mr 12 i ; - Is LtfMii BKMmU&iBt3fg n.ay ftgnfo tt.rfA.i-'..".! M--V-.MWJ , j. ME7)F0RDiAlLTJUHUNJ M 131) FORI), OKKHOX. SrXDAV, XOVKMBKR !Ht MM. Billy S. Clifaord Coming BALLINGER HELPED. j 5 1 BILLY CLIFFORD IF NOV. 15 F At tlio ModfonI thrulor on Titos day, Novotnbor 1C, for ono perform nncc, will bo neon Hilly (Slnglo) Clifford, tho well known comedian, In n lirnnd new vuhlclo tills bciiroii, rnlIeiIJ."Tho Qlrl, tlio -Man nntl tlio (initio. " Thin ploro, which In n furco In two fncU, with mimical trjiutiilngii, kIvch ,My Clifford one of lliu best nu-. Iiorlunltlea for IiIkIi-cIukii fuicinnkliiR of his' Iouk nnd hrllllnnt enroor. Not only linen tho chlof itilo provlrto Mr. CUffoQl with k in nny J)dcroim Uyi tlonn In which honhlni'i In'llllfinlty, GRtATSONG 1 SOON but It nlno iillowH iHinu'toim t;ooil hoiis of tho iik.'UmIIoiih kind that mo ho dcnriJoHiv-yuyHtfi .' vX Tim; Bfor In short deals vl(h a yiiiin)(liniin who Ihih an occoillrJpi iIJit do, ylui travolH niOHt of IiIh time. Among othur tliliiKH, tills Biuuq uiuJo count to think It fa tho duty (trills iiophow tnweil and itoklo- iIowiiTjio oiiiik nuiti linn different Ideas, how- ever, hut In order to ot iiioney slromUoiulor ami iiluiyliiiyj iitruiii lliov The f i I'm t number of Hie N'nlnloi- iiiiii eiilorliiiiiiiienl i-oiiix will lie Minium rYicilit liiin'i'iiilinl'l' mid iMinipiiiiv nil Tliiii'Mlny filing, N'n M'liiliur I". Murium liiiiiKcmlorft' is dosurviuj: of the liijjli liouoi'H hlie Ihih reeeiveil. IJeu (lie MitinU'(l I'litjcp confess to n dibliuol Miiibiitiiui, a liuuliiiK Mir pri8iKiui. nwiikeiiiijolMonu-tlyui) ay, lliiixiuiui, miller the iiilluctu'e of hci wonderful siiiyin. Tliore t ii'iiiimii in her olce thiit IhrilU the neusep iYl(4- oheiitiif Kotiir Miiilam Lauueiidiii'lf. While cIiimm. iim n iiiivii-i'iiiiliiillii, hlie poesMdH VifeiiJ (iifiiuf ji&titjiil jj)ieiuit.Y nii'V oluiiie xitrh u few iuliH hefoio tin MOMIV iiA IikiihI. Her Ki'iiilutiiMis hi tone aie miiile with eiuiMimmnte yK'' " ""' Mi'i, ii hiinrniio, muxxti ('iriiliiiHii nuil eniilrtilto, nil iu one i11hnwl tinuiK nro duun, full Mini leMinnnt ; ut otlieiH thev me suit. ' (Coiiliiiiicil .I'r'iui I'liue !) HelieviiiL- Hint liie Hill mli'iiM- liinl nut iiiilv llmli'd woillilc-" Innil in WiihIiiiicIoii J'or the best of Iim- f her in Oregon leileral le-ei-M'-, bill' ilinl the new lt ti cl-. hint nlrcnilv been! i -ulil uniler eoutniet to (lie hij: linn tier eiiipoiiilioii', Semilo Climnbei J ' luiii intioilueeil helore the sennle .i its bihl xisKiiiii the ii'Miltitinn of in I ' lewtiiiiilion roferrpil to. lie mlilen j it the time (but it wii 1 m I innlei i iliiuiiriu: llie Hill intoie-ts liml m ipiiied I Otl.Ollll ncies of timber ImA ni one Oregon eininly mill lluit III -twos Only ii mnnll pint of (lie liolilmu- ibey iiml been nbli1 to ueiitire unili i 1 1 lie M'olni'oiiH of the lieu luiul -n-le I ion linv. When u liiu bonk eontiii,iiu ie i mils of eoutntetM iu force nuiili' il ' iilipeiiiuuee niter tin uue.iuiuctl tie Itiv of iniiii.v month"', Hie lnnilh uli;eb iIik Smile I'V l-nilronil bail trmled, lliej litluls which the A'tee I.innl ii Cat i lit- Co. Iiuil obluiiieil. with other le-- "r eonliiietH, were Hluleil with u lieei' 'to detail whieb Senator ('buiiibei , 'alii uiiiil as eoiifiihiiii: iih it ua- 1-elchH. Tbe'feal pilfpd'e of the le ...! I ......I I... II... Illllll, .11 IMIIIIMl'll 111 HIP Hi'inil'. Ol'llll i 'tor ('bainheilaiii iiiil .ve-lenlny. Ii ti r J .nil yet been M-rveil. lie beliexe- Seiietarv of the luteiior Malliimer ' "boiilil know oljj the liiiii-actioiiH ,! ins own iiepiii.iuieut. ' lie liulicvcw that siueere i)lenti;.'a- j'loii will pioilnee lliVreeoiils of llit Hill Irausuelioiio ami make it impns .ible lor the Hill iuU'icx either s,. 1 1 rnile woitble-s Iniiils lor millions of IkIIiii' win Ih of Oreuoii'n best tini ir, or (n fell HiIk timber liv coiitiad o lumber mouopoliex. "I piupose to iine-liiinlc this mat ler llioroiitbly o'u my own iieeouul, iiiil Senator ('lianiberlniii yeNtenla,' Ipoii my ret in n to 'iifliiiilnii ii lboiil'u' week I will have full oppoi imitv Tor looking into the rer-oril I tin lint piopor-e to lie misled or 'li' ei'ioil, i.iid I eousiiler it of the liiu'li s importaiiee that the miv iu which the railroads uml lumber ciinipiiuii 'lave .soimht to' moiiopnlive Oieooe' iiuluir lanils by virtue-of the lieu 'illlil seleelion laM's, slmubl lie 'iroiiubt to liuht, ami the" lauds -v0 d tlm people, if possible." A. C. IIoiikIi of DinntB Pasg wn at laukHonvllle on profcHJIoual IiuhIucsih l-'ilday. iiuil whips the hlyoil into a mail al lop. A )ieeries (lneuol solii; in li Ih odd folullvo, write Hint ha lid iiiitn'I(;il mid linn one child. TUIb Ih nil very well until the uncle tuUjlt Into hln bend to como homo home ami hou hl uephow and bin family. Thuntliu poling man Ih foired to1 liar-' low tho wife of IiIh friend. Dr. Mer ry, nud ho iiIbo Iiiir to go out mfil horiow a child. 'and the ileeepllon. ,lfi carried on for a time, with grant (mi. Finally the suiimc uikii oxtrlrnl.hbit belf from u very Imd prmllrauiont. wuiIh Dorothy, lliu yomiK Klrl hoihiiK I km n wooing for Mime time, and ov eiyllilnjc unilit hatiplly for everybody. During tho roulUl of th wlorj thoio are iiiiiuermiH. kouiI mmm of (ertl by Mr Clltfonl, Hint aiiiouk the may be uieiitloned: "I Cn't Mlw That Hull (Uniii." "Ill He With You in llouoytnickle Tim." "A TwUl or Shflinrmk," "lla AnyboOy Uot h KIm to Sjmrf?" TJi Vi AH S'othliiB Mor' '"IttOlM Um." "llow'g You l.ikkt lu Marry MT" M i Talk.' Mwt iif ,TnlKht tA Drtwmlttud." ,Tht Dreamy Ua" ilinl ottieri. ll.-ikkinn' for linallh. No Offer, Says Jeff I.OS ANUBLK8. Cl . Nov. tl. Jliu JxrfitM iinuM uiUny that H lia leccUfd au o(fr froai a fUm ver pnniiuiii to iiuhtI Jim W lohaaou Iu Huoiher ImmploiKlitii bailie. I'liilhermore, lie icIu-imum! hl dtslwrittuui ilut lie t ihuiiiiih with the flKhiliic icanif ,ni,i ihHt mi offwi could pull lit littik line the i lug. .leiriikW kMtU he untitle to UUOW nu lllll 0(1 h.- Il,-i,ei lKlllH- lucn'it reiM,itl ituliuuh ioHid Jim Curbed. Coiuruluj; IoiIh-iih cub liwctloil Mllli ih Ueuo utfalr, Jttf. frle had uothlng but il,,- Klulllft rril l Uhi "I Know no rv. wn Citiicii Hhould lie UrrMl, e if u mkii.Ii warn uugjltMl," tV iimi hum plan kh!I 1 tmra uuiIiIhk ukuImn' Jim peiDouHlly. ultlii in i know nnylliliiK to him dlwriulU.." Jeffrie u upeudthg hit days onf Ing aiotind lil home In ih suburb IMh pigs mid rhti'kenii, lie uin, an of more Intiichi to hlui Hunt mn match that could be nniin-i Hdsklns fgr heajtfi. "lUiver with passion mid Intensity mid Irnmatie iiowvr. Ilur niiiL'iiiif cnuiiot ifil Isfnml otit Ffti' above the iimtuki run of oeiil uebleMiuiunts. (Vrtuii1 l, it hut created u uifiiter stir in 'iiiisieal eirelen thnu JiiiythiiiK iu the ipjuiiorv ol the liisi ileemle. Mniliiiim l.iiimi'iuloiff U u woiiiiii u(' jriirMiuH iieinoiuUity, mid nut cliaini. She HiiiKM In Knclish. mid o Mir 1 1 varies her pntrMUi off oimt lllle select iou b rellileril'lf miihc thiittr wimple uml uioiloni, out of def eioiicH to flit wishes of her audi ence llitr n.perioiiv ninaes 1'hiiihJ -Waaiier to th liuhtext owiu, fion the edrakMf In tho tiiio. Seats now clln llusUki' fur Icallb XOHOIIV MlMUICI). lilnoy M'wiuW,.,, Allml, Meilfonl .Men mill Women, (), mill Voiiiik, Kidney llln aelao vouna ami old. Como uulckly with llttlo wnrnlag. ChlldrHii mffor In tholr early rt - Caul rootrol lb kidney aaeretiotiM OlrU am hingiiUl. nermua, aurrei rtlii. Wuwaa woriy. rau't do dallj wjirk Mi aav lame and arhliiR bai-Kx The dim rnr tuna, woman or child ,rla Kr Ida cmiaf -lh klilteya Tkiana lflIHey IMIla Ain lck kid toy - Cur all fainia of kidney Buffer- ' Uf4fu-n,latliUMiy provt tt. V."JrWwW. m'. Jnekaon it. VtrdftMil. Or , aaa: "I uxed Hoan's sl.ey 1li. rirtfMlfKl hi Haakfutf' "if ainrM. n- ata nlonaud to aa.v I ai Hiy .le alvttn uie iuor rltr tan au HKei kltlaay ntadlrla I 'uf vr tikcn. OUitr wwbors of - family hav alao uaoU Uoau's 'uln.- pin anii tk roaults kav : s. kMitnr;-ittor that 1 do aot ha- " n- ,. n moment In giving Ihla iuie- l!l II Km m1 ty alt dealara. 1 rtr 60 mmiIm r...;taN5allhurB Co.. Uuffalo. -u Ynik i ula atctita tor tha Dulled .rs Hniii'inlu i the name - Paail'l Inl l.-'l no olhcl Tho ndveut of new' xlocki in a oenl ttor ih alw'a.' a news eent o mil interest t') r.ll people to wlmsn hat pnitieulnr storo is r.t nil im nortnnt. Wnnloil Wojun'o n ctiHtomer for 'i itiorvhnudlfie limlncim; must he vmil, What have you. .Moor-Uhni Co., 212 Frultgrowera' Hunk build 'UK. L'OH The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts Close to Mori ford, flood Hplendiil soil. Sul)-iiTij:ntol anil above fiosl line -70 neros now pluiiteil to poars mid up pics. 1'iiics riulil and terir.s Let mo show you a u'onil rent estate iiiveHltuent. Earl C. Sabin Room 'J02 Fniiturowura. llnnk litiildiui;. ,t i i 1 1 i I 4 ' h i r v II 3 I Discovered I kiv ' ( i- - -v'1 ' ' "V J ' 1 60 acres of the very best sticky soil; is: three-fourth mile from new townsite of Eagle Point. 30 acres in 4 and 6 year old ,trees---Newtown and Spitzenberg. Prac ,t tically every foot of the balance in culti M: vation. Well fenced and cross fenced. 6 r i m -M good horses, 1 cov, 40 ton of hay, wagon, liack and all kinds of farming implements. Price $25,000 and very liberal terms. i- ; .' I 4 V Miles & Barneburi h Office over Emporium Exclusive Agents . -, ' -V -r r wm EQUIPPED PLACER MINES of 1VK)-acres of dcctU'd land, for sale on tonus. Iroport,v has ono iant, .sovrral hnn-di-od foot, of pipo, rosorvoirs, dit olios, wtitor ritfht, uooli house, hunk house and othoi: hiuldint-s. Good dump and grade foi' fluino. .Mostly ooai'so gold". hMve miles from rail road rtiicl in darkson county. Wagon road to miner Orchard and garden. . .ROOM 3, 123 MAIN STREET a. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss & Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR. ' ROOM 15, P. 0. BLOCK MEDF0RD, OREGON People Who Work Indoors With Their Hands Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists, draughtsmen, and many others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or two on cold winter morn ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. The DON'T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TEST MARINELL.O A Marinello Treatment does not moan a more plas tering on of, any croaitl that happens to bo at hand. It moans the use of the particular preparation suited to your special case. One Treatment Benefits Any SKin Marinello Graduates Always Secure Results. They give Sanitary as well as Seicntifie Tare to till ordinary Skin and Seal)) troubles. MARINELLO SPECIALTIES Methine Treatment Reduces redness of nose and cheeks. Instantaneous Bleaching Makes any skin five shades lighter. Pimple and Blackhead Treatment ( 'loars tho com plexion. Astringent Mask Obliterates wrinkles. Electrolysis Removes Warts, Moles and Hair. F.earn for yourself the exceptional advantages of a Marinello Treatment. Telephone for appointment or call. MARINELLO SHOP Phono 111 Rooms 5-6, Over Kentner's. f ii h 't . "J rtm lUhkiiiK fur IibhIHi. SOTICK OK SAI.K OK SII.'J.VI IM. I'ltOVKMIJXT IIONDS OK Till? CIT OK MKOKOIIO. N'dtlrf m liort-liy k!vh tliHt tU city cminrtl of Iho city of MoUfonl. On- you, will ro 4Mld pro)HMni (r, Jl 1,350, U pr rout. tnyur, lm- 'truvttuiuut bniul!i. MliU lu ho IIM with tlin city i- MrUr uf th city of MtMlfnril. Orogun. ''. b tr ltfro 4 : SO o'clock p. in ,b- -MMithur Uth. tdlU. uml to bo umiu-'$ UMUlml by ft roi'ltttoil clivvk to! flvo ir (Ut of Uio niuuiutt bid for, j'' chock to bo niRtlo piublo to tho rlt uvuiirvr of wtbl city. Tho coHiietl roiorves tho rlRtit to ioJihi n .miiI nil Ulils. KGIIT. V. THMfRIt. Ct City Itecorder. ftmKk Pa ASmokeicssA 1 3X1AU Absolutely smokeless and odorless quickly gives heat, and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours, vtiiliout smole or smell. Hasnutomutic-IoekliMj lliiiuc bprcatler which prevents, the uvk from being turned high cnouRb to smoke, and is easy to remove ana urop so ine wick can oe quicviy cieaneo. It has a damper top and a cool handle. Indicator always shous the amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap does not need to bestrewed down; it is put m like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a ehtin, and cannot get lost. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new deuce In construction, and consequently, it can always be easily unscrewed in an( instant for revoking. The Perfection l Hn'shcd In Japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-nude, built for sen ice, and et light and ornamental. Nj u nwrf ' '-' ' 'WV'-"iW Standard Oil Company i Incrpratd MILLINERY NOTICE If the ladies who have been m kindly awaiting the ii rival of the Turbans will please call they can have first choice. Mrs. wSalters Home Millinery Shop TOR. YYKNT NINTH AND PKACII STS. ,fC '-j ?Co) , ' . . 7JV? imf rw rzs a sf r s m m- i r r tmr - m 00mmite m A s.wl ,cho.,l-i,unr l..n,.r. Ma, cil .Miil.lulieii .opulntton SucetrHl srailuute .Sk,lli. wlM,UMe i0Bt.,ers. .in.. px. pens, a tow. M-pv oikr .,. Ut US t. you al.oi.t the-a. a '.iKtoKU jar ta aAng. t W. I. STALEY. Principal. SALEM, OREGON.