f'G MKDKORI) MAIIrifllM'NK. MKnrOKlktmniOV. srXDA V. XOVKMHKJ? H. 1010. & fi i II GEOR CE BROWN HER VJ:lL ci i AD Forrnqr County Commissioner and t $cll-Known Resident 0j Eagle Rblnt Passes Away After Two k Muiill's' Illness. I jfcwH wiib received from Knjjle I'oinl Inst oveninjr Jf tlio denlli,"' nf. lisrnn illnoMM vxtoixliiiu over two i miff I hi, of (leorjo. lirotvn, former comity coimniHMoncr nlidjt n wefi fctunvi) Dionucr of Jiicksou coiml.Y, lie linvinir miiilu Iii home in tliis valley foijtimiotifdy wwi? tin year 18112. No im, horn in Viirlwliirc, .'iifjlniid, in I lfcj.1, removed with liis pnrelilH to, llii&Kliilc of Wisconsin when n child, mc'Vv to iiianluind on (i fnrm hear n..i...i.. ii'i i ... I.! .. llocilCNicr, Ml., iiimi iiuur nirt iniii- riiifcu In Alias Mary J. Tinker, in 1H"B, inn! ii few yearn Hpont in Wis I'oiijiii), In- wih induced by n lirntlici, llenYy llrovi, now doeeiiM'd, to ic inoyV to niitliurii Oregon, uroiiiiiK tlnyi'l'iiiiH with hi.n wife mid onlv cliiln, tint moans of transportation lifinc mi ox team, lie was n carpenter by trmle niul folmwcd Hint avocation while nut cn- KiiKcil in mining in I lie JncljKonvill'i lilinjer district until nboiil the your iiieapacnitft'd for work by ulnae in tlio lilmfder, for which bo underwent iui ipurniion in ilu l.iuio Inwpilnl in Ktm I'Yiinoihco in 18811, afterward rc fHiiniiiK perfect health. Kloven children wei'i; born to bini mid bis wife, llie In Her precediiu: him to the umvo two yearn iin liiht Ap ril. All of tbo childicn bin oiio are Hi ill livintr. ii hoii Iui vIiiat perMicd in 1888 from mi accidental mnisliut wound. Willi one exception, .Mrs. Sarah II. (liidiiii of I'oit JaiitK nil o.' bis siiik nml daughters now reside ir. JnJt8pii county, mid nil will attend bis inortnl iciiiiiins (o (heir final rest ing idni-ij in I l,io Jnoksoiivillfl cumc Ipj;v. , 'Air. Hrown wiih ii mint of forceful cliiijnetor ii'iiiI Ibroiiiiliiiul bis career Ilis nmiie was a synonym ,i'or lion esly itnil inlejriy, mid niimtijr nil tli' sturjiiju; pioneer .'lenient of tli Kitwui Hiver vnllev not one lias won and bod llm esteem uniV reKiud of bis foljnwinpij t; a irrcyler decree tli'mi' Jbc duased. The funeral will bu liuld fill llie beautiful Hvorwrcon (jOnidiury at Jacksonville loiaorrow (Aliiiiiiiiy) arioriiiion at li o'clock J-ji'iviecs onlv at llie irrnve, conduct cd bv Kev. Shield- of Meitford. Sale of Dishes Every housewife can use ti few oclfl dishes and 'sometimes it, will pay you to buy a complete .set. We want to show you the lots of dishes and odd pieces" which we are selling now at the lowest prices ever made in this part of the country. You can save money on dishes and glassware by coming to this sale sometime soon. KITCHEN WARE All the little needfuls tire here. Alost anything that you can name that is needed in the kitchen can be bought at this itore and at the smallest j rices. Allin & Allin l!s WIWT MAIN STHISI2T Own a Hull Umbrella It is the most convenient mid most horvifluublu umbrella irtiule lodny. HULL DETACHABLE AMD INTER CHANGEABLE HANDLES have settled tlio umbrella prob lem for millions. You have hoen these famous umbrellas adver tised in the Sat urday Kwini ; Post, of course. Lot us show von bow "ood lliev .really are Hull Umbrellas $2 and Upwards We curry a. complete line of these goods, from MLeli you can select the bnndle nnd base (frame und, coyer) w,hicli please. you most. Then yon can buy either a new baao or u new handle of us. I' von have a favorite umbrella handle wo will hno it con verted into a "Hull" Detachable Handle Free; MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler NEAR- POSTOFFlCE, MEDFtiRD. Br rBjjBw jM5BiBtkXirfrtI3KBK Vfedfotd Phannacy i.TJS.t;JIAVi M. Near post Office 101 Calls Us Up Day or Night, Main 101 NO Groceries Hardware ' Dry Giiods BUT EverytKingJ in i Drugs ! ILLINOIS LOWER HOUSE . Jninr, .1. Hill probnblv will be in f?jiein at the end of the moulli during til' couveulloii of the 6rion Ho l"Piaent loajjue, ami Aljtdfonl foil who are ImoMimr for at ".Mm Hill" lftvliuri) are alniady propannif to Uillk the wires mid hnvu llie elnpire Imlldor vWt ihu ,.V fl ijm( tm(t A dav or jollification i Immiik plann ed to celebrate the cniiiililion of the Pacific & Kableta ami .Mr. IlillV prowiice hoiv i iireHll.v dwired. JlDdford'B ttxpoi't wnlehniaUor. John liiwrniiflu, 7 HoiiIIi Ciuilnil nv- nue. 201 THANKSGIVING SUPPLIES This is the place to come Tor your Thanks tfivhitf supplies. Everything in Pump kins, .Spices, Nuts, Can dies, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, in fact, anything that the house wife needs in order to make the most delieious Thanksgiving 'Dinner that was ever served. Cume here and let us show you the goodies and what is more impor tant I I0ARN 0 lr l PRICKS. Olmstead Hibbard West Side Phone Main57I jewelrVMN- tfc, sSPJKv ' iiilili IIVL-. a t Ff'fcKW i vrn I x- I La.Kfji.ji V !tJW5S5ajiL-' "-" X ,ot' CLOBtS WALTHAM HAMILTON ILLINOIS HOWARD and others Iplendid Fruit Land Tract 465 ACRES IP' miles from the eitv of iledford; 1300 acres under plow, bjilance scattered ftaks and brush land, easily cleared; Jand lies above' the, -frost line, is ' ' finelv drained and sub-irrigated. This'tract overlooks the entire valley, in the heart of a line fruit section. Adjoining land held at .$2no jve,r acre. IM'iee of this tract $135 per acre. Splendid terms. Apply D. H. JACKSON SL COMPANY PHONE 2722. B THE WATCHES THAT SATISFY .1. never sell a watch that 1 think there is (he least question about whether v ii will keep perfect tinie. " .m&&MSWmm ..1!3very watch-T offer for salo is-guaran- 118y3 WES MAIN ST. m v . :.'. "i " ') inx'ed'to please or you can get anoflier 'i . . 1 iii iis place that. will. Lowest possible ,.i prujeH. fsVHl 1 i , SEE OUR WATCHES. xjhBv ' wtmrnnw t,iamTjizmmMXi3)& Aatuv r r s 1 1 ' n iVr n tii r iai n r .GO. ALL OVER THE WORLD A COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTY JEWELRY i diamonds (loose and'mounted). Rings of .'ill kinds- a superb variety from which to choose. " " ' You are invited to call and inspect llie. new Silver, Cut, Class, Jewelry, Clocks, 101c. Kle. ' F lie Repairing PMpps BWg. ORDERS SOLICITED. A! iv A. .M. l.inl;, reprcMMil iiiu: Direct Cloth Co., SI. Louis. Mo., wirihcM lo iniiioaiice to la dii'H of Mudford hho will lake orilero for uiado-to-nmiaiuro varmeulM, mul i)ihIk by the yard, nt 2:1(1 N. Contnil, dnr ii 1 fall and wintur eaiou. I'licwi low, milinfacliou kuiu-. anlged. I I mm rn n 1 imi iiuniMiM 1 . 1-1 1 nil 11111 Mil I ! II I II HIM I I I m - f piWiBrWMBHiMWBBTtWlHirJTTlWlltinigMWtJBMWrialWWMnJlflllM I HIM MlliT WW ! ! 1 T . C ifV- ,3 III i W- M9'.T'm W T" Wk ifl C B ! hiimuiwiwwii ! mm mm iwiniwii wwwmnrmwnwiiriiiini 1 u 11 m 1 New Store 1 1 Attention- Attention I m M H I TTrsr Primps rhii IS tt i' c r a wav 9 I A WA v" v- si iArnftnric At inQtmh aJS?i I Furniture ",. anoii I 'II or Piiiiipine Insurrection 1 uiTrt "n w , m $I.0U lltrT v c f r nj V . I n i nave Moraiaiion 01 viiai importance $l.0 II --5 $3.75 II $5.50 I 1 ' ' Cement Sewer Pipe Besft by Every Test i --...-.,. ...... H iM- iri iifiti ill I'ltfllMlin itnt.i .i ..i ,.ii I O V uf .&, ' t!""1", ""' ,"II:'1i' lilMHil.UlK lt( Jul..- 2. 1910. &- or ll'.- ,-u lilpm wif.JLJ Vvx ""rr" l'',' wltlioMi lK-ifoUiloH ,.r lirK. iSu.'t ii'l.r u vain? mT.VUSfi".''1","1 ,,u'.t ',lu," T'- i,".-nl J.i- v.. Hull Mini. In vKmir,, iir J il. ai?iU "'". " '"r"" f"rt"- ",""" ! "I HO Mil.) l" ilri l,i I T .VT' 4 M'.U'"'" y ",,UHr ""' T'"' W'' l w l".ivJ f c inJr ?!. . l""it ! i ho M-rou.1 al IS .un'.U Iivat.il r.ir (UfiiiV ?,. , 7, . . . "''" ' uif iouii .i .ri.r Ih-iiik Uiuh ........I iui Plll -Icili limn,, KiDU,.,) ., iwHiliiluiallk.ii .. ..r... .? I.I wm lini uji I I I I 1 1 ll u i . !... u 1 Wi" I.--I wr3I,mlii.i ' ii. i'' ,","'" '5 mi Ha -rr-otiMt ll... iviiunt Mil JBliiri. II Krrrul,1,,VM,1 fr1"!!,1"' WH.-I- .imliir .i7l... .Ilv. ana Ml iili" r-i.Bliii;' Mr M.,,,r.v".'" f",'1" "'y-') l'ir. IMttlttiul. lii, TI..' t-Htti.iHHHl b I l.i iiu hUiii thai emu.).! Mil lit u)l IMIU uf tt.eilty fui lilt lllHllir Ulk.l ellk . ...k. . .i .. . ..(., " r -. . '"" ")U II ! juei Hiiiuiuiti roi . ! .,,! it , ., u; Hi'r ituriMMvH '" "" " I'll..- "v. fn1".I. illL!.i U?TtL Ul """ U"' - ''" CrtUml Ul..a r-.,.enl n.. ..i..u ....... ...r't ;"... in .. J i. ' . ""5" W'Kl H -.! v ui IUIIHIIIII. .irr tin Ninth lt the OivgiH) & V.lilna;tuil $wtr Yimra ivHHirull, Vil in tanii . l.i wtBlun. (iOlllll.- tin llOW on qui 11 Ul'U.ISN lit fllMlk Ikr 4 1....!.. ... 4... ... .. .. ... lalib I.UkT. i. . ""I' uni, l.k.1.11, UrllllliiHUDI. . vui.ni iiIih- Ik tik.ti in ., urv ituiiiUr i nil. in i ih """: v, ilMprwuiis w Jlwlfunl flf tllMlllfl lllllwil Qllll 111 nlfln. At .. . imnliruvr inutk una V uuYwi Li , . rV.?, "I "V ,r,.u,,(' t,T wlml In Ktmuru ty Known it. vuiutVi" "i"- u ...ati- L.-V. -I ' i.'' .' "." '"' ..f mvl oiiil u Hiaull ir iy..i ,.r K, V. ' 11., .M' .,H"." ."i fiT. Cvinfiit hih two imru .r iwmi. un. c.liiw i , i.,,' , i ." ,,,rl '' .U-imi. will. In uil.lltlon. tin- our.- ut ih" Am ui.l i u n ,,, i. V. ifc " ,V"' V u miiootli flnUli. tlit- couliim i him nut ii rA,.B t nil .1. . . : ;'".!: imior aioof. an .ulv.ial.i: .,h..-,.I l,y i X, ".?.,.'," "V.i.'h. "TiJfTKii ' Ui'I it.? .UUJ.-CU..1 10 u wmt-r prt-wuro of 100 ihuiiuu t., u.r ",V'."' ' i. witi!..AT .!VriT,.L )ia iMhHfii tiii exjwr uiiiitul nitiK. una i uii.ttiwifc.,i , ,,,,."" ,, , p.". .! Of HJirtlt flUMX llllll'll- ' " '" "" ""'Hi tjnarlercd Onk Veneered Seat Clinirs each (.mailcred Oak Cobbler Seat Cluuir., each . Quarteieil Oak llo Seal Dini.tr Chair, ciu-h rni Iu!i-h Wcatlii'ivil or U .. l'iiiiu i lmu, m.-li., (it.irtci(Ml Oal; Cobbler Sent Sewmtr INicki'i", emli .... (.marteied Oak Ycneertfd Mack and Seat Kockii-. each ,iu.iieid Oak Veneeied Mack and Ttull Seat Itoukcrn. . Look at This l li.m .il, .mul.'. Hon In .nl anil f.lnt 1 Spunu'. ipports 1 ( nitini Top Mattroo". Set Complete $6.00 Our iriiH. on l)iveiv, Ktiitii.iii Tallies, ci. ., ,mi worlli inc.ii ualuitf before biiMiiu; eUewhei. TbiK i- no lai.lea.liusj removal -ale TIuh i no .MoiulaY and Tuexduv imIc aiv h.-ie lo ;tay am! i i price- apply to ewrv day in th weik. Soine ol our noodu aro priced lielow cost, mi will be oblifl to a.k our v"i"iii' whether or nt lliev aiv Innim; lor ibeir ow'n u-e, i we liae no uoodn to m'H other iiirnituiv ik.ileif al llte-i price. Noiili I'n, n,.l lii-h market Piryor & Co. North Fir St., Near Main St. wmmmmwi fmnwtimimiti to you and will be at the Nash Hotel until Sunday, Nov. 16th. No selling scheme. No gold brick game. Come or Sena me Your Name, Present Address V and outfit you served in. Ask for JOHN G. FIERCE mm AUTOMOBILES Quick Service. Kuav HidinK. ' rrieoa Ru;ht. ! PAIMJV AlH'M I IVKIfV 1'HONK MAIN 3111. HALE SELLS MANY PIANOS Hale Ar.flllH O.tl'lH'lt I'oit'y 10. N H In. In. in liar, !,.,. . ware ia M'.JInl.l H'l. I 1. K II. tie i. ix'lluiu a itits.i num ber ot fine puuiu. mi. I plitxer iiu.i iiittuok. Mr. Nilf- .(' i'i l;..-. . j ltiver Cam I I o. iut p.u.i.. -4 a, fine hern 1'oml piano, o.ie of iliol n.'iili'.l iiiauo- 'M-r ol.l in ilii rin.J It Y iii.i i, oh nwi,. i. in,, iiniii 'Apt II"' pliM'l lUiiiio Ml (ii i , one ot lb, be. i inlat(! of MU Unv i ih.n on .-.ui find iii da' l.niiii.'V, an. I he and fnutil.V will sol much eiijoMneiii out oT Ihwr iuw a.'iiiti.iiiuu. . Mi V. M .M.Kef of CcutiBl 1 'mi 1 1 n;i. u Moil lord vUiUu' Stitiii -dav. as Ten in y In iMsi(i.rt rot Uaullnj; luutliei tu.ni null 10 railroad. 1 i lull.-" I'UWKK ' MvC I.UMHKU Cll AVi-i. 1.1 ii i ,f. r M driTil Oi Coati-flctors will wwet wtnjlc ootii' ploUi the new sower syatom la Suutn wn A.Ulltloii. IvIuk sauttnry sew or as nuil Mrlna 0wer. in addition in 30 loLs in thin ailtlltloa, only (ire J block from Mntu stnet, tuu clos- i oai-iu gtMMi rexiai'iKU mis now 01 1 (rliig In Itoilford. Tho ma I tor of nutting iu the tlralungo wwor (- fordt .)4lrtunHy to drain luwamuU and collars nml Urlui otut the bwt. wuiltary conditmiit. Mwlford's li ( to-ikite piHiplf ottb' want upto-iUi ctindlllous tu tlit'lr iideneo inwr , ters. tf I T. M Jordan of Porll.intl i. vi-n- !ipj Y 11 CiiU.II .ml ,t.- He 'in... make .. I'ttt.-li.t..- ol .i liuil I in, ii' llie i. illt'V NO MORE GRAY HAIR II U easior to TK-wwrro th' e!or of the hair Uiaa to r...;.iiv It, alilumU It U pwiblo to d b.i.li. Our iii.tml.iioth'M uuilt'ivtoo.1 tli wert. TUwy nu,.' au.1 utl a "M tea," nml ib.'ir iLirk, clo.y bIr bms aturr middle' lift- w.n due i j t!m (net. Our tMtf'.bi'ra lu er.i tHiir U tot tlK'jr arc ih'tj, but tbv rv li.... ntnc to upttm-iatu tbu v.'ilu of chi, trjudmotlwM iu tuiu; "jjo i.m" i,.r (Mr kilr, and ar Ut foilon .; :ii.. Tlw MVt ca-nulon !i4 tU- ad. .a lp of ike iat in t'uc it cm t a rotljr to itviKiriluu cull i V a Sai su.1 Kulpli ,r. , a sel to.ue ui clur ri-rtarr, ihi jr-inralimi i. .i !, miriar to lU Muinarr . I.i' ma ! hy our ci inilaioih. r, ami It ei'i i, lio.iTht for 30 ivnn nml SI a b.i;!at nluiiMit any jmi'i.t ui il.-.i; noiv, ,,r u,:i jw t diwct by IB Wrlh C!.::il1 ComtMay, TI CoiiLadt Su, V Ygrk Oily, uHa rvwipt of prict. von sai.1i by lkox n. has KIN'S. MjDKOItl). Oil. , Mr. in:. I Mr. J. Q. Jam, oi (i., Flill ere in Mniionl Saim.lix i i ,t .ill. .In llie t'il. iriu.iiu., ,,i L, ' I'll ii e ,'1 I'll. .-ii " Loi us show you now the tlit'lVivnt niodi'ls and lirii'i's of KODAKS FOR CHRISTMAS Avhilo Avi Iuim. plenty of time to explain the host kodak for the individual to nvtho it- -FROM $1.00 TO $65.00 Medford Book Store mmmmmmmmimHaak in ii l a timmiH&mimmrw'i