! 1 L MEPirORDarATLTRIDUNE.MTSDli'ORD, QKKfiON, MONDAY, NOV BMBTSft 1J, 1910. 5 PERSONAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Ilolir.ea of Ea- unimhtcr of TraneUco Scott Key, author of the "Star Spniiglcd Hau lier," tbe Kient-nindunliler of Ma rio Lloyd. Kiy, n fiuiious southern biiuty; graild-nicca of It oxer Ji Lnecy, justices, of the supremo eotut il rIo Point, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Drown. 7"'" ,i '"i -, . "V ".... . .... ' . ,. ' . ., ,, ,'nl tlu Unitvil b(nlo; 1-iiuxin oi u0 nnu sir. nnu firs. iu uiunu "v vli...i. .. . ... n Mcdford Monday attendlnR tlie' ' - ,,....' t. ...., nfilomi; tficnt-srent-Kraiul-iiieee ol thi ttncral of the lato George down or .,... 7. .. i . i - . I funeral Kiifilo Point. " Hobort A. Cook of Grants Pans wan a caller at the Mall Tribune office Monday. Ho ban been a subscriber ever 'since I SCO. 8. V. McClendon of Gold Hill was In Mcdford on a business trip Mon- J. W, Jacobs of Central Point was In Mcdford on a business trip "Mon day. It. A Cook of Foots Creek, the original democrat and one of the last of the old school in that section, wns In Medford Monday. J. Mnntz of Kagle Point w.ib In Medjord Sunday. Kltty.thrce acres special, 10 acres coming Into bearing orchard. Call on J. n. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'a offlcte. t( ' H. G. Brown or Portland Is here attending thet obsequies of his fath er. Georso Brown of Eaglo Point. Is your louse wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent lucrense In comfort. Stait living the electric life. tf. I.. K. Wnkeman and family return ed Munday evening fiom a stay of suvoral weeks In Los Angeles, Cal, Every light but electricity gives off semoke and smoke contains soot which duposltn on your wall paper, curtains, draperies. Electric light glows In an air tight bulb. tf. W. D. Kenton and H. E. Louns bury of Portland are here on official business. Ur. Stephenson, graduate optician, tits glasses to correct any defect of the eye. Office over Allen & Ren gan. Phone Main 1851. 212 "Will von der Hellen of Eagle Point was In Mud ford Monday to attend tlio funeral, of the late George Brown. Moor-Ehnl Co., exclusive nents ror oronerty In Orescent and Wnke fleld, Or., townsltos on Hill's new rullioad, See them. Crescent Is division point. 220 G. A. Howland of Grant Pass of the firm of Cook & Howland was In M.edford Monday looking aftor busi ness matters. Just'recetved. nnotner hhlpmcnt of turbans, street lints, beavers, fur hats, at prices to suit your purse. Mjb. Salter's Home Millinery Shop, corner West Ninth and Peach Bts. rf. A.f Pattlson of Central Point was a 'Mcdford visitor Monday on bual 11053. Wloyfr.rta,ybQ 1)dd; nnd 'somctlmei girls. Thet older ones i ordliur cared for In return for alight serv ices rendered. For particulars ad dfesB W. T. Gnrdner, Supt. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, Port land. Or. tf ir. Hnu of Wheeling. W. Vn.. a brother of W. F. Itau, is here on a lour of Inspection. Dr. Itau Is look ing for an orchard tract unci may eventually commence tl.e practice of his profession. l.adlos, you can now havo your ffirs cleaned, remodeled and rellned. Gall at Humphrey's store afternoons between 3 and . We guurautee-our wok. B. Bartlett, 205 H.'Vl. Kliumery of Kansas City, Mo., Is in Medford on a business trip and looking over the country. E. B. Tongue of Hlllsboro Is via It lug i datives and friends in Jack sou county. Boy AMipole, Norman Whiting and C. I.. Fnrrar of Eagle Point were Med ford visitors Saturday afternoon. 1). C. Carr or Sllverton, Or., Is n M.nUcinl visitor this week. Mi. and Mrs. E. S. Lamport of Portland aie visiting In Medford. I). J. Castlomnn of Ashland was In Medford Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Savage of Cor vallls are in Medford visiting. William Marvn of Langford, N. D., Is among the recent arrivals In this elly. E. C. Morrison of Dunsmulr, Cal., Is here looking after business Inter ests. Perry Foster of Beagle, one of the pioneer residents of that section, was In Medford on business Monday. C. A. Blanchard of Denver, Col., is in Medford looking over tho country. llrst postinnMur general anil n niece of it commander in the United Stuntcs ! navy. TO GIVE LECTURE ON PANAMA CANAL Wnyne 0. Adams, who was for three years foicman nnd engineer on the Pannma cannl, will begin a Hcries of illustrated lectures tonight nt the Sntoy theater. Lectures will be given both afternoon and evening' and will be illustrated liy both motion pictures and sterenpliouti slides, de picting the progiess of the work, labor conditions and snhitary prob lems in the ennnl one. where Uncle Sn mis doing lb,. r,"iOO,ono,t)llO job. . VALIDITY'OF LAW UPHELD BY COURT WASHINTJTOX. Nov. 14. Tlio vu- lidily of Hie law prohibiting (lie ex portation of silver coins from the Philippines wns upheld today by the supi cine court of the Uniled States and the .sentence of Line Su Kan, iv rhinese resident of the Philippinees, convicted of breaking it wns sus tained. Ling Su Kan's case was bif teily contested nnd wns cnriitxl through to the highest tribunal to .set tle (he right iif the Uniled Slates to make such a Ihw. 4- 4 AT THE HOTELS 4-.4. 4 4 4 BABY GIRL FINDS HOME IN MILLIONAIRE'S MANSION ' i t xH . CINTIKXATI. Sow 11 -The mx weeks' old baby girl of a flypsy queen-will be taken to the mansion ol A. V. Hnbcndmm in Baltimore and i eared in ItiYitry, following following of its mother, llnhcndium'h daughter, who died here last Saturday. Hab endum), a mult millionaire and scion .of one of the oldest families In Mary land, iiNo will claim tho Gypsy's body. - The Xninad uncoil wns Jessie Hnb-eri-hnm, who four em ago left home suddenly and wlnne disappearance iiunaiiiud a mystery until a ear ago when she wrote hor father that she had married Joreas Michel, king of the Gvptics, and lind ubaiidnned the purposoless existencfl of a socieiv woman for Iho "eorpolloss freedom At the Moore -T. C. Br.nndsburg, Portland; T. P. Blair. 191.1; A. E. Beasley. New York; E. Collins, San Francisco; Slojeh Klclios. Portland; N. B. Sttddard. Butto Falls; S, II. Elfl, Mlnnujpolfs; A. Goldsmith, San Francisco; Joo Cathey, County Cork; Joe McKay, TIpperary; Joo Young, Hongkong; A. I). Cooke, Portland; G. A. Hoffman, Sacramento; M. Col lins and family, Washington; O. .1. noli, F. Swcinney, Thomas FInnegan, Portland; A. J. Nlland, Seattle; C. Humphrey, Missouri; Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham. George Gunmedtt, Roscburg A. J. Danzlger, Now York; Tom Hcsm city; William Mosly city; J. T. Hlllman, E. Bakmnn, Portland. At the Nash Allen Cohen, Chica go; Georgo P. Minis, Seven Oaks; J., C. Conner, C. F. Alderson, Spo kane; X. J. jbunbland, Seattle; L. (larreitN. W, "SclTatirclty: "Mr) and Mr3. Hen M. Harris, Chicago; W. F. Elliott. Chicago; J. T. Hughes and wire. Mis. M. h. Washburn, S. S. Alkcn, Prospect; J. C. Jones, Port land; L. E. Price, Joe Stark, San Francisco; W. T. Campboll and wire, Htitton; I. S. Croqlccr, San Francisco; Charles E. Elckert, New York; A. H. Mlshop, C. L. Farrar, Chicago; Bo; Ashpole, Eagle Point; Norman Whiting, Eaglo Point. CITY NOTICES. TO TBADE OU EXCHANGE. The furniture or a 42-room hotel In Couiir d'Alene, Idaho, Ono or tho very bes cities or the northwest, or 10,000 people, two railroads and In tcrurban lines, and two new rail roads building In. Steamboats ply ing rivers and lakes. For fnrnlttiro or a hotel or rooming houso in Med foid, or would trade ror a Tire In surance business or Interest In one and a home In Medford. This place of ours In Coeur d'Alene la A No. 1, makes 10 per cent on the Invest ment. Furniture and building new and modern. Our object In 'wanting to trade Is to get further south. There is no bettor city in the northwest, or coast cities oven, where there are bo many opportunities to make money as In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Immense foiests, lakes and rivers and vallujs all around Coeur d'Alene.' Four big lumber mills, each sawing 300,000 feet a day hero. Address, S. B. GRAHAM, care Elite Hotel, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 107 CITY NOTICES. which application to pay tim'ev the proTiBlons of Bald Gc:tlcns above cit ed has been mndo and filed ns nforo suld is the sum of $11,250, ns shown by sr.ld bond Hon docket; Now therefore, nald cltv of Mod foro doth ordiln ns atorej.'.ld that there Is hereby Mithorlxst. to bo Is Bued the bonds of sald city la tho total amount of $14,250, In de nominations of two hundred ami fif ty and five bundled dollars each, ns may bo convenient. Section 2. Stli! bonds sli..U be made In the following fotnr. $ No CITY OF MEDFORD J3"kcon County State o Oregon IMPROVEMENT BOND. Know nil men by these presents. T'jr.k tho city of Modfoid, In the county of Jack won, Btato of Orogon, for value received, hereby agrees nnd promises to pay the bo 'ror tho sum ku 4r. c . ... dollars in gold coin of tro United States of America, on tUo presentation and sur render of il.li obligation on tlio , (lay of , , I'l the ye.r of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and. , wl.hout grace, with intorcst thereoti from the date ;ercof until redeemed, or untl. the muo of tho sanl-uinac. interest pay t.:out next ensuing tho publication of notlco by t'io elf of Mcdford thnt fits bond wr'.l bo taken up nnd can celled nnd tho Interest thereon will ceaso at the Interest period r-cxt fol lowing sunk publication, nt the rnte cf six per cont per .mourn, pvable soml-aunuall:', In like gold coin, on the day of aud year, on the pre sentation and tun render of tho prop er coupons thereto annexed, principal and Intorcst pay olio nt tho oi'fbo of the treasu'-cr of tic lty of Mod'ord. This bond Jb one of serlos author ized by an cct of the legislative as soir.bly of tho slate of Oregon, enti tled "An act to provide for tho Issu ance of bonds for tho ImprovomentB of streets and tho laying of sowers In lnco"pornted cities and for the pay ment of tho cost of Biich Improve ments and laying of sowers by in stallments," filed in tho otrice of tho secretary o! state Februnry 22d 1893, as amended by an net entitled 'An net to amend sections 1, 2, 3, , 5, C, and 7 of nn act eutltled 'An net to provide for tho Issuance of bonds for tho Improvement of streets . nd laying of Lowers In incorporated cities, and tor tho payment or tho cost or such lmpro7erentE nnd lny pg ot sower by Installments,' filed In the office cf tho secretary of state February 22rt. 1893," approved Feb ruary 28th. 1901, and is r-.n obliga tion ot tho city of Medford, afore said, and is not to be deemed or tak en to bo wl'.hj,i or any part or the limitation by l.w as to tho Indebted ness of raid city, and It, is further certified that nil requirements ot law havo beon fully compiled wltl by the proper of fleets lu tlm Ireulag of thli bom', and that tho totU rmoi.nt of this lftoua does not exceed the limit prescribed by ssM net. This bond Is redeemable at the of fice of said trenail er at the option of the city of Mcdfon upon fie payment of tho faco vrluo thereof, with ac crued Interest to the date of payment nt any semi-annual coupon period at aftor one year from tho dnte here of, as provided lu said act. For the, fulfillment of the coudl tionn of this obllgatl-m tho faith and credit of the city of Medford are horo by pledged. In witness Tvhorcof, tills bond has been signed by the mayor nnd attest ed by the recorder or said city or Mcd ford nnd the corporate peal or the city or Medrord hereto affixed this . , day of ." A. I). 1910. Mayor. Attest Recorder of tho City of Medford. Section 3. Each of said bonds shalj' nuvc iwiariicn uiuicio iweniy coupons, each rtf whirl shall bo in tho rollow liig form: CITY OF MEDFORD Stnto of Oregon. Will pay to the bearer dollars in gold coin of tho United States or America at the orflco of the treasurer of Bald cty, on the day of , , being six months' Interest on Improvement bond No uuJesi s.-id bond Is booner redeemed aa therein provld. ed, which redumption vlll lender this coupon void. CITY'HOTICES. Attest: Mayor. OUDI.VA.VCE NO. .102. An ordinal co authorizing tl.e Issu a nee of $H,2r0 of the Improve ment bonds of tho city of Medford, Jackson couuty, Oregon, nod direct ing the advertising of the same for salu In accordance with chainor V of Tltio XXVII of Balllnger & Cot ton's Annotated Codes and St'itutcs of the Stato ot Oregon. T" o city or Mcdford doth ordain ur. follows: Section 1. Wl-eroas, tho city of Medford has heretofore duly caused certain streets of said city to bo im proved, and has duly nsiegged the cost thereof to the property benefited thereby lu accordance with the char- tor of said city; nnd. Whereas, certain owners of sundry pieces of property each aB3eesed for such impiovementa in a sum exceed ing twenty-rive dollais, - has duly made aud fled application to pay said terera) acsessmeriis la Install ments, In accordance with section 2727 ot said 11 (.linger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statute; and. Whereas, an assessment and bond lien docket has been duly mm'o up In accordant with tbe provisions or f.-.ld section td ot bo .'Ion 2728 of said codes :.nd statutes, mil the total amount of unpa'c Hssemrjents for of the Ovnsv's life." Mr Michel was, the great -grand- J utu Etr't Improvements and for Recorder or the City or MeOford. Said roupons aball bo numbered rrom one to twenty respectively. Section . Tho mayor or Id city Is hereby authorized and directed to sign said bontlfi and the city recorder to rotntorslgn the sumo by attach Ing thereto tho seal or said clt.', all on behair or H.i'd clt. Section .1. Tho. recorder or the city Is hereby directed to register said bonds nnd ni'Tbet' the rdme on me nianK provided thoreror in the roregolng rorm, in accordance with section 2730 or said codes and stat utes or th'i alnto or Oregon. Section 0. Tho recorder or tho city or Medrord is hereby directed to aciveitise said bonds for sale aud thnt tho same will bo sold ror tho highest prico obtainable, not 'ess ti an par and accrued interest, and In said ad. vertlsepient ho shall announce that ho will recelvo sealed proposals ror tho purchase or said bonds or any portion theioor n. Us nrtico at any time before 4:30 p m. On the 5th day of November, 1910. He nhnll publish said advertisement three umes in a nany newspaper published CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 405. North Orange Jtfcct, and cescrlbed In An ordinance declaring the cost I Vol. 78. nauo f.05. county recorder's' of tho Improvement of North Orange I records of Jackson county, Oregon; street fiom Main to Fourth streets'. fiO feet; rate per Toot $3,88; amount and assessing tho property benefited I SIM. thereby, and dcclailng such asses, j Assessment No. 10 Geo. W Prld tucnt, and directing tho entry there-jdy. Lot 4 nnd tho north 1G 2-3 feci of In the docket of city liens. of lot D, block 1, Bungalow addition tho city oi .iieciioru tiotn orilaln as tq tho city of Medford.'Orcgon; rront- rollows Section 1. That no protcstB having been riled ngatnst. tin. Improvcincnt of North Ornngu street 'from Main to Fourth, due notice or tho Inten tion ot the council to cause said Im provement to be made having been given, nud said Improvement having been ordered made, the council has considered the mutter aud herewith ascertains tho probablo cost of mak ing such Improvement to bo tho sum ot IC81C.13. And said council further finds that the special and peculiar benefit accruing upon each lot or part thoio of adjacent to Bald lmprorouiunt untl In Just proportion to benefits, to be tho respoctlvo amounts hereinafter jet opposlto the number or descrip tion of each, lot or part thereof, and such utnouu b respectively are, here by declared to bo tho prorortlouatfe share of oauh lot or part thereof, ot tho cost of such improvement, and Is hereby dcclarod to bo assessed against said lot or parcels, respect ively, tho namo appeal luj Kbove each description being tho name ot tho owner ot bti:U lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVIftti OF NORTH ORANGE STREET FROM WEST MAIN STREET TO WEST FOURTH STREET. Assessment No. 1 Anderson & Toft. Lot 1, block 2, Bungalow ad dition to tho city or Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on the west aide of North Orange street, and described In Vol. . . , pago . . , couuty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon! 50 feet; rate per root fS.Kg; amount $194. AHsessmont No, 2, L. M. RundltotL Lot 2, block 2, Bungalow addition to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; front-r ugo fiO feet on tho, west sldo of North Orange street, and described In Vol. 76, page 138, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feet; rate pur foot $3 88; amount 194. Assessment No. 3 Mrs. Selena T. Corliss. Lot 3, block 2, Bungalow addition to tho city of Mcdford, Oro gon; rrontngo DO root on the west sldo of North Orange street, and des cribed lu Vol. 73, page 137, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet; rate per foot $3.88'; amount $194. AE&ossmont No. 4 Mary Aludort, Lot 4, block 2, Bungalow addition to the city ot Medfordi Oregon; front- jgp 60 teot oh Jlicj west side el Nortfi Orange street, and described In Vol. 76, pago 296, county recorder's rec ords ot Jackson county, Oiegon: 60 feet; rate por foot $3.88; amount $194. Assessment No. 5 Henry IL.rt. Lot n, block 2, Bungalow addition to tho city of Mci ford, Oregot.r front age 60 feet on the wet sldo ol North Orange street,' and described In Vol. 76, pngu 682, county recordor'n rec ords of Jackcon county, Oregon; 60 red! rato ppr foot $3.88; anumnt $194. Assessment No. G-Henry Peek. Lot G, block 2 Bungnlcw addition to the city ot MedTord, Oregon; front age 60 reet on tl o west sldo of North Orange street, and descrlbod In Vol. 78. page 602, county recorder's rec ords ot Jackson county, Oregon; DO reet; into per root $3.88; amount $194. Assessment No. 7 H. D. Corliss. Lot 7, block 2, BungalO" addition to tho city ot Medroid, Oregon; rront age 60 teet on the west side or North Orange street, and described In Vol. 82, page 321, county recorder's rec ords ot Jacksou county, Oregon; 60 reet; rate per foot $3,88; u mount $194. Assessment No. 8 E. K. Gravatte. Lot 8, block 2, Bungalow addition to the cjty of Medford, Otegon; rront ngo 60 teet on the west side or North Orange street, aud described in Vol. 82, page 3"1. county tecordor'a rec ords or Jackson couuty, Oiegon; 60 feet; rate per foot $3,88; amount $9L Assessment No 9 II, B. Maish. Lot 9, block 2, llungalow addition to the city of Medroid, Oregon; front age 60 reel on the west side or North Ornngu street, and dcseilbed In Vo). 82, page 4 76, county recoiiler's tee ords of Jacknon county, Oregon; 60 reet: late pei foot $3.88; amount $194. Assessment No 10 W. C, Green. l.nt 10 and north 26 reet of lot 11, block 3, Hungulnw addition to the cltv ot Medford Oiegon; frontage 76 feo.t on the west side or North Orange street, and doscrlbed In Vol. 09, page 127. county, iccordcr's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 76 reot; rate per font $.1.ss; amount $291. Assessment No. 11 II. P. Har grove Lot 12 and couth 25 feet of lot II. block 2, llungalow addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 76 feet on the weut side of North Orange street, and described In Vol 83. pane 310, rounty rueoi dor's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 76 feet; rate per foot $3.88; anioutit $291. Assessment .No 12 -.May Andcr ago GC 2-3 feet on the east side of , North Ornugo street, and described In Vol. 70, page 63, county recorder's! records of Jackson county, Oregon; GG 2-3 feet; rate per foot $3.88; amount $268. GG. Assessment No. 17t Loulso Mul-' lor. South 33 1-3 feet ot lot C block 1. Bungalow addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 66 2-3 feet on tbe east side ot North Orange street, and described In Vol. 70, page 63, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 2-3 feet; rato per root $3.88; amount $268.60. Assessment No. 18 Snrnh E. Weeks. Lot 7 nnd south 1G 2-3 feet of lot G, block 1, Bungalow addition to the city of MedTord, Oregon; front age GG 2-3 teet on the cast side or Nottb Ornugo street, mid described in Vol, GG, page G06, county record er's recoida.ot Jackson county, Ore gon; GG 2-3 reet; rato per root $3.88; ntnount $268. GG. Assessment No. 19 Win. McGow nn, Lot 8, block 1, Bungalow addi tion to tho city or Medford, Oregon; rrontngo 60 reet on the cast sldo of North Ornngo street, and described In Vol. 77, pago 231, county record er's records or Jacknon county, Ore gon; 60 teet; rato por root $3.88; amount $194. Assessment No. 20 -Warner & Yortlhan. A parcel ot Innd com mencing at the southwest corner of lot r block 1, Bungalow uddltlon nnd rumilng thence south along the east lino ot North Orango street 60 reet: ethenco east 180 teet; thence north 60 feet; thenco vest 180 feet to the place of beginning; frontage 60 feet oti the east side or North Orange street, nnd described m Vol, , . . page .., cohnty recorder'a records ot Jackson county, Oreeou; 60 feel; rate per foot $3.88; amount $194, Assessment No. 31L. E. Cochran. A parcel or land commencing nt u jio'.ut on tho cbbI Hue of North Ornngi street 60 feet south of the southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Bungalow' addition, and running thence cast 180 icct; thenrt south 60 reef, thence vest 180 reef thei.co north DO feet to the p'.iiC't at beginning. Iiuntnge 6( reet on the ci.ut sldo or Noith Orange street, and desc.i.)eil in Vol. 7G, page 368, coln. murder's iccords ol Jncksoti Count., Oicuui;' GO reet; rrt per fon $ ii; nii.oiitit $194. ABsessmont No. 22 -- Warner & Wormian. A pr.rcol of land com mencing nr u p:ut an th east Hue ol North Orailge street 100 reet south of tho southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Bungalow addition to the city of Medford; frontage 60 feet oil tho cast sldo of North Orange, street, nnd described In Vol. ,., page . ., count recoi dec's reeordH ot Jackson county, Oregon; 60 reot; rate per fool $3.18; amount $104. Assessment No. 23 A. Aldchlm gen. A parcel of land commencing at u point on the east line of Nortl Orango strcot 160 feet south of the southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Bungalow addition to tho city ol Medtord, Oregon, and running thenci oast 100 feet; thence south GO teet; thence west 100 teet; thence nortl GO feet to (he place of beginning; frontagu 60 reet on the cast sldo o North Orange street, and described lu Vol. 84, pago 7, county rscbrdor'i records or Jackson county, Oregon; CO feet; rate per root $3.88; amount $232.80. Assessment No. 24 Wuruer Wortnian, A parcel of laud rommonc Ing at a point on the- east line o North Orange street HO feet nortl of tho1 northeast Intersection or North prange street and West Main street, running thenco east 180 foot; tbenci north 9 feet; thence west 180 feet; theuce south 9 teet to tho place ol beginning: frontage 9 feel on th K'tst side of No i th Orange sheet, aud described In Vol. .., pnge .., county lecorder'ii records of Jackson county Oregon; 9 feet; rato per foot $3.88; amount $34.92. AsHcEsment No. 26 Annie M, Root A p.inol or laud commencing at th northeast Intel section of North Orango street and West Mnn street running thenco noith along the cast lino of said Noith Orange stteet 1 40 feet; theuce east 6G feet; thenu south 140 feet, f.ience west 66 feel to the place of comment oincnt; front- ugo in reel op the cunt side of North Orange stieet, ami described In Vol 71. page. 194. county iccorder's rec ords ot Jackson county. Otegon; 140 iem- rate per root j;i.s; amount $64.1 20. City or Medrord Is hereby directed to enter a statement of tl.o nssess inouts hereby made In tho docket ol city liens, nnd to glvo notion by pub llcatlnn as required by tho cbartoi find ordinance No. 260 of said slty in the unity Man Tritmne, a news papei published and of ,;! era I cir culation in cr.ld city. Tho foregoing ordinance was penn ed by tho city council of the city ol Mcdford, Oregon on tho 2d day of November, 1910, by tho following vote: . Welch aye, Merrl I. eye, Emerlck The Peoples' Store Wc arc striving hard to liiako this the people's store a store where ev chikl m the city or in the whole of southern Oregon will delight to come to and do their trading. AVo want ev ery man, woman and pry person within a ra dius of HO miles to coino to know this store and believe in it, too. AVe will make the lowest priees that good goods ean be sold for and will never offer any thing that is not first class in every particular. Our Specialties AVe wiil make special ties of PUItE AVIITTE Flour and GOLDEN OATJU Coffee. Tf vou ever used eith er of these brands you know that they stand second to none on the market. ALLEN Grocery Co. MAIN AND CENTRAL. vimmmmmmmmmmmmmm THANKSGIVING ( 1 Post Cards I Place Cards Mottos, Etc. Office Supplies 1 Bo suro nnd call here for any- 1 1 thing in this line. We have the S nonrk nnd mnlrn lha nrlp JJ a) V o.Nim:s Z;.' i uoin Mrrrnons i tiiij iMcroiniy Every one know what wou'iJT happen f a housewife put down her frUit and icllics by simply pouring tl.ein Irom tlie kettle into the jars and allowing them .o stand with loo&e covcr.i. Iter fruit would soon ferment snd s,ioil. Cook' ug fati nrc juu jj K:blc to spoil, yet noit manufacturer.! oi lard nnd otl.er .ookiug fats p.ir .!ie'r products in tubs n loosc'covc."!1 Him. -poscd, to air, lust and odors. Cottolcne, however, il packed In pm'H ' ot special ilebiKit. sealed absolutely air tight, to that the iiinker guarantee1 (.ottolciiti to remain pidclioitely as tweet and ua 'rech as the day it was made. son. Lot in, hincK s, llungalow absent, wortmnii aye, Klfert 'shsont, addition to the clt or Medrord. Ore-1 nnd Dmntner ajo. gon; Homage nu reet on tlie worn i im'mj'ii ouyeiiiunr .m, mm. side or North Orange Htieet. and des cribed In Vol. flfi, page 603. county recorder's records or Jackson county. Oregon; 14 0 feet, atu per foot 8.8j amount jr. 13 20 Assessment N 13 -M. A, Hailed Lot 1. block 1, llungalow addition to tho city of Mdfrd, Oregon, front age 60 feet op the east side or North and printed in said city, and shall , Oranco street, and described lu Vol Attest: V4 W. il. CANON. Major. IIOI1T. W. TIXKHfl. City Recorder. voricn or ham-: or 9it,&so im 1'HOVK.MKNT UONIW Ol-' Till. CITV OK MliDKOUf). Notlco lu hereby given that tho city ouncll or (ho city of Medford, Ore on, will receive sealed proposals (or MV-TiO, nix per cent, ton-year, Im irovemont bonds. Illds to ho filed with tho city re corder of Iho city of Medford. Oregon, on or before 4:30 o'clock p. m. No vember inth, 1 1 1 0, iiml to bo accom panied by a certified check eipial to five per cent of tho amount hid ror; check to bo niudo payable to tho city treasurer ot said city. Tho council reserves tho right to roject any and nil bids. HODT. W. TBI.FIJII, Ct City Recorder. DANDRUFF AND ITCHIN SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Why usporimenl Iryintr to drive Hie (lUinliuff ucnii fiom uiulurneutli the ukiu with greasy Mimm or t'unev hear ilieshiug when IlaskinV Ding tore will giiarauteo ZlvMO mid KK MO SOAP to entirely lit! Hie ncalp of the genii life that ciiiixck llto lion hie. JCEMO mul ZGMO SOAP enn be ob laineil in any it.V nr town in Amur ieu mul are iucogni.cl (he best iiiii' most economieal trenlmciil for nj uifeelioiiH of tho hkiii or hcalp wliether on infiint ol grown puimiii One hlmmiHiii uitli XHMO SOAP urn) iipplieatinn if Zi:.lO will stop itch ing mul cleanse the scalp of dandruff and M'urf, Wo invite you to tiy ZB.MO nnd ZKMO ROM' nnd if not enliiub satihtipd wo will refund jour iiiouev. Iliukins Drug Stoie. UQ Merrivold vShop 134 West Main Stmt itiiiiiiiimniiiiitttiiiiiimiininminiiif yri . MEDFORD CONSERVATORY POR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDINa ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G-. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. 52. The-Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts ' Close Iq MenTnnl, AooiU 1. " '1 sidehdid soil, Rub-irngnlc-l ' nnd above front lino -70 ucrerf now planted to inmiH and nt- pIpb, -.'riceaf right and lern: easy. Let mu allow you u gijod mat estate investment. Earl C. Sabin Iloom 202 I'Vuilgiowerrt Hank rtuildiuK. V. T Careful Moves T Parties movlnu Will do well to call on MATTHEWS & LAKE tq hanillo their household ooods. They pack and shl,i .furniture and unpack and set up furniture and do hauling ot. all kinds, Baggage In cluded, Phone 2I5I. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNT3ERTAKKRS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phones: F. W. Weeks, 207T A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT NOTICI2. To tho ownor, or repiiled owner, 0 citoh parcel or property described In tho lorogoluK ordluuuce, as iinmod thoreln, and In tho lien declared by submit tho sealed proposals ro-elv S2. naco 287. rounty recorder' roc! -"'' ordlnunco an recorded In the ed In accordanc6 with ald advor-'ordB or Jachfcon county. Oregon? CO dc-tot or city liens: Unement to tho council at !U uext 1 feet; rato per root $.1.88; amount! You aro hereby notified that tlie meetlnK theroarter. 'SIIH. awiowinont declared by the roroRo The rorecolni: ordlnancn w.iK nruii. 1 AioHHinent N'n H Clara Mclh. Inc ordinance hnu been made mid tho ed by tho city council of tho cltv of tosh. l.ot 2, block 1, llungalow ad- Hn thoreror entered In tho city lion i ;, 7 . . Medrord. Orecon. on tbe Sit dr.v nr.dtilnn io the cltv of Medford. Ore. ' docket, and that the namo Is duo and ! NMV YOHIC, Nov. H Htorls November, 1010, by tho following Kon; rrontngo 50 reet on the wist 1 you are hereby required to pay the hanlmiod undor ntiraliuseH by London huio or Kortn uran'e mreei. ana oeH-inauie 10 inn cuy iccoruer wiuiin icn ftt tho opeuliiR today. Union la orlbed In Vol C!, page iHU, rounty'days rrom the service or this notlco. i ... , tl,niIlir rnKO ,,u paiiniii.in recorder'a record, of .U.cltHOo county.! which service is made by publication ,,,,t!,t '' , i , Oregon; 50 feet; ?ato per root $3.88; ,r tho foregoing ordinance and this 1 aclc ,l1"1 Boiithorn Faolflo 1. amount $1!4. notlco three times In the Medtord 1 1'rlceH advanced throughout tho lint AtMesHiiieiir N'o 16 Clara M Alt Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order ami included all or tho reroi'tilml hen. UH JI. blel; I. HiiijkuIow ad or tho city council or uld cltv. ' llirJ .,., ,.,,, illul.,, , , .11.1..- ... ihu ollv i.t f,lf..l r......... linilT W 'Pl'll't'll ! "" "" '"' fciiM nt.iu.i; frontage so fee on the east side or4 City Itecorder. vote: Welch aye, Merrick ayo. Rmerlek absent, Wortman aye, Wfert abnont, and nommer ayo. Approved November 3d. 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest; IlOflT W. TKI.FUn. Oit Itecorder. llonds wuio firm. -----'- ' Fine Printing make 11 Hpeciiili" of fine printing, earry the uece.ar HoeL (O CllllllIU l(rt to fill .'It orilcrw pminptlv, aud uuiirnu lee salirifactioti, Hu oiiuipped job office mi Orcirmi f until of I'ortliiud; iiont export prlulerP. Hofovp sendlntr vrtnr ordorn out. pf toni, call tyjJjifEjg wiiii us 11 wo riinpervs ,vu for. tlio same price, bh an out-of-town 1'iiiiciuii oii will wish to patnuiire home industry. Medford Print ingCo. -