wnaBBBBBBBBnaBBBBi AaflBeH ft " f W k r, rv '- w-wt -"imini'r jfeiiJir''r-fj"'i"ArrT3l?CyPPPPnM i. ..i.. ,imt,,ii inniiiinn iiii ! --. , .. .,... iliJn.i.l'i.if. .iij.mi,li.r'- .ii. . JSJS!PS. S- IfWVtf, " - - j -SS ---. . - . . - - .-. . . , . , (.,.l ..4 I .Will 1I..UI.L.I ! I I I ?T , - uuur uuuiw iMEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE aae jmdepbndent newhpateb ji W r,tnn DAXZ.Y X3ZCEFT SATUB- 3AT BY THE MEDrOED PRXNTXNQ CO. Jl .consolidation of the Medford Mall, itstefcllifhed 1889; tho Southern Oregon s9mc aUbllshod 1902J tho Deomcratlc tsiwti, Btahllhed 1871; tho Ashland Ttfffruiic. efltabliohod 1900. nnd tho Mod aSsnd Tribune, established 190. . KXnaB PUTNAM, Editor and Manager A NEEDED REFORM IN INTERSTATE LAW. A BVrrtorod ns second-class matter No-KUltrn- 1, 1909, at the part office at PIwMcrd, Oregon, under the act or MCaoah 2, 1879, eodat Paper of tho City of Medford SUBSCRIPTION BATES . flroar by mall 16.00 tort month by mail ;; ,B0 AtenMnUi delivered by carrier In jltdtord, iBhland, Jacksonville bo4 -Central I'olnt taadxr only, by mall, per year. . . WUy. txsr year ...... .SO 2.00 1.E0 ffoU I.eud Wire UnlUd rress Pltpatohei. Tftfl Mall Trlbuno Ib on nele at tho JTwrry Sown SWind, Ban Frarrtsco. jcrtlAnd Hotel Nows Htand, Portland. ,Mnun Nowb Co., Portions. Oro. W.1 &. Whitney, Hcattle, WMH. JSbrfiol fipokano Nows Stand BpoKnno. PoiUffo Bator, I Ae 12-paRo paper rll a 24-paKe paper a 6a 3-puK0 paper HWOBK CXEOUIiATZO.7. XJreraeo dally for afvoibr, 1908 MJ0 EEtaoctaber, 1909 J.J" .jry, 1910 - Vbureh, 1910 J'J" Aerll. 1910 Z'JJ j5.y. J9io 2.JS2 J8M, 1910 " July. 1910 a. uiput, 1910 . gaptembtr GlroulatlCA. a.. ar.. &... . . . . .T 9 fax.. .or... a .a 'OS 2476 2475 2S25 2476 2475 2476 2476 2476 2600 2476 2476 24G0 2626 18. 18 19 20 31 i i 25 26 26 27t 28 29 30 2626 2676 2676 2676 2676 267E 2676 2660 2660 2676 2700 2710 2710 ToUt 0."f i&TOnt-j?6 -d&lly z,6oi OTTATIfl OK OnisaON, Counly of Jnck- CURFOUS stato of thiiiKS has been ro vealcd in a Chicago (lispateli aiinouneiiiK' tho restoration by western railroads of certain freight rates which the inter state commerce commission ordered to be lowered, says the Hacramento J3ee. The railroads took the matter into the courts, where it remained until a week or two ago, when the United States supreme court gave a final decision in favor of tho shippers. But the interstate commerce law provides that an or der of the commission shall remain in effect not more than two years, and that period has expired. So the same old rates have been filed with the commission by the unblush ing railroad companies, and shippers are faced by the necessity of making their long fight over again, or yielding to the railroad demands. The situation would be farcical if it did not involve a monstrous wrong and injustice. But it should help to better law-making, and also to open the eyes of the public to the need of greater control of the railroads. A 1 . 1 1 . II 11 t M i raaicai cnange in ine present law evidently is needed, so that any order of the commission shall remain in force and effect until annulled by that body, or expire according 10 us own terms. Tho creation of the new commerce court is expected to avoid the long dehvys that up to this time have attended the settlement of appeals from orders by the commission. But to carry out promptly and most effectually the pur poses for which the commission was created there should be no appeals from its orders. It should be a court of first and last resort, as is the Canadian railroad commission, which has an excellent record for fairness and justice, and far greater and more peromtory powers than those of our interstate commerce conussion. GOES DEMOCRATIC Complete Landslide Carries Every Democratic Nominee in Chicago! Into Office Three Congressmen1 Gained One District in Doubt. B61 On 1st day of October, 1910, nor- weua'ty app.areu unioro me, "uorisu ru ms, manager of tho Mndford Mall Trl Axu?. who upon oath, acknowledBcs that tana jUjovo flfiurcs aro true and corrooL H. N YOCICit. . YJ3en!) Notary Public Tor uogon. MEDrOBD, OBEdON. 3ltropollfl of Southern Orej- m and SitarUicrii California, and tho faatest roniiiK city In Oreton, .Population. 1910, 9.000, Kaiik deposits 12,760,000. Klvo hundrod thousand dollT Gravity Tair Byntoin completed In July, 1910, .jJriiur flncat supply puro mountain ..v.ter. ... . JHxtcen silica of Btrent lielnK paved 3 a coat exceodln 11,000,000, muklliK a ih,i t KvAtilv Ttiflnn nf tiavnmont. Jl'OBtofflco receipts for year endlnn KJmto 90, 1910, show n gain of 6 per Banner .fruit city In OroKOn Itonuo SHvcr upplea won swcopstakcB p Izo and KM1 of -Applo rinir of the Wor A" , sC he National Applo Hhow, Hooknno, att. IIoruo lllver poars brorxlit hlBh tnK prices In nil markotB of tho world tttuittK tho pnat flvo years. Wrltfl Commercial Club. 4ioloslnK 0 vestin for postaRO of tho flnst commu Bity .pamphlet over written. BRADY'S ELECTION STILLJN DOUBT Returns From Mormon Counties Change Situation and Give Demo crats Hope Prohibition Hangs In tho Balance ncpiiublican House. TARIFF CAUSE OF LANDSLIDE Champ Clark Says "I Told You So" Will Bo Candidate for Speaker of Next House People Are Tired of Misrule. IWhere Lo Go Tonight NATATORIUM tthntiiux. 'BowlliiKi HillinnlH, Pool, )53tl)flll ami Joy Wliuul. Best Music in tho West. "NAT" THEATRE Vary taunt lavitt l'ioturon. , Satire o1ihiik tvwry SurnU, THMtlny Htnl lMtlay. AUtinee avery Saturday itml Suutlav, 2:30 p. m. A eocv thiuittfr aunil romforl- jINi)W ttut. iuu huimiooiuh- i 10c. IT-GO High-Class Vaudevlllo and Movlnn Pictures. ToNHlltT Fit-tl Aiipenrnnoo of ANDY McLEQU IV.ill.Vn.iuii Irish Kililrill J MuDionl Coniwltau. ft ..n ..I nil. !.! .. nt,i ri.i aunu UUUO iiiuiii ui ui" uiii- ongo." hy Musical Four. OtMH 7K0 l. m. Oildran. I0o; Adulta. 20a. and ! THE SAVOY Jiadford'a Eicluaiva Piolura 'fha- Latat Ucai.sed Pkoto-O fjrtw On Dim? No Mor Qtt Dim. THE ISIS THEATRE Una the Zrilo Uiot tb iron jnw uthletti ura a wuudar Hut don't fail to aaa our ooiuiiiK at traotiou, Ue Yari Harklay Cow ny Company, una of the baat coinpauiaa ou tha ooaat today. A trent for tho putdic, eoiuuionoiuj; Thursday Three reels of Latest Pictures will Illustrated Song. Woll hunted nnd ventilnted. HOISK, Jduho, Nov. 0. Ifutiirn oiuly today from tho Mormon coun ties in Soiitlii'iistorn Idaho have cast u dotilit ns to tho victory of Jiuiioh IF. Hrndy, rcpiihlicnn mihoniatorial aspirant, which lato lnt nijlit hcuiii cd eo certain thaluloom pervaded democratic ranks, 'The election of Hrndy means that Idaho jroes dry, aa the lupuhlieaiiu made the cam paign on a dry Ihhiic. This portion of the state made trroat inroads on Hrndy 'h majority and t ho ilomucratH, after praetioallv concodiii),' tho tlol'cat of James V. Hawlgy, their oandidiito. have taken now heart and now two claimiiis; hix it'tory. I'Vumont county in the laut ictiirim had jfiven Ilawlev (dum.) a majority f hetwiien 100 and A00. In linimnt k fouiity, winch waa ouiiaitMrcd to ne atronar for Hrnd.v'a alentioii, IImIo. will proliahly ifloiv a majority t It is known (hnt Heady earrid CuinMil. Khintro nnd Iloine conntiai. i Th renlt, eveu thouuh rrwlay In returned the winner, will nut dmni Ihe iHmple.ion of the liriJnlurt. whinli is safely republican. Hiirtoti I.. Kreneli, proareBiv re piildicmi, Iiiik Mwept lht Htatt, ac cording to Intent retuniM, by a uracil laivcr inninrit than he did at the li until ilei'tmn tin- ili(. .cnl nt Thuiinj- Ilicinei, iu'-.i'ni con)ff"H in. in I inin this -l.itt HOWLING GItlOBX, Mo Nov. 9. In nn Interview today Champ Clnrk doclarod ho had been ro-olected in tho nJntli district by n0 less a plur ality than ho received two yenra ago. "I shall ho a candidate for tho speakership In tho noxt congress," said Clark, "and I expect to bo elect ed. Tho democratic landslide comes as I predlctod months ngo. Tho peo ple nro sick nnd tired of tho adminis tration at Washington nnd provoked just to this extent at tho tnrKt de ception. " Asked If u democratic congress will attempt to reduce tho tariff cIiimIuIoh, Clark Hnfd: "Why, certainly. Thnt Is why tho pooplo elected n democratic bouse. My vlowa on tho tariff, already woll known, wfll bo nssortod na apookor of Ilia iinuae." JONES REFUSES TO ' RETIRE FROM SENATE IS RE-ELECTEDIINKANSAS NOHTIT YAKIAIA. Wua., Nov. !). - CniU'W Stalin Seuntitr .faies, who hna jiiHl returned from Ihe onat, wrc hi eamrmimied for lb repub lican imrty, today reiteruto( hn de nial of the rumor thnt he would con sider TetiriiiR from the uefrale l takotlia ylace left aoant ou the fed eral bench- by the death of Judue Whilaou at Siwkaue reeeutly. Hetiator JNie while in tlitr east Htumped throuirh Ohio, Indiana, Alls Houri and ITHnoia. He nid be w.i not Mtirnriaed nt the outcome of tin election. Senator Jonea predicted thnt there would lie n deuic-rrntie InudHlide in tlw eaat previoua t e ictdm'H eleetitm. He aaid thnt tin iuctvncd detnoeratie ote wa due to the people' rfiaaatiefaction wilh the present pln of iMtlitical won-1 illicit and to radicalixiu williWt the , republican imrtv. CHICAGO, Nov. i). A complete landslide, carrying Into office evory democratic candidate for office In Cook county, Including tho superior court judges, and making a gain of three democratic congressmen In tho nntlonal house from this city alone, was tho result of the elections here yesterday, according to tho complete returns today. As a state, Illinois tnado a gain of four democratic congressmen, the re publican Incumbents being defeated In tho sixth, seventh and sixteenth districts. In tho ninth district Gans- borgen, who was nominated at tho primaries over Congressman boutell, wns defeated. One District in Doubt Early today ono district was still in doubt, tho tenth. Republican Con gressmen Madden, Mann, Wilson and Fobs hnd tho fights of their lives in tho first, second, third and tenth dis tricts. Tho defeated republican congress men aro Moxley, Lunndln and Graft. Evory democratic Incumbent was re elected. Aside from the tenth district, where Foss and Flnnogan aro fighting It out, with the result still In doubt, tho democrats aro assured of ten mem bers in tho noxt bouso against the' robupllcans' 14. Tho following will comprise tho Illinois delegation In tho house as crsult of tho elections: j New Delegation Republicans District ono, Martin 13. Madden, ro-olected; district two, Jnmos II. Mann, ro-olectod; district three, William Wilson, re-olectod; district olovon, Ira C. Copley, ro-olcct- ed; district four. James T. McDcr mott, ro-olected; district flvo, Adolph Q. Sabth, re-elected; district six, Edmund J. Stack, defeated W. J. Moxley, republican lucumbont; dis trict seven, Frank Huchminn, doreatod Frederick Lundln. republican Incum bent; district eight. Thomas Gnlla- ghor, ro-olected; district nine, Linden i Evans, defeated F. II. Gnnsborgon, J ropublfran; district slxteoir, Clnudoi (J. Stone, dofcatcd J. H. Graff, repub-1 llcan incumbent; district twenty, II. , T. Ralnoy, re-olecled; district twen ty-one, Jnmos M. Gritlinm, re-olected; . district twenty-three, Martin D. Fos- tor, ro-olecred; district twelve, Clias. ( E. Fuller, re-olected; district four-. teen, John McKonzle, re-elected; dis trict thirteen, Jnmos MrKlnnoy, re elotced; dlatrfct fifteen, Georgo W. i Prince, ro-olectod; district seventeen. John A. Sterling, re-olocted; district eighteen, J. G. Cannon, re-elected; district nlnoteon. William U. McICIn ly, ro-olected; dlatrlct twenty-two, William Rodenburg, re-elected; dis trict twenty-four, P. T. Chapman, re elected; district twonty-flre. N. n Thlatlewood, ro-ofocted. Iltault In tenth In doubt. WALTHAM HAMILTON ILLINOIS HOWARD and others THE WATCHES THAT SATISFY I never sell a watch that I think there is the least question about whether it will keep perfect time. ' Every watch I offer for sale is guaran antccd to j)lease or you can get another in its place that will. Lowest possible t;ti$m. prices. SEE OUR WATCHES. .4mFy$5m?lH't ntf'Kf-'tfm., -j-f&Vmi&h. JMsfjOWk liC?0 V.E RlT H ElW O RLDi. A COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTY JEWELRY Diamonds (loose and mounted). Rings of all kinds a superb variety from which to choose. You are invited to call and inspect the new Silver, Out Glass, Jewelry, Clocks, Etc. Etc. B. T. Van De Car Fine Repairing Pliipps Biu'g. Biggest Bargains in Soutkrn Oregon Two hundred and fifty acres fine hind; GO acres planted in standard varieties of apples and pears; several acres in alfalfa; first class buildings and improve ments; also splendid -location for raising chickens, hogs and cattle. Good team, new wagons, implements, machinery everything complete and in best order. Price will astonish you. Terms also given. Will be divided if desired. INQUIRE OF W. E. Murphy or J. W. Dressier Medford, Oregon I FORTY-FIVE MAJORITY i FOR DEMOCRATS IN HOUSE If f Claim Foss' Defeat. (MTTCAGO, Nov. 0 Rlchnrri Kln ui'Knn, domorrntle ionreniilonnl can didate In the tontli Illinois distrlot, 1 1 !:-. ituw tho defeat if Oonreemin 1 'ihi republican REPUBLICANS SWEEP CIIICAGW, JJI., Nov. '.). I'hninii.i Uoyd of tike demoerutic oniin eioual coinunttee eniitinuod '.o cLuni a tiM.jority t' -l' (Wuun-i.it in in next house of representative A conlimtto Lloyd's fiuuren, Ibw nltei notui the detiMierntK nil! Ii.ie lliiWn lltJ I I. ., . 1. & .... ii I . .1 i. .. IU'4I7 IUIVI WWI i iQUWJlV.III" 1 IJovd id hie lotunw mIiowui Ui.' j republican had enmed the !.- -t ilintnet- were offset 1- report- ili.n ' the tlrinormt- hud m uiiipt'cu- ictie m other yurt. ot' the- imih trv. f am n m m I ISIS THEATRE I THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT "Never a Dull Moment" the city wt' ChivMKo to u in Ihe uu.t TOPKKA. K.iu. N..v. ' h ii,.. ciiiur W, H. Siubbr i- ic-i'le.'ti'd Uf dl ku into oli'iee ith u plurnlii of Ickh than 10,000, accord in ti late retuniM twluv With -exeral preeinete vet lo be beurd truiu, it i btneed that eight repubhoau uou KreMiuen have beeu elected, hut three diirioU iO' ill iu doubt, m- t'liiuuig tue ..evwuit, now repreeeaUMl That wtia the claim ut Ue Cook h K. H. Madison (rep.), a member . couuti and elate deiuuuuOtv elate of the Hallinger cumuiittee. ludiea- uuiuiuUUm here at U o'cluttlc laal tiiuif an that the Mate lenUUtnrv uighi. Th.i deolare tougreea-uau i'0bt republican MudUeu ut ihe liri uud May ui the . neeuud dlktnvlK will Liu biitmi mil i DEMOCRATS LEADING ' ii,al v m ib ..mhth uauii be do- C0UNT IN KCVADAUalv tt maU .!" uy. llKLRXA. Mont. Nov. U Uo-1 t ii 1 1 1 . tfruiii till hKi'tuiils of llli utatl tod.iv, lhouli still incomplete, ap- CHICAGO CM0SES SOLID j pnr.nHy vomovo all doubt tlmt the nEMOnnATin riFI FRflTinw' repuhlii liave tn;h. a clwu weep ClliCAUU, Nwv. y. lvvur ouu- SMITH HAS CARRIED I lncrouiMr pniiu-rv. f tin elate and tuiKreaioiml oi- Kresamuu livm the tenth dietriot in ' " '"! "n "T "-"'" "'-' ' oi i lUHHiie i Riiw iu law vaiieti CAH80K, Xe., Xov. tt. Ineom ptete return t'roiu 00 pretinete iu Nevada iftve Ihokereon (dem.) far iroxemor 1011, tKldie (ran.) 93S. For coiurreae Koberte (rep.) H97. Kpraifite (dem.) 765. Kvtunia are ooutiiii; in elovly, but thev indicate that the reeult ou uov eruor and ooucrtMCUUt will h hee (hat it will take the official count to deid. It ie believed that Nixou (rep.) will be re-eleoted to the Uuited Mtates aenaU. The return ou far received are from the larger citiee and town a, the outlving dtatricte not having reported. i State eewwte. I n the faoo of the ret time at hand i toiUv, Qftngreaewan Chert X. , I'r.iv ba been rtfeleeted by at least ItUHr. riteat ratania indieattug tbat the '.-txtblicauN eheMed eigkt of the 12 -i u. refivaatntativec from Silver How county, tbe deuwratie atruiiK ii 'd, apparaatb' gave then a work c majority m iobit ballot anfficient i.. ivturu .Carter. Murdock Successful. WIliUTA. Kan. XTo 0 NvTm Munlock. uisurneM con(;rc8sinan, -ro elected HOPE OF SAVING MINERS ENTOMUEO IS ABANDONED I'LACK DIAMOND. Waeb.. Nov. t'. All hope ot reooverinir the 1 miuera autouibed in tha lower elupo ot ik Lawrence ooaJ mine here, t'ol-, SAN tntAXCiaco, Nov. I lati loniaf last Sunday' explosion, haiuatee baietl oa tha unoffclal returae beeu abandoned. The men have uu-ifrom mora thaa halt the preclneu JOHNSON ELECTED BY 25,000 MAJORITY CHANTS PASS, Ot Nov. !) Complete returns from five republi can arooiuoU irive Hnwli-v l.U. Smith 110, IttMveruian 1X. ,-i 1S3, dry 135. wet U0O. Pnatial return frota thne iu preoiaete iudieate thnt Wi viii carnr Joephiue couutv bv 2oo .it.! Smith for oomrre!iuut! bv 100. Prohibition vote i- rio-e. with m dictttione of a -ni.ill wet umiontv TIIK FORTY-FIVE MEN KILLED IN MINE DISASTER v.. dwubtadly perished. Tha laet hope that tha aiuiei oaiight in the bottom of the main atop might be alive waa diaaipatc.l whan an exidonug party which worked through the third level found the worki from the third 1st el to the bottom gallenee idled with dead ly afterdamp. ATTHXII COhLHOK, Arrauge to attend tho Kuicene nat Inosa College, and let us get you k good position when you grnJu&te, K tor now Soad for our sew ct loguo 14 H Weut Boveath ttrei In Califantta, aeattered throughoat the etate. ladteaU that Hiram Joha oii haa baaa fleeted roveraor by a Plurality of over 19.000. Meyer Ueeaer, chairman ot tha re publican state central eommlttea, U TRlXMHAn. Col..., X..v. si. fire men were killed in tin- .li-.i-in the Victor American Km i nanv'a mine near 8tiirkvilU. T bodice were fannd tndnv bv rc-r oartiaa. At the eama time the )at of 2 miner raaeuad alive were led to th surface. AH tboae found alive will i recover. The Zarados Bros. OKISAT IKON JV ITHI.ini.s. - 3-REELvS-3 LATEST MOTION PICTURES KKXTLVKY PTOXKERS OOLDKX NECKLACE now nvmiY got a iuse POT'OEBED ALWE DRIFTS OP SNOW ---- - - - ONG- ''rnViMU'OUISE'' Ly HARKV BLAX(niARD children, Miaaar at 'ijSfa 'WTINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. imOnyn 7f .B DEMOCRATIC SENATOR TO SUCCEED CK Result in Marlon County. o -M" REPUBLICANS CLAIM IOWA GOVERNORSHIP t oi.LMIU n, t I (.union via- iv i iti i i "'. ni'vuruing .1,1, DKR MOIN'KS. U , Nov Dailv Caiutal tiepubhcan) 9 -The clnhn- euel a statawaat thta atternoan nj,i it ha renin,, from 32 r.' clalmtag Jeaneone oiaeuon uy :.- 000. Aaeumlag that -ota will maiaUtn the ratio ot the (Ignrat already at baud, it U calculated that JohMOR will hnve a total ote of 180.000 and Hell 9S.O00 In tho state complete eincta which shw that Carroll (rep.) ill win the race for governor by MM. Democrat -til! claim Por ter' election bv 10,000. Hasxlna for health. NOT1CK. Dr StearnB hat moved from otm Mien Reagan a to new QitrnetMV rey bulidln0 titli.iV . . . I . - '.UllilV v a -uoitantial pluraluv over Wai ' C. Harding rep.i. Th, hl. mre u apparently deu.otuc iUlJ tt democrat wiU Ceeed Chark- D,,.k the Lnited 8tai mie A Imm 13 eongreftwue,, are democratic l J dtotnou are t.l m doubt. You believed thai .uj ..i. . , I,- ..1.1.1.. A.. - MT IO, " weiiaiuiB wnan Oi I KM. Or., Nov. 9, Republican - - '.ue uud county ticket elected in this county. Scott' M ' a tl Siatou hou vrV majoniv .i 1 t lie county will give strong voU agninet prohibition nnd home rule. Three oubside preoiuote Rive Bow riiiiin 24. Waat S8. Hawlev lead in all preeinots. ! I'robablv tiate a Killed In a Quarrel. MUSKOGEE, Okla., Nov. 9.- A- a result of ft quarrel stnrtinjr at the : . . i...L..,i tt hllU i.! ... """"" Pnmunas 111 AllRUSt, JUOffO Iei"- r m '" D ,taa'1' tod' sllt killed J. C. MoBraver. I ler. Beokett is uudcr arrest. '" BOUB-ht U ii n -umii i. Cen oiw-