W T " rWVi' , w ra9ejfKSRff ttawwwujw aa'ytaMVfcwnanwttwrwWircaj!.) mri m . 4 H MED1T0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MJ3DITORD; , OftKflON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1910. J- Irv tho name of the stato ffoiil You, and each of you, a 1$ jequjrcd to nppcpr In t!n i$mod court nud answer to tl 1 SUMMONS. In the circuit colurt or tlio stato of Oregon or tho county of Jnckson. ttlf. .1. s. Pedrco ami Floyd Pcarcp, plhlhtlffa, vb. Win, A. Ramrny anil tho Oregou Placer Mines Co., defend rfllit "I'To Wm. A. Ramsay and tho Ore gonPlncor Mines Company, tl.e above named defendants: "-In- tlio name of the stato of Orc- aro hcic- !io abovo tho com- plaint of the plaintiffs on flic there in against j oh, within six weeks after tljo'dnto of tho first pub.icatlOn Of "this summons, or within six wcoks nftor the date of Hcrvlca of a copy cif fills tyinunoriB and the complaint llorcfn upon you person? Uy outslile of flio state of Oregon; If sorvico be rifndp lil the last named wanner, six weeks heliiK tho time fixed by the nboVo named court In Its order for rferylce of tho summons hetoln by publication within which tho defend ant Is required to answer said com plaint, which- order fo, publication bbnrs the dhte of November 7, 1910. If yotr fail to nnawdr said com plaint within the time aforesaid tho Plaintiffs wll apply to tho court for tho; relief fdemandeO In said com plaint, n Bitcclnct statement of which reltjjf Is as'"fo(pvs: That tho-contract marked Exhibit "A," and nia'dd a pait of the com plaint and "Which bears tho dnto of tho lOtli day of November, 1D09, and which contract was for tho purchase of curtain mining claims, known as the Pearco Placer Mines, situated in township thirty-eight south, range thieo (3) west, In Jackson county. Oregon, moro particularly- described In the said complaint, nnd tho rights of tho defendants anil each thereof, thereunder ho foreclosed, together with such other and further relief as thn court may .doom just and "equit able. ' -. . i NEFF MEALKY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I.)ato fpr tho flrs publication ot this summons Is November 11, 1310. ion believed that "dead stock" to bo, salable when you sought - it Probably it, vns and is. Concon; irnlo (i little advertising on it nnd; in n week, forget that it over worrier yon. 4- ,; f ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. f -''-f- 4-4- 4- 4-4-4- LOST. LOST -Black silk watch fob, with gold monogram lettered "II. A. V." not very valuable. Finder return to Moot a hotel nhd receive reward. JFOR SALE II OHM'S. , . " FOR SALE. - - T - ' ' MlscHliuicoito. FOR SALE An artistic bungalow, j FOR SALE Imported birds: Eng ( rooms nnd bath, complete' Willi J lisli Miuii-hm.irifrC llflUa Mountain BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CoiiTuni Slilowatke. WANTED-Cul'ceting lo do span; hours by young man. C. B. D., enro Mnil Tribunes. . m 2ltt MEDFORD .MnKKl-Sr. (Prices paid by Mcdford morchanto.) Potatopa ?l.lf'l'25 per cwt. Cnbbnyo 2 c. ' Squash,' 8Gc8$1.00.. Tomatoes l',c. . Parsnlpsr lc. Carrotc lc. Beets lc. Onions, lc. Piimpktn8-8t312!c. Apples 2c. Pears lUi2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. Celery 90c a dozon. Butter, Eggs nml Poultry, (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants.) Iluttor Frcah ranch, 32'c; creamery, 37'c. Kggs Fresh ranch, 40c. PoultryMixed, 10(fj)14cj spring chickens. 14 ffj' J Cej turkeyc', ICe. i (Prices paid producers.) JHw-TfTlmcthy. .1C; nlfalfa, U4; grass, ?n: grain nay, jii. Ha.nln-TWheat,.$lf15 Jtwbcl? flatq rtf. tonrrrflil.f' i Sinecf CoVu, 4(g4'c; sJcoib.'-B' JPorfc-y.ijtyBJH'. u v y Mutton 5 rV:c; minhs, 6c." Vp:i1 Drosst-d. 8c. ,,t (Selling prices,) Rolled barley, 51.75 cwt, $32 ton; bran, M.7G; middlings, fl,.8C'1.90; shorts, J1.S01.SG. REAL ESTATE. Wanted r Ranch bnnds. Woman cook. Girl for coacral Iioujj work. Lnbororo. Ft)R SALE. liiinaboul, Hienp. Iiilcrcst in huleiidid bus.'iiess. FRUIT LAND. Small Irncth upplos or pears m bViiiK. , lit ueii'h in 1 year Id apples mid penis ; besl syil ; frlflO por acre. City propoitv for cliU'lioii nuieli. (i00 acres for subdivision, nil Rood, $,15 por aere, Inrals. 1,20 acres, 3C cultivated, fine- bench ind bo in land, J3G00. 35 news, 1-2 in orchard, I) acres al- fnlfn, easy terms. flOOO will handle fino" bdaring' orch- nrd, close in. 18 acres 2 1-2 miles station; Rood buildings; Ifi norcB bearing and yountr orchard, .$0500, terras. 00 ncics olenred, rich soil, close- to Eaglo Point, Biib-divido, $125 por ncre. 10 acres, clbso in, buildings, water for? Irrigating, flno nouig-y and fruit ranch; $3000, torms. 10 to 100 acres, 1 miles from post- office, best soil and chcapeiSt' buy In tho valley; $176 per acre. 34r.cros, under ditch, flno pear and nlfalfa land, 3 miles out, cleared and fonced, $250 por acre. CITY PROPERTY. 12 lots, l'alm nnd 20" sis., $250 each. Wpqtmorclnnd lots $275. 2 4-room houses, lots SOxlOO, $2300 takes both. Lots in West Walnut Pnk, $350, $25 down. 10 monthly. 2 94 acres. In small fruit and truck, flno house.. Inside llmita. $7000; will tradoTor good stock ranch. FOR TRADE. Interest in flue busmess for citv properly. Bcnrinff orchard for Lons Beach or Los Auseles residcuce. Bearing orchard, 1 mile out, for city property. 1C0 acres, no waste, in" New Mex ico, 3 miles from railroad, for city or ranch property. E. F. A. BITTNER Roem 20fi Taylw & Phlpps Oldsj. TO EXCHANGE 2 nice lesidcneo lots; will trndo either for good team, weinhhij.' 1150 to lHOO. Iiiiiuirc at 345 N; RivoVgide, 0:30 in evening. ,itr;uiil' w i "i 201' In-201 LOST Pockclbuok ana Jiu-umt County bnnk passbook. FindOi' please ret in u to Inin Tiibuiio of ficc. ' FOR EXCHANGE. l-'Olt SALE OR EXCHANGE Beau tiful G-rooin cottage in Pnsndciiu, barns, fruits, close in, largo lot, $5000; equity for home in or near Mcdfoid or Butte Falls. $281)0. i P, Ijopp, 708 Cypress nve., Pasn donn, Cal. 200 FOR RENT Two room liousc. quire nt 204 South CT REAL. ESTATE. Opportunities M00R-EHNI CO. iit2 Fruitgrowers' Hank lHdg. Phono Mntnn 001. ( FRUIT LANDS. 20, acres, under ditch, t 17 acres planted, 10 bearing, scenic building slfV $12,DO0. '7 '' S4" .'teres, 3 b'c'arlng'', 10 planted, bnlanca In wheat," good bulldtugs; $13,000. 3C acrci, frco soil, no waste, 24 planted to apples, ' poars and pcachc3, gbod , buildings, tools, etc.; $8000 ' il7 nrrcs Vi ml'o from Medtord, all bcaJlng fruit, good building's", windmill, tank, tools, etc.: a good buy; $7000'. ' MEDFOBD CITY. C-room now modern bungalow, good locatloni1 paved street; $3SC0. 7,-room now modern bungalow on paved street, 4 blocks from Vanby Ington school; $320. ': Look at G-room modern bungalow,! northwest cornor .Park avenue and Dak'ota, hil 'fnako,'ai'tffcV." Dig list pbusInjyflsinnd.rcslilciiMs lots and houses that you should look' Kt horore ulnif Y, ,'( V ASHLAND CITY, i Flno- homo place, ' 7-room;1(liouP furnished, 1J acres bearing fruit, close lo business section; $0200. ' 4Gf acres alfalfa and fruit lain!, within city limits, now house, barn, etc., right for subdividing In one aro traces; $400 por aero. Oood 4-room houso, lot 110x195 fruit nnd boriles, on now boulovnrd, closo In; $2500. t Fire Insurance in A 1 Companies FOR EXCHANGE Mcdtprd and suburban property, ranches, tinibdr lands, for oilier property. Address Bos 190, enre Mail Tri'm-- FOK EXCHANGE Two lnioiy .. .. young road toams of colts, one 2 'black gelding, opo 2 bny mnros, 1150 to 12.10 pounds weight, for work tennis not ihldcr 1300 pound weight, from 8 lo 12 ycurs old. Call or address 401 Riverside inc. SomIIi. F. Osscnbruggo. '- FOR RENT. FHrnlshed ItoonM. FOR RENT F'lrnlohcd rooms and .board. Nq. 10 North Qrnpc street, next to Farmers and Fruit- growora' bank, tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 'l'l S. Grnpo st. 208. FOR RENT At the Cottage', plcnsi ar-t, furnished rooms, with hot nud cold running water; baths 'lnivo .sunny porches, (104 W. lOtli' St. or 124 King St. if.,. hlindcs ni,.l seitctiy, reduced from $1200 to $3800; bonis, bookcases, bulfct, two fiicphicc, beam coil ing, etc.; well built, Chns. 1). Colby, niti W. 10th st. t f I-'0R4 SALE One of tho best paying business propositions in town)' ejenring $500 per monlh. Address Be 80, 'euro .Mail Ttibufto office. . 101." , I " ' HI-' FOR SALE At our own piice. a llvo lomlied hftiisx', barn, lot 5Q b.J 100, sewer and water in, with or without furniture. See Ibis and et the besl (buy in the city. Imiufvo VJ11 S. 'drttpe. 11D FOR SALE Choice bU6lno8 prpp erty nt a bargain, on long time easy terms: Addross Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Five-room houso ou 31 South OtniiKo' street, closo in, for $2100. Addross J. A. f lendcrson, Box 33-. 203 VOR SALE Furnished 5-foon co tngo, lot 50300, on, pttved street, with Inwn, 'tilindq nnd fruit trees ni)il btber impravoments; a real homo .plnco nud a decided bargain nt $2500; terms. Lnndnuist, Johu coh iVXilius, Inc., 201 St. Mnrk's" (iloek . tf" FOll SAIiE 5-Voottt modern bitugn-i Iqw, furnisheM completo nt $3,000 $1,200 hnudlcR this. Addtcss IIov; t7Qcnro'vMil Tribune offieo. 5l4 FOR RENT Two suitable rooms at IIiq cottngo, 001 W. JOIh, consist ing of sitting r6om nipl jmreh bed room. siiitnlile for 2 gentlemen. If FOR RENT Furnished fiont room also milk for sale. 000 W. 11 lit ' st. 202 WANTEIlRoarders nud roomers .it 510 North Ri.tcrMilo, third house fioni Nataloriuni. , If Housekeeping Itooms. FOR RENT Two tiiifurnishrd room. suitnblo for boiiRokccping. 43(i S. Evergreen. 'lOB v Vim IM.'V'l'-lr.. fnt-Mwt.n.l U..1.I botibekecpiiig rooms, modern', v children. 327 S. Oakdnlo. ,v204. FOR RENT-Hhilsckpepin'g' ;toouH nt 23 North iHoosovolt.nv'e. 203 ! FOR RENT Furnished hOusckeep, lug nimns nt 23 Rnnsovclt nvo. 201 i ' Firms. . .r , '-. r fr. IFOR RENT Fnnn. For pnrticMilaih jiddress O. J. Bell, Rrownsboro, Or 200 . u l irr 11 -J L'l WANTED. Teams to contract for hauling lumber from mill to railroad, 1- miles. CRATKR LAKB LUMDKR CO. Apply Edgar Hafor, Mcdford, Or. VOR RENT Fa nns" from '40 neio to 400 ncros, nlfalfa land, fruil ranches, garden '.liindJ' cciiora farming ranches. Gold Rnv Realty . P'. '10 We.t Vnin. tf ' ritislitew ItnninM FOR RENTr-Businosa room on W. Main st., 21x140, suilablo for res' (nurnnt or billiard room or olltoi business, htcam hent. Gold Rn Rrnllv Co.. 21(1 W. Main st. If FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec trio building, modern oquipnu'iil. stm bcht, cloctrio Iigh, bntbs, toilet, hot nud cold water. Gobi Itnv Realty Co.. 215 W. Main st. tl FOR RENT. ItllNlllCSH Itooms AtJfOMOBILES , Quick fiorvice, Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LTVERY PnONE-MAIN 3141. FOR RENT Onico over postofllce Sen .AA Davis. "Houses. FOR RENT-Only hotel In rnilronn town of J000 inhabitants; Rogue Rhcr valloy. Box 300, caro of fnil Trilmno. tf. FOJSALE Now six mont bimgivlotv cottage,' nil muderii, clofe in, $3500, Close in. Addi'ess box Oil I, oily. Lots. fc mil SALE Goiul lot, 50x140, good loentiou $350 for next six dnjy. easy teims. Address Box 001, ilily'. 2QL .WANTlCl) On Crntor Lnko high way teamslors, muckers nhd rock tiioii. Almlv rtf cnuiP. 20 miles ui Roguo rivers 35 miles eat of Med; ford. i 2T WANTHD SdiotMAH-w ary lol Hy of the northwest; mony ad Ivancod weekly; rbanV make ovei ' $1000 month; choice ot territory' , Yakima Valley Nurery Co., Top pen Ish, Wash. 1 t rr FOR SALE-rCorncr lot, 50x200, on Tripp st., 3-voom now cottage, well and outbuildings, gnulcu soiL Only $1000; one-half cash, bnlnric? lernis; worth investigating. Lmfd- iitist, Johnson-& Liliuji, Ino., 201 StMarVw bloi'k, ' ' ir" FOR SALE I nfn offering to fhv buyer it Tuufted timber of lots, r,n,nd 5 ncro tracts nl oxtrcmoly low1 (iriecs. Tho nbnvo piperita carry pi of erred litle. Addicss P, O. lit , (U7 or JWSowbBrit..ltf A 207 (FOU' SALl-r:230,jii'ros ten milc fioni Central Point, all fciierd, with JJre.c. tabhi;-(ht, two Htory.'huiisCf a largo ibnvit, school house near by, olio good spting, one drilTiey. ). Price $75-nn ncree, ol v1ittld lake' pari near I,os AngolOs nud. rest frih. , Box 203. Address Ownor. Ccntinl Point. 103. FOR SAL1 SqHp tract of laud, juc-(tinrtor mitorwust of Eagle Point, on county road, 2t acro Iimni' Hntvov. Eagle Point. Or. 308 FOR SALE 5 and lO-'acro tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at- a bp.rgain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. , FOR RENT 0 roon nnfurnihh m1 apartment Iiuiim-. 531 Palm st, 201 FOR RENT -Tivu-room fimiMied hnnsr.. Inquire 125 Nr HpIIv sj. 2fl0 FRATERNAL ORDERS. I, O. (). V. 1,'CAMIMIKXX NOTIC1C. Uy order of tho O. P., all members of Roguo Rlvor Encampment, No". 30. arcr requested to bo present Satttr urday, November 12. W. L. MILLER, 200 & Recording Secretary. LTjro. f?"MTTCi " full attondanco Is roq ucstedj by the Orders of tho Noblo Grand at tho next reziilar meeting,; "Novom-1 b6r 14. W. L. MILLER. 200 Recording Secretary LOST. . LOST Box "f olothiiu.' on he roftd between Mcdford und Central Point Reward of $5 if leturm-d to V. J Bcnbridge, fiO-Nbith Onings st., or in Bittnor. ltinnt '200 Phip.o bldg., or notify Ur. P. H. Conger, box 30J R F. 1). No. 1, Central Point, urc. 201 LOST Gold Valthoni ox?it fjtce watch, silver medal fob fufctened with leather s,trio; lost on end Eawt Main strt-ot. Finder please return to .Mnil Tribune offiip and reeeie leniiiil - MlsrelWinrmin. FOR RENT Barn. Innuiru at No 720 W.JHIh L " 205. FORLEASE TiX.l FOJt LKAHB -Fully equipped placet mi;ie. Call on Aldnnhrgon, Roguo River Electric C-j., 1C Wost Main tf FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating nnd bathing resort, 1M.' squnto miles body of water, on rniliQnd, within 12 miles of Moil ford. Addrcsn Bx 201, caro Mnil Tribune. . f FOR SALE 8 aer.es, hearing orch ard, 1 inilo from Mcdfoid,( This Is n bargain ; smnll houso nnd bnrp; finest fruit land in county, $3500 Whiln & Trobridee. Ir FOR SALB Los Molliion IrrTgatcil lands; alfalfa, tho fat nt tho laud planted pn tho soil of tho, finest valley In California; Irrigated with n bountiful supply of water; ylctdt 10 to 12 tons per acre. Don't yon want a slice? fs Irrigation better than rainfall7 Sure, tho farmer linen not have to lay nwako nlgbti worrying about tho rain; ho Is tin master He docs not haYO lo PIUJ for rain. Can you boat It? Whj not avail yourHolt of tho grand op portunity to be had at Los Molluos, Cal.? These lauds, Including a right, sell at $150 balanrn In four equal annual pay incuts. I expect to show these lands to n party 'about, tho lwt of this week Come In 'hud 'make ar rangements to Join us; Frank O Andtews, No. C South Fir st , Mod- foYd. Or. 203 MiaccllMirorA. and Rollers; big rcduelioli; $7 now $5; $5 now $3, $3.50 now $2. 0,10 Central nvo. South. 200 FOll SALE If you want t moody making busincsH, l'irsl-olns'j. propo sition cash required nbniit $20(10, no tuflcrs, nddress J. A. M., P, O, box 701, city. 202 FOR SALEChenp, good buggy nn. new pjdw and set of harness. 50 Palm st . 206 FOR SALH OK TlLl)E- -Limuu II". s;ifo. Sec Gray vV Moc, Vat Dyke's old stmitl. fOll SALEftirioH I list" 'vWn com; nlso 200 tons well eniotl fod der. Eiiquitolof lit. II. V..CIauV.V. Medforif. Oregon. , tfi FQll SALE OR EXCHANGE Fivoi p;isJengor 4-cylinder touring nuto m'obllo. Address Box 200, ntie Mnil Tribune offico. t( FOrTs7LE I ntn offering To" tho buyci' a limited lulmbbr of lotsj 1 and 5 nere tnio(s, a lanro horse mid finn tijuok. Address P. O. Bftx (117 or 008 Newtown st. 207 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male.. WANTED Mnn nud wifo ouPenbic riVchiiid in BurroK triml'. COilfm'utiV - cnlo withWitlteflFrnKon-Brown, 018 S. Central nvo. Tel Mnju ,1101. tf Help Wanted Female. U'ANTED-s-A middbv-nged Alticticnti vomnu nnd her 17-yonr-old dnugh ' tcr desires a position its help on a ranch in Oregon; wo wish lo wink tO'gcfher; villi give' Hits best of rcf cYciii'CS. Fdr further iilWrmntloi) write to Mrs Emma Cronmuij, 11 111 Fiist nve.. MimiHqpolii. Minn. ,20,' WANTED Ulrl fori gefaornl hnushi rork; wages $1 per dayi Call at 21(1 W. Mnlh st. tt$ rn Hltaatloaa' Wanted. WANTED-rBusiileiH nilri. .bjocjUivrt cJcporii'iKMj, will invest itu lo $1 0,000. if.-. 1 , , 9j"i p Willi bervuicrt in mi"g iininoM im i pmtiuularH nt first letter. A II ' ifii Mail Tribune lOlr VWiTtiD.'JaTlftoi-' ' ' wbri; ' ' ofM Tl kinds, by hour, day or contract: competent and reliable Frank Morcyy 4.602;, Almond m.t Phono Main cor.i. 204 T WANTKD--Mftn nud wil'o Wftnt wyrlp on fruit ranch, itoperioVii'i'd iii,;iill lilies in Kir iiiiiiiii iireiiiiiti niuti. j v 1 1 -. iTii'sk X. Cure Mnil Tribune. --,202. WANTED -Nursing liy Mrs. K.Mo Revnolds. Cull ut 320 N. Riverside nvo.. or phono Main 32. fMi( Fkrt&tfm Rooma. norn'otiiiil wnt or to $200 per nno, ono-flfth down, FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property, fmSALE"OR RENT Good opei ing for general inorehnnifiso slo'u in now toiv'n with $15,000 monthly payroll, on milroud, 12 miles from Mcdford. Gold Ray Realty Co v anir.w' .iajn. , , ir. FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished houso 5 rooms. Inrge Jot. 817 W 10th st. Iiuiulro o,f Mrs. Woodford, ownVr. 128 g. Holly. Phone 1 182. i FR SALE- H otters. FOR SALE Cheap, in-Central Poi'it 5-room cottage, 3 large size lots, citv water and, also good well, barn nud other improvements. Apply to nu nor. Mr" .1 B Sleipn", Tolo Or ?0!l FOR SALE- On Impii, weight 1H00; 2 scU luuiies, 1 set single harness, 1 3-in. wagon and cover, 1 Hgtit wugon, ton hay. Simp at $2011. if tiikcu at oiii'e. liHiuite E. T. Wil liams, Medfotd Hard wit re Co -202 FOR SALE- One driving tcniii, weight 1000 eai'li, prico $80; this N it Immnin. Call at corjier Colimibja nud .Iaokiin st. v. 201 WANTED- Gentlemnn, wlfo nnd son 7 year? old, nro dcsirotiB of obtain ing rooms nnd hoard In private family where Ihcro nro no other hoarders; references exchanged; slat) toimi nnd .location, Addtcsr. A. box 500, Mall .T.iihiiue. 202 Jimujlluiiitoun. WANTED -To rent on Iiiiicm, nl fulfn ranch with buildings, machiii crv and milch cows iioiii 7 up; mi objection to small orehnrd in Southern Otegou or Ciililoiiiin. Ad (Iicsh L. B. 151. Mail Tiibium of 1 ice. 20 1 WANTED 1 limo lrom $1500 to $1800 to iini'Nt in liirgii lot und oh) shack or 5 or 0 room modem cot tlige, not too fur out. Give location in. Orsl liitlnr, Addrims A, B.. Med r.'...i r..ll 'i.il. .,... if 11111 (III I MMIIIH II CEMENV SIDEWALKS, I.riqkmnson, stono tnnsoti, plastering nnd nil kiud of ptueeo work. Import work manship af reasonable 'eluirs'cs liy" the day oitoontrnoL Address Mn sous. 5U E. Main st.. Mcdford. Or. -"" "' .'-- - i -.....,-, Printers and Publishers. MRDFQRD PRINTING CQ. has tho best equipped job offico lit South ern Oregon; .Portland prices. 37 " SMitli-CoVffrjjr initio: "nittlattl Tarhi. . f i - n I.,, i S. V. RltOWN & CO. llillinrds, Cf gars nud Soft Drinks. Up stnin, Yqiltjg. Holl building, A nije. cqbL pfnel) to upend tlio hot nflfK KnAnA '."TYi 14-- Nursertcrt. QUAKER NURSERlESOnr trees nro buddod, not gi-aflcd. Our sleVik is 1iot irrigat!?; Yov guarnntee ey cVy think' pto 'Xlt. W55" are notm thd trust Hi B. PiillorsVu, office rftmttvtd Ui lit R- Mnt'ir at. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY- NUR SERY CO., Jno. Qrowers tit high'fnilo nuffcry stock1. Offico 25-W; Main; Tel.1201'. 5000 YELLOW HEWTOWN npp trees for snle,nlso other varioties of rtnjes,- hy Wgner (JreokY Nnrsory urcnani K,o.f rjoeson tester, Tnlftnt. Or". ' Tin Shops. J? -A. I8trtith Titv slum. Tin' ntid shqot iroti wnro olr lAuid odd ttinde to order. 123 Norlh G at. Road ClgriM BHtl Tobacco, ' IRBLAND A ANTLE. Sihokdhouso Denlevs in tobacco, cigars and sm'oreks' Hltpplief. Eclusivo ngonth of Lowls Single Binder. El Morilt nnd El Paloncin. 212 West Mam street. Unjonn. CARPENTERS' UNION, LO'CAL 1810 Moots nt Smith's hall, t2f North Giapo stroot, every Thura. day evening promptly at 8 o'olock All journeymen enrpontors, an wel ns local, members, urged to bo proa out. llitsiness of vital' interest to nit enrpontors transacted' at those moorings. J. J. Sonl. busiursK ski Attorneys; TrHlN0TOH & KELLV Lwci-h, Palm.buildiiig. A!' Ivl RKAMStJLnwyur, .-c-VO nmi- hTtlMi. t porter jl uyiw, mr. P. MEA. IjETA'ffoirtoys-al.law. No. 0 D stt'oel. ground floor. C0LV1G ei ttEAMES-W. M. Col ig, C, L L'onmcs. Lawyers. Of fico Medfotd Nntiouitl Bank build iiil'. socoud floor; NOTARY PUBLICRoont Phlpps bldg 207. NOTARY PUBLIC--M'ni Tribune dffiiio. m (Irnnlto Works. GOLD RAY aitANlTti CO., 21(1 y. Main nt., mnntlfaetilror and ileal ors ju gmounmontnl ( nud htjiMJit grnnile. crushed grnulle common brink nud pros'scd btlck, uoartio mid fino washed rivor sand. T-.' ' PAUL & WOLFF sell sand nnd foun dation giuvel; nil orders promptly delivered. Phong '1721 nud 1213 Main. . MEDFOBD BUI OK CO. -Geo. W Piiddy, O. I). Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brion Cnnlrnclorfl nnd matiu fuutureis of brisk; dealers in prexord brick and lime. Offico in (Snrnolt-Corcy hlocli. room 101, lib floor. Phoim No aiRJ P In tar rt PafM-rtiKngara. WANTED- One or two dozolt Rhode ihbiiid red pullets or year old koiiit, llioroiighhicds. P. O. Imx 88, Med' ford. To! rtOflg. 322. WANTED To hire, heavy team (or miuilli or two. Address 70 Wji Main. l WANTED-Tcain about 1250. A dii'h or phono A. J. Brunch, Con trnl Point, 210 J5l FOU'SALK New Monarch range, now Iron bods, springs, mnt 1 1 esses, etc ; also new Typhoon washing mar-lilnc. Iiiuuirc 022). Ccntrnl,, - - 2(3i FOlf SALE- Young ; matched tqnm bays, weight 1100,. work slnglo 'or double, $200. PJiono C. Carc'v 7107. Addicss Talent R. F. D. No L . , 20n FOR SALE 30- horse Owilii ohonp for midi, for next 10 difyt J. F. Ynuny. box C(rt. city. FOR BALM Good work team, 120, g002. R? W. StenmfH H n. , n j Hih. (I, Gordon, II, F. D. 1, Arh- nf A.r.r.. ," . , . ' lJ-. r,-1 --Jr t3SAYER-EarfV. Inels,' B. S FOR SALE 50 tons corn-, Jtuquire Dr. 1L C. Clanov. Medfnrd. . FOR KLE Cotjoinvood fUW n. tier Pin-no Mmii 81. 21 AVANTKU-TIirotf or iodr ln.vtnj lif(iH ,11 I. Rtds proforrcd. Phone Mnin 1031. 828-Dakota-nve. tf WANTED Horses to food for win tor. Address M. .M Welch, Wnt kins. Ot, 230 VAK'rJ5D Dreasmalitn. MraT Field er, addrciu 231 W. Cth at. 208 WANTED -To ivnt large liny barn, close in. Applv 707 W. Mnin ! WANTED-i Good . milub, , .VMYi '" horns. W. O. Gordon. 202 BUSINESS PJRECTORV. " ' ' '"" Nollws. NOTICE After November 1t n office will bo in rooms 211 nnd 212 anriett Corey bldg., phone 2071; re'mrctiPo 113' 'Lnitrel st., ph-mi. ll Q. DEAN, O. P. M'MDLLEN Phone 3732. Denn & McMulIt contracting painters, pnlntbiir, p per hnnirinz and llntbr. Estiaiat on nil kinds of painlioK work Medford" Or. DECORATE Miur tinted iwills with stuiicil bordcis bv A. KmIoii, paiut ' or. decorator nnd juipi-t hanger, No. ' 5 E 3d st . Mi-dfmd. ' JPfiotpfjraplicrs. MACICEYS STUDIOPoae with Mnokoy nnd dio with joy." Over Alton & Ronnmi'fl store; entrunei ou Snvonth street. ""'niiTpoiteVay - ' VERNE T. CANON -BUI pou(er and iMstrihutiir. All orders promptly filled, Room 20, Jackspn County IlMllk ,ltiildifig, Mnilford. Or. i BUSINESS DiRECTOMY. 4 Ptiytdclntis nml 8tir)ceM. 3)R. STEARNS -l'hsieiu nnd sur jKcoil. Offico Grirnelt-Coi'ey bldg., , mouw 211-212.- phono 1002. Kc$l douce 111 Lautel lit., pltone 2W2. ."LOVElMCra'oVtrHCtor and., prncucni Diiititer; esiimatcs free; PtroB appreciated. J 25 South Almond st. r, PR. MYRTLE S. I.OCRWO(ll) J Fraction limited lo disenfics of wo men. Ofxico lltfskiiiB lMz. J'hrtje Main 1001. 11H."S. A LOCKWOOD"- Pbvsioinn and Sttrgepn. Offico 21 IMS. (Main st. -uver Litis- kins' drug store. Phono Main 11)01. m. W.W.' WlClv-KoinoOlMthic pai61a iWitleneo 203 Oj-sHm St., phono Mubt '1171; office, roijms 3 flip afiL,Mflrks block, phone Main 1871. DRi ARTEMAS f. DKANfc in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gaa ailinitiisterea for extract ion nl f teeth. Talephouo Main 081. Nlht i nbnne 4432. DR. W. M, VAN COYOiT, BwtktV- Offkw fereeirt 203-201. rirmerV j A IVauirrowere' basic balldln, I tfHt t tho traokii. s iDRi CLAflK E, S'AUNPFlftglW ' t,(B limited, to diseases of thb" eye. ohi, nofio ana lluont. Office 21U E. Main st., over Mcdford Hnrd wAr Cfl. -- D$. CONROY & qLAKCY, phi. oinns ami ourgeons, Taylor and Phipw bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, rosidonee phone i012.- Offic-j hours 0 q. m. fn 8 p. ra. DR. P. 6. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAiw& UAJJLOW Ontoopathie iI!)"y?L-'iMlw. MovciI lo Rooms l(UJ nnd -117. Gariiett-Corey bldg. Plioiiu Mjht g5I.. ,., , .. Oil. E. II. PORTER Disoasos ,t women' a spccinlty. RoOms 5, 0, 7, 8 St Murk's bldg., Mcdford, Or. Phonos: Offico 4001.,, residence CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDU C1NES Will fluro rheumatism asthma paralynis, sofeat rfnd pn j!vato discMa.- JTItose rHesMriay be prpcurcd at' houso. No. 241 U. j Frost auiriQih-sts.MWfordi Or., ' where thov will bo Mi by the pro-? prielor. Chow yountr. t l l)r, ChoiV Young has troattU sav' 'oral Bov)re pnsoij with hk reedi tfrtnoe cowing t0 Ashlasi, rb1 his for rofoVcncoB some of the' host t known and- most intelligent cithenn in Sottthehi Oregon. Call on him. This is to' certify that Dr. Chow 'loithtf, tho benrcr, attended mo, my :troub!o bqng Jung trouble arid nsthmn. J am better than I have beoii for twelve yeam. I raw the .Igttor wrllton by Judge- Ilnnnn aud .ns ho rccommotnhjd the doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and Afomuch trotihlo fur manV .venrj. t nnd nt last eliding u a atroko of paralysis, frdm which no on x. -poclod my loeovory, nnd no one' ir.iowH Jiow 1 suffered, bnt at last r got a littlo bettor and I tienrd of ono Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment nhd nm woll now aad cau reo-' ommend him to any one who mn? b sick or afflicted with any of th-. eomidnhits, I nssuro you II nm well plcnsod find thankful tht" I na "llvo nt this timo.--Mrt. Mary Hi. dny, .Grants Pass, Or. "I bnvo been troublod with cs lotih for r. long timo and have tnsd ever so irutny tieiitmeiitH of iV,ffe.. wit kinds and I can nay I did not gal anything lo do mo nny gocV until I tried this Chinosso doctor, and ho has done mo n grout deal of good und I think ha can euro ca-Inrrh."- Mr. Wiitruii Drake. Asb bind. Oi'egoii. H. W. STEARNS, M. D.-Op0,n, Jaoicoon County bank. NUht eallt promptly answered, Office mi residonco phono Main 332. DR. STEPHENSON tils- icUsy "w correct nnv dofcot of tho ovo Of fico over Allen & RoHgan'u. Phoue Mnin lfl. Vurnlturn. Hteii"crpbi!m. RLLA M. OUANYAW-Palm Block , Stenographic woik dune quicklj and woll. Architect. FLEMING & HALIJ Buildors nnd contractors; ostlmtitcs fumiHliod ivo;i gunralilced. l'wu1 3851 Ofre tin n Irrinl. 205. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. McIContio, dcjilor ia npw and hccoiiil-harid funiltare, lutrdivare, clothing, boots qd shoe. IIi(;bost cash prices paid for gool cast-off clothing. Call and Bee m whou you bnvo Homcthlng trj sell. 103 South Central. II. P. WILSON & CaTdeilen'u now nnd Bcconil-linnd furnitur nud hardware Agnnt for Hous hold stoves nud rangw, ltf South Fir Htroot. Phone Mnin 31(11. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Btrects.. oMJ. ford. Mission furniture made ta NORMAN WINDER, architectural j r',B'; Cabinet work of all kind, draftsman and builder ifee rae,Atnnl or",r soliioted. Best ceotrfpped ussay offico in Ore gon. Established iio years. Ac curate re nil cinnulrrd flrntit-Pa- . Die 20 draftsman and builder See me about .your now home. I can save you monoy by planning to your own ideas and figuring with yon light. Writo Box 37, PJ. O?, Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architect! a.id Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main Phone Maiu 3171. Keaideoee phon tl irrvnimr7 ik T. ZZ . "" (tn ranges. Ne.w and eecond-hanJ furnlturoj Ead? old stand, 18 W F Kt.;'Soul h. Phon 01 fAr -t . lHdJertakw, iiiii ! MEDFORD FDRN1TURK CO.-ufc. dertakera. Day phone 351. KMl phones C W Cokllii 3M1. J. M. Biitlor U571. John A. Prl 411L, - i At i h