wt v 8 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MMDFORD, OREOON", TTKS'DAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1910, 1 ;! i !; f i HIT U ti m a ill I g $ i-Tfrtj I' .' 11 ; i I ' Im ' !;, M ' H . Mb ii IS. STANLEY. A PIONEER DEAD r.OLU 1III.I-. Or. November in -Hub:iii M. Stanley, wife of ox-Mayor Dr. A. C. Stnnloy, passed away last ovoitltiK nftcr n Hhoit Illness at her lot" homo on J Hired. The ilcconHcd vn( born In Kentucky July fi, 1S37, vnn married to tho doctor In the yea r"SG2 In MIsHourl. Soon after tholi marrliiKi' they twilled In JS'ournnUn In 1X04. They left for Yolo county Cnflfornla, wheu they resided til 18?(, when they runic- to JnckHoi county, firm making tholr ri-Hldi-nc nt Tub!' Hock and residing In Sam Valley ami thlB )lnce ever sluro Dur lug nil the jean, of their uinrrle life tho doctor htiH been n iirncllclni plinlcl.iii, IinltiR h.'iico hla resldonct h thin county served four turiiiB ii Ihn teginlaturo, two tnrmu In tin house and two terntH In tho muiatu, re tiring last ear from tho mayorahli of this city after uervlng 13 ternn In that enuaclty. ih'hh and luiiii'fily and being free fioin any nlti'inpt to ovado any UCHtIon material to the Issue The ntimbnr of witnesses iiioHcuted by the defend-( ant wiih (onunentvd upon by tho huiiio peraoiis, reuiarKlug about, liieir ot Iclal capacity and oxperlence, which Indicated the struggle ,tho Southern I'nciric company Is making to i-vuii- JuhIIcij to Alcdford, It wits Htaled by tho commission thagt tho cao Is well ' proHented and that tho record Ib ro-1 markahly clear, concise and to tho joint, thereby enabling tho commit hIoii to get nt tho meat of tho facto vlthout confusion Oi 1 difficulty fST TEXAS RANGERS ORDERED OUT (PrintlniiiMl from I'nc I ) euewiil of the pioneer a 10. bolder win- DEFENSE SHATTERED iimu P.i 1 ) iPnntlnu, and thai tho proportion or the ex pensu Bhuuld ho In tho rntlo of the through traffic and tho local traf fic. It wan ahown by defendant that (ho giado from Horubiuok 'to the Oiegon Hlntn lino wum 3,3 por cent and on tho Oregon hide tho grade war rtbio 3,3. It wan brought out bj .Modford that tui rate on tho Call tfiriilu Hide wan C cents for five IiiIIch In California nnd 14 contH In Oregon on thn Raino grade. It was also ad mitted by defendant that trains were iTot stopped at tho (ditto Hue to re duce tonnago, but tho same train proceeded to tho (op of the mountain without reducing the number of cam in the train. It wan also admitted by the defendant lliut It did not cot a bit more to haul traffic up tho Cal ifornia grado than up tho Oregon j,'rndc, although tho difference In tho rate wnH,great. It was bIho shown that of tho 70 per cent of tho trafric moving hti tweonrl'ortlandand Snn l-'ntliclarn at an i-qual coHt oer the inoiiiilaln afl usttnnrudwlth local traffic, that bucIi trafflp wim handled at lower rnlefl hardwato In lesa than carloailB be ing moved thin dlHtnnco of 777 iuoh for 23 rents per hundred nouinlH aa ngalnHt tho rato of 11 rents naked for by Modrord on thin chum of artl cleH to Ilttuninuli Tho coiiHorvatlvo demand of Modforil Ih IHuk apparent C'omnieiit nan made by disinter erted nut muni fxporloiiced In rato lit igation (lint tho wltneBHCH for .Mod ford wore umiBiially quick and Iptol. Ilgent In tholr repllcrf, Hhowlng'fnillk- AUSTIN', Toxiih, Nov. I.V Stale itngerH uere oiileicd in il-iiiIiiii"k in o to Hock KpniigN, Kihvtiids count f oday to jt'pt-l au iuvnmoii of aimed fe.xiciins seeking )eeuge for t lit Viieliing of Antonio ItodiigucA hose dmillt iH usenbud for the re ut attacks upon AiiterieiuiH i. IcAioo. Citizens III Terror CitmuiM of Koek HpiingH Iuie ecu in u Hlale of (error since IiihI iglit, when luhiecs woio ieeeivei rem Del H to, on the border, that an timed invasion by it lingo liodv ol ri'ii,in)H was eoiiteniplnteil. Slier- il'Crt forces In vo been busy HWcur- iu' In deputies till lay. 1 - - i . ii 1 1 FOOD PRICES DECLINE fr'nqfltiiiMi from Vm 1 ) Hcef, polk and mutton pi ices air from '.'I to y ceutu lower lliaii las V'uur, All other foods except bieat no cheaper. Prices uie lower now Hum llic" inve been and will go still lower 'xpeits liolinic. Will It Reach Coast? SAN FitANl'IKCO, Nov. i:. Uh (UisMlig (lie ilccline of prices in th east and middle wont, n Icadii butcher here today Hltid thai he hi little expectation (hut llic dcclii uoiild leaeli llic Pacific coast, pin lieiilaily Kau I'VaiiciHoo, f U t f 4 TOO ATF1U CLASSIFY. MI 4-f II FOR RKXT 'J huge connectini fiout looms, upstairs; line for of llei'H or (liosHinukiugg pallors, cen ter of town; .VJo mo. Phono 'JOOJ 20 KOI( KENT -Nicei" funtiHlied rooms; ciiii boittil ne( door. Ap pl. ,'llft NdiIIi narllett. U Muili O.'iril; Jiwidcuco CJII South himiiil s(. Peoples' Store Wo arc striving hard lo mala this the people's store a store where ev ehild in the city or in the whole of southern Oregon will delight to conK1 io and do their trading. Wo want ev ery man, woman and ery person within a ra dius of f() miles.to come to know this store and believe in it, too. We will make tho lowest prices that good goods can be sold for and will never offer any thing that is not first oljiss in every particular. Our Specialties We will make special ties of PURti AVlUTrJ Flour and d OLDEN 0ATN Coffee. If you ever used eith er of these brands you know that thoy stand second to none dn the market. ALLEN Grocery Co. MAIN AND CENTRAL. SPECIAL PRICES fig. , On Home Mill Products The nriecs listed below are for suck lots or for 100-Miek lots. A tnixe d older of nut) pounds or owr ot nmof the aboe will he dcliveml to an y part of the city, One-siiek lots m. Id only ut null. . JSIuldliiigfl, !IO-pouud sack r $1.65 ''MTU 'Feed. 7fi-touiid sunk. S 1 .20 'J" ...... ...$1.25 ...$1.25 ...-$1.10 ...$I.I5 ... 95c Davis' Hi'l Flour, sack Pride Washington Flour, sai;k i nU, No. 1, ncr 100 lbs.. . 1-1.71) I Illucstem Flour, sacic -'"H'jatjrcuii.KW, per 100 lbs il.DU I KoIIed IJuiicy, j .(-pound suck aj. . on. I ., , I. runpin nnu uuiinu, per mil-k ouu I inau, uu-iiuuiiu ati Our llouts mo absolutely hiuhIiiHjimIciI and not bleached by acids or ci' eiuiealy of any kind. Also, ocrjsuck guaranteed to give satNi'acliw ii or inotiey tefulidud. Medford Flour Mill, Cor. 9th and So. Front Sts li 1 A goo'J bchool none belter. Has a well established leputntion 8tiLceJifill graduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living ex lcn:-a low. Many other iidvu ii(auc!i. Let us tell you about them A cMnloKuq for the asking. W. I. STALEY, Principal. SALEM. OREGON People Who Work Indoors With Their Hands h --'i "filKlll CJCSljillt N pilteless." Health Restored by the Scientific Method Chiroproctic Lates' No Drugs or Surgery Cause Removed instead of Treating Effects In Hltuhlo. tfiec!flc, up in dati .mil lit un'i uiitbnd which teaches the location and coriecllnn or tie (me and evict cause of disease Or I.. M fitildou. b the annlliailoii or the principle of chiroprac tic, lum deiiioiiHtruted Its .nblllt to teiuove the cauw of dUeuHe, thus inakiiiK well rtom Ml to iio per cunt of so-called Inciiiabio chionle ilFe.cH, Hitch uh iheuiuiitlMiu. Htoiuach, ler. Uldno and bowel trouble Acute dlMAh( rcRiumd in readlh to hU method or adjustment and pneumonia nnd tho different fouus nio oftentimes broken up m luini one to tour days If HitfferluK from any Ailment, no matter of what diameter chronic or acute, mil or addieH Or I- M tJordon, 31C K.tst Main Htru-l Mi'dfiiid. Ori-Kon, mei MoiUonl Ilatdwaro Co Orflce bonis to to 12 a m : to b and 7 to s p m Other houm and hiiuda l .ippointiuent DO YOUE EYES DEMAND HELP? Don't neglect them too long. They may he all right, but it's best to he sure. I can tell yon very shortly if they demand attention, and it they need glasses 1 ran fit (hem for yon in a way (hat will benefit and please yon. Prices modera'e. DR. niCKERTS iljicslcht HperlnlM. 0er Kenliter'a, Medford Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists,draughtsmen, and maqy others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Manyji lost hour or two on cold winter morn ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. The Perfection Absolutely smokeless and odorleu ' quickly gives heat, and with one filllnp of the font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking Hume spreader which prevents the wick frm being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back sd the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has a damper lop and a cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the fonUuThc filler-cap does not need to be screwed down ; il is put in like a cork in a bottle, and Is attached lo the font by a chain, and cannot get lost. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device In construction, and consequently, It can always be easily unscrewed in an Instant for rewicking. The Perfection 1? finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Ptaltrl Emoywhtrt. lxet yurt, im t fir dttenptiit elrcu'ar h Ikt Hlcrflt cttney c 1 Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) "iiJiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinl I THANKSGIVING I! X Post Cards 1 Place Cards Mottos, Etc. Office Supplies rtrt cllrn nii.l nnll I. n.... J..- ..... ? I nu d-iiu mm utin iicic tut any- thing In this line. Wo have tin gootls mid make tho prices. i .EQUIPPED PLACER MINES of l.")0 acres of deeded land, for sale on terms. Property has tine tfinnt, several hun dred !'Mitnf pipe', reservoirs, ditches, water riht, t'ook house, bunk house and other buildings. Hood dump and grade for flume. .Mostly coiYrse gold. -Five miles from rail road and-in .lackson county. "Wagon road to mine. Orchard ami garden. ROOM 3, 123 MAIN STREET " Try Pry or & Cos New Store For Prices on Furniture Qtiul tcictl Oak Veneered Seat Qhair.s. caeli 85c Quattereil Oak Cobbler Seat Chairs, each $1.03 Quartered Oak Ho Seat Dinner Chairs, any finish, onnli. $1.75 harly KiikIIhIi Weathered or a.- Finish Clinir, eaeli $1.75 Quartet rd Oak Cobbler Seat Sowiujr Hookers, eauh $.C0 Quartoied Oak Vcneeted Hack and Seal Itoekora, each $3.75 Quaitered Oak Veneered Haek anil Roll Seat Hoeker.. $5.50 Look at This One full W7eil Iron lU-d. One full sired coil suppoit spun;;. O full sized cotton top nialtie&s. Set Complete $6.00 Our priech on Dressers, Ktensioii Tables, elo.,iro worth invcsli eatinir beforo buyin- elsewhere. This is no niwlcadiinr removal sale. This is no Monday and Tucsdnv sale. Wo arc hero to stay and our prices npplv to overy day m the week. Some of our Roods iiro priced belou cost, so will bo obliged to ask our custoiuerh wliclhar or not they are buying for their ou n use. as no hac no troods to sell to othqr furniture dealers at these prices. Xoith Fir, Mt fish uiaiket. Pryor & Go'. North Fir St., Near Main St. mnmMi EVERYMAN'S V J Jfc &e BRU5H RUNABOUT lime M.ii i-Minuned the HnNi7 If not oi. should do so, ,1s it has nia.n st.oiur d.stin.-tne featuies. Absolutely thu easiest rulidg car ...anufaetuied on aeeuunt of ,ts a.mmr const, net,,,.,. Order J.ow for spriiur delivery. V. O. Hx IJ7. THKO. W. MARSH, Medfo ,1 JtU S. J - I '- 1 Jl j x ... Timn , ., Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved farms and city property. PHONE 3231. 208 FFUJITGM)WEHS BANK BUILDING. Splendid Bargain IN HOUSE AND LOT If taken this woi'k, will sell eloso in lot with fj-roniii niotUrn lurnso; pays lo por ccMit on investment. Sco GEO. C. CONITIUS, 116 East Main Stroot, Medford, Orogon Ia I o.vxmiis I I 3 1 Merrivoid as cu VJ'IIVJJ MILLINERY NOTICE Tf tho ladies who liavo heen ho kindly awaiting the irrival of tho Turbans will ploasu eall thoy can have fiivt ehoieo. Mrs. Walters Home Millinery Shop COM W1CST NINTH AND PKACll STS. LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and insurance Bargains and Money AEnkcK in Farms, Orchards and Tim- b e r Lands. Phone 2 411. Special Koprcsentativo for IntemaUonal Real Estate Association, Chicago. 201 St. Mark's Block. 134 West Main Street I New stocks imU U stoics new llamls" f..r vopl? who -'ilo to see nnd 'nilllllllllllllllllllllllll iniiilllll fn'' '"' ' "'"' ,,-'' :' ' 'Mr.M.Ml,,,, II I 1 1 . I luniiev i -i i i II 1111 -..l.k I II ... 1 A -- - ,,,, . .., TO. ,, vr.,. . - wi , . ." .-.. . ' '" ' ' t '.111 lme any such interest j n.tskn.'a f..r 1 ,n