MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGOK, SUNDAY, OCTOBER flO, 19.10. 16 t "! ' ; i n; , 'i.'. o h. Car Pine Lath Just received, u car of PINE LATH every good carpen ter and lather knows what they are andvillyant to use them, for they will give absolute satisfaction. Hygenic Kalsomine Kulsoiuiuo your own rooms if you wish. A good Kalse: miner can do you a first-class job if you secure the Kalso mino loro. Call and see tho superb lino oil tints and learn our prices. 'V -1 it iFhe Bel Grade of Lumber, Cement, Paints, Oils, Shingles, Doors, Windows s K f Roofing Felt, Building Paper, Etc., to be Found in Southern Oregon .-.V WOODS LUMBER CO. & STRAUS MAY BE FORCED TO RETAIN POSITION WASHINGTON,, Oct. 29. Wheth er Oscar Straus will bo allowed to Tetlro as American ambassador to Turkey Is a question which Is being discussed widely In diplomatic cir cles today. It has become known that Straus, who Is now In this coun try, has expressed his wish to leave tho ambassadorship and resume life in America. A number ot Impor tant matters are before the govern ment officials in Turkey, one being an application by an American con cern to build a railroad at a cost or 50.000,000. This project Is opposed Ifey Germany, oth President Taft and Secretary of State Knox, it Is said, oppose Straus withdrawal at this time. COMMITTEE FAILS TO IlEFOKT OX INITIATIVE PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 29. Inter est of tire delegates to the constitu tional convention centered today about the expected report of the leg islative committee on the" proposed lnltlativo and referendum clauses for tho now state constitution. The com mittee, howevwr, failed to completej Its work and the convention was com pelled to declare a recess after a 15 minutes' session. It Is generally believed that the committee will return a report leav ing blank the percentage of voters' signatures necessary to secure the application of the initiative and ref erendum. Eight per cent of the ini tiative and five of the referendum, howeve-, are believed to be favored by a majority of the delegates. WIRES TEDDY TO GET OUT OF JAIL ELLENSBURG, Wash., Oct. 29. Louis Dueker, bentenced to 30 days In Jnil for stealing a bicycle, has ask ed that Colonel Roosevelt be notified of his plight. instantly. He sent a telegram to the colonel as follows. "Hon. T. Roesevelt: I am deprived of my personal liberty without due process of law. I know there is no use to appeal to President Taft, as he Is a standpatter, and can expect no relief from him or Balllnger. Or der mv release and I will support you in 1912.". Ad readers like to 'know facts Killed for n Iccr. nbout property and your ad will, VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct. 29. spll vonr house more ouicklv if von Dana B. Gibson. 23. a nntlve of Now remember this ' York, is dead today becauco his com panion mistook him for a deer while hunting north of Vancouver. This homicide Is tho sixth in British Co lumbia since the opening of the hunting season.' Glbatin vns shot by his companion, Charles S. Young, of North Vancouver. l'oor Showing by; Holler. CHICAGO, Oct. 29. Ur. H. r'. RUler, of Seattle, must do better thnn he did last ntght ngalust ".Mys terious Waffles" If ho hopes to suc ceed .Frank Gotch ns champion wrestler of the world. Rollor was busy for 17 minutes In n hnrd tusslo boforo ho landed tho "mystery" flat ter than the panenkes grnndmn used to make. When he ncqutred tho knnck, however, Roller r threw tho "Waffle" again within n minute. To write n property-selling' nd is simply to write the truth nbout the property and print it more thnn once, if neccssarry. BRYAN OUT AFTER SCALP OE OALHAM LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 29.- Wil liam J, Urynn hns admitted he In tends to fight .Mayor James Dahl mnn of Oinnlm. democratic candidate for tho governorship. .Monday night, when Bryan speaks hero, giving his views on Dahlmnn r-.nd urging the pcoplo to vote against him, ho v have only begun tho campnlgu ho In tends to make. It Ih nnnnuueed that tho formor presidential candidate will stump Nebrnskn, paying his own expenses, denouncing Dahlmnn In most of the Important cltlet and towns In tho state. Dahlmnn opposed Brynn'u local option Ideas and won tho nomination for tho governorship over Governor Slmllonborger by a small plurality. In his campaign Dahlmnn iitado in pcnmanl fight ngalust Bryan and htH. option mean. t mu in''i"K i wiv campaign Bryan refused to tako tho stump ror tho Omaha candidate, hut offured to speak for tho other dem ocratic nominees. Tho democratic exccutlvo committee promptly reject ed Bryan's offer. Officer After CrnekMiirn. FHKHKO, Cnl.. Oct. 29 Sheriff Crlt temlnn nml n poiwo of ileptltleit nro In hot pursuit of three crnckmnen who early toilny blow open tho ufo of Iho poiftnffleo at I.nton nnd encupeil with SI0 In Mlnnip nml tSOO In currency Thren oxploitloMM Mhurtly nftoBS o'clock nttoko cltlxon of I.nton, who reached t.e pmlofflco In tlmu to neo tho three, tnhlxrn tllimpp.Mr tit n ntolcn Iiiikk)'- When von decide to sublet one of your roouiH, don't bo "utiiiiry with words" in telling nd renders wlmt it's like. FIVE BUSHELS SEED; 2500 BUSHELS CROP From five bushels of seed corn J. Htlllwell Villi has linrvoHliiil 2500 IiuhIioIh aa his orchard hi Big Sticky. Tho -corn was planted between rows of young trees niid wjih grown with out Irrigation, yloldlug an nvorngo or 50 bushels an aero. Tho eii nro Inrgu nnd tho kornols well filled. ImvlN to Ht. IrftuU. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 29. Uimutmll fntiM hero have become elated over a roport thnt Harry Davis, tlm field general of the champion Athletics, wilt don a St. Louis American uni form next Honnon nnd mnniiRO tho Browns. President Hedges of tho club refuses today elthor to deny or confirm tho roport. i ,,,,-, --.... . -' - f ' " " ' " i ' ' " . .j...mmmmmm.m,.m,mmm,mbmmmbmimmMBMBBMMBMI I, : -Tl Burrell . 0 Tract Cheap ft Far Below Listed Price r We Have Listed With Us One of The Best Tracts in The Bur rell Orchard at a-Great Sacrifice y, && P . fc. No Reasonable Offer Refused '; ' j t i .'., v i . f . ft A ,-W J, Rogue River Orchard Lands Co. 18 North Front Street "..: 'A n Medford, Oregon