MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1910, U- tCentral EQint Items jty C I., tot. . . Taking everything into considera tion, L'untrnl J'oiut has made greater progress dtirjng. I he past year alio" a liiUf Ihan evor before in Us entire. ti.xiHtence. This progress is not duo The news published n few weeks ago Jlint turkey for Thanksgiving would be vlienp in Central Point must have sprang from the turkc trust. There are plenty of thejm- to nny ehnngo yi tlio country, forituxml dinner binU on tool, hitt Uio tlm I'onnirv wn nlwnvH aood. but nrieo is sninellung Hew, to say- it is due entirely to a, ohniigo. in tlio people, which has been .brought .about bv the persistent efforts of the newspaper5, ntm the eo-opera-tiou of half n dozen men of pro gress wlui saw the handwriting upon iJie wall and read .and interiircled il.s meaning. Thin Jia)f men of enterprise liuvo ineren.-ed into I hi ce score, leaving only a monger .few. of the party of lutrogrcssion to' croak from their cobweb igloos. The ,town is moving forward along the .now well deflneed pat ji ..of., progress. The Christian Seieuce people aid preparing lo enjoy a spiritual feat Saturday night when Hev. Wil liam P. JioKenzic, the noted lecturer of Hostoi), will deliver a discourse on Christian Science, at the, local opera limine. . Duxo.flrim' fine dray team en gaged in a lively runaway Molality evening and made the welkin ring for a .few minutes. The wagon was broken and one of' tho horses fell while crossing Pino sheet and wax dragged for some distance, but re ceived no injuries other than bruises and slight sprains. Mr. and Mr,. S. A. Pattison weie in Medfoid Saturday afternoon, i J. II. (lanlner, an old time resi dent of Central Point, who has been .at Yoncolla for '.several months, has ' returned and will ..spend the winter in Central Point. Tho Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will, on November 121, open n busier shop in Central Point, at which every article calculated to be needful in a Thanksgiving dinner may be purchased by the public. Anything from the bronze gobbler to tho Georgia 'psHi or your money back. i.uothing nbout. thu "stitfhV nnil th gravey." . . fSnm Pastor hns iust iirnduntcd Waid Hopkins' .line Hhepherd ,puj from his canine seminary, wlueh he is conducting during tho winter months. Prof. Paster is certainly there with bells when it comes to training youpg dogs. He draws the Jiuo at' adults. The report that Harry Murray was to return ,to GohJ Hill anil ,oninienco the publication of a second paper at that plae'e is entirely without foundation. There is no room at Gold Hill for two papers and besides there are towns much laiger thnp Gold Hill which, would be pleased to hao n publication lis good as the present paper published at that point. ' ' Charles A. Prodcrick of Allerlon, Iowa, was visiting in Central Point Sunday . afternoon. Mr. llroderiekl has friends diving near Unite Palls uud left Sunday night fo rtliut point. J. 0. Smith was calling on old friends at Gold Hill .Saturday night returning home Sunday. Alva il. Turrill, the jeweler, has moved infp his new tpiarleis in the Whitoside-Ghildcr's building. His store pieseuts tenant and up to ditc appearance and we bespeak success for the young man. Clifford N. Gilbert of Hremerton, Wash., town late Saturday evening. Mr. Gilbert is an artist of scenic photography and is travclim: in the interest of the "See Anieiicn First company. There are lots of fresh ranch eggs coming to town from Iowa and Iowa and other convenient points. Eagle Point Eaglets Ky O. Ilowlctf. . Our election parsed oft very quiet ly. There' was but a "very small aa" ppljcd amV tint vdry llttlo Interest manifested, A few of tho stralght j.iL'kflcd republicans voted the ticket slru'filit, .but imfl of tho people voed for the man, regai'illcra o(Vpar, ,tf. S. Wolftr, our pilintier,'l4kent busy alltjictlmc. lie lb.justwfinisli Ingfng up a Job on tho jfuuiiyaldo uud has the work to do for Frank NlphOls' new house, Von der HellenjH nuw home, Gun Js'lchols' home and, In fact, everybody . Is no b.usy that we can hardly stop to eat. I noticed when I am traveling that there aro new houses going up all over tho valley and old ones being repalrod, and everything looks bright aud pros perous. Tho P. & E. Hallroad company has a forco of men building a depot; an other building a large water tank; another laying pipe to pump tho wa ter from Unite creek; another get ting gravel from tho creek bed to make concrete work, and thus our readers will see that ISaglo Point has become quite a business confer. The hotels are crowded, and overy day there aroJenVpilrfea,made for houses lo rout. - - - Our daughter, Millie. Mrs. E. Hoyt. came lir from Fort Klamath last Thursday on, a visit to the old folks at home. Sho reports that things arc lively out In hat part of the coun try. Mrs. Floyd Pierce of Forest Creek is out visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tryor. John Allen of Derby camo out last Friday and brought tvrj heoves 11G0 pounds of fine beet for tho Sunny Bide hotel, and that will last us about ten days, Eden Precinct Items S.'S. Stephens of North Talent vis ited Medfoid Friday. Cloorgo Elfers of Phoenix wan buy ing alfuKa hay of C. Carey Friday. S. C. Shldeler and daughter, MIb Orn, of Talent left last Tuesday for southern California, to, spend tho win ter. . A. S. Furry hnH bought quite a bunch of cattle of William Cottrell in the past two .weeks. Mr. Tuckor, father of Mis. Weldou Hartley, was In North Talont Satur day. S. S. Stephens was buying corn last Friday. Looks as If thero was a chance to see a fat hog or two later. Eniniett Beeson of Wugner Creek visited Medford Saturday. C, , Carey sold a couple- of good horses to Medfoid parties lost week and still has a couple moro good ones to let go, Somb strangers were up on what Is known as Graveyard Hill just south of PhoonU", taking post card views, Saturday. Mrs. William Campbell of Hiitton, thlsh county, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. James Allen, aud family of North Talent. James McDonald of North Talont came down to Phoenix on election day. This isf the fllmt time James has been down for a long time. Died At his homo west of Phoe nix of paralytic strokq, Garrett Ste phens, aged C5 years. He was burled in the Phoenix cemetery Sunday aft ornoon, Someono Is asking whore that au ditorium In Phoenix Is that will scat 100 people, of which the Portland r Journal of November 11 speaks. That is easy. Its floors are of terra flrma. Its covering Is of heavenly blue. Ashland Notes -Tho people of Ashland nro taklugj tho defeat of tho S. O. S. N. S. cheer fully. As misery likes company, wo feel that Medford, Jacksonville and Grants Pass and all southern Orogoii towns have gmio Into defeat with us, and wo can stand together fqr tho next battle of nny other measure that may come up Jn tho tntercsts of south ern Oregon. Wo feel that It Is an other, thirst of several of tho big Willamette valloy towns, aided and abclted by tho Orogonlan, who as Jato as yesterday stated editorially tho old threadbare falsehood of tho other nor mals outside of Monmouth being used locally as high schools, H. P. Hughes has gono to the Red Hills near Redding on a big mining deal. C, S. Hugg of Klrby, Josephine county, Is lu Ashland visiting rela tives, i T. II. Iluntly of Madison, Wis., son Of John Huntly of this place, arrived In Ashland-Frldny on a visit to.lils people. , James T Grcor, tho pocket hunter of this place, has dug up a pocket ..-... Ik. ,1... nlrt lllllini... f"1a..l1 ...i..- uvet M utv Kiiyx jiiiMKij i.iuuii min ing district that yielded In nuggets over $2000, and with the proceeds has bought him a homo on lower Laurel stroct. Goorgo W. Canning, a former rcnl dent of Ashland, now residing at Snn Diego, Cal., and daughter aro hejro i loll tin.- frtnnild. r E. V. Cartor nnd family havo loft on an xtonded trip to Europe Thpy will bo gone six months. Table Rock Items A" number of tho young peoploi Professor Roop has organized" n from here attended the, piny, "Prlnco'8ingtng. school here, which promises In Medford Saturday to be a success. He also oxpectsj-to organize- one lu" some of the adjoin ing districts. of Pllsen, night. The school will give n literary en tertalnment at tho schoolhouse Snt jirday night, NoYsmbor 19, to bo fol- Will Lydlard of Medford spent lowed by a box social, the proceeds Sunday wun ins pnronis nero. . i of which will befor the purppso of Mr. aud .Mrs. n, Connor and Mrs. bovine a boll and supplies for tlio a. k. Auaius, u. v,. mnuurii ami jv. school. A fine program Is being pre pared. Everybody Is Invited. It. Dyrum were Medford visitors Sat urday, i CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES Kane's Creek Items Mrs. Hlgtnbotham spent Saturday and Sunday In Medford as guests of relatives mid friends. Mr. Lewis and 'wife transacted bus iness lu tho hub city on Saturday, George Higlnbotham and wife wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols at Tolo over Sunday. Mrs. Swlnden of Medford, who spent tho week here with friends, re turned home on Saturday's train. Katie Foley, who has spent tho lattor part of the week with Mrs. Lew i,a, has rotumed . home. Tom Dungey of Galls Creek was over, this way one day recently on business, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens spent Sun day very pleasuutly on the Rogue fishing, having had exeelleut luck. Mr and Mrs. Hitter of Gold Hill tpent Sunday at Garden Hour, tho guest of II Parent. ORDINANCE NO. -102. An ordlnafco authorizing tho Ibsu a nco of $14,250 of tho Improve ment bonds of tho ctty of Medford, Jackson' county, Oregon, and direct ing tho advertising of tho same for sale lit accordance with chapter V of Tltlo XXVII of Dnlllngor & Cot ton's Annotated Cedes and Stututes .of tho State of Oregou. , T" o city of Medford dotli ordain ac follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho city of Medford has heretofore duly cauecd cortaln etrcetB of said city to bo Im proved, and has duly nssessotl the cost thereof to the property benefited thereby In ncnordanco with tho char ter of saM city: nnd, Whorearf, certain owners of sundry pieces of property oach assessed" for such lmpiovcmcnta In a sum exceed ing twenty-five dollars, has duly made and fled application tb pay until several aDsessmclB la Install ments, lu accordance with section fiisi oi saui uuiiuav vm."" n Annotated Codes and Statutes; rinrt,; Whereas, an assessment aud bond lien docket- has boen duly miu'o, up In accordance with tho provisions of said section -nd of soi.'len 2728 of said codes and statutes, nnd tho total amount of unpa'O luweHBaionta for such street Improvements and for which application to pay unc'ur the provisions of said ccctlcr.s ab&vo cit ed hns boen mndo and filed as afore said Is the sum of $14,2r,0, as Bhown by said bond Hon docket; Now thorofore, said cltv of Med foro doth ordnJn ns aforesrld that thore In horcby Mithortzcc't to bo is sued, tho bonds of aald city In the total amount of $11,250, In de nominations of two hundred and fit ly and five bundled dollars each, aa may bo convenient. Section 2. SiiO bonds slu 11 be made lu tho following foira: $ No CITY OF MEDFORD Jackson County Stato o Oregon IMPROVEMENT DOND. Know all men by those presents, T'ir.k tho city of, Medford, in the couuty of Jackson, state of Oregon for value recelvod, horeby agrees and promises to pay tho bcror thp sum 0 dollars In gohl coin of ti-o United Stntca of America, on tho prosoutatloa and sur render of this obligation on tho day of , li tho yc.u of our Lord oao thousand nine hun dred and wLhoiit graco,, with Interest thereon from the dato :orcof until redeemed, or untl,. the time of tho seml-cnnue. Interest py i eut noxt ensuing the publication of notice by tho clt" of Medford that this bond W'.l bo taken up nnd cart tolled nnd the Interest thorcon will cense at tho Interest period noxt fol lowing snnh publication, nt the rate of six per cont per annum, pa-able Boml-annually. In. like gold coin, on tho ........ day of , and venr. on the mv aimtntion nnd cm render of tho prop er coupons thoreto annoxed, principal and interest payatie at tho office of the trea. rcr of tlo city of Medford. This bond Isauo of a stories nuthpr izod by nu act of the legislative as sembly o( tho oUito of Oregon, enti tled "An act to provldo for the Issu ance of bonds for the Improvements or streets and tho laying of sowers in Incorporated cities and for tho pay ment of tho cost of uuch Improve ments and laying of cowors by In stallment," filed In the office of the sec'rotRry o! etnto February 22d, 1893, at amondoj by no art entitled An net to amend Boctloi.": 1, 2, 8, intends to do U z, C, and 7 of an act entitled 'An ring this win-'act to provide for tho IssLanro of 1 bonds for the Improvement of streets .i i,..i. .? i,wAra In Irirnrrinrntpd Mr. Beno, former resident of tl'I8 ! cltea, and for tho payment o Uie flee of wild tror.curor at tho option 'of t,he city pf Medforc1 upon, tho paymtat of the fnce vrluo thoroof, with ijc crued interest to iho dato of paymeiit nt any semi-annual coupon porlod ,at - aftor one yoar from tho dato here of, ns provldod In said act. For tho fultlllmont of tho condl tlouti of this obligation tho faith and crodit of the city of Medford nro hojo by plodsed. ,t In witness whoreof, this bond Jma been Vlgnod by tho mayor and atlOBt ed by the recorder of said city of Med ford and tho corporato real pf tho city of Medford hereto affixed tHla day of . A. D. lit 10. t Attest: ArHr? Mayor. Wo are sorry to say that Mr. Rus sell is very much IndUposod at this writing, having a bad attnok of aBth mn, William Lowls bo's purchased a now grubbing machine and intends to do a great amount of cea tor. Recorder of tho City of Medford. Section 3. Each of said bonds shall havo attached thereto twenty coupons, each of which shall bo In tho follow ing form: , I CH'V OF MEDFORD Stato of Oregon. .Will pay tujhoiheru-or ,. . lnllHt-'n In irnllt coin of tho United Staton of America at tho offlco of tjio treaimror of said city, on tho a . lay, of , ?? being six months' Interest on lmprovemiuu bond No unless sr.ld bond is sooner redeemed aa therein provid ed, which icdeuiptlou will render tljls coupon void. ( Attest: Mayor,! plapo but now of Medfprd, was bore ono da recently on business ATTEND COLLEGE. cost (4 such Improver, ente ancj lay ing of sewer by Installments,' filed In the office of tho occrot.ry of stato Kebruury 22d. 1803," approvod Feb ruary 28thlODl, and Is cu obllja tion of tboclty of Modford, fore sald, and Is not to bo deemed or taTc en to bo wl'Ma or .my prt of uio limitation by law as to the Indebted ness of said city, nnd it Is further certified that all requirements of law have been fully compiled with by the proper officers In tho lining of this hnmi . t.ii itint tho toti 1 "mount of As ooii ns you ndprtie the fact tMa Issue does not exceed the limit (hut iou have rirtv to lent or Iprefccrlbed by ss.Ul act sell hecomca un ex send j TUU bond Is redoemallo at the of Arrango to attcml the Eugene B Iness College, and let hi get.yos.d Eood pesltloa when you gradMaU. K ter new. -Send for oar cat logue, HYj West Sereath strMt. Recorder of the City of Medford. Said coupons shall bo numborfd from ono to twenty respectively. ' Section 4. Tho mayor of 8.-Id city Is hereby authorized and directed io sign said bondc nnd the city recorder to coiriteiHlgn tno saroo uy auaiui lag thereto tho seal of said clt, all on behalf of said clt- i Section C. Tho rccordor of the city 1h horoby directed to register jiald bonds and ni'mbor tho camo on the blank provldod therefor In tho foregoing form, Jn accordance with scctlpn 2730 of said codes and stat utes of the stato of Oregon. Section 0. Tlo recorder of the city of Medford Is hereby dlictcd to advertise said bonds for sale and that tho same will be sold for tho lilgluyit prieo obtainable, not 'ess than par and accrued Interest, and in said ad vertisement he shall announce, that be will reecho soalod proposals for the pnrchaso of said bonds or any nortlon thereof n- Mb offlco at any tlmo before 4 ISO p. m. on tho Ifith day of November, 1910 He shall tiiibllsh said advortlsomont three tlinoa tn n dally nowBimnor published and printed In said city, and shall submit tho sealed proposals I evolv ed In acrordniuo with said adver tisement to the council ut Its no)ct meeting thereafter. The foroeolniz ordlnanco was peris ed bv the city council of tho city pf Medford, O.-egon, on tho 2d day of November, 1UK), by tho following vote: Welch aye, Merrick ayo, Emerlck absent, Wortman ayo, Elfert absent, uud Dcmmer Approved November 3d, 1010, W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFEIt, City Recorder. Auto Owners - You rend' our hist week's nd, didn't you, ns to our gunrnnlewng our workt Well,, wo Jinvn plhven It to epiilo lhhny. Chll nHd wo can provo it to you. .Of futt Rarnes Auto Co. Eiflhth and Central. Phono 0231 Main. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss Co. GRAIN AND STOOK BROKERS W, L. BAIN LOCAL MGR. ROOM 15, P. 0. BLOCK MEDFORD, OREGON Lot lis show yon now tlio different models mid prices of KODAKS FOR CHRISTMAS while we havo plenty of time to explain the best kodak for the individual to receive it PROM $1.00 TO $65.00 Medford Book Store l-r -i ORDERS SOLICITED. Mi'y. A. M. JiinU'i represent -ing Direct Cloth Co., St. Uiuw, Mo., wishes lo announce to In die of Medford nbo will lake orders for iiiide-to-uieaHUie garinoulH, nnd goods by Iho vara, ut lillll N. Central, dur ing fall and winter mmhoii. Piices low, Mitiofnction Runr-nuteed. In Seven Days AVe have sold two five acre, and two larger tracts in our FIUHT TRACTS, and the par ties are improving ihein. Come and see us if you want any si'e tract. H 0 W L A N D or THE, VAN DYKE REALTY CO. huom 3, 123 Main St. ----- fN NOTICE OF KALE OF IJH-l.tWO IM. i'rove.mi:nt hoxdh of the citv of medford. "Notice lu hereby given that tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proponal8 for $11 ,'.'50, nix per cent, ton-year, Im provement bondu. Illdn to bo fllod with tho olty n cordor of tho city of MedTord, Oregon, on or buforo t:30 o'clock p. in. No vcmber 15lb, 1010, and to bo nceoip panled by a certified check oiiunl to five per cent of tho amount bid for; cbock to bo mado payable to tho city ireaBiiror of ald city. The council reorvea tho right to reject any and all blda. ItOUT. W. TELFI?It. Ct City flccojrder. Ha-liu'4 for health. MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL. PHONE MAIN 991. Splekidiid FrTOf pi If ,1 I lt v I 465-AORES 3Ao miles from tho iiity of AledfoM; 300 acres' undL' i)low, balance scattered oaks and brush land, easily cleared; land lies above the froit line, is finely drained and sub-irrigated. This tract overlooks 1 the entire valley, in the 'heart of a fine fruit section. Adjoining land held at $250 per acre.' Price of this tract $105 per acre. Splendid terms, Apply D. H. JACKSON (SL OOMPANY PHONE 2722. ' : 118i2 yrj&T MAIN ST. . Oil t V4 " -- rlf" iihW ?F MEDFORP THEATER Tuesday, Noyember 15 joiiiy . oiiigic vxjuuLfuiu : SUGGESTS HIMSLr - S, "FT THE M GAME i. AND m T XX 1 . The Newest of Late Tatcm. 12 Bia.SONG HIT,S 12 GIRLS GIRLS ;; f- GIJtL Dainty Divinities Who Sihg Dance and Ddigkt'tfce Xy Snlo of scats begins Saturday, November 12. - Prices-50c, $1.00, $1.50. t iMt it- iti '"i-F 1 "i a-i. L-, Xi-LA-MH-'J , Ths P. k E. RtiR. will-soonib it-X ' Butte Falls, Oregon We can then handio your orders. Place them now. Write an Phone us for Dricos. t i t i Butte Falls Lumber C o. I tr r.i 9H55 11 ASHLAND jW20nM&& ( s Z7rr Mmo& KlJ) r " " Ashland, Oregon Swed.enburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at homo at a very'moderato Expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho largo commercial centors. ' ' J NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT Aann PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNJ51VA. M., President. u. T- t.T..l'JPl.,1.-JS J 00'000000l0,04H000!l Contractors will mxt week com ploto tlio now sbwor ayBtem In Soutli sott Addltltin, glvliiK naallary wowor oko and dralnaRO aowor. lu addition to 30 lot in tlilH addition, only flv blocku from Main Htrcot, tho clo-ot-ln Kood rouldoneo IpIb now of forluu In Modford. Tlio mattor of nultliiK l tho dralnaco aowur af fordH oiniortunlty to drain basemanta and collars and brim; about tlio bout sanitary condltloim. Modford'H up-to-dato iiooplo only want uMo'datn conditions In tholr rouldQiico nuar tcra. 1' Yon hollftvcd llwil "dead tooU" to bo salable when you sought ! Probably it wn -mid la. Couccn- i rum it iiiiio iiuTvitiPHi), . " ....-, i in n week, fuiuol that it ovur worrier1 you. Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices on All Kinds of Trees ' M and Shrubs L. B. WARNER At Warner, Wortman Wl Gor Grocery j0 M? j& Medford Jr. i ,M , '1 roooooooocooco?