Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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The l'nllmvhiK justice ami uon-Jii-bfes
have been elected-in the various
districts tliruuxliuut the county: ,
Mcrifunt ilistriet.O. 0. Taylor, jus
tice; August Siiifilcr, constable.
KhrIo Point, John WittkiifK, jus
tice; JdIii) Smith, constable.
A)iileRate, A. D. Ucnrdsloy, jus
tice; John Mntnoy, constnblc.
Hi;; Hutte, K. II. Wuthon', justice:
Kd Cowden, constable. i
Trail, -Jf. II. Cusiel;, justice; Dava
Pence, constable.
Hold Hill. J. P...K. Morclook, jut,
tiee; II. rf. l'anke.v, constable.
Woorivfllc, J. l' Wcrlz, justice;
William Beck, constable.
Talent, ('. Shcnimii, justice; J.
N. Manniuj:, constable'.
Sams Valley, C. W. Cooor, jus
tice; George McDoiioiirIi, constable.
Abhlund. M. F. I'dcstou, justice;
A. Ij. Irwin, constable.
Central Point, W. Climlin, justice;
Leu Ingram, constable.
Jacksonville, II. G. Vox, justice;
Joe Wettfcrer, coiiHluble.
It is Impossible to be well, simply im
possible, it the bowels arc constipated.
Waste products, poisonous substances,
must be removed from the.bcdy at least
Atkivar tfoeht about Aver'$ Ptlls; genthj once each day, or there will be trouble!
One Pill
Atk iraar doctor about Atitr'$ Pills: eentkt
laxoiice. all vegetable. The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only
act dinttly on the lleet. itt?gi; one pill at bedtime. All vegetable.
" ' ii "'HmwHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammMmam
Front street fronv Third street to
Sixth street, 8-Inch.
Orrt(e street from Sixth street to
alley between Soventli and Blt;hth
streets, 12-lncji.
Said contractor, agrees to perform
nil Ot said work In' a first-class, sub-
stnntinl, workmanlike manner In ac
cordance with the plans and specifi
cations therefor, on file in the office
of the city recorder, which plans and
specifications khavo been adopted by
the- city council lor such Work, and
4 - $
At the Niibh. V. F. Chace. Port
land; C. A. lllaucliard, Denver; K.
P. Frosty Portland; II. B. Nodone,
San FrauciM'ii; J. ('a fit, Portland:
A. Ilandburger, F. K. .Smith, V. P..
Higgiu and wife, M. K. Lint, Ne.v
Yjn-k; K. V. Ilnrk. II. K. Smith, ,h
Meyers, II. IJ. Loiuisbury, V. I J.
Kenton, H. Swurtz, K. Mobiles. O..F.
Tucket- nnd wife, Portland; II. L.
Flaunery, Kansas City; A, It. Pugh,
Washington, D. C; Helton N. Wells',
Vancouver: J. S. .Simmons, Port
land; J. Mantz, Fagle Point; Clin.
Salmon, New York: Mrs. N. L. Wash
burn; K. II. Laiigue, llillsboro; V. II.
Jlendelscn, San Francieo; Hoy Asn
jtolc, Fagle Point; C. L. Farrar. C.
II. M. Growold, Portland; G. S. Clay,
,J. II. Coburn, New Yorkf L K. Gib-sun,-Del
roil; J.C. Kliglfsh, Portland;
I). C Carr. SilVerton: Clin. Red
mond, Portland; Mr. and .Mrs.
II, Savage, . CoiyallK; Win. Manu,
Langl'ord, N. D.j II. llainburjier, Now
York; K. C. Morrison, Dtuismuit",
Itobt. Atkinson, Portland; II. P.
IIoustons-M. K. List, Now York;
' WWhYYi.Sw,H;? W.iefes:' Win.
Scbrooder, Portland; John Monev,
Williams, Cal.; Mr. and Mis. E. ..
Lamport, Portland; W. I'.. Arnold.
Scuttle, I). J. Castlemau, Ashland.
The Moore F. C. Chamberlain,
city; 1). A. Paine, Eugene: W. C.
Ilayner and family, Seattle; W. W.
Woodwaid, C. M. Williamson. C. C.
Wcideinaun, Portland; W. K. Ger
wold, Seattle; C. P. Terwilliger, Sun
Jose; J. F. Laught, Cliicago; L. M.
Alhn. Hostou; F. N. Averill, Port
land; J. M. Spencer, Ashland; II. V.
Hart. Portland; C. F. .Humphrey.
St. Louis; S. II. Mome, Poillauu;
W. Ncllis and son, city; K. L. Dodge,
Akron, O.; II. F,. Norton, Sail Fran
cisco; F. M. Northrup, Fugcne; D.
K. Tripp, L. M. Allen, Portland;'!;.
II. Itanisby, Klamath Falls.
upon tho terms and conditions la
snld plans nnd-spcclflcntlons set forth,
which said plnns and specifications
are hereby expressly referred to .and
mnde n part of this agreement, and
In consideration therefor tho city
ngiccs to pay "said contractor at tho
following rate)
On Ninth str.cct from Orange street
to Hamilton: 0-Inch vitrified pipe at
$1.20 por foot; 8-Inch vitrified pipe
at $1.35 per foot.
Ivy street to Front street on Sixth
and Sixth street to Fifth street on
Front, Fifth street from Front street
to Rlversldo nvonuo: 24-lnch plpo
laid In trench with 8-Inch and 10-inch
pipe, $2.50 por foot.
Sixth street from Ivy to Itlvorsldo
avenue: 10-Inch plpo in trench with
21-Inch pipe, per foot, $2.00. -
Sixth strcot from Laurel to Ivy
street: 24-Inch pipe, $G.5(J per fofll.
Fifth street from Front street to
Rlversldo avenue: 24-Inch cemont
pipe, $4.20 per foot; 2 1-Inch vitrified
pipe, $4.10 per foot.
Front street from Third to Sixth
streets: 8-Inch vitrified, pipe, $1.85
per foot.
ornpo BtmoJ from Sixth to alloy
between Seventh and Eighth: 12
Inch vitrified pipe, $2.50 per foot.
Standard slnglo mauholcn, JG5.00
Standard double mauholcH, I130.0G
each, -
Standard lampholes, $20.00 each
It Is further agreed Unit the pay
ments provided for on the assessments
mentioned In tho plans and specifica
tions shall bo mado by tho city at tho
tlmo and In the amount In fnld spe
cifications, in lawful money, or Its
orjulvllent, prtyoblo In tho following
iranncr to-wlt:
Klghty por cent (80 per cent) of
all material furnished and labor pre
formed, according to tho estimates
furnished by tho contractor, and ap
proved by tho city .engineer, which
sald'8'0 per cciU shall bocomo dub and
payable to said contractor on the
10th day of each and every calondar
month, tho balance to be paid as per
It Is further agreed Fiat the party
of tho first part, the contractor above
named, shall furnish bonds for tho
faithful prcformuncc of this conliact,
to bo approved by tao Mayor of said
city In tho q;inf'if .. ,,... .. .dollars,
guarnntqplnghe fu'th'ful perfOrm-
ni'co of this contract, and f rtlor pro
viding for tho Indemnifying of said
city ngnlnst any claims of Hens for
Inbor, work or rj-ntorlal en account
of sub-contractorsc1 material men, lab
orers and other fdrnlsl.lntr labor or
materia! for this contract. It Is fur
Welch, aye; Merrick, ayo; Unier
Ick, sibsont; Wortman, nyo; Elfort,
absent, and Dommor, ayo.
Approved November 3d, 1910.
. W. II. CANON, mayor.
Attest: ROUT. W. TELFI3R.
City Recorder.
An ordinal co authorizing tho lssu
a nee of $14,250 of tlio Improve
ment bonds of tho city of Medford,
Jackson couvty Oregou, and direct
ing tho advertising of tho samo for
sale in accordanco with chapter V
of Title XXVII of Balllngor & Cot
ton's Annotated Codes and Stfitutc8
of tho State of Oregon.
T: o city of Modford doth ordain
an follows:
Section 1. Whereas, tho city of
Medford had heretofore duly caused
certain street b of said city to bo im
proved, and ban duly assessed tho
cost thereof to the property benefited
thereby In accordanco with tho char
ter ot said city; euid,
' Vhcroas, certain evners of sundry
plecos of proporty oach ns3cssod for
such Impiovomonw In a sum exceed
ing twenty-flvo dollars, has duly
mado and Pled application to pay
said Boveral .y330gsmo'!s Jif Install
ments, In accordanco with section
2727 of said Biiltngor & Cotton's
Annotated Codes and Statutes; and,
Whereas, an assessment and bond
Hen docket has bocn duly mado up
In nccordanco with tho provisions of
said section mu! of soitlcn 2728 of
said codes and statutes, md tho total
amount of unpa'c assessments for
such strcot Improvements and for
which application to pay under tho
provisions of said sections nbevo cit
ed has been niadb and tiled as afore
said Is the suul or $14,250, as
shown by nr.ld bond Hon docket;
Now therefore, eajd city of Mod
foro doth ord-iln as nfore3r.Id that
thoro is hereby hiithorlzcu to bo Is
sued tho bonds .of &ild city la tho
total amount of $14,250, In de
nominations of two hundred and fif
ty and flvo bundled dollars each, art
may bo convenient.
Section 2. Slid bonds sh..U bo
mado In tho following foini:
$ No
Jaokson County
State of Oregon
Know all men by theso presorils,
T'jgi. tho city of Modford, In tho
county of Jn.-knon, stato of Oregon,
for vnluo received, hereby agrees and
promises to pay tho bo'ror tho sum
u dollars
In gold coin ot t!-o United State: ot
America, .on tho presentation and sur
render of tMs obligation on tho
, day of . . . r. , I't tho year
cf our Lord ono thousand nine hun
dred nnd ,, Avl-.hout grace,
with lntorcst thereon from tho date
t'prco.f until redoomed, or unit, tho
lluioof tho soml-f.nnuai Interest pay
i.ont next ensuing tho publication of
notlca by tho clt- ot Modford that
tjln bond w'll bo taken up nnd can
tho secretary'c! state Februnry 22d.
1893, na amondod by an art entitled
' An act to nruond section,': Is 2, 3,
4, 5. C, nnd 7 of an act entitled 'An
net to provldo for tho hssuaftco of
bonds for the Improvement of utrcots
..nd laying of LOor3 in Incorporated
cities, and for tho payment of tho
cost ot such Improvon.o'ilc and lay
ing of isowor- by lnstanmenb3r' filed
In tho offlco of tho sccrot:.ry ot state
February 22d, 1893," approved Feb
ruary 28 th, 1901, and is an obliga
tion of thovlty of Medford, 'afore
said, and is not to bo deemed or tak
en to bo wl'hln or any part jbf tho
limitation by law as to the Indebted
ness of Eald city, nnd It Is furthor
certlflod that all requirements bf law
haVo been fully compiled wltb by tho
proper officers In tho Irsufng of this
bond, and that tho tots I Amount of
this lssno does not exceed tho limit
prescribed by sub! act. it ,
Thin liniid la roilenmnhl.t nf thn nf.
flee of said trorxuror at tho option of,
tho city ftf Modforr upon tuo pnymont
of tho faco vr.luo thorcof, wltlii'ac
crued Interest to tho date of payment
at any soml-annual coupon period at
after ono yoar from tho dnto hcro
of, ni provldod In said act.
For thoifultlllment of tho condl
tlono of tins obligation tho faith nnd
credit of t'ao city ot Metlford nro here
by pledged. ft -
In witness whereof, this bond has
been slKiicd by tho mayor and attest
ed by tho recorder of said city ot Mod
ford and tho corpornto seal of tjio
city ot Medford hereto affixed this
day ot '
A. D. 1910. '
Auto Owners
You read our last week's nd,
didn't you, us to our; Kimnyttcciug
our wdrk? Weil, ,wo hnvo proven
it to quite- many. Call and wo can
prove it to you.
Offutt Ilarnes
Auto Co.
Elflhtlt and Central.
iMiono 0231 Main.
Splendid Fruit Land Tr&ct
J.. M (
Rccordor of tho City of Modford.
Section 3. Each of-sald bonds shall
have attached thereto twenty coupons,
each of which shall be In tho follow
ing form: ; -CITY
Stale of Oregon. '
Will pay to tho bearer , , , .
dollars In cold coin of tho United
St.-itc!) of Anibrirn at the offlco of tho
treasurer of said city, on tho . .
day of . . . , being six
months' Interest on Improvement
bond No , unlcsKscld bond
is sooner redeomed as thoreln provid
ed, which redemption v, III render this
coupon void. I
Moss & Co.
465 ACRES 3io miles &om the city of Mcdfdfa; 300
acres under jnow, balance scattered pales and brufcli
land, easily cleared;, land lies abqvc the frost line, is
finely drained and Sub-irrigated. This tract overlooks
the entire valley, in the heart of a fine fruit setition.
Adjoining land held at $250 per acre. Price of this tract
$135 per acre. Splendid terms. Apply
D. H, JA&Ks6n 00. COMPANY
i i.lfnrl nn,l Mm lnlnrif flinrnnn will
thcr agreed thai said work shall ho coaso at t:,0 ,utoroat porbd n0!t M.
conmenced and prosecuted with all.IowInB 8llnh publication, at tho rato
Arrange to attend the Kugena B
fness College, and let m got yoa i
good position wbon you gradnat. Ba
tor now. Send for oar sew ma
loguo, 14 M West 8enth atr
An ordinance providing for tho
execution of u contract with the Ja-cobbiMi-Uudu
tqnipany for excavatiug
and buckfllllng trenches and fur
nishing and laying pipe In tho con
struction of sewers along and In a
number of streets of the city of Med
ford. particularly onumeri'ted In
fald ordinance and providing the
terms of bald contract.
Tho city or Medford doth ordain
as follows:
Section 1. That tho proposition
of the Jacobsqn-Rado company, an
Oregon cqrporafion, for" laying Hewers
in tho streets In tho city of Medford,
herolnuftor specified, lirludlng exca
vating and backfilling trend es, fur
nishing nnd laying pine, be -and the
same Is hcroby accepted and thn may
or and rccordor are hereby author
ized to outer into and slsn u contract
In tho torm and manner hercdnaftbr
bet forth, and Mich action by said
mayor nnd recorder Js hereby au
thorised, ratified and confirmed.
ThUgreemunt, nutdo.nnd entered
Into this 3d dey of N&vomber, 1910,
by anil between the Jacobsen-Hado
Company, un Oregon corporation,
hereinafter named as contractor, and
tho city of Medford. a municipal cor
poration, hereinafter called tho city,
Wltnesbolh: For and In considera
tion of the covenants hereinafter bet
forth, tho contractor hereby under
tako and covenants to furnish all the
necoshary material and labor and, do
all of the work of excavating and
backfilling dltclfes. hauling and Ia
ing pipe on the following streets and
avenues In the city of Msdford, Ore
gon, to-wlt:
Ninth street from Orange street
to Hamilton street. 6-Inch and 8
Inch. ,
Fifth street storm sewer from Iliv
eraide avenue to Frout street.
Front street to Laurel street, 21
".h Ifoin Ri,., ,dr -vni.
hi U. irm in null
roasonajdcv diligence and dispatch
Mid all of said work chall bo couplct
od on or bofoie . . . ". lt)10
parties have caused these prtMi-ts to
bo executed or. their behalf rosnectlv-
oly, on tho da and ycy first abovol
Ily C. K. HA OH.
ily V. II. CANON, Mayor.
Atteht: UOBT. W. TBLFI3U,
City Recorder.
The foregoing ordinance was passed
by tho City Councl of the City of
of six por cont por annum, pa-ablo
soml-annually, In llko gold coin, on
the day of nnd
year, on tho pro-
nontatlon and euirondor of tho prop
or coupons thereto annoxod, principal
and lntorcst paynllo at tho offlco of
tho troaKt rcr of 1.1 o oily lot Modford.
This bond is ouo of a sorlos author
ized by an act of tho loglslatlvo as
sembly of tho oUito ot Oregon, enti
tled "An act to provldo for tho Issu
ance of bonds for the Improvements
of streets and tho laying of sowoni In
Incorporated cltlos ana" for tho pay
ment of tbo rest of euch Improve-
Medford, Oregon, on tho 2d day of ments nnd laying of sowers by In
November, 1!10. by tho following' etallments," filed In tho offlco (ft
llecorrtiT'of tho City of Medford.
Said coupons shall bo numbered
from ono to twonty respectively.
Section !. Tho mayor of oity
Is lioroby authorized and dlroclod to
sign said bondc and tho city rccordor
to countersign tho samo by attach
lag thereto tho seal of said clt, all
on bchair of snld clt.
Section C. Tho recorder of the
city Is horoby dlrocted tb register
said bonds nnd nv.mbor tl'.o came on
tho blank provided thorofor in tho
foregoing form, In accordanco with
section 2730 of said codes and btat
lftes oT tho atato of Orogon.
Section C- Tl?o. lecor'.cr of tho city
of Modford Is horoby dlrctod to
advertise said bonds for salo nnd that
the samo will bo sold for the highest
prlco obtalnablo, not 'chh titan par
nnd accrued lntorcst, and In said ad
vertisement ho sl'nll announce that
ho will receive senlod proposals for
tho purchnso of said bonds or nny
portion thereof a. 1 is offlco at any
p. ,m, on tho inth
November. 1010,, Ho shall
tlmo before 4;. 10
day ot
publish said advertisement three
times In n dally newspaper piblished
and printed In said city, and shall
submit thov sealed proposals receiv
ed In accordance with Bald adver
tisement to the council at Its next
mooting thuroafter.
Tho forogollig ordlnanco was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 2d day of
November, 1910, by tho following
Welch aye, Merrlok ayo, Kniorlck
absent, Wortman nyo, Hlfort absent,
and Doiumor aye.
Approved November 3d, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder
Let us show you now
tho different models and
prices of
while we have plenty of
time to explain tho beM
kodak for the individual
to receive it
FROM $1.00 TO $65.00
and Shippers to English MarKts
f3 Consign your .fruit to
'MKSSRS. JHDM5Y & HOULfolrttf, Cb'vonl Garkn, lfBiok.
i - . f
fjDoat murkot prlcoa.- Cash rbralttod Hd? riftcr'salo, cabled It required.
i , ..-."ii
jJSolo agoats lnL6ndon for South AtisttAlirn govorament. .consign
ments. -- --. -.
fJOur charges for soiling, 5 por conl and 2 conla por boxJ
. t if'
Agcnt In Now York, Vf, N. willTIO & CO., 70 r-ark,riaco. Forvaril
"Ing charges, 2 conta por box. Theso ae, tho Bote chargOB. Comparu
with other account M H ilJl X l ll
Thanksgiving Special
Willi every 'J5o cash purchase mndo nt oilr market you are entitled
to u vllnnoo to win an i8-pountl turkey, oo buy your fresb, Halted,
niiiieil and nutokcd fish hero. Wo nusp. liavo fresh oyfiioifar
.lint Tluinksgivlng diniior. Cnli or phono (nd we' wijl, UoIvor
your ordor,
Rogue Rier IiH Co-
-'-f ' i'r' i"T '.- J 1 " '"'T"""TTTr?T5"TT!riS5
JV fBRUAr fflggj TOt
4K x wi - jftjnn a i i'ii iii iww
Wrs. A. M. Link, repreHont
ing Direct Cloth Co., Hi, Loiiim,
Mo., wihlios to nuuouiice to hi
dio8 (if MedTord sho will tnko
oiderH for liiiule-to-mousuro
gurmuuts, nnd goads by tho
vnrd, nt 2,'JtI N Central, dur
ing fall mid winter souson.
I'riees low, huliufaetioii guaranteed.
In Just Five Months
Grew a Full Growth of Hair on a Bald Head
Here's the Proof
In Seven Days
Wo have sold two i"ivc
aci'c, and two larger
iniets in our KltlTIT
TKA(yr, and tlie par
lies are improving them, t
Come and sec us u you
want tmy size tract.
II 0 W U N D
Hooni 3, 123 Main St.
Tho P. & E. R'. R. will soon be at
Butte Falls; Oregon
Wo can thdn llandlo your ordci's. Place thorn mow.
Write o': Phoxio im for Drices.
Butte Falls Lumber to.
i ii
,. 1,
Tr Iwn or Itirf Tfjr mr h( b"l "
failine out n,i se I n i mi l.nn u". t"-
lo of m r.vl ntir r lii'i AVwt
f'-ur momht eo I o-inK-n- i ii li
.'ei nl Sjlphur T-" ', bl'
termed lo do Krai, fxvj
ll rttuiirtr. until n" I h
llei. The rh)l lor nf r
r.t.iv M.rrl with hilr aad It lirci ca-
In in iHkkrr 1 ha'l Wj on uitrjtr It A
r M mnttr, J I nMIrr a cnitot IK
rrvvu iTmms EACOJ,.
r-jchtcr, X. T.
ButTB or Vr.vr TorkJ
CunlY o( Una t 1
fettmm imcvii wine dulr norn, Mr
Cut h h Il4 lU HJIM! o
nxd an-J tnl (t- coaitati o( uiJ iun-
mtnt art tru.
Tlio birthright ol every mnn, woman nnd child a full,
healthy head ol hair. If your .hair is falling, if it la full ot
dandruff, or if it s oded or turning gray. II Is diseased
nnd should be looked after without delay,
'VulJj'rSiril IfBlr Tonic ftn,, Restorer, removes dandrulf in n low days,
"mj "h.i.4 "iV rw Mops hnir falling in one week, nnd starts a nw growth In
a month.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur docs ftot soil tho akin nor
injure th hair; but it l an ideal hair dressing tfml will rc
ntorc laded and aray hair to natural color'and keep tho
hair soft and glossy.
50c. and 51.00 a Bottle At all Druggists
Or Sent Direct. Exprons Prepaid, Upon Receipt of Prlco
Ashland, Oregon .Swodonburg Block
This is the school hint will make yoii Suc
cessful, Traits you for Business and Holp
you to a Position.
Recuro your Uisijicss Education at homo
at a very'nioderato' dxpense and, if you visli.
wo will secure you it position in any btlho
largo couiniorcial centers.
1. RITNEtt, A. r., President.
.'-: --..j ; z. i : r, a;- 'fi'.' j.,i-j .n-ji
Oon'rartorR will next week rom
ploto tlio now nnwor Hyiitom hi Bontli
B'a Ailditlon, plvliui Hunttnry Bwor
ago and (IniliiAKn xowur. In adilltlun
to .'ifl lotH in thlH aiMIHon, only flvo
blockK from Main Htnx-t, tlio clon
oii U In Rood rfnldnnro ot now of
forhiB In Modford. Tlio niattqr of
putting in tho drainage cowor af
fords opportunity to drain ImsomonU
and collara and hrhiK about tho hmt
Banitary conditions. .Mudford's up-to-dato
pooplo only want up-to-date
conditions in their residence quar
ters, tf
8vor l U'.on at tit Hit atr f Jo'r. 1992.
Mxu7 nauc
Wycth Chemical Company, nJJ SffgrfEV.
j Fi .SaliMiml TJt- c.iniiH-iiiUl 1 f.l;0 11 11 SMs, MulliHil. Oit-
You bollovod tliat "dead utook" to
J be gullible wlion you trouyht it.
Probably it was and is. Uonccn-
trato a little nrivcrtiHinc on it and,
m n wed . fur-rl ibal it ever wnrriei1
Let usQuote You Prices on
All Kindis of Trees
and Shrubs
. ti
Wl Gore
. . . . ' . " I . I ' A.U!
At Warner, Wortman Wl Gore
j& j&
; J,
Y - 5