Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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M10DFORD MAIL Till UVNK, an01)KOllD,,OWl'XiOX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER' 15, 11)10.
: k8
Proclamation Points Out Fact That
It Is Well That a Season of Fes
tivity ami Happiness Should Pre-
vail In Honor of Great Harvest,
of Kino Apple.
$pbftANI5, Nov. lf "My faith
ful siihjoelBj This tOBtinumliil of
(ho loynlty of my people (o their
oviroh(ii nffoulH mo deeply. aiu
iioKiiizniit of tlio honor iivvordcit lo
mo nnd.J Mint II Io my utmost to de
serve tlio I'onlldi'iii'o of my Ubio
mill to merit tho npprovnl of my us
Kociate, KIiik Apple, and hi dopen-
With Iicho .words Ttlell h queen of,
llio third national applu show, wlilolt
wjih fonnully, opened yesterday a-
Kiiiueil her reifrit Hhortly alter 8
oVluck asl niuht. Her royal innj-
cxty, who is Jlins Alnry Iiloll Ido of
(Jolvillp, Wash., in private life, wan
..11 i'-.f i e..n ......... ,1 :.....
minlHtor doIiil' unvenior liny on
Will Express Preference for Prcsl
ilcnt Before Nominations Are
Made Presidential Primary Law
Is Adopted.
Rounh Treatment Following Annual
Football Game- Is Resented by
University Boys Farmers Started
to Abuse Crippled Student.
Voters of Oregon wl hnve tlio
unique privilege of expressing their
preference for president mid vlce
proflldoiit In 1!U2 beforo tho national
convaiitloiiH of tlio republican mid
democratic parties shall liuvo beou
hold. This in tho only state In tho
Union where tho electorate will In
utrnct dologntes to tho national con
volitions no to tho nioti to Biipport for
thoHo Important positions.
Furthermore, Oregon voters will
Vii8hiiiKfon, who rend the following Boleett liolr own presidential electors
royn proclamation:
"Naturo hna lioiiiitifully blosHetj
our oiupiro in tlio harvest time. 1'ioin
tlio hiuhlapd? and Iheu vitlleys and
from dlHta'iit purls of the domain
at'e withered hoio tho wonderful pro
diii'tH of our favored orchurdn.
Where onto tlio arid desert riivo no
p.'cmlHo ot Jorlilily and whoru unco
tho priuiQvnl foront was itntouehed
by dlio hand of man now llnils the
Mill giving forth life mid nourihh
utent to I ho growth of hoaulifiii
"It in well that our HtibjeulH should
aM'inlile on thin oeonnion for a hoii
son of festivity and huppinons. Tills
autumn holiday denorvcs full nioas
uro that wo may rejoeu in tur prow
perily. Let amnio, mirth and jo)
abound; let hitppiuesa and oonlout
wont ho present in this hnrveni
home, and may all our Hitbjoolh fee.
tho enthiiHiuHiii ol tlio hour as w
..oulebnilo King Applo'a third great
' festival throughout tho week."
Tio qucqu'ti euronntion gero-
liiouy, conducted w.ith all thu poiii
mid loi nullity of tho period of houi
, XIV, wiih ouo of thu most amhitioio
i Hpeolaelert ovi'r presepted hi thi
puit of (ho northwest. Tlio queen
waw attended by her prinio Minister,
t eunuulllor, ladies of honor, uourtiers,
herald, guards, llower girls mpl
. paj;es in, tlio-eourt.qostuuH'fy.of tile
' i,itne the nuisio being by a military
baud of llfty players. Tlio stato ttr-
JioriAwna decorated Villi roynT"piiYr
l0 mid a profusion of Imp), limi
ng and (lowers, Hanked hy,
nitibi of tlm ehoieost apples in tlio
A fanfare of trumpets nuuouiioW
tho arrival of tho royal parly,. tj
as well an vote for them, and also will
Holed tho dologaton to tho national
ronvonlloiis, and tho (date tronpttry
will pay tlio expenses of tho dclogn
This la ouo ot tho results of tho
election hold last week, when tho
inoasni'o doHlaned to extend the pri
mary law to presidential campaigns
was adopted. Tho Initiative meiiHUro
was prepared by tho J'eoplo'n I'owor
league and was adopted by a substan
tial vote, '.t'bo iiieaBiiro Is ouo of the)
most unique boforo tho electorate)
and will glvo Orogon novel advertis
ing In tho spring of 1012, whoa tho
miccoKBof, of ,W. .11. Taft, ob prgsldent,
will bo nominated la tho national con
vention. It Is estimated that tho ox-
ponso Incurred by this now measure
wlll'approxlmato SS000.
Under tho provisions ot fho nionu
uro, voters can voto for anyono they
ihlnk bt'Bt fitted for president and
Ico-profddcnt, In their party. Each
voter ran voto for someono for pros
dent, and, vlce-proBldcnt, in those io
dtloiiB, and aot for two presidents,
two vIco-proHldontfl. Tho voter
nnketi lijSjOWH sglcctlon, Tho votq
oa thoHo places will ludlcato how
dosoly tho olectorato of OrcRoi) fol
lows tho political altuatlon tliroueh
mt the couutry mid watches tho rec
ords of prominent men. It will i;lvo
:i flrst-hnmlod Idea whether tho.ra-
puourauH oi utukoii iiuiik iaiif
ItooMovelt, I. a l'ollotlo or some other
iliould bo placed at tho head of tho
'Irk'ot. It will ludlcato whether Ury-
m Btlll has followers horo and whoth
4r hv.xOaynor or Harmon has tho
baud playiiiK Jluyorboor's "CjiiViriy
liou Mareh" as ldelt 1 mid her suite
advanced to the throne in the eentei
of the tl nt form. Following tho for
mal mmnuucecincjit by the eouuuil
lor, Ihoro vvoro sovoral trumpol
blasts by tlio heralds, after whiob
the prime minister udvmieed to tlu
thnuie mid, laejiii; tlio audienoe
Miid: ;
"In all lauds and in all na- tho
ooniuation of a monarch has hold
first fnlotvM for loyal hiibjqols. Hoir'
in tho laud of tho taunt fii-iro.d of all
fruit, it has boon deemed nppropriat
that a ipioen should bo orouiuid u
eomiuemornte a year of propont
"iour majesty," tho prinfo uiin
ixlor added, tiuniu to tliv queen,
"the fuithful nubjfiotk of your out
piro ait) liom Hhhoinlitttd fni'm all ihr
piveiimtH of vtiur vl diuitniu In do
honiiiKo to imr liwtv lord. hit. iuv: !
Iineluuv. KitHf Apple, and to pla
lilHiu your brow tho diadem whudi
vmholir.6 1 1 woalth. power oni
ioIoIIIkvhoo of a jevwl poile, owmj
and hwoariiMc HlkwiMiieo to ih ion
oeii)i)ii of Mich IiIqIi entnnte.
"I am uriviloKwl by the p.,.
0Ntfd in mo to oniwr. Hum nmvn ,.i
I lie apHo khusikim hik i,. pixm-Iouc
thi'o suvruiKu MMMrviM of the tti
Mrtil Iim1. wiivroin r,hc.'
the iioJjIo Imoo of Wiiiaa!. Spji
tijlHiir, JuUiom. Xwtwn Jip4ii(
Homo., lliutl.v. WnW(ftj". .MrInl(M.l,
1im1. Dolieiou. Mid many otlirr iihI
At thk iHtittt f Um iruy lb
iiuoom rv turn kr thnm.. nod
KJt nt fits f of tin iriwe niin
itr, wbo eojiUnutHl:
"I onmii ttii qut-Mi at tlw MH
iiiilux iiiinUtpr- pUtW lb.
mmi u U krtw f -V9mlli
wyiiii: -Alt l,B,l. Qm ,WI r
moiit Htronr,tli.
Nowhere tdso lu tho United States
a there suuh an opportunity for a
tliiKlo state to act aa a finger post in
latlounl politics. Thu amount ot ad
ah Using Oroeon will reeelvo throiiRh
hU moastiro Is boyoud calculation
It will probably rotmlt In mou who
iuvo the prosldential boo seadliiK
iKOiits to Oregon to work up n sontl-j
moot. I
Voters will also havo tho right to
oloat tho coudldatos tor prosldoutlall
doctors, voting for lytt ouo man In
ho prlinarlos ami those receiving the
ilKhest iiumhor of votos being tho
nndldatos of tho part)-. Tlio monn
ure also provides that doloicates to
tho national conventions shall bo so
tectedt hrouRh th primary methods
ilso. lly this arrangement tho $3-a
lay man has a prospect of bolng sent
s a dologKto as well as tho banker
or profoMlnnnl man, who has an a
to grind lu ntloiullug tho convontlon.
Tho niwiBuro provldoN that tho trav
eling expenses of delexatM sanll bo
atd h the state, not more thnu 200
'eliig paid to any delegate.
Jf Tho manner In which University
of Orogon rooters were treated In
Corvallls last Saturday after tho foot-ball-game
will probably result' In tho
severing of athletic relations, at least
temporarily. Such action Is recom
mended by William llayard, trainer
mid physical director of tho univer
sity. Tho question will como up for
consideration at tho next faculty
meeting, and undoubtedly all ath
letic rotations botweon Oregon ami
O. A. C. will ho cut off.
The trouble stnrtod when aomo of
tho O. A. C. students attempted to
tako a rooter's hat and arm band
from W. Cooloy. Cooloy could not
resist tho attack because ho Is a
cripple, and ban to walk with
crutches, Hocuiibo soma of bis rlnss
iiiatqs went to his assistance thdy
wore struck by O. A. C. students. A
fight Immediately followed, ijnrold
Heait, son of Judge Bean of Portland
who Is a Junior lu tho University of
Oregon, was struck in tho head and
tendered unconscious. Boforo any
Oregon students could como to his
assistance his hat and arm band wcru
Two O. A. C. students forgot thom
hoIvos so fnr as to aplt on two Ore
gon girls. Miss Cornelia I'ltikani mid
Hazel MoNnir of tho Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority wont to tho game lu
a tallyho. As, they woro leaving the
game two O. A. C. students attempt
ed to grab tho pennant with which
I ho carriage was decorated. Because
tho driver kept the offenders at a
distance with u whip, theso students
spit on tho above mentioned young
ladles, j
Just boforo tho excursion train left
for Kugono another fight started.
President Campbell tried to pacify
tho crowd, but his words were hissed!
at by tho O. A. O. delegation.
ICImer Hall, a freshman attending I
tho University of Oregon from Bnkor ,
City, was struck across tho face wUi
a mackintosh as ho was walking along
Hio. street. 1'nrtlnlly blinded by tho
blow, ho strode all O. A. C. students
within reach, but beforo any damage
was dono ho was stopped by Louis
Plnkhnm, assistant coach of the foot-
hall team.
Harry Potter, a Medford student
attondlng O. A. C. Is known to bo ouo
of the aggressive participants In tho
first fight.
For Sale
We are offering for sale any or all of our pro
perty in Medford or west of
Butte Falls, Oregon.
1500 Acres for $15,000
"" ' ' ' " ' i i M i i iiinai i i ii I Mima,
Htere is one of the Greatest Bargains in Real
Estate in all Southern Oregon. If will Pay You
to Investigate this Tract.
Cut Owr Timber, 2 1-2 miles West of Jacksonville
Will Make Terms
iriqfuife of Edgar Hafer
Medford, Oregon
ASinall Bearing Orchard.
Attractive Price - Easy Terms
W. T York & Co.
Such Is Report But Close Friend
Declares that Anna Has No In
tention of Engaging Herself to
Frenchman Countess Warns Her
l'AMS, Juv. 15.-funnies Tnlli
mud, fiiruwrty Anna Oouhl. lodsv
denied that tjlio littil nuked the vuti
KKI.SO, W&alu N'ov. 15. Accord-
Iuk to Information received horo, the
I iHWtotflco at SKntnokawa, wot ot
here, uk blown up and the postman-
Secretary Myers States That Pan
arjia Canal Must Bo Completed
Adequate Protection.
i-iiii to Hituitl nor iiiarrtRKu ntli toi-.-li. KonniHly. Injurod. .The post
fount Itouili do fnatollHHu in ordr lofflco. which wan In ft uonoral atoro.
tm mod to tho ground following thu
ActHirdltiK to moaner dotalls ro-
cohod hore. It Is tiallovud that tho'
to huvo a fntliollu oiiiiioiiv hi
Ininifd wtt iHJolotitintionlly le:alio
lur iiinrrtKO with tlm l'riuoc l
... wiiuu iiurv, II IS H'ilOMJIl llllll u, I 1'rolii
I tibfiiifelMiikir tint t4iiuiti tliut (iuiil w. ..1.-.!.... ....... .1.... 4n 1.. .Ml..l... ..rl
., ' , z:r . ;' a ... ,. . i i r:r "".;.; iu,u. w "" -rv. ,w u .o..,..,o.oini d.u
tii in i.v( iui vijiiii poiiiii uuiu-ue roulHir. ini' iup j ...
iiaiMnr oi u. i jiurj,iin, ttiu t-onii- mo inillillHK ad Its contontw will bo
icm. Miiil,: front J5000 to $to.000.
"If tii ro)Htft l)if"Uit, 1 ugRO.-tj SkatuoKawa is a vlIlnRO of thout
iluit Mi Mum M wy MMtvr ta perwMU.
Iltltfii mtd Iwru MMMtHHtc hIiomI M. j
Of L Hstl'IltlllO. '
iiNUteMPihlw) UmIhv mi trMolMi
nllUo liHiiM. uttlMutilt ikm of
ith iHumhm i4or iUt hv rami
try k w ilie vik of a (tnliiical uj-
ItVnVHl. PllMHiur Ai.Ullh i rwU-t
to aiiHOHuuo this rvKiuinr iho toll
inxiKrum of the HbrL. i.-.d a l ,. .
expected te iiHnouueo that he sill
call fr the lwolllm r tMriiawMit
Nrtvemlier S.1. nH.-r tin- i..,0. ..f
utvtit niMituivs.
XUW VOltK, Nov. 15.-KltMlioth (
.uMrnur.v, oHtoii ,inen(i or auhr
Monokii, omMHwuCinK on tbo Vtri i-
Bcforc Pacific Coast Will Be Given H,rl ,h1 wt nwi u CMtnltaaw
Mtik hu xllMuteo with lit koifeo'of
Moriou, to MHHip htk fulKm Atr
tUHtt. m'u tudii': '
".Mm Moiiwh k iw iutiMttioH (
Ummumimc oilBged to Ik ClHWt de
WASHINGTON, l. (' , Nov. IS.
Th Ihieiflo mil will M ommpIUm1
lu wli for aa tUwual) twttloMli
fi'M HHtll thr Pnawa rawnl U tkpoa.
d In lltft. aeordtc Ui SseroUu)
Mryw uf lk uv dMrt.U
Mtyr uld tfcu tlto dMrtm.Dt la
u0 to aHoftil wttk tk work tf
lrlB( oqiUiHttMt lh iin
)iCc -u UrvwHrtuH anl iUw uiaui.
flllfAtK). Not. li.
uf MOtuiaay or
Th huumli
DAWSON. Y T., Nov. 15. Allan
Howe has arrived hero after mushliiB
behind a team of dogs S0O inllos f.rom
rtUrbMtiks. ll made tho dash to wod
Mr. Anna tawrenoe, who lives at
Vorty Mile, jioar Dawson. With
llowo canio Harold Malstrom of Ta
eown and two other men.
Howtt wolshod 203 pounds nt tho ,
SI'OKANK, N.. l.-i. -Moro than
L'lul (oniniiMcial orsiuiisiitiotis in
WnhiiiKloii, Oreou, Idaho and ilou
taua Iiaxo pledKud thuir Mipport !
tho Spokmtu ehuiulior of mmiiioivi
in it- vtfoiif, to ou it u to the until if!
sri-Miiyt) (Hiiivfiitioti in lilll lor Ou
rity. It. .1. Maolcati, M'orotary ot
tlio apmMithUi. ao Iiun aduoo
I'liaiubci of ioiiuuujvt uiul
in other north.
iwloni Ktato. tliat'they will .ptovttil
uixin their doKftt, to voto for pi.
kiiHo. When tho ualiunal oonoittiiMi
MPOUt. at AUoatU City. ,X. J., U
unvrrow to rvinuui in Miii t
', every delwutu will li periii
Hv t-wlirili U stive tko JWMt e
sitMif to S)Mkue and ntireutM-
.tiv from tt ,,f th fctat ei
of III .Mii-ipppi iivr will hoot
for Spokane. Tlte seleotjon of th
plttee fr thu 1011 xnteriMK U it.
mo tiMitif or a iiinl (WMninittH
.qoinint-Ml of tvu Kieuiherj. fruw earlt
lwte. . f. H. Ktley,. ituietor of thr
Waiiuttm ut )tnap. will iwv
4Mit hknntt'M.iHtatHNi. II i no v.
at Atlaatie filj-.
Fall & Vtfinter
TYLES for Fall and
Winter in stock now 1
The last word in Fash
ion, Fit and Comfort.
Meet successfully the ever
shifting demand of the world's
fashion centers. An infinite
variety of styles for all ordin
ary occasions. Many exclusive
designs for extraordinary use. .
All shapes and all leathers.
fiff weed
uia t taiiHOMi in lliieairi. TUu i
uiaxi the onhf at Chief of 1! .
Sieward i irticfoJarl.v diKU-te.i
kouevor. .. tkat wk U. ttpi.h wTS CT .i?
iwruliar naokM. II will not
tetiHiuv rilhiT the tHMfK ,.r da i
to l'lm:ti
Thf rkief older l ill,' ivilifliiK'it
It von nie ..nh more yon rn u .. .l(i ih.i...i !...!, .1
eant tttoro. iii wsi yon eaw d-tttir tfce h.e th.m have keen
"""' V " "" " m a i-l:Hriisl nilli . li. i , I , h,.,!,. 1,1.1.. ,,,.!
i'K"l IS t ! - t.. .it i . I ,
itive .xmuMrt XNd ,t '1' 30 l(lutd Ho
tHIANT.S l'ASS, Nov. !.- - Ahk
und Shippers to English Markets
41 Consign your fruit to
MKSSIUS. BHILhV IIOUW)Ulc;t Covetit fimden. Indon.
ffOost m:.rket prices. Cash romlttod day after sale, cabled If required.
GmentsgB,a LDja fr SouthAustrallrn sovornment conslp
qour charges for selling. 5 per cent and 2 cents per box.
rfn1nL,n Y?' W N' WIUTE & C0- 7C Pa-k Place. Forward
Ing charges. 2 cents per box. These am tlm Krft m . "
with other accounts.
S y t
i "Uk .
UM won mo uuo q onampton iai.) iy ),, Wuck u k ne
nnu Maratkoner of the north by kUjor Mey td were 10
l4ooffiuK to 4- B- WvdverHrtt. fnr
Tho jiarty reoorts a good tjall all Khjj uUU tk river. l (). OrilRa
tj way to circle. Thanco U U hard u ltw i,HVtf. Hl,a yi tl. ku.e
floHt U al to the lactftc tko veMl
utay be Mtcvr.tuiHiaiet at tkoe two
walking, bat safe, to Basle, from
whtek Holut skwe Icjo niuft ho trav
' oreU. Hoad koHses are opn ovory
"o Htllt.
Mails ara moving ro&ujarly. The
YnWvn still open Slpco the Ice
m.irU , I 'ro" l" frvupmo river mmi-P""
,l. iiintilnK tin tl.nv or two wcokk a
, "ii,- iHfr rivei- has been clear.
I tor a ooMWftvKii on-aani .vimtner
lant 4l enit ut a l!-.urv
rauek ld to Ir Ckarie T Smo
for JiJHJ0. Tht u.i. . ha riv
arte in haariitx i.liai.l.
Thirty arret of applf .., um, ., ,
down the rir w uld .i 5ov I
lUli'i. l'.- fiis-lli. i i . i.t, i '
.i I... ,il 3 - i
Thanksgiving Special
IV. .1.
...... ever, e.U preha made .., lir nia,ke, , anj , , d
1 ' "P l" VVaM 13","l "Tkev, n buv ur fresh sal ed
V .rorfJr r PU..n. .d we
will deliver
Rogue River Fish' Co.
j t. . r