XJ h 'M WWPRtdfe5Vr .x- i ,.... .J.. f .-,.. ,Vi,.'nftnij1 i--71""t TTTTJ.r,-wxVPVOj"Vy:VCTT3rr,r:'n,1r-'v H-'",t' Jtij 1 MEDFORD MATT, Tl.'TlUINR T1TCDFQT?1 OKKOOX, TIintRIUY, XOVKMBKR 10. 1010 If- , h' i ; ii ,?, - . . I J MEDI'ORD-iMAlL TRIBUNE AH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER UBLlHHrn DAILY EECEM? SATUS DAY CY THE MEDrOUD PRINTIHO CO. V- ELECTION RESULTS. v A cotmolldaflon of the Medford tlntl tabllfln-il IHH, Hi" HontlH-rn OroROii Inn. 8t(ibl1i!lir.l 102 th Dcoincnitie rimiB, vnlHbllfihpd 11172. the Alilitnd rrlhunr. ..ntullllitlintl 1906, nnd tlio Med- ford Tribune. rautilllid liCt j. W(1.jj Till' result of the national election caiiiiptJ)c construed otherwise than as a protest against niuVoveriiinent -against the rule of special interests. The Pavnc-AIdrich tariff bill was the direct cause of the uprisiiiL' at the polls. The tariff taxed poverty instead wealth. It needlesslv increased the cost ot living tor 'kmkok ttnam. iMitnrj 'Mawj; i tl)( benefit of the trusts. It was a direct violation ot Xrtml VwS?a&a&uh&Z'rHH's campaign pledges, a repudiation of the interests of t-dford, 'Or.'Kon, under the act of ju, ,nm. f(,,. )(, privileged lew. I TfSl-.TTr'of liTa of 1S3SS The democratic landslide is not due to confidence in nunacmrTioN iti?"- U"' democratic party, hut to lack ol confidence in m re- 6 JSKhVA v ''' v':i :" l',,I,,, Pai-ty-a i-ehuke to its ontrol. ...... pX?foni. .' Roosevelt, by his meddlesomeness, by his dictatorial, roiij bossyuess, hy ins graiuisrano appeals anu gaticry jjhi nig, contri bnte( in no small decree, .lie snartcrcd commence in himself by appearing as an insurgent in one part of ." s r J 5 s ml ('..nlrnl Point fuiidny only, ti mull, lr yr Wfrkly. per ).ir l.tu rail tesied Wli Unlttd Pmm pupaicnn m Mall Tribune la on ule ut the j (l( COlllltl'V Mill aS a St aild-p.'tt tlT ill OtlU'l' SCCtlOltf, 0V "f.mi7i'iSlN.taHuU"rMCun. I siii)port)ing Meveridge in I ndiana and by supporting Lodge w Vi""wmu.". VittiS.rliv"A , j in .Massachusetts. In fact, t)ie country lias been suffering Mnti-I Spokanr Nv SIttnd anokanu. rotr Ktr. I to IMitBv'puuer X to XI-ynKo imiwr M to St-iutKP iwiiM-r lc 2c 3c S HWOBM CIKCUX.A.TIU.J. Avpiiiuu dolly ror Novwiilwr, 1 lS . ' Urcellll.fr, lSUS Jinunry. !! MHrcli, 1010 M'HI. ISI0 May, ll Jum, 1910 ... July. 1KI0 ' tllKllM. 1I0 1,700 1.342 2,122 05 i.'soi 2.U.U 2.B02 2,624 2,527 HIOrOBD, OREOON. MelropullM of tfiitlieni Otifin niiJ Korlbrrii l-'ulirornln. und tlio fuatcnt rolni; rlty In OroKon. I'ol.ulullon, 1910. M?Aa bt nk d.oi Ih 12.760.(100 l-Vw, hnildrpd Ihiiuwiml '. J',,1lr irmer HyBiimi coinuletfd in July, mo, Jvlntc fln"l wuppiy puro mountain I'dlVtten ..illen of "trout lielnir paved tt .com I exc-ed I rl if $1,000,000, making a ml of twenty iiillmi f piivoment . I'oHlofflon rroilptii for year "''" June 30, I910, allow a snln of "J per 5HnnnVr fruit city In Oron - UoiJiie TIIvit iipplea won aweepatnken p uo and iV'10 "Appl. Klntf of tho VfoiA" tft tlm Nntlonul 7kpplB Show, Hpohfnf. 1909. Hokiiu Jtlver peara brm ht lilKh wM price In nil nmrKeta of ilia world durlnK the pnat flvt yenrn WiHe Comnteiolal Club. 4iclolnB 6 rent J for poKtOK" of lhn fit cominu illy pnmplilet aver written. ATTEND COLUEGS. Arrauto to ottond the Eugen Biui Inrna Cbllogo, Mid Xofua Koiyo- gtiod position when you trJuat. tcr now, Sc.id for our aw e 'Iokiib. H Wt 8eventh itr. j . NO'I'IOK. ?i pr Btnarnn ImH moved fjroHPVi IaMi'ii Sr ltoaEan'8 to noWqurnutt-Oo 4 bulldlni.. '"-' ! Where 'to ''feo Tonight ' " "NAT" THEATRE xJ&umrxHm Itircii. . aJ' ir-!- -Vory lnl.tMV l "' .'-v c.. o i... ttirmUtorfcnaiiKO vCcryiPMu"Ji Tuohtlity iuul Friluv. Xiifii(l'c ovtjry Sivtyr3iJ nnl: Stnolity a :30 p. in.' iKI- I A cor.y llioiitor annil comfurt- ulilu seats. ,.-. lOc-ADMISSIONIOc. a F9 u- GO Hichton VautlcvillS Wd Movlny .$ TONIOUT Flint A)Kiuranco oC ANDY McLEOD I Welt-kii-tttii Irish STjiKB - Miitiunl ComctHnn. SONG "Little Mnhl nf Old Clil- caiio." by Musical Four. Hioii 7:illl i. in. 'Yililicn, J(Uk AtlultH. 20o. THE SAVOY I Ut.4riit' Ksrltiiuxe l'loluru The nlor. iAtwl . IJeiiLaml 1'lioto- ,! W One Dime X M.r One Dime. THE ISIS THEATRE THE VAN DAHKLEY CO. WITH JIMMY VAN, 0kmi loiiiuht 1ii thu'r iln, ! ARMSTRONG & KELLOGG, CttHMMlv Mii-Hiil Skeli-li, oii Siinilav, 1 lih. with itur u-uh! tlnt--rwi- ut Kt"i hikI LiIiI Picturt ui Illiiirnii1 Souc Well ltat () iuul iililati'il NATATORIUM from too'iimch Roosevelt. In Oregon the election of West in a protest against as seniblyisni, ahd all that it represents. It is a triumph' of the principles of"popiilar"goveriinicnf over those of "rep resentative" government and is a final notice to poMticiuns that the people do not intend to restore old conditions. ' The election is also a tribute to the confidence and ea-i teem in which Oswald AVest is held and an appreciation of, his faithful public service in the past. !Mr. West will I make the best governor Oregon ever bad. lie is tne most promising young man in public life in the state the man who "makes good.'-' With a majority of over 12."50, .Jackson county is the banner WestJ'oun'ty in the staty. Mr. West carried al most even- precinct! ' I Ier carried both MeMfoVd and Ash land by about equal majorities approximating 100 each. Jackson county also gave Snijth a good .majority and prov ed in other ways that Hie Rogue River valley is the most progressive section.. of Oregon politically, as well as in other Ways. The cunty coinnii.ioiui:JIight, .tlui h a rdn.st fought of any local contest, resulted also in a triumph for progress". Although the progressive vote was split betw'een two can didates, they polled between them over double the vote of their opponent. A v lb '- 4 if V i' fk., tl I VERYTHING IS READY EOR n;si & ZL -U SHOW i I Siuliuf r.lnr. Haiinulu, IVuil, I'.uxIhiII mill Jny WIimI. BcM Music In Rip V.'est. Next Monday World Will Gaze on iMW0 Ml WlqArc .if! Fine as Any In Any Part of tne World, fri' sii.i; i jNlr V"?: sroKANK. NTv. in.-- KtmthiiiK h lii nmilliiu for llu lliln! iiatlmiiil ipplt aho. ltttglniiliiK uot Moiulay iftoriuioii ami niulniilur llinniKboiit hr wrmi fjfiviflffr-'Wfift Sut iii lny ulgl.t Tuo million niiplus. MWJWllnffiilo;f(1'pxiiPfrmfti ii tlu jtli-l. of tlu roiumerrlnl orrlj uUgnfllitf lljifl'lc jjiyl.iuiRtUVlon 5i& ilJ"liil"Kt-iuiiv(nii(lr iiiiivjimuj. u illrpluvoil on dccoiateil nirks unit n licautlfully arnuigixl bootlm iimlor l.f iHTKOat itrctcjl Of PtlllNRi iivr hh;ihI on Oil i-o)i tliicnt. nml uhen "ronlilfiit Taft loticbtM w golden liut- oii In thi white lioimc at 10 n 'clunk ....... ...... i in i l III I I'lUllll' 1 1 hum n win kitt- hlie atxnal to "oimii thtt iw" fb w moat comproUenalvu t)hoaltlon of .lie klnU ti .world ui yt tu. Thiw will the fforU of trnl uiudiml growsrs lu various imrU of tlto notthwtt iitil a bom or tnorp if 'men nnd wniitcu Horklu. unUrtf c illrectloii of Itvn U WW. era. rr nml nwuNRr of tli nation ji;ilt. hoH, luroritorattH), reach ill linmx. iritn an educational Nf llbllioH ttafit la not only original In ht a0 of unlauc expoaltloaa. tout i Uao conatfrtlvc In Ut wlitanrat ffwet. T1 primary iiurpoMtf of ifc how ra (o earouraat iicrfcctlon l :rnlnK and urvparlni for th mar mi the rtckiww WNlgwd tttpwrur of fruit . to oolarii th orchard acra.f if the country and to uopularla bo ililt a a tiapl food throuRkout Ut) '.'nltiHt Btatw and CauaUa and IB 'ortdgu lauda. VnnufMlonahl. th two thowa la ittiiH a ut Ikon wr the ramui of In- rtliiK thouMRta of men anil soun-ii In tn culilvallon of lh ap- ! unit u a rwtilt tha trull la tu4a hi- moat widely and frequently UU imwrt pioduct v( farm ajid orchard iv-.id.Mit Taft. whan In tbU city on hl watr tour In !,. connrff l,U ho h aald to hi koala ou lk v to I lay dn Uk lu aortherr In ho "I'mHI 1 came to Spokane I 111 not kuu taut the apple woutl im day icuaie nattoal laane. Hi.- apualtlott. iuao by the apple ta io (urn brought the apple InW world-wide proMtuence and, aa ueawnce. Ike products of thi northwiMtera orcbards comma ad lk luaikttta of Kurop and Australia, aj well a 'if America Uvalui'iK tlu- onnrmoua baiwllia 0 thU llll'li Ilklli4 li" -' Hk 'm Rl' huadi'1" a " iniik'" i)m , on iii, i bo, Muiii in i t tiiitn in i hi I i' iiilu lace of Billl.ih t'olumlila and othk' lii 1 1 ( ' I nlieti Ht.iifH tun! fan ihIm aixt '" 'uiiImiihI h luiinn- ' , i ilk III , III ll' illllli -lull i 111 ii i I i I l.rt ll l i i i . i n j i ,. . v. i t it r t'O FIFTYONEBODIES FROM Om HOLE List of 25 Rccovcrctl Alive Cut tl ;I0 Whrn ltjWn Loaimin Th Duiiiifl Confusion Snini1 acres of the very best sticky soil; hree-fourtli mile from new townsite 01 Eagle Point 30 acres in 4 and 6 year old treesNewtown and Spitzenberg. Prac ttcally every foot of the balance in culti vation. Well fenced and cross fenced. 6 m , good horses, 1 cow, 40 ton of hay, wagon, ,ij:,;,hack and all kinds of farming implements. Price $25,000 and very liberal terms. Mv h i V! 1 fCountc TIMNIHAI), f Kill -one limlii' vvorf ! V fttntrcit Mi;.siiij Colo., N'l. 10- i IumI lii'i'ii li'i'iiMtrc ri-iitn llu nunc il lite Vii'l'U Auu-r! Kile. jiLuiiiUauL ImTn-. ..Uia-lnt til 2'r icciivcted n!if vii cut to It wheir it wni-lenrniMl tlint lirth("vun ( fiiMiou whicli H'ih'i niiiuiul yl'if mo mil of the ili(TtijfirfYim piiOatl i'ii' coiintcil tvlii'i. (r'tfinunt Tf Utofllfow'hoiujeil hy lluvxtd Klllott. pnmldiMit of t'uo Voi-thoiu rpclfic rallNMiy couipkny, ho will bo lu Htlondanre tnugli nt tbo week, ami nu o.mhU1ou, tht IKe of hlch the world list uerei iion, awulta tbo iionnlar rerdlct. Not will (he public he dleapoRlnted. Kv-r- fenturo on tlie profrr.i:i will he ireacuttMl; In 'ret. tin- mauagetitwit ffeia h dollar'a worth of iuforma tlon and ttnterialuwetit for overf SO entH paid at the ontrnnre. The enoaitlu l not a inoney irklng t)terp"'ae 'la.anjf lepae of the Tin. aud It M an upon ipteatlon if . It could eser be placud 'ipou a aelf .upoi tlua bail, bacaua. tho teat nchidiuK prison and preuilicu iniounllna to $10,000 thin year. Ii 'dtSitluM to expenditure Involvluv ior than llH.noe for temporal) ttittrtkrea. bancla of inua!c and ainite'- ut feature sd ike ihmi of maln- jtlnlna a I urge off loo force nnd toad taft more ,han Mix month prlnr t l'o ponlug of tho ibow. Thu innu- Kemeat leieudi upon Ibc ku'c -Ipta and tbo aale of coHCoaatoiiM fm ta revenue. N charac la made iu -xhlbltlon iace and the vailoua im 'eat, raaxing from a full carloa! t i tingle plate of five aple. an- r-.. nd o)Ha lc the world. iuiu t h. :itea are opstod the iunn.ii; in. n III l-ave evpoaded and oMUu"'' h df to lh ctont of alio.it f i:. miu '- not tbla rHQ back meant- ' verage iwli ntenln f i'1'" i.Ha dalU Hot Including ewwou Ickct. The ahow wlM be forrialh up. n y tlic "Ure Wire" iaaocltl:i i teed of roprewntallvea of '.nu i lerclal organ ItatUuaa In 'he mrt) eet. the morning of Nt.vombcr 1 1 'he detogatea will be tbo firt to l. he aiblblm. this taking i-i.u- fiu a to ii an o'clock, of ci i u tu -III bo a noonday inct.won in 'in (all ol the l)Mjaa. where ri.lilu 'Hloit an1 U P. C'ler Van HIm..' ,i ii ii. f il I'Hjitl n( iruu-c ill ' ' iii i -(torn Kollow iK thU fnnctlnn. whltb ta t If tu llll.ll 'l' MHIItHK 111 H'l III II l':'' -. i ii mil iii 1 1 1 ii ui i in a ,1 I . ..I.. I i ' , -, VI . I 1 ' li.fil.lt rmes 6 Office over Empormm M Ii ariiebur, Exclusive Agents m "nl l'-il1 I t- Dry Yotei- Clofhfes -on a Wei Washday' With a New Perfection .Oil He.atez; '.W( NVhen clothes can't be hung outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a BFBCTI 4 MX 3lX$ s 'snssss 1 3 Season Tickets l "Nor ilui NATATORIUM H MOKCt,ES9 Al:olutcly smokeless and odorless It elves lust as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless and smokeless. It has an automallc-lockSnrj flume spreader, which prevents the wick from being lurned liinh enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, be cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily unscrewed for rewicklne. An indicator Shows tl'e aut.nt of oil in the font, nilrr.cap docs not need Io be screwed dowi.Vul Is put in hi - a cor in a bottle, and is attached to the fontbvacln n. F.ni-ti"Jtntapuoi i ivlul, stiougandaur .le, well-made, built fors.-iics tnd et lig'it .ind ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. DiC'tri Eitiywktrt I vt ot jr f ' JttC"'Jt I'raJ.r Nurmfm't f ik j . t im nvjnnnT Standard Oi! Company n. rszzMX&msmmmmtB E VERYM AN'S T?g BRU5H r A f RUNABOUT K tna .ai cMtmiitfMi tltf Hi'ii-li-' Il nvt yii Imiii1i1 do m. .i h li.. - i , -'iime iliKiiiii'tixe feuluriM. Alxntlulfh tht eniuot inlu mr iliu i-.iivfl i iu iitf'iinl ' i - ("lu: i iMn-tnn' Hul-r i.mv :.., iu- i! Iimi. I' ( 1' - '" IUMI W MKII. M.-di.n.l. UJ S mrmmmmtzmmKmmmmmmBmmmmamemmKBMmmmmmmBmmmmmmam Entertainment Course A iv Now READY FOR DELIVERY .uid inny lu Iuul ;il dm X;il. IJo. Ol'lico or HusUiuV Hnift. Stoiv. Price $2.50 wliicli iws holder choice reserved seal for cadi of tin fivo ontorlninniGiiiij. l'lie first uumhor of tho Course i f i ii i u . ' M.t liiun NOTICE To Real Estati Dealers--My place if off the market. J. E. Hart, 199 Eagle Point Ore. MADAM LANGENDORFF CO. OF ARTISTS From the METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, NOV. 17TII ' . Tho first four Oouornl salu bi- St-at Salo ojkmk l I liwkiirli Xv. lutli la. liuiiliAfl tuaonaou tU'kol ltuldeis. Kins Moiidny, Novomber Mlh. Pii.-cs, $i.oo. Moi.,,. Sll,JS(,H1)0 for ft Roason tukiit 1 I I I .l "x1 "ill M - rm