tBBBBBBMWBBBBHBBBBBMUBBiBBBBBMMBMMPJM-M xjxv HT "' CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. rK'-ji"''' Tysfflr;. r (, r, i Ma r OIUHXANCTC NO. 302. An ordinance declaring tho cost of the improvement of South Holly treat from Mcln streot to couth city Halts, and assessing tho proporty ben efited thereby, and declaring odch mrabunmeHt, knd directing tho entry thereof In tho docket of city llonn. The city of Medford doth ordain as fellows: Section 1. That no protest!, having been filed against tho Improvement of South Holly street from Main Btreot to south city limits, duo notico of tho latestion of tho council to cause said Improvement to be niado having been given, and said improvement having teen ordered inado. the council hns eesalderoil tho mattor and horowlth weertnln& tLo prohablo cost of mak ing such improvement to bn tho sum of $21,401.30. .And said council furthor finds that lie special and peculiar benefit ac cruing upon each lot or part utorcoi aajacont to said improvement anu in Jat proportion to benefits, to bo tho respective amounts horolnnftor sot opposite tho number or description er each lot or part thereof, nnd such amounts respectively nro hereby de clared to bo cho proportionate aharo of each lot or part thorof, of tho cost of such Improvement, and la eroby declared to bo assessed against aid lot or parcels respectively, tho -aamo appearing abovo each descrip tion being tic namo cf tho owner of ach lot or parcol. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVINO OF SOUTH HOLLY STEET FROM MAIN STREET TO THE SOUTH CORPORATION BOUNDARY. Assessment No. 1 City of Med ford. Thnt parcol of land known ns tho City Par, lying botwoon Main and Eighth streets, nnd fronting on tho west nido of Holly stroot; front Rgo 300 feet on tho west sldo of Holly street, ,and described in Vol. 1C, page 20. county recorder's records of Jcckson county, Oregon; 300 foot; rato per foot 30.14; amount $1842. Asccssmont No. 2 Trustees of tho Tlrst Prcsbytorlan Church of Mod ford. Lot 9, block 4, original town tfto of tho city or Medford, Orogon; frontago 140 feot on tho cast oldo of Holly street, and doacribod in Vol. IS, pago 185, county recordor's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 140 -i. ..i. .,n n.f tr. 1.1 nmmint AWL, 11IH. I'V .www Tw''l ........-,.. snes.co. sldo of South Holly stroot, and des cribed In Vol. 49, pago CC, county recordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $0.14; amount $307. Assessment No. 17 Lily D. Ray. Lot 0, block 70, original townclto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ar.e GO feot on tho west side of South (Holly street, and describod in Vol. 08, pago 174, county recorders rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; CO foot; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 18 Lily D. Ray. North 25 foot lot 5, block 70, orig inal townsito of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 25 foot on tho woot sldo of South Holly strcot, nnd des cribed In Voi. 08, pago 174, county recordr' records of Jackson county. orogon; 20 feet; rato por foot $5.C1; amount $140.25. Assessment No. 19 Qussl C. and William H. Thomas. South 2C foot lot 5, block 70, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Orogon; front age 25 feet on tho wost oldo of South Holly street, end described In Vol. 55, pago 7, county recordor's records of JnckBon county, Oregon; 25 feot; rato por foot $5.01; umount $140.25. Assessment No. 20 Qussl C. nnd William E. Thomas. Lot 4. block 70, original townsito of tho city of Med ford, Oregon; frontage 50 foot on tho west oldo of South Holly stroot, and describod In Vol. 55, pngo 7, Assessment No. 3C Q. O. Shirley. Lot 1, block 3, Holms addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 foot on tho west side of South Hol ly street, and doscrlbod In R-7; GO feet; rato per foot $6.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No, 37 Q. O. Ehlrloy. Lot 2, block 3, Holma addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho west sldo of .South Holly strcot, l nd described la R-7; 50 feet; i .to por foot $5. CI; amount $280.60. ABsossmOit No. 38 Lily Shirley. Lot 3, block 3, Helms addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho wtt side of South Holly strct, nnd described la IMG; GO foot: rate por foot $5.01; amount $280.t0 Assessment No. 39 O. O. Shirley. Lot 4, block 3, Helms addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontago GO foot on tho west sldo of South Holly street, and doscrlbed in R-53; GO foot; rato per foot $5.01; areount $280.50. ' Assessment No. 40 Allza Wood ford. Lot G, block 3, Holms t-.ddillon to the city of Modford, Oregon; front ago GO foot o i tho wost sldo of South Holly strcot, nnd doscrlboi' In R-109; GO feet; rato por foot $5. CI; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 41 Allza Wood ford. North 20 feot lot 0, block 3, Helms addition to tho city of Mod ford, Oregon; frontago :,0 foot on tho county rccordor'B records of Jackson I wost side of South Holly Btreot. nnd county, Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por rooW described In R-109; 20 feet; rato por i.oi; amouni 3bu.uu. foot $5.51; amount $112 20. Assessmont No. 21 Hnttlo S. Day. Lot 3, block 70, orlglnnl townsito .of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ugo 50 feet on tho west sldo of South Holly stroot, and described in Vol. 57, pngo 310, county recordor's roc orda of Jackson county, Orogon; GO foot; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 22 Emily L. Car- pontor. Lot 2, block 70, orlglnnl town sito of tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontago GO feet on tho wost sldo of South Holly atroot, and described In Vol. G3, pago 507, county rocorder'a records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 23 Emily L. .Assessmont No. 42 Lillian Wood ford. South 30 feet lot G, block 3. Holms eddition to tho city; of Mod- fordj Oregon; frontago 30 foot on tho west sldo of South Hollv ntroot, nnd described In R-108; 30 foot; rato per toot $5.01; amount $108.30. Assostimont No. 43 Lillian Wood ford. Lot 7, block 3, Helinn addition to tho city of Medford, Orcgdn; front ago GO feot on tho wost sldo of South Holly street, nnd doscrlbed In R-J08; 50 feet; rato per foot $5 01; omount $314.10. Assessment No. 44 Wm. Qtnlloy. Lot 10, block 2, Helms addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon; front ago 24.5 feet on th cast side of South Holly Htroot, and described in R-Gl: 24, D foot; rato per foot Assessmont No. CO Nollio Wing. Lot 10, block 51, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago GO feet on tho eaot sldo of South Holly street, and described In Vol. .., pago .., county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feet; rate per foot $5 CI; amount $280.50. Assessment No. CI C. W. Palm. Lot 9, block 51, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 60 foot on the cast sldo of South Holly street, and described in Vol. 73, i'fa& 373, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet; rato per foot $G.C1; amount $280.G0. Assessmont No. 02 C. W. Palm. Lot 8, block 61, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feot on tho cast side of South Holly street, and describod In Vol. 73, pago 373, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 foot; rato per foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. C3 C. W. Palm. Lot 7, block 61, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and described In Vol. 73, pngo 373, county recorder's records oi jacicson county, Oregon; 50 feet; CITY NOTICES. county recorder's records of Jackson recorder's records of Jackson cftunty, county, Oregon: 25 f-jet. Rato por Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per foot, foot, $5.00. Amount, $125.00. Assessment No. 2. Aaron An drewtf. Lot 2, block 45, original townsito of the city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago 2G feet on tho west side of Fir street south and describ ed In volume 72, pago 232, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per foot, $5.00. Amount. $125.00. Assessment No. 3. Aaron An drews. Lot 3, block 45, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago 25 feet on tho west side of Fir street south, and de scribed In Volumo 72, pngo 232, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rato per foot $5.00. Amount, $125.00. Assessmont No. 4. J. T. Ends, Lot 4, block 45, original townsito of the city of Medford, Oregon, -front-ago, 25 feet on tho west 3ldo of Fir streot south, nnd describod In vol umo 44, pnge 587, county recordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per foot, $5.00. Amount, $125.00. Assessment No. 5. J. T. Ends. Lot 5, block 45, original townsito of city of Medford, Orogon; frontago 25 feet on tho wost side of Fir streot rato per foot $5.Cl; amount $280.50. J south, and describod in volumo 41, , No. 04 M. J. Frcden-I PnK uS county recordor's records AiMwasmont No. 3 Trustoos of tho Brut Presbyterian Church of Mod lord, Lot 10, block G4, original town site" of the city of Modford, Orogon; frontago 140 feet on tho oast sldo of South Holly streot, nnd doscrlbed In Vol. 40, pago 43, county rocot dor's records of Jackson county. Oregon; HO feot; rato per foot $0.14; amount -1BB9.C0. Assessment No. A -V. J. Emcrlck. Let 0. block 09, original townsito of tlw city of Medford, Oregon; front age GO feet on tho wost sldo of South Holly street, nnd described In Vol. 58, in go 0, couuty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; GO feot; rate per foot $5,00; amount $283. JUKeuBment No. 6 V. J. Emorlck. SW n. block 09. orlglnnl townsito of the city at Modford, Orogon; frontago 40 feot on the west sldo of South Holly street, and described in Vol, 58. pago 0. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rain por foot $5.00; amount $283, Assessment No, 0 V. J. Emorlck, .-forth half lot 4, block ou, originni uiwnsilo of tho city of Modford, Oro ffon; frontago 2G feet on tho west ?de of South Holly Btreet, nnd des cribed In Vol, 58, pago 0, county ro OTrur's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feot; rato por foot $5.00; amount $141.50. Assessment No, 7 Lucrotia H. En yart. South half lot 4, block 00. orlg lnnl townsito of the city of Modford,, Orogon; frontago 25 feot on the wost ., fnnf K r 1 . Cnrpontor. Lot 1, block 70, orlglnnl amount $137.45 . ' lownaiio oi mo city or Mouroni, oro- Assessment No. 45 gon; frontago 50 foot on tho wost sldo of South Holly stroot, nnd des cribed in Vol. 53, pago 007, county recordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon;50 foot; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.00. Assessment No. 24 O. O. Shlrlor. Lot 0, block 71, original townolto of tho city of Modford, Oregon; front age 00 feot on tho wost sldo of South Holly streot, nnd described in Vol. 71, pngo 330, county rccordor'B rec ords of JackBon county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato por foot $5.01; amount 5280.50. Assessmont No. 25 a. O. Shlrloy. Lot 5, block 71, original townsito of tho city of Modford, Orogon; front age GO feet on tho west sldo of South Holly stroot, and doacribod In Vol. 71, pngo 330, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckcon county, Oregon; GO foot; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 20 Frank M. Amy. Lot 4, block 71, orlglnnl town sito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 foot on tho west sldo of South Holly street, nnd describod in Vol. 78,' pngo 343, county rccordor'B records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 27 A. W. Sturgls. Lot 3, block 71, orlglnnl townsito of tho city of Modford. Oregon: front age 50 feot on tho west sldo of South Holly streot, and describod In Vol. 05, pngo 479, county rocordor'a roc- -Wm. Stalloy. did nf Houth Holly otroet. nnd dos- ords of Jackson county. Oregon: 50 crlaed In Vol. 80, pngJ 74t c.ountyjf,oot: rnto per foot $5,01; amount 'f ecaMer's records of Jackflon county, Ore- n; 25 feet; rato por root $o.n; am i' ut $153.50. A .ssment No. 8- Lucrotia E. En Tail Lot 3, block 00, original town sito of tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontngo CO feot on Uio -west aide of South Holly street, and described in Vo' 80, pago 74, county recorder's ivnU of Jackson county, Oregon; 5'J fo,-f rate per foot $0,14; amount ??07. , k -' kMmont No. 6 6rvls Stovon. ton 1M 2, block CO, original town ilti of tho city of Modford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on tho west sldo of ..m iinilv Btreot. and dcaorlbod In .i wo ... OTfi nm.ntv rnpnnttir'fl "" '0 .r'i' :".? : :; ;u v..;,. $280.50, .Sw.fl.lBjs-jrf--5-JS Assessment No. 10 O. W. nnd Cy. rena Stevenson. Lot 1. block CO, orig inal townsito of tho city of Modford, Orcg' n. frontage 50 feot,on tho wost aido u Soma lioiiy eirocx. nun $286,150 Assessment No. 28 Mrs. MarUjn I. Miller. Lot 2, block 71, orlglnnl townsito of tho city of Modford, Ori gon; frontagQ G.U foot oir $ ,vegt Bldo of South Holly street, nnd des cribed 111 Vol. 74, pngo 159, couhty Konl 50 feet;rnto ESiTO; 5J.W ,5,GU nm0Ual amount $280.50. ? .,.A.i v . n...t a tw. ......v .,.., ,,v .-,,,. w I Kill! IV ,.... Lot 11, block 2, Helms addition to tho city of Modfoidi Oregon; front ngo 50 feot on tho onBt sldo of South Holly ntroot, and describod In R-G1-; GO feot; rnto por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessmont Noy 40 Ada Carnoll. Lot 12, block 2, Helms addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; front ngo 50 feet on tho cast sldo of South Holly Btreet, ahd describod in Vol.. 81, pngo 815, county recorder's" rec ords of JnckBon county, Orogon; GO foot; rato per foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 47 Samuol S. Swonuing. Lot 13, block 2, Holms nddldon to tho city of Modford, Oro gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho enst sldo of South Holly street, and des cribod In R-130; 50 feot: rnto por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. ABBossment No. 48 Samuol 8. Swonuing. Lot 14, block 2, Holms addition to tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago GO feot on tho cast oldo of South Holly street, and des cribed In R-130; GO foot; rnto por foot $5,01; nmount $280.50. Assessment No, 49 Eliza J. Low Is. Lot 15, block 2, Holms addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; front ngo GO foot on tho enst Bldo of South Holly street, and described In R-134; GO foot; rato por foot $5.01; nmount $280.50. Assessment No, GO Eliza J. Low is. Lot 10, block 2, Holniu nddltlon to tho city of Modford, Oregon: front ngo 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and doscrlbod In R-134; 50 feet; rnto por foot $5.01; nmount $280.50, iwwmem fl ii itfn, i. now- Is. Lol IT, IiIdoTc 2, Holms' addition to the clly (it Modford, Orogon: front tigU 00 fOet ou tbo east sldo of South Holly street, and doscrlbod in R-134; Assessment burg. Lot 12, block 52, original townsito of the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo GO feet on the enst sldo of South Holly strcot, and des cribed in Vol. 20, page 520, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; GO feet; rato por foot $5.01; umount $280. GO. ABSCBsment No. GG M. J. Frodcn- burg. Lot 11, block 62,- original townsito of tho city of Modford, Oro gon; frontago GO feot on tho enst aido of South Holly Btreot, and dos- crioea in Vol. 20, pago 520, county recorders records of Jackson con Oregon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $5 amount libU.GU of Jnckson count', Oregon; 25 feet, Rate per foot, $5.00. Amount, $125. Assessment No. 0 Alia Nnylor, Minerva Nnylor, Ida Scbcrmcrhorn. Lot 0, block 45, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 25 foot on tbo west sldo of Fir streot south and described In vol umo 73, pago 422, county recorder's lecords of Jackson county, Orogon; 2D feet. Rato por Amount, $125.00. CITY NOTICES. $5,37. Amount, $134.25. Assessmont No. 22. William Stinger. Lot 10, block 40, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontnge 25 feet on the weBt side of Fir street south, and describ ed in volumo 15, pago 483, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rate por foot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25. Assessment No. 23. William Sllnger. Lot 11, block 40, olglual townsito of tho city of Modford, Oro gon; frontago, 25 foot on tho we3t sldo of Fir street south, and describ ed in volume 31, pngo 45, county re corder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rato por foot $5.37. Amount, $134.25. Assessment No. 24. William Sllnger. Lot 12, block 40, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontngo 25 feet on tho west Bide of Fir street, South, nnd describ ed In volumo 31, pago 46, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rnto per foot, $G.37. Amount, $134.25. Assessment No. 25.. Woods Lum ber compnny. Lot 1, block 47, ori ginal townsito of tho city of Med ford, Oregon: frontngo 25 feet on tho west side of Fir street south, and do acribod in volumo 71, pngo 209, nniinfv roivirrlnr'n rnnnrrlo rt. .Tnnlrenn countj, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per amitn, Lot &, .tilocK 4i, original toot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25. townsito of tho city of Medford) Ore- Assessment No. 20. W6ods Lum- Bon! frontage 50 feot on tho west, tr comr.unv. let 2, block. 47, ori-sltl ot FIr EtFct souHi, and describ ginr.l t.irnslle of the city of Med-1 e" ln yolufno'78, pago 29, county re ford. Orogon; frontago 25 feot onPortlers records of Jackson county, AwvI., Assessment No. 42. William Gar rett. Lot 0, block 48, original town sito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 foot on tho vest side of Fir street souhj, and describod In volumo 01, pago 49, county record er's records of JackBon count, Oro gon; 50 feet. Rato per foot, $4.18, Amount $209. Assessment No. 43. A. P. Talent. Lot 1, block 49, original townsito of the. city of Modford, Oregon; front nge 50 feet on tho west oldo of Fir streot south, and described In vol umo 7C, pago 430, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet. Rate por foot, $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 45. W. C. Kin- yon. Lot 3, block .49, original townslte of the city of Medford, Oregon: frontago 50 feet on tho west nide of Fir street south, and doscrlbed in volumo 08, pago 225, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet; rato per foot $4.18; Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 40 Francis Rum ley. Lot 4, block 49, original town site of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho vent sldo of Fir street south, nnd described in volumo 75, pago 100, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 foot. Rato per foot, $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 47, Mrs. M. J. Oregon; 50 feot. Rato per $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 48. C. A. Ham- the west sldo of Fir btreot, South, and described In volumo 71, pago 209, nnnnfv rnnnrflnr'a rornrila nf .TnMrnn county. Orecon: 25 feet. .Rate nor M'n- I-ot 0, block 49, original town- foot, $5.00. j foot, $5.37. Amount $134.25. site of tho city of Medford, Oregon; Assessment No. 27. Wooub Lum- jhubu " " l wcbl om uv A ..nMh.r...t f- Art (V ,a .... uiu . Jiiwirinil . J. Mil- .r. Lot 12. block 50. oHe nnl town. i it. iui i, iiiock Yli hrliMnnl inwn. ... -. " '.'; ii.". " ult., ni II,.. -ii,. ' it T X i ne oi inn cuy oi .mi uoru, urofion, frnntnU ?n tL L "I,or' .0r8; frontage 50 feot on tho oast sldo of ao Mitv et 7 n ,Ui YC8t .0,,(,,? Vr Bouth Holly Btreot. nud described In South Holly streot, and doscrlbod In vol 7.1 nneo im iv rncnnlor'n Vol. 00, page 155, county rororilor'a.J.XrlJ'MS J0."'". 0Li? 'l: "Wi ITtSl. ratJ "Srroot 5 01: amount tiu luuii iiuu 1'in iuoi iu,u UIIKIUUI tnen rn oon m au.ou. Assessment No. 00 C. E. Ends, Lot 10, block 52, original townsito of tho city of Modford, Oregon; front ngo GO feot on tho cast side of South Holly streot. and doscrlbod Iri Vol. iC2, pngo 4GG, county recorder's roc ords of Jnckson county. Orecon: 00 Lfcot; rnto por foot $5.01; amount VaV.bO. Assessment No. 07 J. W. Hamlin. Lot 9, block 62, original townsito of tno city of Medford. Orocon: front ngo 50 feot on'tho cost sldo of South Holly street, and described In Vol. 01, pngo 015, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $5.01; nmount $280.00. ABSossmont No. 08 Wnltor Mun coy. Lot 8, block 52, original town sito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on the east sldo ot Jouth Holly street, and described In vol. J7, pngo 337. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $5. CI; amount $280.G0. Assessment No. 09 Lulu H. Kel ly. Lot 7, block 52, original townsito of the city of Modford, Oregon: front$ ago 50 fdot on tho oaat eldo of South Holly Btreot, and doscrlbed in Vol. 52. pngo 009, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot: rnto por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is horoby directed to enter n statement of tho assessments horo by mndo In tho dockot of city lions, and to glvo notico by publication as roqulrod by tho charter and ordlnnnco No. 250 of eald city, In tho Dally Mall Trlbuno, a nowspnpor published and of gonornl circulation in said city. Tho forogolng ordlnnnco was pass ed by tho city couucll ot tho city of Modford, Orogon, on tho 4th day of Octobor. 1910, by tho following vote: Wolch oyo, Morrlck nyo, Eraorlok ayo, Wor'.mun aye, Elfort nyo and, DQtnmer ayo. Approved Octobor 5th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attfst: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Assessment No. 7. Altn Nnylor. imr nmnnnnv. i.nt .-? iiinpu at nri. Fir streot south, and described In inty Minerva Naylor, Ida Schormorhorn. Bnnl townsito of tho city of Med- volumo 78, pago 29, county rocord- 61.' Lot 7, Block 45, original townsito of ford, Oregon; frontngo 25 feet on "T'e records of Jackson county, Oro- ' tho city ot Medford, Orecon; front- tho west sldo of Fir streot, south, con! B0 fcot' Rato DOr fo 5413 , . nun "K fnnf nr tlm wt.vt ot.ln nt T?!.. , .. n..i i ..i i?o i Amnnnf. S20fl.00. ngo 25 foot on tho west sldo of Fir nnd described in volumo 58, pago I Amount, $209.00. streot south, and described In vol umo, 1 3, pngo 422, county recordor's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 25 feet. Rate per foot, $5.00. Amount, 125.00. Assossment No. 8. C. W. Palm. Lot 8, block 45, original townBlto of tho city of Modford, Oregon: front ngo 26 feet on tho west sldo of Fir streot south and described in volumo 24. pngo 57, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rato per foot, $5.00. Amount, $12G.OO. Assessment No. 9. C. W. Palm. Lot 9, block 45, original townsito of the city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 25 feet on tho west sldo of Fir Btreot south, nnd described m vol umo 24, pago 57, cqimty recordor's recorua oi jncKson county, Oregon; 25 feot. Rnto per foot, $5.00. Amount, $125.00. Assessment No. 10. Alfred Weeks and Edith Orr. Lot 10, block 45, original townsito of tho city of Medford. Oregon: frontaco 25 feot on tho wost sldo of Fir Btreot south, and described In volumo 50, pngo nS! ommtv rnrnrrlor'n nrnnrrtx nf ASSCSSmCnt i0. 4'J. A. if. laieni. Jackson county, Orogonu; 25 feet. (Lot 1. block 1. Holm's addition to Rato ner foot. $5.37. Amount. , tbo city of Medford, Orogon; front- S134.25 Assessmont No. 2S. Woods Lum her company. Lot 4, block 47, orl glnal townslte of tho city of Med ford, Orogon: frontago 2G feot on tho west sldo of Fir street south, and doscrlbea in volumo 58, pago 332, county recordor's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rnto per foot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25. Assessment No. 29. Woods Lum ber company. Lot 5, block 47, ori ginal townsito of tho city of Med ford. Oregon: frontage 25 feot on the west sldo or Fir street south, nndj described in volumo 58, pago 332, county recorder'e records of Jackson county, Oregon; 26 feet. Rato por foot, $G.37. Amount, $134.25. Assessment No. 30. Woods Lum ber company. Lot 0, block 47, ori ginal townslte of tho city of Mod ford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on tho west side of Fir street south nnd described in volumo 68. page 332, county recorder's records of Jackson JtJ, county recordor's records of ' county, Oregon; 26 foot. Rato por Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet, j foot, $5.37. Amount, $134..25. unto por foot, $5.00. Amount, j Assessmont No. 31. Woods Lum $125.00. , I i,or company. Lot 7, block 47, orl- issuNHiiiuni ,o, ii Aiireu wcoKs glnnl townBlto of tho city of Meu nnd Edith Orr. Lot 11, block 45, i ford, Oregon: frontage 25 feot on tho orlglnnl townslte of tho city of Med-! west sldo of Fir streot south, and ford, Oregon; frontngo 25 feot on described n volume 58, pago 332, tho west Bldo of Fir street south. and described In volumo 50, pngo 243, county recordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 25 feet. county recordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato por foot, $5.37. Amount $134.25. Assessment No. 32. woous Lura- Hato por foot, $5.00. Amount, I bor company. Lot 8, block 47, orl- i-u.uu. clnnl townsito of tho city of lied age 50 feet on the west side of Fir street south, aDd described in volumo I , pago , county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oicgon; 50 feet. Rato por foot, $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 50. A. P. Talent. Lot 2, block 1, Holm's addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; -frontage 50 feot on tho west cido of Fir Btreot south and described In volume . pago , county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet. Rato per foot, $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessment No. 51. Mary F. Whitman. Lot 3, block 1, Helm's nddltlon to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 foet on tho west side of Fir strcot south, nnd describ ed In volumo , pngo , county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot. Rato por foot, $4.18. Amount. $209.00. Assessment No. 62. J. E. Clem ens. Lot 4, block 1, Helm's addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on tho west sldo of Fir street south, and described in volumo , pago , county record or's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feot. Rato por foot, $4.18. Amount, $209.00. Assessmont No. 53 E. R. Van Dyke. Lot 5, block 1, Holms addi tion to the city ot Medford, "Oregon: frontago 50 feot on tho west 3ldo of Fir street, South, and doscrlbed In Vol... page .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; AssoMiiiont No. 53 Palm & Vnw NOTIdHi , Td Iho ownerj or reputed ownor, of oncli parcol of proporty describod In tho foregoing ordlnnnco, ns named therein, nnd in tho lion dcclnrcd by sutd ordlnnnco ns recorded in tho docket of city Hens You nro horoby notified thnt tho ussosramont declared by tho forego ing brdtnanco hns been mndo and tho Hon thorefor ontered In tho city Hen docket, nnd thnt tho same Is due and Assossment No. 12 Alfred Weeks ford. Orecon: frontage 25 feot on tho CO feet; rato por foot $4.18; nmount nnd Edith Orr. Lot 12, block 45, WOst sido of Fir street south, and $209 original lownsuo or tho city of Med-' described In volumo 58. pngo 332, ford, Oregon: frontngo 25 feet on the! county recorder's recordB of Jnckson west sido of Fir street south, and county. Oregon; 25 feot; rato TOr described In volumo 50, pngo 243, foot. $5.37. Amount. $134,25. county recorder s reegrds oi Jnckson t Assessment No. 33. Woods TjUUI' i.rT7Ti rn Viinnt nwn '.'ou nns "oroby required to pay the U.r. Lot 11, block 50, original town- ' n ,n tho Uv ..,..,,. .',,,' tnn gon; frontngo 50 feot on the wost sldo ot South Holly stroot, nnd dos crlbod In Vol. ... pngo ... county -TiTt in v.ii 30 imco 034. county ' rocoruor e records or jacichon county, Sorter's rc "to por foot $5.01; ?w!?rnf If! iljvWOr, 7? ','"rnnl foatage 50 foot on o oast aido o town'ilto of tho city of Modford, Oro- So.ltll . Rtr(n. .? ,,oacrn,od li Bite of tho city of Medford. Orogon: f tho nsus original South Holly 6treot, and doacribod In Vol. 73, pago 38S, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet: rnto por foot $5.01; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 54 Palm & Vw tni Lot 10, block GO, original town Hlto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frnutngH 50 foot on tho enst sldo ot AMiwmontNo.llohnIl.Whlto;sj of the Holy Names of J. f.o -. block 63. original towns to of ." - y. . " "H!1 ! uth Holly struct, nnd described In tbo ilty ot Medford, Oregon: front- --y- 73, pago 388. county recorder'e rise 50 feet on tno east niuo oi nouui "-"- --.. "; " " " lolly itroet. and describod In Vol. ' Sou h Holly stroot, and dea- as i LL .ia. county recordor's toe- "lued In ol. ... page ., county rds cf Jackeoc county, Oregon; 60 rworuor b roco Us of Jnckeon county, fct: vafe por foot $0.14; amount . Onwn; MWeet; rate per foot $5.Cl; fdV'' - in ini. v WI.IIA , AnSlMWinOUt No. 32 Snclntv of M... J S UloeV 68 original owns to 6 SW" of the Holy Names of Join,, tlu city o Medford! Oregon;1 front-! " Mary. Lot 4 . block 72. original age 60 foot on the east IdO o South , "" . . ore- aide of Bouth Holly street, and i!m cnuoci in vol. ... page ... county Holly street, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. 38. page 110. county rocorder'a rec ords of Jackson couuty, Oroon; GO feet: rate per toot $6.14; amount Assossment No. 138. 0. Simon. Lot 9, block 53. original townsito of the city of Mwuoru, orogon, iruv ago 50 feet on tbo east sldo ot South Holly Btreot. nnd doscrlbod in Vol. 78, page G57, county recorder's rec ords cf Jackton county, Orogon; GO twit: rate por foot $0.14; amount $307. ABtcssmont No. 14 S. O. Simon. "Lot 10. block 53, original towuslto uf tho ritv of Modford. Oregon: front- mco 50 foet on tho east side of South Holly street, and docrlbed Jo Vol. 7. jugo 5G. county rooordor'B roc wda or Juckkon county, Oregon; 50 fet: ralo per foot $6.14 amount Aossraent No, 15 Mary Jane Owwbruggo. Lot 11, block 63, orlg )Mtl townslte of. tho city ot Modford. Orgon; frontage, GO feot on tho east M of gouth Holly street, nnd dos edtw4 'In Vol. 48, page 06, county .Mot4rr rcom ot jbckror coumy, recorder's records of Jnckt on count) , Oregon; 50 feot; rato par foot $5.fil; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 33 Social) of tho Slalom of tho Holy Name or Jmus and Mary. Lot S. bloek 72. iirlnlnnl townsito of tho city or Medford, Ore gon, frontage 5o ftwt on th west Bide of South Holly street, nnd det- orioou in vol. . ., paco records of Jncknon county. Oregon; GO feot; rnto per foot $5.01; nmount Auessuiont No 55 -Palm & Vaw tor Utt 9, block 60, original town site or tho city or Medford, Oregon: frontago 50 feot on tho east aido ot South Holly MtrtH't, nnd described In Vol 73, pngo 38S county rocorder'B rMords ot Jackson county, Orogon: 50 foet; rnto por foot $5.01; nmount $2S0 B0. Assessment No 50 -Palm & Vnw tor. Lot 8, block 50, original towu slto of tho city of Medford, Orogon: irouthgo 00 feet on tho east side or South Holly Btrwt, nnd described In Vol. 73, pngo 38S, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 ret: rate nr root $5.01; amount $S$0S0 samo to tho city recorder within ten dnya from tho servlco ot this notico, which aorvico is mntio ny publication at tho foregoing ordlnnnco and this notice threo times In tho Medford Mail Trlbuno, pursuant to nn order of the city council of said city. RODT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. coitilt?, Orogon; 25 feet. Ralo per root, $5.00. Amount, $125.00. Ahsessmont No. 13. D. L. Day. Lot l, block 40, original townslte ot tho city of Medford, Oregon; rront nge 25 feot on tho west sldo of Fir streot south, and described In vol ume 00, pago 214, county recordor'c records of Jackson county, Oregon. 26 reel. Rate por foot, $5.37. Amount, $134.25. Assossmont No. 14. D. L, Day. Lot 2, Block 40. orlglnnl townsito of tho city of Modford, Oregon: front ngo 25 feot on tho West Bldo of Fir street south, and describod in volumo 00, pngo 214, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county. Oregn; 25 loot, ume por root $&.37 $134.25. bor company. Lot 9, block 17, ori ginal townsito of tho city oC Med ford. Oregon; frontngo 25 feet; on the west sldo of Fir ntroot aoitth, and doscrlbed In volumo 5S, ;iago 332, county rocorder'B records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet, Rate por feet $6.37; amount $134.25. ABsessmont No. 34.--Woods Lum ber compnny. Lot 10, block 47, ori ginal townsito ot tbe city of Med ford, Oregon; frontngo 25 feet o tho west sldo of Fir r.treot south,, nnd doscrlbod In volumo 58, pngo 332, county recorder's records ot Jackson county. Orogon; 25 feot. Rat( por toot, $5.37. Amount, $134.2C. , Assessment No. 35. Woods Lum- Amouut, bor compnny. Lot 11, block 47 orl glnnl townsito of tno city oi peu Assessment No. 15. D. L. Day. 1 ford, Oregon: trontnge 25 root CO tho ORDINANCE NO. 01. An ordinance declaring tho cost or the Improvement ot South Fir street from Main street to South city limits and assostilng tho property benefited thereby, nnd declaring such nsscBsmont, nnd directing tho entry thereof In 'tho docket of city Ileus. Tho city ot Modford doth ordain us follows: Section 1. That n pro touts hav ing boon filed agnlnut the Improve ment of South Fir street from Main street to South city limits duo no Lot 3, block 4C, original townslte of tho city of Modford, Orogon; front ngo 25 feot on tho wost oldo ot Fir street south, and described In volume GG, page 24 I, county recorder's rec- !ordo ot Jackson county, Oregon; 25 , toot. Rnto por root, $5,37. Amount, l.S-l.JD. Assossment No, 16. Fordlnnnd Ossenbruggo. Lot 4. block 4G, ori ginal townslte ot tho city or Med rord, Orogon, frontngo 25 foot on the west eldo ot Fir streot sooth, nnd de scribod In volumo 03, page 37, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 26 toot. Rato por Mlokoy "U. fu.u,. .A.llUUl.l, id 1.20. Assessment No. 17. Ferdinand Ossenbruggo. Lot 5, block 4G, orlgl nnl townulto ot tho city or Medford. Oregon; frontage 25 feot on tho wfat, aide of Fir street south, and Jo Bcrlbed lu volume 63, page 37, coun ty rocordor's records of Jac'ison vim., niiln of Fir street south,, nnd described in volumo 58, pngo 332, county ref.ordor'o records of Jnskson county. Oregon; 25 feot; ratoj per root, $5. .17. Amount. $134.25. , Assefsment No. 30. Wood Lum ber company. Lot 12, block 47 orl glnnl townsito or tho city ot Med rord, Oregon; rrontngo 25 teot on tho west side ot Fir street south and desvrlbod in volumo 58, pago 332, county recorder's records ot Jnikson county. Oregon; 25 root. Rat por toot, $5.37. Amount. $134.25. Assessment No. 37. Carollip D. Lot 1. block 48. or.inui tnunnitn of tho cltv of Modford Oro- . tmnlnnn RA ftnf nn thiVweSt !"."l.. ,""" .""''. rio ;i..mv Blto of tho city of Medrord. Oregon; rc rdert records 0T Jackson ctlnty. ' frontage 50 feet on the east side of Orecon- 50 feet Rato per Uoot, I Fir street, South, nnd described In $4 IS Amount $'09 00. Vol. 52, pago 223. county recorder's limimion Xn SS CarOIlM U. i"Uiua ui v . --.,, ....., Asseoamont No. 54 W. D. Rob erts. Lot 0, block 1, Helms addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon; front ase 50 feot on" tho west aido of Fir strcot, South, and doscrlbed In Vol. . . nnco . . . county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon: 50 feet; rnto por (oot $4.18; amount $209. "Assessment, Nd, 66-0. W. Palm. Lot 7, Wck 1, Holms nddltlon to tho city of Modford, Orogon; frontago 50 feet on tho wost Bldo of Fir streot. South, and described In Vol. . . . pago . , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato per foot $4.18: amount $209. Assessment No. 56 C. W. Palm, Lot 8, block 1, Helms addition to tho cltv of Modford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho west sldo of Fir streot, South, and described In Vol. . . , pago . countv recorder's records of Jack son county, Orogon: 50 feet; r.to per foot $4.18; nmoum suw. ABsessmont No. 67 William Schmidt. Lot 9. block 1, Holms ad dition to tho city or Medrord, Ore gon; rrontago 50 reet on tho west side ot Fir street, South, and describ ed in Vol. O-i. paco 35, county re-co-der's records ot Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 toot; rate per toot $4.18; amount $209. Assessmont No. 58 William Schmidt. Lot 10, block 1, Holms ad dition to tho city ot Medrord, Ore gon; rroutage 78.8 toot on tho west si !e ot Fir streot, South, and des cribed in Vol. 07, pago 35, county rocorder'a records ot Jackson county, O-egon; 78.8 feet; rato per foot $4 18: amount $329.38. Assessment No. 59 August Law rontz. Lot 7, block 33, original town- Vssessment No. 60 August Law- ;ee. Lot 5. block 46, original j side of Fir street south, and do-, re ntz. Lot 8, blook 33. original town- . of the city of Medrord. Ore- rlboi In volume 59. page 139. !' of n?Ac,J ' Mfi?A0"; recorder' record,, of Jnckhou oaunty, 1 'j VI' IT. V.? " Orogon; 50 feet: rato nor foot IB ci - or u,e lUy of Medfonl, nmount $280 50. ; ' ' ' 20"1"0 ,50 " " tho oast ,wr: r a . .-- ..- nnt ii "" " w .vi ,.rioi, v iwvv, iwhi wmi "i gon; iroutago op root on the wet nnt $307. eldo or South Holly Btreot, nud des- AaeMBMut No, JM8.ry Jauo Owtnhrugge Lot 11, block (3, oris , taal tovjjUlU ot h eity ot Medrord, wnfuu; ii-uuiBBtl if 'ft iVaaiuismuiii V., Kt rnlm & Vnw- c'nn m.' ! ?' I4)t 7- Wock 60, original town. Til, Oregon; oast sldo or Assossment No. 34 SooioU fT.'. .lll"'y . and uocriaiou in 1 ui. i j iwvii vmk nnuitrv rttiiiriim a ot tie Slitors of the Holy records ot Jr..-ion county. Orogon; l such nmouuta respectively nro horo Namos ot Joaus nnd Mary. Lot 80 teet; rate p. foot $5.01; amount by declared to bo the proportionate a. block 72. original townslte of tho, s 60 cllyot Mixlf ore:. Oregon; frontage 60 ' Anwssnieut o 58 Chas. W. feot on tho wost aide of South Holly I I"n,,u- Iot 1. Wock 61. original treot. and described in Vol. . We wiitt of tli oltv or Medrord, Ore- luuui) recoixorB. ivcoru or . '""" ou ioi on uv v in in nouui uouy stroot, anu uea crbd lu Vol 7S, page 473, couuty racordnr'n rivM.rds ot Jackson county. Orgon; 50 ft; rate per root $5.61; amount !i r.u Asni'iit ,i 69 O. W. Palm. Uit li. block Bl original towuslto nf the city of Medford. Oregon: trout KRD 60 few ii the oust aide of South Holly streot am! .lMrrlho.1 lu Vol. 78. oi jacKson county, Oregon: 60 feot; rate per u- ) til amount $80.50. pago 473 county recordor's records ),. nt thn InltMiUnn i,f tln innnrll In cause Bnld Improvement to bo mndo i county, Orogon; 25 feet. Rato tiar I MirVi it 2. block 48. orwlnal foot; rato per foot $4.18; amount having boon given, nnd snld Improve, foot. $Q.37 Amount. $134.25. 'townsito of the city of Medford.' Oro- $-09. muni iiuvuij, uuuii "iw'ii-u iiiiiut?, i in-1 .lo.L-Doiiwiu ,u. io r erninanu , gon; frontnge ou teoi on ibbiii council huh L-uutiuiiTi-ii iiiu iiiiiiier and herewith nscortnlns tho probable cost of making such Improvement to be tho sum of $19,853.16. And said council further finds thnt the special and poeullar boneflt uc crtilnK upon each lot or pnrt thereof udjacont to Bald Improvomtnt and j in juai proportion mi uonouis, io ue the respective amounts hereinafter sot opposite tho number or descrip tion of each lot or .part thereof, nnd . inuungo zi lovt on tno west enuntv recorder's records of jacubon ih-uiuku w w. ..- - -... r. o ot Fir street. South, -mil do, mnmi.. rWfrnn: so foet. Rate per Fir street, souin, ana uescnoou in In Vol. 03. unco 3'.. countv fnnt jus. Amount 1209.00 V'U 52. page 223, county recorder 'b records of Jackson county. Assessmont No 39. Caroline D n. ords of J.icksou county. Oregon: nn: 25 tot: ratoner foot sr.37: mii,.. im s Mn, 4S. original reet; rate per loot 4.1 b, amont - m i townslte ot tho city or Medrord. Oro- $ eon: frontneo 50 foet on thO'WOSt, ". - -.. .v..M,. H Wl' joqksou county, orogon; 60 rt; rto per root $5.01; nmouut $$80 50. ABBossment No. 36 Society ot tho Slateri or tha Holy Names of j0 and Mary. Ut 1, block 72. original luivuuiio oi mo city oi Medford, Ore- enpoa m voi. . ., pngo .., couuty rocordw'n record of JrcIibou county Oro; 6fl feet; rato por too $6 Cl; HI 9fiU,DV, ahuro of each lot or part thereof, of tho cost ot bucH Improvement, and Is hereby declared to bo ussessod ugnlnat said lot or parcoU respect ively, the namo appe.irlug above each description, being the name of tho owner of suoh lot or parcel. ASSKS3MBNT FOR PAVINO FIR side of Fir Btreet sauth. and descrlb STRKKT SOUTH FROM WEST ed In Volumo 15. page 4G7. county WAIN STRKKT TO CITY LIMITS IN recorder's records of Jnckson county, TUB CITV OF MRDFORD. ORB- Oregon; 25 loot. Rato per loot. (JON. t $5 37. Amouut. $134.25 ABBANMUlout fo. i Aaron An-1 Assessment jo 31 William Osonbruggo townsito gon sld crlbod recorder' Orog UlllOllUt 1134 K AuMwainnut 'n 1 f i wiiii.m ' , . ka . ,tift)wcf ssossmont No. 01 A. W. Coun- Sllnittur. Iji 7. tiirwv in ri..i,,,i ,., '. t.i ..,. ,k .inarrihnrf I trvman. Lot 9. block 33. original townsito of thn cltv nf V.wifnr.1 rr.x-1 1.. ..... nf. ... too -minK' r. i townsito ot tho city ot Medrord, Ore- . ;.."". '.. . I " '"'" -u, ,..h -.wv, '- . , Rn . .., Kuii. iruuiHKU 0 leei on Hie WOSt nnnnr'i lVrnrria of Jackson CCUlliy. I (."u. tuiiibw sine oi r ir hirooi. soihd, nnd desorlb- Oregon; 50 ou m oiumo 16. pag 40T. county $4.18. Amount. rocoruor a records or JAckson county. Assossment uroKon; : loot. itf,to per root, j Mickey. Lot o.J. Amount. 1134.55. townslte of the Assiwamont. No. 20. William Icon: frontneo 50 feot on tho east foot Rato ner 1 toot, I side or Fir streot. South, and des- nt i-09 00 ' .cribod In Vol. 56. page ... count) Vo 40 CarolRe D. reoordor'a records or Jnckson county. 4, block 48. original uregon; ou leci; ram pur ioui -.ioi oclty or Medrord, Ore-.amount $509. . snMi nn ihelwoat 8so8sment No. 62 A. W. Coun- Slingor Lot 8, block 46. original ! side ot Fir Btreot south, and dcfrlb- trman. Lot 10. block 33. original townsito of tho city of Modford. Ore- ed In volume 26, pago 490. oiunty townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 26 'oot on tho wet i recorder's records of Jackson orunty. , B "J frontago 50 feet on tho east Orogon; 50 feet Rato por $4 IS. Amount. $209.00, Assessment No 41. William Gar rett. Lot 5. block 4S. original own site of tho city ot MoiUori, Oregon; frontage 50 too: on the west slle of drowB. Lot I, block 45. original Sllnger IM Schlock 46, original j vr street south, and described In tuwnsiio oi mo ciij " ihm. wiv , lunuotie ui uiv i:iy oi .-ueaioru. uro- volume 61, Mge 49. county rtcoru- ,,lu oi gon; fromago so wet on mo weniigon; uontage lb toot on tno west er's records of JackBon county. Ore-' frontage side of Kr ntroot south, and do- sWo ot Fir stroA. South, nnd descrlb- con: 1,0 ft: Rato ner foot. 14 IS Fir scrlbott l volumo 72. page 532. ed In volume 15. pago 4S3, county Amouut, $509.00. root. W if Fir street, South, and des ert ied in Vol. 56, pngo ... county recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty Oregon; 50 root; rate per toot1 $4 iS; amount $209. VssessmeQt No. 63 P. C. Thorna son. Lot 11, block 33. original town- the city of Mcdforu, Orogon; 5ft reet on tne oast side of street. South, and described la tcThtlnued on pago 7 ) . f Vi I V 4i Lllfe -'a Tiii n'iiiiw li li Jin n lUii'" M :v -4l