Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 02, 1910, Image 1

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    ' ppfjr"
V V "
WKATIIEll Cloudy tonight.
The Mtisage of the riasr.
White Pair weather.
Blue Rain or snow.
White and blue Local ahowero
Black triangular Above white,
wI.m?.r' below white, colder.
Whlto with black center Cold
Medford Mail Tribune
Fall IMd Wire .
The only paper la the wmM
published In & etty the
Medford having a leaaoA wlrw.
No. 19a.
No. 5 Po. V. & Mc 39.
Medford Commercdal Club,
Medford, Oregon.
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 2, 1910.
-f Ttt -f
Tho Medford Commercial dull
J will moot (his evening nt the
dub rooms in regular session, ""
J A "Jim 11111" day is to bo con-
sddeicd, as well ns exhibits at
tho Spoknno national npplo
" show.
-f 4 4- V4. f V
Medford captures first pfize on Newtowns, Yakima 3eoond, Horarv' of
weft'atchee third-. Jonathans from Okanogan, B. C, oapture first sweepstakes;
Mixed car from Somerland, B. C, second sweepstakes; Medford Newtowns getj '
third sweepstakes prize. Twelve carloads competing. Hurrah for Rogue
River Valley.
8:20 a. m.
Manager Canadian International Apple Show.
Wholesale Arrests Made In All Parts
of Country Simultaneously anil
and Jails Arq' Crowded With Po
lltchl Prisoners Situation Now Is
Said to Bo Critical.
npHE Rogue. River Valley has again demonstrated the
.superiority of its apples "by winning first place with
a car of Yellow Newtowns at the Canadian Apple Show
now being held in Vancouver, B. 0. Yakima took second
place and Wenatchee third.
The car of Newtowns exhibited by this valley also won
third sweepstakes prize. First honors went to Jonathans
from Okanogan, B. C, and second honors to a mixed car
from Somerland, B. C. The local exhibitors did not hope
to win this year over Canadian fruit, as this was the first
year of the Canadian apple show and it therefore was al
most certain that Canadian exhibitors would be favored
over exhibitors from the United States. Twelve cars were
exhibited. That Medford topped all from the United
States is considered as good as winning over the Canadian
cars. Two prizes were won, the cash value of them being
The car of Newtowns were grown on the Renshaw or
chard just northeast of this city. They were carefully
packed and in charge of W. A. Hooker, one of the most
experienced apple men in the valley. They were also
accompanied by E. Renshaw, the grower.
The car will now be forwarded to Spokane, whore thoy
will be exhibited at the National Apple Show.
Today the car of Newtowns which is to be exhibited at
Spokane by the Ashland Commercial club goes forward
to Spokane.
Local orchardists are elated with the success of the
car and are confident of winning first place at the Spokane
National Apple Show next week. Last year a car of Spit
zenbergs grown by Tronson & Guthrie near Eagle Point
was awarded the sweepstakes prize of $1000 and the hon
orary title, "Apple King of America."
The prize winning Newtown apples were grown upon
an irrigated orchard, as were those winning prizes last
J. W. Roberts, Site Agent for Gov
ernment, Conferring With Local
Real Estate Agents Regarding Site
For New Building.
J. W. Roberts, site agent for the
bureau of location of federal build
iiiRB, is in Medford looking over the
various sites offered the postofflco
department for such a building.
"I am here." said Mr. Roberts, "to
select a suggestive site for the con
temlated building from the many oi
fered. MrToport, ns I said, will be
merely suggestive, and the bureau
will then take up tho mater of con
firming nay recommendation. I have
investigated today your business
blocks and the relative distnnces be
tween the main business portions and
and tho several sites offered. To
morrow I will look over tho paved
streets of your city nnd the contem
plated work in that direction.
"The proximity and easiness of
access to the business portion of the
city will influence the selection of the
sie for tho government building.
How do I like the town! Really, 1
have been so much engaged in official
matters that I have not had timo to
look at it otherwise ; but I enn't help
but see that you are moving."
Makes Indirect Declaration That H e Will Not Again Head His Party's
TicketSays He Expects to B e Living in Cincinnati In 1014
Whether or Not it Was a Whim to Announco His Retirement in That
Manner Is Not Known May. Have Bee Joke With American People.
A new real estate firm, under the
name of Lnndnuist, Johnson & UHus,
with offices in the St. Mark's block,
has been organised.
President Tnft threw Washington in
to a sate of excitement today by nn
Indirect declaration that he would
not again be a candidate for presi
dent In 1912. Taft declared ho ex
pected to be living I if Cincinnati In
Administration officials and corre
spondents who Immediately set about
verifying the report found that he
had made the statement unofficially
to a committee of women represent
ing the Sisterhood of Rodeph Shalom,
a Jewish congregation of Pittsburg
who had Invited te president to at
tend their conclave celebration In
Pittsburg In 1914 In commemoration
of the 100th anniversary of peaco
among tho English speaking nations.
"Thank you, ladles, but I expect to
be l'vlng In Cincinnati then, and will
be delighted to run over." were Pres
ident Taft's exact words.
Whether or not It was a whim of
Taft's to announce bis retirement In
that way and he was really In earn
est, or whether ho was having n quiet
little joke at the expense of the Amer
ican people Is not known. The com
mittee was abounded at the manner
In which the acceptanco of their In
vitation wag made and left precipi
tately without learning whether It
was intended as a jest or not.
Taft's remark, coming as It does
shortly after the reports that he does
not expect to be a candidate for a
second term, which emanated from
friends of tho president at Bovorly,
Is regarded as an Indication that he
may soon make some definite state
ment on tho subject. Although the
matter may have been Intended as a
J'jko today, politicians assert that It
Is a matter on which the president
would hardly Jest if he considered as
a serious possibility the mattero'f""a
second term,
J. A. Perry leave this evening for
Chicago, where be will exhibit choice
specimens of local pears and apples
at the Chicago land show on Novem
ber 19. Mr. Perry goes prepared to
do much missionary work for tho
valley. The exhibits ho Is taking
with htm are perfect-
Daring Robbery.
COLUMBUS. Nov. 1 Yt-fPinnen
party today dynamited the usfe of
the Morcunuts and Tinners bunk
at Milliard j, umi n-'les. no;lh of here,
took $(1000 in coin and currency and
Action Grew Out of Disagreement
Between Members and Frlme Min
ister in Regard to Handling of
Recent Strike.
LONDON, Nov. 2 Lnto dispntehos
from Lisbon dcclnro that the Span
ish government has uncovered n rev
olutionary plot. Tho government
hns officially admitted this. The plot
was discovered just nfter it wns to
hnvo boon Carried out.
Wholesale- arrosts wcro niudo in
all parts of tho country simulta
neously and tho jails in tin principul
cities nro crowded with political
Au official denial from the Span
ish government, saying that tho rum
ored outbreaks in Madrid nnd Barce
lona did not occur, has strengthened
the belief that tho situation is crit
ical. It wns porsistontly rumojed today
that an outbronk of bloody rioting
had occurred in both cities nnd it
wns Into this nftornoon before com
muuicntion could finnlly bo cslnb
Iishod. When it wns restored, the
dcninl issued by tho government was
curt and brief, nnd inado no mention
of tho plot which is reported to liuvu
Jieeu formed against King Alfonso
uud his government.
Tho news from Spnin, for the past
few days, has been under tho strict
est censorship. No definite nows
from the interior could bo obtained
and tho dispatches from Madrid and
Barcelona have shown tho careful
hnnd of tho government agent, who
has handled them . In tho light of
tins fact Iho reports circulated here
today thnt Barcelona uud Mudrid
wcro in tho hands of tho revolution
ary party nre considered generally
"Geo! but this Is a lonosomo town
Nothing for mo but to loaf around.
Evoryono look busy,
No ono hero Is qulzzy,
No ono hero to praise- my stand,
No ono hero to shnko my hand.
Tho votors hero wear a frozen frown.
Geo! but this Is a loncaomo town."
Prom tho Lyrics of ono W. O.
Today and Tomorrow Will Be Spwt
In an Endeavor to Arbitrate Team
sters" Strike Jn New York If It !
Fails Gwwral Strike Will Be Catfe j
Express Business Is Tied Up. I
W. O. Hawley, assembly, pro-Canon
cnndldato for congrcBU la tho Flntt
congressional district, received the
frosty mitt In Medford Tuesday on
his nrrlvnl horo for tho purpose of
rounding up votes. Ho blew In on
tho motor from Grnnts Pass In the
nftornoon nnd gum-shood around nil
nftornoon, but seemingly mot with
fow pooplo who had tho tlmo or In
clination to talk with him. 'Twas a
frosy grootlngt alright.
Tho "groat mass mooting" sched
uled for tho oTonlng did not mate
rialize, local pooplo probably remem
bering tho tlmo when Mr. Hawley
was asked to mnko a ten-mlnuto talk
at a Commercial club hlgh-JInks nnd
spnko for an hour and u half tolling
of tho things "mo and Undo Joa
did" for tho benefit of Medford.
Whether thoy romomborod or not,
tho fact romalns thnt tho meeting wns
called off.
Mr. Hnwloy has loft for othor
Holds. Doubtless tho recoptlon ho
received horo got on his nerves.
NEW YORK, Nov, '2, MU -ops
rumbling through the streeU o
Now York with federal troops, guard
ing their progress is imminent if, the?
threats of tho teamsters' union to
cnll n general striko nro carried o
Tho mail wagon drivers will bo oalMi
out, it wns announced at generall
headquarters today, if tho strike is
finnlly decided on. Tho decision wilt
bo reached tomorrow liigbt.
According to tho plans of the
tunmstors, ns outlined today by Vie
Prcsidont Hoffman nf tlm T ,.,,,.
tiomil Brotherhood of Teamsters, Umk
unionists will try for two days ta
settle the strike. I by totoorreir
night un agreement is not reached ''
general strike will be recommend..
Situation letter
The striko situation was somewhat
improved today, in spito of the.faefc
that in many quarters it it believe
n gcnornl striko will certainly b
called. Mayor Oaynor Istoned te
the committee- yesterday, sent to Lisa
by the strikers, and today the wag
ons of the express companies tale
out of hto barns and depots wr
manned only by strikebreakers. N
uniformed policemen woro on the
Mounted policomen, however, ruder
through tho stroots gunrding tb
wiigonrf nnd preventing any disorder..
Iho express companion nro send
ing out a limited numbor of wagon
undor tho protection of guards,
liioy nro making little impression,
on the b.g piles of freight stacked m
ho depots. An effort to increase,
tho number of wagons is to bo nmda.
PARIS, Nov. '-'. After n stormy
c hiou today thu French cabinet n -hignvd.
The notion grew out of u
disagreement between some of the
cabinet members and tho prime niin
ihter, Aristide Briand, over tho hand
ling of the remit French railway
President Fulliercs upheld Briand,
and it is understood tho president
will reorganize the cabinet in accord
with the views of the premier. It
is alt-o underhtood tho old prime
minister will he retained nnd that
tho change will be in the other port
folio holders.
The diffloultiott which resulted m
the present disruption of tho cabinet
came when M. Briand, desiring to
crush the railway strike, which wns
baliood to b part of u ''general
ntrikc" movement, (tailed out the mil
itary reserves. Engineers and fire
men who belonged , to the reserves
were ordered out hv the government
mid in full uniform were ruquired
to mnu the trnitis which they had de
serted at the fttrike order. Station
guards nr,d trainmen were treated in
the same munner, so that the rail
road soon were in operation by the
nnnv, although only the old experi
enced men who hud operated them
look port in tho resumption of traffic
The action of tho prime minister was
u fcuccchs. so far as crushing the
strike was concerned, but it resulted
in sharp criticism of him - 'V,
Only Failure of Fuse to Burn Pre
vented Destruction of Dwelling
Which Housed Foreign Laborers
in Milton.
.MIIl'ON. Ore, N..v. L'. Only tho
failure of the fuse to burn prevented
the blowing up of the dwelling of five
Greeks employed b iho Milton Nur
sery company. Three pieuux of dy
namite, a fuse thai failed to burn
and n burned match wis the evi
dences of the crime that wns at
tempted. These v.oio found under
a corner of the limine occupied by
tho Greeks. Prejudice against Greek
labor is held rcHpon-iblo for the attempt.
In 'spite of tho representations
made to tho bourd l equalization
that Mod ford city property wub as
sessed hlghor In proportion than oth
or similar property in tho county,
tho bourd of equalization refused to
grant a reduction.
ei properties bad been assessed pro
portionately tho burden of taxation
would have been evenly distributed
Dy the time tho railroads and oth
er corporation assessments aro made
Medford will be paying oij over $0,-000,000.
Colonel Brady, Member of Commis
sion Making Examination, Says
President McKinlcy and Secre
taries of War and Navy Knew
Mayor Canon and Councilman Dm
mer Interviews County Court fir.
Begarcl to Crushed Rock For Road
Beyond Main Street Pavemonfc
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 2. Tlutt the
hattlubhip Maine was blown up by
a miuo placed beneath it as it lay
in Havana liatbor; that tho secre
tary of war, the woroliiry of tho
navy and President McKinlcy knew
this before war was declared iiguiiiht
Spain; that thov knew tho iiaiiio of
tho man who threw the electric
switch which caused tho bomb lo
explode and that thoy had u par( of
the cable loading to the mine, was
the htaiouiuul made horo bv Colonel
Jasper A. Brady today, a member of
the board of officers commissioned
to investigate the destruction of the
big warship uud tlie denth of the
Colonel Brady's statement wia
made in a lecture delivered hero.
When the battloshln is raised, he
predicted, tin truth of hi statement
would bo substantiated by tho dis
covery of a big, jagged hole in the
bottom of the vessel, tho points of
which protrude inward.
Joso Zavaldo, a Cubml machinist
at Mum, Colonel Brady said, was
the man who turned the switch onus,
ing the explosion of tho mine. Z.
valdo was afterward shot.
Zavnldo was shot because tho
Spanish officers feared ho would tell
thp story of the explosion.
Investigating officers have disco
ored recprds which provo the Cub
nn't connection with the affair.
Undor tho agreement reached be
twoon tho county court nnd the city
of Medford, represented by Mayor
Canon nnd Councilman Dommor, the
city will bo reimbursed by tho coun
ty to tho extent of tho "finishing.
rock" used by tho county from the
d limits of the Warren Constructtoa
There was and hns boon more or
loss controversy over tho ownershit.
of this rock, which tho Warren Con
struction company hnd accumulated
at Its plant boforo It lost tho contract
for street paving In Medford. The
county flnully appropriated It and-
usod it on tho Jucksonvillo road. .
Wednosduy morning Mayor Canost
and Couucllmun Dommor appear
boofro tho county board and a con.
promlso was reached whereby the-
county ngroea to furnish froia Its
Ashland quarry and crushing nlaat a
similar quantity anil quality ot crush
ed rock.
Tho Wnrren Construction com
pany has it force of men at' "work
repairing tho dnmiige d6nej,tA U
pavomoiit on Main streot feyrrwww'
of itMhvltic been cut for tlw fm
sngo of tolephono plJ3. 'TW
humps, wWoh have Vmw a w4wi
nnnoyanea for tfe p4 Htwsrt
mouths, win be. rewo,vil aHa tlte
pavement made as1 mmk as Wfom,
i A
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