UA PWW N"V,Wr"fl'H -!& WWf- V 'mWn AfllltrtVX TTn-rAT,T7-'',''T ". "' -.'-''- "J . si ml ' ' sa Wirt. MKIWORD MIAXFi 'PRI I3Ulsr:iD. JMlmDjrblIX ORUCION. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1910. MEXICAN MOB TEARS DOWN AND INSULTS AMERICAN FLAG ---- Hindu Mil" etiort to clicck their t'oin- Serious Situation in Capital City as e.nHtrntioiin. ,1 The foreign offleo wns Uio Krone f the iJoIh. Tho rrowdn nHHOinblod Result of Antl-Amcrlcan Outbreak Forcijin Office Is Sccno of Riots No Effort to Check Disorder. Speeches Ma do Dcnounclnrj United States Revolution in Responsible for Wlclcnlnn Drccch Between Two Republics. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 10. A conference lit Uio Htnto department over Uio null-American ntitlircuk lit ttio City of Mexico wan hold today, Tlio Mexican aliibriasmdor, Don Fran cesco do 'la llnrn, hurried to the de partment today nnd was rlonclud for a long tlmo with Secretary Knox. Tim itiubiiRHador n win rod Sccrotnry Knnx that tlio government would deal. firmly with tlio situation. One object of tlui visit wns to confor with tho ttecretnry concerning tho Itodrl guoi! Incident. Do In Hani inndoHtroitR repreuun latlona to tho Hlntu department nt tho time of Iho lynching of tho Mexican In Texan) Ilo nuked Knox today what tho United BlntcH government hud do tin toward punishing tho men who wore rosiioiiHllilo for tho burning of Hodrlgtioz, OttivlnU "Am Worried. Tho situation Iiiih caused connldor able worry to tho offlclaln of tho state- department. It Is known that Mexico Ih not at nil Inclined (6 npql oglxo for. tlio present outbreaks, an HortfiiR that tho lynchhiK of. onu uf her own citizens by Americans was tho real cniiBo of tho difficulties und that tho United Stated linn talicn no stops (o punish tlio lynchers. Slnc"fl this In tlio cause of tho troublo, tho Mexican usovfr.umont has .liiUrunjiyl,, Mexico cmi only provdnt further 'ills ordent uM!''tlHii''Wttltcd. Stater ttwolf has showitftvmthfttteB(i (6 htako rep nrntlon MHWi'a''drlkTriKl wrong: ' ' v tho prpsont unpleasant; Ju. I tho outbreaks In Mexico coolness between tho two (hero protested ns'iilimt tho Rodriguez Incident, mid from tho stopc of tho building flciy nntl-Ainorlcsui speeches were delivered. Tho American am bassador proloHlod vigorously against this. Further reprosenttitlons wero inndo to the government lodiiy by the Amur lean emh.-iHsy, nnd It In said thai aw Hiirnueus that further rioting would be suppressed have been glvoti. Amor Icana here, howevor, fear that tho demonstration will he renamed mid that the rioters may bo permitted to attack tho property of AmerlcniiH. The local American colony Is gront ly excited and fenra nro now felt for nn outbreak. CHINESEPRODUCTS WRRYI I Concerns Go to China and Manufac ture Products, Shlpplni Them to - United Statcsr oClicap Lab Makes It Profitable. : i z : i.n. --- I iMBW'""- 111 -aii 4 llehlnd rKont nr. there Is i govornme Uu ti'ri f rimer ff lordly sway. h4 jroppljiutpimfo reWtlbnWhnl hold The rojrolrtfbti In ttlenrngun h re- k'nsks -of ooinent woi'o sent iiIo'iik' for testinir iiurnofec l.v Amerieaii tmert. ot' t hit t material. A rctirchoiituliu oC tho ouupuuv . 'uliili ij. tui'Mfi tuiflfii niniftio.uion(-'null-one ot' tho 'ulromjoht ally reHpa.fcl)o5,'sfthc;l, vldonloK blench lijWoon tho two republics, It Is nnsortl. When l'resl lout Zelnu fled fronjNlcnrni;ua h wns' received by tho M81j(lc.u,tJuvoi;tinieiit,'wa8''fIe- dent ninz, r.rrilvnB given rofiiRe unlll t bm muii-v t u.n-b .... i... 1.....1.. A IvnH lirnllf'TiiT'lli flv ii WniMUm Af '11 "". ?.i .t ho wns prolhrMlb fly to Europe. At tro time Mlro vns porfcctlpWTr nwnre, It Is aicortod, that Zelaya-svns ronsldcred nu' enemy of- tho InItoJ Htates. He was dialled with hav ItiK murdered two American cftJienn (Iroco nnd Cnniiou, mid tie United I Blntes Kuvurutuvitt hnd shown . a friendly feeling toward IN-ovlnloual I'resltlenl Kslrnda, lenilliiK the mviu lutlonary fetce In Nlutrntdiit. . Itejerteil by America. K'nrlque C. Creel, formor uuibns nador frj)m Mexloo' to the Ignited States, now forelcu uitulster In Mex ico, wnS vent as a Hpeulul repriAieuta the of l'roHldunt Dhu to confer lth the secretary of state lit Washington regnrdlng tho NtunniKUHU sltuntlon. It was reported at the time, and nev er denied by either Koverniuent, thnt front on mo with a plan fur wltHim the dispute In NIcaniKua mid Hint It wrni not uuuupted by the I'Hlleil tnti. Mexico, however, wan fully ("fornuHl or the attitude ot lliu Unitl State and knew tlmt V.elan wtu not In favor with the American go eminent. The fact that he was allowtxl to re main for so Ioiik In Mexico wii eon Hldorod as rn ludlcnllon tlmt Mexico was Inclined to regard the decision of tho I'nlttHl HtnltM ns uufrloudly. HIhco thuu, It Is until, the farmer eor dlkl relations between the two tv erninenu have not obtained, nnd tUU coinullrtitOi the present sltuntlon. Tu) aiillurtTliV t)dHy Ullow that WASHINGTON, X,IVi 10.-In lilnee of Hie Chinese Inlior prolilem, wju'cli witij Heltlujl by..tlm.e.olusioii dlf'-oebliVKt It :nuw problem now is PCCSuulM to". .Ulp.jipiwniHileo of the pflllltlt'fH "of "dlll'Il liilufr" lllllllo in China, Kecking lulmisHion to the American inurlu:. ' . , Coal, . e.okc, fueliriek-, ecmeul anil iifeli produccil unfler labor eomlitions o.iHliiu in Hiiea are offered ii( Sunt It'Hi'ildiUJIriilWSiiiipetitiou with AiiiertM an invasion of the entire count from Hcnttlelo Suit Dtiwv .. ( , Ja uiweftorto Ontu!)lirJl m nmi' kct.'a t'liineso iniiiinir eompaiiy lias liinileil in Kan I'Vuneineo it earuo ol jioal, vn(iiirjiiit)i ijntltrKcitei :):lH.)0 lens ' lump, 't20 :tons4, lnM, h i08ll Ions, mid speeiul coke, fio Ions. Ten it i lie concern, t:;ir.uii IMtVII 'its IhlshaBu ot the ontbrenk whs m ghnleroil by nntt-guvenunrnt hrIIm tors. , 1'ull Down tliu flag, Heolng nn American (tug ftuatlui over ii hIiop owned by a ettlMa of tha United Stales, tho marching rioter iu n do a dnsli for It mid toro tho ring rrom U staff. Tho ouihluiii whs In united and torn to hlU, tho oruwd oarrylng plocon of Uio ting througk tho Htruota and tu (be statute of Um Iron (lorso In JuaruK avtjiino, whom spoeehoH danoincliiK the United Status wore mado.' Aiuorlcnns wore Htynod ne the) pussMl tho imuttt'iir t luce nnd the street enr conlnlnlUK tho saliool ohlldroii was stoned. The situation today Is nduilttodl (trave- The federal government has! taken a hand Governor l.uudujo' U.-nuden pt the federal district In which the City ot Mexico Is situated. villi oilier, liau. ex. TfroTlui'TfTim "boyTin'ti tin- home tleumnd m t'lunu, and thi, (he hjtftOrt e.irtiiSiTly- In t!ui btihitieos, lloeJo ,lliu L'uiled Sttoh to lake its siu'iilti. 'fhe onpaeity uf iU juujuk ih '.l.tlAr.'JDt) tuna n Year, ot JSUll to iti. 41 day. It Iih. over l), 000,0110 toiiH of ,hi1 in HiKltt mid it total iVKonrera mo eHtiuinletl at :tll, 000.000 tuna. 'Hie uuljmt ImhI year amounted to l,.l(il,7.IO tout,. Vive other otimpuuio in Chuw iniidueed flUO.OOO tnpa of mithraeite enl lnt vour. The tlrruiuits in SIihuIuhk uud (In- Jaiwneae in .MHiiehuriH tire iiImi develomiiK eoul depuaiu. l'uiled State t'ouaul Kimlmn: hue ut Tieuuin etiiualeH that with ui ten veara, ir f.tviii ittarkata art fouuil, t'lmin ami Maiiettinia will be ekirtiiiir 2,000,tU)0 ton of w.ul a ea r. Th biit eiial eiMupuy mentioned i iiitvivMiHl iiImi in tho MaiHifaelun ! eeiuenl. tiiebriek. fire ela mid oi iiamenlal liiiH, ,u Hhieli it i heel,. m entmuea to tlie I'niiml States. Kiiubeiialiu oxpioimhhI lha (iUuitiii that with the low isutt or rtHluetioii in (tiiiw anil tW ebeau hnm mtaa tke will U U to ttffvr ianRnux rtuitk-liti,n tin tit enat und iu tkt l'liiliiMineH. Inleure that (liina i prerwriuu to e..nin.(. in tbi MMirtialx (f thr itll n. arfunM ky Ik fmt laai ui lite iinatMit ir n atari rorMrii UtMi imi lite Pad fie ixmwI uf tka I'tiiled States eoulrMetaJ wilk tka Ta Yak in tain mi tkt Yrnaxtw to tuke aiimtallv fr 1 ra .tXH) lii of taeirwa and ,00 t.Us ot iruM ore. .M thews & Lake have ;i oared K new wmon and fixed u up sultab4 tor movlBR all kind ot household good, and wM be ta the mavtag kualueaa for pruiter fmni Oils tltue o. I,f ou wMnt our rurnttur ovwd. paeketl. unimrkMl or hau ttled In a flit cIsm manner they are the iHsiple it. .. AHS for ,h,r S(l. .oniH.mi.Ai on aautaer saga of tbkdOrecoa imMr ; I fWH .'"I. '' ONCE MORE AN IRRIGATED ORCHARD wins a i NATIONAL PRIZE Irrignh'on inado ii possible for Iho Rogue Uivor Viil ley o win tho (Jrnnd Sweeyslnkes Prize ai ilie Hpokaiie. Naiional Apple Show just as it has made it possible for the Rogue Rivr Valley to .win the first pri.e on its New town Pippins' at tho Canadian International Show at Vancouver. Irrigation will make the Rogue River Valley tho greatest orchard district in thfc west; it Avill double the crops of the producing orchards; it will convert our waste area into prosperous homes; it will bring more people into the valley; it will' build up the district and in the future, as it hasdone in the past, it will make it possible to vo duco the fruit which has won and will win thy prizes offered by the national shows. The irrigation system of the "Rogue "River Valley Canal .Company, when (tonplotcd,.vill irrigate 05,000. acres of Jau'l.a.iid the canal yv-ill serve the prchardists on every side of tho city of jUedford. ' T,ho source of water supply is Fish jLako.'anjl Four iUile Lake, ai the foot of Mt. McLaughlin, which is also, tlio water supply J'or Medford's munijjipal system. The Hopkins lateral, which is a part of tho, Rogue River Valley Canal Company system, now covers' 27,000 acres and the company is prepared to accept applications from wafer-users fromuiy of the districts covered by this lateral. e ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL i COMPANY i t s ;i I :i i t ,' r . . i "i FRfeD fHCUMMINGS: iftdr. f '!!'!ii.VJl)i:fif$ r edfordNationai.Bank.BIdg., Medford, Oregon . ' .i hli?TiK4 M u t r --------- -- ---- - TWENTY ONE CURS ENTERED IN SHOW Twenty-one entries have been re celved for competition In the carload rh'sses uud Hw-eopstnlics events at the third National Apple Show, begin ning noxt Monday and continuing; uu til the following Saturday night. Hlnht cam wore entered In tho aasne clnsses nt the first show In lUOS, while In 10O'.i there were 18 -cara, Tl e entrants Ibis year nro as fol lows: W. W. Sawyer. Suiinyalde, Wash: Ur. 1J. 11. Wing and J. T. llalnl. Malt ton. Wttsh.: T. I). Ilntdford and C 0. Owirnescou. Prossor, Wash.; M. Ilo mil, O. Q. Franco and 1 Unman & Ornily, Wenatcbee. Wiisli.; H. M. Oll bert, J. 11. Wright and Clarenco Stirehor. North Yakima, Wash.; II. I. f right. Chelun, Wash.; Harry H. NVIetin, Attnlla, Wash.; Jack Katoa aad Dick Hart. Tuppeulah. Waah.; the (lourgalso .c Oerschol Krult eom imny. X.llah. Wash.; A. 1). Helms. Atehlnurt dlatrlct, Uoriio ltlver -alloy, Oregon; t 11. Sjireot nnd Avory llratherti, Hood Hlver. Or.; Suoknna Valley Irrigated Uiud eomp4Uiy nnd Itotiouhnupt & Sous, Spokane. Tho eonteets are on Wlaoaap, Splt wnburK. Homo llaHitty, WKti)r. Mclnloxh !, Jonathau, Yellow Now. town and m'xed in ot any stand. ard commercial vnrletlea. The first prfto In oneli eouipHlitlon Is 9360, tho eeond being St 00. Carload oatrlos ait uligthle In the swoopwtako event, la which the flrat prtio U St 000 nnd the ekaniikiHthlH bHiiiier. The sec oad nrU! Is $100 uud a silver inednl banner. The Cbivn.Kt AswoclnUoa f Com merce will awartl Its $600 trophy rap tu the exhibitor of the onr wwr lag hlghdat oh pack, and tho later uutlowal Shlaare' ntatkm will preewnt a silver trophy to the treat commercial oarload. Ulea ears ot other exhlblu. In eluding a targe HHHiher of tea. five, four aud alugle ueoc en trie and 6 SENATE MAJORITY VOTE IS GIVEN WOMEN GREATLY CUT DOWN i kilo Laa 1 1 aA tt t n.t lilu dlittittniliti -! 1 1. tl.n Tllr-nlTJ . . . . ,IU ,lv 400 Plurulax Americans Win Salt Lake. SALT !.AKt: HIV, N,.x i,. j, Aiiiericau ri hn enrnd il.. .., llldU'Nltoik au dit l let dUnlays from Wl.tnton ealtforala. Idaho. Mouiaaa aad UrliUh ColutMbla. villi airlve this Heik. matlug an expokttton of SI i.irs or about 3.016.000 apples. In rumpetliiou tor prixea ot a total alne i JJ0.00I. 4 tjfcj WASIIINOTON. I). C, Nov. 10. Itt'vlsed returiiK from nil over tho country today Indicate that tho re publican majority In the sounto will be cut down from 2G to 10. Tho democrats, on the fnoo ot tho returns, have joined eight soots, The senate will stand: Republicans Til, demo. ernta It. , , , T SAILORS HAVE SPORT SHOOTING. WHALES SAN IMKdO. ful., Nov. 10. The io of the eiuifer fleet amilionxl off the mouth of the Tin .liuinii river below (jonuuido, are linviuu' nirer h)or( than Hooeelt had iu Africa bv iopimiik their iiili-pHlHU. nt Nclni.d of whale. aH)i'tliK about the urhii- Tlie whaleK awwuveri oarly vea lenlav, aeenriliiig' lo wortl rweivfd tednv. The lHarkiOUOtt IiuiuhI their llotehkiNN .IU, mounted within the ekslil-uieh rifles, npfoU tlio 6ortie visitor, mul ihH1 tliunt with luillet-. until all the sen was in n eothiiiK turuioil. t'ontrarv to e.fcs)Un, the whales ktaed within the liwileit hail. aieariutr l rvlili Uio tiekNnu; vn Mltion f the tiny Hlats, The lUHoh kirt liuliet.o would .tear ti taau wide omii. but i the whale, tlioi ihmu tn to Ih onlv it ilelieiotti, cerateliiiiK effeet. Kerv time jpw erow raaic a tHUI'att the ehvix. tvvm the Uc wt all the other okW JWS furtli, add injt to the spurt. , , . ...T, 'w p- " ' GRUESOME PLEA MADE FOR PROHIBITION Al'HVMX. Wah., Nov. 10. TUv IMHtpl wf Otis tiwn ure alowt) r rttveriai; their etiuaiiiivii.v from tk shuck ot the rtruoitie llea ' pro i.i..i..ii h. ii .Id flilmt 4a v bv 11. N i.iinell. tU.- h' uueV'rtaUr. uid trviuie-.ll idem i tied with uie pn kiU3i aiieuent. 1'h.Hv.l up iu eoffin iii the .ho tu. ...ii - i iw- hiwi. Ab.e th , li....U t . .-h wat. placarded. "He 1 died ol dtsi V.' OM'MJMA, Wusli., Nov. 10 As Mioii ns It Is determined by the can VRSslng board that woman stiff! :iko has carried, tlovernor Hay will 11111U0 auuounce!uunt ot tho fact and that prrwlaiuation will enfranchise women Iu WashltiBloji stnte. Indications are that the measure will be carried two to one. The eauvahSliiK board will meet sooh. so It Is probable thnt women will have the right to vote at the nui Uipal and spoclal elections tills win ter. The attorney general's office announced fiat 1 It would bo nec essary for the suffrage nmoudmoue to go to tho loKlslnture for ratifica tion, as many believed. EIGHT-YEAR-OLD GIRL SAI DT0 BE STOLEN SKATTI.K. Nov. 10. The Sent tie (Hiliee todav aie cenreliint for Mildred Wnllaee, S veurs of use who, it i ullesed, wn. kidnaped ye teriluy by two woiuon whoao idontitv U not kuowu. While the child wat. oh her wa ho4iie from nehuol .veterdiy lie w.i aeiceil by two women, placed iu . carriage and drieu raiMilly towai. the oily. Tlie title Htri was heard idcmlne. with ker eapto to he released y. ml 1 wutit lo to heat. Let we vol" MihhedV playmate, who witnesc ed .the alleged ahduetloo, &uy that the iriri erieil a kke wn beinx bin riwl wav. Mr, Wallace wa imiuediateh n tiAtd and uoliee uud detectiven ! an a seareh for the little irl und Ike two wotueu. Mrs. Wallace e.ilauiwl that Mil dred had been a ward of itle rourt She Mad been taken uw fnnu h 1 otutker by Juihte Prater. h a! judged her unfit U have the eutod of tk snrl. THIRD ANNUAL Natinnal Annlp JhilW SPOKANE, WASHINGTON WILL BE HELD. November 19, 1910 $20,000 in Pre miums The greatest variety of prizes, cups, anu trophies ever offered. Prizes" for single apples, bixcs and everything up to full carloads Avill be aw i. $1000 Championship Csrload Prize For tho best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor space o three and one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, pack ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor mation. Ample hotel accommodation without rise in prices g will be provided. Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon Will have in effect low round-trip fares from all points on its lines. For further information apply to an' Southern Pacific agent or to WM. McMTJRRAY, General Passenger Agent. I 3 w TO FRUIT GROWERS and Snippers to English Markets JJ Consign your fruit to , , '.MKSSl'.S. ItlOI.KV .i UOUliOinO, CowiitOiudcii, London. flJBcst mi.rkct nrlcos. Cashrcmlttcd day nftorcnlc, cabled If required. IjSolo ascDt8 In .London for South Australian government consign; ments. fJJOur chargoa for selling, R per cent and 2 cents por box. qgAscnt In New York, W. N. WUITH &. CO., 7C Park Tlnco. Forward ing charges, 2 cents per box. These arolic aolo changes. Compare with othor accounts. PWMlNGj;j STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Cruurimleed Prices Jftoasouablo CpFFERN , (& PRICE 11 Noil 15 P St..W(i,foHl Ore. "phoneW Kmantamommmmmammmmmm --ryrrr tf j ,? ' Ii;1 TTT R.eal Estate Loans Can be had through us Current rate of Interest. R.F.GUERIN ( CO. MEDronn hatioijai. hani: buildiuo FOR R.ENT Onl hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Pacific rail road, Kok-ic Kiver alloy, Newly refurnished, papered, painted; Piinipmeiit niodern; halhs, toilots electric Jihti,, hot nnd cold rtin iiinir vvalir. Now dome husuiCKS. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 216 West Main St., Medford. Or. f wrmBimnmmmmmMmmmimasBmammammmmmmammim Fisher & Whitmire HlC.n GRADE INMHSTALENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford Oied. Mi ljiui-e Ciiltou. di hier ni Mr uud Mr S A t'ni!:.i , died ., -h!.i..! and llu- tm,l . :i I ,. h.yle l'l-int i d.i F npru1 at r'ac' !,inc Thiiril.v Iut ni. i. m rem ,)aWtteS.L '.... ',. ..(VW sfcv, or.Jh.!lomA Tele- fn ' nrownbon. Or. IWBaWHaMMMHMMgyMWMMMM. I Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS. Mn, . n