MEDffORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1910. PERSONAL ITEMS Lynn I'untln of tho Cmilrul I'olut ' Globe wnri In Medford mi ImimIiiohh Friday. Klfty-throo norM Hpuclnl, 10 heron onilni: into bearing orohnrd. Cull on 3. II. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'n officii, tf llltttiur & Clark report tlio milu of lotB.lfl, 17, 18 ami lit, In Mock 2, nml lot 10 In block I, In Wont Will ii nt Park, tit tit week, They nro oxcIiinIvo iiKontM for (IiIh aililltlon. T. 10, DiuiIdIh ami wife uro on tholr wny to I.oh Angelon on ar count of tliu Murloim IIIiichh of Mm, lmuiom inoinnr. 1m your louao wired? Ono cigar Iwih a day would pay for a hundred por cent Inorenao In comfort, Start living tlio electric life, tf. Verne Pendleton and Kn'ry May of Talilo Hock npiiut Krlday night In Moiuoru. Kvory Unlit but electricity glvca off aoiuoko and mnokii contains soot which dnpoaltn on your wall paper, curtalun, draporlon. ICIcctrla light Kiowa In an air tlRlit bulb, tf, John Illntia of Knnlc Point wan In Mod ford Haturday on a bualnoaa trip, II, O. Wood of Grout it Pnaa mnriu Modford n vlalt Baturday. Dr, Btephtmaon, graduate optician, NU KlaBiioa to correct any dufoct of tfao eyo. Offlco ovor Alton & lion gan'a. Phono Main 18C1. 312 R, J. Cola of Cola'n, Cal., I a ' Modford visitor today. Moor-Khnl Co,, oxcluitlvo agonta for property In Creacont and Wake field, Or,, towuiiltwi on Hlll'fl now railroad, Bee them, Creacent In dlvlalon point. 220 Mlia Mlnnla Wllllama of Gold Hill la visiting frlonda In Modford. Contractora will next week com plete tho now newer ayatom In South oca Addition, giving aanltary aawar ro and dralnaga aowcr, In addition to 30 lotn In thla addition, only flro ' blocks from Main atroot, tho clou-ont-ln Kood realdnnco Iota now of fering In Modford. Tho nmttur of putting In tho drainage sowar af ford opportunity to drain baBomonta and collars and bring about tho boat sanitary condition. Modford'a up- to-dnlo poopln only want up-to-date conditions In tholr realdonro quar tora. tf Peter Jenracn of Council llluffs, la,, la In Modford, looking nfttir Tjtirt liii'nn IntoroBts. Six hundrml foot of now cement aidowalk now boliiK InBtallnd on grade oatnbllahod by tho city engln ear on South Itlvorsldo nvonuu shown tho growth of tho city. A largo ter ritory In thla Boctlon will bo tnkon within tho corporate limits In a fow months. It In within a fow blocks of Main atreot and should havo boon included In tho city long ago. tf Invt'storn looking for Kood loca tion for rooming hnuaon will find It In two adjaront lots at ond of pav ing on South Itlvorsldo, only flvo blocks from Main strcat. Sowor pnld, nldownlks, cement, now being Installed, Apply to Itoguo Illvor Laud Co., No. 11 N. Central nvo. tf Hort It. Woatbrook of Cottago Orovo was In Modford Saturday. Mr. WcBtbrook Is making n campaign for tho ostnblltthmont of NoAiulth county unon his own volition. Jrsso IliHlor and Dr. J. B. Shonror woro at Jacksonville Saturday morn ing, accompanying U. H. WoBtbrook, tho Ncamlth county booster. II. II. Tronson of Bnglo Point was a Modford buslnosM visitor Saturday. Captain It. C. V. Astbury wos In Modford Saturday looking nftor bua Iness matters, J. C. Altkon of Woodvlllo apont Saturday In Medford on a buslnoBs trip. Colonel and Mrs. II. C. Washburn of Tnblo Itock woro In Medford Sat urday on a tmslnesn visit. I), II. Itumsoy spout Saturdny In Modford. COLONIST TRAVEL BREAKS RECORDS DISEASE RELIEVED 8Y CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Mnrrlod, WATSON-DOYLK In Modfrod, Friday, November 4, 1910, William A. Watson and Mra. A. I. Doylo, both of Ashland, 8TUIKNTS THINK T1IKY OAN CONTHOIi AFFAIRS UNIVK11HITV OP OnKOON, Nov. 5. The University of Oregon Is main taining a municipal library for tho ben flt of the towns of the state. Prof. Young, dean of tho department of oclnl alancp, has Katherod ldntn and litera ture concerning public questions. Htn tlstlcs and references for commlsalon form of government, police systems, publlo flnanco, municipal parks, etc., can bo had by any city for the asking. The universities of llllnoln and Kan sas have taken up tho plan of main taining thesd municipal llbrartos, and the University of Oregon has copied tlio tduii from them. In thorni ntaten the plan worked very successfully and no doubt tho cities of Oregon will find this library a valuable .sourco of reference. Portland, Nov, fi, During tho .10 dayn from September Iti to October' 10, tho O. It. & N. Co. brought H01H coloiilntn Into Oregon from tho miHtorn iitiiteii, an liirnwao of K81 over tho corresponding period of last year. The mltnber Is the larg est In tho history of the company. lliCHo settlors woro recruited, principally, from points east of tlio Missouri river and wore distributed throughout tho entire state, The ticket stubs show that 207 remained In Portland, while 232 sopped nt stations In Kustern Oregon boforn coming to Portland and 128 wont to towns In the southern part of tho state, Tho remaining 227 went to Washington or to points Immediate ly tributary to this city, According to estimates or o, It. & N, officials, tho great majority of .those people settled on farms, most or mo mnnving money to pay ror their own lands, More than 00 per rent represent families, while sev eral that cannot be figured exactly nro believed to he bonds of families who will solid fo rthelr wives and children as soon as thoy secure a permauont location In tho state. Ttiousnmls of Others Come, llosldos those colonists tho satno railroad brought thousands of per sons Into tho state on regular tick ets. Many will make tholr future homos horo. Tho paaaongor depart ment also figures that many who buy return trip tickets remain In tho state nftor obtaining a moans of livelihood, being willing to sacrlflco tlm return portions of their tickets for an opportunity to cast tholr for tunes In Oregon. "Moro ban 00 per cent of these settlors are American citizens, said William McMurray, gonoral passen gor agent of tho O, It, ft N, yester day. "Even ir they am forolgnora they are persons who havo become thoroughly Americanized and nro tho most doslrntilo class of settlors that tho state can procure. Thoy are by no moans mndo up of tho usual Im migrant classes." Mr. McMurray nttiVxites tho In flux of colonists directly to tho ex tensive campaign of community puhllolty conducted by the railroad nnd by many of the towns along tho lino. Heports show that during tho year tho road dbfrlbutod 300,000 colonist folders through tho middle western nnd eastern states and that thousands of Inquiries wore received directly as n roBtilt of this method of advertising. Ilostiltfl Aro Immediate. The foldors were classified with reference to the particular communi ties to which It was desired to di rect npeclal attontlon, so that Imme diate results In some of tho agricul tural sections wore notlccnble and could at once bo traced to tho rail road's publicity depnrtmont. At first some of tho smaller towns woro not quite able to accom modate nil the settlers, but they havo arranged to caro for nil the now arrivals and are oncnurnglng mora to come, Medford Is still main taining Its tent city and Is building houses as rapidly ns conditions will allow. In nddltlon to tho colonists han dled on tho O. It. & N tho other transcontinental lines brought In many people from tho eastern states, with the result that the nggrogato probably will reach well Into four figures. With all tho Bottlers coming Into Oregon, tholr presonco Is hnrdly no ticed nnd tlm fact thnt Oregon needs thonsnnds of others In omphnslzed. INPANTIMt PAltAIiYBIH KILLS YOU NO ATHLKTK OIUCACIQ. Nov. 5. Infantilis parnly iila yesterday olalmed Ita first victim among tho students of tlio University of llllnoln t Champaign, when Harold Tamlltnn, one of the athletea of the lnnt lilt ton, succumbed to the dlioaae. wlilch rar.'ly attaclca one of his age. Tin- young man wan In his frcahman yiar at the unlveralty. U. I'WWWW MOVING! PIOTUR1C8 MAY UK SHOWN IN PRISON LKAVKNWOIITH, Kan., Nov. B Mov tng pictured may bo Introduced In tlio federal prlmm hero nnd tho stato prison ol I.nnalng for tho cntortalnmont of convicts. Warden 11. W, Mol.aughory and Warden J, K. Codding of tho res pective penitentiaries are considering the plan and both aro In favor of It. You may Have ton dollars or only ten contB tliroiiRli rondiiiR tho iuIh boforo Kointr ii-liuying nRiiln. Hut you'll fiiivo HomotliitiK every timo. WANTED. Teams to contract for hauling lumbor from mill to railroad, 14 miles, CRATER IiAKia IiUMUBR- CO. Apply Edgar Hafor, Modford, Or. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phonos: T. W. Weeks, 3071 A. E. Orr, 8002. LADY ASSISTANT Send a Mes senger thut will meot with tho ap proval of tho recipient of your message. Any old kind of a mcs3cngor won't answor. Tho best should always be sent "if" you wish tho re cipient to paBS a favorable vordict. What you think about busl ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Thl itamJ.trJ fatr fer bmimill itjtivittrjr HEATERS These cool evenings and mornings make the heat ing of your home a very imporotant question just at this time,. The easiest way to solve that question is to come here where you will find a very complete line of the best heaters that are to be found in this city. You can get almost any size in a satisfactory heater for wood or coal and at the price you can afford to pay. Perfection Oil Ileaters, too they are fine try one. NICHOLSON HARDWARE CO. because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Out IUHMHIKI Bond l a clean, crisp Kaper, mad. lur clean, crlip tmiintii lki. It it aolil on the uiiuinntlon that llnre'i economy In quality, A liaodaoino peclmen book given upon requett, allow. Ini; lellerheada ami oilier lulne formi, (intej, lithographed and engraved oa tlit while and loutleen colon. Madeby ItAMMHimt Patik Cohtanv, xhr nly paper makera in :he world making bond paper eictuiively, Medford Printing Co. WjUJ 8K5BoSamlTr 1 I 'Mi v,?kW'-' M$my M2&m v, :'' i ' ..'' " o V v.iWrla'i7iI- I' . i.r .. .i, ..! TMfci r rl I aaaaaaaaav.SA aiaiiiiiMBBBjiim unnv jn . t jat r jt " "TfcW BBaaWvuInT' Mi . .' iiTvM n V - i-m'mimA-. k 'Ttiv IBB ITw iBaaW M.JJWt . I i Mi iOV it JtM v',;.,lkU' M hi I rTraifctN m&r. 'uV 'i'lj v -. i , An Easy Way to Get Breakfast Just a few General Electric Utemils will en able any housewife to stay in bed another half hour in tho morning. Put cereal la the cooker and coffee in the percolator tlio night before. In tho morning turn' the switch, electricity wB get breakfast ready provided your houie it wired for electric light . Let us tell you all the particular. ' ROaUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO I) m o0ooooo$oo0&O0oooos&ooGweoeorv$eeooooooo6 lV V T MUNICIl'ATi LIHUAltV AT OHKOON JINIVHHSITV COUVALIiTB, Or., Nov. 5, Tho stu dents of tho Oregon Agricultural col logo aim to hnndlo all Infractions of rules horenftor, If tho right to"doso la given thorn by tho faoulty, Thoy propose creating an organization for complete solf government anrl will ask tho fuculty to abolish all faculty regu. lutlons covering matters except those of a scholastlo nature Tho students think that If self govornment were granted thoy would be ablo to prevent outbreaks suoh an tho faculty has had to contend with. Tho plan, It Is thought will Include a student .court to try members charged with vlolatlntr I regulations. TO IMtKVKNT UIIjUXG OF 1IUNTK1IS IN WOODS MADISON. Wis., Nov. 5. Captain Q. W, Jtlckumnn. flh and came warden, hopis to reduce the number of acct dents during this season of deer dunt- Ing In Wisconsin by urging all hunters to wear red caps. This article of ap. parol, he thinks, will servo as a aort of hemlllgiit. Captain Ulckeman also urgo'a hunters to curb their enthusiasm to tho extent of refraining from shooting at very moving object. Last year during the open season for deer In this state, 32 men wore fatally shot and 28 were Injured: Indications aro that there will bo a record-breaking number of hunt ers this seaagn, making greater precau tions necessary. That .Chiropractic In provlnR HUcccnnf til In tho rollof of (llnoaso Ih miiiHtfiutlatoiI by tho -followltiif tinHolIcltori tcatlrnonlnln: Mod ford man litis tho following to suy In regard to bonoflt ro colvoil nt tho linniln of Dr. Gordon: "Aftor trvntliiK ovor u your without any rollof I waa roluctant about trylnn your niothod, hut tho flrHt adjuntmont gavo Inatant rollof of nu IntotiHo noiirnlKlc jmln ovor tho loft oyc nnd nldo nt himd. After tho fourth tho pain won ontlroly Kono, an van nlso tho imlii lu uudor my loft ahouldur blndo and aldo, For thn-e yimrn havo hnd catarrh of tho houd, which wn always atopped up, hut now II him huon ontlroly cured and I brcatho na woll an ovor, Aftor hiicIi rcRiiltn, I fool I can highly recommend you and your method of ciirhiK dlsouso." A, !', DarlliiK of 1039 Kaat Nineteenth atroot, North, Portland, Or,, aaya: "After ton yoarn of HiifferlriK and expenditure of much money, nnd nftor bIvIiik up all hopo of recovery, wo woro Induced ns n Inst oxporlment to try Chiropractic, not expecting nny bene fit. My wife, after two woekH' treatment, -a Krenty honoflted, nnd In ulRlit wceka wan completely and permanently cured of chronic conatlpntlon, nervous pnmtratlon, St. Vitus' danco and at tendant ailments, nnd after a year nan not aeon a traco of the old troubles. "I was taken with a severe attack of lumbago and wm able o ho out aftor throe adjuntmonts. "My daughter waa cured of a had curvature In alx wceka. I feel I cannot apeak too highly of you and Chiropractic." Uellovod of chronic rheumatism aftor suffering 27 years, V. L, Fought, tiG Cambrldgo )tulldlng, Portland, Or., , Bays: "When I enmo to you I woh a physical wreck; my chief ailment bolnB acl ntlc rhoumatlam, from which I hare sufforod for 27 years, at that tlmo meeting with accident to my back. Now, after ton weeks' ndjustmont I nm ao woll I feel like I could shout tho good news from the houaetopn." Ono thing In certain: Tho' results of Chiropractic Adjustments nro euro and to bo depended upon, although tho tlmo varies with each Individual. If Buffering from any ailment, no matter of what character, chronic or ncuto, call or addrona Dr. L. M. Oordon, 216 E. Main at., Medford, Or,, ovor Medford Hardware Co, Offlco hours: 10 to 12 a. m,, 2 to C nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Offlco bourn and Sundays by nppolntmont. ONCE MORE AN IRRIGATED ORCHARD wins a NATIONAL PRIZE Irrigation made It possible for tho Itogue River valley to win tho Grand Sweepstakes Prize nt the Spokane National Apple Show Just as it has made It posslblo'for tho Rogue River valley to win tho first prize oa Its Nowtown Pippins at tho Canadian International Show at Vancouver. Irrigation will make tho Roguo River Valloy tho greatest orchard dis trict In the west: It will double the crops of tho producing orchards;- It will convert our waste aroa Into prosperous homos; It will bring more people Into the valtoy; It will build up tho district and In the future, as It has dono In the past, It will make It possible to produce tho fruit which haa won and will win tho prlws offered by the national ahows. Tho Irrigation system of the Rogue River Valley Canal Company, when completed, will Irrigate 55,000 acres of land and tho canal systeaa will serve the orchardlsta on every aide of the city of Medford. The source of water supply la Fish Lake and Four-MHo Lake, at Ux foot of Mt. McLaughlin, which Is also the water supply for Medford' municipal system. The Hopkins lateral, which Is a part of tho Rogue Rlver Valloy Canal Company system, now covers 27,000 acres and the eoratiany la prepared to accept applications from water-users from any of tho dis tricts cororod by this lateral. Rogue River Valley Co. Fred N. Ctimmins Medford National Bank Bldg. J'?.' Medford, Oregon ' A 4.. - 7 ' . 7 4 1 HJ i ii: ANNOUNCEMENT TlJriSS CORA UTLEY announces the opening of her ' new Marinello shop on Monday, Nov. 7, 1910. Miss Utley has recently completed a thorough course of training in the celebrated Afarinello School of Chicago. She is fully qualified to do efficient work in Facial Mas sage, Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Hair Dressing, Man icuring, Electrolysis, Prismatic Ray, Chiropody. Her entire equipment is the latest and most scientific, in cluding a complete outfit for the sterilization of combs, brushes and all instruments. This assures the safety as well as comfort of her patrons. Appointments made by Telephone 111 or by calling at Room 5, Kentner Block. " ; ' Change Name The Marinello Shop ISLS THEATRE THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT "Never a Dull Moment" The Zarados Bros. TIIK (iltKAT IKOX JAW ATIILKTES. E 3-REELS-3 LATEST MOTION PICTURES TIIK STHONGKlt SKX. ALMOST A IlUltO. B'tf'Bil '! JKAX AXI TIIK CAUCO DOLL. SONG "ooon-xiaiiT, nRLOT.i, oood-niqiit." . By HARRY BLANCHARD vi i i . Doors Open at 7 p. m. CHILDREN, 10 CENTS ADULTS 20 CENTS VMMinaiHnBinHBHHBianawniHBHavwB MATINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. but not Policy You will find the races to wait on you ats yoa found before tho Base wen known quality the hum courteous treatment tia aeaae willingness to mako rteht r ory little thine that aaoald prove wrong th same deairo on every one's part to plaaae. We will continue to carry the well-known brands cf goods that wo liavo carried be fore nnd add to them essch others as wo feol aro la de mand by our trade. We hopo to mako this tfc best and most popular store la Southern Oregon, and whllo wo foel that wo now eajoy thm largest trade in tho city of Medford. wo will endeavor to increase thnt business right along nnd if good goods aad right prices will do it wo will havo an easy tlm. Allen Grocery Co. Main and Central Main 2711 If your adrertlsteg to m unt that it makes rour Btoro to be tmlm bard to eorrMt tVe 4 t- n ti Vil!t t . 1 I ' I a 9 t MJ i i J. In i i ii . n ':il Hi.M i'1 I i " ,w Wi