Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 30, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    .,. . iiikJX'(i.t..1
Out Member 'I'd In of the liny When
lliuiio In Hit! Itoguo Itlvn' Valley
Wiin I'lonllfiil I'IhIi HUivU'h ()ti(
of lhile.
ImiN'rliil lliilci' lU'ttm'H to Acctt
lteAoiilhlllty of CiilJIng J'miIIji.
mi'iit (itxt I'iinncn Mailer Up lo (Ik
Hpeiliil ('(iiiikII.
A fw uioiiihoiH f tlio Medford
aiiiiiimh ci it i worn promtni and ex
changing u fow roinlnliiconcoii, while
tlio obliging witltor luiit thn fluid of
JiiMplrutloii at tlio proper IicIkIiI,
Oiki or two flHlioniiiiii hud nt
tempted t (mild to the records of tlio
chili, li tit. wuru voted out of wonaou,
nud tliolr HtorloH filed roe rut tiro con
deration, "It wiin homo ton yonm iiko," nald
ono tiiumlior, "that I wun In Arizona,
working n lino at a 1 It tin tattle ntn'
tlpn. Quail woro ntintorotiu In that
miction mid I had had thorn for ovary
meal until whon I hoard otto whlntle
It Kr.vo tno nliuont tlio hiiiiio miiimii
tliiu an whon "A, I)," gave i a 'll
down. Ono day n envoy of tlumi
gathered In tlio Hhado of tlio water
tanlc, thn only Hhado except citctUH,
In twenty iiiIIch, I hnd n ton-gunge
nliot kiiii "
"Oli, novor mind telling how you
picked bird off the cacltiR Hplno:i
for two dayM," Krowlod a hrothor
member, "hut lot Homebody got In
tho rnco who ran toll n tnio ntory.
It wan In my hoyhood dayH," ho
continued, nftor tlio rirnt Hpenkor
had rotlrod, nluiHlioi), "rml I wiih
'hoiimi litintur for a kid. Tho ranch
tioodod a ltttlo wild moat and I Marl
ed nftor It. Hunting In thoito early
ilayu In Oregon didn't entail tho elab
orate preparation! It doon now, Tho
huiitor Hlinply picked out a fow
iiIioIIh, put on IlKht traveling bar
nonH, which In my cnoo vaH romprlu
d of n pair of ovornllH and u nlilrt,
nnd took to tho hriiHh, which timially
wasn't a groat dlola'ico nvny. I car
ried' n -15.70 Itomlngton ono of the
old ulnclo-flro kind, and It was a
pretty fair land to 'pack' at that.
It wan not lout; until I Hlghtod n doer.
Ho wiih n forked-horn nod only hoiuo
75 . yardH awny. Tho day was
drizzly and whon I fired tho stuoko
olincurod my vlrilon for a moment,
but whon It cleared I could dqo my
Rnnio lyli.g whoro ho had ntood whou
I Hhot. I trotted down thn Might In
cllnn to tho spot mid found a big
four-pointer, Hhot miunroly betwoou
tlio oyoM. Now, I had noted tUn horn,
of thn huck I hnd Hhot at iih helni;
only two-protiKed and Pad drawn a
liend at the olioutdor point. While
I ml Klit liellevo It poHHlblo for that
old .15 to vary that much, I couldn't
non how It could put two morn
proniiH on thoito buck horns. I In
vestigated. A few ynrds down thn
hill wnH ntnmall ntrenm, obscured
from my light, howovor. by a moan
covered log, a trail of blood I ml
down the hill which I followod. An
I Mopped upon tho Ion hoiuo feath
ers rnught my cyo r.nd uat at my
feet lay a ruffed groiiHO, IiIh nock
neatly clipped by n bullet, nnd be
yond In tho edge of tlio water lay
the two-prong buck, dead. I am not
going to nny anything about the flnh
. "Hold on therol" said tho chnlr
man. "You needn't Htrnln you run If
any ftnther. There will-ho nnotlnr
mooting when tho momberii recover.
PEKING, Oct. J!t. AlthoiiKh tlw
luiporlnl ruler Iiiih IiihiioiI mi nu
uoiiiicemout to tho affect that a hiio
dn! council will bo rilled to coiiHldar
tho Chliioiio eounto'H meiuorlnl that
tho Ofllueno parliament bo opened In
11)13-liiHtontl of ll 16, tho ChlnofiO
generally bellnvo that tho people
have bron handed nn Oriental
Tho throne In I In pronounceinent
rofiiHOH to acenpt tho reHpoiiHlhlllty
for calling tho parliament earlier
than 1015 and puhhch the matter to
tno Hpecial council. Tlio throne, iih
well iih tho people, knovH that the
Hpecial council will not call purlin-
iiieni until compelled to do ho, for ,ih
noon an pnrllameiit iiHHomblos the
itieniherM of the council become Job-
Tho original date for the pro
roguing or the Chlnmie parliament
wiih lit 17. Iteceutly thin wan moved
forward to J I) III, mid now the pro
grnmilvo leaderH throughout tho em
pirn dcHlro the parliament to con
veno In 1015. A memorial to thin
effect wnH panned by the ChlueHo
HonatorH, who already have boon
olectod, but are compelled to nwnlt
tho pleasure of the emperor nud the
ndvlHorH before they may begin their
Vote In PoiiiIk-Hoii nml Clark Cum
KIwiiIm Klglit to I-'our for Convic
tion Jury HoMrU IHHiiKreemciit
ami In DNcliantfi!.
8PIUNOFIEI.D, III., Oct. 20 Af
ter having been out nlnce ThurHday,
tho Juror In the lej;lHlhtlvo bribery
trial of State Senator I'omborton nnd
Heproitontntlvo Clark roportcd a c!Ib
nBreenient and wore dlHinlHHod. Tho
Jury waa i;lven ,.:; ;; KTAO
vote atood eight to four for convic
tion. Tho Jury wiih given tho case
Into ThurHday afternoon. Foreman
Myorn twice today appealed to Judge
Thompson, nHklng thnt tho Jury be
dlamlHued. The Jtidgq ordered them
to continue deliberations until noon.
The Jurom were called In tnd ro
portcd n hopelesH dlungrcomont, Tho
court then ordered their dlHmhmnl.
' I'omborton and Clark woro ineni
borH of n commlttoo to make a ?10,
000 contract for new furniture for
tho leglHlature. It In charged that
thoy committed themHolves to accept
grnft from tho contractor.
JurkMin County Cleurlng-Iloiue An-
Hoclatlon Meett In AnIiIiiihI Inter-
' t-Ntliig TalkH Arw Made by .Many
Iiocnl Hanker.
Tho Jnckion County Clonrlnu olliuo
aniioclntlon hold Km Homl-nnniml 'mnislon
In thin city Inat ovenliiK. HubIiioiki nf
falrn wore tnlkori over at tlio Commer
cial club rooniM, tho bnnauot ocourrlnir
nt tho Hotel Oroiion, whoro a dolootn
blc, olRht-courao monu wna sorved to
over 30 KUcatn, I.. K, Witkcmmt ootliiK
an tonatinnntor nftor tho vlamlit hnd boon
dlnpnaed of, During tho bnnquot hour
mimical nccompniilinents woro ronderatl
on thn plnno by Wllllnm K. Snydor.
At tho bunlncHH mooting thnro wna nn
latnrcntlng tnlk by Hon. W. I. Vnwtor.
proMldont of tho Jnoltaon County bnnlc
at Medford, on "Tho Btato Hanking
Law." This waa followed by a mirlos
of ((uofltlona nnd nnawcrn on toplcn por
tlncnt to tho banking hunlncaa.
Ocorgo li. Dnvln of tho KrultRroworn'
bank of Medford wna elected prcaldont;
John H. Ortli of tlio Medford National
Hank, vloo-proaldont; Orln Crawford of
thn Flrnt National bank, Medford, aocro-
tnry, nnu J, v. Aiouoy or ino u. , nn
tlonnl" bank, Aalilnnd, trcnauror,
Tho following wore presents
Thoao who participated In thn bnn
quot Inat iiIkIU wore: Ocorgo "SV. Dunn,
J. W. McCoy, Clarke nuab, D. It. Mllln,
II. C. .Kmory, E. V. Cnrtor of tho U. S.
National bank of Aalilnnd,
V. H. ICnnlo, D. O. Oood, C. H. VAlt
pot of tho 1'lrot National bank of Aah
land. O, O. Kiibanka, Granite City Savlugn
John A. Hnrvoy, H. P. I'obland, II. B.
nndgor, C. II, Lntnlclii, CltlzoiiH Dnnklug
and Tniflt compnny, Aahlaud.
I B. Wnkomnn, Qoorgo h. Davla,
William MoNonly, Knrly Policy, I.eo Ja
coba, of tho rrultgroworn' bank, Mod
fonl. II. W. Mndsny, Contrnl Point Btao
W, I. Vawtor, C. W. MoDonnld, W. P.
yalontlno, Jnokson County bank, Med
ford. John a Orth, J. A. Perry, Medford Na
tlonal bnnk.
nonjamln M. Colllrjs, Unnk of JnckBon
vlllo. Orln Crawford, C. H. Hood, II, D. How
ard,' P. IC Douol, M. U Alford, First Na
tional bnnk of Medford. i
Tho next mooting will bo hold In Med
ford next April.
Forestry .Service fSnuith Penult to
Management of Alincilu MIiicn In
Inseplilue County to Operate Their
0 D B
'! ik
Fine Furniture
Quality and Price Right
Wc can show you the finest assortments of fine and medium priced furniture that can ho foumJ In
Southern Oregon. Come and see the show here and you will say that anyone can net anvthinn that thev
may desire at this store. Our new styles are In and they are beauties. We have marked everything at
ifltf YniTi I omr I rfcrlo-rvcry low Prlccs quality considered, and we believe that we will net your business If you will conw and
Jcl 1UU1 JJpy lUUdV seo the floods. Twenty years In the retail furniture business is sufficient recommend to asure you that
J The new Art Catalogue showing
Color Drawing of attractive Library
Interiors, announced in The Saturday
Evening Post of October 15, to be
distributed by agent! for
wo can and do show the floods.
Fine Rugs
8lobc Avert) iekc Elastic Bookcases We have Just received a fine line of Rugs of al
kinds and sizes, we want to show them to you.
You will be surprised to see what good values we
are showing for such small prices. Now is a good
time to purchase a rug, while the assortments are
in good condition.
cm be obtained only at our store,
as we arc the exclusive agents in this
city, for this and other trade-marlced
lines of high-grade furniture.
Fine Dishes
Did you know that we carried very complete lines
of Dishes? You can buy anything from the lew
prices to the very best Havlland China. You will
find that we can save you money on dishes and all
we ask Is that you come and see the values that we
are offering. ,
Medford Furniture Company
The Only Complete House Furnishing Store In Southern Oregon
Vhv-I'rrKldeitt of BiKikune National
Apple Show KnyN He Wiih (Jlnd to'
Head of Medfortl'H Determination
to Kxliililt. Apple.
Loyalty to your favorito storro is
a fino trait. Bo also loyal to your
self by koopinjr in constant touch
with Its advertising.
Haikta for health. '
Aftor inoro limn a yeur of negotia
tion nnd inquiry, tho forcat aorvlco nnd
tlio nmnnKi'ini'iit of tli.i Almoda mines
property In Jo.iophlno county have
nitrcod on tho torniM of a pormlt nuthor
Ulnir tho opcnliiK of n amoltor at tho
nilnlnir property on Hokuc rlvor. At a
mvollnir in Portland tho terms of tho
permit Mtibmlttod by tho ncrvlco woro
acceptod by tho compnny officers, nnd
formal contracts will bo signed nccord
liiKly. A $J 0,000 bond will bo filed by
tho com puny, which Is Intended to In
demnify tho forest service for nny des
truction of troca that may result from
Milliliter fumes sprendlnif over adjacent
This lasue, whllo kept comparatively
(pilot, has boen ono of tho most Inter
esting fought out In Oregon administra
tion of thv forest reserves. Smelters,
are Injurious to trees for u radius of
two to five miles, according to size of
tho plant. In northern California a
bitter controversy has been carried on
between tho Mountain Copper company,
which had n smelter operating before
tho reserves woro withdrawn, And tlio
federal resorvo management. Another
fight lu on over tlio fumes coming from
the great llutto Binoltors. which nro said
to reach federal Interests. In Kumpter,
Or., there is u small smelter, but It Una
not run much, nnd prlvnto laud Is most
ly In tho Immediate environment, so that
comparatively slight trouble has been
experienced thoro.
With tho Almoda people, tho forest
sorvlco had opportunity to Imposu Its
restrictions boforo over granting a por
mlt to opon work, oh tho property Is
situated In tho resorvo district, Ne
gotiations over tho terms of theso re
strictions liqro been prolonged, At first
tho service demanded tho filing of a
$50,000 bond, with tho conditions nt
tnohed of having Its own employes .do
termlno whothor suoh loss had boen sua
tallied ns warranted demanding recom
pense under tl;o bond. Iteplylng to this,
tho mliio manngomont said that, thoro
wus not $5000 worth of trees within n
radius of flvo miles of tho property, as
tho growth was scrawny, romoto from
any consuming center, In a rough, for
bidding region, and with no prospeotlvo
coimuorclnl value for porhaps inoro than
a generation-
Hovorol issues have been gono ovor
repeatedly. District Forostor Chapman
concluded to visit tho property, whloh
ho has JiiBt done, with ono or two of
his oxperts lu trco life and posslblo
losses, Slnco ho looked tho ground over,
lie nt onoo modlflod conditions for tho
smoltor to open, and tho terms accop.
table to tho management have been submitted,
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 29.
"Whon I rend In tho paper this
morning thnt Medford has arranged
to exhibit two enrs of Roguo nivcr
npplcs at the Spokano nhd Chicago
apple hIiowb," said Harry J. Ncely,
first vico-prealdcnt of the National
applo show, "I wns more Btrongly
Impressed than ovor with t,ho
theught: What a community of In
terests this grent exposition hna como
to be, and how times and conditions
havo changed 1 Only a few years
back and northwest interests with
Identical n'ms to servo woro contin
ually at odds with each other In
otead of getting together for tholr
general welfare.
"Medford docs not atop to ques
tion tho Incidental advertising Spo
kano Is getting out of this exposi
tion. What Interests Medford most
Is: 'What can wo profit by making
hucIi a showing?' Tho Idea was, as
Dr. Rcddy said, in bringing tho mat
tor to a head nt tho recent mooting
nf thn Medford Commercial club, at
which It wr.s finally decided to ontor
tho two-cnr exhibit, that tho city
could got n largo amount of adver
tising, nt comparatively email cost,
and thnt tho chahco should not bo
overlooked. What ha snld was par
ticularly truo In view of tho fact
that tho Medford xhlbit nlso will go
on to Chicago, whoro It will bo glvon
equal promlnenco with ovory display
from other cltlea In tho northwest.
"As nn officer of tho Natlonnl Ap
plo show I am glad to seo that our
Oregon friends, who havo done so
much to mnko tho show a biiccoss,
ronllzo that It Is not a Washington
or a Spokano Institution. From tho
start wo havo been enroful to pormlt
no community, district or state to
oxorclso nny umluo promlnenco
this show nml this policy will
purauod throughout."
As Soon ns Deputy Sheriff Hears
That UN Friend Has Killed Him
self Ho FlreH Soft-Nose llullet
Through (llls Heart.
EIj CI2NTHO. Cal Oct. 29. In
Bop.nrnblo friends through llfo, Jnko
Meadows, doputy ohorlff nnd a for
mer Indian flghtor of Reno, and Oeo.
Snxsmlth, ono of tlio best-known
surveyors in tho southwest, nro doad
today, Meadowh having shot hlmsolf
through tho hoar.t when ho learned
thnt Soxsmlth had committed sui
cide, SoxHmlth yestorday wont Into
tho offlco of Sheriff Mobloy Mead
ows, brolhor of Jnko, In tlio county
Jail, nnd fired a bullot through his
own chost from a gun ho found
standing In tho room, Ho dlod Into
last night,
An hour aftor Soxsmlth'dlod Mead
ows was told of his friond's doath.
"Oood," ho oxclnlmod. "I'm glad
George got off, I'm going tho samo
MeadowB then wont to his room In
tho jnll building, lny on his bod nnd
sent a Boft-nosod rlflo bullot through
liln honrt, dying almost, Instantly.
Soxsmlth laid out tho famous Im
perial valloy Irrigation cnnal and
built a 300-foot Jotty for tho South
orn Pacific railroad In an attoinpt to
turn tlio floods of tho Colorado river
hack to their courso. Ho had hold
80voral public offlcos.
Mondows was known ob a scout In
tho early days In Arizona, Ho had
Boryod as a doputy ehorlff horo for
many yoars. Soxsmlth Is survivod by
a small daughter and Meadows leaves
a wlfo nnd flvo chlldron,
THIv EXQUISITE "man-inade" suits and coats for ladies -wef shall
exhibit on Monday and all this week would seem to "snatch a grace
beyond the reach of art" a grace unadorned beyond that refined
symmetrical contour which only a master hand can mold in those su
perb, exclusive textiles which give richness and tone when perfectly
shaped in good form and taste. YOU can possesp one for 25, or you
can purchase a Deluxe suit at $75. At $35 you get extra special val
ue. Color tones are gray, brown, blue. They are all Skinner Satin or
silk lined.
il1 IS IMPORTANT that you should know we fit all sizes in man
made suits, from the miss of 14 to the ladies' size, 47.
Fine Furs
Your wardrobe will not be complete without one of the beautiful
fur pieces that we are showing this season. They meet the most ex
acting demands and will surely please you in every particular.
They come in Mink, Martin, Lynx. Fox, Sable, Jap-Iink and many
r.f the finest, most. desirable imitations. Prices to suit.
Try "Merode"
The finest form fitting and most com
fortable and lasting brand of underwear
to be found on the market today. You are
'sure to find your size in the style and
weight you most desire at this" store. All
weights all size's in the fleeced cotton,
wool, union, silk and wool, etc., in sepa
rate garments ' and in union suits. "We
have the quality and price to suit.
Onyx Hosiery
for women and misses is sure to please
you. Every pair is honestly made from the
toe up and will give perfect' satisfaction
no matter what you pay. Ladies and
misses' hose in all sizes and weights suit
able for this country, are sold hero at
from 25c to $2.50 a pair.
' New Waists
and Skirts
OUR "WAISTS cannot be accurately
described even if we should attempt to do
so in a space the size of this entire ad., so
we simply invite you to call and see the
beautiful styles.
OUR SKIRTS will appeal to you the
moment you see them. They are practi
cal, durable, all the latest styles and ma
terials and finish is the best you can find
anywhere at the prices named.
Pretty Dresses
Are you looking for a pretty dress for
evening, party or reception wear? We
invite you here and assure you that we
can show you the newest and prettiest
styles shown this season. Plain and fancy
silks, and in wool, suitable for street and
dress ov both.
' WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Whoro
Is tho United States amy in tho
field of military neronautics?
Tho Gorman army, possessed of a
corps of offlcors thoroughly trained
lu norounttics, has recently begun
tho instruction of its common sol
dlors In tho ubo of tho aeroplane and
tho dlrlglblo.
Franco, by tlio th-Bt of noxt year,
will havo a fleet of CO aoroplanes,
oqulppod, mannod and rondy for Im
modlato military use,
England Is prepared to copo with
tho now probloms of aerial warfare
Japan now has four captains and
21 lioutonants In Gormany for In
struction In aoroplanlng, Tho Toklo
government has taken undor consid
eration tbo establishment of an aero
nautical corps of which theso offl
cors nro to bo tho backbone.
Tho United States army has ono
officer ongngod In aoroplanlng and
has ono aoroplano. Congress has not
appropriated money enough for this
loono offlcor to oporato effectively
this lono machlno. Tho aeronaut is
Lleutonant Foulols, who Is making
occnslonrl flights In tho army's
Wright blplnno and la doing valunblo
work In tho study of aeronautical
Kverott, ntohnril and WlllUm Luman
and W. G. UaBh of Provolt woro brought
boforo Justlco Canon Saturday afternoon
charged with liavlnH violated the game
lan8 in running oor with doga. Tho
caao wan postponed iintU Tuesday, No
vember 1, in order to seoure the presonco
of tho npoessary witnesses, and the de
fendants were allowd to go' on their own
rcognUanoe, tholr ball being fixed at
500 each.
TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 29.
Whether an additional debt of $1,
023,000 Bhall bo placed against tho
municipality to provide funds for a
tiro tug, two now bridgos and a mu
nicipal dock aro quostloas being vot
ed upon at tho polls horo today. Tho
voting Is hoavy, as the campaigning
has boen llvoly and Intorost keen,
Early Indications are that tho vote
will bo closo. It takes a threo-fltths
voto to carry any Issue.
Intorest aud geaeral discussion
havo coatorod largoly on tho advis
ability of Increasing tho city's dobt
for a municipal dock. Tho tiro tug
has also boon a bono of contontlon.
Mayor Fawcott has backed the dock
project and has conducted a cam
paign In its favor.
VICTORIA, B. C.. Oct. Z9. Ad
vlcea woro brought by tho steamer
Kamnkura Marti thnt Admiral Yaea
amoto and other promlnont naval au
thorities lutorvlowod by the Nteht
NIchi, state that under tho goTerm
mont naval program tho fixed poller
will bo to cdnflnu construction and:
ammunition manufacture and th
standard of Japan's armament policy
will bo limited only by the capacity
of Japanese shipyards. Tho govern
ment will also do much to foster thn
Iron Industry.
Japanosa nowspapors comment bit
terly against ullogod Injustices deM
to poaching schoonora in Bering bk.
by Unltod States cutter and QtH
clals, Tho Nippon has a bitter complafat.
It says tho scaling achooser Tetal:
was arrested simply beeause a few
fresh fish were .found oh ber Utav
They woro told It they wished t M
poal tboy must do so in t day km
put up 91000 each. Tall fctiiig -possible,
they were Impriimi.
" "J