MEDKORI) MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDKORn, OREOON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMR1C1? 10. 1010. if1 - ?I Til Sal -I a 5', at i ." u b I ; r I M B3d Km )'J l'i . 'I- I f i ! "it W! I IS li f. W I f si U i dl MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPKNDEHT NEWSPAPER I PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT 8ATUR- I SAT BY THE MEDrOKD FRIKTIIfO CO A NOVEMBER RESUME. A consolidation of the Meiirnnl Mali, i-Htubllnltcil 18S, tlio Houllierii Urctton Inn, rfitntillHhi'il 1002, Hip Democratic Tlmr. rnlnlillHlioil 1X72, Hip Aoliland Trlliunr. eMabllalird 1!0C, nml Hip Med fori! Trlbunp. pwlnlillBlH-d lsun aj!5IT0i: lUTrAAI.lMlinr"nndfn"tinKpr Kiitpn-d ha npcomt-rlan1 imttlpr No-vi-mbrr 1, 19C'l, nt the ponlofflcn nl Meilfori). OrPKOti, tinilfr III" net 'f .Mnrcli 3, 1879. Ufflclnl J'nper of the City of Muilfonl SUBSCRIPTION RA.TE3. Un yeur b mull ...... 3?0 One inontli by mall . 60 l'tr month, ilfllvT(-l by oiirtlur In Mcdfoid, Axliluml, Jncltxonvlllo unit t'rnlrnl l'nlnl . ., .60 Himdiiy only, b mnll. pnr yrur. . 2 00 UVt'kly, ir y mr. . .. . . . . .jj. . .. 1.60 mil X.ti8r Wlr United Vrtii Dlipntclm. TIih Mall Tritium- Im on uIh nt the I'urry New Ktiuul. Sun KranclncQ rortlund Ilotol Nona Htiind, I'ortlund. IIohiuhii KfWH Co, Portland, Oru. W. O. Wlillnoy. Kent Me. Wimli. Hotel Spokiiny Ni' wh Ml u n l, Hpoknnp. fc SP SWORN CIRCUI.ATION. Average Unll' for NuVPinber, 1908 1.700 Ix-cpinlxT. 1909 I.m Junuuiy, 1910 2.I2J .Uilirli, HMO 2,203 April. 1910 2.30" Slay. 1910 2.46 June, 1910 2.S02 July. 1910 2.624 AUiruat. 11)10 2.62 URU.Il l.l Heuteinber, 1910 Octobar Circulation. 3.... 4.... r...,, i;.... :soo .. 2775 . 2776 r 2700 2760 2760 2760 2730 2800 2750 '382S 17. 19.. 20.. 21.. 2.1.. 24.. 26., 26.. 27.. 28 . 5o"! 31.. 2,661 2776 277S 2776 2800 2860 2800 2900 2976 .1000 3000 3060 3060 09,895 OltKOON,' County of Jack 10 11 .'. 12 13 14 1C Total Avpmp dully. 279S STATU Ul' tiin ! On tlio flrnt day of November, 1910. M-rifonally appeared efofp me. (leoiRp Putnam, iminuccr of Hit) Medford Mall Tribune, who upon ojth ncknowleduea Dial me uuova llgurea uro irue ami cur- rcct. II. N VWllKl, (Hval) Notary Public for Orcuon MEDl'OSD. OREOOK. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and jsormorn luiuornia, nnu iiio laniesi Krowlnt? city In Oregon. Copulation, Novvinber. 1910, 10.000. Khe hundred IIiouhhihI dollar Oravllv Water Hylem completed In July. 1910, Riving finest supply puru mountain tvaler . r Whereto Go Tonight THE SAVOY Mcdford'e EzcIubIvo PioturoTho ntcr. 'LntcSt ticbbsod Photo-plnys. 0no Dime No Moro One Dime. THE ISIS THEATRE The plncu whoro you onii nl waj'H spoml a pluitsaiit hour Aid linvc n lioarty linli. Drop in ttini ARMSTRONG & KELLOGG, Hour thfir jokch, sons ami umi.t Tlioy will only Im wuh us ,iw more niulil. rlosniK' Wc(1ihki:i nislit. If you (Mill ami mo ii Ion, won't k lioiue Uitploiitptl. $ huvo For tliis I'hniiKt of pieltuvi 1 The Tyninnv of tlm Dark. -A ("orhioan Veinioltn. II Hank and I.auk (n ooiimtl ). IlliisiratPil mkijc. "Olniil- hooil," by Hum ItlaiicliKul Mutineo ovorv Sntuniny atul Suil- tlny at "JdJO. 'ROSPKHITy is said to be returning to the wist since x tlio election. At any rate, the deinoeratic landslide1 seems to have restored confidence to financial centers strange as it may seem. Already the cost of living is said to be declining, as meat pi-ices are lowering everywhere . except in the northwest. As for Medford and the Rogue river valley, prosperity , has her permanent abode here. Never was the outlook brighter than in these November days. Street improve-; melds arc being feverishly rushed while the clear days continue and new buildings are going up on every hand. j It is a changed city that greets the old timer returning as he alights at the magnificent new depot, a city of paved streets and substantial business blocks, a city of bustle and progaess and enterprise, a metropolis in the making wnn me cruuciiesH 01 me iijiiiiukiicu uii nuiging. Only a few figures are at hand to measure growth. Street paving has progressed during the past nine months at the rate of a mile a month. .Many miles of water, sewer and gas mains have been laid and a half million dollar gravity water system has been completed, and dozens of brick, stone and concrete business blocks erected, some of them four stories in height. Hank deposits reflect the healthy financial condition of the city. Kivc yeai-s ago they were $()09,I98. Today they arc $2,:i7(,f)82.' In the past ten months they have in creased $'1111,011, or 22 per cent. In two years they have doubled. Postoffiec receipts also indicate the growth of the coiu nmnitv. Five vears ago thev were, approximately $0000 a year. This year they will exceed $2(5.000. Year by year and month by month," they. have" increased from thirty to fifty per cent during the entire period. And the growth of the city but reflects the growth of the surrounding country. With G5,000 acres of the finest fruit land in the world in orchards, preparations are un-1 der way for the planting of 20,000 acres more the coining season. A year ago Rogue river apples won sweepstakes at the national apple show at Spokane, and this month Rogue river apples won first prize at the international Canadian apple show at Vancouver. November also witnesses the completion of the Pacific, & Eastern, the Hill railroad, to Butte Falls, the heart of, the timber belt, which opens the largest sugar pine belt in , Ainerica to lumber manufacture. Surveys have been com-1 plcted for the extension of the line over the Cascades to a ,' connection with the Oregon Trunk, giving Medford two transcontinental routes east. . ' All ill nil ftmilif lAnu wow) nnvni' Iwittm unl flin fnfiivni .111 111 till, I UUUIHVIIO ,V ..V-1X. . .vwvvi rw. HII. .ItH.i. for Medford and the Kogue river valley never more prom ising than in these sunny and frosty November days in the year of Our Lord, 1910. BASIS OF RATE MAKING. Look at This 71 1-2 acres, 3 1-2 miles from Medford, All Good Black Land, No Waste, 57 ac-2-year-old orchard, consisting of 20 acres Newtown, apples, 17 acres Bartlett pears 10 acres d'Anjou pears, 10 acres Bosc Pears. Price $16,800 Good Terms. Van Dyke Realty Co. Exclusive Agents Phone Main 582, 123 E. Main NATATORIIM EXTRA. wheelbarrow"" RACE ON SKATES. 8 P. M. DANCE 8.30. WALTZ TOURNAMENT. Best Music In the West. "NAT" THEATRE Very luiiMt Moving Pmturw. GOOD PKOtiHAM ANNIE ilmp) DOTS AND DASHES (Tbm.hau- bill.) NIGHT RUSTLERS UHu. Kntire chance every Suudny. Tuesday und Friday. Mntinoe every Saturday nud Sunday, 2:30 p. m. A eoxv theater anad comfort able henta. 10c ADMISSION 10c. High-Class Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. loNJfiUT ALFREDO, Tramp Musical Comedian. Quartet SlnglRii by Musical A Solo by Mr. Vanners. Instrumental Selection. 3 REELS-3. Door opon hi 7 i w. CIiiIiIiwh 10 r-CJO Adult 20 Matmny Every Saturday and SntunlMV 3 30 WHEN Reno, Nevada, sought lower freight rates, the Southern Pacificattemptcdto place in evidence books of shippers, showing the business done to prove that jb hers were able to do business on a margin of profit under existing rates. The same line of railroad logic was disclosed at the hearing of the Medford case before the interstate com merce commission Monday, when Attorney V. D. Fenton 'tftempted to secure from local jobbers admissions that thev were doing business in other towns at a profit, and .jonjj-Jit to ascertain their percentage of profit, as well as the extent of their business, the capital invested and other matters ol a private nature. j , These efforts illustrate the basis of rate making on tlio "Pacific coast "all the traffic will bear." If the rail road figures a shipper is making agood profit, it figures on raising the rates. If rates are so extortionate that an hidustry cannot exist, a reduction will be considered. Hut the basis of rate making is to tax all that the industry can stand and still exist. When the railroad thought.the lumbermen in western Oregon were making too much money, rates were raised. When it was figured the fruit growers of California were growing prosperous, an attempt was made to raise rates. nd so il has ever been. Actual cost of handling and haul ing have never been the basis of rate making on the west ern roads, it has ever been "all the traffic will bear," and that is why Medford is going to win all along the line in its battle against unjust railroad discrimination. 1 u''4M"'9illlllllflllllllllllllllllllllllMBt 4 I . L. A. GREGORY Photographer Solve the XmiiK piecnt (uv lion by liuinj; -mino KV."d plmloM furjtlfla. Vory tf-(optahk- ami not o.on-ie rieao uinko siiunj; iy a IKMolHieat. "1 MAIL ORDER MELONS. U-GO A $10,000,000 " melon" was decided on at Chicago Satur-- day by dircctoi-s of Scars-lioebuck & Co., the stock f which is listed mi the New York and Chicago exchanges. l lie directors voted to recommend a stock dividend ot V -'A percent on the common stock ($: 10,000,000) to hold el's of record April 1, 1911. Scars-Roebuck and other mail order houses send a large number of catalogues into this section annually, and secure some patronage to which thev are in no wa en titled. Scars-Roebuck pay no taxes here, rent no buildings here, have no payroll here, speiubuo money here and pla no part in the lify of the community. There is no reason wiiy anyone in tins section should patronixe such firms, m order that Wall street may cut "melons." Only by patronizing home institutions can home in-1 stitutious be built up. Only by keeping the money at home can the home city prosper. There is nothing iii the Illllll'V III llllVIIKl l 11 -t It itur fixmt It, .!.,. tl...t I..... ...... I I ' ,' .".J, HIM IHilli, II " ,! IlVfH, MMIllV (HOI till ((Ul buy at home that is nothing for you or for vour cit nothing but melons" for Wall street, which your dollars have help grow. When you are hard up and need credit, your home merchant supplies it iSears-Roebuek don't. They imh sell when you have the cash. Vour home merchant's income is distributed in your own town, it goes for rent, for payroll, for living expenses, it hcliri strnport the conununitv while the mail order house profits are lor the idle riih to squander in mhm than useless ilc.isures ou the "great white w.i " Burglar atf Talent. SAtititlu. iiikIiI burKlMi entered lb IiuILaH XeikHiid A (lurviii ttiid t-Mrfirtl away iurr-haii-dun, Mi"-, liiint'ilt. el?., to the MHtlHIHt ol about $4U. IClltrHIK't' MU- Kwiued liv tiiifiuV' nbi back dom TKe burvlais fuiluil to -I'cure iim a-h. a ri.n i mi loft in the p' u V Il M II V . '.. 1 .1 till III. 1 . II W. I. VAWTKK, l'rt"idont. (!. K. UNDLKV. Wc-1'ii'idenr. W. .M'llONAIiI), (.'ashiei Ifcaital provides security; if surplus and undivided prer its indicate prosperity; if constant growth is proof of good service, then you should entrust your business to The Jackson County Bank which submits the following statement at the call of State Hank Examiner Novembed 10, 1910: Capital .? Surplus and Undivided Profits ,,.. '. I Oti'tl .,t).4& Cash in vault and banks . WjivrjniiK Miifl limwlc .....,. ..,. U'..t,l .......,.,.,. ....... Rank premiuius ......i.M.. Loans . .'.', Nuiuairu . ...Ki.. .$100,000.00 .. ()7,(77..57 ()92,:M7.-17 $8(50,025.54 $2:)2.h:5.:hj .. (Hi, 195.02' .. o0.000:00 1. r.ui; .-.t .... .tri. wV'iiu.ui.iii,.; ( TiluQ. -r a. ,. 7p.100.15 $5;;i,GiJ().72 Total ?.- ...$SB0,b25.01 MIL.UNERY NOTICE v If the latlitjs who have beeirso kiudlv awaiting the trrival of UiQ,T4iyJmns will plenso call they can have first choice. Mrs. Walters Home Millinery Shop COR. WKST NINTH AND PEACH STs. t : - l Send Him Along. I I'lio Outlook.) Suiue oler in H Uraiil Pu pre I i .i .... i .i in. ,i ami win lumen itif ounni m Willi mil aiitilber utaik mi il r i.1i,i. , be thoi.vbt then, woiil.l be ihhnI u! r-l fUiot ha a Imtup ot bumor, un.vtra a.vltun m.iu alier tin- m.i, AflT " T -T-rll iri' HiiViitui thriMiKk uk bm inlli EQUIPPED PLACER MINES of 150 acres of deeded land, for sale oji terms. Property his one giant, several hun dred feet of pipe, reservoirs, ditches, water right, cook house, bunk house and other buildings, (food dump and grade for flume. Mostly coarse gold. Five miles from rail- road and in .Jaek&on county. Wagon rojilfto mine Orchard and garden. ROOM 3, 123 MAIN STREET !i Ut SHItiatr tn. Hid. Iii- II . In l ll . lK.- i ll. . .u Imit.itn I , i. ' N'", p' ,l an .., lull I III Kinll Kiilr of Yt.k Cnhf H i his lit I li l -, MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. 3icaj "" is&r$