. 20T.
Mrs. 9. K. Georgo of Derby la a
Modford vlittor thlst week.
If you haven't got a block In Onk
dale; Park addition you had bettei
get one at oncu. Seo W. It. Evefhard,
009 Ninth street, West, for particu
lars, tf
H. A. Osborne and J. V. WtlllnmH
of Ked lllnff, are Medford visitors.
Have you noticed the now build
ings going up In Oakdalo Park ad
dition Just south of Mr. ttoot's? tf
W. It. Lamb has bought tfo flve-
W. F. Cook of Ashland was In Med
ford Tuesday on a business trip,
nero trncts In Oakdalo Park addition
and will build a good houso at once.
Mrs. It. G. Llllle, Spiritualist lec
turer, will hold a meeting at Mrs.
Girls nro languid, nervous, suf
fer pain.
Woihoil worry, can't do dally work.
Men liayo Inino and aching backs.
Tho euro for man, womnn or child
Is to euro tho causo tho kidneys.
Doan's Kldnoy Pills cure sick kid
neys Cure nil forms of kidney Buffer
ing. Mcdford testimony proves It.
W. P. Gould, 110 W. Jackson nt..
Mcdford, Ore, says; "1 used Doan's
Kidney Pills, procnied at Hnskln'fc
drug store, and nm pleased to sa
that they have given mo more relief
than any other kldnoy medlclno I
havo ever taken. Other members of
my family have also used Doan'fi
Kidney Pills and tho results have
Must Make Room for the New Holiday Goods
lii few days we will open our holiday omls displays of i'nney articles, Ve haven't enouh mom fur
tin's tiurpose, und enniiot luwe, except by redtielnjr this present winter nloek.
To that end. tomorrow eveiy atoek in the store will begin offering "peeini loin of uieieliiuuHse til elosbiyr
price. Now i-t your mumrlnnilv to take iu)vnritni,'i of Hie qjttinltnn.
Ladies' Suits Reduced, 1-4
There is senrceh new ene. u popnltir color,
or n ht,le'tlmt has mimed fnvor this senhoii tluit will
i ot be found in this great collection of suits. Every
uouui'i should find her style nnd siro in mixtures,
broadcloths two-tuned effci'ls, ehoviots. 'nnu mid
skirts ure nil out on erv latest lines, nmts being
liiOHllv in 12a nnd IID-in.-h lonutbs. V OFF.
Bedding Sale
Tlie reason for lliest unitsuiilly low prlees is not
to be found in tho Hlnukets or Cofnfurters tlieinselves
-they nro nil hiuli-crmle iuilitis, but in opeeiul
lines or ineotiiplete lots.
up to
Fine Furs$1.00 to $35
Whether it be u fur eout, etipe, muff or fur neck
pieee, we will siippl. volir wants ps eeoiRiiuienlly us
they enn possibl.v be supplied. Substantial, satis
factory furs must be bought solely on confidence, nnd
in buying these goods it is best for yo uto trade fit u
More in whieji von have confidence -u store that
imes tho customer n guaranty that she will not bo
Hosiery Values
We huc lent every effort to make tins coining
week the biggest Hosiery week of the season so ftir.
See our Showing of Wondr Hosiery"
25c, 35c
50 cents
McCall Pattern No. 3667
Pay Less and Dress Better - 28 S. Central -- Home of Mc Call Patterns
ill mm
LINCOLN At Ktiiu, Callr., No
vember 11, 1010, tho four-year-'old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lincoln.
Mrs. Lincoln was formerly Miss Myr
tle .Moslier of Me)ford, nnd Is a
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mosher.
Cement Swer Pipe
Bet by Every Test
Tim folluwIiiR IctliT kIn (In ri'Htill nf experhuentH nnd UMa ef ceinunt
pipe In Portland. ()r''ii'H IrUilliiK Bltj. wllcru Hie pipe Is CilfiiftUcly iim.'iI
I'urtluml, Ur., Or( 'it, lHIO Mr. A V Alleiw-Dcur Hlr. Vuur utiutsl for
ml account of cement inl clav plifyittfl field -l" Porllaild June 2d at hand
A tPMl was inmle lo doiiirmtnti' Ui telntivii mi-illH of ucinwl plw nnd cly
or'iioiralledvlirllff'Vlpe, for tin iifni-tlt of the mtiyiiiv oily engineer, oily conn-r
c)l unit pulillc In'-filu'rul nt I'liinlK'in and IUUiiu'h plumbing shop, Juno 2, l(0,
In tlie clt of "Pmtlanil, Oh-. Three JeiiKths ef evipent pipe and two IimibIIis of
clay plim were plhcvd mulcr water presnuru with llio following resullH; Ciniriit
pipe Htiiml a pn'HKuic of 7! pounds per HOuaro nidi without pirciilallon or lirriik
uKC or the entire clly water preury nt tljat place. Tim cMiunf pipe Wan then,
placed under u.-vatcr piesMUre by "uslpct n. large fnrcii pump and broku at 110
pounds pivijHiire per Hipiare Inch. To that. point there wiih no percolation.
Clay pipe aviis (hen tented nt 4 puvinitti per mititirn Inch, Tho plpo leiikt'il Ihidly
and the flint pipe lirokoWit 8 pounds nnd llui second til 18 poiuuIh. j
PIwsch" of-cenifiit pipe wr plHced In a 10 per cent solution of MUlphurlc j
add, und..tiJtLKcnt, pujutlon of nltilc llm piovliiim day. After being 'tliuii
treitted rnri'tWentyOMC Ijfiiurn, slmweil no ilceimiixihltlou or effect of (he acid t
In any way. ,''h'on flltngs were then placed on n plnin of cement plpo nml mil-1
Pliurlc acid pound on J hem Tho llllnRH were ipilcltly eaten by the ncldH. but tn I
.... ...... .irf..An.. 11... Um UI....I ttlii. Tit.. f..ul u'iih nomlilntftd 111 Mr Krenifclll. I
... x. .... i. I II" " .J Mlivtiiiii i. ; ....i.,i. ,'," ..... ...-. ...... -. ...... ..... . ... . ........
anti mooorn. uur oojcci in wanung,u rornK,,. ,.pin,rr of the clly, and Mr Jmp.n It. Kerr, un ultomey of tho llrm
to TitAin: on' i:xoil.X(Ji:.
Tho furnltuio of a -12-rooni hotel
In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. One ot tho
very best cities' of the northwest, of
10,000 peoplo, two railroads and In
tern r linn lines, nnd two new rall
roads building In. SteamboatB pl
Ing rivers and lakes. For fiirnlturo
of a hotel or rooming house In Med
ford, or would trade for. a flro In
surance business or Interest In ono
nnd n homo in Medford. This .place
of oura In Coeur d'Aluuo Is A No. 1,
makes -10 per cont on tho Invest
ment. Fiirnlturo and building new
I... ....!.. .. II. n. f .! nnt
. . nn C.....I. - 1 llffU OH nilllDIHUWI ) I utl UUI
I'lvniale h parlors, 301 South Central, .
'"J ' ,. v. ,- hesitate one moment In giving this
avenue, iiiurHiiuy utvuiiiK. .. . ,,,,
nt 7:30 o'clock. All Interested in
nny of tho new thought themes nre
Invited to attend.
Tho funeral of Georgo Drown, tho
venerablo pioneer, at Jacksonville
Monday, was attended by a largo
number of friends from Kagle Point.,
Medford, Central Point and Jackbon- Dmc,Au capf Wll I
vino, together with the many rela- WHAT PARISIAN SAGE WILL
For sale by all dealers. Prlco GO
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Duffalo,
Now York, colo agents for tho United
Kemeniber thu name Doan's
nnd take no other.
tlves of tho deceased. Tho remains i
were laid to rest in the historic Jack-(
Kouvlllo cemetery, where repose the
hones of many men nnd, women whoj
helped to build a commonwealth out
of a wilderness In Oregon. j
Tho party who picked up the wrong;
package at Kentner's store will please
return same and get their own.
K. L. Itayno of Kugene Is In Med
fotd on a business 'trip.
(Seorge Carstlns, the genial night
clerk at tho Nash, will leavo In a
few dayH for San Francisco, on a
Slop falling hair in two weeks.
Cure dandruff in two weeks.
Stop splitting hair.
Stop itching scalp iiuuiediiitely,
CSrow more hair.
Make harsh hair wty, silky nut1
Drightciis up tlie htiir mid o
As n hair dies-dug it is without i
peer it contains nothing that eai
to trade is to get further booth. There
Is no better city In the northwest, or
coast cities oven, whero tlore nro so
many opportunities to mnko money
as In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Immense
forests, lakes and rivers and valloys
all around Coour d'Alene. Four big
lumber mills, each sawing 300,000
feet n day here.
Address, S. II. GRAHAM, earo Kllto
Hotel, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 107
possibly barm the hair, it is no
vaciitlon of several weeks' duration, eky, oily or gieasy it is used b
K. T. Staples of ARliiand was in
Medford Tuebday evening visiting
with friends.
Hen J. Collins of Jacksonville was
a Medfprd visitor Wednesday.
J. C. A ikon of Woodllle, tho orig
inal booster for that village, la In
Mdfqrd today,
' Art Karhart of Woodvlllo was In
M t;d ford oil a business trip Wedues-
daj. Art has become a grower of
"$1000 un acre pears," bh he putsi
ly n tho Evans creek section, and
looks satibfled, fat and happy.
J. W. Jacobs of Woodvlllo was In
Medford Wednesday to attend tho
fuuerul of the late Warren Dodge,
J A- Waddle of Portland was
greeting his numerous friends in
bouthern Oregon this week.
Wane O.. Adams' wonderful, re
production of tho sreat Panama
canal and Jungle show to appear
again nf Savoy theater tonight. 204
It. G llardwell of Minneapolis,
Minn., Is In Medford on a business
Miss Eula Howard of Grants Pass
Is visiting friends In Medford for a
few dat on her way to San Fran
cisco for tho winter.
Mr. A. P- KIHS f Indlanapoll bat
charge of our watch repairing de
partment: Every watch Is guaran
teed to keep correct lime after his
Inspection. Phlpps bldg. 204
Thomas Trysjet was In towu from
Hut Dutio prook rsneh Wednesday. '
thousands to keep the hair lioullliv
it pievents as well as euies jicntii
For women mid ohildion I'nrisim
Sage is the most delightful huii
diPssiuj; nnd should be in every
home, diniluf Htmng sells it foi
gP cents u largo bottle. Ask for
Parisian Sage.
Parties moving will do well to call on
to handle their household pods
rtiey pack anil ship furniture and
unpack and set up furniture and do
hauling of all kinds. Baggage in
cluded. Phone 2151.
of t'nrey &.Kerr, I'ortlund, Ore. The city engineer, Mr MomIm, cxpri'tuicd lilumeir
as really pleased with the tent on cement pipe and recomniendu It highly for
i'Wei" purposes
The mayor and clly council wero convinced by the tentM ulven Unit cement
tlpo Was suitable for sewer, and II n now' used In nil parlH of the ellj' for
vwer lilll poses
fbe cement plpp.tufgU 'III
Pipe Co, of IJyrtlifml.fjnv.
this lest was iniido by the I'ortinnd (Ilnxed CVtnrnt i
Tho cluy pipe 'lined 111 (h'h IfHt wim made by t lt Oirgon A. WiiMlilnglun Hewer
Pipe Co. of, Oie,
1. t, v Yours respetil fully,
'' c. ir. iiui.i.un.
coNCKm'icoNs'ritucrnoN cu,
A. P. Allen, Mimiigrr. ' 109 Fruitgrowers' Hank.
. ."
Quiirlered Oak Veneered Seal Cluiirn, dach 85c
Ouftitered Oak C'obblor Sent Ohnirs, eiteh . ,
(J!uiir(()rc(1 Ouk Ilox Sont Diiuier C'lmirH, nny finish, coh.,
Kurfy Knglish Wcnlhored or s Finish ChniiH, eucli...,
Qunrtored Oak (kibbler Mont, Sowing Hookers, each
Quartered Onk Veneered Hack nnjl Sent Itockors, envh .
Qiiiii tered Oftk Vepet'ied Ilrtelv nint Hull Sent Ilnckcrtt...
y I 0
i t WO J
I .
TO TI(.!)K oit
Tho furniture of a 42-room hotel
in Cobur d'Alene, Idaho. Ono of tho
very best cities of tho northwest, of
10,000 people, two railroads and In
terurbau lines, and two now rail
roads building In. Steamboats ply
ing rivers and lakes. For furniture
of ,i hotel or rooming houso In Med
ford, or wr.uld trade for a flro In
urance 'tuvucsii or Interest In one
and a home In Medford. This place
if ours In Coeur d'Alene Is A No 1
makes 40 per cent on tho Invest
ment. Furniture and building new
and modern. Our object In wanting
to trae is to get further south There
is no bettor city In the northwest, or
coast clt'ea even, where there are to
many opportunities to make money
as In Coeur d'Alene. Idaho Immense
forests, lakes and rivers and valley
all around Coeur d'Alene. Four big
lumber mills, each sawing 300.000
feet a day here.
Address. S. It. OIUHAM. care Ellti
Hotel, (Y..-iir d'ihMi. Idaho 107
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phones:
F. W. Weeks, 207T
A. E. Orr,3692.
A Small Bearing Orchard.
Attractive Price - Easy Terms
W. T V.)rk & Co.
Look at This
Ono nil! hired Iron lled
(bio lulj hired edil mippoil upring.
0 full sued cotton top mSltrehH.
Set Conliplete $6.00
Onr prices on DteshrlH, HxlriiHion ThIiIcs, etc., itio worth imoHti
gating before buying elsewhere. Thin iH no misleudiiig removal miIo
Thin is no Monday mid Tiiesduv Mile. Wo lire hero loKtuy nml our
priepH upplv to owuv ny in'lho week. Sumo of our kooiIk nro piicod
below eiiHt, no will bn obliged to iinU our eustoiiier wlyther or not
Ihey uro buying for their owil use. us wo bue no mimls to hell (n
other furiiittlie dealurH ttt thuKo piiccH. North Fir, iie.t fish iiiiirkitl
Pry or & Co.
North Fir St Near Main St.
'I r:
r vJv Xfc. '.y S
ms stK x? 'X
- M-ltl
rl Door
Hlrepl fnni
In luu, I
I. Mr (
You Krl fhr brt valut-n and high
il nualltv nt prlcra II kf these b
octrltit from our catalogue
Mlkulua ll kumraluvr door, ll.M.
Kruai dour. : la lu Ih.imi.
I.'ullacr frtial ttlaauni, I.fl3 up.
K, II. lanldr dour ImutrM, Ttf.
K. II. BlalM nlurfuA (raiur. SI.OO.
Z'UkUI Mlnduna, rbrrk rait, IH !.
We have our own factory and av
jroii Hie middleman a proflta I'ack
lurrfuily and ai. lp anytrr riend
u yuur llat uf i,uteriai
ask rim rtT.tMMUr: n,, 43
Iia Hr.l r . Srallle.
It's time 'o hit lor 11 lew
photo In "'ml to Miiir loved
ones J'len-e mnjte vinii ,ip.
pdiiitment iii-w. Come betoie
,Iio nifli My new discovery
in Photography U n ciont .u-
cr-. iintliiii'.' betlci
You can't affoid to do without
this Rplmnliil, rcfrebliini; drink.
Cnll up and order a .cuse sent to
(he houKe The pureitt, rnoHt
fienlthf nl drink known ih
P. C. BIGHAM, Agent.
J. K. KNYAHT, Preniilonl.
JOHN 8. OHTII, CiiHhior.
J A. CEKHY. Vluo-ProBidont.
W B, JACKSON, Ahh'I CnMbier.
Cupital. $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
. Try
New Store
For Prices on
I In -km'-, tnr IimiIiIi.' lor lu-nllli
Splendid Bargain
It' taken this wcok, will soil closo in lot with
f)-rooin niodorn hoime; pays If) por cont on
invcHtniont. Roe
116 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon
lA '