!SjaM$te! I -V v . A ft JW '" i? ?" it s x ' t HI, mi I3H" 1 f toil MEDFORD AIAIL TRIBUNE. AUSDtfORD, OREHON, THURSDAY, NOVEAIB131M0, .1910. jry ii erf rr r "' T T1F V .'' -li' ASHLAND GLOB BOULEVARD IS 10 BE SURFACED' ELECI OFFICERS I Asliland Rushinu Work on Popular (g. G. Etibanks Elected President Driveway-Paving Is Brlntjinu ' Report of the Secretary Shows the Out to the Best Advantage ASHLAND, Nov. JO. Now that tho paving improvement is looming up on lliu boulevard, properly own-er;-, tin hep,in to roiiltr.0 I lie .scope ol"l,ho work and wluilk It menus in the viii of sith'ituntiul betterment. Club to Be Doliid Anjrcssivc Work for Upljulldlntj Community. ASHLAND, Or.. Nov. 10. Tlio bono of contention at the HOinl-aniuial inPOtln'K of tho AHhlnn.il Commercial club was "the unlaYy of tlio publicity inniniKer, H. O. Krolibnck. Slxj Algjonh he figures respecting thoonths ago Uil club created the of-j big job have been given niuny limes, nco or publicity manager lop. one they nre repented ns a reminder .f the extent of the paving area m thai locality. The limits on the boulevard work', for this season at least, extend from I lui junction witli .Main to the east line of Ourficld street, or practically opposite u Granite' Cily liospilnl. 'Micro i;, really u double line of pn.vi.nj.', riiniiing on the north, and s'oiVUi sides -tif the street respective ly, wiOi'a'wide parkway in the ceu l.e Kai'h'paved section, is 211 wide, tho, eenter'parlrway being 24 feet.' in width. 0p to Friday last the paving had been completed eastward ns far if Morton street on the north side, nnd on Liberty street oil the south side. Crushed rock is nlrcadv distributed to flic limits on one side of the street, while on the other grading operations nre nearly completed ready for the material. The curbing is practically finish ed. ' At each street inter.seetitKi tho flinbinir surrounding the parkway i. rounded at the corners, a pleasing feature addling measurably to the general, appearance. In fact, when the entire job is completed, these Mil'plivisioiiH of pnrkwav lying be tween street intersections nui, be utilized for landscape effects at least until that street railway comes along or they may be reserved I'm strictly boulevard purposes, such as a broad city avenue specially de signed for pleasure walking or driv ing, generally plnnted wiih tree-, pf ten in the center." 'Certain it' fo ' tliat ' the- bouleVard is deptiiu'd tii'luvomo nil idciil llior onehfnrcflnnd pavlpg i-i brjuging out to best !idvnnlai;e the MiildfiiutiiiMis well mi ill tractive)' pluses of streot d?velnpiiuytt. All citizens should lake' a stroll out in I hi I direction and witness the progress (oV a iiiiinicipal enterprise. Ilui benefits of whTeli nro not whollv confined ffo, botilevnid territory, but are rnlhcV li Matter of town pride in general,.. . ' ' Change Name but not year with a salary of $200 per nidnthl and electod tho secretary as such pub licity manager, 'receiving' no salary as secretary. , Some of the members took exeep-, tlou to doubling tho salary of tliutj official, and Mr. Krobbacb brought' the Issuo before the club for a de-' clslon. It was freely discussed along with tho condition of tbq. finances of Ui.b cliil), soiju of. tietv"momb.ors de claring the salnr' wns moro than tho club's finances could support. The showing niado by the secretary's ro-1 port Indicated that the club had pros pered under Mr. Frohbach's reglmo and moro than made good on salary i and expense accounts. , Ah finally amended tho proposl-1 tlon boforo the house was whether the salary of Mr. Frohbach for tho next six months should bo $200 per month. A ballot wns taken and the result wns In favor of tho proposl- tlon, 2G to 1-t. Tho discussion was ' earnest, frank, sincere nnd respect- ( ful. nnd when It was decided tho lions was unanimous In re-electing Mr. Frohbach secretnry. J' Tli fnllnvlnr nfflrora wnrn nlont- I ed: George O. Eubnnks, president. Homor Hillings, vice-president. H. O. Frohbach, secretary. J. W. McCoy, treasurer. Trustees C. 13. WatBon, six months; ' Louis Dodgo, 12 months, and II. ft. Naders, 18 months, , TWO LIVE ONES IN riKE POLICE DRAGNET The tMiiifo gathered in eight vio lators of the peace and dignity of the oily lastvnight. Out of the bunch Oiere Wept'' two live ones who had monev enough to pay the fines as-, .sessed. , , The nlhtjrs were invited to make their departure at once. The whole outfit had arrived in town yesleiday ulid had proceeded to till up '.'ither ns ucelebintinii for the victory ol the wets or to drown their MirniH on' the victory of the dry-- Ihiv were uncertain which either resiiit seemed a good twine to Ihein. One chap was arrested in n morn ing hou-e for raising a roiigh-liou-e. He d:, lurbeil the other inmate by parading the corridors in the "nl together" and declaring his ability to "lick his weiiiht in wildcats." The roomers objected w this, and whilo I he. landliidv was lelephouiiigfor the indice ihev lineil up along the hall nnd each one took a crack nt the erratic person as he cnnie by. Wliej ui'raig'ncil in coin t this moiniiig be A'cmed to have reeoveicd from bis t'eiaporary wildne-s mid .JiiiIkj Cau oiij atter vieMiisr his counteumiee n K.hibi(ltl,.ncju(jed.lhat he had had cniingh. . . t Fire Team Is Intelligent. '.Tom" and "'erry," the new fire tenm, pulled of a stunt Wednesday niijlit for which they had not been trained and fpuum it; surprise mi their trainers. . The colts have only been in train iug for about -ix weks, but during that time have shown ureat iutelli ffPnee and aptitude for the work. Wednesday evening they were be ii put through tm- drill, copsistint: of eoiuiuc under the hamei-iat the ciaiiff- ot the gong and then going bark '.In their stalls. As the team was going back after onv tnal, mi alanu eamo in from the outside. The horses were half way to their stalls PINCHOI TALKS OF ELECTION Overwhclntinn Rebuke for Reaction aries ''and Unmlsta'f.blo Demand for Kind of Proflr'sss for Which Insurflents Stand, Declares Chief. You will find tho sam faces to wait on you as you found before the saino well known quality tlio same courteous ireatmont tho samo willingness to inako right ev ery llttlo thine that should provu wrong the satno doslro on ovory one's part to please. Wo will continue- to carry tho well-known brands vt Roods that we liavo carried be fore ninfmlrt to them such others'. -Is 'wo- feel arp In do tnanil by our trade Wo hope to make this tho best and most popfilar storo ljf . Southern Oregon, and wlillg wo Teolthat wo now enjoy th-i Sargent trado In tho city ot Mcdford. wo will endeavor to Increase that business right along and If good roods and right prices will do It wo will have an easy time. Allen Grocery Co Main and Central Main 2711 NEW YORK. Nov. 10. "Tlio lo- , son taught by the election is clear, ' i said Clifford I'inehot today, in com-1 meiiting on the showing made throughout the country by the in- , Htirgcut branch 'of tho republican party. "Taken ns a whole, it is an ' overwhelming rebuke of the reac tionaries and one juiiuistiikeublc sign for a demand for the kind ol , progress for which the insurgent , slanil. The leturns I have seen show that not a single insurgent ( candidate for governor, with two ' exceptions, failed of olci'tion. nnd that every standpatter was beaten. , The congressional elections tell the same slorv. The only scrioiih resist -unco to the republicans was made' by men frankly insurgents. Where ailiiiiuistratiou limned m the cam paign, as in Ohio and New York, the democrats won. Where the republi can were not supported by the ad miuislratiou, as n California, Kan sas and' Wisconsin, the republicans won. "The people nre tiled of gowiru--uient by big corporations for their own profit. Clearly tho people re sent the failure of the republicans to i stand between thorn ami the doiuin-' ntjnu of the big interests, and th- believe that congre.-.s did not keep faith with them regnrdiu; the tariff ''When a republican emigres and a republican president nppruvi-d the iniiinitous schedules of the I'nyn.i tariff law tliuv made their ovwi de-, feat inevitable. Hefusing to rcliee the oppressed people caused the pen- j pie to turn temporarily democratic. Evidently tho republican party must be D'ortranized along progressive lines or unite biisino altogether." The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts Close to Medford. flood slcndid soil. Sub-irrigatud and above frost lino 70 acres now plant oil to poura and ap ples. Prices right and torn.'' 'easy. Let mo show you a good real omIuIu invoalnimit. Earl C. Sabin li'oom 'J02 KruitgiiHvej'ri Haul: Iluildiiig. xonri: ov kamj ok si 1,250 im-iit()ri-iK.T iioxds or Tin: CITV OK .MKDKOltl). Notice Is hereby given that the city council of tho city of Mod ford, Ore gon, will receive soaled propoisaU for JH.260, alx per cont, ton-yoar, Ira provumont bonds. Ulds to bo filed with tlio city re- 1 iiiidui in 1 bi i-iiv iiiyiiiirn 1 irttBim at the time. When the alarm nen , , . - . - rani:, ip.iek as tlu-h both horse on r ,'r " P. m. No tumed and were ,n.Ier the bam vomUor 1Mb. ID 0 and to be accom in.n iastant. "N'obodv cut l.u,8l.l ' ,'a,,M ,,y "'" lhwki '" them that." y the lire Ih.i-. and o per con of the amount Id for. Tom and Jerry are u.. the beroe:f ' "WBJ ablt' lo U,' f,ty -..-,. 1 treasurer or ucld city Aa to 1 hat used article you want le Tho council reserves tlio right to! reject any and all bids. MUMtty Deiifni-s. viak ew, 1 iiarii I. di-eliaize-. ol the eaiti, iheuiua tisui. Uulliel. ber, sloiuaeb .nut butval trouble eHiinot oxint v. it h out a oauiiO. Cliirupruetif AdjunUiiMits if move tho eniMW. whiuh i prc u re 011 nerve, nnd 80 to 00 per coot of Ho-twlled iuuurrbV chronic uum arj made well. No ninttcr wlint vour ailxieit, call or nddresM 1)11. I. M. (1I( )ON, 21(1 K. Main !.. Jfedford, Or., over Mt'di'ord Hard ware Co Olln-e Imur- 10 to 12 n. 111., 2 o .'1 .mil 7 to H p. in. Other hours in d Siiiidavs bv apMiiiitinciit. ISI THEATRE THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT "Never a Dull Moment" i , The Van Barkley Comedy Go. Open here tonight for only three nights. They have the best comedy act ever shown in this city. Don't fail to see young "JIMMY VAN," THE CLEVEE KID." j S-RRELS-S LATEST MOTION PICTURES KENT lTC IvY PIOXEE RS GOLDEN NECKLACE HOW II TBBY GOT A EAJSE ENTOIBIDD ALIVE. DRIFTS Off SNOW ; SONG " BY TILE OLD OAKEN BUCKET LOUJSIS" By HARRY BLAN01TABD Doors Open ati 7 p. m, CHILDREN, 10 CENTS ' ADULTS 20 CENTS MATINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. Splendid Fruit Land Tract 465 ACRES 81& miles from the city of-Atcdrord; 300 teres under plow, lmliiuco sejittored oaks and brush hind, easily elearod; laud lies above the t'fosfc line, is finely drained and sub-irrigated. This traet overlooks the entire valley, in tlio heart, of a fine fruit section. Adjoining land held at .$2f0 per acre. Price of this tract tUlf) per acre. Splendid terms. Apply D. H. JACKSON SL COMPANY PHONE 2722. 118 WEST MAIN ST,. Single rooms or cu suite also rooms with bath flic finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Hotel Moore 'i'elepbuuo in Every Itoom RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. . EUROPEAN PLAN RED vSOIL n IjYnit lauds, cleared or unclqardd. Tonus to suit the buyer. See Howland, the owner, or The Van Dyke Realty Co. Room 3. 123 Main Street Um -' POST CARDS We have' just -put-on saltsa big lino of Thanksgiving T'ost Cards' ihd'iWiiwi' 2 Icli .IcqimlilyTiu-'rc, cliojec, 1c Each. I ' ; I , V Choice 1c each Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS ' Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms and city property. 1 PHONE 3231. 20B FRUITGRCWEUS BANK BUILDINC. mmmmmimmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The P. & E. R. R. will soon be at Butte Falls, Oregon We can then handlo vour orders. Plnee them now. Write or Pilouc mloxi&!9tKtKM . Butte Flls Luxljjg - Folding Waste Baskets and olher laiicy Baskelsj ."jOc values in most places; here tomorrow (see our east window), ehoicu, 25c each Hand Bags We are showing over .")() slyles in ladies' Ibtud Bags thai we are selling .ill aboil! wholesale prices. 1 Heller slop anil look them over. Side prices, 25c to $7.50 ea The Best Sub-Division Proposition I in the Rogue Biver- Valley 170 .Ui:S, MAM.' .MIliK I-'ltOM ItAIIiHOAl) STATION' 9 IK. a croM In crntiii 10 neren In U-yottr-ohl lieani; 45 acres In bruab iiml timber, cnHlly cleared; no waste; pod Iioiiho, two barns, ult fenced wltb woven who; telepbonuj It. K. 0.,l pnrt Irrigated, l'l-lni, llf.r. pur aero; (otnl, $20,300. Terms; $7500 cash; 4000 ono year. 0 ner cent; $ 14,850 five years, 0 nor cent. HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY Hi I KKI'ITOIIOWKItH 1IANIC. wmmmmmummatmammmmmmmtimmm Underwear - Hosiery We arc showing one of the strongest lines of the above in Aledford. The quality is right, the prices are right, and you will he right' if yon look here before I buying. Ii m LANDQOIST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Bargains and Money Special Representative Makers in Farms, for International Real Orchards and Tim- Estate Association, b e r I j a u d s . Chicago. 201 St. Phone 2 4 1 I . Mark's Block. J t3Li '"Jll!" '"'""ii"i lHHUgryiriuym Johnson by 20.000. HAN KKVVHCO Ni 10 Willi i (our t-mutle Ht 111 out anil retiirn In 11 otrerc tttlil lucowiilote. IUmm ' lobusou. ri'ubllrn, U winner over TbeiMlon- Hell for governor by 20.- oii vii- Tin- fiAiniti so fa" In Klu- Johnsiiii 1 .:'i. Ili 134.CKO It u .tiiiMiil tli.i complete re- irnH uiii ilil to On- Oeurea In nbouti mo same i.-tiu f... t-.li indldad W. L. BAIN I4OCAL MGR. nul mat O-o final result will aliowj JQOM 15, P. O. BLOCK mmmmmmmmm PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss & Co. GRAIN ANP STOCK BROKERS Thanksgiving Special Willi iriy 2'ie ensb pureliU'ie uuiile at our inniket von nie eulitleil ;.i u cli. 1 nee to win nil 3 H-pound tiukcs, o Ihiv your l'iet.)i, nailed. mi fil .nut r-niokeil IimIi boiv. Wo nUo Imve frcBh oVHtcra J'nv bit TbaiiUoKUiiiK; ibiiner. I'ull or phono nuil wo will deliver V 1 1 1- unlet. k, Rogue River Fish Co. 17 NORTH FIR STREET. ' PHONE MAIN 3821. The Oregon Nursery company at Florida CroWS. Oumro. Or, ortnnlzed lu 18C7, plon WASI1IX0TON, D. C, Nov, 10, ecfH in tlio nuraery line, liavo opened -j'lio populntiou of the tlo of VU)y up on office In Medford and uro book- ,d wh mmouiieed lV the cenf.it if; orderB for fall and upiItiK dellv- biijeiin today ns 751,1:10, on InereitMi 1 rieH The Bitoceiiu of tbolr produc- 0f 40 )MU. ,.c.(( tlutiB ban been amply uliowu by tho I yw ,MM)Uattoti of Alubiuua was iyow.il of tliotnmnds of troen In tlio KIVW, m isgoB'J, ? m emm ' ir'fii L. fit? i tf 1 t ill- Ii'. m. 'ivnlMiit Atml. ,,. .1- i. - " ?-- nn u ii M 1, ., $? . r