ziizsxzzsizzza&ijr imrninmm iriiiil"1- fc ' AW :T, ? u ? fr ri i I i; i T ?l J! Vk n fq .-i t J "Prince of Pilsen" Saturdav wWurr 9Lv Biitjt nSBBK'i"PSHi' S . CanaanQHiHHaBBBBBBHl aeTJuSiW1!SeWal8S 1 COME 2 3 Pines end get jemo ol' tho RED SOIL which gives tho rich color 2 FItUIT G, 10 and 20-ucre tracts from ?DG to $125 per aero. Jf. you wish employment while tho trees and vegetables nro grow ing, you can get it nearby, at 3 Pines, tho now lumber city. HOWJiAND Itooin it, lii.'t E. Main St. I oooooxoooooxxo For Placer or Quartz Mine CALL AT ROOM 3, 123 EAST MAIN STUEET oxxooooocooooooo NEW TOWN ASHLAND jmtnMJzatf, ?$& Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Ilelp you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the .large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER. A. M., President. . . ..a,.0000000'! KM:VVVVVV Y For Lease lit IV 16-room modern house, close in, nearly completed, suitable for hospital, rooming or apartment house. Phone 4141. Biftner gl ClarK ....OO-KOOOO-K Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Every Itoom RATJ-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN "Tho Princo of Pilscn," tho music- Midi favor mill ium-chs iih rarely 1 comedy of perennial charm and '" mmval comedy Manner . , ... , 1 . it - m,i Savage in sonuinjj the pioco upon its faulty, wall be presented at tho Med-, J AlU,ail UlllI.; UiU, ,,. ford Saturday evening by n enst of '. ntt.iitiuti to it casta and cciiiip- Tstnarkublo individual and collective ability and attractiveness. It in no. in it dulttli year of iiiuvvainpluil huccchh, and m) lniiK a tuim of pop ularity rarely falls to tho lot of tlii vancHcent stylo of theatrical enter tainment. QtiKtar Luriurft and FruuJ: Jixlo.y contributed their best work io "The Princo of Pilnen," giving to it the inspiration born of n roiiiiinlio licmo in a picturesque Betting. Tim enduring quality of Mr. lenders' mu sic and the ever fresh and intoroHtiug turn of Frank PixlcyV story and Jvtich five to thin nutmenl coined y the distinction of a elunsie and .obarply, differentiate it from thu or dinary "pot boilers" tit the hIiico. written undor the strohH of apodal ordora and to tho measure of 11 slaji'H ability and individual manner ism, The beautiful lmd:i:rouiid of tbo story Nice during tho (Inrnivnl of Flowers suggests romiiutli and inHpiroK possy mid hanuony. Pouu tif til M-oiiio pictures-, coKtuniOB of ra "vihliim; beauty and thu diunu of lirettv girls and tho haiidsoino mun unite in giving tho "Prince of Ptlaon" tninmont. ment. Jcsh Dandy, whoo baa played tho part of Hans Warner more than 1000 times, will again give expros ioii to the comedy roe of tbo Aino ricau bruwor who had the honors in tended for u princo thriiso upon bun Jlr. DandyV topical mmg "Imaggina tion"in nil interpolated uumbei' that scores beaily. Frances Oamenib, a dashing and piquant actress, who played the role of the Dashing Widow twoo fcaMons ago, iinsumes the same part in tho present tour. Kdwurd Mora will again be seen in the role of tho real Princo, and bis singing of the "Stein Song" with tho chorus ot Heidelberg students in one of the pleasing features ot tho prcforinnmo Ivor Anderson ha his old part o tho young naval oficer. ltoboil O' coiiuel has prouiiduuee in couud a song. Dainty Vora It. Staule is I daughter of a rich brewer, and Lil Luwiion, a dancing sylph, has (' part of Siuoiiie, a Krencb m.ud. T coming of the Prince of Pmi nun the hiuhext point of the M-a on terohtH in luuh ciiik-- rnu--ic.'l t of Three Pines as well as NEWTOWN ap ples is on the red soil that gives tho rich col or to fruit. See the 5 and 10 acre tracts I have there at all pric es. I can sell you 1-1C of an acre or 200 acres on good terms. On main line of the S. P. R.R. Howl&nds Or the VAN DYKE REALTY CO., Room 3, 123 E. Main Street. One Step minim VESSADE ACQUITTED OF MURDER IN LAKEVIEW IjAKEVIKW, Nov. 0. Tho Jury In tho trial of Louis VommuIp for tu ALDRICH CLAIMS HIS ELECTION IN NEBRASKA 1 will not take you far, 5 but it helps a few I more will take you to H I the 5 OALHLA. Xeli.. K.v. .- With 1 I iltlifiute mil nt' I lw t in llin wlnl. I l.llll Tl. T Tl-M.. ..9 l.l ..!- "' ' '"' '" ' ... o. JU, ,. ,., u. u... ....U ,Hurd fnmii t,H, riw(loIl ol. vuor ast ...minor In n mIuoii row, .fterj,, AUlwi mnMu.aiu ltH ,,.,. IioUir on t but a short time brought of NebrMbku M,eni ,, by ,. In a voullet of ncqultm . The c. jorf yf uol than has aroi.Hod connldernble lutarcit . 4. ,. . .... . lovu vi iuvpo ruuiiura Kv iiniriuii hero on account ot tho promluauae of I be d inl man, who wan wall knovwi thro.iKhout Hits aectton of Or--on Tb Mntlment of a majority if ti clttzoiiB Is favorable to tha virdiii anil Voatnda U nt.vlrln tha oupr. ilntlons of ovryin. Attor nrirt l.ir Conn and Kali Thompaon fnii-iir or tho dtttaiidan. tn a maa tcrly manner ami as lliey wera ftp vninii',j by tha court, their etforta air rii irlng muoli coininoiidntlon. liistrlct Mtoruoy Kuykendall wm at fii.'d hi the proMHMittou by Judga N K Kvnaoa of Klauiath Falla. Tli. ra rumors ou th atra! that tl ' it i lot attorney ban rfnaad to un,,..,,,. wi.n r- nh.r.i hv th d.tHthlloan mat PPiitral ...mmittw. Inte ia. ujkui i'inuu!t me m,u iiy 4M. 000 nmioriix. Th ltin t ie Mate a majority of 4'JOO. Th Mth, Douglas county, Dublman'H own. utive DtthlniMii a majority of 8000. Tha aaina 13 eounlivn two enr nti .'MM' Sluilli'i.b.'rut'r, (lemiiii.M, n inn- jority of 500. There ia a cIiuiiko thia veur of 4700 votea. With Ahl- rich'a majority pruoticallv usMit'p.1 in iiiont of lha oouiitiaa not vet heunl frum. it Ik 4eaMMl cPitain that Dahl- i ratin'H leml in Doimtan will he ttaaily overcome. The election of llitoheook iia conceded bv all. "1 ill enrrv the (Htnte hv AV0O0," mI,1 Mi. lli(chaMk ttittisrht. Thfe flinuc . nv he in- ireael." Chairninu dlunenvuter of tha ra- Med ford I Bok Store ! SPECIAL A Small Bearing Orchard. Attractive Price - Easy Terms W. T oxk & Co. a ooo:oCK:, t 0 Henry W. Savage's Great Revival of THE Prince of Pilsen at The Medford Theatre November 12 An All-Star Cast, Headed by JESS DANDY and FRANCES CAMERON San Francisco's Verdict: 'THE BEST MUSICAL SHOW SEEN IN FISCO FOR YEARS." PRICES -30c, $1.00, $1,30, $2.00. Seals on sale Tuesday, November 8th. Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices on All Kinds of Trees and Shrubs L. B. WARNER Jr. At Warner Wortman (EL Gore Grocery j& j& ? Medford KKKKHKK40KKKKl4HW F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD &CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON S 1 .arm st a-nrh.ienls. 5 Lowest prices. 5 NoAlcohoU fnM with porjury. TAYL0II IS PR0DABLY DEFEATED IN TEHESIPE NAM I VI U.K. Tpiiii., NV. . 1-. 1 voMMiieH out of 00 aud xiiinatol 4iii llio rauiaiuiiiK, Hun W. lloin'r. . fusion .imlldata, is alaotad gnwrnor n-r s ntr Taylor, who ahowoil nu- nut.hpi' For eonirreaa: Anatin (,u! lofcai-t Hale (ih'iu.) in aaoo.ul: Mmin ('fHi.) winu in llie third; llu'l (duin. ) in the fourth, Sella (rap) firwt, S'ii, (leiu. in the eighth. (wstrnl (Hm'mlttcp rKa ', Miak1 .. itatMitent oi th tfiiher .oriHl raro The tnte leji).latur t imdmblv datnoorntic. Ma-'fsou's Election In Dotiht. 1U.TCII1NS0N. lCan.. Nov. U. (V Htraii'' ballot cunt in llutohlnaou ml 1 ii oountiek. Nerlev (dam ' u"..(, Hoventh district, haa a ot' ,00 over MndUon. Mnd iwl the two wiintiew Wo by 304. Indication are !ikuii' mojoritv of -lBOO in id two VMM ago haa beau .t ami his ra-elaotkMi ia in FlyrMi Bii cntfe. JACKKONTIUR. Fla., Xov. 8. H. M. Kharkman, Frank Clark and I). II. Max. dMmwrittw. er elected to (Mtitirrraa without oniMMdtion .vaa terday. Retuma on the statewide imthihjtiou auiendineut are i-umimt in erv alowlv. with 'th Atf laim ing rioiory. for lllMJo IHOII yean- that M tl.p .1. mit t . duirit Arkansas Democrats. WTT.i: HOCK. Ark.. NW. 0.--W. M.ii.m. V. A. OhJflald. J. a C. FJoy.l. W. B. l'rttaW. II. M. Jnao tn J. T. ItoUiiiMou and V S. Opod wln, iIoiiuiorHt"-. -'.n:nioiml oanili dntoM. Imvo haeu olwtHtl. aooordini.' to fipiin-i rIvoii out by tho demo cratic cainpnigu inaiiuKCi's here. . i Ml . f .ai-' n jiaiMiiTi ij', h um Danfirili Gom nok. RtKIIKKTKH. X. -. X.m. . II. O. Dautorlh. r.'iiQ,i'iui. ih elected i iHtnirreKK in the 3'Jil ilistriot, w ceedunt llavwi. democrat. Snvos nn lfHa Man's life The erv time eemed to yawn before Rubvrt Madron ot Vet Bur linirtott, la., when, after Mvan weak in the hospital, four iV the beat phv aieiuim vava him up. Than wa ahown the marveluua curative Mwar of F.lei'iiic Uiti.-r. Kar, after uiht uiontlio of tuuhtf.il siiffciun; fnnu lier trouble ,., AU iiu.iidioe, getliiit no bi'li tnm oihiT ruiuetlu'4 or doi'Ur, j i buitK- ot thi uiatoh loaa luediciue coinplolelv cured him It's witii truarnnleed fur utoiii- aoh, liver or kidnc lroutilek and 1 itovor dUupiK.iiiu Onlv .0c at all cut, druKgiti. Tllli rut i: Tl.sl. a. - Tiled tit Mc.IfoiU, It lias sIihuI tl' Teat. Tha hardoat teat ta the tent , tlma, and Doan'a Kidney IMHh lm atood It well In Medford. Kdti uftarera ran hardly aak for mump liroof than tha folio Iuk Mra. J. 11. Itauaaum, (Vntial u nue. Medford. Or., aa: ' I uih , bad off with kldne trouble that I could uot do my hoimowoiK ' back waa weak ami painful and la tho moraine when 1 got up l .. lama and aoro. The kidney aecrc ttona poaaed irregularly ami ia health ataadtly rati dowu until I wax hardly able to got about. While hi that condition I read about Doim Kidney IMIla and got a box at Hu klna drug atore. 1 felt batter from the time 1 commauced their ue am! It waa not long before I was cured i am iu a uoaltlou to recommend Doan'a Kidney iMHa highly to uu one afflicted with kidney com plaint." (Statement given Septem ber H. 1807.) t'enuuuout ("mo Justifies He-en. iloi-scuitMit, When Mra. Itauaaum waa iuter vlewat'oou October 3, 1809. ahe in Id: "My former Indoraement of hoau'a Kidney IMIla etlll hold goHl. 8tnett tUU remedy cured me I have had no further attacks of kidney complaint and I have m Joyed good hnaltt. 1 do uot heaitate to aay that Doau'a Kidney IMIla are a apeeific for all dtffleultlea cauaed by weak kldueya." ceats. Poater-Mllburn Co., Uuffalo. N. Y.a aula agent for tha United Statea. Kaumber the name Doan'a- - (awl take no other. ' Is alcohol a tonic? Not Docs It make the blood pure? No! Does itstrencthen the nerves? No! Is Ayer's Sarsaparllla a tonic? Yes 1 4$k your doctor If a family medicine, like Does It make the blood pure? Yes! 8 Aycr'iJxMapama, Is not catlLu Better icilh Does it strengthen the nerves? Ycsl a ,, 7.-A (Ar. .Mil, II. J.O.AytrCo., ic j, An,!PWufrn frnm nlrnhnl? Y I U VM. M.VV..V. .... iiwvii. Maaa. -. .y . ..w... M. u..w. . .. ,. OFFICE: ! . y11 i ' M n viniurr annul iHBrezacca II 1 fl iia MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SDT1 w.v JS. X. S Our WX-y K " I'niirl l)i)r LSvSfcSSftV. X Illrrt'l rrmi r&VXSSvV s r-iir tflttv W. X " ,,,r', "'J iwnerr SASHauDOORS OU Ki'l F. tUl.tv .it cnJiTlniC rioin 1 VhIup uml 1'lKh-liri.-f like the by .ur rataloicut' HUalHU kt)l llllHKItlilM llour, )l.bU. ri.HU dtmri, tJ !. Iu S.O(l. I'ulluKt frout vi ,lis, a'.'..1.1 iiu! up. It. I), lualdi' i! . Ira . . ." iv. I), iilulu vluilov frnium, l.(KI. 1-llKlil vlHtloa, fliiH'K mil. 7.sc up. We have ! i n facigry unit auva rcu th mill., i.a prerlta. 1'acU Mrffully tiiui .up .ti.ywlu're Send u your lUt of i ntvrtitl. ask roit t vrii.ocii: is v. Ga W.i-UAMS CO. 184.' ' l-l r.. Nrulllr. Minnesota Republican. MlNNHaM'OI.lN Minn., Xox. !). Kbtrhart estimates his majority lot Kovcruor at che to J.,00O. Ghnmii Clnrk Re-elected. ST. LOL'IS. M.... Xov. 9.--The democratic state eon.mittee elaun the rr -el act ion of CouRreosniHU Cha.nti Hark, but no flgtire could ha obtained. Hi defeat of Jutlise Reuben F. Kov. republieaa, U juwe ticullv naiiiured but bv u lu:hUv re duced majority. Will Promote Bonuty, Women deairing beauty et won derful help from Huckleu'a Arnica Salve, i baii.khes idmplea, wkiu ertut.iMis, sores ninl lioiU. It mak' the akin oft and velvet v. It irlon I MurrtlV Is Elected. fie the face. Ture nor eve. cdd HOSTOX. Ma.s , Xo fl. - William sores, crocked low, ehaimd hands rY Muriav (dcm.t has been elected for burns, scalds, fever norex, i ceiujreasmnu from the siinth Mta-J bruiser ip.d inlcs rvvenlv-five: cUusetts !iuier. vvlnih i now reii eenta nt all drucKibta'. u-cuua o JLt.dter td.m.). You read our hut week's in'. didn't vou, n ta our aruO.aiiteeiiiL: our work! Well, we have piovcn ..t to niiilc mniiv f..il uml uc i- ii prove it tn von. Offutt-Rarnes Auto Co. Eirjlith and Central. riume dJ.U Mam. Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficiency and economy. They burn air. nde in seven types' to meet any requirements. Special prices for short time. We also manufacture the lard pail hca'ers. Write Karl K. Wundt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. maaaw THE TIME IS HERE R B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders n6v for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street HI (1 Not Sorry for Bunder. "it" no ti.eiul- hadn't b!u uctctl in thinkiiiK 1 wan a doomed uian ! collkUIUHloii 1 UMKhl not lie air, now." writes D. T. Sanders ,.t Iia. rodabun;, K., "but for tin's tin aw every attempt to cure a lm . rackiiiK cough fail. At laM I turn Dr. VOutr'i New UoMMverv The .. fact wa woudertut. It koon t .ihk-.: the oottfih Mid I .uu now uf In it.' health Uuui I huc had tor vc.u. Thu woudarfui lit'c.er is a:i u rivaled remedy fr eoutb, eold.s, la grrippe, aathma, erouis hemorrh.ise whooinir cough or weak lm 'at, 1. Tnal bottle free. Oi.n .,.. bv all drusits. B ' i g .. n-a.,.-,. , .-n mf mH Iium,,,.., iaillll" t I i HaakiaB for Hc&Itk I J. E. ENYART. President JOHN S. ORTIT, Cah.cr THE MEDFORD J A. PERRY. Vice-President. W. B. JACKSOX, Ass't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DFPOSIT B0XS Ofl RENT. A GENERAL BANKING MMMEU TRANSACTED WE SOL.C.T YOUR PATRONAGE HWWMMHMMMMMaMBMH--,, ' ' " - - v( attafi-. ...