vwmsmsuf wr" jv -- - C if .jjw-wur.: r i I j 5 . i I I i , I'M l'.( ; i -i-yimiyir'MWC j-frriirirtiit .' tnnnTirtim "; a i (rfiu tttcjajoU? mawm f? . . u . .. . u i aninfrrrTT i xj,WlM)WC VjfOTWlBS- -WI-H "-- oxtiyflksiaagtr WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1910. n Butte Falls Items "Mrs. Fnsko of Medforu, with hor children, is vistthiK Mrs. Alice Salter. Guard Neil of tho forestry sorv- ama una uccn 10 fjURcnc, aim wnnu giI took tho civil Bervico oxutninu dton for ranger. Jojs Hendricks, who hns" been -wcaSdnj: in tho valley for tho Inst 'aMctb or more, tins rettumed to his Unaincstcnd. Mr. Ilendnckfl hns com- 3Bmtl, ns ho finds tho nltiture too atfcla for his wife, nnd ho is compelled rfo mako a change. Will Lewis of Eagle Point and Fferoilier to Mrs. D. 0. Knrnos of Buiie Falls, is visiting in Uulto .Falls. It is reported JP00), widow of that Mrs. Snrnh Emanuel Pool, has cmaxried Dick ThomnsBon. air. Bailey hns hnd a very com fortable cottago built for himself and is moving into it and will "bach" for -the winter, Several of tho boys liavo gono to Xodgo Polo and Cat Hill to nssist tho arangers in seeding the burnt district auid will bo absent for a mouth or mere. Tho Inst of tho bridges nlong tho -railroad between I3utto Fully has Jieaii completed and rails nro being JaUl toward Butto Falls, and in ono -veek it is expected that tho first vlrsjJi will bo run into our town and (that ivo will have n convenient way s getting out in the future, nnd tho people will begin to sit up and tako OBolico that Hufo Falls is on the map. J. P. Hughes, Rov. Mr. Jonos and jjuilfl a numbor of tho town pooplo ksve been doing souio good work in clearing up tho strcots near tho school grounds. The socialists held a strcot mcol Srr on Sunday afternoon nnd a Mr. .Miller nnd Mr. Wanhopo held forth diuto a largo crowd, An effort "was mndo to get up a debate, but it dil not materialize. There io no news of tho whero- afbonls of Charles Wright, who stid Mcny disappeared, and his family is 3s jjreat distress. ' Tho general opin 5sn, sinco tho sovornl Boarching par tfaes liavo been out and returned "without being nblo to get any trace -t him, is (lint ho has gono out and tTH lio found in Cnlifomin. There waa no trouble in his family. hn Kdsnll is said to bo ithprov 5w, but ho is still irrational anad -cannot toll nnything about how ho aa injured. Tho chnirs for tho nssombly room have como nnd it will not be long before they will bo placed and we will have a very comfortably seated public room. Charles Edmonson is still logging for tho mill compnny and is getting quite a largo lot1 of logs into tho mill pond. District Attorney Mulkoy and Sheriff Wilbur Jonos are visiting tho town and are inquiring into the dis appearance of Charles Wright, whoso sudden vanishing from sight has mystified tho entiro community. If tho socialists wero to nppcal to somo other motive than tho mero ma terial prosperity of mankind nnd in joot a recognition of tho spiritual character of man nnd hold out somo uplifting moral advancement of the human family in lino with tho tench- jngn oi unnsunnuy inoir cause might command tho attention of tho thoughtful world. Deputy Sheriff Clovongor hns been complniniiig lately, but is able to be about. lion. 13. F. Mulkoy gavo tho pooplo ,.i I!...,- i.in . . . ... ua uuuu runs a snort iniK upon some of tho political questions of tho day after tho close of tho so cialist meeting on Sunday aftornoon. Tho ladies of tho Presbyterian church havo organized an Aid soci ety nnd any ono desirous of advanc ing and improving locnl conditions is welcomed to momborship. Tho indications nro that wo will hnvo a snowstorm, ns tho air feels very wintry and atmosphere presages somo wintry wcathor, Thoro are several lots boing clear ed preparatory to oroctinir buildings on thorn, and Butto Falls is forging nhond, expecting thnt now the rail road is at our doors an ora of nc- ".y "in do in oviuonco. Alvnn Hnycs hns nbout finished liiu ,!ii.i1l!i.. .....1 ..i i. i tenant for it. Matters at Derby uro taking on qnilo an aclivo life, as Cameron seems to bo tho main shipping point " mo iiuc mm lrciglit nrrivos at this point nearly ovorv day. Afcilfonl will find boforo many moons wax itnd wauo that thoir pol icy is dostructivo of the host inter ests of thoir city. Tho indications nro for rnin, nnd it would not bo amiss, as u wotting of tho ground and n good downpour would raise tho streams nnd freshen u) everything, whilo it would not in convenioupo or retard tho rnilrond work. Change Name but not Policy You will find tho same faces to wait on you ns ynu found before tho sanio well known quality tho same courteous treatment the saino willingness to mako right ev ery llttlo thlni; that should provo wrong tho samo doslro on ovory one's part to ploaso. Wo will continue to carry tho well-known brands of goods that wo liavo carrlod bo foro and add to them such others as wo feel aro in de mand by our trade. Wo hopo to mako this the best and most popular storo In Southern Oregon, and whllo wo feel that wo now enjoy tho largest trade In tho city of Medford, wo will endeavor to increase) that business right along and If good goods and right prices will do It wo will hnvo an easy time. Allen Grocery Eagle Point Eaglets It, A. C. ITowlett. ,"i, "! i!,fJVH.,.l,n,Ul ,0t,"'rC,I "' ''"'"'""'V 'lie roads it would bo oh last week on (ho subject of tho ' .flwjtior traffic. Mis audionco wan wot an largo tin I havo seen-in Eaglo Point. Tho next day ho and Kov. 3-Jimar too klhe stago for Butto Failla. Jt, P. Nell, oandidato for stale woiintor, was amlliug on his friend 'WailuMday hut, but by the timo that mad by tho publlo tho onau will -decided ao to who will ruprosont r. tlio upper house of our stntu JMNsonibly. XJuiitnil A AhIiihiIo have (heir fewwo opouai) nud Mr. William h,i oved his harbor (hop into one of Abe room. Thara wa an aiiiiniiiiitriiiuni i u war n lady to luoturo in tbu nlmrnli L Wodnoaday night, but for gome ""on ilia did not put in liar apponr--oiioo. -Tliero wow two traveling aalea Mian fcom TlcuIay i-iulit from IVwtlnnd, but I did nut laani th.r WHIIIM, .TJio.laaO. bridge Uatwean for autl UiiIU Italia waa eouipJatad Satur day ft1 tho tol will probably 1m laid into Ilutto Fnlla by uxt Sim- tiny if tho wenihor is not too in clomuut. I tindoratand that tho poo plo of Butto Kalla are propariug for a high tluio ou the eompjetion of the vroud to thnt plnuo. The P. A K. ltHilruad ouuipany i prejinring to put up a largo roor volr liora nnd is planning to do the propor thliiK with Kagle Point. . umlorstnud that they are goiujt U vtiak on tke now bridire aeroaa llatu raak and make the cutoff that Hke of wm wautha 3fl HdaaU. of ftlaall Hint, whi Vina Unia on the railroad, oawo ou: Saturday and reports that hie fatli r. who foil off a haymow aome day agu, is impi-oviog vary slowly. He ty thai the company ha aboi: ibur uili of track tw lav et t vaach the Falls. Hufer it ( o. .tie haviua: Um lum W haulod troui Ui mill out to the "Y" on the railroad, ready for ship auuit iu Mt.uii ,ih the track ia readv for uee. Luat Thureduv I took a trip up ou Hottuj river, about 22 wiiee, aud wiw rJ eased to aee the mark.ul lmiMte iu the hue i.l improvement and oapaomlly ou the mutiny road prom (lie ftre ferry to Trail, when, it wna bo rough thnt one oould haul ly t'rivo faster than a wait- vu. thoy havo the road widened and havo hauled pumioo dust and Hit ou the ncka and now wo can drive alonif on a unsK trot. Jlat tho rond from thero to tho old Gordou jilnoo needs widening nnd stnUghteuing in many -wineea. ji we would bond the count? or any $800,000 and put It out ju- ono of the host lidvorliBomonts (lie coiintv could hnvo. Iiosi.ln ,!,.,, i,i..,i beiiefit to olhoMo of uw who have had to mako tho roads wo now have. Our aohool is progressing finely nndor tho manngomont of Professor P. II. Dnloy, nnd (Imh moriiing will open with an addition of another room and loaohor, Miuit Mown. Tho room was suiitnd ami all armiiKud laet Saturday, mid from pwaoHi imluiatioiiK all three of the teachers will havo all that 91mv -m do. Mr. Bmmley, yf wiiom I mndo mention anme nioulha uvo. arri,,l at the Sunnyaide laat Saturday from v uicajru. lie ban aold out hia bm,i- neaa there nnd oame here to liv. lie haa a 20-nere traot of laud' on the old Moiiua0 itlaee, aet to orohanl. Ilia family i at preaeut In Califor nia, hut will arrive as aoou aa he enu aeoure u hottae to live in. .1. W. Umer telle tue that there w now no doubt about hia having ld hi place, a the party haa al ready made the firat imymeiit -enough to inaiire the nle. Thoro have been aevoml aalea t't of the Ilaiuilluu tntot of laud and moneg enough )aid do6 to secure the laud by the purchasers, although 1 am not at hUftl to gne uame .. lot. Mr. Adams of Dudluy called Sat- unlav ou hi uav io .M.uli.u-.l 4 .Mrs. Puke and her two children come out Saturday ou the Butte Falls etaae and at uhxht took the cur for her home iu Medford. Mr. and Mm. Willeta, Sr., of Per xiet, aiieut the uiilhl hers Saturduy on their waj home from Medford. ' Uaujamui lSdinouson oame out Friday, spout the ui,lit here and wout to Medford and back here. lie has bteu laying ui a new supply of household funuturo for his mountain home iu But Falls. Dr. A. W. Dean of Medford, Mr. Kawley, Jr., aud Jeff Couovar eaiue iu Baturdav uight for supper aud bads at late hour, and at that time there were 00 uieu aud ulne women to provide with beds, but Mm. H ald tout alts would do ths best she OOUld for them. The oaaatiiui u where does so many people come from, for we have from 0 to 70 ex - night and still they oome. Mr nnd Mrs Lawrence of Trad, "'' whom 1 made mention Um wek. leturued from Portlanud Suturdaj ht, came out Sunday moruiuK to the Sunnyaide for breakfast aad I took theui up to within a mile of the free ferry, wham thv wa. .. i... his sou-iu-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. AIaeDmld. and the gt.t in my rig and Mr. L nn.l wit .. Inn I1M fit lliaif !....., .... n - ' mu, 0 i rRU iTOOk Co. Main and Central Main 2711 The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts Close to Medford. Good splendid soil. Sub-irrigated and above frost lino 70 acres' now planted to punrs and ap plets. Prices right nnd torn.'' easy. Lot mo show you a good real estate investment. Earl C. Sabin Boom 202 Fruitgrowers Bauk Buildiug. aud Mr. MacDoouald nnd wife eanie out with me and went on to Medfoul. Jack Morov saw that after elec tion the postofflee will go broke. We have had a regular flood of jtolu ieal circular. ONLY ONE CAR PEARS SHIPPED FROM CALIFORNIA California Fruit Distributors Ifsup the following market letter under Into of Sncrntnonto, Nov. 6: Tho following gives numbor of ears of doclduous fruit shipped from nil point In California for tho week (7 dajs) ending Friday morning November , 1910: Pears 1 car. No pear shipments have beon mado since Octobor SO, and the movement has now ceased. Grapes 170 cars, ltorefenee to the roport of Inst week will show that there has ueeu a falling oft of more than 110 oar during the past eveu day. Grape movement I now m;r 1 at an eud. Very few Tokay are offering aud the Mmpsror 1 practical ly the only variety going forward In Quantity. Movement will continue throuah the eomlaie week but In a 'mora limited roluma aad It Is ox- pectse; that tho crop will be entirely icieuaea up within the next tea days I aad possibly earlier. Weather has remained favorable and while conditio are now some what threatsnlag it to hoped that there will be aothiag to latartars with the sueosssful clots at the season. 1 0 acre p.'tuv. Wli T. Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN ?We havo a few ton-acre tracts andxtne 40-acre tract yot unsold; 40-acre tract has Beautiful Oak grovo for building sites, good house, barn, windmill, gasoline en gine and everything convenient; there is no better land in the Rogue River Valley; No better location for an ideal home. Prices are lower than anything in the val- e ley, considering location and quality of soil. Call on J. A. Perry, owner, or have your agent show you these tracts. Expect to lay out another addition of one-acre tracts about January 1, 1911. 7 J. A. PERRY 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. , 9 TO FRUIT GROWERS and Shippers to English Markets y fJ Consign your fruit to "MKSSIIS. niDLia & IIOULDina, Covent Garden, London. fljJBcBt murkot prices. Cash remitted day after sale, cabled If required. OJSolo agoats In London for South Austrnllt n government consign ments. " IJIOur charges for selling, 5 per cent aud 2 cents per box. sjiAgont In Now York, W. N. WHITE & CO.. 7C Pnrk Place. Forward-, lug charges, 2 conts por box. These aro tho solo cha.'gos. Compare with other accounts. . k . , jj '.j BSS0I9I PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING AH Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St..Mtdfoid Ore. Phone 303 J RBruTI I THIRD ANNUAL National Apple Show SPOKANE, WASHINGTON WILL BE HELD. November 19, 1910 $20,000 in Premiums The greatest variety of prizes, cups, and trophies over oft'ored. Prises' for single apples, boxes and everything up to full carloads will be aw t. $1000 Championship Carload Prize Por the best carload of G30 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three nlid onoohnlf acres required to house this great show. Resides the exhibit of apples, pack ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor mation. Ample hotel accommodation without rise in prices will be provided. Southern Pucific Lines ir Oreg'01 "Will have in effect low round-trip fares from all points on its lines. For further information apply to am- Southern Pacific agfiit or to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Bnwqwjwmim,!,!. if, Real Estate Loans Can be had through us Current rate of Interest. R.F.GUERIN b CO. 4 MZSrORD NATIONAL BAHK BUttDIIia FOR RENT On Iv hotel m town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Pacific rail mad. Itoeue River u.lloy. Newly refurnished, papered, painted; emiipment modern; baths, toilets, electric lichtfe. hot and cold run r.v s Hater. Now doing business. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE .RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, iu ne main ai Medford, Or. ffr """ iwiwiiimw iiiii ,. Fisher & Whitmire ninil (1RADK TXVKSTMFNTS Mining and Fruit Land" OrcQird and City Property Insurance :W South Central Ave. Medford rxa Strikers Parade CHICAGO, III.. Nov. S. A partfe of 35.000 utrikuip gAruieut worker u-.NrehiMl through Chioatru'it trU toiliiv in imtet nwiiuist mIi bru null "uvriiir.i iH'ir IIHTPH UV I IK' I marchers, who i-hnvil tho liiuoot with brutally rlubbinj,- heiplss ulrN it CX 1 id o --M - " The One Right Way Is the Hand-Tailored Way. (JYour clothe will fit perfect ly. wr longer, look better and t boluttly satlstae torjr It furnished by W. W. EIFERT-The Progressive Tailor. o I H Medford Iron Works K. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Kn.i.H., SW 0utf. B ami M..,.in,ri Aff,I)ts fa go 0regon FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t 1 ir