Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 09, 1910, Image 1

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    '' ',T?'sjgjgjgg
The Meisage of tho riaffii.
White Pair weather.
Hlue Itnln or snow.
White Biul olue Local showers
Dlatk trlnnsular Above white,
warmer; below white, colder.
White with block center Cold
Medford Mail Tri
-.-i ?.!; -
Pull Leased Wire Repenfe.
Tho only paper In the vswMI
published In a city the Mm- aft
Mftford having & leased -rrfem.
Oregon's Governor Elecfl
Wets Carry State by Blq Vote Dry
Counties Generally Voting Wet
West Holding His Own in Multno
mah and Will Get Bin Majority.
PORTLAND, Nov. 9., 2:30
p. m. West is elected by
from 3000 to 5000. Prohibi
tion is defeated by 10,000
nnd tho home rule bill hns
carried by from 5000 to 10,-
PORTLANP, Or., Nov. 9. Sme
for tho governorship, Oregon yester
day went overwhelmingly republican
nud elected A. W. Lnf forty, pro
gressive republican, and re-elected
Congressman W. C. llawlev by esti
mated majorities ranging from 5000
to 8000 votes.
The diction of Oswald West, dem
ocratic candidate for governor, was
conceded by tho republican state
central committee todnv. , Chairman
Alexander Sweok of tho domooratic
state central oommittoc o-.timutei
that WestV plurality will bo 4000,
and possibly more.
Wost enrried Clackamas, Clatsop.
Marion. linker, Union. Jackson, Um
atilla. Linn and n number of other
countios by a bis: vote.
Indications are that tho stato do
oidod to romnjn wot by nn over
whelming majority. The wots olniui
to Iipvo carriod Portland by from
10.000 to 13.000 and the state by
20,000. Drv counties are generallv
votiig wet. Polk nnd Umatilla giving
lnrge voto.
Willi 4S precinct complete in
Multnomah comity. Howennau wa.
leading over Wet thin aftornoon bv
130 votes. The vote atood Power
mau 2109. Wogt 1073.
In an oxtra this morning the Jour
nal claimed West's election by from
2500 to 5000.
In nn oxtra odition the Evening
fl'elagram, which supportod Rowor
mnn. declared that tho results from
outejdo counties was stieh that it
was ail "Iinuonsiliilitv to predict the
result." The paper inferred that
Powomian still had a fight inn chance
to win.
Concerning the prohibition iasu.
the drvs nert that the matter i
still in doubt. notwithstanding fa
vorable report for the wet. v
Pendleton, in Kn.tern Oregon, tin
vote stood 10 to 1 against prohibi
NEW YORK. Nov. D Kooseveli.
according to liU own expresi
"wa beaten to a frmzzlo in hi home
state." Not only that, but for the
firt true inee he has been a factor
m inilii" - be lt hi home precinct
to a '. i 'fit
NEW YORK Nov 8 Practically
complete returns tdoay give the dem
ocrat a majority of St in the legis
lature, insuring a democratic succes
sor to Senator Depew.
The democrats gained ten con
gressmen In the state.
John A DlJt democratic nominee
for governor was elected by a plur
ality of 62 187 according to revised
figures today The plurality of the
entire democratic ticket averaged
B&1 ' ''' ""ill? sHIHHHh
CIIHYKXXB, Wyo., Nov. 9 Ue
turna from half of the 400 piecincts
In the state Indicate that tho legls
laturo Is (lemm'i-atlc, meaning that
a democrat will be elected to tho
United States senate. This will ne
cessitate the retlroment of Senator
The democrats, according to the
latest available returns, elected six.
state senttors and twenty represent
atives. These with six holdover sen
ators, give a total of 31 on Joint
ballot. The republicans have ten
Holdovers and elected one senator
and four representatives, a total of
15. Six senator and 81 represent
atives are stlil in doubt.
Most of the dlstrleta are In the
countlM where Carey ran strongest.
Ills strength la expected to give the
democrats at least fifteen of thoia,
which would give the democrats i
majority of nine on Joint ballot.
EXCEEDS 30,000
1IOSTON. Mil., No. .- Revied
tcturn today indicated that Governor-elect
Po (dcm.) will have .
plurality of 3:1,779. Tho ioit of tho
republican ticket wn elected.
The Iegilnture will bo lopublicnn,
but it will be i)Hible for tho anti
ligo repulilioann t prevent tho re
election of Senator Ludge.
M1LWA1K1.1 W.-. No !i The
entile i-tlit K'p M'ri 'ik'l
i-lfiMi'd ! .il ' ' ' ' ''"
All but tv of (-.,-,' ( . .if---men
wi'l b r"tiibliciin
SEATTLE, Wat.h, Nov. 9. -Tho
Piitiet Sound citie went republican
b overwhelming iii"lontie 411 the
1 iert ion. Coi.grcMnjui W. K. Humph
rev of the tint diatnet u relurnid
to eoiucrvm over .Judge W. Itiaek b
u plurality of 3UU. In Kiug count
U.iie Huuiltrev won by a '2500 nlu
ralitv in the face of the if t tight
put up agauist hiiu. llutuhre 1 a
htandnatie'r of prououneed type.
The democrat did not make the
guiim in the legn-latjire that reHrtf
had conceded the w.uil.l m.ikc. and
the republican WMjontv 01 .m:t l.i. !
lot will be more tlm l'M'. m-urmjf
the election of Mil iJir.aeter tt
United StsUk senator.
A woman nuffnure asnendinent to
the Matt- foiititufioti -i
earned b .1 ii.ui ritv ! J
ratio berg icairtained in
Tt K.S, K .
en d ' r t u
io hai-
1 tin
HUSTON, Mh., Nov. 9. Gover
nor Diaper, in conceding hix dofoat
bv 'oiil'1'iiwiii Fos, said:
"It looks ax if they bad made mo
the target. 1 truet that tliev have
Co lined it to the bend ot the ticket."
Gov eruor- Elect Pom t.uid:
"Prom the report thu far receiv
ed 1 lliink my plurality will be 50,-
bOO. I believe Caxwidv (dem.) lias
been elected lieutenant-governor and
I lin! in1 have curried kcvoii congies
ioi:nl diiri-t in the lute."
8POICAXn:. Xov. 9. William Lit
Follette, a relative of Senator Ln
Follette of Wisconsin, won the olec-,
tion as congressman from tho third
Washington district by a large ma
joilty. Me made his campaign on
rt'p platform of progressive republi
canism. A feature of yesterday's election
wdb the placing in otflco of four
democrats, who had recoivMl the en
dorsement of various labor organi
zations Ik this city, and also tho
farmers in the outlying diHtrlett, to
principal county offices. Tho regu
lar republican nominees were suc
cessful, however, with taeee excep
tions, in electing their aomlneee.
The woman's suffrage amendment,
although polling a large vote, did
not receive the nseeeaary majority
of the ballots cast.
The republican nominees for the
state supreme eourt resolved a ma
jority over the non-partisan Judiciary
Olmstead Re-elected.
HAIUUSniMtO. Pa . Xov. 9 Con-
greaeman Olmstead. republican, has
been re-elected to c-ongresi. In the
elfhi.enth IVnrn-vhanta tUstrlet
Democrats Carry Nearly Every East
ern Stato by Bin Majorities and
Will Control Next " Conness
Roosevelt Decisively Defeated In
New York Harmon Re-elected.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. A dom
icratic luiidlido bit tho entire couti
try yesterday. New York, Now Jot
e, MnsnoliuettH, Conncotiuut, In
diana, Rhode Island, Ohio, 'Iowa,
Wyoming nud probably Colorado
elected democratic governors, while
enough democratic congressmen wore
elected to give tho democrats ceutrol
of th next congress.
CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Dlnmlng tho
rout of tho republican party to bitter
ness In Its own organization, but
praying for success In 1912, William
B. McKInloy, chairman of tho ropub
licnn national congressional commit
tee, Issued tho following atntomont
today on the results of tho election:
"Whon It Is considered, as now
seems to bo tho fnct, that barely two-
thirds of tho republican voto ln tho
middlo western Btntcs camo to tho
polls and tho further fact that fac
tional differences had nrnu'sod an un
usual degree of bitterness among tho
republican, tho result of tho elec
tion Is not at nil surprising.
Duo to Discord
"Evory effort to promoto harmony
was made by tho congressional com
mittee, ln many Instances with sue
cobs. Tho revision of tho tnrlff has
always proved a disturbing oloment
In American polities nnd this yonr
hns been no except Inn. Judging by
tho light voto polled, tho ropubllcnu
party had tho same exporlonco they
had In 1S92, two years nftor tho pas-
wigo of tho McKlnley lnw. At that
time about -.0 por cent of tho ropuli-.
licaii voto In tho middle vvostorn
statea was loath to voto against the
republican party nnd were not iulte
clear that the new tariff measure
was tho ono they wanted. Yesterday's
oloctlon Is a repetition of tho losult
at that time. It Is my Judgment that
tho prosent tariff law la boneflclal to
the country; the same conditions will
obtain aa in 1891. when tho republi
cans swept the country. After the
democratic Wilson tariff bill had been
a law the distress iu tho country was
mi widespread that tho people re
turned tho republican party to power
by it tremendous majority. Looking
to tho future, It is my opinion that
this defeat will wipe out all factional
differences and that the republleau
party will prenent a Halted front in
' "There can be no iuotlon but that
the American l -ople In 1 K 12 will
give to the patient, patriotic man ln
the white houne a substantial en
dorsement for the wise and patriotic
administration be has given them."
Democratic Hlaloiuoiit
James T. Lloyd, chairman of the
national democratic congressional
committee, issued the following state-
wnont on the nVmoeratlo victory:
"Present indications are that the
congress will be democratic by about
S5 majority The returns Indicate
that our pre-election estimates woro
about correct ,
"The causes which bavo led to tho
results shown are woll known. It Is
a serious rebuke to tho republican
party for Its failure to r wince tho
tariff aa the party bad promised.
The high cost of protected manufac
tured articles, which has resulted In
greatly increasing the eoet of living,
lias had rery muck to do in producing
this result. There is general d leant Is.
faetlou with the ox let lug political
conditions and wUii the present re
publican administration. This led to
Its resolution so far aa it eould be
done a' 'be polls. The democratic
party 1 won a victory because tho
only hope of tho pooplo was In Its su
premai The republican partv has
i,owri ' '" rnu'Bo that t will not
' P I' r j ijo'i. ar is ilfrtej to con
jg- s r no t(i' ' s' and Thos 'en l; ' '"n In tie iiterct of
,H Crage, repub lean Is elected In he tho mawes where such legislation
twenty-third congressional district, would be a detriment to the r'ntaca
Sheriff Eledl of Jackson County J JESTIBIATED
jHLr 'MBLW!BhiBaHfe
JKmEs ivv "JlJBflBWBnHnnA
HHikiebu' f " . '''BBHilBHiSHBrarMRlrSnBiH
SAN KUAXCIht l. ( ,l , ... 9.
.loliiixou's eleutioii by Li.OUO i'
churned by re4lbliosim. Keturus
coming in are iuereasing his lead.
SAN HA FA Kit. Cal., Nov. .-Thirty-two
reciiiet out of :i giv"
.lohiiMon 1729, lieli UWi, Democrats
bel.O.e that Johnson will be t'ortunntt
to get 'JOO plurality in Mrin e.miitv
Kent (ren. ) for eongree In 112 pre
einetM received 'i'ti, .iimwnii
(dem.) 0SO.
KAK J OKI:. I 'ul., Nov. . Johnson
(rep.) for governor i nv&niiig well
ahead in Hunts Clara. Hie plurality
in the conntv is etiranted ot 2000.
( 'ongre-Miimn llnyee i roeeiving
belter tiiuu 2 to I over hi demo
cratic opiKuient, iiayen.
KKKklNO. Cii Nov. O.-Tf-iM;-I'ttiiM
vlnini JohiiMinV ulnraliu i 1 ilil'
couiitv will be from 800 to UN".
Although It is believed that the
estimates made are fairly accurate,
the surprising turns that tho figures
have shown make the question- of
the total vote and plurality still an
open one. In Marin county, for In
stance, where the Johnson men pre
dicted a sweeping victory, their plur
ality was only about 300. in San
Francisco, where I loll expected to
poll a heavy vote and teeeive a plur
ality of 15,000, which would over
come the lead Johnson expected In
Southern California, the voters
turned to Johnson or to Wilson, the
socialist candidate, cutting Hell's
lead to a loaa and giving Johnson a
slight plaurallty In the county.
The latest return from San Fran
cisco show Johnson In the lead
Three hundred and twenty-three pre
el nets complete out of iOI give John
son 13.683; Ileli v.4l. from this
Jobtiosn men estimate a plurality
for the governor-elect of 1225. The
estimated total vote In San Francisco
Is: JohiKM.-. .". 2l Hell :l,r,tCi
Ti1h wo il I Kiv- Io' 11H011 22 011O
Johnson's & tt.w te
turtie et to come iu will Increase
Ms lead
IleM m filrnri k !' iinul itc
will show lu-1 itir ifit' Kfrri 1 ' r .tii
thf j -rer' fip ire 1 ir r !
mm turns
INDIANAPOLIS, lud., Nov. 0. A
dumucrntiu ogilntiuc pledged to
elect John W. Kern (o the senate has
been ected in Indiana. 'Hie duteiil
of Senutor JJeveridffu is admitlud by
hii iiicudo. While Htute Cbniiiiiau
Ji.ekoon of the deinouriilie state
commit to cluinu. tlie Htute by "').
UUU,othe stute reiiublieuus do nut
eoncede a greater dumocrallu l'iguiu
thu.i H;,i:i)0 to l.'i,(M)0. All or the U
deSMrf-rutic coiigrcoHmeu hnve been
re-elooi9ii nnd the two republican
district! urrj eutvrieiugly cIom with
u Mr.ibility of democratic success.
Ilurioii county (Iudiuauiwlia) is
ileuioeraiie bv a mujority ranging
iroin OOO to MKlu; Uladuou uoimty
(Auderhon) by '2UUU nnd Sauderbui'K
(Kvunevillel by about the same fig
ure. Thee were formerly sltxiug 10
jHilllicau counties, made certain tho
defeat of Ilevendge.
Other reiunie indicate the demo
cm U vtill control the next legtMlature
a nil a working innjoniv of 16.
Cliiuiiiiiui Lee of the repiiblicuu htute
on Hi lioii'i, rcl'11-.c In coll
ide nn 1 1 lliveridue'n defeat.
mam elegt
OVER 1581
Jones Elected Sheriff Voir der KnJ-
Icn Chosen ScnatorCommissia
crsiiip Close County Prottnh.
Wet by Small Majority.
f -f -f 4- -r- "
" From reports received
from nil purta of Jncksom
"" county tho 1 following majori-
" tics socm probable: '
Oswald West 120' te
" 1500.
Robort G. Smith 300 te
rrohibition 100 to 2G
"" wot. ,
1 Henry D. Ilcnd 250 U
"" Wilbur Jones 500 ie
II Von der Hellcn 250 ke
Tho outcome between FreS
L. Colvig nnd llobort L. Tay-
2 loi for recorder is in doubt.
Tho men nro running neofc
"" r.nd neck.
At 1 o'clock today only 24
" precincts had finished cormt-
" ing nnd nindo compieto re-
turns. However, incomplete
"" roturns justify tho ostimntc
"" ' iven.
(IIKVKNNi:, o Nov. U. The
new k'gird.itiiit' of Wvoiiiing, iiciord
Uig to retnni" loiliiv, u about evenlv
divided between the democrat and
lepubliceu. It will prubublv tuoiiiie
tho oflieiul count to del ei mine which
party mil poiitrol. The legulutuie
e'-ts a United Stales wenuior.
Uepublicaiie eoueele iho election
ot Carey (dem.) by -I0UU.
Cuugrentoitw alondell (rep.) wi.n
.--It.'leil by a pluruhtv ) 4U0U
SALT LAKY'. ( 1TY. I'lah, Nov. 9.
Jorcpli lioweli iivp 1 mud re-eloct-1
.1 io iuiijihh, mill leiniblicatis gun-
i.iiiv wei. iifi-c-iiil However,
in In. aii Ivtc. liuuvei, Iron and
K.i nc Km iiu are still iu doubt. The
1I1 mo 1 intii' o. with Muuller than
11-1111I t li- vim '1 hi- I uiMhititro will
' i-lv imblicuii. injuring tho
. I oiii'd Mute Senator
- 1 .1 -'11 ilimttc
Coiiiplulu returns from 14
dimits in .Ineksou county nnd is
complain, returns from tho rcnutlsv
ing 20 preoiiiottf iiidicuto Hint Juct
sou county will givvo Oswald Wea
oaiididalo for governor, a majorltj
over Howeniian of from 1200 Ae
lfiOO. Mr. Waal developed ,'reutter
stionglli lliuu hia aupporters expect
ed. To date he Una carried trvwry
preoinut eotiutud. The returiiH Irene
11 prooiuuts give West 78U jqiuL
Iloworinan :M0 ti ratio of tw s
one. Air. Weat is running &List
three three to one in Ashland sm
Wilbur .luiies, onndiduto for a
ulectiou as wlierlfi", 1ms swept tko
county nnd will have it mujority vr
J. H. Holliugor rangiug from 50& t
1000. Ashland ia cutting dvnm.
Jotiua load. Areilford gave- -He
Joiiea h two to ono vote. The coanky
from prosont iiidiontions nt iiocec
will go wot by it majority rangSagr
fiom 10 Oto 22fi0.
Onlv two pivoiiiets in Median!
Iinve fiuishod thoir oount. CoritnaT.
.Medford wlil not bo completed unlH
late tonight or tomorrow.
At 1 o'clock U10 voio in tltc 5ty
atood as follows:
Smith -111, llawlev -'"il.
Uowormwi 231, Weet 177
I lluoliauau 331. Head S57,
Von Der Hellen -8H, Nail 20.1.
Davis 410, Myors 121, PitUersnaa
liulliuver 254, Juiiom 401).
Colvig 3M. Tgyor 804.
For prohibition U10, ugninst pv
liibitiou 477.
There were 10S2 vote oust io
Lutor reports from tlirotigbout tkw
stato give Iloworman a total ot X3-
1S8 votes to West's 13.7BG up t Jt
Latoet retutiis available cfva
via 852, Alyora 715, lftt(ersom Walt
This inoludoB part of AfclilamT, iwast
of Medford, Phoenix. Centraf PeissV
Woodvillo. Gold Hill nnd other
ciucts complete.
TConUuueA vn rug'S.i '
.fiftjtMriat fii-tvi
' .11
"i H