ft '.' I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, 19 VISIT OUR FACTORY 'T If You are Interested in Cabinet or Mill Work. Examine our machinery and equipment. Notice the work of our Skilled Men for every man is an Expert in his line That's all, for if you need anything manufactured from glass or, wood, You'll Leave Your Order ' . i ,, v 4 k r A' BIG PINES LUMBER CO f ,, Jfr V f If. f i; t. GREAT WHITE THRONE AND ITS BLESSINGS Immense Audience In World's Largest Auditorium. 1MSTOU IIUMKLU I.oiidoii, Kni;,, Nor. l.-1'iiHtor Ituxitollof the lirvoUlyn Tub criinrlc, Ni'w Vork. preached liuro to day, lloyal Albert Hall held n ruatau dlunco of deeply In (crested boa rum. Tho Mpcakcr choso bin text from ttuvo lutlon zx, 11: "1 saw a trent White Throne, and htm thnt sat on It. from whone face tho earth und the hpurrir fltd nway. and there was found no place for thorn." He mild: Hlit iniulo moral cownrda of our race. From early Infancy feur mid npprehen dlon. eupvc'lally In respect to thing fu turo, bare bvon Impressed upon ut. Wo realise our Imperfection, and that our God In perfect, and that perfection li tho only standard which ho could npprore, and that some kind of pun ishment for stn must bo expected. Tho Adversary, taking ndvnntuKO of our forefathers, misrepresented tho Al mighty aud hns used our fear to allonnto us from htm and to, wrest and distort his message to us In tho Hlblo. Bt. Paul assures us that this Is Baton's general procedure; thnt ho puts IlKht for dnrknesi and darkness for IlKht Thus 'it comes that our text, which Is really ouo of tho most beautiful und comforting in tho wholo Iltblo when rightly understood, hns to many bo como a lash In tho hands of tholr fears. It Is needless to say that our text Is ono of tho symbolisms of a Hook fillod with Symbols. God's people, guided by bis holy Spirit, in duo time will ap preciate theso symbols. Tor many of them (ho duo time is already here. Tho Throno Is Messiah's. It represents his Mediatorial Dominion of earth for a thousand years. ltn wliltoncsi sym bolizes tho purity, tho Justice, of his Kingdom of rightcouHuuss under tho wholo heavens. Tho heavens and earth, which will Hoe nway from tho presence of tho great Emmanuel will not bo tho heavens of Clod's Throno, nor tho earth which ho has given to the children of men. Tho heavens and earth which will llco away, and for which no place will bo found, nro, of course tho symbolical ones. In lllblo nymbotogy tho earth represents estab lished civilization; tho sen represents tho restless, dlssntlsfled masses of hu manity. Tho mountains symbollio hu man government, kingdoms, which constitute tho backbono of present iplritual Influences Kccleslnstlclsm, ChurclUanlty. Thus Interpreted our text declares thnt when Mosslnh shall assumo control of tho world; when ho slinll sit upon his Throno: when ho shnll oxorclso rulernhlp amongst men, tho result will bo thnt tho social sys tem of todny, us well ns tho presont day ccclcsliistlclsm, will tlco nwny, will pass out of ox,lHtonco no plnco will bo found for them, Satan Now tho Prlnes. Homo man muy bo Inclined to ask, Hns not Christ boon tho great Ruler of tho world fcr these past nineteen centuiloa? And whatever uiny bo said of tho four thouMnud years boforo tho coming of Chrlut tuny It not bo claim ed thnt he Iiiih beyn reigning ovor sluco his nsceuHlou to tho right baud of tho father? Wo answer Mint If this bo true; )f tho Redeemer of men has boon reigning iih the King of earth for those nineteen centuries, there should bo something In tho Hlblo to so tench. Hut wo llud nothing. On the contrary, wo honrken to tho Master's own words telling us that Satan is iho l'rluco of this ago (John xlv, HO), Wo hearken to him again telling us, "My Kingdom Is not of this world (ago)" (John xvill, 80). Again ho says, "I will comq again and rccolvo you unto luysoir' (John xlv, 8). Again ho tolls us that ho wqnt Into a fur country to recolvo tho tltlo to ula Kingdom, then (o rofurn to tuko (Wi - -mifim isH Jim u Fj I'UUOKNCK SHOULD LKAII YOU to deposit your money In a good bank rather than koop It whoro It Is oxposud to all kinds of rlskH. If tho Tunners & . I'mllKixmeiV Itiuik offered no other Induccmunt than u sccuro place to keep your cash It would bo v. ell worth whllo to open an account there. Hut it offers mnny others. Coma and nsk any of tho oiflccrs what they nro. possession cf It (Matthew xxl, S3; xxr, H), ntid that at his second coming ho will bo tho great King of glory. Uo tells us tho samo thing In Matthew xxv, 31, "When tho Son of Man shall como in his glory, and all tho holy an gels with him, thou shall ho sit upon tbo throno of his glory." Ou tho other band, as wo scan the pages of history during tho past eight een centuries, wo are convinced that Messiah hns not been tho King of tho world. To think of him as such, with tho omnipotent power which wo ac credit to htm, would bo to charge him with responsibility for bloody and atrocious persecutions and wars and famines and pestilences. Surely no right-minded person, after mature con sideration, can ratloually accept tbo theory that tho glorious Messiah's reign of righteousness for tbo blessing of tho wholo earth, tho uplifting of tho wholo raco, tho enlightenment of every creature, and tbo bringing of all possible Into accord with Clod nono of ns could think thnt that relgu of tho great Mediator between God nnd men Is In tho past. Wo must ogreo with our text tiiat It Is In tho future, and thnt, when established, Its effect upon tho Institutions of tho present politi cal, social, financial, religious will bo Ntich that they will tlec nwny; no plnco over moro will be found for them. Ah! from this standpoint thcro is hopo; but from uo other standpoint. Wo are living todny nt the ery ell mnx of civilization. Yet todny wo bo bold moro clearly thnn over before thnt thodeeply-lngrnltied selfishness ot humanity is u blight upon nil tho blessings nnd conveniences ami advan tages of our day. 'Th Cur of Sslfiihnen. I need not do mora than remind you that ni'lllnhnotn Is to be found fn every ouo of hi, und that a sembluuco of rlghteoiiMit'KH Is Insisted upon by us nil and adhered to, nnd violators of I nro styled criminals. Nevertheless It seems Impossible to legislate eijulty, Justice. The keen Intellects of men find opportunities for clrcmuvontlnK tho laws and for committing theft nnd murder und sin In tho face of laws and without danger of being punished. Let us illustrate this: Wo hnvu henrd of the famines of India and how tho llrltlHh Government hns spent millions of "Pounds Sterling" for Irrigation pur poses to compensate for Irregulnrltles In tho rain-fall. Undoubtedly the fam ines nro to Homo extent due to water scarcity. Nevertheless, ouo of tho ablost of our engineers Informs the world that there Ima not been In tlfty years such a scarcity ib Bhould have created tho famines. The famines of India, which have cost the Uvea of millions, nro to bo accredited to groed -selllshnosH which hns nourished un dor tho shndow of tho law. Wealthy milling concerns purchnso tho rice from tho natives nnd grind It Into Hour, Ily ngroomont between themselves they do not compete, but press tho tuurket prlco of rlco lower qnd lower until tho poor nntlvo, unnblo to mnko a profit, decllucs to plant, enro for nnd harvest tho crop. As n result thoro Is fnmlno. Tho poor natives suffer; "but tho man agers of tho milling properties pay largo dlvldonda of from fifty to ono hundred nnd fifty per cont. on Invested capital to tho wealthy owning them, As nn Illustration of tho exorbitant profits I will relato n case: Two young men whose accumulated. Bavlnga amounted to thirty thousand rupees (about two thousand j)ouiuls( or ten (&uuH5if3 "auTlnrV) toyostct: ti 4l "tlce milling. Their profits for the first year were eighty thousand rupces-ibout flvo thousand pounds, or twenty-flvo thousand dollars. They were not in tho combluo to depress tbo prlco of rice, but they profited by what tho Combluo accomplished. These Inequi ties of our present social order aw beyond tho reach and correction of the comparatively fow men of ability not directly or indirectly Interested in them. Thi Whits Throne Judgmtnt. Neither Jehovah nor his great Repre sentative, Messiah, can In any senso or degree bo a party to lnjustlco or in equity. Tbo fact thnt lnjustlco has been permitted, and that inequity has been tho rule for centuries, Is to bo accounted for by tho other fact that durjng all this period tho world has been under tho reign of sin and death, and not under tho reign of righteousness and life; It has been un der tho reign of Satan, "the Trlnco of this world" nnd of the darkness of selfishness and evil all of which his namo represents and not under the dominion of Messiah, tho Representa tive of Jehovah, nnd his righteousness; not under tho King of glory, tho anti typical David and Solomon, tho nntl typical Aaron and Mclcbtscdec. Tho Now Dispensation which Messiah's Kingdom will usher in is pictured In our text. It will bo tbo dominion (bat will bo world-wide pure, holy, right eous, Just, truthful, Hod-like n"rent White Throne. No wonder wo read that tbo symbolical heavens and earth, representing tho old order of things social, ecclesiastical will alt vanish away. Hut let no ouo think for a moment' that ecclesiastical princes, financial princes and political princes will vol untarily acknowledge that tho hour has como for a full surrender to Mcs Blah and to all tho principles of his nb soluto righteousness. On tho contrary, theso privileged members of our raco will moro aud moro bo drawn together for mutual protection for tho pros- ervatlon of tho special privileges which J unvo como imo meir possession, l.ven now wo seo tho prophecy of tho Sec ond Psalm fulfilling. Wo aro in tho vory tlmo when tho Lord, through tho Prophot David, calls the great ones of tho. earth to recognize tho true situa tion of our wouderful day that it means that tho Day of Messiah has arrived, and that ho should bo recog nized aud his principles of righteous-' ncss obeyed, I Tho call Is recognized, Saluto tho Son, O yo kings of the earth, whllo yo aro In tho way with him, before his nugcr bo kindled nnd yo perish by tbo way (Psalms II, 10-12), But no, tho prophecy declares thnt wo arc In tbo day when tho pcoplo, tho musses, will havo foolish Imaginations whou they will think that by tbelr own strength they can Inauguruto n reign of right eous n ess aloug tho linos of Socialism or by anarchy, Tbo pcoplo must learn that tholr help la In tho Lord and not In tholr own frail arm. Tho people must see tho forco of tho stato inent, "Blessed aro all Uiey that put tholr trust in Messiah" (verso 12), Tho Lord Is about to establish tho great Wbito Throno of .absoluto JubUco lu tho world, Occasionally wo moot n man whose train of thought reminds us of n row of flat cars, f-Tft" "" .. jMtfc ftf AC lM W T tlMfe. ex. Snappy Sack Suits ! 4 MAKE selection from our New Fall Stock of Fine Clothing and you -J ... can't go wrong. -12sKl Because every garment is a anasterpiece, every fabric is high quality, and ' 1 every style the latest expression of goord form in dress. 4 These clothes are made for us by the foremost fashion creators of Men's Apparel. All the latest ideas in blues and gr ays and fancy effects at moderate prices.. ' ... ' - r.r;at , 4 4f n V. fi i KNOX HATS $5.00 "Mmcp&rc2& Conrocri Coihiars " Stetson $3.50 to $7.50 1 li IfTiluui' ' 'Hlfi vi-c&vawns WILSON BROS. SHIRTS $1.25 TO $3.00 MEDFORD Pendleton Robes Fine Wool Blankets Just received a largo shipment of fine Pendleton Robes and Blankets. Did you ever investigate the Pendleton Robe? They are made of the finest and best grado of pure Eastern Oregon fleece wool. There is not a speck of for eign mattor allowed to go into the manufacture of these famous blankets. They aro sold all over the world look like the real ''Navajo" rugs and come in very beautiful lino of patterns. We will be pleased to have you -call and inspect tho now line and feel sure that you will not go away without select ing one or more. They are not only fine as bed blankets, but are mostly used ' for outings, covers for trunks and general lounging purposes. They aro guar anteed fast colors aud will wear longer than any blanket you can buy for tho price. Fine Line of Bed Blankets Also MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. THY THIS FOR OATAIUUI. Got a IIYOMBI (pronounco It Hlgh-o-mo) outfit today. Pour a fow dropB from the bottlo Into tho lnlmlor that couios with oach outfit, nnd broatho In It four or five lm08 n day, Immodlatoly tou will know that IIYOMEI scothef and heals tbo In lamod and lrrltatcu motnbiano. sootho nnd hoalj It kills tho gorniB, thoso porsevorlng posts that nro at tho root of nil catarrhal conditions, "Last year I suffered torrlbly with catarrh, I used ono bottlo of IIY OMBI, ani my catarrh was bottor." Miss Holon McNalr, Loyalton, Cal. A coinploto HYOMBI outfit, In cluding n bottlo of IIYOMBI, a bard rubber pockot Inhaler and simple in structions for uso, costs only $1.00. If you now own a Ilyomol inbnlor, J you can get f.t. oxtra bottlo of Ilyo mol for only 50 conts at Ohas, Strang's drug storo, and druggists ovorywhoro. Cluarnntocd to euro catarrh, oroup, asthma aud soro throat, or nionoy back. White Diamond THE FLOUR that is fast winning pop ularity in the homes of Medf ord. Have you tried it? Order a sack and if you aro not a little bet ter pleased than ever boforo we miss our guess. 25c BLEND COFFEE means a better crop of coffee. We have moro expensive coffee, but our "25c Blend" is as good as most stores sell at 35c to 40c. WE DELIVER OUR, GOODS IN OUR OWN WAG ON Olmstead 6 Hibbard West Sidt PhoneMain57i 1 W, A. LOVBLACH, contractor and practical builder; estimates free; patronage appreciated. 125 South Almond st. 1 J fjy a jbseiKfcr4 ;-.. -fc.w tJj-