MEDFORD ALSklMIUBUNE, MDX?01iD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910. -7 huey mam REAL ESTATE. juvenile court1 Opportunities Ralph Buclminn, Lloyd Wulg.i mott, Homer ami Urnl Reynolds, aged 10, 11, 0 nml 11 yours rcspec tivcly, were arraigned before Dis trict Attorney Mulkcy, Monday, and charged with being incorrigible. The elder boy, young Buckntun, was committed to the reform -ehoul. Tlie tliree younger ones were nl lowed to go on the parole system and arc required to report to tho district nlorney -every Saturday with u card from the teacher of their grade in school, .showing constant til-j $13,000. tendjiuce and good conduct. "I havo found this system to woik very well in other place in the country," Hiiid Mr. Mulkoy, "and am hopeful of further good results. eQt Uteno boys in school and -keep them there. Sec that they are at home after school, for which tho parole system provides, and you have elim inated u lot of youthful rascality , and minor depredations." ftoftfcfeHNf CO. YOUTH MAY flOR,,, W4r FOOLHARDY WAGER IIOMBAY. Nov. 15. Chapters have been wrltton upon strango .bets and soino foolhnrdy things done na tho result of them; At a llttlo khana on tho'.balcoiiy n Green's restaurant In Bombay a fow nights ago n young HUb-edltor of tho Tlmes,of India, nrfm od Knox the son of Sir. George Knox tho chief justlco of the Allahabad high court 100 rupees that ho dnro not jump over tho balcony on to the nearest treo swd Udo down 'to the g Id u inl Kuox at once won his bet, a 'mud attempt, seeing that the trees In tho compound arc only of tho soft I'npyu varlety.i Results, Knox' arms woro broken mid the patient Is stlfl In danger of completely losing tho uso of his right arm. A.ntoro must make it pay you for rending its ads.- If it did not, the cost ot its advertising would be thrown away. For if tho nd pays you it pays tho store not other wise . TO TltADH OK KXCIIANGK. , The furniture of a 12-room hotel 'In Coeur d'Alcno, Iilaho. One of, the very best cities of tho northwest bf .10,000 people, two railroads and in terurbau Hues, and two new rnll 'ronds building In. Steamboats ply wing rivers and lakes. "-For furniture of a hotel or rooming house in Med ford, or would trado for n flro In surance business or Interest In one jtand.iuliqmo in Medford., This place Sof, ours In Coeur d'Aleno Is A No. 1, "hiakes 40 per cent on tho invest ment. Furnitures and building now and modern. Our object In wnntltig to trnde Is to got further south. Thoro Is no better city in tho northwest, or coast cities oven, whero there aro so many opportunities to malco money as In Coeur d'Alcno, Idaho. Imincnso forests, lakes and rivers and vallovw all iirniinil Loeur d'Aleno. Four big lumber mills, oach sawing 300,000 feet a day hero. Address, S. II. GRAHAM, care Kllto Hotel, Coeur d'Alcno, Idaho. 107M 212 Fruitgrowers' Hank llldg. Phono Mninn OOl. FIIU1T LANDS. 2 0 acres, under uitcn, 17 acres planted. JO. bearing, scenic, building site; J12.500. Si acres, 3 bearing, 10 planted balanco In wheat, good buildings; i 35 acres, frco soil, no waste, 24 planted to appic3, pears and peaches, good buildings, tools, etc.; sooot , , , 1 hcrcs,' ,S mllo from Mcdford, alf bearing fruit, -good buildings, windmill, tank, tools, etc., n good buy 17000: - , ,...,. .MKDFOllD-.QITY., .. . , 6-room now modern bungalow, good location, pavod street; ?38Gpf 7-room now modern bungalow on paved, street,' 4 .blocks from Wash ington school; ?32G0. Look at 5-room modern bUngalnv, northwest. corner Park avonuo and Dakota, and" mako an offer. , , Big list of business and rcsldcpco lots and Iioubcs that you should look at boforo buying. i , ASHLAND CITY. i Flno homo, placo, 7-room houso, furnished, 1 ncroa bearing fruit, close to business soctlon; $6200. ,, 45 acres njfdlfa, and fruit land, within city limits, now hodso, barn, etc.,, right for subdividing In ono acra tracts; $400 por aero. Good, 4-room houso, lot 110x195, ifrult and hordes, on now boulevard, closo In; ,$25Q0. Fire Insurance in A 1 Companies AUTOMOBILES , i i Quick Service. Easy Riiinjr. Prices Right PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. REAL ESTATE. G. A. It. ; G. A. HI, Chester 'A.-Arthur Tort, No. 47. Regular meeting first and third Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m. at Hednieu hall. Vlluting comrades In good standing luvilod. Major AndrowH, Adjutant. Charles Pall. Com. , f LOST. Z Wanted Woman cqok. , - Qirl for general hotiaj work. FOR SALE. Ruiinboiiti cheapo Interest in splendid buMio.HS, Good busiue-u and furniture of I) rooms. , FRUIT LAND. Small traetb apples or pears in bearing. 10 notes in 1 year old apples and peart,; best hoil; $150 per acre. 12(1 acre.-,, It) in orchard, 25 in al falfa, 7(1 cleared and under ditch, $110 per iicie. HI) acre. Kuglo Point, finest of pear boil, cleared, 125 per acre, sub divide. 0 nore in bearing, buildings,' close in,,85Q0. . . . UKto lOP.ucros, lai.uiilos Mcdford, fine ijonr .soij, 17o per ;icrc . 000-ucre's, fcubdiyihiu'u, u. moiicy- iuuKcr..i)riee low. terms easy. FQR , LEASE pudiing',,. hUntingj lOaSSTn: bM.dl...; water boating ami bthta t WjJ, 1 for rrlcatlnL'. inn nnniirv nnri ' snunre miles body of water, . ,ot fruit ranch; $3000, terms. i railroad. withiu 12 miles of McdrJ iu toiuu acres, iyt miles from post-, rorA Addrcsa Box 201, care Mail Teams to contract for hauling lumber from mill to railroad, 1 miles. CRATBR LAKH LUMBHR CO Apply Edgar Ilafor. Mcdford, Or. FRATERNAL ORDERS. rythUn Slater. ,, Tcjnple No.'0. Meetii first and tlltnJ Wednesdays In IC P. Hall. Mrs. KnoU Unmllton, E. C;,Mra. Alice E. Trow hrlrttre. Al. of n. C. ,OT!t'H W. It. V. W. It. C, Chester A. Arthur Corpn, No, 31, meet at Redniiti- hnll, first and third Wednesdays of each month at 2; 30 p. m. AHW. It. C. ladles In good standing invited. Mrs. Nan cy, 1)1 Wllsouj President. Mrs. Amor 'Ica Davouport, Secretary. LOST Gold Wultluun open fuec wntcli. hilvcr modal fob fabtuued with lcatlfcr striDJ.iost ou end Kaal -M'nin brcot. Kinder pleaso return to Mail Tribune office and reecho reward. 201 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - -.., Acreage. FOR SALE OR TRAUK--1UU iici-ch. FOR SALE. I'Ul'lllS. FOIl SALE How's this? :K0 ncrca FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, lUo miles fivm it. R., creek through j funning-luud, rail bo cut into tjirce- j place, 15 ii under ditch, boinu fruit. .u,()0d ranches, good huildingb, good 1 a. cleared, 3-4 mile to school, good 8 10' ncrci. orchard, .fj.l , jjer Inmi: Will Inktt some town lot.1 norc. uox ISO. Central Poinl, J)r. , Apply O. F. Cholgrcm Afcdford. 20U . 207. M(sccllnncpus. FOlt SALE OR THAOK 10i.' An goru gouts to trade for stock cut tlo; U line Angora bucks eucapv 1 bhiekniure, weight 1400; my run ning pony Midgit; 1 pair wolf hounds It inn. old; 1 3'J-20 Wiuchos ter ritle to trade lor good shotgun Will buy sell or trade. Chas. Gil christ. Sams Valley. Ore. 20S F8R REN'S. Furplshcd Hoonu. FO"HItBNTF'irnIshodroonrs"nnd board. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers' bank. tf FOR.RENiyAt-thB- eottage, plca nut, furnished rooms, with hot'nnd cold running water; baths, laro sunny porches. 00 1 W. 10th St. or 124 King St. tf. FOlt RENT .FiiritiHIied ftoiit- mom. i'h'HU in. lunuirc'ili) Butltli Central uveuue. Call after 5 p. m. or plume - tf 2oa:i. . WANtED WRoaiders' uud roomers ,i'l Clp.'JrtliRtvcrhidc, ' third lioue fmmNutalorium. . it' FOR RttNT Ni'iitiy furnished room to rent, loso in. ;I20 S. Grape stii'ct. " 20:1 FOR IlENT Kiccly furnished front , room, 'JOfi ,Gq(tiige ,(. . , 207, J'0lt RENT Largo furuibhed rqoin in Idock; llreplace. Oregory Studio, FOR RENTrr-Furnishcd rooms ni 44. Si Grnno U 2PR. r Housekeeping Ilpoms. FOR RENT Two .furnished light housekeeping roohw, modern; no childrciu 027. 8. -.Oakilnlcf. 204 . FOR HKtfTIIoiisqUdciiltiR- rooms at, 23 North Roosevelt avc. 203 ! ( .1 - . .HIpM Ill II. t...l FOlJ RENT Hoiisckcopiiig roonis at 522 Ivy hi. ..- -Ml Farms. uU FOR RENT Farms from 40 nores I to '400 ncrcs, nlfnlfa land, fnlit ranchos, gardon Jnlids; "gcnornl fanning ranches. "Gold Rny Roalty Co.. iJlfi Wctf. Mi.tu. tf Itusiiics- ltooniH FOR RENT Bushiest! room on W. Mnin si., 24x140, Kuitahlo for rcfi- fattrant or billiard room or other bii3iiioss, steam iica.t. Gold Rny Realty ,Co. 2J(i W. Main st, tf FOR. RENT Office rooms, in Elec tric building, modern oquipnti'nt.'' tdcam henl, elect lie light, baths, toilet,"' hot and cold water.', Gold Rnv Renllv Co.. 21G W. Mnin st. If 'FOR RKNT 'Offlco oor postolllce, po A. A. Davis. - , Houses. ''FOR RENT- -Young coude win. unit furnibh rcfuiencc to shute u mod orn fivo-rooiu cottage, nicely fur uihhed, close in. Address It. )., 'euro Mni I Tribune office. 200 FOR RF,NT Only hotel in rnilroiid town of 1000 inhabitants; Rogue River valley. Box 3.00, euro' of .Mnil Tribune. tf. FOR RENT llotiso 33(1 West Hum. ilt)ii-"8trect, cud of North Oakdale, .ii7..")0 per month. ' " 203 MlMCUllNIICMMIK. FOIl RENT Hani. 72!) W. 13th st. Idipiire at No, 20.-i . FOR SALE OR RENT. Ilusiiiess rrojicrty. FOR SALE OR RENT- Good open ing for general morehnndJHO nto'c in now town with $l.ri,000 monthly pavroll, on railrond,)12 miles from Mcdford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 'JO!! W Main, tf. House. FOR SALE OR RENT -Furnished house f rooms, large lot, 817" W. Kllli st. liKiuirn of Mm. Woodford, owner. 128 S. MoIlV. 'Phone 1482.'' FOR SALE. LOSTLuilies brown .fur on Sunday aftcniooti between Muin bticut and Ountrul Point. Suitubfo reward.' Return to Mull tribune ofllcc. 203 7 - FOR LEASE. , '. v, " office, best soil and cbeapest buy in mo vaney; iv& por acre. 34 rcres, under ditch, flno pear and alfalfa land, 3 miles out, cleared and fenced', JSDOijper cro. CITY PROPERTY. 12 lots. Palm and 2d sts.. S2. .li Lots in West Walnut Pat, $350, FOIl EXCHANGE Mxdford .aad Tribune. tf t'OK LKASB Fully equipped placer' ralno. Call on Aldonhcgen, JlOgutf Klver Electric Co., 21C West Main. tf FOR EXCHANGE. $25 down, 10 monthly. 3-room house 4 lots, $1400. 2 lots. Westmoreland, .$273 each, foi quick snle. G-rpom modern bungalow, close in. Miburban property, ranches, timlwr. landB, for other property, Address Uox 199. care "Mail Tribune. tf. '.Mayonii -,.( , FOR EXCnANGK Two finely brml young road teams of colts, ono 2. Idaek. gcldiugs, one 2 buy mares, ILjQU ta 1250.. vounds . weight,- Soz work teams not under 1300 pound wcicht. froni'S to 12 years old. Ctdl BMffl ?0 Taylw A PUppf. Ui i or addrai"-4nt Rirfride ate Fton 4141 ilih.- .S.nuh. P OMehkriwiw. tf l t J. L BUTNER ileal Kstate. FOR SAlilv-Los Molilms IrrigpteU Lauds, Ti'liaiuu county, California. What do you think of thi. reu7 ord? At the California slate fuir held hi Soptomber of thin year n( Saeraiiieulo, Tt'huiiia county exhib its .took, tlui following, prizes: , The first grand prize for bet cqtiuty dibjdav. . . .. .. - . Tho iii-htgraud plizo for best onduird'cxhibiL ' . .- i . The first' grniid ' prie for bet farm exhibit.' And (11 medals and premiums in cash amounting to 4073,00. Three firbt grand prizou in com- M:tition with eiery county in Cali forma. Isn't that going some Secure a 20 iieru tract of (hit rich laud, which with the abundant water supply, will make you inde pendent. II is impossible to find a region whore the rot urns are more goner oiih. These lauds including a dom ed perpetual wnter right, sell nt $l.'i0 to $200 per acre, one-fifth d9vn and balunee in four equ.'l niiuunl pnymcnjs. .?C'nJI lt. tjie pf Heeinn'dMet me explain the project in detail.' ' ' PRANTrG. ANORPWB. -210' (i Ho. Fir ., Medford, Oie. FOI5 SALE Fertile fruit nd alfitffn farms for Hale, orchards, etc.; nW houses and lots) in the newly incur-1 uoynted city of Talent. Or.; winter mild, cliinntq" healthy; inclose Ktauuvs. u r. .iiiuti. Tiiieiu, Or, al I. . l.i-.. ! I I .i'-..ll ! FOR SALK Oiio of the ' test payihg business propositions in towii; clearing '.$500 per month. Address P,ox SO, euro Mnil TribAno off i co. fc 104 HiisincMN I'ropcrtj i , i I T f A FOR SALE Choice business prop erty ut u bargain, ou long ttiJfu; easy terms. Addrens Condor Wn-J terPowor Co. Houses. f. FOR SALE - ' - $2300N For tjuick sale, fi-rooin luAiso mid largo lot ou North Cell trnl, barn, outbuildings, lawn, frnil and slitido trees, eily wnterf" M1 $15004-room house, plltstcrel, sci'ecncd kiltdien porch, barn, corner1 lot, "Ninntiu mid Liberty. ' ; ! fflOOO a'-'niom cotilgc, lot'50.v 200, alt Tripp. ' ' LANDQUIST, 'JOHNSON & LlL '" 1US. INC. "t . 1" y .201 St. ilarkV lljok, , M FOR SAIjE Ln't'o modern hnitko tvitli Rdilllv rtnd,cs.t fruitiJ4!3 fUt" froiit ou paved, street, by iBl toot". Jopg, lityely jinipruvil .KCis . div crj'thiitg btnotly modenl; reiistut for selling, lady of Imusu liecdu k cltungu of dlinmle; 'tliis plnco ttih huittttilu for nice homo or 1'irSt olass roomiiig liotibu; I'asy toruindto right pUVtv.-'' iSeo the Jncktfi'rit County Rtdlfy Co., UOl West Tenth rit,f- . 220 1 FOR HALEil'tilished 'f-voom'cot-tnce. lot 50x300, on paved rdrool, with lawn, Bjindo nud fruit trees' and othor iinnro.i'eliienls; n ritl lioino plnco 'n"ii(f 11 ' deeided bargain nC&ttOOrtcrniH. Landqtiil, Jolid Kon & Lilius, Inl-., 2QI St. Mark's blpck . 1 a 1 tf . FOR SALBAn artistic bungalcfwr ' i I 1 U'roomij uiiHiuaui, cvinpicio wii,i shndos urnl 'yi?rcoiiB, reduced Cfglri $4200 to $3800; seats, bookcaiiofei bdffct, tuo fireplaces, beam coiU injL cle;; tfcll built. Chns. D. .Cofiv. .111(1 V IQlJi hL , lf , FOR SALE Clieap, in Central Poijli,' ... .'. .1 ,...i. j... 1 :,!. o-roour coiuikc, .) iaiT;o sio lup. city M'htor nriilnW go6d well, bdji) ' ifud other HifproioniQntd. 'Apply, fo owncri Miri. 'J. R.' Stevens, vTolb, Or.V .... 203?!: FOR SALE Raking outfit, uoitsdsl , llig. Of. 1 -.barrel mixer, U-li, ' p. elect rio motor, pans, trough, bowls, table, refrigerator, recipes. Ad dress Uox (18. 203 MUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 , , OiiK'Ht Sldetvnlkn. bo FOR SALE J am offering to tl bnvcr n limited nuinbor of lots. mid D ncio tracts, a largo howo And fflim truck. Address P. O Box 047 or 908 Nowtown st. 207 FOR SAluB First class baled hay. extra horso hay, timothy, .red top" and clover mixed. Fii'st crop. For particulars address N. I). Chnne, Ilcnloy, Oil. . . 210 FOR. SALE OR EXCIIANGE-Five pusscngor 4-cylindor touring nuto mobile. Address Box 200, care .Mail Tribune- office ' tf FOR SALl-T)iuiiksgivhig turkey delivered to you nt yoiir home. Ad dress or call 011 II. C Messcngev Agute. Oregon. 210 FOR SALE Imported birds, big re!- dilution; $7 bU'da now $3; $3 biid.s now 3. 910 S. Central me. 213 FOli SALE A good mifoli cOW, liliuup. Potter & Ooold, Mcdfoh), Ori ' If FOR KALE Good work trfmn. 1'JQO lbss. O. Gordon, R. t 1). i, Ash- hind road. ' 203 r'Oil SALE 50' toUKconi. Jnnulrr Oiv 1L C, ClnnoVv 'Mcdford. . FOR SALE-Cotlpiiwood $2.00 per tier. Phone Milin 8 1. 210 FOR SALE Corn, $1 hhshel. 1UV uire Vilas ranclutydrovd. 21'j) HELP WANTED. Help WniitciAlhlev WANTED On Crater Lako hlislr ny tc.luistorp, muckers tuld rock mci'4 Ann v nt' canip. 2(5 miles 11 Rdguo liver, 35 miles cast of Mcd ford. . , , 317 WANTIM) - Salesmen in every loeUl'- ity of tho northwest ; umiley alN vaileod weekly; mntiy make nd'r $1000 month; choice df territory, Viikiutii valley Nuroery Co., Top tieiiish. vVmilt., ' - ' '" Help WbihcsI fMM!e. WANTKD Plrl for gonorni Iiouho- trprKf wanes ?L per day. oait'at fij.6 W. Main st. tjij VVA'NTfcLl AppVcntit'o gill." hyfr drV? Siudlo. tf Hltiuuioiis WnutcH. yANTEt' JnnRor work' of Jail ir I tilth Hr h fit 1 1 ilnv' 'nv tiutri1tf ''" "J- !, iJ ,W. ,UI1.1V r. i 1 . i -, ' t ( 1 1 . ii..i7,i. cdmjloUtlt Mdin tfORl. and rcllablo. Frttillc A1ttifitil ut Phmifi tMMIVIIII ! tT' -f!) FOR ALl'J Clioico residence prap orlv, uood 5-rooip house." conior lot. fiuo location, 'city water, ligllla, etc;, ttri.'e $1500. Box 180, Central Point. Or. , P '. 2T)fj , FOR SALE -Kivcl-rloom houso oiijiii "k..X.... iw.t. nlntJ. S.. 4V.V. ouiiiii viiiui! mutii tiiinu in, iui $2100. Address J, A. Hondorsqh,' Boj; 33 1, , .",. . , 203 FOR SALli '5-room modern bunjrt loW, furtiishod- compjelo at $3,000; $1,200, handles UJfi. Address Bo. 70. enrn Mail Tribune offico.,50L. WvVTEn--A high Htliiiol'liAy-WiiiHH . . . i . I 1 . t t uut'K ptier Kiioot ami-on, nnuinnty m.btqi'u' or olllce. Address u,: 'yw.Jiil T'ilimie. f t t 10; VANTF.Ilt-Niii-siniirTv Airs '.' Iv 'Af. Reynolds. C11II at 320 N., Riverside nve., or pliouu Maui 32. FOR SALE New six room bungulow colt age. all modern, clos'o in, $35J)0. Close ii. AddUHH box 001, ciiy. ' -'-205 IO 18. FOR SAW3- Corner lot, 50x200, on Tripp bl., 3-room new cotlngo, well and nutbiiildiugs, gardou.soil. Only $1000; ono'-hnlf cash, hnlauue Iciihk; worth ini'issligaliiig. Lnild- 'iiiist, Johnson & LUiiiB, Inc., 201 St. Mark' lilm'lf.r"' l FOR SALE - I nni offering to the buyer i limited iiunbor of lots 1 and 5 aero tracts at extrcmoly lotv prices. The nbovo pipcrtics cariy preferred title Addiess P. O. IloK (117 or 908 Newtown st. 207, FOR SALK- Lot 50x220, 5 room house, for !rll50, No. 822 Dennett uve., John A.' Uundci'MUi. 2H " "" Acreage. WANTIiU C(dloeting lo do spare hours by young man. V. i. I)., cure Mali" Tribune. - 205 wate. dMscoliuneon. WANTED - Board and lodging by -I voniitr man in niivuto fiulillv. Ad dress (j.2, care .Mail Tribuiie. 203 WANTK1) Boaidi'i's mid lodgei-Hl 7)111 South Oakdule, of ndilress F. II. Moiclaiid. , 201 1. WANTI3D-I Imvii from $1500 lid $JS00 to iuxest in large lot mid oltl shuck or 5 or ll room modern cot' lime, not too fur out. Give locution in first letter. Addiess A. B., Mc- nnd Mail Tribune. If WANTKD-J-Ono or two dozen Rhode Island red pullets or year old hoiitt; thoroughbreds. P. O, Box 88, Med ford. Tel. 30(12. 322. WANTED To hire hoavy'lcam f7ti month or two. Address 707 Wet Alain. tf WANTBI) Teuiii about 1250. Ad dress or phone A. J, Biuaeli, Ceil Point. , i,.. 2111 WANTED Uoiwoh to foeil for Ali tor. Addrush JL M. Welch, Wdt kins. J)r. 230' WANTI'Ji) DrPHsinuk'lnK. MrFleld er, address .231 W, Gtb it, 306 FOR SAL!-: 230 ncrca ten mlta from Central Poinl; nil fenced, with 17- wiro fenco, rabbit-tight, lw s lory house, a large barn, school house nour li, one good spting, one drill wcli. Price $.70 an acrce,i'ofi would take part .near Los Angeles and rest cash, no 203. Addrctfs Oivnor, Central Point., 7 , 10,3. . FOR- SALE- -A niiap.' One acre level gronpd, 32 young apple treei.,(ilioiuto 'btruwburnch, all' kinds- small fruit, uity water, 0 roirn phiKtored buit'ga low, best gulden himH in AsblaUd. Call or address R. House, 100 Cfllii. st.. Ashland. Ore. 'JH FOR SALK- 5 ami lO-ucru 'tructw just within nud adjoining city lim its, ut a bargain, 011 5 utiliual pay- inent. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 8 acres, bearing oreh aid,l mile from Medford. This'Ia I a bargain; small bouse and bant finest fruit Jand in county, $3500; White & Trnbrld'gc tr iliteeUAneopn, FOR SALE- Thdruugbbrcd White Leghoni ud Buff1 Qrviulon ciok rclrt lit u reiibonublc price. Apply at Pinf- Trfe ponlhy rai-rli. O .id Hco. Ot. 20fl WANTED To rent large hay bard, close ill, I Apply (707 W. Main. ' if BUSINESS. DlRECTORr. .NunTy rtoduclM . 1 TlIE ORHOON NURSERY produci 11 ie iilroiii''tir bud on 3-vt'iir roots; ruproseiitiillif flieo now'.iii .Mi'dfoul; can- supply upple, jK'ni" iijid walnut th;(,'H on short liuticui'iill gilarunlced in ovary respect; numb ers, write us of 'your necdus will ho ulad lu quote Viiti pricen. t" ifife r NnTICl- AfJrfr Nnvfirnlinr" 1-1 i'w l olllec will be in rooms 211 and 212 arnott Coicv bldg., phone 2971; raXJileiu't) 113 Laurel L, p!iii(' 2002. R. W'KlfruhiH. M. ". if Auayr. , ASSAYER Earl V. Ingels, B. 8. Best eequipped assay offico in Ore gon. Established five yenrs. Ad curato results, guaranteed. Grants Pans. Oro. 20?i CollectloiiH ACCOl'NTK (dle.'li'd in niiy init tit the world. No charge if not col lected. PncifUt (jolleuting Co., 33 JjieUoii t'(f. Banlr bldg. Fidelity uud rimriy IlaiikN," 11 L. L. SMALL, bnudbi of all kinds in (ho IipiI Ci.MpnnU'. X1. durl ui Co Bank bldg, CEMEN' SIDEWALKS, brickiwuori. stone' masoii, plnstuiing and nil kindA'of stucco work. Export work" umufdiip nt ronfionablo chnrgca by tho .day, !qr, contract.; Address Mn sons. 511 E. Mnin sL. Medford. Of, Printers and PHbllnbers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has lidj hefit equipped jr,b. office ui SohOi1 crn Oregon; Portland prices. 7 South CoiUrMUnyomie... iJllllnrd Parlors, S. T. DROWN & CO. Billiards, Cfc gars nml tfoft DrinH Up 'alald, Young & Hall building: A nfcrf, oool place. Jtq spoijd tho hpt nf ovi-noons. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES-Onr trc nro buddcdi not grafted; Our stoik is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in tho trust. 1L B,. Pnttoraon, officy 3 romnyed to JIB, E,, Mnin fit ROGUI RIVER "VALLEY NURi- SERY CO., inc. Growers of high Rrnrid nttrFai'y stoek. Office 23 W,-' Mnin. Teh 1201. j 3000 YKLl6V NEIYOWN apphs trees; for snlo nlnp ojhbr varielie of treeA.'li.Y Wngner'Crcck Nursery (Orchard Co., De'oaon & liesjo inienr; ur, DS. W. W, WICK Ifomaopnlliii physician; rcsulenco 203 Olson St., phono Main 44Y4; office, room!) 3 and d, St. Marks block, phone Main ii. , mJ DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANB- " . in RlnltrWdg., 123 JL ifaki. Ghs administered nr extraction .sf : teeth. Tleplioio Main 081. NiKht phono 4433., i , , .tin, Shops. J. A. SinilliTin shop .Tin it nil shoot' Iron ware "' lmud nhd, made to.nrdofc. 123 Norlh Q st. nend-t- ' ii.: ,' i -ix. Glgara nsd Tobqcce. IRliLAND & ANTLE. Smokeltousd Denlcra in tobacco, cigars anil .unoroks' supplies. Exclusive agon (it of Lewis Single Binder. El Merit! and El Pnlcuoia. 2K! West Maql stroet. Unlonui CARP.WTBU8' UNIOH, LOCAL 1810-McQtH nt SmlthV hall, 12B North Grnpo ritrcdf, every ThiirB1 (tay e.v'ouiiig prbmplly nt 8 o'clock. All iourneynien carpenters, an well as local members, urged td be pros oni.' Busiocss of vital intorest to all enrpontcra trmmacted at these meetings, J. J. SoaL businosfl nzt. Attorney. W1TII1NGTON & KELLY -Luwyei'?, Palm building. AE. JtllA'MEr)- Lawyer, flartwill- Coi'cy. bhlu. ihtTi.,.'it .t. "VittV'Tr! 'wm.T mwau LEYr-AUnrneys-ut-Jnw; No, 0 D ,slt)ot. grniind floor. . . ' ' i' ! t mn .,w . COLVIG i iJliAMKS-W, M. Col vis, C U. Ronnlos, Lawyer. Ofi fico Mcdford National Bank huil14 ing, Hncnud floor, : g ii ' ' - '" " r "..' "IM1.I , ' Notary Public. NOTARY PUBLIC-Rocm l'hlnps. bld :2tS NOlARY PUHLIC Mail TribO'ii! office. r flrniilttv AVvrk'n. t , ' ' ', GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 21(1 Vf'. Main st., iiiniiufucturorR and donl ors in gmonumentnl nud bblldin cranito. crushed granite common brick and pressed brink, uonrso am) fine washed river snnd. , ' . AUL & WOLFF fic mind nnd fUUn4 dntlon gut vol; nil orders promptly iieuvercii. Jfaiti. , , Phono '1721 and 121:1 MEDFORD BRICK ;CO.aoo. W. Priddy. O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien- Conlrnetrtrrt nnd mnnu fnclurcra of lirfjk; dealers in proHlioil hriOk niid lime. Offico in flarnott -Corey block, room 401, 4th floor.. .IMiono JS'o. JtlSt. falnttm ami l'aprhaar. II. (I. DEA.V, O. P. M'MPLLF.N Phone 3732. Dean & McMullc.i, I'imttiicliiig puiiiteiH, puiutiiig, pa per hanging uud liutiiig. Kstimatus 011 all kiudn of puiutiiig unik. .Medfurd, O1.1, DKCOItATi; vour linlcd unlls uilli stfiiioil1 borders by A, Risdoii, paint er, dccorulir uud papiirliaqgei', No. 5 H. 3d 'st.. RtcUortk . I'liotiignipherx. ,-U. MACKEY'S STUOIO-'Poaa with JLtckey and did vjth.Joy,P Oviji Allen & Roiigan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Illll poiter. VEltNHJ IS CANON-BiU poster and Distributor.- All- ordern'-promptly filled. Rgom 29, Jrtckson Count) Bank huildlne..Mfldford. Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ''Aii'liltcits. " JOHNS ft TURNSR, ArehHoew wd Builders. Offiee 7-8. 336 Mnin. Piionu Main 3471. Retduoa phsoft 744. I'byslcinni nml Bargew. DR. STEARNS Physician mid twr- gcou. Offico Gnrnctt-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono. 1092. ' UqA dohco 113 Lniuel !., phone 2002. W.'A. LOVELACB, contractor abd pracycal uullucr; estimates tree; prttrpnago appreciated. 125 South Almond st. t)Ri JIYRTLE S. LOC1CWOOD-- Praetioo limited to diseases of wo men. Oivicc Ilnskius bldg. Phnio Main 1Q01., OR S. A. LOCKWOOI Physician hud Surceon, Office 21(1 E. Jfnin jL, over llas- kins' drug stor.. Phono Mnin 1001. DR. ?;'&; VAN SCOYOO. Uatint Offieo in rooms 263-S04. Vsmrrt' f '4t,ftn&VtttiTin hkk halldliii, inkt'oCtho trok. I ' " DR. CLAitK E. SAUNDERS-rPrae-lice liHiitcd to diseases oCtht eye, enf, hose and, throat. -. , 0f fice 21 E. Main si.,, over Medxo'rd Hard- ynro Co. .. I ! I t , ,ttm. DRSj'CONROY '& CIANOYp Fayai eionsPaiid iSurgeotis; Taylor" aqd Phlpps bldjf., robriA 218-211-212. Office pliQiid flOl, reaiilen'ce phona .0111, Offip'j houra 0 a. bi. tq 8 p. m, ;Dll. y. O. CAttLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Oataopathio l)liiieiiiiiH. Moicd to RooniH 41(5 , UUd lJ.t,.t(nvuotl.Cogy hjdg. PJiouu Ai tun. ll.i 1. . J)R. E. U. PORTER-Wrteases, ,t women a specially. Rooms 5, 0, 7, 8St, Mark'H bd.v McdforT Or. Phokios: Offico 4001, residenco 401)1, CHOW YOUNO'S CtUSB MEDI CINES Will cuto rkeaatatim, asthma, paralysis, gerea aad pri vate diseases. Those iwaedia wi be procured at houso. No. 241 ii. Front und JOth .H.M,ieford. Or., Whore they will be sold by the pro prietor, hov Youpg, Dr. Chow Young has Iraated sev eral sovcrq cdsjcs with Lin reaacdiea aihco obniiug to Ashlnurf, aod hut for rofowicoB sqma of the bont- : known dnd most intelligent citizenr, in Southerr. Oregou. Call 011 him. This is to certify that Dr, Chow , Young, tho boarer, attended me, my troublo being lung trouble and (isthma. I -am hotter than I have toon for tw6lvo years. I aaw tha (pttor written by Jitdgo Hanna and an ho rooommondod the doctor no well, thought I would try him also. Mrs, St. Louis', Ashland, Or. "I1 wan hffliolod with heart arid A.toniiieli troublo for many years, nnd nt lasPcnding in a atroke of paralysis, from which bo one ex pected my recovory, aai no otje i.ovf$ how 1 stiffored, bat at last 1 tfQl1 a iittlo bettor and I heard of Olio Dr, Chow Young. I took treat ment nnd am well now aad can ree ommcud him to any ono who may ba sick- or afflicted with any of these complniutr. 1 assure you II am well pleased nud thankful that I am alivo nt this time, -"Mrs, Mary Ni dny, Grants Pass, Or. "I linvo been troubled with ea tnrrh for r. long timo and hao tried oxer ho many treatments of (Affer ent kinds and 1 can say I did not gel nnylhing to do mo any goo until I tried litis Chiuesse doctoi. and ho has done mo groat deal of good and 1 think ho can euro ca-tarili,"-Mr. Warrou Drake, Asa land. Ore iron. DR. STHPHENSON fits alasa to corroct unv dofoet of the ej-. Of fico over Allen & Reagan's. Phoiit Main IqTiI. tlirqtlure. I Htenograpliera, ELIJ M. GUANYAW-Paha Bloek. Stenoraphio work done quickly. and woll. 1 r. ,t AritUU'ct. FLEMING & HALK BuUdaraTand contractors; estimato.V ' furnisltbu work 'gunrniiteed, Phone 85 1 .Give ns.a trtlal. . 20. NEW AND Hi:COND-UAND UOOlid Jnnies A, MuKonriu, dtfale ta new and Hccoud-hnud furnittr', liardwarc, olotlung, boots and shot., HiglieKL ciibh prices paid for koo'4 cast-off clothing. Call and soe a. when yon havo something to sell, 403; South Central - II. P. WILSON & CO..' fedora Ta new and' v bceond-haud 'furniturj and hnrdwaro. Agents for ITouw hold stoves nnd ranges. 18 South , Pir street. Phoim Mnin 3101, ,- NORMAN WINDER, architecture draftsman nnd buJldiv-8ee u about your new .home; ,'I can savt you money by planning to you' own ideas and figuring with ypi right. Write Rot 17, P 0 Med fold. MISSION FURNITURE WORKtf Corncr 8th and Holly streets., eMi ford. Mission furniture ruada to order, Cabinet work of all kinds, A trial order qolilclad, MORDOFF & 'W9LPPCQ0kMiM and rangos. New and ;econd-haa4 furniture. Eada' old stand, 18 Wl -P. at.. South. Phoni 01 XLhI-j r n UiuIirtakWi, MEDFORD PURNITDRK CO. u dertakerq. Day phon 1S1. NirVt pkoao. O W Coaklta SMI, J. E .ntler 3571. John A, P-rl -11H, IE ,11 (IC .' t V i -A, a id' ,,.JL. w.yidJaiAftoati'viafcah.i. Jtoij.i ffijffatfciPtrtrWA. ai , :'Ai:,--.