Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 10, 1910, THIRD SECTION, Page 19, Image 19

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. -it
You are Interested in Cabinet or Mill' Work. Examine our madiiifery
and equipment. Notice the work of our Skilled Men for every man is
an Expert in his line
That' s all, for if you need anything manufactured from glass or wood,
You'll Leave Your Order
1 W
!V $w
t (it
lense Audience In World's
Largest Auditorium.
in busskix.
London, En?., Not.
). Poator Russell of
the Brooklyn Tab
ernacle, New York,
preached hero to
day. Royal Albert
Hall held a vast au
dience of deeply In
terested hearers.
The speaker chose
his text from Reve
lation xz, 11:
"I saw a great
White Throne, and
that sat on it, from whose face
rth and the heaven 'fled away,
here was found no place for
He said:
made moral cowards of our race.
early Infancy fear and nppreben-
specially In respect to things fu-
hare been Impressed upon us.
alizo our imperfection, and that
iod Is perfect, and that perfection
only standard which he could
re, and that soino kind of pun-
nt for sin must bo expected. Tho
ry, taking advantage of our
thorn, misrepresented tho Al
ly and nas usea our xeara to
ta us from him and to wrest and
his messago to us In the Bible.
ul assures us that this is Satan's
procedure; that he puts light
kness and darkness for light
. it comes that our text, which is
ay one of the most beautiful and
ilerting in tho whole Bible when
Uy understood, has to many be
("a lash In the hands of tbolr fears.
needless to say that our text la
the symbolisms of a Book filled
symbols. God's people, guided by
ly Spirit, In due time will ap-
te theso symbols. For many of
K the due time is already here.
.hrone is Messiah's, It represents
edlatorlal Dominion of earth for
usand years. Its whitenoss sym-
Si tho purity, tho Justice, of his
om of righteousness under the
heavens. The heavens and
which will flee away from the
ce of tho great Emmanuel will
the heavens of God's Throne.
e earth which he has given to
Udrcn of men. The heavens and
which will flee away, and for
no place will be found, are, .of
, the symbolical ones. In Bible
logy the earth represents estab-
civilization; the sea represents
tless, dissatisfied masses of hu-
The mountains symbolize hu-
overnmonts, kingdoms, which
ute the backbone of present
al Influences Ecclesiastlcism,
Unity. Thus interpreted our
lares that when Messiah shall
control of tho world; when be
It upon his Throne; when ho
xerclse rulershlp amongst men,
ult will be that the social sys-
iWt todav. as well as the present
leslastlcism, will flee away, will
t of existence no placo will be
or them.
Satan Now the Prlnc.
man may be inclined to ask.
H Christ been the great Ruler
world for these past nineteen
iJ And whatever may be said
four thousand years before the
of Christ may It not be claim-
he has been reigning ever since
easlon to the right hand of the
We answer that If this be
' the Redeemer of men has been
as the King of earth for
Jnetecn centuries, there should
Pilling In the Ulble to so teach.
ffl ml nothing. On tho contrary,
ken to the Maiter'u own words
m that Satau is the 1'rlnce of
(John xlv, SO). We hearken
Igaln telling us, "My Kingdom
tbla world (age)" (John xrtlL
iln ha uys. "I will come again
rive yoa auto myself" (John
cala be tells us that be west
XT country to receive the title
Bgdom, than to return to take
to deposit your monoy In a good
bank rather than keep It whore
It Is exposed to nil kinds of risks.
It tho Fanners & .Fruitgrower'
Dank offered no other inducemont
than a secure' place to -keep your
cash it would bo well worth whllo
to open an account there. "But
It offers many others. Como and
ask any of tho officers what they
possession of it (Matthew xxL 33; xxv,
14), and that at his second coming be
will be the great King of glory. Ha
tells ua tho same thing in Matthew
xxv, 31, "When the Son of Man shall
como in his glory, and all the holy an
gels with him, then shall bo sit upon
tho throne of his glory."
On the other band, as 'we scan the
pages of history during the fast eight
een centuries, wo are convinced that
Messiah has not been tho King of the
world. To think of him as such, with
the omnipotent power whicli wo ac
credit to him, would be to charge him
with responsibility for bloody and
atrocious persecutions and wars and
famines and pestilences. Surely no
right-minded person, after mature con
sideration, can rationally accept the
theory that the glorious Messiah's
reign of righteousness for Xht blessing
of the whole earth, the uplifting of
the wholo race, tho enlightenment of
every creature, and tho bringing of all
nosalble Into accord with God none of
as could think that that reign of the
great Mediator between God and men
is In the past We must agree with
our text that it is In the future, and
that when established, Its effect upon
the institutions of the present politi
cal, social, financial, religious will be
such that they will flee away; no
placo ever mora will be found for
them. Ah! from this standpoint there
is hope; but from no other standpoint
Wo are living today at the very cli
max of civilization. Yet today wo be
hold more clearly than ever before
that the decply-lngralncd selfishness
of humanity Is a blight upon all the
blessings and conveniences and advan
tages of our day.
The Curs of 8lfishni.
I need not do more than remind
you that selfishness Is to be found in
every one of us, and that a semblance
of righteousness Is Insisted upon by us
all and adhered to, and violators of It
are styled criminal. Nevertheless It
seems Impossible to legislate equity,
Justice. The keen Intellects of men
find opportunities for circumventing
the laws and for committing theft and
murder and sin In the face of laws and
without danger of being punished.
Let us Illustrate this: We have beard
of the famines of India and how the
British Government has spent millions
of "Pounds Sterling" for Irrigation pur.
poses to compensate for Irregularities
In the rain-fall. Undoubtedly the fam
ines are to some extent due to water
scarcity. Nevertheless, one of the
ablest of our engineers Informs the
world that there has not been In fifty
years such a scarcity as should have
created the famines. The famines of
India, which have cost the lives of
milIons, are to be accredited to greed
selfishness which has flourished un
der the shadow of the law. Wealthy
milling concerns purchase the rice from
the natives and grind it Into flour. By
agreement between themselves they do
not compete, but press the market
price of rice lower and lower until the
poor native, unable to make a profit
declines to plant, care for and harvest
the crop. As a result there is famine.
The poor aatlvea suffer; but the man
agers of the milling properties pay
large dividends of from fifty to one
hundred and fifty per ceat on invested
capital to the wealthy owning them.
As an Illustration or me exorouaBi
proflU I will relate a case; Two young
men whose accumulated savings
amounted to thirty thousand rupees,
(atxnlt two .thousand pound?. m or tenj
tUtJESEIfil TIoTlaTsr) TOTCJirca it Ifl "rlce
xnilllng. Their proflt3 for the first year
were eighty thousand rupees about
five thousand pounds, or twenty-five
thousand dollars. They wero not In
the comblno to depress the prlco of
rice, but thoy profited by what -tho
combine accomplished. These Inequi
ties of our present social order art)
beyond the reach and correction of
tho comparatively few men of ability
not directly or Indirectly Interested in
The Whits Throne Judgment
Neither Jehovah nor his great Repre
sentative, Messiah, can in any sonsa
or degree be a party to injustice or in
equity. Tho fact that injustice has
been permitted, and that inequity
has been tho rule for centurlesi -Is
to be accounted for by tho other
fact that during all this period the
world has been under tho reign of Bin
and death, and not under tho reign of
righteousness and life; it has been un
der the reign of Satan, "tho Prince of
this world" and of the darkness of
selfishness and evil all of which his
name represents and not undor the
dominion of Messiah, the Representa
tive of Jehovah, and his righteousness;
not under tho King of glory, the anti
typical David and Solomon, the antl
typical Aaron and Melchlscdec. The
New Dispensation which Messiah's
Kingdom will usher In Is .pictured in
our text It will bo tho dominion that
will b"e world-wide pure, holy, right
eous, Just truthful, God-like a great
White Throne. No wonder we read
that the symbolical heavens and earth,
representing the old order of things
social, ecclesiastical will all vanish
But let no one think for a momenf
that ecclesiastical princes, financial
princes and political princes will vol
untarily acknowledge that the hour
has come for a full surrender to Mes
siah and to all the principles of his ab
solute righteousness. On tho contrary,
these privileged members of our race
will more and more bo drawn together
for mutual protection for tho pres-
cnuuuu ui me special privileges wuicu i
nave come imo weir possession, jsven
now we see the prophecy "of the Sec
ond Psalm fulfilling. We aro In tho
very time when tho Lord, through the
Prophet David, calls the great ones of
the earth to recognize the true situa
tion of our wonderful day that It
means that the Day of Messiah has
arrival, and that he should bo recog
nized and his principles of righteous-
ness obeyed. I
Tho call U recognized, Salute- the
Son, O ye kings of the earth, while ye
are In the way with him, before his
anger be kindled and ye perish by the
way (Psalms II. 10-12). But no, the
prophecy declares that we are In the
day when the people, the masses, will
have foolish Imaginations when they
will think that by their own strength
they can inaugurate a reign of right
eousness along the lines of Socialism
or by anarchy. The people must
learn that their help la In the Lord
and aot in their own frail arm. The
people must see the force of the state
meat "Blessed are all they that put
their trust In Messiah" (verse 12). The
Lord is about to establish the great
White Throne of absolute JuaUce in
the world.
Oeeas lo sally we meet a man whose
trala ef thought rewinds a of a row
of flf-t tan.
I fi I 11 I W
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w wawK.-ioj.'
' ijwri?tfajr
Sack Suits
fijyf AKE selection from our Now Fall Stock, of Fine Clothing andyou
-, -mjuu . cauit go. wroncr.
Bccausp every garment is a masterpiece, overy fabric is high quality, and
every style' the latest expression of goord form in dress. '-
These clothes are made for us by tho foremost fashion creators of Men's - '
All the latest ideas in blues and gr ays and fancy effocts at modorato' " .
prices. . , .
: m;nr - v$mm
.0? k:ia;a:
"fmdyaarIJe Correct CJoihiora
4. it
$3.50 to $7.50
GiOssmnssssSMS Oregon
$1.25 TO $3.00
' w-8
a "
K ' fl
A .
t v
Pendleton Robes
Fine Wool Blankets
Just received a large shipment of fine Pendleton Kobes and Blankets. Did
you ever investigate tho Pendleton Robe? They aro made of tho finest and
best grade of pure Eastern Oregon fleece wool. There is not a speck of for
eign matter allowed to go into the manufacture of those famous blankets.
They are sold all over the world look like tho real "Navajo" rugs and como
in very beautiful line of patterns. We will be pleased to have you call and
inspect tho new line and feel sure that you will not 0 away without select
ing one or moi'd They aro not only fine as bed blankets, but arc mostly used
for outings, covers for trunks and general lounging purposes. They are guar
anteed fast colors and will wear longer than any blanket you can buy for tho
Fine Line of Bed Blankets Also
Get a HYOMBI (pronounce it
Iligh-o-mo) outfit today.
Pour a fow drops from the bottle
into the inhaler that comes with each
outfit, and breathe ia it four or five
Unies a day.
Immediately vou will know that
IIYOMEI scotte and heals the in
lamed and IrrlUtO.1 membrane.
soothe and heal; It kills tho gorms,
those persevering pests that aro at
the root of all catarrhal conditions,
"Last year I suffered terribly with
catarrh. I used one bottle of HY
OMKL anl my catarrh was hotter"
HIM Helen UcNalr, Loyalton, Cat.
A complete IIYOMEI outfit, In
eluding a bntUe o'L HYOMKI, a hard
rubber pocket Inhaler and simple in-
structions for use, costs only $1,00,
If you now own a Hyomcl Inhnlor,
you can gfit i.u extra bottlo of II yo
mel for only CO cents at Obas.
Strang's drug store, and druggists
Guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup,
asthma and sore throat, or moier
that is fast winning pop
ularity in tho homes of
Mcdford. Have you tried
iM Order a sack and if
you are not a little bet
ter pleased than over
before wo miss our
means a better crop of
coffee. Wo have inoro
oxponsivo coffee, but
our "25c Blend" ia as
good as most stores sell
at 35c to 40c. (
West Sidt
' Kl-S
' 9
. u
, TO
' " "" i- ' i i ii )
W. A. LOVELACM, contractor and,
practical uuiiuer; hukihih ireej
patronage appreciated, 12( South
Almond at. ,.