Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 02, 1910, Image 6

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An ordinance declaring the cost
of the Improvement of South Fir
street from Main street to South city
limits and assessing tbo property
benefited thereby, and declaring such
ssacssmont, and directing the ontry
Ihoreof in tho docket of city liens.
The city of Med ford doth ordain na
Section 1. That no protests hav
ing been filed against tho improvc
aent of South Fir otrcot from Main
street to South city limits dtio no
tice of the Intention of the council to
cluao Bald improvement to bo made
having been given, and said Improve
ment having boon ordered mado, tho
council lias considered tho matter
and herewith ascertains tho probabla
cost of making such Improvement to
be tho sum of $19,853.11!.
And said council further finds that
tho special and peculiar bonoflt ac
cruing upon each lot or part thereof
adjacent to said Improvement and
In Just proportion to benefits, to bo
the rcspectivo amounts hereinafter
sot opposite tho number or descrip
tion of each lot or part theroof, and
ouch amounts respectively nro here
by declared to he tho proportionate
share of each lot or part thereof, of
tho cost of such improvement, and Is
hereby dcclnrcd to bo assessed
against said lot or parcels respect
ively, the name appearing above
ach description, being tho name of
tho owner of such lot or parcel.
GON. Assessment No. 1 Aaron An
drews. Lot 1, block 45, original
townslto of tho city of Mcdford, Oro
gon; frontage 25 feet on tho wept
iildo of Fir street south, and do
scrlbAj' ri rolunio 72. page 232,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 fset. Rato por
foot, $5.00. Amount, $125.00.
Assessment No. 2. Aaron An
drews. Lot 2, block 45, original
townslto of tho city of Mcdford, Oro
jron; frontago 25 feet on tho west
Bldo of Fir street south and doncrlb-
ed in volume 72, pago 232, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Orogou; 25 feet. Rnto por foot,
$5,00. Amount, $125.00.
Assessment No. 3. Aaron An
drews. Lot 3. block 45, original
townslto of tho city of Mcdford, Ore
gon; frontago 25 feet on tho wost
Ide of Fir street south, nnd do
scribed In Volume 72, pago 232,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 foot. Rnto por
foot $5.00. Amount, $125.00.
Assewmont No. 4. J. T. Eads,
3Lot 4, block 45, original townslto of
the city or Motirora, urcgon, ironi
age, 25 feet on tho west cldo of Fir
street south, nnd described In vol
. tfme 44, page 687, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Orogon;
25 foot. Rato por foot, $5.00.
Amount, $125.00.
Assessment No. G. J. T. Eads.
Lot G, block 45, original townslto of
city of Mcdford, Oregon; frontago 25
teet on tho west sldo of Fir street
floulh. and doocribod In voluino 44,
pago 587, county recorder's records
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 25 foot.
Rato por foot, $5.00. ' Amount,
Aiessmout No. G Altn Nnylor,
llncrva Nnylor, Ida Bcbormorhorn.
Lot C, block 45, original townslto of
the city of Modford, Orogon; front
ago 25 feet on tho west sldo of Fir
struct south and described in vol
ume 73, pago 422, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
26 foot. Rato por foot, $5.00.
Amount, $125.00.
Assessment No. 7. -Altn Naylor,
Wlnorva Naylor, Ida Schormorhorn.
Lot 7, Illock 48, original townslto of
tho city of Mcdford, Orogon; front
ogo 25 fpjjt on tho west sldo of Fir
etreot nouth, nnd described In volume-
73, pago 423, county rocordor'a
i coords of Jackson county. Orogon;
S5 'foot. Rato per foot, $5.00.
Amount, 125,00.
Assessment No. 8. C. W. l'nlm.
Lot 8, block 46, original townslto of
tho city of Modford. Oregon: front
ago 25 foot on tho west sldo of Fir
street south and described In voluino
24. page D7, county recorder's rcc
nrdu or Jackson county, Oregon; 25
feel. Ilato per foot, $5.00. Amount,
Assessment No. 0. 0. V. Palm.
Lot 9. block 45. origlnnl townslto of
tho city of Modford, Orogon; front
ago 25 feet on tho wost sldo of Fir
street south, and described In vol
ume 24, pago 67, county rocoi dor's
it-cords of Jnckson county. Orogon;
"26 root, Rato per foot, $6.00.
Amount, $126.00.
Assessment No. 10. -- Alfred
Weeks and F.tllth Orr. Lot 10. block
46. original towiiBlto of tho city ot
Modford, Oregon, frontago 25 foot
on the west hUIo ot Fir atreot outh,
and described la voluino 50. page
313, county rocordor'a rocords of
Juekson county, Oregon; 25 foot,
liuto por foot, $5.00. Amount.
Assessment No. 11 Alfrod WoHks
, nnd Edith Orr. Lot 11, block 46,
orlRlunl townslto of tho city ot Mod
ford. Oregon; frontago 25 feet on
the west sldo ot Fir Btreot south,
nnd described in voluino 50. puge
243, county recorder's rocords of
Jackson county, Orogon. 26 foot.
Rnto per foot, $BS00. Amount,
Assoasiiiunt No. 13 Alfred Weeks
and L'dlth Orr. Lot 12, block 46.
original townslto of tho city of Mod
ford, Orogon; frontago 85 foot on tho
west side of Fir street south, and
described In volume 60, pago 243,
county recorder's rocords of JnckBon
county. Oregon; 26 foot. Rato por
foot, $5 00 Amount. $125.00.
Assessment No. 13. D. L. Dny.
lAii, 1. blool; 40, original towuslto ot
fbo city of Modford. Oregon: frout-
ngo 26 feet on tho west sldo of Fir
Btroot south, and described in vol.
umo 00. pgo 344, county rocordor'a
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
25 foot. Rftta por foot, $6.37.
Amount. $134.25.
ABBsmont No. 14. I). L, Day.
Lot 2, UWk"4C, orlglunl townslto ot
tho oity of Modford, Orogou; front
ago 25 foot on tho Wost sldo of Fir
tilreet south, and described In voluino
CO, pago 344, county recorder's roc
ords of Jnckson couuty, Oregn; &
.feet. Rato per foot $5 37 Amount,
Assessment No. 16 I). L. Day,
.Lot 3. block 40. orlglunl towntftto of
tho city of Modford. Orogo-a;-front-
ago 2D foer on tno west m; ot Fir
rt-JSKt- JjrrniawnBv"
Assessment No. 16. Ferdinand
Ossenbruggo. Lot 4, block 40, ori
ginal townslto of tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon, frontago 25 feet 6n tho
west sldo of Fir strcot south, nnd de
scribed in volumo C3, pago 37, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rato per
foot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. 17. Ferdinand
Ossenbrugge. Lot 5, block 40, origi
nal townslto of the city of Modford,
Orogon; frontago 25 foot on tho west
side of Fir Btroet south, and de
scribed In volumo C3, pago 37, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rate per
foot, $5 37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. 18 Fordlnand
Osonbruggo. Lot 5, block 40, original
townslto of the city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontago 25 feet on the west
sldo of Fir stioet, South, and des
cribed In Vol. C3, pago 37, county
lecordor's records of Jackson county,
Orogon; 25 feet; rato per foot $5.37;
nmount $134.25.
Assessment No. 19. William
Sllngor. Lot 7, block 40, original
jl 01 n : 4.7 "rv'EJja. u
lord, Oregon; frontage 25 fct on the
WMt side of Fir street -outh, nnd
described in dtimc 58, page J32.
county recordc: a records ut J.icl.-ion
county, Oregon: 25 feet. Unto per
foot, $ 5..17. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. t. o,.,.
Mickey. Lot 1, block 48. orlclnnl
townslto of tho city of Medford, Oro-$4.18; amount $329.38.
Assessment No. 58 WI'Ham
Shmidt. Lot 10. bloek 1, Helms nd
dition to the city of Medford, Vt -gon;
fronlngo 78.8 feet on the e-t
side of Fir street, South, nnd 'es
cribed in Vol 07, page 35, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 78.8 feet; rate per foott
gon; frontage &u reet on tho we3t
sldo of Fir street south, and describ
ed In volumo 59, pago 43D, county
recorder's rocords of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 feet. Rato per foot,
$4.18. Amount. $209.00.
Assessment No. 38. Carollno D.
Mickey. Lot 2, block 48, original
townslte of the city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontago 50 feet en tho west
sldo ot Fir street south, nnd de
scribed In lolumo 59, pago 439,
county recorder's rocords of Jackson
county, Oregon; GO feot. Rato per
foot, $4.18. Amount $209.00.
Assessment No. 39. Carollno D.
Mickey. Lot 3, block 48, original
townslto of the city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontago 50 feet on tho west
tnwfiuit'n nr the ntv nt Mnrifnril. Ore- ldo of Fir street south and doscrlbed
on; frontago 25 feet on tho wostl'" volume 20, page 490, county re-
sldo of Fi street, South, and dcscrlb
od In volumo 15, page 407, county
recorder's recordB of Jnckson county.
Oregon; 25 feet Rato por foot,
$5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment. No. 20. William
Slimier. Lot 8, block 40, original
townslto of tho city of Modford, Ore
iron: frontn.TO 25 foet on tho west
sldo of Fir street south, nnd describ
ed In Volume 15, pago 407, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 25 feot. Rnto per foot,
$5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. 21. Wllllnm
Sllngor. Lot 9, block 40, original
townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore
con: frontnno 25 feot on the west
side of Fir stroot, South, and describ
ed In volumo 15, pngo 483, county
recorder s records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 25 feot. Rato por foot,
$6.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assossmont No. 22.- William
Sllngor. Lot 10, block 40, origlnnl
townslto of tho city of Modford, Oro-
iron: frontneo 25 feot on tho west
sldo ot Fir streot south, nnd describ
ed In volumo 1G, pago 483, county
recorder's rocords of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 26 feet. Rnto por foot,
$5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. 23. Wllllnm
8Ilngor. Lot 11, block 40, original
townslto of tho city of Modford, Oro
gon; frontago, 25 feot on tho wosi
sldo of Fir stroot south, and describ
ed In volumo 31, pngo 45, county re
corder's recordB ot Jnckson county,
Oregon; 25 foot. Rato por foot
$5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assossmont No. 24. William
Sllngor. Lot 12, block 40, original
towuslto of tho city of Mcdford, Oro
gon; frontago 25 foot on tno wesi
sldo of Fir streot, South, nnd describ
ed In volumo 31, pngo 45, county re
corder's rocords of Jackson county,
Oregon; 25 feet. Roto por foot,
$5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Acsessmont No. 25. Woods Lum
ber company. Lot 1, block 47, ori
ginal townslto or the city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontago 25 foot on tho
west sldo of Fir stroot south, nnd de
scribed In volumo 71, pngo 309,
cont recorder's records of Jackson
count. Orogon: 25 feot. Rnto por
fnot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assessment No. 20.- -Woods Lum
lor compuny. let 2, block 47, ori
ginal townslto of the city of Mou
rn nl. Orcaun: frontnuo 25 foot on
tho wost Bldo of Fir btreot, South, nnd
ilfKcrlbnd In voluino 71. iuiku 209,
county recorder's rec irds of Jnckson
county, Oregon; 26 feot. Rate por
foot, $5.37. Amount $134.25.
Assessment No. 27.--Woods Lum
ber compnny. Lot 3, block I", ori
ginal townslto of tho city of Mod
ford. Oregon; frontago 25 feot on
tho west side of Fir street, south,
nnd described In volumo 58, pngo
332. county rocordor'a records of
Jackson county, Orogonu; 25 feot.
Rnto per foot, $6.37. Amount,
Assessment No 28. Woods Lum
ber company. L't 4, block 47, ori
ginal towiiBlto of tho city of Mod
ford. Oregon: frontage 26 feet on tho
woHt side of Fir street hoiiiii. nnu
dtwcrlbed In volumo 58, page 332,
county rocordor'a rocords of JnokHOti
county. Orogon; 26 feot. Hate por
foot, $5.37. A uount, (131 25
Assessment No. 29.- Woods Lum
ber company. Lot 5. block 47. ori
ginal tuwiisite ot the city of Mod.)
ford, Oregon; frontago 25 foot on the
wost sldo or Fir stroot south, and
doscrlbcil In volumo 58, pr.gc 332,;
county rocort era records or .iaKson
oouuty. Oregon; 26 feet, ltuto por
foot, $6.37. Amount, $134.25.
Assossmont No. 80. Woods Lum
ber company Lot 0, block 17. ori
ginal towirolto of the city ot Mud
ford, Oregcn: frontage 25 fot on the
west sldo of Fir street south and
described In voluino 58, itage 332,
county rerorder's records of Jackson
county. Oogon; 36 toot, itu.e por
root, $5.87. Amount, $131. XS.
AsstwHinont No 31 Wood t urn
bur company. Lot 7. blool; 17. ori
glnnl townslte of tho city ot Mod
ford. Oiiguu: frontage 25 to' u the
west side of Kir street sou;' , .tud
diorll I In volume 58, m 332,
count) recorder's records of Inkmn
county. Oregon; 25 foot. Itato por
foot. S5.37. Amount $134.8.1
Assessment No. 33. Woods Lum
ber compnuy Lot 8. block 47. ori
ginal townslto of the city of Mod
ford. Oregon; frontage 25 feet on the
west sldo ot Fir street south, nnd
doocribod lu volumo 6S. puge 332,
county recorder's records of Jackbon
county, Oregon: 25 feet; rate per
foot. $6 37. Amount. $134 25.
Assessment No. 33. Woods Lum
ber company Lot 9. block 47, ori
ginal townslto of the city of Mud
ford. Orego
ocrdor's recordB of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 50 feet. Rate por foot,
$4.18. Amount, $209.00.
As8ossn)''nt No. 40. Caroline D.
Mlckoy. Lot 4, block 48, original
townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho west
sldo of Fir stieot south, nnd describ
ed In volume 2S, page 490, county
recorder's records of Jnckson county.
Oregon; 60 feot. Rnto per foot,
$4.18. Amount, $209.00.
Assessment No. 41. William Gar
rott. Lot 5, block 48, original town
slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 00 feo. on tho west' sldo of
IFr street south, nnd described In
volumo 01, pago 19, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Oro
gon; 50 feot Rato per foot. $4.18.
Amount, $209 00.
Assessment No. 42. William Gar
rett, Lot C, block 48, original town
slto of tho city of Mcdford, Orogon;
frontago 50 feot on tho west sldo of
Fir streot souti., nnd described In
volumo 01, pago 49, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Oro
gon; 60 feet. Rnto per foot, $4.18.
Amount $209.
Assossmont No. 43. A. P. Talent.
Lot 1, block 49, original townslto of
tho city of Mcdford, Orogou; front
ngo 50 feet on tho west oldo of Fir
streot south, nnd described in vol
umo 70, pngo 430, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
50 feot. Ilato por foot, $4.18.
Amount, $209.00.
Assessment No. 45. W. C. Kin
yon. Lot 3, block 49, original townslte
of tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontago GO feet on tho west oldo ot
Fir strcot south, nnd described in
volumo 08. pago 325, county record
er's rocords of Jnckson county, Ore
gon; 50 feet; rato per foot $4.18;
Amount, $209.00.
Assessment No. 40 Francis Rum
loy. Lot 4, block 49, origlnnl town
slto of tho city or Medrord, Oregon:
frontago 50 feot on tho vest sldo of
Fir street south, nnd described In
volumo 75, pago 100, county record
er's records of Jnckson county. Oro
gon; 50 feot. Rato per foot, $4.18.
Amount,' $209.00.
Assessment No. 47. Mrs. M. J.
Smith. Lot 5, block 49. original
towuslto of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontago 50 foot on tho west
sldo of Fir Btreot south, end describ
ed In volumo 78, pngo 29, county re
corder's records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 50 feet. Rnto per foot,
$4.18. Amount, $209.00.
Assessment No. 48. C. A. Ham
lin. L-)t C. block 49, original town
slto of tho city of Modford, Orogon;
frontage 60 feot on tho west sldo of
Fir Btreot south, nnd described In
volumo 78. pngo 29, county record
er's i cords of Jnckson county, Oro
gon; 50 feet. Rnto por foot, $4.18.
Amount, $209.00.
AMCSsmout No. 49. A. P. Talent.
Lot t. block 1. Holin'B addition to
tho city of Modford, Orogon; front
age 50 feot on tho west sldo of Fir
stioot south, nnd descrlbod In volume
--. pngo , county rocordor'a rec
ords of Jnckson county, uiogon; o
feot. Rato per foot, $4.18, Amount,
Assossmont No. 50. A. P Tnlont.
Lot 2. block 1. Holm's, addition to
tie city of Medford, Orogon; front
ago 50 foot on tho west cldo of Fir
stroot south nnd descrlbod In volume
-. pago - , county recorder's rec
ords or Jnckson county, Orocon. 50
foot. Rnto por foot, $4.18. Amount,
AwoBment No. 51. Mary V.
Whitman. Lot 3, block 1, Helm's
addition to tho city of Modford, Oro
gon; froatHgo 50 reot on tho wost
sldo of Fir strcot south, nnd describ
ed In volume , page , county re
corder's records u.t Jackson county,
Oregon: 50 foet. Rnto por font,
$4.18 Mnount. $209.00.
Asawwmont No. 52. J. E. Clem
ens. Lot 4, block 1, Holm's nddl
tlon to the city of Medford, Orogon:
frontage 50 feot on tho wtwt alio of
Fir streot south, nnd doscrlbeu lu
volume - . pngo , county recoru
er'B records of Jnckson county, Oro
gon: 50 feet. Rato por foot, $4.18.
Amount. 109.00. "
Assessment No. 53 E. R. VAn
Dyke. Lot 5, block 1. Helms p;ldl
tlon to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on tho west 3lde of
Fir steot, South, nnd described in
Vol. . page ... county recorder's
records of Jackson,, county, Orogon;
50 feot: nto per loot $4.18; nmount
Assessment, No. 54 W. D Rob
erts Lot 6. hlocU 1. Holms addition
to the city of Modtord, Orogon; front
ne 50 .eot on tl'O wost aldo of Fir
atrnstT South, nnd described. n Vol.
nKO ... couuiy retwum n ..-v-
Uen thcrofor e-terod in tho city Hon
docket, and thr.'. tho samo Is duo and
von nro hereby required to pay the
.-,.11 e to tho city recorder within ten
dn. from tho service of this notice,
.htch sen-ice is made by publica
tion of the foregoing ordinanco nnd
thb notice three times in tho Med
io... jlatl Trioune, pursuant to an
order ot the city council ot giuu
City Recorder.
It is a gre8 abuse of the right
guaranteed by the Initiative nnd Kei
erenduat Ameadmeiit to the Oregon
Const itutwa to bring up woman suf-.
frase at Mry general election. Th -measure
was sab m ted in 1900 and
beaten bv a plurality of 2137. I
l9ii it was acraia urooosed nnd wn-
reeords of Jackson county. Oregon att(l Vy 1J73. la 190S it wn
50 feet; rate per foot $4. IS; amomnt , ,. . ,., ., .. .,
"Assessment No. 61 A. W. Coun-y ajarity af 21,640. Xotwith
tryman. Lot 9, block 33. original IstaaAae tae repealed defeats, mo
townsltd df the city if Medford Ore- fcse at ea efcotie, the snn.c
gon; frontago 50 feet oh" the east --. j, .ju- a- the b-allot thi
sldo or Fir street. Soata. and d- "wairb " oaQt ""
crlbed In Vol. 56, page ... eeaBty'?r- h"t t,Ue l3 Busleaditi.
recorder's records or Jackson roaaty. ; am iMwwies a iwweal to give oU
Prices Talk I
Assessment No. 59 August Law-
rontz. Lot 7, block 33, original town
slto of tho city ot Medrord, Oregon:
frontage 50 'eet on tho east side of
Fir streot, South, nnd described In
Vol. 62, page 223. county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon:
50 feet; rato per foot $4. IS; amount
Assessment No. 60 August Law
rontz. Lot 8. block 33. original town
slto of the city of Medford, Orogon:
frontago 50 feot on the east side ot
Fir street, South, and described la
vol. 62, page 223, county recorder's
Orogon; 50 foet; rate per foot $4.15:
amount $209.
Assessment No. G2 A. W. Ceaa
tryman. Lot 10. block 33. original
townslto of the city of Medford. Ore
gon; rrontage 50 feet oa the east
sldo of Fir street. South, and des
cribed In Vol. 56. page ... county
recorder's records or Jscxson coaa
ty, Oregon: 50 feet; rate
$4.18: nmount $209.
to. laxtwyias: www only, but lb
BMttora to W tm4 U the sar .
pwsitkw -lwea la peopl ha.i
xVm m4 : reeeatrr eotHWiune '
It jmmM ke v 4ow this year I
an fcxfai atajtrkr. sciaily 1
ena f tha fraad Ba4rtak m t
nitm ranil am. fcV . u - - - a il
per fSCW mmmwm vm uw pewfwsy ID H-fr
I s. ID? aa M.-iwrfc,g title on th,
500-lb. Lots or Moro.
Fancy Steamed Rolled Barley..$1.55 per 100
Fancy Whlto Oats (seed) .. ..$1.75 per 100
Fancy Gray Oats (seed) $1.75 per 100
Fancy Eeed or Feed Wheat. . . $2.00 por 100
Heavy Mlllfeed $1.60 per 100
Middlings $1.70 per 100
Bran $1.50 per 100
Bluestem (Hard Whoat flour) .$2.90 por 100
Prldo of Washington Flour. . .$2.60 por 100
Davis' Best Flour $2.00 per 100
Graham and Gerlna $3.00 per-100
100 lbs.
Medfprd Flour Mills
Assessment No. 63 P. C. Thotaa- balieL
son. Lot 11, block 33, original towa ORHOON V-(V1 ITIrtV 1
site of the city of Medford. Oreoa: S?2tS?0!'1,S
The finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Telephone in Every Room
frontage 50 feet on the east side of
Fir streot, South, and described la
Vol. 66, pari 76, county recorder's
records, of Jnckson county. Orescoa:
50 reet; rate por root $4. IS; amount
Assessment No. 64 P. C. Thoma-
son. Lot 12, block 33, original towa
slto or tho city ot Medrord, Oregon;
frontago CO reet on the east side ot
Fir street, South, and described la
Vol. 66, pago 76, county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Orocon:
50 feet; rato per foot $4. IS; amount
Assessment No. G5 Eunice E. Ed
wardB. Lot 7, block 32, original
townslto of the city of Medford, Ore
gon; rrontage 50 teet on the eas
sldo or Fir street, South, and des
cribed In Vol. 41, pago 321, county
i" niUUA MJtTUUt.
Sir. Fraawi uo Boifey.
PuAi awcsfcaag).
Aa OTtftatuM aesessaair :W mi.
erty atfjactflat t jjmE tuMiAt hr tfc
stx-t&dk kiAacaJ ww raastracted
ate? Tateeik stw freca Peach
street to Nwarx stnec toe tae cost
of co&itzattiK? ta sawa a 4 provid
ing tfc aaaaatr f ciirrTtas sak! as-
sessateau tato fan tffret.
Tse ettT ot Wra. dot ordain as
follows: J
Seetloa 1 Wlbereos. tae council '
did heretofore' pcorWe by ordinance j
for t'-ie serrSsg of tae onraers or prop- i
erty adjacent ;o ami txr-efited hr th I
) 1 W1t . ak.1k. t. '
recorder's records or Jackson coun- ,ir"J JwJr rSMM Ewer. n-ens
""'":i ucwueri uj iwwir winn(
ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate por foot
$4.18; amount $209.
Assessment No. 66 Lulu H. Kel
ly. Lot 8, block 32, original town
slto ot tho city or Medrord, Oregon:
frontage 50 teet on the east side of
Fir street, South, ana uescrioea in
Vol. 62, pago 548, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 feet; rato per foot $4.1s; amount
Assessment No. 67 W. L. Orr.
Lot 9, block 32. original townslto ot
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho cast sldo of Fir
street, South, and described in Vol.
62, pago 270, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50
foot; rnto per foot $4.18; nmount
Assessment No. 68 W C. Kenyon.
North 25 feet of lot 10, block 32,
original towiiBlto of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on
tho enst sldo of Fir streot. South, and
described In Vol. 76, pago 509, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 25 feot; rato per foot
$4.18; amount $104.50.
Assessment No. 69 C. P. Talent.
South 20 feot ot lot 10, block 32,
origlnnl townslto of tho city of Med
ford, Orogon; frontago 2D feot on
tho enst sldo of Fir street, South,
nnd described In Vol. 76, pago 511,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 rent; rato per
root $4.18, amount $104.50.
Assessment No. 70 C. P. Talent.
Lot 11, block 32, origlnnl townslto of
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on the east sldo of Fir
street, South, and described In Vol.
70, pngo 511, county rocordor'a rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50
foet: rato por foot $4.18; amount
Assossmont No. 71 Win, R. Ew
bank. Lot 12, block 32, original
towuslto of tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho east
sldo of Fir streot, South, and des
crlbod In Vol. 02, pago 8, county ro
cordor't! records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $4.18;
nmount $209.
Assessment No. 72 Sarah S. Van
saia council and sfco- caase. If anv. '
why said property saould not be as-! "
sessetl ror the contraction of said
sewer, and did fix a time tor heat
ing any such protests, which notice
was given in accordance vith said
ordinance more than ten days berore
the beginning of the construction of
said sower, but no nrotests aralnst
said construction or assessment of the
cosi inereor was made by anyone and
said sewer was, by said council, or
dered constructed; and.
Where as, tho cost of the construc
tion of said sewer has been and here
by is determined to be the sum of
Nov. therefore, said city doth or
dain and declare that each parcel of
property described below Is adjacent
to nnd benefited by that certain lat
eral sewer six Inches In size, con
structed on Thirteenth street from
Peach street to Newtown street, and
that the proportion of the cost of
said sower which each of said par
cels of land should bear based on the
benents derived respectively by said
Beveral tracts ot land Is tho amount
set opposite the description ot each
such parcel below, that each or said
parcels is actually benented in tho
amount set opposite Its description
below by the construction ot said
sower, and that said soveral amounts
ropresent the proportional benorits'or
said several parcels from snld sowor.
And each of said parcels Is hereby
assossod the amount sot opposite Its
description below for tho construction
of said sewer
Assessment No. I Henry Hnswoll.
Lot G, Emlg's nddltlon to tho city of
.Meuroru, uregon; itrontngo 70 foot
on the north sldo of West Thirteenth
street, and descrlbod in Vol.,, pngo
. . , county rocordor'c records of Jnck
M)n county, Oregon; 70 root; rato per
foot OS centfl; nmouni. $47.60.
Assossmont No. 0-,-Adnm Emlg
Lot G, Enilg'o .addition to tho city of
MedfriJ, Oregon; frontago 52 feot
me north Hiii
lrvko The narcel of land nu '!.jd " ,,UJ norin B1,K' or Woat Thirteenth
S on ,,!e & X of "Slrf. '' 'J-r, JnVoJ. ... page
son county, Oregon: 52 feet: rate per
foot 68 cents; nmount $35.36.
Assessment No. 3 Adam Emlg.
Lot 7, Emlg's nddltlon to tho city of
Medford. Oregon; frontugo 52 feot on
the north side ot Wost Thirteenth
street, and described In Vol... pago
. , county recorder's records ot Jack
son county. Oregon: 52 foot; rate per
root C8 cents; amount $35.36.
went sldo of Fir street i.outh. nml I L"''' "" ,,v
descrlbod in volumo 68. page 32.3"'- . Vo 55c W Palm.
county recorder's records of Tabkson ' , saeHsnu nt No. -B C. v . . a m.
..... ., .OTia ....j....- -. -'-- --.
ford. Oregon icntngo 304 feet on
tho enst sldf ot Fir streot. South, and
described lu Vol. 14, pngo 792, coun
ty recorder's records nt Jnckson coun
ty, Orogrn; 309.21 feet: rnto por foot
$1.18; amount $1292.50.
Assessment No. 73 Medford Ice
& Storage Co. The parcel of land
marked EF on tho map of tho city
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 271.5
feet on the east sldo of Fir Btreot,
South, and descrlbod In Vol. G6, page
357, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 271.5 feot:
rnto per foot $4.18; nmount $1134.87
Assessment No. 74 Orogon & Cal
ifornia Laud Co. A parcel of land
between West Main and West Tenth
streets and descrlbod In Vol. . . , pago
... county recorder's records of
Jackson county Oregon; 1020 feot;
rato per foot $4. IS: amount $5100.
Soctlou 2. Tho recorder ot tho
city of Medford la hereby directed
to outer a statemont of the assess
ments hereby mudo in tho docket or
city HonH. an
Mention as re
street, nnd described In Vol. ... pago
. ., county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregou; 52 feet; rate per
foot 68 cents; amount $35.36.
Assessment No. 10 Adam Ernie.
Lot 14, Emlg's nddltlon to tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 52 feet
on tho north sldo or West Thirteenth
street, and described In Vol. . ., pago
. ., county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 52 feet; rato per
turn uo ream; amount $35.36.
AasessmentNo. ll Adam Emlg!
Lot 15, Emlg's addition to tho city
or Medrord, Oregon; rrontngo 52 reet
on tho north sldo or Wost Thirteenth
street, and described in Vol. . ., pngo
. ., county recorder's records or Jack
son county, Oregon; 2 reet; rnto per
toot 6S cents; nmount $1.36.
Assessment No. 12 Cathrino
Wnkeman. Lot 7, Sutherlln Terrace
addition to tho city ot Medrord, Ore-
B"i ironmge 50 reet on tho south
sldo or West Thirteenth ctrcet, nnd
described In Vol. 78, pago 553, coun
ty recorder's records or Jackson coun.
ty, Oregon; 50 root; rato per root 68
cents; amount $34.00.
Assessment No. 13 Cathrino
Wnkeman. Lot C, Sutherlln Terrace
nddltlon to tho city or Medrord, Oro
gon; rrontngo 50 reet on tho south
side of West Thirteenth street, and
descilbed In Vol. 78, pngo 553, coun
ty recorder's records or Jackson coun
ty, Oregou; 50 root; rate per root 68
cents; nmount ?34.00.
Assessment No. 14 Cathrino
Wakomnn. iot 5, Sutherlln Terrace,
addition to tho city or Medrord, Ore
gon; rrontage 50 reet on tho south
side ot West Thirteenth streot, and
described In Vol. 78, pngo 553, coun-
iv recorder s reuirds or Jnckson coun
ty, Oregon; 50 reet; rato per toot 68
conts; nmount $34.00.
Assossmont No. 15 George Butt.
Lot 4, Sutherlln Torraco addition to
tho city or Medrord, Orogon; rront
age 50 root on tho south sldo ot West
Thirteenth stnjot. nnd described In
Vol sg. pago 69, county recorder's
recordH or Jnckson county. Orogon;
50 feet; rnto por foot 68 conts;
amount $31.00.
Acrfossmont No. 10 George Butt.
Lot 3. Sutherlln Terrace addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 feet on the south sldo of West
Thirteenth street, and described In
Vol. S5, pago 69, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 feot: rate por foot 08 cents;
i-mount $34.00
Settle It Now
Settle It Right
For constitutional amendment
giving to cities and towns
exclusive power to licence,
regulate, control, suppress,
or prohibit the sale of intox
icating liquors within the
328 X Yes
Assessment x Aiinm Hmd. Assessment .no. 1 1 .Mr. Small. Lot
Lot S, Emlg's add'tian to the cltv of 2; Sutherlln Terrace addition to the
Modford. Orogon; frontago 52 feet , ?lt" of Medrord, Oregon: frontago GO
on the north bldo or West Thirteenth ,ect on the south side or West Thlr
streot, an.l described In Vol. . ., pago teenth street, and described In R-407;
.county recorder's records or Jack-150 fe0t rnto I,or foot 6S conts;
son county, Oregon; 52 feet; rate per nn,ount Un
root 68 conts. amount $35.36. , Assessment No. IS Mr. Small.
Assossmont No. 5 Adam Emlg I-ot Sutherlln Terrnco addition to
Lot 9. Bmlg'a addition to the city of
Medtord. Orogon; rrontngo 52 foot
on tho north sldo of West Thirteenth
streot. nnd descrlbod In Vol. . ., page
. county recorder's rocords of Jack
son county, Oregon: 52 feet; rate per
rniiulv. Ornimn: SB foul .tiitn nnr
f.V, . W 17. nimiiiiii inti K cllv of Medford, "regou; jroiungu
f iJLIniXnwn,u i, fwt on the woit sldo of Fir streot.
i ; V!em v tfVr7K 4 . , S1". nd described In Vol. . .. page
br company. Lot 10, block 47 orl- , recorder's records of
glnal towiiB.o of tho city of Ml- j ',,. i.,ntv Oregon; 60 feet:
ford Oregon; frontago 25 foot on tho f?T 4.l 8 Amount $209.
wost Bldo of Fir street south, and Amt No. 660. W. Palm
uwviivcu mi ti iiiwe . vM' -. j it s, i,iack a Holms addition to Uie
county recorder's records of Ji rtkson Mwlford, Oregon; fronts 60
Bounty Orogon: 23 reet. Rate l'orf,t OH we'at ,j0 of Klr btm,,(
root. $6 37. Amount. 1-S , South, and described In Vol. . .. page
Assossmont No 36 oods l.un - recorder' record ot Jnok-
ber c unnnny. Lot 11. block 47. orl- ..,. r.. ,-....., .r.n .t. r.iin tmr
. UU I..MC.IJ. wt vw...w .w. .... ,-.
ulniil townslto or tho city ot Med
ford, Oregon; frontago 25 foot on tho
west Bldo ot Fir streot south, and
described in volumo 68, pago 333,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Orogon; 25 feot; rate per
foot, $5 37. Amount. $134.26.
Asseatriont No. 36 - -Wood Lum
ber company. Lot 18. block 47. orl
. htroet south, and described (ucvolurao
"(JkJ page 244. county rewHlUr'n rto
Ha or JacJnB n&,.jmor; 35
ifet. Rato per foot. M.flvAmouRt.
M4.25. .. Jl.ju.ujj l-taa! townslto of tho city of Mod
"F 1' i' v
3jUi f
l!-'i l--w-..
Tt-y .-. a' yw iii m'lim i" "qr). .
untv. Oregon is
foot $i is. nmouut $309.
Assessment No. 57 William Lot 9. block 1. Holms ad
dition to tho city of Modford. Ore
gon, fnmtaco 60 feet on tro west
side of Fir street. South, and descrlb
od In Vol a-i, pago 35, county re
corder's records of Jackson couuty.
Oregon: 50 feot; rato por foot $4.18;
amuuut $309.
id to glvo notlco by pub- 't cs cents: nmouut $35.36.
required by tho charter1 Assessment No. 6 Adam Emlg.
nnd ordinance No. 250 of said slty. " g s numuon io ine ciiy
lu tho Dally Mall Tribune, a news-1 of Medford, Oregon; frontage 62 feet
paper published and of coueral clr-, on tho north side of West Thirteenth
nnintinn in baI.i cltv. street, and dewrltunl in Vol. , pago
t,.. (nr.iMin ..riiinntioi. wna I . county recorder's
ed by the city council of tho city of son county. Oregon
Modfotd. Oregon, on the 4th day of . P foot 6S cents; ai
Ootobor, 1910, ny uto louowing voio:
Welch aye, Merrick aye. Rmerlck
nve. Wortmnti aye, Eifert nye and
UomiMor ayo.
Approved Ootobor'Sth. 1910.
W. 11. CANON.
Attest: Robort W. Tolfor. city ro.
To tho owner, or reputed owner the north sldo of West Thirteenth
of each parcel of property dosc-rlbe 'street, and described In Vol . ., page
in th foregoing ordiuance, as aamec .. county recorder's records of Jack
(heroin, nud lit the Hen doclnred b son county. Oregon: 52 feet, rato per
tan Id fiitlnnnrn t u riwtrt1nil (tt i" hi , tt tt 12 inia ntnmmf tIC it
docket of city liens: Assessment No. a - Adam Kmlg that ,ho not,eo above Provided for
You are hereby notified tha th.Lot 13. Emlg's addition to the city be published three times In the Dallv
assessment declare by t)i foregolnr j of Medford. Oregon, frontago 52 feet t MH Tribune, a newspaper published
ordinance has been made and tho I on tho north side of West Thirteenth j and of general circulation in said
...,. W. ... W..... ..rf. . .... MA 1 J . . I
Th fnr.wnlue ortl nance was Utss- vuuiuj iwuniw a oi jncK
hi. a j iffi. ruiv
amount $35.36.
Assessment No " Adam Emlg.
Lot U, EuiIr's addition to the city of
Medrord. Oregon; rrontage 52 reet
on the north side or West Thirteenth
street, and described In Vol. . , page
. . , county recorder's records ot Jaok
son county. Oregon, 52 reet; rate per
toot 68 cents; amount $35.36
Assessment No 8 Adam Emlg.
Lot 12, Emlg's addition to the city or
Medrord, Oregon, frontage 52 feot nu
tho city of Medford. Orogon; rrontngo
ao teet on tno south sldo ot West
Thirteenth street, and described In
R-406; 50 feet; rato per foot 68
cents; nmount $34.00.
Assessment No. 19 Van Walters.
A parcel of land on the southwest
Intersection of West Thirteenth street
and South Newtown streot with a
frontage of i32.5 feot on the wost
sldo of South Nowtown street and
r1!,?.0! Thirteenth 3t-oet; frontage 200 feet
on the south aide of West Thirteenth
street, and described In Vol. . ., page
. . county recorder's records or Jack
son county. OreRon: 200 reet: rate
per root 6S cents: amount $136.00
Section 2. And It is hereby order
ed and ordalnod that said several
assessments and the Hens thereof be
entered In the Hen docket ot said
city, and that thereupon notice bo
given tho owuors or reputed owners
of said property, and that the same
be enforced and collected In the man
upr provided by the charter or Mid
city ror tho collection of assessments
for the Improvement ot streets therein.
Section 3 It Is further ordered
city, In tho mnnnor provided by ordi
nnnco No. 250 of said city.
Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was pass
i'd by tho city council or tho city of
Medrord, Oregon, on tho 4th day of
October, 1910, by tho rollowlng vote:
Emerlck ayo, Welch ayo, Eirort
ayo, Merrick ayo, Demmer ayo, Wort
man aye.
Approved October 5th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To tho owner, or roputoj ownor, of
each parcol ot property described in
tho foregoing ordinanco, as named
thoroin, nnd in tho Hen declared by
said ordlnnnco an recorder! in i.A
docket ot city Hens:
You nro heroby notiried thnt the
assessment doelarod by tho torego
Ing ordluanco has beon made and tho
lien thereror entered in tho city Hon
docket, and that tho samo Is duo and
you nro hereby required to pay tho
samo to tho city recorder within ton
days trom tho sorvlco or thlc notice,
which service is mado by publication
or tho roregolng ordinanco and this
notice three tlmeB In tho Medford
Mall Trlbuno, pursuant to an order
ot tho city council of eald city.
City Recorder.
Good Tiling to Know.
If you now own a Hyomel hnrd
rubber Inhaler, Chns. Strang wnnts
you to know that ho will sell you a
bottle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents.
Remember this, all who suffer with
catarrh a bottle of HYOMEI (pro
nounce it Hlgh-o-me) is put up In a
separate package and uold for 50
cents, to accommodate the vast army
ot people who already own a Hyomel
Chas. Strang will eell it to you at
that price and give you the opportu
nity to begin at onco to rid yourself
of vile catarrh and tho snuMlng,
hawking and spitting that go with it.
Many people through years of neg
lect have let catarrh get a strong
hold upon them. Some of these peo
ple unreasonably think that one bot
tle of HYOMEI opght to ciire them.
No matter how chronic your ca
tarrhal troubles, HYOMEI Is guaran
teed by Chas. Strang to euro them If
you glvo It half a chance. Just
breathe R, that's all, and Us healing,
soothing, antiseptic properties will
make you feel better la a day.
If you own an inhaler get a 50
cent bottle of HYOMEI today. If
you do not own a Hyomel inhaler,
ask for a $1.00 outfit, which includes
Inhaler. .