I-v - t tvrr- ' Jk , J i Mf sjiittUjp'yjiiiswsfcjBe (1 MKDFOKJ) M VHjTUIMHNIO, MJODlfOHJ), OUWIQV. MOVDAY, XOVKMUKK It, IMP i.M! 'ji w r fj tjwu. m& I! Si 5 ' h f! J .J ftf t "WHAT MANNER OF m MAN IS THIS? - I Mm mill llitn lit IrllKliM 10 uJi.ie lir obedience lo Ji'IiomiIi'm will, Ui be hli agent iiml ecrviint In (lit- OiKwtn Utn of a Kicnt pliin for human icdeiniitlon. Those who deny nil of thin, and who iR awakened so imtrli confusion uinoiiL'Rt C'liriatlnm. anil hint' mndo "VrM- Obey Him." n Even the Winds and the Waves 1i ioi of cinut impo.iiid to thoj jqw, Hiiuinii uiii" mi iii-riiiiiii ii iiiviu On tho AtUtJc, Nor. 13. I'nstor Husscll of tho llrooklyn Tnber uncle Is homeward bound. Hcdeclnrea tlirft lie Krcntly en Joyed IiIm visit to (I runt Hrllnlii. hero he preach ed In twclto of the principal cltlen, In cluding three Sun dnys Hi London. v-,. no Rreiiu.v iiuiiiiruu tlpj reverential nb-Htrnfn of iclltflous tllouuht In llrltnln Whotlicr or not tin people nre re.-.IIy more holy Until tlinlr brethren In the United States and f'llluuhi. they lire, he nyn, im a rule, more luverentlul In (heir demeanor In tljelr nttltiide toward Divine thlnpi. I'uKtor uutou'ii coiiHiuetH piiuiie Ih'outtht In Clrent ISrltnlii to bo nt Ieatt ivu'iit.v ,ci)Ih behind thnt of tho Stntc-H li reupeet to the Hlble nil n nivlho revelation. This 14 uiuch In their fnor. ho kiih. Tho nWilntloti theory nlid Ko-ciilled Holier Crltlclmii of the lllhlc, lime, he xuyH, wniufilil great hnvne nmonuHt the clergy nnd mote oflbeutod people of America, lie finds In Oreiit Urltnlu tho miuift destructive nentlliielilB itt wot).-, but ihey hnve not yet leached (he muxse with Hlleb foir-e hhd )KUouhiK power. I'nltli In Ood utiil In the lllble mi bin Woid PiiNlor Ilinmell ban Hpci'lully huukIu to Incul cate, lie fooln gtently vtlcotinigt'd mid Lope to eve hli filciidH nnd Hie pub lie of Great Hrltulu noon ngnl.i, tin they ietieit, III loro for our Ifrltlsdi couhIim Iiiih jiot. however, diminished hlx Jovo nnd Inlerem In Ood'M iwoplo of America. If lYMutlciini lire lem rover ciilhtl It ma) uUo be w.ild Hint ihiiuy of them tiro more Independent uud mere couriifteoiifi In their eonvlctjiiim refipeet liiK the Truth, The llilllxli filemlH Hlionld, he th1lil.', riiltlvnte uu liule londence of thought: while Aincrlcuu ChrlsUiuiH. losing none of their cour up, should cultlvutu it spirit of iuver epco for Ood, for bin Word and for nil holy (lilnv'H 1'antor ltussell In oujoytmr bin potml Rood beulth nnd eoiitlniii'H Ills literary iiU On the mud, iih on the l:iudr A Miprespfltntlrn' of the Amerlcnh Presi A.'iuocln.tlu'n dud a HteuoKinpher accniii puny him, 1'iutor ItiiBsull'H iuldreH Tvf today wiih from the following icit: "VHit manprr or inati la tlil.iT Kor ciut(ia vtid uml tlm vvc obuy hlni." -'MKw vlt). .n. This teU Ik (likely fioui the (lospol imriut'lv'e jf (be ujoim uii'tlie Sen of (Jn)i'e, durliiK which ' 'Jegii wnH flSlnep In tho. IilnUer" part.' oft"tho"vcBfidl. mill! the Hturdy neamilu. nppnllnl'by , (lie Htorm. ciKkl to IiIm, .Mnstcr. rnrfSt thnfl not (lull we peilfth? TliOn ttif ' niivlor nrose nnd rclititfiHl tho 8to'rm nnd theie wiih n Kient Cnliu, When tho fishermen 'dlHclplox beheld thlu they mild. What hind of pwon Is this tllat oieit tho winds ml the sen obey him! Tho Hpotiuej' declared that nlthotluh , moro thnti eighteen contuiles bud taried, (ho panio iiuesiloii Is uolut; the rounds of most clvlllred peoples or the orld"Whut inniiner of nun U tliliy ' Koine of tho best tliliiUeiw uml uoblowt henils of nil iiiitiontilltlea, Jew ami Uentlle, niee that Jesuit of Nazareth was a most wonderful until. Jt is tdlll ngreed, as In tho duya of Ids pioneueu. llitit "net or mini spate llko this 1111111)" Stmie. Indeed, called him n deceher. Others Mild that ho was under (ho con trol of ell hplrlts. Others, Kjim to the opposite extreme, declared that tfili meat Jew was Johonh himself, wlio, for thu time, was innsipieradliii: 03 u uitui- "Wondtrful Word or Lift." I'ustur Jlussell eoutenda that the Kl elites t of all Jews told the truth I lllnillt lilluwitlf iu ivi.ll fia fifT.iiit iilliitr ' matters, When ho prajed to tho ra ther with Rtrotii; crylutfs ami tears In (Jctligcmuiic (Hebron s v. T) bu wiih npt tiamm!ns lie wan not prrpettat luu n finutl uml dccelvlUK hh disciples thun nud since Wo liuw KMiit Kymputby for the fel l(iWH:oui)trj'inen of .Iimus who, falllnu' to umlerstaml him, fanned his eicui tlun. couslderlut; liliu u menuce (0 their Institutions Ills wouiU'iful uorUs. his wonderful words of life, of which It, Is recorded that the public declined. "neer man spake like this man." and lit ut'iicriil bU wonderful personality, seemed really liieouuriious with his Koner.il demeanor. Nbt clulnilnt to be t Jehovah, not cluliulni; to be Ids own ' " l'a t her. us some now touch, but, ou the coiitmry, declurlni;. "My Kullier 1 k'leater tbnn I," he iiuvertbolesHchilm ed 11 Kpecbil iclatloiishlp to Hod; and tlitu he demoustrattHl by such miracles us the 0110 of our lesson. Had he doim nud said these things as a mciuber of ouu of the (Mipulur mrts of tils day. lie "would lme been reverenced Had he julned In with the l'barlsees uud winked nt their lutorpretlm: the Imw In one way for the piople nud In an other manner for IhemsclU's, bo would hiuo recolxctl uiuch honor from the rlqli nud tho poor, the learned uud the ltfuornut. Hut bo itiitncouUcHl till these by hi hupilllty lu tulnsllut; with the coiuuion people, ucceplliitf some of the in n bin Ktcolul disciples nud send 1 11 if tin in out us bin rcprescntntlw. This spcclully branded bliu as foolish lu'tho eyes of the worldly-wise. TUN kpvlully duct edited him, not only iu n iiinn nud n teacher, but artcularly as one who claimed to be tho Messiah, th Kins: of blory who wuu to set up nu Kuiplre. Wo oau well vee viiy worldly-wrt K"ople o( (hat day or tljls day would consider stub a person a fraud. 11 ri'ieuiur a diAeher .p peaiaiies weic Uf-dust bliu J tMis dvdurvd (hat (tic lather enl I selves nud explain by what nuthorlty tljey eontrndlcled the (Trent Tenoher "T'lio Pn titer Is 'renter than I." And wiien they claim Hint the death of Juh was merely 11 fnrce, and thrtt be as .lohovnh merely atepped out of tin body of Jesus unci perpetinled 11 fintid nnd pietended to be dead nud nrqiiecd Ids disciples' a to tlilnk nml m to tench, nnd pretended later lo bo rained from (be dead thone who thus teach alid who thus confuse the minds of till rilHMeiidoni uml Jewry, should ex plain uwny. If they cin. the plain state ment of the Apostle that Ood raised up Jesus from the dead by bis own power 011 tin,' thlid ihi,i. "Art Thou a Kino Then?" Picture tho Urent Teacher walking with bin twelve Apostles, n nondescript crowd of (hose who he.ird hfm Kindly not many great, not many learned, not many rich, not many noble. II ear bliu telling them thoso who acknowl edge themscHcs to be Igiioiulit and un turned (Act Iv, 1 tlint. If faithful lo him, ho would "grunt Ibeiii lo sit with him In Ids Throne" "Judging the tn'elve tribes or Israel." Tho state tiient Hti rely seemed finudulent, and he had not the heart to condemn the Jews who so misinterpreted him, St. Peter did not condemn them, but distinctly gald. I wot, brethren, that In Igno rance yo ci uelded tho Prince of Life, as did nlRo your rulers (Acts 111. 10-17. Can wo wonder that the learned Jews of tlurt day woie confused? They dhl. Indeed, hear of his miracles lits rycoveilug of sight to tho blind and of strength lo tbo withered hand of the impotent iiiiiii; nud, In tho cuso of Laz nriiM, ut leust, they had demonstration of Ids power over the dead. They per ceived that these miracles were Inulng ti InlluoiicU upon tho iniiHSCj that they detracted from their own ejtoem amongst the people. They knew that uiliny of.Jesun' sayings were wonder fully wise uud that his criticisms of their own lucotiftluteiicleb wero re markably sliatp, Vet withal, they salil. we know thnt he is a fraud, because of Ids peculiar claim to be tho MchsIiiIi and the Son of U61I. This claim of bis discountenances all of his teachings nnd mighty works. It cannot be true that he is the Messiah that our nation has waited for these moro tlun sixteen Centuries. Cod would Hiliely (.end .Messiah n siitllcleney of demonstration of glory and power 10 coin luce the most Intelligent of our tuition, the kcrlbus ami Pharlices uud Pilosis What they nil dissent from, repudiate nud denounco, must be false, For tho Good of th Nation. The Jewish wUe men ot' eighteen centuries ago concluded that a man , xw sue tbo mnuaos agog with nutlet-' potion of bliuseir us the Messiah-King, A't was .without, mi army ami without nnluicltil bugUlug for a cnmpalei'i. would prVkcift their nation to the Ito-1 ulnhu In n ludicrous light. An ii result I J hoy might hnio taken from them, at u ( word or the Huipeior, tho cull nml 1 ollglous privileges uml rights they I Vero enjoying. They took coiiiikcI uml (Iciet mined that In the Intcicsts of the j peace of the nation this goldcii-tutigucd 1 udriielo-woiker sbuuld either he ov ' IiosihI us a fraud or be killed. They ' filed Hint to expose him by trapping ' lilfii In his language hi the presence of fils follow ei nud the multitude Hut ' ids Intellect was keener than thelr.H , (ind the tin lists they made at bliu ru ioiiuded to their own discomfort uud established his. own standing In the cstliiiiillim of Ids follower nud In the eyes of the people. One of these ef forts to hIiuu up the hollowness of hh clnlniH and their frauduleucy uud to dlscoutago his followei-H Is worthy of Particular notice, as ll furnishes us jhu key to the hciitlioent of the tillers pud also the key to tho real facts of the duo which those rulers failed to dlscei 11 Tbo Kinodom In Your Mldit, Thu liillucntlal Juws said, Let us ipicHtlon this fraudulent Messiah re- 1 spectiug his pretentious, not with any ' liopu of convctlug hlni, but with u j Nlow to upeiilug tho ees of his fidlow 1 ers to the weakness nud fallacy of his ' (cachings. Then they Will kcc the hot I fewness of thu hopes they uro euter ' taltiiug ami their foolishness lu leav ing their vurlatiH uvocatlous to be Ivouie tils followers, lu thu hope ot sit- j (lug with him In Ids Tlivoue- They ' Will seo that io ban 110 pronpect of ever securing a Throne nud tbut they aio ; merely deluded by him lu such expec tations. They Impilred of llm. When will ,our Klugdoui appear: How Toug will It bo before jim Kit upon your irono nud have your followers with I you lu the Throne How long beforO I (bis Mcfklnulc Klugdoui will rule lit I Palestine ami oxlouil from Its borders (o the ends of the earth? After ;ou Iiimu uusweitsl us thesu ipuotlvus we will nsk j 011 others respecting our dimnclal suppoit and i-esources-your own ipiullilcattoiis, and your subimlt unto otllccrs; tbo aims for 3 our sol diers and the supplies necessary for ' such a world-onmp.ilgu as ,oii are about to begin, uccoidlug to your teachings. Tho Urent Teacher's brief answer , eutlrvlj (.lleuccd oery objection. Ills , iiuostluiis, had the iutn bwn "U- ' rnelltcs IndcMsl.'" would have boeu so deeply lmprosed upon them (bat they would tunc followed up (be mutter with 1111 entirely different Hue ot tpjes- (toning than at iK'bI coutunUuUted, . llut they wero luxlmere. llcncu wheu (heir )uestIons. Intended lo entrap the IVaeUvr Hint Manor, wero answered if,'l, ,,.," . jml IMW they ,a,wly aeWuowledgca S0JkQ.,,,ftI (h.ejr dtafvat by tbvlr sleco. 'ot. giuul J. Prank Hrowu ot Iteglq Point wiih ii Modford on Inmluess .Saturday Natdtoriom RINK Open Every Afternoon and Evening Except Sunday m n KT i THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON t, THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay, in placing your' order, alj stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street PLUMBING S)M ANDIIOF WAUK HEATING All Work Guaranteod Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 Norlli U Sl..Mc(rtoi(,Ore. Phono 303 I Che finest Sample Rooins in Uiocitv. Khiglo rooms or en suite also rooms with buth .Hotel Moore Telephone '" I'cry Kooui RAU MOHR COMPANY PLAN ' If yo ucan walk you can learn to skate." Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficicney and economy. They burn air. JMade in seven ty)qs to meet any requirements. Special prices for short time. We also manufacture the lard pail hca'ers. Write Karl R. Wuudt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. IK I ,. ' -r iiiiiiiiiiim IIIMIMIM? i " ih . 1 "II J A Tjef us show you now tho different models' nhd prices of KODAKS FOR CHRISTMAS while we have plenty of lime to explain the best kodak for the individual to receive it FROM $1.00 TO $05.00 Medford Book Store K P. N. CUMMINGS , T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD &CUMMINGS THE REST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Real Estate Loans Can be had through us Current rate of Interest. R.F.GUERIN ( CO. 4 MEOPOED ITATIOrTAX, BANS BtttfcDINO 1' ,, ,, ,-,-,, 1 - ORDERS SOLICITED. Min. A. M. liiiK, repivscnl intr Hiii'el Cloilt (i St. LmtU, .Mo., umhIios to utiiioiiui'O lo In dies of .Mod lord she will take imluni for iiiuiU-to-iiiiuiMiio j,'ihiiioiiIh, uud kooiIh the Mini, ut j:i(! N. Cmitrnl, dtir iiic lull uml winter unison. I.'iifo low, Knlilneliiiii Kiitir nuleeil. -------- In Seven Days We have sold two five acre, and two larger tracts in our hMJUlT TRACTS, and the par tics are improving them, ("ome and see us if you want any size tract. H 0 W L A N D or THE VAN DYKE REALTY CO. Room 3, 123 Main St !---------' i i. Christmas Holiday Excursion TO THE CITY OF MEXICO via the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY ii I j ISA VI NO PORTLAND Dec.irthandI2tfoI9IO and SAN FRANCISCO DfSOEMBER 1-1, 1910. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN !1on.si.jtjngof Observation Car, Pullman, ves tibuled sleeping, cars, smoking car and din ing ear, will leave Third and Townsend. streets, San Francisco, via tho Const Line. The excursion is run under the auspices of the Southern Pacific, National Lines of Mexico, International and (treat Northern (I. II. itS. A. and Santa Ke. Kouxid Trip Fare $l0l.00-FRO.M PORTLAND $101.00 Corresponding low rates from other O. R. & N. and S. P. points. Interesting side trips on the return trip, including the CI rand Canyon, may he made. I niai return limit ou days rrom date oi sale. Equipment on this tram will be limited and no more passengers will be taken than can be comfortably provided for. Kor furlhor information, details and beau tilullv illustrated booklet on "-Mexico," call on anv 0. R. & 2s'. or S. P. Agent or write to ' WILLIAM McMURRAY (General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon 5 FOR RENT Only hold in town of 1000 inhabitants on Soutliorn Pacific rnil roail, lfouo Hiver valley. Nowly rofiintisliud, pnpcietl, jmintoj; eniiipinenl inotlorn; bathrf, toilets, olectrio lichtf. hot iiiul cold run nine walor. Now iloinj; businesa. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 2IG West Main St., Medford, Or. yj ! ' i S2 South Central 'Ave. Fisher & Wfaitmire ' irLfejU'CUADB TNVISS'UAOSTS , Mmmg and Fruit Land Orchard Iflld City Proporty Insurance Medfofcd -I- HMItM -' - 4 MISS FLORA GRAY, . PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, W S. CENTRAL PHONE MAIN 991. wJt You IiuIwmhI that 'Memi Block" t bo htilnblo whon you Kotmht it Probntily it n--nml ii. Conco Onto a lUtlu niKwlUitu: ou it am), in n wock, forcot that U oor worru' you. The One Right Way is the Hand-Tailored Way. (J Your clothes will fit perfect ly, wear louger, look better ami bo absolutely isatlafao tory if furnished by W. W. EIFERT-Tiie-Prorcssivc Tailor. ---- -- Qooil tonnnts arc to bo had (lu mhorlitiiuK. foi Hakm: foi' IumIiIi Contraotorn will next ook rom plotvi tbo now nowor H'toin In South too. Aiiaitlon. kIvIuk nanltary oser Bi'a niiil tlraliuiKO now-nr. lu ndulUon 111 tliU mlUUIon. only twoj roin Mnin mrooi, tno cio- l riHldonco lota now of- fiM'liiK in Moilfoul Tho matter of liutlliiK la ibt drainage wtwor af foi da unnortuultv to tlialu baawiuvnta ami collar and tiring about tlu Ut lauitaiy condlttonu Mwirord's up to ditto tn'-M'lo iinlv want up to dai' rondltliMis lu their n uhiuo o..u tot a It TO FRUIT GROWERS and SHippers to English MarKets ( Conisljjn j-our frilt to "JIMSSKS. U1DI.KV K UODl.Dl.'tO, Cm out Oaulou, London. Cash rouilttud dRy aftr mIm, iblod If ronulrod. utfjralt.H WMwrmMNt ounidttH- (jOur chargM for iollln, 5 per coot and 2 wt& pr box, (JUoat piurkot prlqc. (Solo .io!ita in i.otulou for South niunta. " " ijAiCtii In Now York, W. N. WUITU CQ.. TC lark I'laju. lrwarl lu otaruos. 3 cents pur box. Thuo aro tb vol cbu wi. Comparo with other accounts. , The King Entertainers A Genuine Edison Phonograph Outfit Sent Without Coat to You on 1 0 Day' Free Trial Why Not Consider This Offer Now? This is an mutation to vwry twuier ot ilm papm io write us, at once, iui uiu uw njoi iu no uiono. uu.rii- !i iitouiiis to pay no inter- r.-i uuni;i,- j i me ireib'iu ami kio iu ju,s to try uu 1 Phonograph in your own home. Our Outfit No. V2 costs .$3 and innludes Now Edison Eiroido Phonograpli with combiiu tion reproducer to play 2 and 4 minute records, new Cypiet Hum, ni-.u sH-L'im ruicr-iiorn; noji itoen hdison At uerot ti.tnimtie) KeconU and half dozen Gold Mouldec Dtaiiaani nt-coras; niekel-pjaied Ciane, bottle Phono-. KWph Oil, Qil Cui and an Automatic llnwh attach ment. Tiii-, offer Ls fair to jou and to lib, becaubo u i.JU 'A '?- 'V 4? Wrtpna . 4S M ITUIf S' ' iT' 1IOU3IS we wnnt jou a hatitu-d eiutomer--n hnv.ir for Eilers our best advorthemant. Soud .v' J5 J WMhlnston St. ZJll llmiTi' U,,J Ml V- a.itWn?rft.. ticuian, will come to you by return mail ?v "una cattitogue and J i .1. r 1 1 c u i a r or your . l.Jlaon Kla Trial Ottor. ISe ' '$ fame. , ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.. hilers Music Hou ruitTLAM). om:(.o. mxz eu i n IhtuWrt lu A)l MK of TaiUInt MHl-l lues. Iteiuiiiii, Vianvb, OrKaiik, tv Vddrvst. Addrt. , 1L - - - I Medford Iron Works E. n rn . . it. irowbrid&rc. Prnn 'O-J v FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Murines, Spnlying Outfits, Tumps, Boilora am Ahwhiuevy. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.