MISS HARNED TO BE HERE ON TOESDAY AiiHirlou'H (IIhIImkuIhIiuiI nolroMH, Virginia Hanicd, Ih iiuikmiiiooiI iih tilt) ho.it booldng nt tlio .Medford thu atur. Miss llnrued is' sinning iIiIh hoii iton In a new play written for her li.V the well-known dmmnllHt, lloib Milt IliiHliioul. onlilloil, "Tho Woman Ho Married." Tim pint ami theme i AUhh IIiii'iiiiiI'm now Htiirrinu vehicle Ih In many nwpoolH Hitiiilai' to "Cninlllo" mill "Tiilby," in holli of which It will hn reiiiomhoicd hIio HCOlod tllO IliugOHl MIII't'OHrfes l)' , KugllHli-Vpmihing nolroMH who has boon before Him public Iih recent years. It pioscuts her again iih a bnrofoht model In an artist's hIikIjo, M!hs Hanicd Iiiih up excellent sup porting oust, ami Arthur .1. Aylim. worth, who Ih personally directing tlio tour, Iiiih provided an olciiMie ami iiiiihnIvo soenio iwitiiptiit'iit Tim engagement hero will hn looked lor waul to iih mho of tlu most impor taut of llu' proMont thcutiiciil sca- 8011. MIhh Hamed's dalo in Tuesday, November 1, ami tlio wile of scats opoiiH at llaskiiis', Hnfurdnv, Octo lir 21). MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDflDRD, OREflON. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 30, .1910. LADIES PREPARING CHRISTMAS SALE ELLEN TERRYNOTFOLL "FLEDGED SUFFRAGETTE NBW YOHK, Oct. I!.-Tlie report tlml Klleu Terry had bjton converted to tlio suffrage movement ami wan taking all active part in its promo tion in thin country wao partly oon finiicd and partly denied by the not i'd notroits today. "Woiiidii hIioiiM vole," said .Miss Terry. "A woman's gronlcht need is education ami solf-holteruiont. If .Shakespeare's woiiton liwd today they would lo igiiffmgcttcH. Any thing helping women hIioiIM ho theirs. "Hut, iih I often toll my daughter, thorn in nothing to ho gained by knocking off imliccinen'K hatK and niicIi things. And, again, I don't he liovo that suffrage would have over benefitted nie much." ) Kllen Terry'n daughter, Aila Craig, is prominently identified with tlio suffrage movement in Kngliiiul. 28 MEN ARE CITED CONLEMPT OF COURT I.OS AN0KI.ES, Cal., Oet. ii).-Twonty-eight men must appear he foro the United StatoH oirouit court in San I-Ynueisoo Oetobor :il to hIiow onuso why thoy should not ho nun inked for coiitompt of court in tho alleged oiiHtinir of a government om plovo in tho discharge of Inn duties. Papers ordering tho men to appear were served by Deputy United States Marshal Knul Diirlin at tho borax workings of California Toroua coui- lnny, iu mnoH west ot .Mojnvc, whorro "Horax Kim;" Smith made his millioiiH. Tho compnny recently wont into tho bauds of a receiver. Soon after ','iis, it in alleged, the claim wan "jumped" bv a M-orc ol men, who held their portion un der arniH. Tho hiiHomonl of tho Kirst M, K, church' pi'oHonti a hiiH.y hooiio ovory U'ipliiOHday afternoon, Tho ladies are making extensive propnralloiin for their ChrlHlmiiH hiiIo, which will lake nlacn carlv in December. Ilo- HiileH Huh, their honovolont work ami oilier onlerpiiHOH deserve high coni uiuiidatlon, caring for tho nick, pro viding clothing for the needv. and iiIho iiHHiHtiug largely iu a fund for a now church building iu (bin city. On Wcilnosdny there woio proHont 'J(l ladloH, three new member were mlded to the already largo member ship. Kvor.v week now uieniberH arc received Tho society is tlio largest and iiiohI onlhiiHiaHtic in iln IiIhIoiv. A t'ouunillco wiih appoiutcil to pur cIiiihu ami Hciid two beautiful not jiluiiL to JffH. Corev and her dandi- ler, Mm. .MceKer, who ato both (pule ill at (hn home of Mm, Corey. Mi. Helknan uiim anPoiiited clinir- Uimii of a comuiittce to ilia II new by- Iiiwh lor the Hoeiely. .Mi-h. I.. II. SihiH wiih appointed cditrcMH of tlio I Micietv anil iniiiiedialcly fiHHitniciI her now dutioH. On WcducHilay, N'oveinber 2, thet-o will he an all-day meeting, to which every lady in the congregation foj coruiiiiv iiiviifMl ami urged to bring a now member or friend and an am ple It h. Work will be tho order of the day and a good time anticipated. pooooocooooooooo $ For Placer or Quartz Mine CALL AT ROOM 3, 11MJ JJAHT MAIN HTHUICT ooooooooooooooooo 15 I W1M"'M"MWMW"1 MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL. PrtONE MAIN 991. WOMAN DISLOCATES The first of the Popular Entertainment series at the NATATORIUM Passmore Trio Assisted by Mrs. Ed Andrews acre 'P. r as , 'k T" " Z"r "" llllf naiiinri onii E UHII UMLLinU OUIl.S popular Program. I Popular Prices. 1 i WJ1ITK SALMON'. WhbIi., Oet. 20. A megaphone probably will bo em ployed by Alrn. .Mary Terry hereaf ter when calling her miiiiII hoii,, be eaiiHo hIim dinloeated her jaw yeHter lay iu giving voice to a long-drawn-out Hhout to ritimiiiou him. The lad aiiHwered. oolv to find ltiu motlier htninliiig in tho iloorway, un able to clone her month. Shu could not talk. Tho child beenmo alarmed and notified a noighbor, who, in turn called a physician to Jreat a "Hiidden cahe of lockjaw." Admission, 2i cents. STo extra charge for rc- served seats. Sunday evening, October 30th, concert begins at 8:45. Call or telephone Nata- torium for reserved 5 seats. Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN IWe have a few ten-acre tracts and one 40-acre tract yet unsold; 40-acre tract has Beautiful Oak grove for building sites, good house, barn, windmill, gasoline en gine and everything convenient; there is no better land in the Rogue River Valley; . no better location for an ideal home. If you want a good piece of land or beautiful home, see our one-acre tracts in the big Oak grove. Prices are lower than anything in the valley, considering location and' quality of soil. Call on J. A. Perryt owner? or have your agent show you these tracts. ktr A mno. utfcM UIU NUT ! S... SUFFER HUSBAND'S FATE I J1""11"11"111"""""" JA A 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. aif? &.K Mm iT Ki I ? ... iiiih w SEATThK. Wiih.. Oct. 2(1. Mr Viihliti fleer, the vomit? wife of l'ml (leer, who wni murdered bv Mii'i'i- 1)08 tnlicH in tin. r'liilit.Mii,,. ...,..; v rc'iii; ii'- iiil'h, did not bIii'iio hnr lnitl.Mn.i fate. Miv. Ida liiinrn of lUia ,Hv na8 roooived a cahlugram from her dauditj'r. saving sh(. escaped In Kiunhongn. 100 miles from tho sceno of the massacro, ami ix safe. Th. hodv of fleer Iiiih not been reeover-i! fiom the triboMini'H. The cablegram gives no detail of th(. osoapo. Onl ; the timelv iflrivnl of troops i believed, saed .Mrs. Cleer from the fate of her husbnud. DENOUNCES GOVERNMENT; MAY LOSE HIS PAPERS TACO.MA. WiihIi.. Oct. 211. 1. eaiiHo ho wiih too frou with bin ciiti ciHina of tho coiiHlilulion of .the United StatoH ami the federal gov. ornmont, heonnrd Olson, a well known HocialiHt and Industrial Workor of tho World, must show within six davH whv he sbonlil mil Ioko bin citizenship. Papers have been served on him nt tho instance of J. R. Smith, chief naturalization examiuor of Western Washington, and District Attorney Todd. A store that ranks high as an ad vertiser rnnhs high as a store al ways. I) ok for an execution In lliw rulu nml look iu vain! chiropraTTc-AS il BULBS KacIusuo Agency for rorlland fiocU Co. ' Medford Greenhouse Phono 3741 SCIENCE BISHOP SAYS JAPAN WANTS NO WAR NOW ST. LOUIS. Mo., Oct. 20. HIhIioii MoKini is tho latest defender of Ju pun's Pneifio intentions as a world power, "lapnn has no nioio intention rt fighting tho United Slates." he said, "than sbo has of figbliua the Jl.iv lians. There is no niimo more rov oroncoirin Japan lliau lliat of Con modoro Perry." Eritllo Smith Chosen. HOW TO STOP DltlMCkrfa. I i It was formerly cuatomnry for tho rogularly, sometimes onco n vonr n,i nomctlmcs In ovcry fit-of romorso thnt followed bis dobauchos. nmi ihnn break It. Illut now It la gradually Jawnlne on tho world that plodsos do not stop clrunkonnoEB. Tho nervous sys tem of tho habitual drinker is dls that will curo this condition, Orrlno cased and bo' must havo trontmont ih soiu under a posltlvo guaranteo to euro tho drl'ik habit or tho money will bo refunded. Can bo glvon se cretly. Wrlto for freo booldot ta tbo Cure of Alcolbollsm to tho Orrlno Co., G32 Orrlno bulldlntf, Wnshlnstoa, D. C. Mailed soalod. Orrlno costs but $1 nor box. Sold In this city by Loon n. Hnoklns, 2H B. Main st. THE ATTRACTIVE BANK ACCOUNT. When you start an account yon will bo pleased to find out what a convenience it is to have a safe place lor your monoy, and know that yoni can get nt it in case you need it, at once. It beats any other method of disposition of your funds. FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. ASHLAND m?0tiraz$ cwtz& I 'r Von "pay" for neglecting to road classified advortlsomoats and somo tlmcs you pay a big price Maybo It's In tl-o gulso of too much out or of too small Yngos. Inovltibly, you "pay." SAN FRANCISCO, Oet. 20. Ed dio Smith's soloolion as third man In tlio ring Wodnosdav night when 13'Utling Nelson and Anton La Grave meot in n Ifi-round go is oceasiou m? much surririHo among tho fans who saw tho Hattlor Ioho Iu'h titlo (o Ad Wolgast. Smith roforoed that oonfost and his notion in stopping tho figlit to snvo NoIhou appoarod to bo blttorly rosontod by tho Dnno. 'If your advertising la oo unimpor tant that It makes peoplo buppobq your store to bo unimportant work hard to correct the Impression. Haaklns for health. is Kimple, hpecific, up to dnto and the only uudhod which leaohcs lhe Io- cation and conootiop ot tho true and oxaot cause of diseiibo. Dr. 1j. M. Gordon, by the application of the principle of chlropruetio, has dem onstrated its ability to remove the oanso of disease, tluiH making well from JU) to DO per control' so-called iuoiirablo chronic disease, such as rheumatism, stomach, liver, kidney and bowel trouble. Acute disensos resnoud very road. ily to Iuh molhod of adjustment and pneumonia and tho dittoreut lovers are oftonlimos broken up in from jono ti four dnvH,. If sufforiug from any ailment, no matter of what ujiaraotor, chronic or acute, call or addross -Dr. h. Rf, Gor don, 21(1 13. raiu stroot, Medford, Or., over Medford Hardwnro Co. Office heurs: 30 to 12 a. m., 2 to f) and 7 to 8 p. m, Other hours and Sundays by nppointiiiout, Ah to that usod article vou want In soil; makojlho prieo attraatlvo and make tho nd oxpliait. That's all I BANISH CATARRH. Brcatho Hyomcl for Two Minutes anil sitiueii-un Head Will Vanish. If you want to got relief from ca tarrh, cold iu tho head or from an irritating cough iu tho shorlost time, breathe Ilyomei fnroiionncH it in.,!,. - -f., o-iue). It will clean out your head in two minutes and allow you to breathe freely, awako or asleep. livomoi will euro a cold in ono day; it will relievo you of disgust ing snuffles, hawking, spitthnr and offensive breath in a week. Ilyomoi is mndo chiofly from euca lyptus, a soothing, healing, Kom. killing antiseptic, that comes from the ouoalyntus forests nf Tni,wi a.. Htralia, whero catarrh. iiRihn,,,' .....i oonsumption wore uovor known to exist, Ilyomoi is ploasauc annd easy to breathe. Just pour a fow drops into tho hard rubber nonknt. i.i,,,i, nreatho it, and euro is nlmost certain. a oompioto Ilyomo outfit, includ ing mlinlor and ono bottlo of TTv,n. costs only $1 nt Chns. Strang's and miiggisis ovorywhoro. If you al roady own nn inhnlor, reinonibor that you can got an oxtru bottlo of Ilyo moi for fiO conts. For froo snmplo wnto Booth's Hyomej Co., Buffalo, N, Y, Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help .Vou to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH J3ecurc your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, wo will secure you a position in any of the large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. PTTNER. A. M., President. RED SOIL Fruit lands, cleared or uncleared. Terms to suit the, buyer. See Howland, the owner, or The Van Dyke Realty Co. Room 3. 123 Main Street "High Tops" For Boys Just received, a very complete line of the ftimous r,Pat Cogan" high top Shoes for BOYS. "We can fit any boy with a pah- of shoes that will last him the required limit' of time and a little longer will keep his feet warm and dry and feel comfortable, too. Bring the boys herewe'll guaranteo to please thorn and you. SUOUS FOR ALL HUMAN KIND. j&dmeaded Spc R. F. Guerin & Co. 4 Medford National Bank Building have Two thousand dollars to loan at ten per cent. Ten thousand dollars to loan at eight per cent and other amounts at similar rates. Jftrst mortgage real estate security only. NOTICE. A banquet will bo glvon for tbo mombors of tho Juvonllo Dancing olub following tho danco on next Monday OTonlug, Octobor 31st. committee; nRPnnN THE LAST CALL OF THE WEST. ttj Walter V. Woohlko. fionutifuHy illustrated in four colors in November Sunset Macrnzmo. Now on sale, all newsstands, 15 ots, ATTEND COLLEGE. Arrange to attend the Eugene Bus iness Collogo, and lot us got you a good position whou you graduate. En tor now, Sond for our new cata logue, 14 West Soventh tstreot, Eugene, OroLon, tf The mills will romnin elosod down until tho price for tios advances to n figuro that will make it profitable' to oontinuo muling operations. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your ordtr. all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street tg '. . ! tf; ., iij " j j r i I