Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 07, 1910, Image 5

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    rf M
M A. Ralston of Sutherlin, Ore,
arrived In Medford Sunday to spend
a week visiting his son, Earl Rnl
ttfon. W.Motcalf of Prospect was in
Medford Monday on a business trip.
J. Carly and C. Myers of Nome
are In southern Oregon, looking ovor
the mining situation.
Ross Bailey of Grants Pass was in
Medford Monday on business. i
R. H. "Wilson of Central Point
spent Sunday in Medford.
R. A. McDonald of Eagle
spent Sunday In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steer of Akron,
Ohio, and C. W. Laniard aro hero
looking over tho valley with a vlow
to locating.
II. D. Watkins of Oakland, Calir.,
is a Medford business visitor.
A. W. Benson of Memphis, Tenn.,
Is a recent arrival in tho city.
V Tho many friends of W. W. Eifert,
president of the city council, who
has been' confined to his home by
a severe illness, wero greatly pleased
to meet him again on the streets of
tho city today.
Harry Luy of Jacksonville spent
a few hours in Medford on business
C. E. Terrill of Lake Creek spent
Saturday night and Sunday in this
Fifty-throe acres special, 10 acres
coming into bearing orchard. Call on
J. B. Wood, Condor Water & Power
Co.'s offlco. tf
Mrs. William Meyer and daughter
of Ashland will leave Thursday for
Staunton, Virginia, on a visit.
la your louso wired? Ono cigar
less a day would pay for a hundred
per cent increase in comfort. Start
living tho electric life tf.
R. A. Shidelor of Talent was in
this city on business Monday.
Every light but electricity gives
off semoko and smoko contains soot
which doposItB on your wall paper,
curtains, drapories. Electric light
glows In nn air tight bulb. tf.
Simon Shaw is in Medford from
the Bluo Ledge.
Dr. Stophcnson, graduate optician,
fits glasses to correct any defect of
tho eye. Offlco ovor Allen & Rea
gan's. Phono Main 1851. 212
MI83 Corinno Linn of Jacksonville
was a Medford visitor Monday.
Moor-Ehnl Co., exclusive agents
for property in Crescent and Wake
field, Or., townsites on Hill's now
railroad. See them. Crescent is
division nolnt. 220
T AcRpunnr W HP Hrlnvo fnfnfnn.l
neom a trip to tho upper Rogue Sun
day ovenlng.
Contractors will next wook com
plete tho now sower system In South
sea Addition, giving sanitary sower
ago nnd drainage sewer, in addition
to 30 lots in this addition, only five
blocks from Main street, tho clos-est-ln
good residence lots now of
fering in Medford. Tho matter of
putting in tho drainage sower af
fords opportunity to drain basements
and collars and bring about tho best
sanitary conditions. Modford's up-to-dato
peoplo only wnnt up-to-date
conditions In their residence quar
ters, tf
It. II. Moore of Gold Hill was in
Medford Sunday.
Six hundred feet of new cement
sidewalk now belug installed ou
grade established by tho city engin
eer on Soutlr Riverside avenuo shows
tho growth of tho city. A largo ter
ritory la this section will bo taken
within tho corporate limits In a fow
months. It is within a fow blocks
of Main street and should have been
included in tho city long ngo. tf
Mrs. W. E. Jacks, daughter of E.
E..Goro, and hor daughter, Margaret,
of Albany arrived Sunday and wljll
probably remain during tho wlntor.
Mrs. Jacks is a trained nurse and
will assume chargo of hor fathor
during his illness.
J. W. Opp of tho Opp mlno at
Jacksonville was In Medford Mon
day morning.
II. C. Maury was In from tho farm
west of Medford Monday, accom
panied by his sistor, Miss Mollis.
A. W. Sturgls returned Monday
from tho Applogato section, where
he has boen, preparing a home into
which he will movo shortly. "I am
itlred of the town," said the votoran
imlnor. "and am going to try the slm-
ljL)le life again. Get out where I can
Hfct nut a. veil once in a while wllh-
' . . v. ..
Y alarming tno neigUDors."
V. Moor of Phoenix was in Med-
ord on a buslnoss trip Monday.
Z. P. WobBter of Talont was a
Medford visitor Mouday morning.
Portland Team Alono Is Intact On
Their Way to Portland to Flay
Benefit Games Some of the Play
ers Go Back to Their Trades.
SAN' FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. With
tho baseball season for 1910 a mat
ter of history, Coast league players scattering to the four winds. Tho
majority of the players are hieing
themselves toward sunnier climes to
play winter baseball. Some aro go
ing backtto their trades, while others
arp planning to enjoy themselves
during tho winter vacation.
Tho Portland team Intact with tho
exception of Pitcher Bloomflold, ar
rived In San Francisco today enrouto
to Portland to play in tho benefit
games arranged thero by the Port
land fans. Tho San Francisco play
ers with tho exception of Pitcher Mil
ler are at homo and will play in the
benefit gamo hero tomorrow.
Half a dozen Oakland players, In
cluding Manager Wolvorton, left for
eastern points last night.
Tho other teams have disbanded.
Cal Ewlng and Happy Hogan will
leave Thursday for Chicago to at
tend the annual meeting of tho Na
tional association of minor leagues.-
Begore burying their baseball af
fairs for the wlntor, the managers
announced a fow changes in tho line
ups for next season. Harry Wolvor
ton will again manage tho Oakland
team. Qus Hetllng of Portland was
purchased by tho Oakland team. It
was rumored that George Wheolor,
Los Angeles utility man, would bo
with San Francisco next year.
Pitchers Stewart and McDonald, San
Francisco's now inflelder from Terro
Haute, wero turned ovor to Vernon.
Result of Hcjht Between Johnson
and Bell Is Difficult to Forecast
Insurflcnt Congressmen Will Be
Elected Without Fall.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. Aftor
ono of tho most Intcnslvoly vindica
tive and bitter fights in the history
of California, tho votors of the state
today await tho verdict at tho polls
Whilo tho fight of both Hiram
Johnson, progressive republican, and
Theodore Boll, domocrat, for gover
nor, have boon primarily against tho
so-called Southern Pacific political
domination of California, tho na
tional dlssatlsmnction ovor tho tariff
law, tho high cost .of living and other
questions havo glvon utmost signifi
cance to tho congressional campaign
nnd tho situation has made difficult
tho outcomo of tho gubernatorial
and legislative contests in Califor
nia. It is predicted by tho old party
lendois that republican insurgent
congressional nominees will be duct
ed. Thoio inoludo William kont, E.
A. Have and William D. Stophons.
Of tho so-callod repbllcan Btandpat
congressmen, Englebright has a
strong democratic opponont in Judge
John E. Baker, democrat. The ro
mlt in the first district, therefore,
is expected to be close.
Hasklns lor health.
vill not take you
nit it helps a
Great Brown Bear Checks Man While
Drlvlnq From Fern's Valley to Tal
ent Hunters Take Up Trail, But
Fall to Land tho Brute.
To have n touni btopped by n
Iiuro brown bear on the outskirts of
the valley and have him dispute with
you tho ri;lit of way, is n. unique ex
perience and one which bofcll Lcm
lluphcs of Ferns Vnlloy Fridny eve
ning as ho was on his way to Talent.
Ho and Pan Turnbow wero driv
ing to tho valley about dark when
tho team stopped and shied. ('Dan
got out of the rip to locate tho trou
ble, and to his preat surprise saw a
huge brown bear on his haunches in
tho rond. A shout and n rock caus
ed Bruin to tako to tho brush.
A. largo mimbsr of residents of the
valley wont out to search for the
bear, but tho tracks could bo follow
ed but a short distance.
Both Candidates for Governorship
Makino Whirlwind Finish Stren
uous Answer to Roosevelt Charrjes
Is Expected to Be Made Tonifllit.
COLUMBUS, 0., Nov. 7. Tho
campaign in Ohio is runtime; lull
speed today nnd will only close with
tho dawn of election day. Both
Wnrrcn Q. Harding, republican can
didate for govoroor, nnd Judsou
Harmon, pproscnt incumbent, his
democratic opponent, aro campaign
ing today. Harding will closo Inn
campaign tonight in Marion. Har
mon will make his last speech in
Toledo, tho city in which Theodore
Uooscvclt lnunched his attack
ngninst the Ohio executive.
It is believed that no oloventh-
hou'r attacks tiro planned, hut n
strenuous answer to some of tho
chnrges mndo by Boosovelt may bo
made in Toledo.
Both candidates arp confident of
victory. Harding claims n plurality
of 30,000 and Ilnnnon expects to bo
roturncd winner by 50,000.
It is believed at republican head
quarters that Hposovclt's northern
campaign has reduced strength in
Harmon's linos.
Head-on Collision Between Two
Triflns Results in Heavy Loss of
Life Traffic Has Been Tied Up
Since Both on Main Line.
Announced That Explorer Will Soon
Come Out ot Retirement in Effort
to Substantiate His Claim That
He Discovered the Pcle.
far, 5
few 5
uore will take you to H
the 2
m Largest assortments.
Lowest prices.
Where to Go
Modford's Exclusivo Picture The
ater. Latest Licensed Photo
plays. One Dime Xo More One Dime.
Has the VraNlos Bros., tho iron
jaw athletes nre u wondor. But
don't fail to see our coming at
traction, the Van Barkloy Com
edy Company, one of tho best
companies on the' const today. A
treat for tho public, cotifmencing
Three reels of Latest Pictures
and Illustrated Song.
well heated and ventilated.
Skating, Bftwiing, Billiards, Pool,
Boxbnll and Joy Wheel.
Best Music in tho West.
Vaudovillo and
First Appearance of
Well-known Irish Singing and
Musical Comedinn,
Hazinn a New Scholar.
The Night Rustlers.
An Assisted Elopement.
SONG "Little Maiad of Old Chi
cago. by Musical Four.
Open 7:00 p m.
Children. 10c; Adults, 20c.
212 Fruitgrower' llnnk
Phone Mninn (101.
NKW YORK. Nov. 7. With
proofs" ot hi claims that ho was
the original discoverer of the north
pole nnd that Captain Poary Is the
real fas:lr. Dr. Frederick A. Cooli
will coma out of retirement shortly,
according to tin announcement teday.
Cook will ondeavor to show that ho
actually covered tho territory he
claimed to havo traversod when ho
startled the world a year ago with
the announcement of his discovery
of the pole.
Today's announcement was mado
)- Captain Osborno of tho United
State navy, who recolved a loiter
irom Cook written in uonaon uotu
ler 16. in whleh Cook doelarod jie
had nearly completed his letters and
he compilation ot his original scien
tific data for submission to the sol
untitle societies.
Captain Osborne evidently Is a
firm believer In Cook's claims.
SPOKANE. Wafcli., Nov. 7. Tim
list of eight known dond ami four
m,j u rod in the lioud-on oollieioli be
tween two freight t ruins near Cliat-
tnroy, 21 miles froui Spokuue, on the
Great Northern, yesterday has not
been added to, according to reports
from tho econe early today.
Wreekiug crews are oleuring the
track and it is probable that the
traffic which wui eusiHjnded will be
toon uioviu gagain.
What wrecknee that wae not con
i-mned in the fire which followed the
impact in being burned. An investi
gation probably will lie held to as
certain why both trains were rtiu
uinsf on the main line.
The collision between west-bound
freight tnl ami the "apple extra."
east-bound, occurred on a sharp
No. 151 wag loaded with paint,
oil and other inflainnuihl materials
and some liveatook. Almost immedi
ately after 10 of its oar liiled up.
Are broke out and the debris was ie
duced to twisted steel before fire
apparatus from Spokaue arrived and
subdued the flames.
Pruetiually every traiuinan on the
fr "it end of the two trains was
I jfed. Til" bodies hae not been
Fred L. Colvig, republican candi
date for the office of county re
corder, has complotod his enmpnign
in Jackson county and has roturncd
to Medford aftor n round of tho
country distriots. Mr. Colvig 1ms
been busy recently rotating a Btnto
ment which has gnined wide circula
tio lithat ho is tho son of W. M. Col
ig of this city.
Mr. Colvig is the son of George
V. Colvig of Grants Pass. Ho has
worked for Leon H. Ilnskins for the
past three years. Previous to Unit
time he was in himinoss for himself
in Gold Hill. He i a nephew of W.
M. Cohig of Medford.
20 acres, under ditch, 17 acres
planted, 10 bearing, scenic building
slto; $12,600.
S4 acres, 3 bearing, 10 planted,
balance In wheat, good buildings;
35" acres, free soil, no wasto, 21
planted to apples, pears and
peaches, good buildings, tools, etc.;
7 acres, M mllo from Medford,
all bearing fruit, good buildings,
windmill, tank, tools, etc.; a good
buy; ,$7000.
6-room now modern bungalow,
good location, paved street; $3850.
7-room now modern bungalow on
paved stroot, 4 blocks from Wash
ington school; $3250.
Look at 5-room modern bungalow,
northwest corner Park avenuo and
Dakota, and mako an offer.
Dig list ot business and resldonco
lots and houses that you should look
at beforo buying.
Fino homo placo, 7-room houso,
furnished, 1 acres bearing fruit,
closo to business section; $G200.
45 acres alfalfa and fruit land,
wltrjn city limits, now houso, barn,
otc,, right for subdividing in ono
acto tracts; $400 per aero.
Good i-room houso, lot HCxlOG,
fruit nnd borrles, on now boulevard,
closo In; $2500.
Fire Insurance
iriAl Coiwpaniies
Hand Bags
Wo linve just received a sample lino of Ladies' Hand I
Bags, Over 100 to select from. No two aliki
15c to $7.50
lOOO Cakes
of high grade toilet soap
3 Cakss lOc
Our last window lomor
row. It's a bargain.
25c each
Woods & Son
Finest quality English Semi-Porcelain Dinnorwarct a
pure white with a double gold band; here tomorrow,
a 42-piccc Dinner Set worth $8.50; special
$6.50 per set
Two front rooms, contrally
locatod; C largo windows; flno
for dressmaking; $25 month.
Phono 2001.
Judge Crewea has returned from
la trip to tho north.
PORTLAND. Or.. Nov. T.-rThe
dsinooratio osnlral ooinmitteo ati
nouuood today thst Oswald Vtf
the democratic gubernatorial nomi
nee, would be eleoted by 2,100 over
Jay Boweniuui, the republican stan-dsnl-boHrsr.
The statement wss muds after
cHuvuse had boi made of the state.
The republican leaders assert that
ilowennan will carry Orepon by a
plurali'v of at least 7000.
Ilaskw' for health.
Dr. J. E. Hlitartr, utiy hsaltu offi
cer, is authority In Uis statement
that typhoid ,! practically Ihmd
eliminated from Jlsiford".
"Hie ousi urn now faw and far
bstwaou," id D. Shaarsr,0 "uud the
result lias lisen ueuomnlinUtd lv the
hard work of the physhvaii. and th
city uonnoil. Ths IishJIIi oft ho has
eaussd tlta removal of many units,
enforaad oounsotion wiUi tewers.
coudmniMd wells., enforced the rdi
uanue in regard to garbage 'uns and
bus made Ue city a clean ue. Theie.
is not ois-twth as. much fsvr now
as a'yesr ago, and we ar irettiMt it
more and more mylsr oonlrol."
Dr. Slwarer baa reentl added a
number of up-to-date appliance- ti
his office, ineludinc a fully 'iup-
ped 4((. ruling room for the hunl!inr
if euaeiyettcv res, wbioh inav come
under his ironerul or his official
NOKTII PORTLAND. Nov. 7.--IteoeipU
for the week at the Port
land Union itiekyards for the wesk
ttiwliiiff today have I'MM afoUows;
Cattle. 132; ealveti, 103; hogs, 1B71;
sheep. -780; kohU, 011, ami Iwrses,
I. There wan a very steady demand
for oatiie and priees may be said tu
have streiiKthened throughout tho
Htk. The demund for oows wan
excei-duiiflv tmnir and the supply
did not meet the requirements of the
WecRs & McGowan. Go.
Xight Thonos:
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3G92.
Real Estate and Insurance
Bargains and Money
Makers in Farms,
Orchards nnd Tim-
b e r Lands.
Phone 2411.
Special Roprescntativo
for International Real
Estate Association,
Chicago. 201 St.
Mark's Block.
A I 'J en for .Majority Utile.
K. 15. Fisher, ex-mayor of Heavor
tou; T. K. Hills, ex-state eotmuaflder
O. A. It.; Hon. J. It. C. ThoiBjHWn
of Tuulatlu, Theodore Pointer,
Georgo Stilt and S00 other leeal
voters and residents of the portion ot
Wasalnuton county proposed to bo
annexed to Multnomah have signed r
ruinoualrance and ask that the boun
dary dues be not ohtuiKsd. Iest
tlmu !)00 votors, within tho strip fiign
ud the petition Hud t)te remainder of
the county is practically a uuit
against it. Let the majont rule. All
eouiitv, divisions should be decided l.v
the wixhes of the Mople ntfncted. 1
not voting at all you give half a vote
for tho measure Multnomah, all
powerful, does not need or.o-fourth
of Washington county to furthor In
croaso her powor la tho stato. Tho
loss of the ton.tory will practically
ruin Washington, whloh is already
small In area. Wo ask you to voto
339 X No. W. D. Wood, Chairman
Anti-Annexation Oumm, Hills.
boro, Orecoii.
(Paid advertisement.)
in Mid-Winter
ALONG about the middle of Decem
ber or the first of January apples
o cost epiite a bit more than they do
now. The price keeps ci"C UP from
then on. Sometimes it is a difficult matter
to obtain cootl apples in tho early sprinu at
any price. To be sure of a supply all win
tor it is a first-rate plan to lay in as many
lmvMc n vmi will want. now. Put them in
gold storage with us. You may send for a
box as often as you wish. Our cost for
stoniKe for small quantities for the season is
only 25 cents a box. Wc make lower
rates for larue quantities. The cost of
storaiTe is a ureat deal cheaper than paying
the high winter prices. Then too, you are
sure of netting your apples when you want
thorn. Wc are prepared to fundle any
number of boxes.
Independent Coal 8c Ice Co.
Arthur Thompson of Jacksonville
was a Medford visitor Monday.
M. K. llanley was In Medford
Monday, looking after some of hla
business Interests.
8. A. 1'attlBon, editor of tho Con
tral Point Herald was lu Medford
Monday morning
Tluoe men, Moore. King and
llurnett, aro candidates for tho six
year term ou tho supremo bench.
tmlufc Mnn Iii sure of oloetloil. hu-
eauso republicans, democrats and
non-political judiciary movomoni.
sllko nominated lilm. Consequently
wither King or Jftirnott must bo de
feated nnd a vote for both would be
the same as not voting nt nil. To
aid in retaining Judge King upon
tho supromo bench, pass by Hurnott'H
namo when you voto and place an X
beforo tho name of Will It. King.
(Paid adv.) 107
Iiy Wujter V. oehlke.
Beniitifully illustrated in four celora
in November Suuset Magazine.
N'ow on snle. nil newsstands, 15 ots.
Dr. Stearns has morod from over
Allon & Reagan's to new aurnoU-Co-roy
bulldlni,. tf
Notice .
Owing to addition nnd lrT
monts being mado to our power '
at Gold Ray It will bo Boceaearr
shut down ho plant occasionally fer
the next fow days. Shutdowns wh
necossary Mill bo mado Sunday dur
ing tho da nnd at noon koHr av
woek dayo.
Wo trust that you will bata
tlonco with us for these UHareMaMa
Interruptions lr. olectrle aerTlee,
Hasklss for health.
Arrange to attend the '
Inesa College, aad let M get ) at
good posltloB whea you gfaeAte j
ter bow. 9mA for ar
loKue. 1414 Weet 8tsmIb
Kugeae, Oret,oa. S
i A
- -.