If - n- WKATIIHItl'nlr tonight. Th Meisagt of tho Flag, while Knlr weather. Dlur Italn or snow, white tiiul dIuc Local showers Illnck Irluneular Above white, warmer; below white, colder. White with black center CoM MEDFORD MAIL A RIBUNE FhII Leased Wire Report. Tho only paper la Use irorli published In a city Ike fn ef Medford having a leaned wire. FIFTH YEAR. MEDFORD, QRlUaON, 'JLTISSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1910. No. 203. TEXAS RANGERS MEXICANS ED IN A REPEL MEXICAN INVADERS GHMG OMM tumor Governor of Texas Informs Wash ington 500 Mexicans Gather on Border Ready to Invade United States Territory Citizens in State of Terror Great Excitement AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. US Governor Campbell ordered Sun Antonio troops today to nihil with nil luistc to Ed win ds county, wlioio rangers, rnneli iiilmi and a party of 300 armed Mex icans, who Inivu crossed the holder .and nro mniching toward Hock Sptings, arc nionientarily expected to clash. Tim troops' will he sent with all haste by railway to Hruckotville, ahoiit llfty miles south of Hock Springs'. H i considered onlv a chance that they will he able to pre vent the unpenning Snttie, us tne oppitMMifr furci'b ale expected to meet momentarily, Cowboys Are Out HQCK SPHINGS. Tex., Nov. lo. Highly ranchnion and cowboys left licie early today and are riding hard toward Jho border lo. intercept. !IU() Mexicans nmrchiiig from litis Veens, .Mexico", with the avowed intention or avenging the recent lynching .ol a Mexican at Hock Springs. Scores of other cowboys uiui ranchers, with gri mdeterinination to protect their homes at all bastards are joining the "Hying sfpiudron" along the route. A battle in immi nent, and Texas rangeis under or ders from Governor t'aiaphcll are rushing to intercept the hostile forces and pi event a clash. The situation along the Mexican bonier, particiilarl.v in Kilward iiinl. is ctitical. A clash means ,i DEPOSITS IS AMAZING Taft's Visit to Panama to Result " In Rushing Work on Canal. Twenty-Two Per Cent Gain Made in Past Ten Months Total Deposits In City Now $2,376,582 Banks all Show Splendid Growth Comp troller Calls for Statements v-t- BANK DEPOSITS " January, J 110." 4 (I01MSI8 Jannary, 11)0(1 7Jl.i)71 Jitniiary, 11)07 1,08-MM ""January, 1008 I, MM, AM Jannary, 11)01) 1,21,4:U January, 11)10 l,8lkVi(8 November, 11)10 .. J,:7(i,58-J "" Increase in 10 months, .fll'l- 0L4. Per cent iuctouso 12'J. (Contlnui'il on race S.) f-f-f-f -f -f -f Hank deposits in the four Med- fold hanks in the past ten months of 11) 10 have increased .'22 per cent according to the bank statements just issued, in accord with a call from the comptroller of Ihu currency, The gain made since Jannary, 11) 1 D, vyas. !jvl'l,0H, or 22 per ccjjU ' ' All of the banks of the city" have issued splendid statements, which show all of them to be in a most healthy condition, and these in In in reflect the prosperity jf the city and country. The tleM)sils have made a consid erable gain since September 1, when ii... i... i . 1..1.........1 ii. i i'... IIIU Ills, IMmi'lllCOin L'lU M 'Illll'll Mil. At that time aggregate deposits vveicj 2,1:17,187. Thus the gain in two and a halt" mouths has been Will),!)!),'). The hanks' slatemeiits show the following (h'liosils: First National .i8."i(5,(ll)l Jackson County (i!)2,'U7 Medford National .. . . ." 111,08.") Farmers anil Fruitgrowers 278,l.i7 V ' Jk 'IT. y' .i.'X'f ' hu. V ' MUu,IKRVl. aw. . w mri i . i '.a . t. V 'J- j - ft... f -H ji,. ., it-y Tti"" ikti riA ri-'j ... , - v- i(-, r.H"'nH ". 1jzZaI-1..-- , Jl.:... T v - $" &vmmm!..m r-asar ISgJgjTyxiFflK) "BATTLESHIP NOWHC?fcOLnM CHECK R em V. l'AXAMA. Xov. I", I'resid.., t Taft inspected the flat.ui dam and the Oatun lock-, lovvtir.l cud ol the I'ttnama canal, this .tJleiiioon. The pre stdent tonight will altcd and m-ep.!. ... l,v Colonel io,lhalN ehlct engineer of the M. (. . A. unci Hed ( ross workers in the canal zone. the west citnal, to FOOD PRICES RECLINE THROUGHOUT EAST HERE ARRESTED 01 Wfll ICU mm IN PORTLAND i AND MIDDLE WEST; MAY R William Miilhu, who had bisn nioio or less prominent as a 'Vpend er" in Medfoid for several wcel. was arrest cd at Portland Monday on (instructions from t his a,lnktou county authorities, on a charge of having issued chucks against a hank where he had no account. Miilliu, when he arrived hunt, rup ittseutcd himself as the sou of a i ich Moulaihi stockman, who was seeking it milder climate and a le. sIiciiuoiis existence. He was n good iellou ami popular. Some J'c weeks ago ho met one I). K. Pr.ither. who reprcsentetl himself as tigent for the Northwest School Furniture coin pan v. Sunday morning Pralher was ready to gtt out of town, but didn't have the .fill! duo the Hotel Moore and Miilliu obligingly wrote a check for llu amount, and another of -f-O lo enable his friend to reach pott laud. Monday the check were ititurnod uiaikeil "no funds" ami tho author ities got busy, with the result that Miilliu has hccii apprehended and the police are on track of J 're I her. Deputy Shenlf Dow leaves thin evening for Portland to bring Miil liu hack. IT TOLSTOI NEARING DEATH Dnuijlitcr Alexandra Alone Is at Bedside of Ajjctl Writer It is Re ported He Was on His Way lo American When Taken III H T ON GOMPERS EXPECTED Greatest Scrap in History of American Federation of Labor Is Looked For When Name of Samuel Gompers Comes Before It for Re-election as President Socialists Are Lined Up Aaalnst Him. ST. IJIMS. Nov. 1.').- The biggest Unlit ia the history of the Amoncnn Ftttloratioii of Labor in expected when the name of Sautuol dumpers cuNHh before tho convention, now in session here, for le-oleetiott. Gnniws lta trivnuonU.v fought the plans of soaiulislia inctiibors of the feiiurMtlou for A tlectn ration bv lite orgftui?MU"n f.t sot n. sin .nut' it i known thai bi socialist ..f s' out of a total of .'iflb ill the coiivei.-l I ion will b eitsi solidlv nauist the I llllli CI". il iiiultci ! While fldmitting that the soeiitlUt faction in the federation is strontriir than ever bufure, GoinKrs declare that he is not worrying ovr Hit dual outcome. In addition to the M)trialite, who claim they have notluag agaiut Gompers pornoiMtMy. there i h fai tinii that feain that ik, ouv sltould livw a li f - job" a piesiileut of tiie IVdcratmii Max H.ivc- ..r (l.-i.i.i .1 Jh ud nig the sicinlit deleicates in tl t.n-k on I lit- prffcident of I he toh-ra tin, i ST. POTHH.SItCHG, Nov. 13. Couut Leo Tolatoi uevor will leave ltiisian soil. lli physli'ian, Dr. .Makovtilskv, who constantly iitteu-l cd the iigeil writer, uiiuouiieod today that the condition of bin distin guished patient is most critical. With Tolstoi in the small, pooily ventilated room in which lie lies, near death, at the railway station at Astnpovn, is his diuijthter Alexandra. The Countess ToUtoi has not joined her husband, but has urgently asked permission to tlo so. The count, it if bwlievetl, was eu route to Swedwi, where he expected to embark for Amorioii, when ho wa fet'riukou with fever and exhaus tion, lie left the convent where he had taken refug after leaving home bust night, and went to KoyeUt, an nouncing that he was on liitf way to Moscow. At that tiuuj he was at tired in asiui'a otMtume and board ad a ioiilliboiind train going IowkwI Um t'sueitsus. He rodi m a third oliitto ooiopartiHnt nud Imd only $17 aiitlftio paMmrw. Hy the time the train refhd A taH)va, lh eount hwtunt m ill thai henviis forced to lenvu the train. It is bolitneil that hi iiriud h Iteeowf ! uuhnlmiced. If you never "lone any time" nx cent that spent In frultUMly Anr.wer Inu want . Cn, y .it'll set nlonK' 3 Cut in Prices Indicated Tliroiitjhuut East and Middle West 3-Ccnt 'Drop in Pork and Beef Renlstered in Kansas City NF.W YOHK. Mov. Li. Decline on food priecn an' indicated thhniuh tint the east hikI middle .west totla.V. In Kansas nt.v the xtueial decernuse is I'loin live to, llllfcii per cent, dropH of I luce cents a pound i Usuk and beef beiiift reisicrcd. At Spriifb'ld, lll., pork products i!oclino(l ten pet emit, At Denver lite w'lltJjjjjMulu ptice of meat is IT) mt cenl lower, but Hie decline has not u-l (jf fee ted the re titil priceit. Pittsburtf priii h(ive not fulle.i, hut there is i adieu fton that the murkel will weaken niuli. Ii'etnilers lien- dechiro Unit the de cline in the pi we uf food irodiut Iihh not yet rt'iichei Iheii' uHiuei., but that it uiitv be expwted soon. lYico iwv i'i"rt'd tutuliliiiKetl in Dertoit. Tiicte liavo boon no reduc tions in Peuasvluuiifit whtre pricos, if iiuytJiinu, uic liilll', JndlniiBo lis wholesttlf pi ices Iihvu decroflwHi hut dealers tlo not yol know wliethor retail price sill dtp nceordiuty or not. EH COAST GREAT FLOOD t Ml 8 Blj Corn Crop niiCAno. Nov. J.V- I'rovWon huss in Oiiiii totkcy tlncUred thet I be tUclim in'foud prbx win due to the biru,'t ooni orop in the bistort 'of the iiHtUtji, coiipted with leek of feur of dverwt UKiUtioii, aspired bv the lestih of the tfetft.t coiiirrcsxiniial -li -t ioiut, I'.uk'l- I aV ihill In. ire et- lli ..ml in.).- I '. bi't'ii -IiiumI itltii I lie urn I I I 1 Ii - cur llian nci' lit" fjl. tl' ! . ..LI flips In, lie I l ilck. fltiv -mv. ami fat ewllle and III.. . . kl lnU ll ICt- i in, I 1 i Seine Reaches 20-Footi Statjc, nml Reports From Head Sources of River State That Great Volume ol Water Is nusliltifi Tovard Paris I'AI.'IS, Nov. I.'i. Thu Seine to day reachtd the 20-ftHil Mtagu and rnj ants from llio head somegs of the rivers suite I hit! h jfrtutt volume of wulcr is liciiiling toward Paiis. The hydrometiie ofllce tl nltor noou iirHilieled a further risu of four feet ufid four inches here b.v Salurduy This would nil the river fur uliove the iiorintil level and eou Mideriible mIhiiii is cxpiOKNCtl ovei the threateuetl Hood condition. Billy Clifford Tonight "The Girl, the Man ami the Game" io the fetching title of the new inosi tol farce, which Hilly (Kingle) Clif fnril will offer m.1 the Medford the ater tonight. The piece in dueeribud us u iiitisicii Untnsv in two parU. It id ii ferce, in other wordi, with utusic, and it ia one of the spriglit iewt ami bet ontertuiniawnt of the kintl offered this settsou. f ANNUAL MEETING OF CLUB TONIGHT f The auuuul ineetmr of the Z Commercial Club wilt l held tuuiMtJt at the club HMitna for f election of utHvr for the om DEFENSE 111 RAILROAD IS SHATTERED Southern Pacific Officials Admit It Costs No Moro to Haul From Med ford Than It Docs From Portland Rates in Oregon Nearly Double. Thoso in California, S AGOUIHED E 1 In tho Meilfonl rate Hiilt conrlud ed ycHtcrdny tho complainant rested Ita ease at tho noon iocokh and tho dofenso conimoncotl subnilttlnK Its ca8o at tho nftornoon session, whloli contlnuctl until C o'clock. Thu uofmiHo yvvoro na vvltucssoa L. It, l'lolds, RuporlutuntlQnt; M, Ji Ituckloy, tialjl.nnt cenoral mnnagor and gonoral Httporlntontlont; O. C, Ulnotl, nHRlutnnt supbrlntondont and division onglneor; K. C. Morrison, di vision traffic mnnngor, and Mr. llnth nway, chief clork of tho accounting department. Tito defendant Hot out In Its reply to thu complaint "that tho Kratlen mot with by defendant Southern I'at elflo comjmny nnd rnilronds In hnn tiling southbound trains from Bald city of Modford nro oxqood'ngly heavy, unci that by thin oxcooiUngbj heavy srado or haul tho distribution d jnorchnmlUo and other articled Hotitli hound from tho snld city of Med ford Is not ,under ndvnntnRUoiiH clr cuniHlniicuH, but under clrciiinntances exceedingly difficult as to railroad operation and tho oxpouso of dtHlrlb utlng inercbundlso and other artl tleH.,, Tho wlioio trend of tho testimony of the defense wiih upon tho roHt of maintenance of this piece of track iik compared with tho rout of main tenance of track In lovol sections or upon moderate grades. The opinion of thu various oiikIii com upon the point of cost of main tonuiico of track and tight of way and trestles wiih three times moro expensive on grades of the per cent Charned With Murder of Former United States Senator Cnrmack, Robin Cooper b Freed py Jury Father Was Convicted, but Was Pardoned by Governor Patterson NASHVILLE, Tciiil., Nov. Ifi. Rubin Cooper, charged, wiih the mur der of former United Stales Senator K. V. Cnrnmck, was aerpiittetl by n jury today, Soon after tho case opened today (he court instructed he jury for netptitul, following At torney Gonornl Aiulersoiirf reeoni inondatioiiH. Anderson said ho be lieved Hobin Coopor wai innocent and could not conscientiously pros ecute tho ciibo . Colonel Duncan Cooper, father of Hobin, wus convicted of hiiviiu? killed r.('iirnmek, but was pardoned' by Governor Patterson. nf tho Siskiyou us on lovof track and that the coat of moving trains wait about tho samo proportion aa shown fqr maintenance. Under croHa-examoiatlou theao wlt- nefises admitted there wore pjocoa of track on tho southern Pacltlc raU" road "'hero tho cost of maintenance was tjireo tlmcH groator than on theso .Mountain grndoH, It was brought nut by complainant that 73 per cent of tho truffle mov ing over tho Siskiyou grade was through traffic, moving between 1'orU laud and Snn Francisco and that tho other 25 was local traffic moving from various points. It was shown by defendant that thp present ton nngo from Medford to points In Cal ifornia was not largo, which proved that tho cost of maintenance upon which they depended for dofenso was properly chargeable against thu through trnfflc, iih well as tho local, "(I'oritlniicit on Pago 8.) V ERNOR BENSON AGAIN IS AT HELM OF SHIP OF STATE SALI'IM. Nov. I.'i. At noon today F. W. Hciimui, governor and suoje lury of atato, also seorelary of state elect of Oregon, again assumed thu reins of government alter being com pelled to lay them aside bueauo of ill health since July 1. Acting Governor Jay Itoweiinan of Condon retired ut thu wuue muiaenl and again became simply president of thu state senate by viltuti of which office he became acting gov u in or in (lie uluence or ilUabilil of the governor, The first olfleial act of Govcriiot' lleiison toiluv was the issuance of an annual Thanksgivyuig piocltiuiatioii. Gov ei nor Heiisou will also, as set rotary of htuto, oiiiiviihji tho oHIIlci.'l returns of the reeent oleelion which will bring in aa governor on tho see mid Monday in Jannary, Oswald Wind, miliuad tiouniHSHlouer, siic eessful diiinourtilioa enndidute in the oleelion last week. lleiison bus iiuirovud greatly in liealhl since his lotiiiu to Oregon from San Francisco in the latter pin' of September. He went to Cnhfoi 1 ma to he operated upon for luinpii-., a malignant growth ros-eitibliug cau ! cer in some respects. FLAW IN BUCKLE COST A LIFE Found That Snap Breakinn as Fire Team Rounded Corner Was Res ponsible for Accident to Chemical Wagon Which Resulted In Death &f Warren Bodue Fire Boys Aro Not Blamed In Any Way. v. ti i a T year. 4 4- ItiffHt 4 f fifH It has developed that tho early re port regarding the aceiduivl of Sat in day evening when thu cliemicul wagon collided with a telephone pole at the oorner of Main nnd Front atreola, reuniting in tho death of Warien luij,e, were incorrect inas much as it wita stated that the bridle snap wa faatenad to the hullur ring uud uot to the Int. 'Hie anitp was properly Iiookeil o tin- bit, nut n ton taintal a llavv vvlntli taiisi-d il to break. The fire buy have the luirUc nod the flaw in it is verv - i A i All iiifluio lids neeii uikch irt'aj intjf - inuialiers of the tiro tlepurluient igr the aucideut. The the hall today ia draped in crepe and will remain so until after the burial of Mr. Bodge. The fun eral is to be hold. Wednesduy after noon at II o'elnek Thu (Ire depart ment will attend in a body. The entire city wan shocked lo learn of .Mr. Dutlgo'a death, fur he WHa hlnhly ohleuiued by nil 'who know him. Ho wiih a member of thu IL P O. F.IU and tho funeral will bo held under their auspices,