'. THANKGIVfNG MUmCQUD MAIL Till HUM, M1DDF0UD, ORKCJO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 3930. 7 V 10 BEREALTHISYEAR TURKEY IS LOW Indications Aro That Great Ameri can Dlnl Will Condescend to Pass Into Your Hands at 10 Per Last Yoar Prlco Ramjctl Arotinil 30. mn Tlmt Thanksgiving luikuy this your will cost Mr, lIotiHitiiinllntl in llio lioiglibnihood of lllo u pound, uueonliug tn tint present outlook. Tim turkey souson Ik jiihI com mencing oiiil tin) supply appeals ampin to keep llio ptii'i) from sour ing iioyonu loustiu, i.itHi year mi Iuhh you iit in onrly i'niiii Tiu to 35c wan tint prlco on foot, This jour the pricim liiil fair to ruin lower. I 'oik Iiiih dropped a emit a pound, (hough you can lumlly notice tho clufligu in llio niiiouiit oT moat you cot for u given it in t xii 1 1 of money.. Puisnips aio about llio only now vegetables coming into llio muiket, niul am quoted at l1 cents. Court? OQJR EWi (In nit C.iiiil. Htuto vii, Mlllou Curl dp; criminal iurorniiitloii. Iimbol Kiiiinliur vm, Moyil W. Fan "liorj divorce. Vawlor K. I'urdlii for .ilaliitirr. Kaiik Hubibury vm. Hurali Hunt: to mint tltlo. (loorgo W. Trofrnn for plaintiff, Kiln Fonlon vs. C. H. Dynrj to qui Dt tltln. (loorgo W. Tnifrmi for plaintiff. FOR EXCHANGE. 'CO TTTADTJ For" ModfTnTpropoHy, to coiihIhL of fiirulliiro of a flnit cIiikh rooming Iioiimo or liotol, or flro liiHiirancu liunliwiHn anil lioinit, llio fiirnltuio of ii 42-rooni liotol, f ii rn Ituro now ami now lirlclc build In k modern; Kuarantoo 40 per cent on Investment; Hltuato In Coour d'Alono, Idaho; 10,000 population; 0 Hti'iuliurii ply In luko and rlvoni luirn; '1 now rallroailH now coming In; fluent city lu nortliwont; stand Mlrlcl Investigation, Address 8. II. (Iraliaiii, caro Kllto liotol, Coour il'Aleno, lilulio. 107 FOR SALE ItliUM'fl. """" FOR SALE- -Large inodorn house with Hotith mid ouhI front, 113 fat front on paved street, by 181 foot Jong, nicely imprdvcjil grounds; v orytiiing tftrictly modern. Kimhoii for soiling, lady of house poimIh ,i cIiuiiko of nil in a to. Thin place m miiIiiIjIo for nicu homo or find olas rooming bouso. Easy terms it right party. See tho Jackson Conn ly Huulty Co., 004 Wont Tenth Kl. 105. FOR SALE. MlAcnltancotM. WANTED. FOR SALE- -If you want a rnonoy mnking business, firflt-clnHH propo rtion, ffiNh required about $2000, no IriflorM, address J. A. M., I. O. box 701, city. 202 Prolmli. . HIkkIiim; final ucocunt MCOFOHH .MAHKICTH. (Price paid by Modford merchants.) Potatoes Jl.lGtf 1 .25 por cwt. CnbbnKo 2c. Suutitih HGcCr $1.00. Tomatoes 1 Mc I'arnulpH, 1 ',4 c. Cnrrotu 1 jc. Hoots lUc OnioiiH i y,c. Pumpklni 8CT 12 V4e. Apples 2c. I'parHlcrSo. Prunes- Dried, c. Celery -l0o n dozen. Hotter, I'kkn nml Poultry. ( Prions paid by Mudford merchants.) Htitlor Fresh rniicli. .12 c; Crnainnry, 37 We. Kgr.s- Frcrh niiich, 40c. Poultry Mlxod. 10C1 He; nprliij I'hli'kciiH, ll'dlrte; turkoyii. 10c. (Prlcon paid producorn.) ' liny Tlinr.thy. $10; alfalfa, H; xrnttn, M; Krnln liny, Jio. Qraln Wliont, fl.lC buahcl; ontn, 130 ton; liurloy. $32 ton. Hoof Cowh, Krtc; utooin, 60 14 c. Pork- 8W8',4c Mutton &(ffGHc; lamb, flc. Veal- Drosribd, Sc. (MoIIIiir prlcoa.) Hnllod barloy, $1.75 cwt, $32 ton; bran, ;i.7G; ml'ldlliir.ii. HMQl 00; nhortn, l.H0M.8r.. APPLE MARKET HAS UM OFF Slilpplnn From All Important North west Districts Is at Its Hclflht Orciion Ncwtowns Sclllmj In Enjj llsli Markets at 12 to 15 Slilllltifis. KHtato W approvod. KHtato Mary Hlowart SlHoiuont; or dor of final Hottlomont. Maribiuo IiIcciim'n. H, V. Corbolt and llnurlctta Moral iniiii. Itoy I'. I.ofliunl and JohIu M. Nor rlH. 10. H, Wllmni ami Ida M. l-'lcko. vanolii'x, mii'li on Hi'iiatoo. Tin' ntm wliiidi will uialu) (lie liuct I'uin parativo xli'iwint: nn lour and uin lialf and l'oiir-lior I mil. hh many it pnMMililf four and oin-lialf tier. Very, lai't!D KireM ami erv miiiiII hmh should not be included. FOR KXCHANOFiTho J'inuHt arid IiuhI puyiiiK orchard in Miu Rokud Uivor Valley at Asliland, within city HmtH ; a lovely Jioino pnv 'JO por cent, tint on prico iiHkcd; will tnkn a nice Iioimo in Medford in pail Imynifliit; balanco cihv. K. T. Ii f7J CbcHtnut ntrcot, AHhlnrni, Ore. 1 or. F()R KXCIIANdlv Ten diiyn only iik I intuit leave for the hoiiIIi four iiiininir clainiH or real en title for autoinobili'. AdilreHH llox :i0:i. Central 1'oint, lilfi FOR LEASE I'Olt I.KASK FiHhlnR, hunting, boatini; and linthitiK resort, l's Hnuaro nitlcH bodj' of water, on railroad, within 12 milcri of Mod ford. Ad drown Hox 201, care Mall Triliunn. tf FOR (4ALI'-Ono of tho bent p.i-i.,K Iiiih:1k.'mh propoHitionn in town; clonriuc $.ri00 er month. AddrcMN Hox 80, care Mnil Tr.biine "J2-aL. J01 FOR SALK--$800, now fonr-roma Iioiihc on JackRon Rt., -VJG0 l..wn. Inriiiiie at No. 1 South OrafiK- t. l'Jir FOR SALK Imported birds: Kujc IIhIi MuwhoHterH, Hartz Monritninn and TfolIorBj IiIk reduction; $7 now .$ri; $5 now . iJ.'J.OO now $2. 010 Central avo. South. 200 Mlncotutncor. WANTKIJ Three or four Inying hens Al. I. RciIh prcforrod. Phono Main 10.11. 828 Dakota avo. tf VVANTKlJ--lJrc88mnklnK. Mrs. Flold cr, nddn-fts 231 W. Gth et. 200 FOR HALK Block of dry Roodfi that will Invoice about $4000; cheap for cnnh. I.uko Ityan, Jacksonville, Or egon. 198 FOIt SALK Choice IiuhUjuhh prop erty at n bargain, on long time; eaHy tormH. Addrons Condor Wa tor Powor Co. FOR SAIil. Cheap, Rood IniKRy an., new plow and Hot of harness. C07' Palm st . 200 WANTED Horses to feed for win ter. Address M. M. Wolcli, Wnt kins. r, 230 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTING Architects" Notice. NOTICE After November lat iny office will be in rooms 211 and 21"2 anrett Corey Hi., phone 2071; residence 113 Laurel st., plume 2002., It. W. Stcarnt. M. P. If Aayr. FOR SALE Fivo-room house on .11 South OraiiKo street, closo in, for $2100. Address J. A. Henderson, Hox .13 L 203 Occnnlonnlly wo meet a man whose train of t'loiiRlil romlndn u of a row of flat rnrn AUTOMOBILES FIR REJIY. FOIt HUNT i.'d, clone In. Ivy street. 2 pleasant rooms want- I'hono 4974. 343 North 197 IFOR RENT-rTwo pleasant rooms; t eliiHo in. Phone 1071. 313 N. Ivy Htrentr' 100 Quick Survice. P hiihv Riditu: 'nens litem PARRY AUTO IJVERY PHONE MAIN 3141 . POLITICAL CARDS. -fj TO LET Nicely furnished rooms at 3lfi North Hartlelt. 107 FOR RENT--Modern furnished room suitable for two Rcntlouicn, ."i'l.i SilHlll.IloIJi". P.I.) FOIt ItRNT FurnlKlicn rooms for traustonln, No. 10 North Drape street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers' bank. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms at H S. Orape hL 208. FOR SALE Furnished 5-room cot tnj;o, lot fiOx.100, on paved street, with lawn, shade nud fruit trees and other improvements; a real homo place and a decided barcaiu at .$2000; terms. Lnndquist,, John son & Lilius, Inc., 201 St. Mark's J)JJk. lf FOR SALE 5-room modern buncn low, fumiahed complete at $3,000; $1,200 handles this. Address Bo 70. care Mail Tribune office. 504. Ranches. FOR SALE 80 acre relinquishment, best fruit land. Work on ranch nd .ioiiitiic lo right party. Inquire Creniror. fi30 W. Palm. 107 FOR SALEA now Chao-Hakcr jPinno player, .$7f). Address Hox 1111. care this office FOR SALE Kitchen rnntrj mid household Roods. .')27 He.itty bt. . 104 FOJt SALE OR TRADE-.Lnrtro Hail safe. Sec Gray & Moe, Van Dvke's old stand. FOR SALE Or will exchanKc for property m Modford or in centra! west, fivc-pnsBotiKer nutomobile. Address Hox 407, Mcdford, Or. 100 FOR SALE Automobile bnrRain; all makes, $350 to $2,200. Will trade for real estate. Some fine barRnins. Call and see. C. II. Sny der Motor Car Co. tf. FOR SALE 80 tons first class corn; also 200 tons well cured fod der. Enquire of Dr. K. W. Clancy, Mcdford. Orecon. tf. Tim Northwestern Fruit ExchaiiRO in their latest market bulletin mt : Apples The maikekt has ohmm! off and is rather dull and feature less. ShippuiR from all important districts in tho northwest is now about at its height, which iuciousoi the supply very inaterially nud in creases tho competition for order, and of course result in a tendency on the tmrt of the trade to hold off and "boar" the market. We ate holduiR firm on prices in tho haul winter varieties, but the demand for Jonathans continues ory nIurrUIi, althoiiRh this variety is about done shippiiiR. The demand for Spitxou bet'RH and similar hiRh-priced vari eties continues unsatisfactory, and wo shall probably place a few cars in cold HtoriiRu at tho most mlvaii titRcous distrihutiiiR points and await a betjot mjirket, which should follow when tho paekiiiR and ship ping season is over and the fruit has passed out of first bunds. Wu par ticularly desire to hear from all of our clients with any iiiHlrjictions oi siiRRosttoiis relative to this feature. Kxport Hit nation. Cable udvi'coH statu that OrcROii Newtowus ai selliiiR in thu EiiRlish market from 11 to 13 shiliiiiRS, with tho markets stroiiR nud prospects oiicnuruRiiiR. Wu are advising nur clients to uiiiko regular shipments abroad. Our export urmiiRomcnts are complete and of the very high est character. Our sales ugeuts in Loudon am one of the oldest estab lished and nior.t thoroughly lespun siblo and reliable firms in the city, heintr connected with a famous linn A'luiHc lieadqiiarters aru at Paris. Our Loudon agents aro considered to have facilities ranking with the very best in London, and their stand in the Qiveul Qnrjlcii market is di rectly in front of (he main eiitrauce iu full view of iill-jionioi'M who have to pass their placo in going to the lo cations of other firms, 12 or 15 of whom may ho selling at thu name tituo. This ndvautago of location it a vory Important one. Wo rcpoiu inond rogiilnr shipments for export of ears containing a good proportion of NowtowitH, tho balanco good red KJK ItKNT Front bedroom, cIobcI, modern; S minutes' walk from new depot, 3 blocks from Main. G21 West. Hamilton. Phono 24GG. l'J7 FOR RENT First-class living rooms. See R. A. Johnson, room 202. Fruitgrowers bank bdlg. It)) FOR "RENT-At the Cottage, pleas- ut't, furnished rooms, with hot and cold running water; baths, larRC sunny porches. (101 W. 10th St. or 124 King St. tf. ICooiii mill lloniil. FOR HINT Room and board, reas onable, home copkipg: pioals served t'ainil.v stvlo; six blocks south now depot, on Southern Pacific track. 41(1 Evonrrecn. corner 12lh st. HHI UllllHCkCCpillg JtOOlllH. rooms 105 FOR RENT Housekeeping t 23 North Roosevelt nv, FOR RENT Housekeeping rootuit; t!so .l-room house. Inquire 330 N. Front st. ivr JUDQE WILL R. KING Ju tice nl the Supreme Couit. CiiiidiJut'i lor io elect tor si Near te.. . whoso pin is nijhl In Oeorgo H. Huruett, the ropublicati .issemldv nominee. For County Recorder. I urn tho republican nominee for the office of county recorder for Jackson count v. Election Novembvr . 11'IQ, FRKI) L. COLVIO. For Stiito Senator It. P. NKILi Domociattc Nonilnoo for State Sena tor from Jackson County. Hands for Statement No. 1, TENT CITY Tout for light housekeeping rooms to let nt tent. Citv Hotel; clean, modern nud san itary baths and electric light. Oak dale avo. South. 10S Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acro to 400 aero, alfalfa laud, fruit ranches, guidon lauds, general fanning ranches. Gold Rav Roalh Co. am Wc-l Mini tf ' FOIt SALE I have for sale farm lands, fertile, fruit and alfi.lfa and timber land in quantities of 10, 20, 40, (10, 100 and 210 acres; houses and outbuildings and families resil ing on tho farms, young orchard1?, bearing orchards nud small fruit; also fine houses and lots covered with fruit, in the new and just in corporated village of Talent, Or. If von nrc at Mcdford or Ashland, tijko the cars to Talent (onlv cost you 25 cents) and come nnd look at property. If at other planes, write, inclosinc stamps, nud I will gie further particulars. Office closed on Lord's day. H ,N. Judd, TaMnt. Or.. Roberts bldcr. 107 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five- passenger 4-cylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office tf FOR BALE Legal blank! of all kinds trapu88 and other notlcet, at Mall Tribune offlcfl. A Zots. FOIt SALE- For one day, one cor ner lot, ilO cash. .,") per month Humphrey, 815 K. Main st. 1'hnno 3002. 101 FOR SALE Corner lot. 50x200, on Tripp st., 3-room new cottage, woll and outbuildings, garden soil. Only flOOO; one-half cash, bnlnnce 'arms; worth investigating. Land- tuist, .Tohn-on & Lilius, Inc., 201 St. Mark's block. ff FOR SALE I nm offering to the huver a limited number of lots, 1 nud 6 acre tracts i.t extremely low prices. The above properties carry preferred title. Address 1 O. Hox (117 or 00S Newtown st. 207 FOR SALE I am offering to the buyer n limited number of lots, 1 and 5 acre tracts, a Inrgo horse and fdrm truck. Address P. O. Hox 647 or 008 Newtown M. 207. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Stale. WANTED Man for gardening and chore work. Seo Mr. Aaldenhagen H. R. Elec. Co. office. WANTED On Crater Lake hig way teamsters, muckers and rock men. Apply nt camp. 20 miles up Rogue river, 35 miles east of Mcd ford. 217 V.'XNTED Salesmen In otory local ity ot the uorthwoat; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choice of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wub. FOR SALE $450. lot oast front oa Elm et., near West Main, water and fiewor; torma $10 per month. In qulro 4 S. Orango st. 195 FOR SALE TWo lots, best barg.Un anil location In city. Addross T II, enro Mall Tribune. 19C WANTED Team boss or grade fore man. Ten year's experience freight ing, road building etxeavatinc and landscape grading: can keep book-, estimate and innko good; go anywhere; references. Addrcsss Z. Mai! Tribune. tf WANTED Man nnd wife onPenbro orchnrd in Hurroll tract. Communi cate with Walter Frazer Brown, G18 S. Central ave. Tel Main 1101. tf ASSAYER Earl V. Ingcls, H. S. Best cequipped nssny offico in Ore gon. Established five years. Ac curate results guaranteed. Grants Pass, Ore. 205 Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, briokmason, stone mason, plastering and nil kinds of stucco work. Export work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main st.. Mcdford. Or. NUltMAN , WINDER, nrohitoturl draftsman and hnilder Sea ma , about your now homo. I can By you money by planning to your. own ideas nnd figuring 'with yoaf right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Me4-;i ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architect atiSt Buildora. Qffioo 7-8, 825 MalB$ Phone Main 3471. Residence pbona 744. it' Heal Rfltato. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino ranqh properties. City lota and dwellings. tiro insurance. 213 Fruitgrowers I3ank bldg. Phono 2592. Physicians nnd HurjreoM, ',? DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to disonscs of wo- men. Offico Haskins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR & Printers nnd Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. H7 South Central avenue. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Onr stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wc aro not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN npple trees for sale, also otlier varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent. Or. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tiu and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G st. Read S. A. LOOKwnnn Physician and Surgeon. s Offico 210E. Main st., over Hns Jans' drug store. 'Phono Main 1001. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopath' physician; residonco 203 Olson St. ' phont Main 4474; office, rooms 3 and 4, St. Marks block, phono Main 1871. DR. ABTEMAS W. DEANB in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gaa administered for extraction of teeth. Telephono Main 68L Night . phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist Offico in rooms 203-20'4, Farmcra' & Fruitgrowers' bank bcildin, weat of the tracts. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, eai, noso and throat. Office 216 E. Main st., over Medford Hard- ware Co. DRS. CONROY 6: CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor nnd Phipp3 bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phona 612. Offico hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CAELOW, DR. EVA MAINS CABLOTT Osteopathic physicians. 3ssion block. Phone 202. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder. El Meritt and El Palcncia. 212 West Main street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to nil carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Help Wanted Fcraalc. WANTED Good, capable women lo help in kitchen , work during the dav, can sleep nt home. 310 North Bartleti. tf Jluslncs Rooms FOR RF.NT-Olllco See A. A. Davis. oer postoflleo. For State Senator K. VON DER HELLEN Regular Republican unmiucp, stnnib for Statement No. 1. ' ROOT. L. TAYLOR Democratic Nominee for ('utility Recorder. -FoTflKcrfK WI1.HUU A. JONHS Canillv'.;.te for ro-plvtion Against assembly. For Statement 1. H. D. REED Gold Hill, Dumocratie priiuuvv nom inee for Joint Representative Jackson and Douglas, FOR RENT Businops room on W. Mnin st., 24x140, suitable for res-, tauraut or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Rav Realty Co.. 210 W. .Main st. If ' FOR RENT Office rooms hi?!oj trie building, modern equipment., steam Iio.it . electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Rav Realty Co., 21(1 W. Main st. II IIOIINCN. FOR RENT-5-rooin cottage and furnitiiro for sale. 350 S, River side. 107 FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, city water, modern, furnished or unfur nished. Impure 717 N. Rtvorsidc avenue. FOR SALE Ono lot C0xl20, under prico for quick Mile, iu Walnut Park. Hittnor. J Acreage. i M. W. A. Modern Woodmen of Amrrli'n, Cninii 00111, incolH fli-Ht, third niul fourth Tiiesdnyn nt Hmlth'a Hall. W. C. Klnyon, CoiihuI: John 1' i.awroncu, mora. PythUn filter. " Teinplo No, -JO. Mootri flrat and third WVdni'HdayH In IC. P. Hall. Mm. iSnnla llninlltoii, R C; Mr. Alloo IS. Trow hrlilKe. M of H. O. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE -Automobile iu tlrst class dominion for lot. Sou Van Dyko Realty Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Moil ford nnd mibuibun proporty, rauuhes, limbor lands, for othor property. Address Box 10. euro Mnil Tribune. tf FOR EXCHANGE Two finely bred young road teams of colts, ono 2 black geldings, one 2 bay maroH, 1150 lo 1250 pounds weight, for work teams not under 1300 pounds weight from 8 to 12 venrs old. Call or address 401 Riverside avo. South. F, OHsonhrugge, tf FOR RENT Furnished house, bam and Inrgo chicken park. M. A. R'jdcM'., 00. N. Orniico st. FOR ItENT-Only hotel in railroad town of 1000 inhabitants; Rogue River valloy. llox 300, caro of Mail Tribune. tf. . .'.FOB. SALE OR RENT. i Business Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Giioifopoii. ing for gon.-.il norohandise sto-e in nuw towii with !?lf),000 monthly j payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Modford. Oold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. . " tf. FOR SALE. Ilouuoe. FOR SALE Cheap, in Ceutrnl Point, fi-room cottage, 3 largo sire lots, city water and also good well, barn and other improvomonts. Apply to owner, Mrs. J. B. Stovons, Tolo, .Or. 203 FOR SALE An artistic bungalow, fl moms and bath, complete with shinies ami poroeiiB, redueod from $4200 to $3800; scats, bookcasos, buffet, two firoplaoos, benin coil ing, oto.s woll built. Chns. D. Colby, 910 W. 10th Bt. tf ,FOR SALE 230 auras . ten mile , from Central Point, nil fetfed, with! 17 winr foneu, mbbit-tiiilit, two story house, a largo barn, school house near by, ono good spiii g, one drill well. Price $75 an ncroe, or would tako part noar Los Angolos nnd rest cash. Box 203. Address Uwner. Central Point. 1 031 FOR SALE Smnll "tract of land, ono-uuarter inilo west of Eagle, Point, on county road, 2Vi acres. lsaacHarvev. Eaglo Point. Or 10S FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-acrn tracte just within and adjoining city linin its, nt a bargain, on f ntinunl pay monts. Address Condor Water Power Co. - Help Wanted Male and Female. WANTED Gentleman or lady dis trict managers to woik for Broth erhood of American Yeomen; wc have 13S.000 members: v; hae $1,400,000 reserve fund: we are 13 voar old: we have the bet plan of protection to stdl before the y;ib lie todav. Tho Yeomen i a good society to belo.ig to: the Yeomer i a good -ocietv to work. Addws W. II. Bullock, state manager, box 737 Medford. 105 Situations Wanted. WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mc Rejuiolds. Call nt 320 N. Riverside ave.. or phono Main 32. WANTED Janitor work of nil kinds, by hour, day or contract; competent and reliable. Frank Morcy, C02 Almond st. Phono Main 0051. 204 Attorneys. WIITIIINTON & KELLY Yawyew, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over post-offico. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fico Mcdford National Bank build intr. second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Phipps bldg. -Room 207, NOTARY office. PUBLIC Mail Tribune Granite Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 216 W Mnin st.. manufacturers and denl et'a in gmonumentnl nnd buildin granite, crushed granite common brick nnd prossed brick, coarso and fino washed river sand. PAUL & WOLFF sell sand and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213 Mnin. FOR SALE Smnll tract of improv-H eil land, ono-qunrtor milo west of Eaglo Point, on county road, 2Vi' neres. Isaac Hnrvoy, Eaglo Point, Or. 100 KIR SALE S acres, bearing reli urd. 1 mile from Medford. This is a bargain; smnll house nnd barn; finest fruit land iu county, $3500.' White & Trohridge. tr! I OR SALE I to 5 aero trao. ui'J dor ditch, 1V$ miles out, good loca tion for homo; splendid borrv and vegetable laud; lino for iducl. mi' ranch. Price $350 por acre. Soo owier. No. 20 S. Peach st. 100 FOR SALE Pancres of jool hot-' tout land, closo in, with good homo in d burn nnd outbuilding1;. One aero iu bearing orchnrd, 3 neres UMiler irrigation. Must sell witlnn tint I f days' (imo, Terms if do . u-'d. Address box 110, Modft nl, P'lurou. ((is . Miscellaneous l'K SALE Practically new $12 Heator; prico reasonable. Harlaud, Washington nnd Howard sts East Medford. 105 WANTED By Al carponter and builder, foreinnnship; best of ref erences; can furnish first-class, plans, blueprints, and specifica tions. Address Al, care Mai. Trib une office. i00 WANTED Position by ranch fore man: understands handling nud breeding stock, especially horses, and fitting sumo for market. Ad dress X, care Mnil Tribune of fico. tf WANTED Position by chef; first clnss, all-uMin i o.-ok. Address "Chof," 440 Evergreen s. corner 12th. WANTED Hoom and Hoard. WANTED -Two nicely furnished rooms with hoard in privnto fam ily for gentleman nud wife. Ad dress P. O. Box 840. IDS Miscellaneous. WANTED Ono or two dozen Rhode Islnnd red pullots or year old hens, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Med ford. Tel. 3002. 322. 'WANTED To rent, small houso, close in, must bo pormnnont. Will pay right prico for good property. Address K. W. R.. care Mail Tribune MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. V. Priddy. O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brion Contractors and manu facturers of bri:k; dealers in pressed bnck nnd lime. Office in Postoffico block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. 1'itluteru and l'iiw.rhnKr. n. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & McMuller contracting painters, painting, pi per hanging nnd tinting. Estimat on all kinds of paintimg orl ' Mad ford. Or Ptmtonraphers. MACKEY'S STUDIO -'Poso with Mntkoy nnd die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store.; entrnnc on Soventh street. Hill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster ane" Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jackson Count Bank building. Medford. Or. Stenographers, ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block Stonographio work dono qulekh nnl well Architect. FLEMING & HALE Builders and contractors; estimntes fnrnisheo' work guaranteed. Phone 38.51 Givo us a trrial. 205. DR. E. H. PORTER Diseases of women a specialty. Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8 St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Or. Phones: Office 4901, residence 4051. . CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MED1-. CINES Will cure rheumatism,", asthma, paralysis, sores and prl-' vate diseases. These reuedics may be procured at house. No. 241 J.' Front and 10th sts, Medford, Or-,. where they will be sold by tho pro prietor, Chow Young. -T Dr. Chow Young has treated sevt eral severe cases with hi rwnediean since coming to Ashlaci, and has. for references some of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This is to cortify that Dr. Chow Young, tho bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung trouble and h3thma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. 1 saw thu lotter written by Judgo TTnnna and as he recommended tho doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and at last end'ng in a stroke of paralysis, from which no oae ex pected my recovery, and no ono knows how I suffered, bnt at la&t I got a little better and I heard of one Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment and am well now aad can rec ommend him to any one who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I assure yon 11 am weli pleased and thankful th&t I am alivo nt this time. Mrs. Mary Ni day, Grants Pass, Or; "I havo been troubled with ca tarrh for r. long time and have tried over so ninny treatments of offer ont kinds nnd I can say I did' not get anything to do mo nny good until I tried this Cluuesso doctor, and ho has dono mo a great deal of good and 1 think ho can euro ca tarrh." .Mr. Warren Drake, Ash Innd. Oregon. R. W. STEARNS. M. D. ppoito Jaokson County bank. Niht call promptly answered. Office ax residence phone Main 3432. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any defect of the oye. Of fice ovor Allen fc Rongan's. Phono Main 1S51, Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND G00D8 James A. McKonzio, dealer ia new and secoud-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes, nighost ensh prices paid for Rood cast-off clothing. Call and see m when you havo something to sell. 103 South Central. n. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia now and socond-hand fumitur and hardware Agents for House hold stoves nnd ranges. 16 Sooth' .Fir street. Phone Main 3101. MISSJON FURNITURE WORK8 Cornor 8th and nolly streets., ed ford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinot work of all Hada. A trial ordor solilote MORDOFF & WOLFF Cooketbree and ranges. New and second-haui furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 Wj F .. South. Phone 1. MedforJl "tndortakera. MEDFORD FURNITOTW CO, U- uuriuKora, uay pnone jai. Nit phones. C. W. Conklk Wtt, J, , Butlor 3571. John A. Peri -111, 4- ','-"",i ' - -r-ir.-j.