Wfl 1UED.F0RJ) MAIL TRIBCNK. MEDFORD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910 i . i 'il W Ml i if " .r ' i' i ..J! h! I' j t ! f .li! r .; f I l E1 It DISPATCHING BY ICOUNTY TAX BILL TELEPHONE IS .: FATE DOUBTFUL GREAT SUCCESS Ashland Railroad Officials Are I Well Pleased With Use of Phones j fH) Shasta Division for Purpose of I Controlling Train Movements. Elflht, and Posslhly Nine, Out of 32 Initiative Measures Were Passed at the Election Hearty Support for Good Roads. TO Ijt BUILD 8000 HUNTING L Siiip1mitii)K the tele;rniu, wjiieh ' wiij'jiirid.ered I lie: gtnlidnrd for IliifjjIlinK t ruin invenientn lor a firiiit ninny year, the Southern 1'a eifie -Ii'iih joined tho riuikH nl" rail roads mow using lliu telephone J'or lhpittchiiur IniiiiK, Telephonic w pnratuH ih now in jiperntion over I he KbuKin diviHJon wjlh a total of 'JUL miles circuits. Copper wire of ex treme weight ami especially drawn for Korvicii in a mountain region i hy'iQti lined. 'I'IiIh telephone ficrvice as applied to rain duipntchinpr is no new tiling on the Simula division, il havipK heeu iiiHtalled some time nj,'o, hut in Hie menutimo il linn heeu perfect ed to unci) an extent that it Imp conic lo he recognized an a penuuncut ad junct of tho (lifipntchiiiff service, 'an improvement -which i working very satisfactorily according to Ashland railway official .sayH the Tiding, and promi&cs Hooper or later to hiiii plant thu old method. At the niiinc thiio the former telegraph wire will cnntijiuo to do lii)Hint'K,s at (he old stand in time of emergency, a ilupli "clfte nyxtcin really hoiut; the outeoijic of tin? adoption of the telephone nyh-cm. The telephone circuit during Id Imiirti oat of 'JJ h cut into two scc Ii'oiiH, and during tho third "trick" tho enlfre circuit is operated hy ofic dinpatelicr. This circuit cover a 'ilHI-jnile pcclinu of the main line he Jwech Anhbind, Or., .and Red Bluff, Cn)., and a ljrntirh of Oft miles f;-in Weed, Cnl fn Klamath Tails, Or. The dispatcher U located at Minus- itintr, Cal., which is 1)8 inileH f npn Tied Hluff, the southern termilial pf (TiSk cirelii't, Thero are 'Ji latios on the. entire circuit, J'J heing locat ed hclweuu Dnusmuir mid Red Hluff, liino between Weed riitd Klamath TallH. I'iiHH('iineiv mid freight train ou the Houtlieru 1'acifin are eqiiipjied with porlliblo (eleplione hcIh, ennh ling trainmen to get in touch willi the dispatcher from Aslihiud or any other Pliltinii to any point along the road. . 3 ' MAROONED ON' ISLAND ST Efforts Beinu Made tp Roach Pas sengers and Crew of Wrecked Ship With Provisions and 'Relief Heavy Storm Blows. I MAIIOONBD :;..- . SKMCIKK, Man., Nov. Hi.-SlMy-"six panseiigero and the crew ol tic steamer Wolverine woie reported marooned ou a dcnlnto island in l.ako Winnipeg hy an lidiiii riitnuii who rjinijlicil Selkirk today. Tlju Wolverine foauderod (tunc weeks no and u hellovcd lo have fcliuk. It is unknown whether all tin P'ykpKore reached tiu inland in i(ji. lJulo roMjued . thu' wil' have lo lemain whuro limy are until (hi! hike freexeo over thick ounutfh I" Mipiwrt a ean'ti wtnglit. The Wol veiine'd crew numbered II. CtilUlQVA, Ahikkii, Nov. 1(1. litTjljtti to reuch th 1 Mople w!i. luiiiijmruil the crew ami mkuugei lf the dimmeil steamer I'oiIIhiiiI, and a lo now xlruiulud on Kntalla inland, wore made today. The food b!IMly on (he harreu inland ih piti fltlli' anujjll, Ojdy a few haidy fih efnuni have home on the Ulainl uml il $ eortaiu that their Meant Kioto Uiinuiit ktibtaiu the poo pie of the wrecked uliwiniur rnoru than two oi ihro days. The tenuiNhip Alntnodu will uinke another nttuiiipt to ut oul of this port today. The storm i ttrowintr hourly in iuteuily and it U bltfdly likali' (hut (hit AImiumIii will ho aide to mV,t auv mure pivu iii than yeUidy, hUwi sIib iv tiiiuud to )Hi after trvinir lo mukc kondwny iimiIu1 iW Mono fur 1'J lllMIIV. Wll Promote Beauty. WufUOli dtMiiHK henuty t won 'kzi hetli ftim HuaUauV Aimou Sah'O. It hanihor uiidefc, kin JJjntiouw, irttre and hpil. it iunU lie akin kufl and velvety. Il kI.ii iius the fuoo. Ciiroe Hint) eyum r.uil jHilH. oittokcd li)i, dlidpiii'd hitiuN Ileal for Iiiiioh, kcahU, fever Ktrf, ciiIh, hriiiHCx and pile J.'ie at I'lia1 Sriinii'. in Kight au,d jMisihly nine of the .'12 iuitiativo monmircM niihiujted to thu Mitem have heeu lavored. They arc:. Kinploycrs' liuhility hill. Homo rule measure. JCiijBtorn Oregon hninoh asy)uni. Support of the normal school ta Monmouth. I'rohihitiiig fishing in the Higije river, except l;y Jinn. Changing judicial procedure. (loud roads mcayurc. Extending direct primary to pres idential electors. The measure still in douht is the county tax amendment. Among the most important mid having I lie most widespread offcH is the employers' liahility hill. This measure was initiated hy tho unions ufler tho unions had failed to scciile a more temperate mcuHtirc in the leg islature of 11I0P. The result of this hill is not yel determined, there he ing a difference of opinion, hut il will prohahly cause a measure heim; introduced in the legislature next Jiiiiimrv providing for some sort of schedule of compensation. Indem nity insurance companies nre snid to have held a meeting in an I'rap eisco and decided on raising ratios owiiifj to the increased riskrt. Local agents in Portland have not Vet heeu advised as to the outcome of the mccliui.'. hut nre of Die opinion thirl certain companies may diandou tflis field. An employes' compensation act is now heing advocated as a soil ft amendment lo the hill, iuilialedr.TI)i is a mailer ou which there will prnji uhly ho no opposing vojco, hut which twill cause a dissension when the de tails of tho eompeiisntioti are dis cussed, -flit) The giirtd roads amendment .'met with hearty support. Its chiof,jmi visiou is that il removes tho lillitito .fftOOO limit which counties were forced to uo. Now road liuildiiig can hi) undertaken' hy the cniiytir of the slulo Without heiug held down to a mere $5(11)0, fur this sum in the past. Iiiih retarded rapid dcvolnpuicpl and improvement of stale highways. Some fine polities will ho plnved hy the commercial oiyniiiznlimis pi Maker, l'eudlolon and Union, as a Oousoitionoo of llo voters' ihyMoii to huild a hranch iisylum within five miles of one of Hiono three towijs The hill provides for the selection pi a site and the erection of a hulldiut; which will shelter liOO patients. Tie silo is to he selected hy tho state hoard. I'rohahlv one of the towns interested will offer a sito free. Tjie hranch asylum in Kasteru Oregon has heeu urged for several year, and efforts have heon made in tjie legislature to this cud. The KuHtei'n Oregon senator and representative worked as a unit last session to iir roll a hill of his kind through. The hranch asylum will ho used for pa tients in that section of the staje, and will save the li-Hiispoitalion ol patients lo Salem, as well n reliev ing the present congestion in the main asylum at the capital. A Mnluinii cannery will he put ttl of luisiueHs ou the Koguo river lo oiuiso tl;o meuwiire' prohihiliiiK lish ilig in that Ntrenm other Hihii wjth honk and line ha heeu adopted. The Rogue river filier has heeu in cou- i I Ntimhcr of Mctlford Capitalists Have Combined to Estahlish Elenant Sportsmen's Resort In Klamath, Says Chronicle. Tim Kliitnntlt Clironinln snvs: For tjie ereelion of an (lOllj hunting and fishing lodge is Hie lal ot move started hy outside capital in recognition of the resources of Klamath county. The movev for this grand spoils men's resort is heing projected' hy a numlier of .Med ford capitalists, wjllti ,J. I). Hoard at the head. -Mr. Hoard is in the city now looking into t lip f matter and while the final detail hnve not heen completed, these are fur enough along that the Chronicle is in a position to slate almost posi tively Hint the lodge will he limit. Willi .Mr. Heard is Kdgar Jlafer, Karl Smith, C h Newhall, C. W. Iloyuton, J. It. Tomlin and Fraijk Dudley, all of iMcdford. ' They are over oslensihly for u few days' limiting on the hikes of this coun try, hut the fact that they are nego- tiutin for and. have the deal almost closed for the purchase of the small Island dowli at the lower end of Lake Kwnuna, on which thev intend 'to huild a cqmmodious hunting Rome for themselves uud friends mid equip it with all the paraphernalia which goes along with an up-to-date hunting lodge cipial to the best in the United Stales, has leaked out. That Iho waters of the Klamath counlrv uro the greatest in the'worhl for such n pleasure report m well recognized hy every one who' liu ever hunted uud fished here. In no other place can more water and more ducks, geese and fish ho found than riuhl in the Klamath hasin. That the sportsmen of the outside world nre liogiuning to renlizo thi ns a fact is shown every duy hy flu number who come hero from alt parts of the country to participate in Hie sporl of hunting and ITshiiiL'. and the wonder is that , sonic such resort litis not heeu established loui: at;o, hut now Unit u moo has heen made in that direction it is a .fore gone conclusion Hint other capital ists will seek to got ill here nnd os luhlish their own private hunting grounds and lodge?. ' While Mr. Heard and those with him on the above deal are reliletaul to give out any information 'about their plans, they have dropped enough around town to lead to tin belief that they expect to have theii resort ready hy Iho opening of th'1 huutiiii; season next year. For Sale We are offering for sale any or all of our pros perty in Medford or west of Butte Falls, Oregon, :, , 400 Cords of Slab Wood Only $2.00 per Cord at the Mill The railroad is now completed to Butte Falls. The rate per cord on slab wood is only 90c? This lot of wood is near the P. & K R. i. track and easy to. Jiandle. Some one can make big money by lui .icorc-KUimnsit particulars see biginoney by handling this wood. Crater Lumber Inquire of Edgar Hafer Lake Comp'y Medford, Oregon 4$ the presence at Saloin of tho Into l ,1). Hume at legislative sessions Hills to prevent fishing on the Hogue river ciimc up constantly, uud now the hill has heeu enacted through the fc initiative. The argument for the bill wiis that fish are becoming exterm inated in (hut stream, and would he entirely extinct 'unless the measure wiih approved, which it was. Sweeping changes are provided in the judiciary measure. About all the average elector knows of the meas ure is that in a civil ease by jur n cerdict can he brought in by three fourths of tho jury. The bill also provides that the grand jury shall consist of seven member, five ol whom iilust nonour to find an indict ment, and that the grand' jury can lii summoned in vacation time as well as during sessions of court. B i A Good Way to Start the Have for Breakfast trovorsj for j cars end nooossit.nod. Unskm'a for health. For Sale Owing to lack of room, 1 offer at a sacrifice the following; 1 PONY TONNEAC IUMCIv Automobile; new in August, 1011); exact model of the one given as first prize by Mail Tribune. $1000 AVI Id,, )XJY IT. 2 HANDSOME SADDLE ANf DRIVING .MARE; S years old. :i--(100l) FAMILY MARE; safe for children. 1 BLACK YEARdlNd E1LLY. Some farmer can make money to bay; Rerchuroji stock. 5 -FINEST MATCHED HAIR OF ULAPK MARES in dackson county; weigh 2700; good to work or will make a great pair .fur dollyory wagon; young, stylish and spund. Address1 A. K. WARE BOX 61G. MEDFORD, OREGON v V BRAND HAM or BACON ay Tomorrow Morning Every Morning You arc protected by United States Government Inspection, vrhich guarantees -sss. i00i, hoalthfulness and u.s? for wljolosoineiioss. DonH risk tho unin spected meats. You Inspected and Passed can buy tho safest and tho lest for just tho same price At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes UNION MEAT COMPANY, PORTLAND. OREGON 1 Pioneer Packers of tbe Fjtclflc The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts Close to Medford, good road-, plendid soil; 70 acres now planted to pears nnd uppfes l'rinos right and terms eiis 'I.e.1 'He show you n good estate investment. Earle C. Sabin Room 202 Fruitgrowers Bank Building. IRRIGATE0$O " 1 M-r M AN ACItE 91 an Acre a Month; No Interest. Perpetual water right. First-class laud. Perfect climate. Tracts tea acres and up. Xo residence rc quimncnt. Want salesmen in every town in Oregon and Washington. Ml MV I0P.000 ACRES CHAMA VAXXEV MJfiO COMPANY 07 Well Farco Portland, Orecon The Famous KTO Does Not Strain the Eyes Don't use a small, concentrated light over odc shoulder. It puts an unequal strain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, mellow light that cannot flicker, that equal izes the work of the eyes, such as th,e Kayo Lamp elves, and avoid eye strain. The Rayo is designed to give the best light, and it does. It has a stronc. durable shade-holder that is held firm and true. A new burner gives added strength. Made of solid brass and finished in nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo Is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better light at any price. Onco a Rayo User, Always One. Dt-iUrt fivrwr. !'ttlyn vr.'i far iitcnptA ti kjrta it Mirul etty c if Standard Oil Company (IncorpooUJ) A & I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union livery Stables a nnd will conduot a general fed aud boarding establi3hmenL Howes boarded by the day, week or month. I guarantee a aquare deal to all. H R., GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. A store must mnka it pay you for rending its ads. If it did not, the cost of its advertising would be thrown away. For if the nd pa v' I it pays the storo not other wi e A siHin us you advertise the fa i that von have property to rent or mH botfomert au ex-soeret It you never "louo any ttmo" x- V The Best Sub-Division Proposition I in the Rogue River-Valley 170 .UUIvS, HAM MH.K FItOM HAILKOA!) STATION' $ UB acres la Braln; l0 acres J s-year-old pears: 'acrea In brush and t mbor. easily cleared; no waste; good bouse, two barns, all fenced with woven wire; telephone; R. p. Dj: part lrrlgated. HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY 2U FltlTrCKOWEKS' UANK. rent that spent le frultloitly apswerl j-i i yM uik wam .03, -u'lt Kft along MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING' RESULTS. "WW