M.1SDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORP, ORlSflOlfrffUfrDAy, NOVEMBER G, 1910. Biggest Ocean Liner Will Be Launched Soon. 1 Iffl Monday and Tuesday Stands, Dressers and Extension Tables On Sale See Windows Weeks & McGowan Co. When tin- Wliltu Htnr Unit liiuiiclu'S IIn new hIiwuikt Olympic Into thU month tlicrt" will Im it hie spluali In tint water at IW'Iftist, Iruluml. Tho Olym pic nml her sister ship tho Titanic will In- 8(10 feet Iuiik and proxrtlU)htely tirnnO nml will I'ltoh tlUphtco 00,000 Ion of sen wnti'r tlioy push their ww. rftil miy iiitihi llio A Untitle, Tim trnvnlluK lint on tho Olympic will hiiro tKx mimes on It ilmt cIiinm roll, there will bo room for WK) nmm! elsss truv rlrni, whllr tho third cnliln wjll have Accommodation for 2.0)0 pursoun. To thi'tu miiNt tic milled tho mnr (If HOO. inaklnp a total llontlng populntlon of n.tHiO. The nmoiini of ninterliil Hint cou to the formutloti of tho hull of n Brent modern HteatiiNhlp.l utmost liifoncolvalilc. In tho doulilu ttottom of the Olympic or the Titanic nlnnv morn than (100,000 rivet, wIkIiIiik n totnl of 270 ton, nro umployed. Tho 1nruet hIdjcIc plate employed on each tea sel's Nlde weigh four and one- fourth ton nnd U thirty nix feet long, nud tho lnrgetit hIiikIo Imam. stipiKirtlnK Hut (leeks, mrnsures ninety-two feet in lenjjth nd weighs four ton. An Idea of tho length of the vpim1 mny.be gnth enit liy comparliiK thetu with the Metropolitan building's tower, tho highest thing tu Now York, If Ufa Olympic were et up on Htern or Iww alongside tlm big white building hn would overtop It tiy ItiO feet. IMPERSONATED MAN FOR LOVE OF GIRL GRAND PRIX TO BE RUN ON NOVEMBER 12 roim.ANi), Nov ft a it itpeii. "Im linitrrimnittril u United Halm im erot in'rvlre ufflrir lo win Urn low of n girl, pli'intrit- guilty In tlm United Htittrs illxtrlrt court today nnd wan pltlrrirnt y .III duo IIimim In nnrvo three tiioiiltm In tlio county Jiill. Itrrd mulled nml wcnl tmrk lo IiIh cell. Wtimi lli..l uiim nrriitt,i.1 lit h nllnr.t iv Jul.) I. l.a.t I...., u.uiiv nf ..,, ,i. I'"' l,'"0,, manufitrtimrs who no wroiiKilotiiK, tlm only nilvnutngi' Im lutil mteumt lie in Impersonation 1k Ini; mi utittimolitle mIiikh trip worth tl 60. Il imiIiI Im hint pimml a an of- Ilrr for n piiHltlnn Willi a nlllt hi frliMi'l. HAVANNAII, On. Nov 6 All nc onl for wpi'i'il will In' kimiihIiiiI, It I .iM-llnviMl wlii-n the pick of lh worlil'n . nioliiij car are Nnt nwuy from IIn- uiiirk hurt' on Novmnlier IS In the ec- I uiul iiiiinml Kramt prlx rucn of .tm-rlcn Tint num will lie run nor II Inp nf 17 310 mlli' eourm' No ri'Ntrlctloii ure KiitcrliiK all mirt of frrak earn a hi retain. The w ninr will re-'lvii HOOft I tn eanli; nvooiiu 12000 nml Ihtnl lionn 1 In nitilltlon Ihe HuMiiumli cliiillink i . ..,..- .. woinnn anil ' ' ' ' r iikmui cum m n Map, anil Ihe Tl ileinnn truphv ract for Sale of Stands A unmix'.- of very nciit Stands to go dur jiiL' Huh two-da v Hale at very low prices, only for two duvH. Hert" arc two for cxainpte: .(.00 Stands for $4.50 $7.50 Stands for $5.00 Sale of Dressers llore an a few picked from a very largo assortment. Come on Monday or Tuesday if von want one. $1-1.00 Dressers for , $9.75 !j!l.50 Dressers for .. . $13.50 $22.00 "Dressers for $15.00 $25.00 Dressers for $17-00 " . ' ' ' "" I iT ' WT?T"CT?3p,!IBr J ' ' " fi . ii , ia 5, V m I I i 1 ' r ! I Si P 'I- It I Extension Tables Here is an opportunity to select a fine Ex tension Table at a big saving in price. Come in ilondav or Tuesday and choose from the assortment, part of which are shown in the window. "$10..j0 Extension Table for $ 7.50 $14.00 Extension Table for $'9.00 $16.00 Extension Table for $10.00 These are only a few of our line. Every table we show is a splendid value. Let us show you during this sale. iiBbB Hton- HOUS1E RSPEtiAl Renown Ranges Thcrei s no range on the mar ket todav that will quite equal the "RENOWN." Built for service, built strong, all the essential fea tures known to expert range makers are here every range is guaranteed and will bake perfectly on top and in the oven. You only pay a moderate price for the Ee 3own and get as good a range as can be built. Kitchen Dabinets Every woman who owns a II o o s i e r Kitchen Cabinet knows that it is the greatest blessing ever brought to her home. It saves steps saves time contains within reaching distance all the need ed articles for making the sim plest or most elaborate meal. The housewife can sit onVa stool in front of this cabinet and prepare most any meal. Come and sec this wonderful Iloosier Cabinet. You will want one the momejnt you see it. Jk -A Hniiui mim.iII curM II lupK will In' run i ItUI.K'H HAVANA. Nov -. immH of huiiinu lioiiim, lwllri'l to li tho rulli'n of I'lilmn rfiiRi'MM Html ilow'n nt l)n' iirilruiM of CnptiUn (li'tirrul Wnylur ilurlim' !h Ciilmn rivolutlon, ufti'r HHiniimrj court iiiurllRl whm iinooMTi'il liiT" linluy by nwr pxcftvutorn. Tho Ihiiikn wr found In it Nirk In tho ci'iitrnl iwrt of th city Thitrr wim no crnintiiry nour Tint theory Hint It Im luiiyliiK k'rouni) of uiiforlunutoN wim Ml miilor "Tho lluirht'r'H" orilrrit In I'oiiNhti'ri'il lly inoMt plm.-tlili' BATTLER'S FUTURE IS STAKED ON MORAN 90 JURY INVESTIGATING EXPLOSION TAKES REST I.OS ,N0i:i,i:n, Nov 5 Tlu niMflnl Krunil Jury luviNt;iittnK tho Tiini'M ily inuillliiK wilt hohl no tnoro hi'iirltiK" until mix I ThurMitay. Tho Jury nil Jourui'il until Unit ility unit Iho Hun ''romilxoo wllniMHi'H luouuhl ilown lino In tNtlfy tt'oro KlVi'll prrmtiHlnu to ko to llnlr hoiiii'M Si'M'i-nl of Ihiuii, It wait NtntiMl toiliiy, will Iimi vii for Hun 1'nui iiIhcii imilKht Till llflri'il' HtlvliH of ilyiiiuulto foiiml uuiliir llio homo of ScoioUiy I'l'liuiiil Iit of tlm .MrrohiiutH' nml Miinufiiutur- IT' IINHlll'llltlnu, Which WITI' l'lllllllril In tin' miunl Jut v looin, huvo honu Htorilll III llll UIIIH'(MIlll'l 'llOIIHO OIltHlltl) tin1 city llinltH, whi'ri' ihi-y will lio Kimrili'il until tlm Jury iiki'Iii U'hiiiiIiK'h MAN I IIANnsco v.n , wiiith r HhIIIIiu; Ni'Imoii In kImii n rlumiv to ri'Kiiln IiIm IonI i'luiniitoiiNhl tliti- fnuii Ail WuIkhhI or not will iti'pcinl lirmlv upon tho hIiowIiik hi' inuki'H iiKnluxt Owi'ii .Mornn In thflr tnnlcli lioforp Jim I'offroih'M chili thin month ti'li'Krnm fiom WolKiixt Ihih I.-ii ri'i'i'hi'il liy I'roinotor I.ouIh Hint Hint WotKiiNt will iiiih-i I'lhiT of thf IlKlitirw Hint Hi'U'i'tM Hint ilrchuril toilnv Hint If .Mornn won from tin' HuHIrr ho would Im' Klvi'ti tin' opimrlunllv l.oonl HkIiI fiiiiH pick Nilmm to win, nlthoiiKh nd miiico InillcutloiiH in'. Uii lit'tiliiK wilt In- nlioul nt t'Vrn CONVICTION MAY DISRUPT NATL. G9ARD One Step will not take you far. I but it helps- -a few I more will take you to the Medf ord I Book 1 Store 5 Largest assortments. Lowest prices. HHHHMMHMNH1IIUU NEW IDEA PAPER PATTERNS 20c NONE HIGHER GRAY 6MOE Dry Goods, Cloaks & Shoes Medford's Populaa Priced Store Simmons Kid Gloves, S1.25 to $1.75. We fit all gloves be fore 4hey leave the store. HHM IMITKOIT, No D Tin ilKliiooinlto Ntlltl' I'omilllttl't' OllltlllH u doiiioi'ratlc IiuuInIIiIi' for l.nwUm llomnui', i'nuil. ilato for Kovi'inor Thuy pu'dlol hi' will ho ulioti'd hy u pliunllly of SB.OOO, Tho inpuhtlciin commit too i'IiiImih tho olrc Hon of Culiorno, Ihi'lr uiindldiiti', hy n jduiiillty of "r.,000, l)Al,t,AH, Nov, f!.j- Am ti result of tlm roiiylotlon of HnrKi'iint J, D. Munloy for inniiHliiiiulitor, committed whon Mun loy linyonnttcil u man nt tlm tlinu of l'ri'Mdi'iit Tnfl'H vImU ht-ro In 1U01I, tho iintlonnl kuiiiiI of Toxuh fnci'M dlHiup Hon. Cupliiln Klnimnl of tho DiiIIiih com pany, today iiHkud thu iidjutnnt Kuuurnl to inimlnr out tho cntlro company, Hay. Im? Hint hit cannot oritur IiIh men to Kimnl duty whim thoy mlKlit luqonio Hiilijurt to conviction hy tho civil nuth orltlt'H for ohoyhiK military ontoiH. l''our oftlciii'H of tho imtloiml cuard nlHii riinlKiioil nml It Ih foorcil that tho trouhlii will wpH'iul. Mimloy ldlli'il 1ouIh llolohmiHtoln nnd iih Himtimocd to worvo U9 youra'H Im-prluoniui'iit. Tho moiiuv .v'i "'y ""'(' tlirouirli your intoroHt in .iuIh will probably pity llio interest tin mhuU. niort- irajjoif you huvo nny such intoroat to pay . L f Millinery Sale To iiinuo room for n lurgo onlor of now winter huts nml turlmiiH, I will soli at a KonoroiiB dlBcount tho ro maliulor of my wdmmcd street lints, ilrosH hats anil turbans nt prices nov or lioforo oquulod In Modford. TliOhO aio tho Into fall stylos dlroct from the cast, but tho soloctlon is not Ini'Ki so conic early and i;ot tho best soloctlon. Mrs. SALTER'S Home Millinery lOUl WKST NINTH STltKUT, mc MHinxnu). tZKB$HBr 0FP0RTU6ALRELEASED I.IKHON, . ov 5 r.vory political primmer In 1'ortUK'U w-hh ioIpiihciI today liy order of (ho new iidinlntHtratlon. The Hi'utonccH of all crlmlualu woro reduced nuo-thlrd. Thin iCHUlted In tlm liberation of many men and He vera I women, who had been III tho royal prlBonH Horvlm? Hhnrt teiniri. WABIUNOTON, Nov. B, Tho Car Hteuu I'liHclduK company of Tacoma nnd Hntnttlo, throiiKh U ropiuBentatlves, to day UHltod tho lnturutntu commorco com iiiIhhIuii to reduce freight rates' on cat tlo and Hheep from California to AVash ItiKton, Tho packers demanded that tho South urn 1'alello Itnllroad cnmpnny In OroKon and AVnHliliiKtoK. refund 13573, which they deolnro represents on oxoobb nhovo reiiHounhlo rates. NO LIVES LOST WHEN nitANOON, Man., Nov. t. As far as could ho ascertained today no lives wero lost when the Insane uaylum of the Manltolia government was burned lo tlm ground last night. One of the woman patients playing With matches nho had seouiod In tho kitchen, wus ro Hponsltile for the lire. There woro 000 patients In tho nsylum nt tho tlino nlnl great illilculty was experienced In get ting them out A number woio severely Injured and others badly ohlllod, as n suowslonn was raiting nt tho time. Ar laugemouts wero at onco inado to so ouro tho nrniory and convert It Into a temporary nsylum, hut tho problem of looking after the patients during tho winter Is n serious one, ns thu asylum at Helklrk Is filled. Ladies and Misses Cloaks SIWIA L ON LAD I US AND .MISSES' CLOAKS --For .Monday, the well made La ATogue garment in mixtures and plain; all sizes; our regular $20.00 and s;."i,ts;...r!: .. $18.00 2(5 pairs of ladies -itt.50 Shoes; exceptionally good values at the price, too. sale hift $2.50 Children's Underwear SPECIAL LOT OF CHILDREN'S WOO! COTTON UNDEinVEAtt Some of the sold at Toe. They are a broken lot and going Monday at AND garments 30c Comforters from 98c up to $400 COMFORTERS FROM 9Se TO $4.00 A big lino to select i'rotn; in light and dark eolors; heavily quilt ed and made well; special values at from (T C AA JoC tO , tpcfw I Bed Spreads BED SPREADS Come early and get a few these grand values 2xS4; special i'or Mondav of 98c Ki monas up to $4.00 K1MONAS mtOM $1.50 TO $1.00 Just received, another shipment of those new shaped Kimonas in big lino of eolors and patterns; tho styles are entirely new and sure to interest everybody; at Cl AT this time of the year; $1.50 to pT.VV Outing Flannel AMOSKEAG OUTING FLANNEL 25 pieces of light color Uuting Manuel; regular 12iAc and 15c values; special for Monday " 9c Men's Shoes MEN'S SHOES Just received, a big assortment of men's heavy and light everyday shoes. They wero late getting here, ynd therefore wo have decided to mark them at a price that will sell them all out iron day; regular $3.50 grades in shoes CA U GRAY & MOE MUXM, t: I i I ti SI '. 111 If m JS I ir II I " mm IHMHnJn ijfjl t-txnf!ifiniihlttfiriU,-r)m