MEDFORD ALAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON, SUNDAY, OCTOJ3I9R 30, 1910, . SMITH ELATED " OVER PROSPECTS va WBBilPflt'l The finest Sample Rooms Singlo rooms or on Biiito also rooms with bath PLUMBING SUAM AND HOT WATER HCATINO All Work Ouuruulcori I'riuoH RoiiHonublo COFFEILN SL PRICE SPECIAL in tho city. ' Hotel Moore ITolonhono lu Every Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Democratic Nominee for Connrcss- man Mcots With Remarkable Cor s; dlallty Many Pronesslve Repub- Means Pledfling Him Support. j 11 Noilli ) S(,.Molloi(l Oro. IMionil 308 14 t TPOUTIjAND, Oc't. 20. Robert G. Smith, dcmocrnUe nomineo lor coti- prcss in the first districl invaded Washington county vesterdny, spcukini: to n lnrco and emhusiastio audience at Forest drove nnd elos- 3n his campnisrn in that county with an address at Ilillfeboro touiclil. "I am told not onlv by democrat but by republicans, thnt I have had larger and more enthusiastic audi ences nil over my district tlmu eithc" 3o'wcrman or Hnwloy," said Smith when sreen in the city today. "I am incotinir with a cordial reception all over the first, district and have re ceived the assurance of nu immense -rml,lw.Mi. Mititvirr. Evctv indica tion poirts to mi- rcceiuiis a qopd mnjoritv in Clneknmns. Jackson. Josephine. Yamhill, Coos nnd Currv counties, and I expect to break eye 1 in the other .counties in the district. Een in Marion county, the home of my opponent. I am coins to Ret a JbiK republican vote. t Monday and Tuesday of next week Mr. Smith will campaign in "Lane county, speaking at Eigcne om .Monday night and Springfield Tues tlny night. Wednesday and Thurs day islo'be spent in Douglas coun ty with nn address at Drain ednes dny night. Oaklnnd Tluu-saav after noon mid at Roscburg Thursday night, with Dr. Harry Lane. Fridav Mr. Smith lenves for Coo county. Ho will speak at Myrtle Point Fri day night. Coquille Saturday night: Sunday he will spend at Bandon nnd -Mnnrlnv witt plocn his nnmnniiyn with addresses at North Bend and Mnrsh-iieia. A Small Bearing Orchard. Attractive Price - Easy Terms W. T. York & Co. wsm F. N. CUMMINGS . T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD &CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. :: J. E. ENYAKT. I'resideut. J A. PERRY. Vioo-1'roHidont. I! JOnN S. Oirni, Cnshior. V. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. HHE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK i - --) Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 J t SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TORRENT. A GENERAL BANKING i BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, ;:. THIRD ANNUAL HUNDREDS FALL IN ABYSSINIAN BATTLE ROME, Oct. 29. A dispatch from Adis Abeba, ' Abym-inia, today .jays that hundreds Of meThrtve fallen in buttle between the armies of the Empress Tai-tu and the young- Em peror Lidji Jessau. No details are given. It has been known for many -months thnt the' empress designed lo wrest the throne from the youthful successor of King Menelik. Italian authorities are watching developments in Abj'asinia nnd it is believed that Italy will attempt to regain a foothold in the kingdom should opportunity offer. The Best Sub-Division Proposition In the Rogue River- Valley 170 ACKES, HALF MILE FKOM KAILKOAD STATION $ 115 acres In gratn; 10 acres in 2-year-old pears; 45 acres In brush and timber, easily cleared; no waste; good houso, two barns, all fenced with woven wire; telephone; It. F. D.; part irrigated. Price, $155 per acre; total, $26,350. Terms: $7500 cash; $4000 ono year, G per cent; $14,850 fivo years, 6 per cent. HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY 214 FRUITGROWERS' BAXK. HARD LUCK REPEATEDLY CROSSES YALE'S GOAL LINE ' NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 29. The Yale campus ,is shrouded in gloom, the traditional Yale luck has flown nnd the football team is fur ther weakened today by the loss of Francis, one of its veterans, who broke an arm nt football practico yesterday. The outlook for success against Eli's ancient enemies is the blackest a Yale team has ever faced. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL BOYS PROVE AMATEUR BARBERS Investments MRS. TAYLOR WANTS A DIVORCE FROM HUBBY SANTA CLARA, Cal.. Oct. 29. llrk Charles D. Tayler, wife of the founder of Goldfield, New, is plain tiff in a suit on file here today against her husband, charging deser tion nnd extreme cruelty. She asks $2500 monthly for maintenance and a receiver for Taylor's estate. She does not ask a divorce. "Biz" Mackey a Lemon. NEW YORK, Oct. 29. "Bis" 3fiickcy wns elected to the Lemon rlub unanimously today by Ne.v York fight fans who witnessed hi fight last night with, Abo Attell. Mackey is beinp declared tho biggest lemon of the mall, for lie was abso lutely helpless in the hands of the clever TIebrew. SALEM. Or., Oct. 29. Several high school freshmen are wearing their locks shorn toddy, threo prom inent members of the sophomore class have been requested to leave school under suspension, while a quiet investigation by the school nu- thonties is under way to ascertain the names of other alleged culprits, following a contraband hair-cutting party, in which the freshmen were victims. Moor-EhniCo. 212 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. Phone' Main 601. See these before buying. CITY PROPERTY: $4,500 for property rented over $800 per year. National Apple Show SPOKANE, WASHINGTON WILL BE HELD. November 14 to 19, 1910 $20,000 in Premiums The greatest variety of prizes, cups, and trophies ever offered. Prizes for single apples, xes and everything up to full carloads will be aw t. $1000 Championship Carload Prize For the best carload of G30 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, pack ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor mation. Ample hotel accommodation without rise in prices will be provided. Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon Will have in effect low round-trip fares from all points on its lines. For further information apply to any Southern Pacific agent or to WM. McMTJREAY, General Passenger Agent. for As soon na you advertise the fact that vou have property to rent or el becomes an ex-secret. NoUce. Notlco 1b hereby given that tbp un ' dersigned will apply at tho next reg ular meeting of the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon for a "Hconfco to soil malt, splrltous and vinous liquors In less quantities than n gallon, ut their place of business locatod at lots 9 and 10, block 21, original townslto In said city for n period of six months. M. AND B. J. ADAMS. Dated at Medford, Oregon, Octo Lor 2Cth, 1910. 102. BOSTON. Oct. 29. One hundred students of Tufts college have bee.i suspended fo rthe nonpayment of their college tuition fees. This is tho first time in the history of the Tufts institution that n similar action has been taken. Vote No on Annexation. Tho portion of Washington county proposed to bo annexed to tho Mul tnomah is seven miles wldet contains 112 of our 730 sections, lour and n half of our fifteen millions of taxa ble property, cno-fourth of our vot ers and population and one-half of our railroad mileage. Five hundred voters of this strip t-avo signed a romonstranco against a,nnoxatlQn a cloar majority, as less than 300 sign ed tho petition and about 900 votes woro cast at tho last zcenral elec tion. In addition to tho many who favored annexation now opposo It and say tho cut was mado too deep. Wo ask you to voto No on Washington-Multnomah division. W. D. Wood, chairman , Antl-Annoxatlon committeo, Hlllsboro, Oregon. (Paid Advertisement.) $3,000 for property that will rent for $35 or $40 per month. $4,700 for property tnnt will rent for about $60 per month with room on the lot for another hou&e or apait ment building. $2,400 for property rented for $10 per month. All close in. FItUIT LANDS: 280 acres for subdivision. development and Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Bend's and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for . FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. NOTICE. OPPICK FOR RENT. Over postofflco. Seo A. A. Davis. CO acres ranch, 11 acres benriuu Spitz and Xcwtowns; 13 -acres in Spitz and Nejvtowgs; lb It. pears, 13 acres alfalfa. Pumico soil, irrigation plant, seven room .modern stone bungalow, keepers' lodge, barn, equipments, stock, etc. complete. One of the finest properties- in the val ley. WE ALSO HAVE A LAHGE LIST OF THE FINEST CITY LOTS AND HOMES: ALSO FRUIT LANDS DE VELOPED AND UNDEVELOPED. Cnll and seo us. Bun Down ? Ayer's Sarsnpirlllt Is a tonic. It does not stimulate. It does not make vou feel better one day, then as bad as ever tnenext. mere is notadropof alcohol Ak your doctor all ciout Aytr't Sanapa- In it. You have the steady, even gain rllla. Enilrtlyfrtefrom alcohol. A itrong that cornea from a strong tonic. Ask Ionic and dUratlct. tSttViSSSl your doctor all about this. Notice is hereby given that on the 35th dny of Octobor, 1010, supple mentary articles of incorporation of Capitol Hill. Incorporated, wore duly filed and recorded ji: tho office of tho secretary of tho state of Oregon, umonding the original urticlea of in corporation thereof by changing the tinme of enid corporation from Cap itpj Hill, Inqoipornted, to Ilighcroft, Incorporated, and thnt all fees re quired by law wore duly paid, (Signed.) ALFRED T, WILLTAMS. A, GONItO FIERO. ' A. 0, ABRAMS, ' P, W. WILMEROTn. JOHN D, OrAYELL, Directors. Medford, Or., Octobor 25, 102 J I.M PORTAXT ANNOUNCEMENT. HaBklns, the druggist, has Just re ceived a fresh supply of J5EMO and Zemo Soap. omo Is a remarkablo remedy, a clear liquid for external use. Tho first application will Instantly rollovo tho most intenso itching, quickly re moves blotches, pimples, blackheads, Where Are You Going to Winter? The One Right Way is the Hand-Tailored Way. . fjfYour clothes will fit perfect ly, wonr longor, look bettor and bo absolutely satisfac tory If furnished by W. W. EIFERT-The-Progressive Tailor. THE LADIES' PAVOIUTE. WILLOWS, CAL., county seat of Glen county, on main lino of S. I. railroad. In heart of Sacramontn eczema, dandruff, tetter and othor valley; 150 miles north of San V r ir n nl.t.. .. ' Franci&co. Tho Sacramento vallav forms of skin or scalp humors whol'uer on Infant or grown porson. Zemo soap is the new antiseptic soap, is the purest nrd sweotest of medic inal ana toilet eoaps, rolleves and quickly cures prickly heat, rashes, nives, chafing aud othor forms of skin affection so prevalent among Infauts. Especially adapted for por sonu with a dolicato or tender skin. Hasklns, tho druggist, haa a Hm Itod supply of samples of Zomo and Zeino soap, A samplo of each will accomplish wonders and will demon strate their great merit to thoso who have any form of skin or scalp erup is thd lurgest stock nnd wheat coun try on the Pacific const. A largo ir rigation project Is now In oporatlon, covering at present 00,000 acres, and will cover 200,000 acres, which mako3 It possible, with our fine cll- mato, sunshlno and fortllo soil, to rnlso anything that grows, from oranges to airalfa. Land soils at 26 to ?200 per acre. Call on WIDE, KENDRICK LEAIt & AVERY at Willows, California, for booklet and comploto information. 192 Where or 1'nriHluti Sago Is Known It Has Om Call. Hasklns for health. Parisian Hafio, that most efficient of all hair rrii(iorB, is a Vory delight ful and refreshing hair dtosslng. Be sides posscKHlng thoso qual'tles It will positively make any womnn'u hair soft, luxuriant niid attractive Chas. Strang sulh it for 50 conts a largo bottle and will return your monoy If It decs not euro dandruff, falling hair and itching scalp In two weeks. "I had given, up hopes of ovor be ing cured of dandruff when I pur chased a hottlo of Parlslnn Sago. It has ontlroly romovod tho dandruff and has started a. growth of now hair, nnd all this rftor having boon troub led 15 years. I cheerfully recom mond Parisian Sage." Mrs. Eliza beth Anderson, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Tho best household servant in tho city who is oligihlo for a now placo is leading tho ads thoso days. SAGE FOR DARKENING THE HAIR. Thcro Is nothing now nlmut tho Idea of uslnj; Huge for n'nton iln color of tlu hair. Our Kreat-BraiidinollitrH Kent tlidr locks fcofr, dark and Klosy by UHlnir a mku tea." Vyhciiovor their hair full out or took on a dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, tbey mado a brew of ngo leaves and applied It to their hair with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays we don't lmvo to renort to tho ohl-tluio, tiresome method of gathering tho herbi ..,.. .,I? .l" urf,w- "' " dono by skillful chemUtH htttr Hum w i. ,in ouruelves, and all wo bavo to do Is to call for tho ready mado product. Wyetlt's imbo and Sulphur, containing nnnn In thn proper trcinsth, with tho addition of Ku p'nir, another old-tlmo Mealp remedy, J Ida Preparation In old by all Unit-claw driiBBlRtw for fiOe. and $1.00 a bottle, or is Bent direct b thn Wvoih r'im.ntn-,1 Company. 71 Cortlnndt St., Now York Pity, upon receipt of price, Vov uulo and recommended by Loon H, Hasklns, Ab good advertising is a vital pait of storo HOi'vIco, a good Btoro must bo ndvortiscd. FOR RENT Only hotel in tov;n of 1000 inhubltnntH on Southern Paolfio rail toad, Rogue Ilivor alloy. Nnwly rofurtiiHhod, papered, painted equipment modoru; hatha, toiluts, oluotrlo lighto, hot aud cold run ning water. Now doing husincflB. CALL ON ALDENHAGEN ROQUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 210 West Main St., Medforri, Or. TO FRUIT GROWERS and Shippers to EnglisH Markets d CoiiHlgn your fruit to "MICSHItS. IlIDIiKV HOUMUNfl, Cmont (Innleii, London. fjJIJoBt market prices. Cash remitted dny after rnlo, cabled If required. yjHolo agonta In London for South Australian gorerninoiit consign moiitfl, ' Onr chargon for soiling, 5 per cent nnd 2 ceutn per box. jjAgont In Now York, W. N. WHITE & CO., 7C Pnrk Plnco. Forward- ' lug chnrgea, 'A ciuitn por box. Tliosso nru tho nolo charged. Compnro with othor accounts. Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, QITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improvod farms and city property. PHONE 3231 208 FRUITGROWERS B BLDG. Fisher & Whitmire HTGII GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford Rogue v River Fish Co, DEAL KHS IN 1'rcnli Halted nnd Smoked Plh? Imported Cheono nnd Macaroni; Froth OyNtcr, Poultry nnd Egg. 117 NOHT1I Flit ST. PHONIC .1021 Walter Slayter & Co. The P. & E. R. R. will soon bo at Butte Falls, Oregon We can then handle four orders. l?lnco them now. Write or Plionn h for Drices. Butte Falls Lumber Co. u Turn a Draught to Good Account t F X " nil JJifc MSRH u. Often in winter you dare not open a window, even though the room be w,arm, because the .cold sir makes a draught that is dan- fcrous. With a Perfection Oil leatcr there need be no danger from draughts. Open the lower part of the window a little, put the Perfection Oil Heater in front of it, and the cold draught will be turned into a pleasant, healthful current of fresh air. The RFJECTIO 3NOKELEM Absolutely smokeless and odorless gives Just as much heat as you desire. It Is safe, odorless and smokeless. Has nn automatic-locking flume spreader. which prevents, the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and Is easy to remove to clean and drop back. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device therefor; It can be easily and quickly unscrewed for rewlcklng. An Indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Has a cool handle. Filler-cap Is put In place like a cork In a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. Finished In Japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtaltri Bivrywhtn, If not at jours, uiritt for ditcHvtb circular to Ik niartst agtncy oiht Standard Oil Company tincarporatsa; JvV- rTf Vrf T- '