JS ,jii8M?13B,N?$!fcr ("Brtm.rWWBHKSrtWWjT'WSSiiafiart.U nVP.,iii ...,, nye.',, ir 4 ! .! i ! (5 lllu()lnlAll)ry;tAIKDF0Ia.()1?;f;()K?lJY.()v:mKl? n.ioin ' ' .... "Prince 'of Pilsen" Saturday : t '. agjWP aft iwidMg. ! 'mlPIfl COME 2 3 PJno8"?nd gctjonio ol the RED SOIL wblch gives tli rich color 2 FRUIT 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts from 5G to $125 por acre. If you A wl3h employment while tho trees and vegetable are grow ing, yo can cet It near by. at 3 Fines, the ncv lumber city. HOWfcAXO Room 3, 123 K. Mala Sf. - lU'Ofaz& ooooooooooooooooo O-i - Jbor riacer or Quartz Mine CALL AT ROOM 3. 123 KAST MAIN KTItKICT OCKXX0OO0O000O00O I Phoenix and Vicinity JlyT. T. RAWLINS. b'Jlip union noniw at lite nrilifli clfifrpli Int.! Hiunliiy eveiiinj,' ivns web rifftitidcil imil Ivflor Mullock of Med fori! save n'liplrntliil mldrcss. 9' Over Hupp lo one in fivpr of pro. Million jh not bud tor Phoenix. lit jfifl we rift) proud nf the rppifrd m. q flml oitr luople Imvp j,'rpfl fjdfioil "Ilie'JiS0tv4 . Aftp.r Hit pIpcUoii llifti wlinl f Well Hiurp iH-ii'Rrcfll work lipforo iih ye. ijiifl nowV'Tlife fncnl lowii Iiilcrcwt jim pop- ppulprw tu llt' will it ivnrk plant A L-riu'llv plitnl or a puinptnjr plain which 7 'Plt tiul 5u 1a i.liAniwl ' Mtt. llifj iK'sl N none too 1:001! for ih, 1 rcrliifnly jnic, Dinv. I'ure, xol iiiniinniii v.'ilcr jhikmI into nur tow cfrlilldi- Wpiilil ho urc.it. Only w. fciijil 'I'm Ih' hurt of our rjjrliti rtti privili-KtA ' flio C1irltiuii I'liunth of Anlihin. Ih iiIniiMluutfor n fjiont WvWtriiit'i'.l iiitf tiTjivuiii ulMint Hip 20(lr if thV JMUilirV.KviiiipiiUl Kntilc'ilan ' WaskiHztoiiit lo i!o ' flrVflfliinv Hi? In ftiiil t Ik ii"fr.VMiiTO-Kfti .'VAnKJittii'Hionjt pMirptr' xlfAtili nrriinjwutumUi'ifil' thp lrvI?R " "' In fcnMn. nni'ifiit liook I Jia'vo nv nltit tliih 'Vow lotiuiiiii to licr w;t liv? JiUlitf ihIji;" mill "lint ilot to lii voTillj." U Hint Wlint 'ilje vot for , wBlfclnJe iiu-jiiiK- Diiwii, ilowt ilvwrLfcJ)ifn 1(1 llio licriiKiH'I naloi'' iilMffimiilnril tiun lii oIusk iWl I'lvil KOUTIIIIIfllt fill olt'Cll.ll (fiihiulJiilIil tin I'lerlioti. fie infonn liittJtJml hH vote (tun Irtf-cly Mtpmf fnlli'r Tliov iiNn uiiiinhwfi-1 w.tq tiU mill il M. 'flu Jiii-' Aiil of tin ('liri-ti.i liurt'li cnrrii'il out their program ' liii-kcu pip dinner on plcctioit ilnv. ml n.c iih n lint senlcu lor -' eni. A Inrsi rrowil of roler nn I iIuth wiT in nltejiilnne. Mr. Ailnnis pnlor-fiVHiillist of In I'rpHljyfpffritJ Miiirf-li, lmn loi-nlpi' 1 I'Jiiipni.f, wIpti his Jmuily will rv hU. IJu.Mip1 iliMiioitly fivM rnri. lii ttdij of wwik will Imj Kotitlit-m Oregon. At th(H wrfflni; ft fWins tliBn Ims I'll 11 liloiit ilemoiTiilip vii'tory l( vit the piixt, h well xw in Orexoii eii iiiHiii'tnioy m- iiumuf ilnun hr orp ileinticriifV. Ilrluiirfii to tlu tout mill KooM'vitllisui to lint tear ciiih to 1)0 the forecast. Old Mr. Sfevpnx. nho Ijvbh Imlf n life ent at' town, Ik Hcriou-Jy ill at ii Iioiiii'. I'ortinl pantlvnis ihi trouble. lie Ikui not liecii tilil? to penk for hpvprul ihiyi mill rvninuis lOtl of the time in n )niiciini'ioiiH nnililiun. Thole, in nvt liiiieh hopp or hih ri'povi'rv. Tlitikt;lwils'' fonips parly thi" ear the 2StIi. Ko if !; liut Tilr off, 'lie.tjiuri'lirx in I'licnixwill unit in Ijp wsrviPi ninl U will be pnuilui'lpn t tliv; I'nMnyferiiui ulnirpli, l)e, Ilni "p, ilio pastor, pri'iitlilnir llie"nnop Itiiiimr litis II tlint Cjipi.l (iltnaii. nr obliuinK' emmly plerk, will mioii i HnKiir wit 'li!w'wrpiUiiipt Hi -er-,uin hi mm youuir ppoplii(if) lipn unlllilitiricimvill prnliitlil.rl)i1'iuii) or jwo in piiiporntHiM. or Inn!-.! wrnnpil in I'lioi-uix. .Mmlriini rnmm 1 ' erv mUp. if not .tlirvviti. ' n I'ronnlihur Uy the pnior noxt Hun-, 'n .it ili- ( liiihiinn i-liurrli, iiHirninu ' ml I'xpntnf. All i-onlmllv iutiipil. NEW TOWN of Tiircc PincS as avcII ns NEWTOWN ap ples is on (lie red soil that gives the rich col or to ij'iiit. Sec tho 5 and 10 acre tracts I have there at all pric es. I can sell you 1-1G of an acre or 200 acres on good terms. On main line of the S. P. R.R. , ASHLAND SV21V2 V) ? yWT" S1SSCU UL(Tslt XZ ' " Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Pirsition. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, .wc'will secure you a position in any at Uie large coimuemal centers. 'NO'BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT .1' ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P1UTXEU. A. M., President. MEDFQP-D THEATER Tuesday, November, 15 Billy "Single" Clifford suggests! HIMSELF' Jt H E GIRL M- A N AND' THE G' A M E ' Thfe Newesof Late Farces. 12 B;IG. ..S.ONG HITS 12 GIftLS (MEL GIRLS Dainty Divinities Who'.Smg) Dance and Delight tho Eye Sale of Beats w$im Saturtwy, November V2. pjir-csSOe, $1,00. j?l. 130. I Rowlands Or tlic VAN DYIvE REALTY CO., Room 3, 123 B. Main Street. SPECIAL . j A Small Bearing Orchard. Attractive Price - Easy Terms W. T York & Co. oKxo'oo:Kooooo:cl A j v tr- - t --& HHMNIrU m Kane's Greek Items lttl tiuidiil liciny ritiiiK liuvi. IkhUi UUg himljuinl to nii.iiini iliu niiuiu1 llir fnrmiTN iwn'plnw mill iki llirir fltll siminjf. " I.fwis & Itliohni wimp liiiiikin mice Iiiihiiip-- in .Mcilfi.nl om (Ihv ii i'ill. , ,Mim. Hwiiuloil of Mmlfnhl I, nl prfsp.it the Ktivfct of licjr tr, Amii HlxHiilwitlimi. Hnniu & Hnicter f Oulil Hill pir out thi wnv WVilni'Milny, limkiiitc af ter lfflmii)h iiitcri"N Mr. mnl Mr. N'mnn nfumt Shttilri. n csiiejilM nf Mi ninl Mit. VnU-y. Mi. Mini .Mih. (1m. Hiiniiljiilhu.i witru (lolil Hill liHllnrn Miiuln, nml dnintr irtnliiiK Hith (Inlil Hill uic piniil. Mt. nml Mrw. IIms. iirt. '! fnm. Ifonpliurcr imii iln i.-ii'iitlt In hiiim' 5 lint Hiutni Mith 1 1 ici i- ilun.Jiii-r, Mi i5 Turlor. t S 41 r. Atcrv linn coiuplt-tHil lii not) x !)Mt4t in din ikiw 11-uilv lor opim- i Onripr. - Kffld HUwIim, u liinfti lniwor ui 1 5 T (kl. pkpe. lonk a fim louil of purkfi j 2 4iXV't to 0I1I ll)l himcIjoI VMU'iy. 1 liflil piiIiIh iiuiI Mirp tliratttn oi'tfiMMBH DcniA ipiltp provuliNa in tlik -""''"'1 ' oMiiuj In 'l Iih niiiiiliiu I'liatujp in I lie' atini'silivrt. One Step will not take you far, f but it helps a few more will take you to x the I Medfordf Book tore Henry W. Savage's Great Revival of . THE , Prince of Pilsen ai- The Medford Theatre " November 12 An All-Star Cast, Headed by- JESS DANDY ' and FRANCES CAMERON San Francisco's Verdict: "THE BEST MUSICAL SHOW SEEN IN PISCO FOR YEARS." PRICES f)0c, $1.00. ijJl.30, $2.00. Seals on sale Tuesday, November 8th. X1 X ae Nursery Stock . " 4l. V ' t Let us Quote You Prices on AH Kinds of Trees and Shrubs L, B. WARNER Jr. At Warner, Wortman (L Gore Grocery- ' jS? j? j& Medford 0 0 I . . .. . . . .J t 0 i ? ! ? 0 F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD i OSGOOD & CUMMINGS i THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE.' ' IN SOUTHERN OREGON OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ,'o.st assortments. Lowest prices. I NaMNHMMMMWHWtHJUl Seventy years of experience with Ayer's Pectoral nave riven us great confidence In it. We strongly recom- for coughs, colds, bronchitis, Aik .your Potior lo name Me beit fondly weak throats, and weak lungs. It pre mtjictne for caught. tolJi, tionchllls, ua vents. It protects. It soothes. It heals. luntt. Folk fa aJvkt. j"'' Just the help nature needs. Vr f y Seventy j Weak Lunqs 3& J mend It Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficiency and economy. They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any requirements. Special prices for short time. We also manufacture t fie lard pail hea'ers. Write Karl Tt: Wu'ndt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. w. WEST LEADS B0WERMAN 4 , IN. MULTNOMAH POlMJJiANI), Or.,' Nov. 11 W ill iHiiiiplut,!) ttiturMn fttiiu nil Inn 11 pic iHnotfi (n Mnltnoiitnh piuiuIn. V IpAilji vllijHitiUmi liy I1W .nU". I i lUuhliJbu llint Yvt'h pluiiilily mIi lin TilpHlii'd til Multnomah potiiih ivliitl 0 poinpli'lp pftunt is inuilp IliitpiiXn Itnvr him ll.U'u mul Wpm iy,li! Miiix, hi tin ci.nnh. .Inliji Imiiillitf, (Umorrnllr rHiiil! iln(i fur PiiiiitiWh, lin Iippu ImmiIpi 7$W VOti ill tlltn (HHIIlh Hllh I'nill plptn nilitrna fin i n rill but Mi pn 'iiipi. bjiA. v. l,ripriv. Lirrwi- uor liittf Iff.ltM virtu, Hltilt Mm. -in lin oupn. Oipmiil W4t will I'uriv Oinj.in h iimrc thmi 1)1)1) miIcn. I'mnp't'ir u ttiiltti him Ijfull imvivpil frmn Cu I, or, .Iniflffli'ii, Mill), Pull: Hint Whim'. fountloC PRESIDENT ON HIS WAY TO PANAM ON ISQiVlli) CKU'IHKII TKSNIfig. SIJI5, off Cliiirli-loii, H. ('. N..x. II --'Jth lW.ipyit Tuft nliottnl. ik. 'riii(ipp MiUVtl f'tim Ol'iiirlp-lioi ui HDMtl ydtllnidii pii roiIJ fur Pun mnn. - Tllu jiriwlilonj n frTOfil mV huiii'il (ho Piuihpr ut 10 o'ojrftrK unl tho pionJiUiiIIiiI fim; wtu run up nml n nuliilo of 21 fp'iinH firm! ' lMjklitrpltl Hun H will InWfiJipr iluH''fir'ltii'T(1it)ipWi to ipupIi Cn Ion. tthfru Tiif I will ImiiJ. HYING TO MATCH JEPF WITH JOHNSON AGAIN IIKXVKII. Nov. U.-CIinpIph M !iImhi, ii loi-til pmuuitrr, ihm t . liui; iiHiut mmllit'i' "liulllf nf the i-nturv." IIi in oudpiuiiriiiK t u'iIpIi JfirHin. nml ,iilni.Hi, nml if v tlopiitj'l muppopiI, llu lidri nt IfAt rivpu a HhihIipi of iMUfilUlU n pHumt n miiv h fw Hiipnpipliincntiii.v tiling ihnnt ,lnuMH J. CurliPtl. phiuf mpmiI ii Hip fmiifntpil nffnir nt Upu.i. "I ippnflt Itwivpr iiiHirtliHi- mHii' till ni $rJ.VU0 if ou .it'll uitlii liilniwiu tor iiiHilhvr fiicht," Aot, ' 'phitrHplunl .Ifflrii'H. . pUriu of flOu.ono ih KiuinintMHl. will !. hu futlit. TIip onlv CMnilttii.ii h i Ui i ' .mi kwp t'orhpl uu. Wirn itnuir- ' liati-lv m il w iximhi mi to iiixU irraut!iiiieul." Sihiituix itwn krr aro (.hhimiI wniitf tin. I'nrlii'li stipiilntimi anil ui ' MtulHlf?.ii n In thr rnl nwM.iK.' huhtuil it. DANDRUFF AND ITCHIN )! SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Win piiwiiint'iit 1 1 wnv ! ilnc tin iluuilniit ci'ini I mm iHiilfrninth flu Kiu with urvuftY lotuMix or Ihih' liwr ilri'HMinr Imii I Ik. kin'. Druu: imp uM vumaiiiM JtHild nml 7Ai Mil SOAP to miiiriMv rid Ik mIi f ihu up m i lift- ihut puiiiu llu. ir.Mi hltc ZMflll nml kmo KUAP .-mi he ol (mnvil m i. i-ii ,.r i.,mii in Aiupi Auto Owners Virti rpiul uiir liibl wppIh ml didn't von. iik to ttiir mmmntppiiik' our worlcf Well, wo have prowu it to ipiitt innnv. CmII nml w- .m pnttp it tu yon. OffuttRarnes Auto Co. Elfilitli mul Central. Pimm. U.M1 Mmo. JHWWP'Vt - rx tm mid r rwoMttiMd Itw Iicki unit lltut tWwHUWlPMl IrMIHWHl tin ..i! nffiM'tiwitr. of ihf -kin, in si 'l,i, whelkpi m inlnnl nt unk it ni-.m. i Oiih blmui.Mi uiili ZI'.MO SUA I' tm.l Hppliriilimi if KM') Mill .lni ii. ! . htK Mftd i-lraiiN.. t In ,i.il,. ni ilnn.luif' Hnd oil i . nit ii .'l !.. 7.KMO mid, HriMO blUP muU it ii.t vnltirlt Kiilisln-il wA ill n'fnhif uiir iim ll.i-kllis Ptm; S,,,,. -- . i MMIfW Yh Iff ' H it a tuiiice to be piinttJ, eiunicled, named, vinmlicJ, ot rinulctl in iny my, tlirre'iinAcnie Qutlity Kind to fit thr iuiiute. Olmstead & Hibbard I Paints and Finishes " for rau rixmg up No money brings such satis faction as a few cents spent in the Kail for "touching up" shabby floors, furniture and woodwork. All winter long the bright, attrac tive tRjcl wholesome home is a source of constant pleasure. ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES are the kind to use. Simply tell us what ou want to do aii(& we will give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for. your particular purpose. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall Hoiue Painting. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don'b 'delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street I - -J I ------ - - -"---.4.,.4..- A to tUtt turd urticlo vou vant I ' Yu in i s.ive Ipi. dollar oi iimK Hill i mki tlip ihipp altr:iPltc nnd Ion ppj-N llirmuh rp.ul.ut Hi. .pi. ...U the .id caphul That's nil' ' f . u Honj a humn U..,,. 1 I J. E. ENY.flT, Pr.idout J A. PERRY, Vice-President. I JOHN S. ORTH, t'ashior. W. K JACKSON. AsA Cashier. THi: MEDFORD NATIONAL ' BANK Capital, $100,000,CkO Surplus, $30,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT COXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING ttiSlHESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. a: I -- -'-----; - 4 V--..-4. liHitUtlH f