Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    tt,rfi...i(w..JMJ1rJirr .f.M,.. Yr-'-f-ti-fc1',i'1--Jt-HV'jTl "'-,- y4.rt.ttwJyLMri-r.rr.t..f-.
Chains Dim ford of Jacksonville
waa In Medford Thursday on a busl
ncsu trip.
Ileiny Foster of Covo, Or., Is In
M nlford attending to business mat
J. D. Oarlock of Garden City, Kan.,
I" 1. oio on a business visit.
1. 11. I'arker of Yreka, Cal., Is
aniens .Med ford's lato visitors.
11. 11. Colo of Colcstln was in Med
foid Tliuisday. '
Klfty-thieo ucrcs special, 10 acres
rouilnj; Into bearing orchard. Call on
J. U. Wood, Condor Water & Powoi
Co.'s office, tf
li. T. Huiuelt, county recorder,
was in .Medford Friday morning
Is your i oiiso wired? Onu cigar
less a day would pay for a hundred
ptr ctuit Increase In comfort. Start
living the electric life. tf.
P. M. Kershaw visited Grants Vast
Tnuirtday on business.
Every but electricity give
off tJiMiiolce and smoke contains &001
whlc.'i Jeposlts on your wall paper,
curtains, draperies. Electric light
kIowh lu an nlr tight bulb. tf.
q. 1.. Gant of CentVal Point wiu
a visitor In Medford Thursday.
Dr. Stephenson, gradunte optician,
fits glasses to correct any defect ol
the eye. Office over Allen & Ilea
gnu's. I'houo Main 1851. 212
On Newbury was at Woodvillo
Fnliyn, n's nltorney for young Mnt
, liatuiiier, who w nceii'-cd of eluisinj
leer with ilojj.
Almi.'-Ktiul Co., exclusive agenti
- for propel ty In Crescent unil Wake
flld, Or., towusllesi on Hill's nov
' railroad. See them.' Crescent it
division point. 220
l It. Wiuv of Anslilitnil wiih !
INiedfnrtl vihitor Friduy.
Coiiliuctois win, htixv week com
plele the new sewer system in So lit I
m-u Addition, giving sanitary scwei
uge and drainage sower, In addltloi
to 30 lots lu this addition, only Mv
blocks from Main street, the cloj
ett-lu good residence lots uow of
ferlng In Medford. The matter ,o
putting In the drainage sewer af
fords ppportunlty to drain basement
Hiid cellars and brttu nbout the bes
sanitary conditions. Modford's up
to-date people only want up-to-datt
conditions In their residence ijitn
lets. tf
Ileiliert II. Xenle of Oninliu, U '
Mi'dl'md on n Iiiimiiphx vii.
Six hundred reet of now cemon
m sidewalk now being Installed ot
I grade established by the city engin
' et-r en South Riverside avenue show
li the growth of the city. A large tei
J rltory In this section will bo takei
months. It Is within a few block"
of atalir street and tdiould have beev
lncludfjl lu the city long ngo. It
.1. W. ' lire Wmiihille iner
(limit, was in Medford Friday o.
' liiiHilie's..
'.Ijml received, another shipment o
tu'tyuu'?, street lints, beavers, fu
hifts, at prices to suit your purse
Mm. Salter's Home Millinery Shop
coluor West Ninth and Peacii sts.
I.owls 11. Stanley of Portland wni
In Medford Friday on a huslues
trip. Mr. Stanley was formerly It
the mercantile business In Medford
before the town commenced to grow
uw admits now that It Is the hoc-
town lu tho state of Its size. "She",
gels a little larger every trip," he
Juvenile .Dancing .club will hold
their next party nt private hall, Nat
atorlum Monday, 1-tth lust. Dancing
S:.'!(J sharp. Iluzulrlgg orchestra.
Major Canon spent Friday In Jack
h'liivllle on business.
John Williams of Talent visiter
Medford Friday.
Huy. only tho hardy, non-Irrigated
i'r bud on 3-year-old roots. Sold
by the Oiogon Nursery Co. of Oren
eg. llepieseiitatlyo office In Med
foid. Unexcelod variety In all fruit
Wilto us. Will bo pleased lo call
Oifgon Nuifcoiy Co.. Medford, Or.
St. Mark's Church.
Sunday and lieroalter the hervieo
will be held in the Ouild hall af St
Mink's lilnek. Sunday mtIiooI at 1
n. in. Morning service at 11. N
ovonintr servioe. Here we .shall have
plenty of room, and everyone is ver
cordially invited. ThK Sunday pIosok
mv MfMt yeur a. lector, mid I shal
mnke a ieol of Hie yeat's work am
all memliers of Ibo coiigri'siitinii nr
iii;eiillv i()iiietei to he prcc:.t i
ftic morning service. c
It Is easier to preserve the color of Iba
Lair tlu to r-itmj It, alllioujU It I
;oiMe to do both. Our grandmothers
unJerMood tho wtTt. They made and
ued a "mik ten," and their dark, glouy
hair lonj.iir middle life was due lo tbii
fact. Our mother lue prjy hairi bv
afore th-y are fiftj, but tb.-y are begin
nlns to appreciate tho wiloni of ou.
fOindniothers In uslnc "4.' tea" foi
their L.iir, mid ar fat fullJSliii u.:
The preut j'narOlon liai th advun
tstf of tu jet la tlut It can -t i
tniy to u preparation calM Wvlb'
fc'CJ.'" "' SulpUur. A a soul;) tou.j i
Color r"tr -, thN pfeparjtijn u vaiI
superior th- ordinary "t9 ta" ait 1
by our i.-jndjnu.'lier, "nl It cm b
Jmni'it for fJ ivmH and ?l a l)l '
Mui.t ov lift " d'ur kione, r w.l
be rrat C ay ! WjrtU I'Vii'li'
Cowimnv. H CortlaiKlt SU l w otl
City, u;ou rvtlpt of jule.
KINS. MKDKOltl). Ult
How It Would Afftct Man'. Weight on
the Celestial Bodies.
If the planet Mars bo really Inhab
ited the people who live there must bo
an exceedingly uglle race. The av
erage weight of a man Is about 140
pounds, but the foree of gravity on
Mars Is so much less than on the
earth that the HO pound mnu would
weigh only ufty-thrce pounds If he
wero transported thither. With such
tight weight, and still retaining the
same strength, an individual would
be able to run with the speed of an
express train, go skipping over ten
foot walls and do various other ex
traordlnary things. On the moon a
man would be even lighter.
But on the sun our HO pounder
would have bis troubles. Itrstead of
being an airy Individual be would
weigh in tho neighborhood of a ton
and three-quarters. He would prob
ably have the greatest dlillculty lu
raising his hand, 'for that member
would weigh nbout 300 pdunds
According to scientific computation,
a man who on earth weighs 1 10
pounds would on the other celestial
bodies weigh as follows:
Tho moon, ?3 pound; Mars, M
poundsVcnus, 114 pounds: Mercury,
119 pounds; Neptune. 1123 pounds:
Uranus, 127 pounds; Saturn. KWi
pounds; Jupiter, 371 pounds, mid the
sun, 3,871 pounds. Chicago Tribune.
Trie Misfortune That Came With a
Terrible Tumble.
Fowling Is now very little practiced
In tho Shetland Islands, although many
eggs are i secured annually. Many
thrilling stories of fowling adventure
aro told by the Shctluuilcrs. A man
who bad undertaken to climb a certain
jiteej) cliff was neither very experi
enced nor ver.l brave, although he
boasted of being both He pushed up
ward, however, briskly without look
tng behind until he had got up aboiii
tCO feet, when he stopped to breathe
t'ho pause was fatal to Ills self pusses
lion, and lie called out lu tunes of ter
ror. "Men, men. I am going-1 am go
Ing." Hut he still held on fui a little
ind It was not till he had jdirlel.ef
many times "1 am going" that he dli"
fall headlong.
Ills comrades, having thus been
warned, moved the boat out of the wnj
o that the poor fellow came sheei
down luto the deep water. Might)
was tho plunge, but at length he rose
to the surface, when of course lie wa
Instantly caught hold of and dragged
Into the boat. After many gahps and
much spluttering of sea water from his
mouth his only remark was: "Ch.
men. this li a snd story. 1 have lost
my snuffbox." "Sketches and Tales
if Shetland."
- -t -'iiii1 : .... rt n !!
t .. The .Lait. Ditch.
When William, prince of Orange.
tftcrtfahlt WlUhlhi.tll. of Kugland.
was elected Htadthiilder of the United
Netherlands. In itJ7 and fouuil himself
a the midst of war with England and
Franco he wns asked by the Duke of
Buckingham whether he did not see
uln Impending over his country.
"Nay." he answered. "Theie Is one
ertaln me.uis by which 1 can be sure
'u-tugh to see iny cuuutry's ruin. I
vlll die In the last ditch." And. reject-
ig all terms of peaee. he checked the
uviieIoii of Frame by opening sluices
ml Hooding every tract of laud, drove
tiem from Holland lu 1(171 and made
ouorable terms with Kugl.iml and
unlly after varying effort brought the
i:r to a successful close by a treaty
i'lth France In U178.
Cuilahy ill
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. Michael Cud-
ill V. (lie milliouaiie (Ktckir, who is ih
villi acute iiiiliuo-tinii und a cold
is reported better today. lie expect
i leave liis bed within a few daw
Good size Cotton
Blankets in gvnv onlv,
vory-1 ' ' 48r
special Ul
Good heavy Silkaline
Comforters, filled
with clean col- QOp
ton: special sOv
N. Central Near Post Office;
81x90 Blench e l
Sheets: good quality;
worth 85c; sale ftp
nvice. each .. Jv
Pillow Cases
V2 mid 45-in. Bleach
Pillow yiips; worth
av, Bpeeiaf. J
Money Saving Bargains All Day Saturday
$15000.00 Worth of Clean Up-to-date Merchandise Just Received
We Mention only a Few of the Many Bargains to be Found in Every Department
Dress Goods
We have ,jnsf opened our new
line ol Dress uootis and we in
vite your inspection Saturday.
A fine line of Plaids for
(Iron's school dresses; on
sale. Saturday, yard
New Poplin Cloth
in all shades; vory special, OCp
yard '.. 331
.18-inch all w.ooL Storm Serine in
all colors: special Satur- or
day, a yard ...'. 3Jt
New Crepe Bo, Chine in all. tho
new evening shades; spo- 7Er
cial, n yard Jw
New rain proof poplin cloth in all
colors; the host, wearing Or'
cloth made; special, yd 3"v
Now Cravonetto Cloths and
Cloaking nt, yd, $2, ffl CA
$1.7.") and fll.JU
Thanksgiving Sale
of Linens
(H)-inch Tahle Uaniask; good pat
torn; special,' a " JQp
yard .., ,... . v
(ili-iiich niereorized Tahle Uani-
vorv special, a CAn
; ; jui
(i()-inch all linen half hloached
Tahle Baniask; woVth (p
85c; special "Jv
72-inch hloached Tahle Damask;
fine patterns; worth .$1.2.r; OQ
special, yard Oyl
Ji'ull si'e crochet Bqd Spreads;
splendid 1.2! val- QQr
ues; special .. 70l
100 dozen larc si'e iluck Tow
els; worth loq; very' fip
special, each A""
A Great Saving
Sale Saturday
Women's fleeced lined Vests and
Pauls; all nixes; worth (Vp
31c; special, eaeh Ch
Boys' and girls' Vest, Pauls and
Briiwers; J1 sizes; worth OA
!!")(.; special Saturday 7v
Women's Union; -fleeced lined;
regular and extra sizes; CZn
special "J
Women's and children's heavy
cotton Hose; special
2i5c hastforever Hose
12 l-2c
'A now lino of women easlunertf
Hose at 20e, W)o, CQr
and vJv
Winter Coats
Women's heavy Kersey Coats in
black only; special,. tfA tlti
Saturday, each plJjvl
LaVogue Suits
in all colors and styles at, each.
Jj.i,C0. 2fl.OO MSfM
.. -.. .!..., ft,.. . t
A new lino of loner and short, Ki
monas in silk and flannelette, atJ
each, $10JQ0f ..fn.00,, fQt
l.8iurtl J0
Childrens' Coats
$12.00 VALUES $9.9f
10.00 YALU1SS $6.98
$8.00 VAI.UI3S ,$6.98!
$7,00 VALUES $5,98J
Good Motions at Littlo Pricoat
t,. 1
Hair Nests, each ..;.,
(.uiod nns. paper .
Hooks and lOyos, card .
' i
- t
H-. Htu
TOKIO, Nov. 11. After Unco
nyH Kpent In 11 .Iiipanosu prison u
'ojl, cliarsL'il with iibIiik a ciuilcni
Itliln tlio iirosrrlliuil district, C;i)i
1I11 rianU M. Mlllor of tlie Unltcil
tntos army. Ktntlonod In the l'lill
)pliu's, wua roloasfed today.
Miller wan within tho throc-mllo
'inlt at MoJI when nrrcitod, hut ox-
11 Inatlon of tho films lu Ills camero
illed to dlbcloso pIctnreH of tho for-
rieatloiiH, no his ruleiiHu wan order
M lifer said ho was not uwuro that
iniern:i weie forhidden hi the ills-
let In which ho w,ih urrosted. Can-
iln Miller Ik on lenvo of absence
cm lils .station In tho I'lilllpplneH.
Weeks TMcGowan Co.
Niht 'Phones:
F. W. Wooks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
UaM;!nB for health.
If it's merely a question of
what you can "get along
with, use an ordinary paper
for your business stationery.
If, however, you are seek
ing to turn expense into in
vestment, use
73 unj.irj Jjftr far imlum ilatitntry
"took fur tit Watt' ilrk
The added inJluemfc given
your messages h the clean,
crisp sheets wiil wipe out the
expense item and leave a bal
ance on the other side.
A btilr Jounxv into ll wrU; (
jruur ok hiwJ i I nrfiiik oi.r wx.
we.t I a W-U J k u lur .xci ml
Luuk at lit. wwr bwiK lcie-rjJ,
9 IMJ blftufr L4)tfne. lufia. wurd Ih)
cr.pkMl 4J bfriJ n n . i.jr uj
lounnuutvroi li-u IIu"'u.iii.u.
ll". WUlli I4..U1J
XIlL)f Hhutmh
PriN Lour . . .r
oulr v-yi mm r ..
th W nuiui U ij
Klamath Falls Lots Wanted
l want to Purchase 4 or 5 well situated lots in
H )t Springs or Hillside Addition, Klamath Falls,
Please Give lot and block number and price.
Address Box 84, Kenton Station, Portland, Ore.
Parties moving will do well
to call on
to handle their household i
foods. They pack and ship:
I'urnii'uro and unpack and';,
set up furniture- and do haul-j
in; of all kinds. Kaggago in-J y
eluded. I'liono 21f)l. i ,
For the Ambitious-
gl Hntl)ecfftpf 1
b, mall fir thci. whs cuuut tlul U
v.rtou Ail loiirubitw. lariuauiE onu
f 1....1 i. iritlrir w.. UJh,a
lud.ut. pi.panut fur culle or nult mI
bum luikeri Iii irMlnilDrjr riaml-
Qfafelipse of Lard Troubles,
' .'-.S ,.
,'-iif. ' -eragH
;" V,tnliaJ
tiun li iMuiifl
1 till IAU DUUTM mMI
tut Tun.
tfctuX tot a dttcripUr bmll.tln to tk
Corr,l"',u!Br lu1r IWi.rliaul
UlrrUy of Oregon
Eagcnn - - Ur.n
iiomr Mtrriious ix tiir p.ictoiiy.
Every one Kpows what sotilil liapjieu
if a liouscuifc put dawn her fruit and
jellies by simi'ly pouring tliem from the
Kettle into the jars and allowing them
to stand with loose covers. Her fruit
would soon ftruitnt :tu spoil. Cook
iiii; Uts arc Ju.i jj ibhle to spoil, yet
ino4 mainitaiturcrs 01 lard and other
looking fat pav their products in tubs
or ooc-cAe-"' tins, exposed to air,
dubt rfiid odors.
C (llcltMe. however, is nacked in nails
J of drsiiiit, scaled aboliilcly air
tight, ti-Jt Hit iintkrrs (juarantee
( i it.. It uc to remain indefinitely as
swiet and ji 'rtsli as the day ft was
Medford Printing Caj
ft Centml Av
Lard is thj firc-runm;rt)f indigestion.
Tho hog-fat coaks the pastry through
ana through, nils meats inside and out
with a thick, unhealthy grease that the
digestive juices cannot penetrate. The
result is a call on the doctor whose advice
is to go on a diet and avoid all rich food.
You can eat pies, cakes and all kinds
of pastry if they are cooked with Cottolene,
for it is a pure, healthful, vegetahle-oil
product that contains no trace of hog
fit, and does not make food the least hit
From Cnllonfijld to Kitchen human hands
touch the oil from which Cottolene is made.
r -suit is that when you huy Cottolene jou get a
coosmg tut upon whose nunty and cleunlmiss
you can absolutely rely.
4 . -h
r- , A
j? . A
Made only by
Till; N. K. 1 'A IK HANK. COMI'ANV
I'OKTI.ANI). No. t TIih Ik-hoIi
i.imi- li ilir )iU'l . Kidunitilud lo
Suinlnv. Xiim-hjIii'I' I S, li boots ohl
iMiM-d mi iiw nut oj ' h I'ui-i.ii. nun
mil. ttlncli lm iiiotaMi.nlii.jl UwrH
iilmii purk into mi Al iiu! ni.
Allh'xiiili -vhihI of thi. Uii(iii
urn .nixioiu U nmko trnokfc for other
llIM" lll(' limit iiuuiiHiii)y flttifid
i . . ii. ,. in. is l'Vi titjxl si u lit I as lititsti'i
,. ih. v ml . fff ike local fut i'l'lt,lJoman trophy haco on tho mo- of nrniod rniadiuiH. loluy am iarcli
Savvannali Races
8AVAN..AJI. (in.. Nov. 11. Iiau
o In h Muiiiiou car lodnv won th"
SavHimali fuiloinuljjltf cliullunKo tro
Knolppor In n I.anola won thn
run for their lnonnjr.
vi tor poudway course today,
old Lulu McLaughlin on u loutdy
country road ami i-scapod )ntui
ranclnnou, who hoard hor urloa, ruuld
I r in u tho MCi'rtu.
1.06 ANUKMiM. Cl . Nov. II The girl wtuj rutornljig fm o'iol
Deputy ihuilU. awlitwl by u ww whon ulio woh attacked, -Sho fiocd
Inn Hid t utter u duviHirHto slrucglo.
n for u man who attackud ll-yvar- Bho lu tinder the doctor's euro,
1 M
? .(