r 3i33ui-i2RPa.4i.A! wu if H i hH (4 MI3DF0RP MATT, TRIBUNE, MBDFOIW, PHKCON. SUNDAY, NOYEMTVTCR 13. 1910. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AH XNDKFSHDENT HBWBPArEB PUBLISHED DAIX.T EXCEPT BATUR- OAT BY TXE MEDPOKO I'XIKTIJfO CO; conxolldntlon of the JlrdforU Mull, ratfibllnhril 189. .tin1 Southern OroROii lui), eutflblhlii'tl 1802, the Democratic TJiik-, rstitlillRllcd 1872; the Ashland Trlliuni', cdtabllttlipil 19pS, and the Med- ford Tribune, mnuimnfii iyuu RATE REDUCTIONS SOUGHT. TF YOU are not n member of the Med ford Traffic1 a liUifiOiri'UfTtAM. Kdltor and .Manager IJntereil ufi Hccnnd-clniiB matter No- vemtier 1, 1909, at the poMofflce nt Mi-ilford, Oregon, under the net of .March 3, 187H Official 1'ainT of the City of Aledford HPEBOKirTIOMT BATES. One year'iry'ifmll 6-9S One month by mall " 1'er month, dellvereil by carrier In Aledford, AMilund, Jacknonvlllo mid Central I'nlnt BO Holiday only, by mall, p.-r year. . 2 00 Weekly, per year 1 BO rnll Leaied Wirt Unlttd Prn Slipntchti. The. Mall Tribune I on dale, at the Terry' Nwn Htnnd. Han Krnnclaco. J'ortfand Hotel NeWH Htnnd, Portland. llowinnn Nowh Co., Portland, Ore. W O. Whitney, Henttle, Vanli. HoU'lHpkiuii Nowh Htnnd, Hpolcnnn. SWOBK CIRCULATIOK. Average dally for November, 1S01I J.iOp liecetttber, 190!) l.Mi Janiiury. J9IV 2.22 March, 1910 2.203 April, 1910 2.301 May. 1010 2,460 June. 1910 ""' .lilt v. 1910 .. AllKUBl, 1910 Heplember, 1910 October OlrcuUtlou. .1. 4 . , 0,, . fl ... 7 .. V.... 10.... 11.... 12... 13,... 14.... JO, .... i 2800 2775 27.0 2776 2C7S 270U 2760 27CO 2760 2760 2H0U 27GO 2826 17... 19 20,..,.. 21 23 24 26 20 27 28 30...... 31 2,024 2,627 2,661 2776 2776 2776 2800 2860 2800 2900 2976 3000 3090 3UC0 3060 Total i.ii .....1.09,895 Average dally, 5796. KTATK or Oltl'.OON, County of Jnck- OtF'thVflrHt nay of November, '1910, perHonally appeared before me, Oeorge i'litnam, manager of the Medford Mall Tribune, who upon oath ncknowledgeM that tbo abovo figures am true und'oor recl ". N. YOUICHY, (Heall Notary Public for (jjegon. KEDrOKD, OBEOOH. Atetropolln or Houthurn Oregon nnd Northern, California, and tha faatest growliig city It; Oregon. Population. November, ,1010, ,10,000. I'lye hundred thousand dollar .Gravity AVnter Hystem completed In July, 1910, giving finest supply uro mountain water. . . Hlxteen mllen of street being paved nt it cost exceeding 11,000,000, making u total of twenty milen of pavement Postofflce receipts for year ending Juno 30, 1010, show a gain of 20 per eent, . llanner fruit city In Oregon Iloguc Hlver Hplttenberg apples won sweep stakes price) and title of "Atpl King of tha Wort" lit the Nutloiml Apple Hliow, Hpokuntv 1909, and u car of Nnwtnwns won Tint rti In 1910. at Canadian International Apple. Hhow,' Vancouver. II. C . . Ilogue Hlver pears brought highest tirlres In all markets of the world dur-' Jng the past six, years. Wrlti iCotnmeroial Club, rrd)olng 6 rents'or postage for th rlnunt commu nity pamphlet pver written . Where to Go Tonight "NAT" THEATRE Very Intojt Moving l'iotiiros. ' En tiro chunga ovory Sunday, ."Tuesday nnd Friday. i Mntinoa ovory Siiturday uid SnmJftV'2:30'p. m. A ror.y tliuutor niintl comfort able ficntfi. lOc-ADMISSION-IOc. Hlrjh-Class Vaudeville) and Moving Pictures. NBW TONlflllT, ALFREDO, Tramp Musical Comndian.r '- Quartet Slnnlnfi by Musical 4. Solo by Mr. Vanncrs. Instrumental Selection. 3-REELS 3. Doors open nt 7 p. in, riiildifii 10 IJ-QO - AiIiiIIh ! Mulineo livery Suturdoy and Rnliinluy 'J.M. U-GO bureau, you ouirht to join, tor most important of the efforts being made bv public-spirited citizens for the upbuilding and development of Medford is the attempt to secure freight rate reductions that will not only result in creat ing a jobbing and distributing center here, but also be the means of saving many thousands of dollars a .year to the people of the community. The state railroad commission has ordered reductions averaging 20 per cent, which the railroad says means a loss to them of $300,000 a year, and of course a profit to people of southern Oregon of this amount a sum well worth savinir. This reduction has been temporarily en joined, but all shippers should save their receipts to secure the rebates that will be coming. The interstate commerce commission is hearing evi dence in the case brought to secure class distributing rates out of Medford to California points, which are at present much higher than rates out of San Francisco, Portland or other distributing centers. Following thiVwill come the hearings to secure lower carload rates from California and eastern points, as well as that to secure distributive rates to Oregon points. Jt is really to the Southern Pacific's interest to build up a jobbing center here, as that road would get both the long haul and the distributive haul, where as compe titive lines might get the long haul and it be left only the short haul if this territory is supplied from Portland or San Francisco, instead of Medford. There is no stretch of railroad in the country as long as that from Sacramento tO Portland without adistributing center on it and this is an absurd and unnatural condition. Yet railroads will oppose ovevy effort to build up new jobbing centers, lest they lose the political "pull" of the present big jobbing centers. The annual report of the Southern Pacific shows the operating revenues in Oregon for the year ending June 30, 1910, were $8, 059,045, and the operating expenses $4,520, 52G, leaving a net profit of $-1,139,419. On the Southern Pacific system $22,970,039 dividends were paid, and after deducting taxes, dividends, lenses, interest on bonds, etc., the surplus left was $8,897,014. Yet the attorneys of the Southern Pacific state that the reduction of 20 per cent in rates ordered to Medford would be virtual confiscation! ELECTION CLOSE; If, KtlBWAIulItU United States Scnatorship Hangs In Balance in Montana Both Parties ( Claim Victory Chances Said to1 Be Favorinn Democrats. GROWTH OP SOCIALISM. ONE significant result of the recent elect ion is the great growth of the socialist party, which cast a million votes in Tuesday's election. Socialists have now elected their first congressman. Tie is Victor Merger and bails from Milwaukee, which has already elected a socialist mayor, who, by the way, is 'making good." Socialists this' year also elected the mayor of another large city :Miniiearjolis. 13otll Milwaukee and Minneap olis have a large population of foreign birh or descent, and it Ts among this element that the socialist party grows fastest. . ' ' Now York and ojher eastern states, Illinois and the tniddle west, cast a large socialist vote. Nearly .50,000 votes wero cast in (Jalilornm lor socialist candidates, and to their defection is blamed the defeat of Bell. In Jackson county the socialists cast an average vote of over (150. Tn some instances socialist candidates polled It .much larger vote, but the strength of the party can be placed at this figure. HELENA, Mont., Nov. H. With tho United States BeJiatorBhip lianu Ihtf in tho "balance, the official can- vn8 of tho recent election Is oxpoct-; - ed to ho comnlcto throughout the atato by tonight or tomorrow, lloth democrats and rcnuullcauf) claim vic tory. Never In nil of Montana'fl Btormy political history havo the election re tnniK been bo carefully watched. Tho ri'Hiilt uiuniiH thnt either Senator Car ter Ih to be returned to the Bcnato or that the democrats will wend either ronnor Senator .Clark, T. J. Walsh or W. O. ConratV bnck to WnsliliiR- Klamath Falls Lots Wantea l want to Purchase 4 or 5 well situated lots in H .t Springs or Hillside Addition, Klamath Falls. Please Give lot and block number and price. Address Box 84, Kenton Station, Portland, Ore. u ton iih Cnrter's succoHsor. Chairman Uavles of tho republic an county committee of Sllvor How county Is prepnrlns to contest the election In Uutto, wlfero he charges wholesale Illegal reKlHtratlonB, voting ii nd repeating. Until the official rnuvatm Js com pleted tho result must remain In doubt. Tho chances, however, favor tho democrats. 10 ORGANIZE STATE DAIRY ASSOCIATION THE SAVOY Meilftml'rt I'.xeluftlvo Picture The ater. I.ntcst LU'fi.Hotl Photo piny One DimeNo Moro One Dime, THE ISIS THEATRE NKW TONIGHT, ARMSTRONG & KELLOGG Co Tho Miisicul Comi'iliiiiis, Open Sunday. 3-REELS-3. 1 -IHk Klks Tinned Down. 1!--A Simple .Mistake. :t HuNclmll. Tliiil'rt All SONG "Dour. Ol.l Dear" 0wn nt I! :H0 nntl 7 p. m The Sacred Myths By Robert G. Inyersolt. We reml the piijjun's mit'ietl Ioiu,h willi profit mill ilHinlil. Willi in.vlli uiul t'nlilu we mo ever rhn lined, mid find u lciihure in the cihIIcsh repeti tion of the licniiliful, poelie nnd nli stird. We Hud in nil these record uf the pit! philosophies mid dienm-, mid cf foils slniiii'il vilh tears, of .rent mid tender souls who tried to uieiee tlu mystery ot life mid tloiilli, to answer the eleiinil ipiesliniiH of he whence nnd whither, mid vninlv Koiiuht to inn l;c with lilts of idiullcicd ilii n mirror that would in very truth re fleet th fnce nnd form of nature's perfect hell', Thee myths were horn of hopes nnd 1'onrn nnd tears and smiles, mid they were Jouclit'd mid colored by nil there in of jov and Brief between the rosy dawn of Imlli and deuthV snd iticht. They clothed even the star with passion, and unve to sjods tin virtues, faults mid frailties of the -on of man In them the winds and man. wines weie music, mid nil the lakes nnd streams mid siriims - the moun tains1, woods nnd perfumed dells weie haunted hv u thousand fairy forms. Thev thtillcd the veins f Spring with troinuloiiK desire inmlo tnwn.v summer's billowed brcusl the thione mid home of love; filled iiiitunin's nuns with sun-kissed crapes nnd xnlhcrcd sheaves; mid pieluied win ter an a weak old kintr who felt, like l.enr, upon his wilheied face, t'or ileliu's I on if;. These myths-, though, fnKe, nro hoantiful nnd have for itmny nues mid in ciuinlless wnvs enriched the lien it mid kindled thought. Hut if the wothl were taught that all these Ihiiitts me true and nil inspired of God, nnd thnt eternal punishment will he the lot of him who dares denv or doubt, the swuotest myth of nil the falile-world would 1om its beaut v and become, u scorned mid baleful thiiiK to perv Imtve and thouubtfu) ncet' for more Intelligent care of dai ry nnlmnls and more attention to the Industry Konornlly throughout the stnto In emphasized In tho call sent out by Paul V. .Murls, deputy Rtnto food nnd dairy commissioner, call ins n meeting of ttalrymeu and crenm erymen In tho Commercial club au ditorium today. It Is hoped to organ ize a Btnto creamery nnd butter as sociation to Improve trade condlt'ons. In dIsciiHsIriB'thinootiiiK, Mr. .Marls 4ald: ; ' "Tho dairy conditions In this stnte aro by no me:viin satisfactory. In fuct, dalrylns has readied a point v, hero It faces a Crisis. Oregon hns probably 12,1)00 'Y(ordg of cowa, thu milk of whlc,h comes into tho mnr ket, Klgbty-rlvoi per cent of these herdB nro not In d'flourlBlilns condi tion. Tho prpflt'la eo Binall, If any thing, Hint It Is not worthy of con aldurntlou, This condition Is duo, ac cording to the vlow taken by tho ex pertp, to lack of Intelligent handling of tbo herdB. Mot only do tho retail milk dealers complain of the roturns received from tholr work, but tho dairyman himself Ih coiiBtnutly com plaining that he Is not goltiu;; chend, although the fact remains that be In receiving today n higher prlco for IiIb product than at any tlmo In tho his tory of the country, "Kvery daliyman who thoroughly understands the rare of his herd, who Ih improving It by tho best of breeding, Is making money, but that kind of a dairyman Is uu exception In this iitate, and It Is tho purposo of tho nB.soolntInn to promote and de velop linos of thought which will lift the dnlrymnn out of IiIh present con dition to a higher and more profit able level bj Improving hlfi mllcb OOWH." 3G DISTRICTS REPRESENTED f Continued from Pngf 1 1 plntes. It Is estimated there nro fully 2,000,000 apples on exhibition. 1 Following the program tho dele gates and visitors nnd the general public inspected tho displays. Tho unanimous opinion of the growers and visitors at former shown Is that tho dlsplny this year Is tho largest and most comprehensive they bnd ever Been. Commit Ion Tonight. Tho feature nof tonight's program will be the coronation of Idell I, pri vately Miss Idell Itle of Colvllle, who entered her dominion IiibI Friday eve ning. Governor M, E, Hny will be tier prime minister, tho councillor lii.lrij? Frank Pierce Tebbetts or Spo kane. The maids and matron of hon or are tbo Misses Kathleen Kimball, (ienevlevo Pnterson and Mathilda Turrlnh nnd Mrs. F. P. Tebbetts. The courtiers nro J. O. Mathews, William T. Trlppletts, William UolckeiB, It. .. Martin and E. Vaughn Klein. Tho coronation ceremony will bo cm Wed out on tho lines of the cus tom of the Louis IV period and in Chidcp tho dnnrlnt, of n court mluuot i.y e:ght little boys nnd girls, after which tho spectators will join in swearing allegiance to King Apple. Following this Queen Idoll and her suite, escorted by guards in armor, heralds nnd pngcB, will mnkc n tour ot tho ohow .grounds nnd inspect ev ery exhibit. Professor H. E. Van Dem'nn and IiIb four associates, J. W. Murphy of Olenwood, la.; C. J, Sin sol of Ilolbo, Idaho; Professor S. A. Heach of Amos, In., nnd .Inmes' Olbb of Kelownn, II. C, who begnn their" w'ork this morning, will ho members of the party. Then to Chicago. Ron II. Hlco, secrotnry nnd man ager of tho Allow, announced this mornlugg that a special train of 1 1 decorntod cars, accompanied by 40 growors, trustees of tho npple show nnd ffvo' employes, will lenvo the morning of November 21 for Chicago, whreo the show will opon on Novem ber 2S and continue- until December t. llert E.. Gregory, assistant man ager, writes Hltlt H'o Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce will have n del egation of lflOO at the opening of the show. FR0HUACK SANGUINE OF SUCCESS AT SHOW NATATORIUM FAIttiyyilMi COJJCKHT TO- DAY '.MUMtiD, 7 dlfl to HrflO. Kkutjng every day Uvmipl Sun- dn-, Best Music In tho West. After overpowering and gagging J r' Nolan, the night watchman, three numked men early today dynamited tho hafe of the I). P Flqry whole alo grain company nnd twoapod with moro than fioo In cash and negotia ble paper worth several hundred dol lam Nolan wan unable to give tho police tut adequate description of the robber. Nolan wns found tightly trtiwoil nnd tied to o juwt In a ronr room. He declared thnt tho robbers work ud ovnr tbo iafe for moro than nn hour before thoy blow It up. Two charge of ilynumltn were, oxplodud. AT Haskin's for IiohIiIi. SEMTI.E. Wash, Nov. 12. Wil liam A Plnkerlon. head of the fa iuoiim detective agency, bearing his name. Ih In Sitnttlu inul was most em phatic In liU duclnrntlon that tho ro- ports of llolle Kllmnro Crlppou belug ! still allvo are all canards, "We handled the cn In this coun try for Scotland Yard." said Plnk- eitoi). "nnd furnlfched a connlilor.tblo i part of tho uvidunru upon which Orlp-I pen waH couvlctod, nnd we know that j Hollo Kllmoro Crlppou U not in this country. Pliiknrton U tho son of Allan PluK"- ortuu, th foundttr of th3 nssoalntlun who provided mt onoort for l'iwl dent l.lui-oln to Wtoihlngton In lf.l Dwlnnnined to win the chief prize nt thu npple show nl poku'mi next week, II. O. l'Vohbuek, eerotnry ot the Ashlund eomtueritiul club, passod throush I'oitlund yivsterdav uf tor noon nnd slaved Ion:: cnoujth to cull nt tho l'oitlnud cnmmctcinl club room-, says the Oregoniun. On the loud is n cmlomt of vellow Newtown upplos which Mr. Frolihnck boliove i-, certain tt win n luire. They were raised iu the orchard of A. I). Helm, live miles en-1 nt Ashland. There ore (CIO boe of tho -- pack, ot throe sir.es, 11 J, l'JO nnd I'JS, res. iH'ctively, to tho lufx. Mr. Frohlmek dcclurfd that Ashlund won the chiot prue at tho Sskkiino show ltt veur. mid tho npploK in t nun it ure even hot tluin tho of 100!), They me ol nu ceediiiKly deep .Vttllow coloV. with just u trnec of pink lilush, A to shnim tlwy nn- ulum-jj perfect, bo ws slightly flHiteeucd nt onch nd. The PorUMitd mtumoreinl club hits urraued for n ilelogtttiun of club meinlwis. to o to .Spokane '(;dnts dny nifjlilj nrrivitiR tliaro Thrsdiy Thv will dminit ,1U dny and lonve hI nisht. Mriivinc ham Friday uwiniii. It behoved thnt njoi tlmn 100 mor eknutH will mo TRAVELING SALESMAN CHARGED WITH MURDEH SPOKANK, Nov. U. t h.irgc. with iiuviii murdered his wife, whosi body was di-covorod iu their home a ranch near Spriny-t ton, Idaho, i week ago, ,1. Y. McDowell, trnclin salesman for the Miiiiieupolis Thic-h iu' Machine company, win urrc-tci here today by police detectives, McDowell ret used to answer tin uceusnlioiiH of the police, win churned him with murder. A nolo, whndi the police decluri was forged, was found near tin woinnn's body. The note read: "Dear Husband mid (hildicn: I am tiled of living in lhi cold, sintu woild, and line gone to my ui:i, above. The ecitlily purling i- -m! but the mvt'tiitj? will be sweet. Pre imre for dentil nnd follow me. (Signed) "MOTH KI'." FollowiiiK tho discocry of lit body, u siMireh wh- made for u 1ml tie thnt was siipposod to hne cow tuined poiou, but it was not toum! McDowell win. msled atlci Ih,. ct. timony of his o!dot sou, rimer, h.ui been taken, lieloic die coiuuer's puv ! , . k TO TH.m: OH KXCIIANfiE. Tho furnituro of a -12-room hotel In Coetir d'Alono. Idaho. One of th very host cities of the northwest, of 10.000 uoilo. two railroads and in-j terurbnn lines, and two new rail-1 roads building In. Steamboats pl-l ing rivers nnd lakes. For furniture i of n hotel or roomlnK lotie In Med-1 ford, or would trade for u ftre In surance buftlnosB or Interest in nm j nun a lioine In Medford This phu, of ours in Coour d'Alono Is A No 1 inukos 10 per ent on the lnet mont. Furniture and building new and modern. Our objwt In wnntlnc I ' k A I I Discount I NOW IS YOUR TIME . IVe will close out flu's week our out ire lino of I Woods & Sou's Pure White Doul.le (iold Unixl tfnglisli Seiiii-Porcehiiu Uiinici W.'ire nl ti (lis- H 25 per (ft. off Regular Prices I IKow is your time to buy your Thanksgiving I Dinner Set. I3etteiT come in nnd get yours wliile thenssortment is coinjilete. H Ladies' r Color I ITenvy .jersey ribbed Portraits I fleece lined grny niix- fn(l wht(l ,jbIp ed L moil Snits; n 7oc . U)xW wlm retn.ler; here tonior- m, m fl0 row m Kisses 4, nnd (., Mll)J.w.('s ((J k(t mm M 50c Suit I5c Each 2 for '25c I Watch Our Windows I If you wnn t the liiggest bargain to' be seen iu S 9 Medford. All new, clean, perfect goods. 1 H 1 THANKSGIVING POST CARDS lc EACH I I 1 1 y V I i ylk . m H Thanksgiving Special With every 'J"ie rnsli inirei.i.,e mi.tle at our market Von me entitleil to n iliiince to win an IS iionml tin km, o buy vour fit-hh, Milieu', tinned mill MiioUd lish In-ie. We iiNo hao fn-li ovwters for bit TliiinUgmu;; ilinner. Call or phone uiul we will tlelixer lour oiiler. Pogue River Fish Co. 17 NORTH FIR STREET. PHONE MAIN 3621. MILLINERY NOTICE If the ladies who lwue been so kindly awaiting the trrival of the Turbans will please, call they cm have first choice. Mrs. vSalters Home Millinery Shop COR. AVKST 1TFL Al) PEACH STS. to trade Is to got further south There! Mh.v nt tint show RrouiulAls H" hotter city l the northweBt, or' . .....w ......... ..m.iv mrir ri- u . itiauy 0iportuHitii to make monev s In Cour d'AloH. Idaho. Immense I foriwtn. Rkw ud rivers ami vllfK all arouHd ..tr d'Aln. Four hi iHWMr wtiu, mck sawlni 300 ooo I If you never "loo aiiy tlmo" or-i eopt thnt spent tr- frultltusly nnswor- fWt a Uay Br. Ins want j.r, yju'lt Kt nlons' Ailtlraa S Thp RpQt nh.nivtcJrkn T):i.: t I in tbo Rogue River Valley 170 ACUKS, UAI.K MII.H FItOM j;.II,UO. STATION S : ..WTO.. v.,0 i.eureo; no waste, eood bonsn t i. .. , w uuini( Itoa buiu Kltno iuu rturnol from ni i trip to Otaleo. Cnl. it nn t ii i i ..... i ' , -..... w. ... uiwhi.ji. rirp r.nir i IIotw). Ooatir d'AItw. Idaho. in; fenced with Price. Jtr.r. iier year. C pe Ukin'. fur In nli b n oim wire, lelepbone. H V. H part Irrigated r cent; JH.850 five years. 6 per cent HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY l MU-THOVi:its I1.WK i