JgSWRHfY WOlh-MUTTO i -.n.A jwmav- .,' " """r- 2 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1910. - & K r & 5f kl& t .1' !' F f i n f 1 1 T 4 u I APPLE QUEEN jSjlECIED "Vouno Woman Chosen Who Will Prcsfdo Over the Destinies of the .. JNatlorial Apple Show Soon to Be Held in Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 2. Miss IMnry Idoll Ida of Colvlllc, a nntlvo alaughtdr of StoveiiB county, Wash., -wlio has liocii chosen queen of tlio -tthlrd National Apple bIiow In Spo Tfcnno, will nscend tlio throns In, tlio Btnto armory tlio uvcnlng of tho open ing dny, Novombor 14, surrounded by si court composed of prominent so WEST FRIEND OF WEEING MEN Now They Are All Working for His Election; Revised Harriman Line's Unfair Ticket System. Which Was of Material Aid. TrayulliiK mon of Oregon are rnlly liiB to tho support of Oswald West In IiIh candidacy for governor bo cnuae they have found out by expe rience that ho Is "the man who de livers tho Roods." Tho reason for WILSON SAYS TAFT A GREAT PRESIDENT NEW YOItK, Nov. 2. That tho west la beginning to bollovo that William Howard Taft Is ono of tho greatest presidents tho country over had Is tho belief of James Wilson, secretary of agriculture. republican candldlae for governor. "I have been In the Middle West nnd can state absolutely'', uald Wil son, "that the congressional repre sentation lii that section will bo re publican In liwa tho republicans will reclaim tho district loBt by Hep burn two years ago. Kansas and Minnesota will likowlso return solid republican delegation. If tho next -clety folic, and reign during tho week of the exposition. Tho Improsslvo coronation coremonlals of the period 11 their frlondshln is bocauBo WeHt championed their fight ucnlnst tho congress Is democratic, it will bo bo- HntrJman lines for a 2 1-2 cent mile- cauBo tho republicans navo lost tlio MISS MA III IDIJIJi 11)12 f rohlllo, U'iihIi., Queen of National Apjtlo Kliotv, ripokiuic, Not umber 11 to 10. of Louis XIV will ho porformod nnd tho participants will bo gowned In costumcry of that time. Quccu Idol), accompanied by hor .maids of honor, tho prlmo mlnlstor, councillor, pages, heralds nnd guards, -will inspect tho display of 2,000,000 -apples and afterward prcaldo at bov eral social functions In connection with King Apple's nnnunl festival, also ut a reception for tho school -children tho aftornoon of Novombor 15. Tho matron nnd maids of honor arc: Mrs, Prank P. Tobhotts, Miss Gonovlovo Paterson, Mlsa Kathorlno "KlmlwJl and Mlsa Matilda TurrlBh. I P. Tobhotts Is councillor, tho cour tiers being Dr. J. Q. Mntthows, Wil liam Rotckers and It. J, Martin. A -prominent resident of western Wash ington will bo prlmo mlnlstor. After tho quoon assumes tho crown and sceptor tho beautiful custom of pledging allcgianco to King Apple And his mnJcBty'a royal consort will "bo observed by those In attendance. A military band of CO mui-lclnns from TnrlotiH parts of tho northwest lias Ijeon engaged by Professor A. O. Iteomor to provide tho Incidental inn air. !.ow Hurttg, producer of many ;iucccuoh In Now York, hns coino to Spokane to stngo tho spectnclo, whluh Jh to bo ono of tho most pretentions yot prt'Bouted In this part of tho country. ago charge, nnd tho abolition of tho old throo cent rebate system, which had caused them financial loss and Inconvenience for years. Tho travollng men throughout tho jRlnte are almost a unit In their sup port of West. Not only aro thoy sup porting his candidacy with their votow, but thoy nro working for him. On ovory train and in every hotel that tho traveling man frequonta ho Is lo bo found talking West. Tho fraternity is virtually carrying West Its a "Bide line" and It Is a sldo lino thnt thoy aro "boosting." Changed Ticket System. For many years tho Harriman lines chnrged tho traveling mon 3 conts a mllo for transportation. When tho mileage booko woro used up tho hold- or sent tho cover to tho company and a rebate of ono-half cont n mllo was nllowed, but tho robating buronu of tho compnny chnrged for tholr work, so that less than hnlf a cont n mllo was robatod to tho traveling mon. In nddltlon to this, It was tho custom and habit of tho company to hold up tho rebates until it often wno tho case that travollng men would have throo or four covors In tho hnnds of tho compnny. In this way tho com pany continually had on hnnd for Its oast. As fur as I can soe thcro Is no need for re-organtzatlou of tho rop'ibllcan party. Taft Is making a good president and ho will got tho second term 1 can pay that tho West Is beginning moro and moro to ap preciate Taft as ono of tho greatest presidents wo evor had". ,' J4 JUDICIARY SUBJECT TO RECALL IN ARIZONA PHOENIX. Ariz., Nov. 2. That tlio members ofllio Arizona .ludiciury will be subject to recall with other Ktute ofllcinlH was mudo evident to day when the report of tho executive committee of tho constitutional con vention on the recall proposition wna ready. The teport mukeo all oftlccrs subject to tlio recall and Axon the number of HiKiintiirct)1 noocssaty to secure the application of tho instru ment at 25 per cent of tho registered voters. The propositions providing the ini tiutivo and the referendum with nil HtiKKPslod nmondinciits probably will bo received from the oflloinl printer tomorrow. Following their actual submission tho real fight of tho con- I 10 acre Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN vontion, it is expected, will begin. Encli amendment will bo ndvoculed use thousands of dollars of monoyfby its spon&ors, nnd bovornl week'. bolonglng to tho trnvollng men, for may elnpso beforo tho piopositions JWe have a few ten-acre tracts and one 40-acre tract yet unsold; 40-acre tract has Beautiful Oak grove for building sites, good house, barn, windmill, gasoline en gine and everything convenient; there is no better land in the Rogue River Valley; no better location for an ideal home. If you want a good piece of land or beautiful home, sec our one-acre tracts in the big Oak grove. Prices are lower than anything in the valley, considering location and q uality of soil. Call on J. A. Perry, owner, or have your agent show you these tracts. J. A. Jr jlLJvja.Y, 'ft ';k which thoy paid no Interest. Aftor tho railroad commission wns created tho Travelers Protectlvo as sociation, tho organization of tho trnvollng mon, took tho mllongo book question up with tho commission, and Wint l.w.1. .. -.ll. . I.. i are put into final shapo for a vote. Homescekers to Mexico NOOALKS, Aiiz., Nov. 2. A spe. cml train loaded with homescokui'd from the northern slatea of Mexico Wont took an nctlvo part lu carrying passed through Nugniea todny. Thoy 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. "N !.& u- V tholr fight up to tho railroad com pany. As n result of tho Joint offorts of tho T. P. A. nnd tho commission tho Hnrrlmnn linos in Orogon iBsuod n straight l-a cont mllongo book to tho travollng mon, doing nway with mo rounto syBlom nnd obliterating n year ago, and its worklims l.nvo many petty annoyances thai thoy had mado tho travollng mon tho close been forced to undergo. This now friends and supporters of Oswald arrangement beennio effective about West. are hound for tho fertile Ynuui rhor valloy lauds, wine woro recently opened to settlemoul. Thousand, of homeHeokerK, it is oxpoutod, will fol- low tins advance trunrd. Butte Falls Items DEMURRER TO WILL OF LUCKY" BALDWIN FILED LOR AWIELKS, Nn. 2. -A d munor to the will o t'lhe V. J. llttld vin esliite to tlio mat of HeutrK'o JSniin Tunibnll of Hottton dumandiiig a dauulitor'rt share of the millions of ibo Into, turf king, was fllsil toiViy. In thdlr rtply to tho suit flt nt tomovK bad alatfd thn,l tli 1ft W of Mnsuaubusotts hihcIh it imiHumiblf for nn adopted child to neouro P or tion of a parent's wstuto through legal prooedure. Thv poiuted to tbo fact that nouUriuo Turnliull i 4bo adopted dauKhtor of the pretaiit liusbiuul of Mra. Lilltnu Ashley Tnin liiil), the Kill's mother. Tho doiuurrur tiled today iiuotod 'ibo reused slntuiej of Mussuobu uettu in mi effort tu show thnt an lieir coulil.uot be deprived of ribt jful inhorthuicp tlumttli ndopiiou. It jjlno is Ret foith that the law oitcd 3a tbo ntlnriiovn' reply could not b sippbcd ouUido MawwcluuettlK. Judge o tool. Ilu dmmurar iimder adviscinont. Ji Wen for Majority Utile. TO. U. Flahor, ox-tnayor of Denver ion; T. 13. Hills, ox-stato commandor 43, A, It.: Hon. J. It. O. Thompson of Tualatin, Thoodoro Pointer.' Ilutto Kalla has not been visited by but two uf ibo candidates for pub lic office and very little has boon douo in uullghtonlug tho people as to tho 32 moasaios to bo voted upon Novombor S. Ilutt Falls Is nu lin poitnnt point and should not bo nog looted, as will bo hoard from nnd lu n way that will make someone stand UP and tnko notice. Tho railroad soon will bo Iioro and It bib novo tho pooplo to Intercut UiouibbIvob In tho advance nnd piognws of n town that Is to become n most Importnnt fcodor for tlio vulluy. A donation party and social recop Mon woro tyndorod Ituv. Mr. Jonos nn Krldny n tlio ohoolliouto which was lnrgol' HtttJiuluil nnd passed off try iilonmntly. Thw pactor Is np preclntho of th kludueM shown ami will find Korvloabl utto for tho many axprsslnu of matorlnl uood thlugs bostnwod. Kluier UoHniiunn mid tho Cook brothers lwv bMn lu tho vnlluy. Will Cook ban Hold nut his lutorowt In tlt Uaneliuila pluuo to Hoardman Hiul will roinoe to the Applogattt eouutry for future rosjilonco. ThoniHH DrmUhnw. who Una been inployed tt oui looal mill dm lug the siiiubivr. bits HotwpttMl h poaltlnu as MtUwinaii with tbu Hlg Pino Lumber muiyuy uf MwlfoiM nd Iimo romov frt to thai polut. Mr l)PHdhHw's wire l tMeblUk M'hool In tho lilk CrooK section. Mrs. Scott CUiplli. with her hus band, made a biwluMW trip to Con tial Point dur.ug the wuok. return ing on Saturday. Tho Kuvernmunt has had otflolals 3oorgo Stltt and 500 other logal I m "' flolil nv(Mtinnllng tlio origin votors and rosldouts of tho portion of I0' uo ml" '"i"0' "". ""d It la ru nVoehlngton county proposed to he ' in,Jr tkit eovornl partlos nro llkoly annexed to Multaoumh have signed a aremonstrnnco and usk that tho boun dary linos bo not changed. Less than 300 voters within tho strip stgu ed tho petition and tho remainder of tho county U practically a unit against It. Lot tho majority rulo. All county division., should, bo dc!dod by the wlabofl of tho poodle affoctod. Hy mot voting at all you glvo hnlf a vote tor tho measure. Multnomah, all yewerful, doos not need one-fourtb t Washington county to further la rAU her power in tho itato. The 1mw ef the twiltory will practically rula Wasltlagtea, which la already mall la area. We ask you to tote 3S X Ne.W, D. Woot?, Ohalrfflaa AaU-Apxta Cerawliteo, HHU hoto, OreM. (fMl aveiwwaea; j s&y---- to be brought before tfeu federal grand Jury. John Udsall, who was so severely Injured lately, we aro glad to re port Is Homewhnt Improved, but uot entirely comwloui; or rational. Drs. Conroy of MeiUord nnd Holt ut Hngle Point aro stilt In attendance. Mr. Kdeall struuk his head nonr tho tem ple upon the lion tiro of it hack standing near and suffered internal Injurlee. and It ho leoovers at all It will bo marvvlqun. Hay Hponcor Is said to bo lu Al berts, Canada, and will likely take up n homestead. H. D. Mills has returned from a buslnofis trip to Klamath Fall N 11. Stoddard, who Is building himself a flue bungalow near tho creek, has gone to Seattle. Tho last of tbo high bridges along tho railroad Is nearly complotod and It will probably bo about tho tenth of Novombor when tralu- will run Into tho Falls. Thoro wore two mon visiting horo very Intoly looking for nn opening for n saloon, but thoy did not rocolvo nutiy oucourngoment from our ctt UoiiB, nswo can readily tllsponso with those plncoc of Iniquity nnd crlmo broodors. Mtwsrs. Hoeos and Powers, who have been with Mr. ModytiHkl at his nainoetoad for tho wook Inst past, have returned to thq valloy, not hav tug bad vary jtood luck In tholr bunt ing. Mr. Duprty hns placed a largo sign (U. S. Hotel) upon tho top of his bdlldlng. Wo took a walk over tjio right of way on Sunday and find thnt tho work Is going ou rapidly and In about ono wook all tho long bridges will bo completed and pion n straight hoot mado for tho Falls, which will be reached within a wook Inter. Our inorohnnts find it very con venient boulder loss expensive to haul freight from Cameron, rmU dally our wagons eomo in w ith loads for the j stores Arnold llHiiholeor Is fixing up his I homo und has dug hlmsolt a fine wellj aud line the luiubir on tho ground for his new homo, which ho will be gbi very whortly. Our days aro qutto warm, with tho , ulgMs cool und frosty, and no signs ( of wirly rain Jim Hugh s clerking In bis fnth-j er's store nnd ceyn that ho llkos tho , Falle very much. Y ' Mr. Mooro and family havo ro turuud to Hutte Fallsfrom tho valloy, Hhere liiey luivo been visiting for j couplo of weeks. It Is quite probable; Umt the mill i will he ouerated all winter, as thoro U Ynuslderaulo domaud for building j material and tho railroad will need a 'large amount of lumber, and as the road will bo lu operation, much lumber can bo hauled to Medford tor tho oarly spring trado, Wo uro Kept woll supplied with wholesome moats by Hill Matthews, who hag opened a shop In connection with hla restaurant and itoro. Bpancar brothers aro working In Ilutto Falls and report that tho boys on the unsurveyed aro nil looking after tholr homestead Interests nnd somo of them expect to make final proof tho coming spring TO FRUIT GROWERS and Shippers to English Markets Jf Consign your fruit to "MKSSIIS. RIDLEY & MOULDING, Cocnt Guidon, London. gflicat market prices. Cash remitted day aftor sale, cabled It required. Australian government consign- lSolu agents In London for South monts. ((Our chnrgos for soiling, G per cent and 2 conts per box. ZZi. qAgont In Now York, W. N. WHITE & CO., 7C Pnik Place. Forward ing charges, 2 conts por box. These nro tho solo cha."gos. Compare with other accounts. ' t I"S- rJ8ffi3SlSS fTTl i PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATFR HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reaeonuhlo COFFEEN , PRICE 11 North D St..Medfoid Oro. Phone 303 i SBSsasneemNiaMiaHSMfmMMSenH1 ll how THIRD ANNUAL National Apple SPOKANE, WASHINGTON WILL BE HELD. November 14 to 19, 1910 $20,000 in Premium The greatest variety of prizes, mips, and trophies ever offered. Prizes for siugle tipples, h -xes aud everything up to full" carloads will be aw t. $1000 Championship Carload Prize For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor spaco of threo and one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, pack ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor mation. Ample hotel accommodation without rise in prices will be provided. Southern Pucific Lines ix Oregon "Will lune in effect low round-trip fares from all points on its lines. For further information apply to any Soutfiern Pacific agent or to WM. McMURRA.Y, General Passenger Agont. Real Estate Loams Can be had through us Current rate of Interest. R.F.GUERIN CO. 4 MSOrORD KATIONAT. HANK SUZXiBIITO FOR R.ENT Onlv hotel ia town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Pacific rail road, Ilojjuo Rivor alley. Nowly rofurmahod, papered, painted; eiiutpment modorn; buths, toilets, elootrio lights, hot nnd cold run nint water. N'ow doinp business. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 216 West Main St., Medford, Or. Fisher & Whitmire HIGH GRADE TNVESTALENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford The One Right Way is the Hand-Tailored Way. qYour clothed will tit perfect ly, wear longer, look better and bo absolutely tatlsfac tory It furnlahed by W. W. EIFERT-The--Progrcssive Tailor. A I ... , - . t . ' Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AUD MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIEBANKS, MOKSE b CO.