12 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19.10. I is- K- : CITY NOTICES. oitniNAXCK no. aoa. An ordlnnnco doclnrlng tlio coal of the Improvement of South Holly ntriiot froiii Mc.ln stroot to nouth city limits nnd nCBOselng tho property ben rttsd thoroby, and declnrlng ouch jtiwessment, nnd directing the entry lUrcrcof in the docket or city lions. CITY NOTICES. side of South Holly street, nnd des cribed In Vol, 49, pngo GO, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; GO feet; rate per foot $G.U; amount $307. Assessment No. 17 Lily D. Hay. I .nt H 1i1r.nl. 70 nrtitlhnl tfunn.ltn fit tho city of Mcdford, Oregon; fronl- CITY NOTICES. Tho cltv of Mcdford doth ordain ns nge 60 feet on tho west sldo of South Lot 2, block 3, Helms addition to tho follo-vfii tioctlon 1. That no protest- having ccn tiled ngolnst tho Improvement of atanlli Holly streoL from Main street to south city limits, duo nottco of tho ' tatcmlon of tho council to cause sniu fcnprbvomont to bo mndo having beon jrfven, nnd said Improvement having feccn ordorcd mndo, tho council hns considered tho nmtter nnd herewith accrtnlns tho probable cost of mnk bs such improvement to bo tho sum of $21,401.30. And Bnld council furthorttnds that tho special and pecullrir benefit ac cruing upon each lot or part thereof auljawmt to said Improvement and in 3aet proportion to benefits, to bo tho respective amounts hereinafter sot apposite tho number or description ot ench lot or part thereof, nnd such amounts respectively arc hereby de clared to bo tho proportionate sharo of each lot or part ther of, of the cost of such Improvement, aud Is Siereby declared to be assessed against aalfl lot or parcels respectively, tho -name appearing abovo each descrip tion being tho name of tho owner of arucli lot or parcel. .ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING OF SOUTH HOLLY STEET FROM MAIN STREET TO THE SOUTH CORPORATION BOUNDARY. Assessment No. 1 City of 'Mcd ford. That parcel of land known as the City Par, lying between Main and Eichth streets, and fronting on hn -wfRt atdo of Holly street: front- Holly street, nnd described In Vol ABsossnionl No. 300. O. Shirley. Lot 1, block 3, -Helms addition to tho city of Mcdford, Oregen: frontngo B0 foot on tho west sldo of South Hol ly street, nnd described In R-7: 50 foet: rnto per foot $5,615 amount $2So.ro. Assessment No. 37 G. 0. Slurley. 08, page 174, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.01 amount $280.50. ' Assessment No. IS Ltly D. Ray. North 25 feet lot 5, block 70, orig inal townslto of the city of .Mcdford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on tho west sldo of South Holly street, and dos jcrtbed In Vo.. 68, page 174, county recorder's Tecords of Jnckson county, (Oregon; 25 feet; rate por foot $6.01; .mount $140.25. Assessment No. 19 Gussl C. nnd William K. Thomas. South 2G feet lot 5, block 70, original townslto of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon; front age 25 feet on the west eldo of South Holly street, nnd described In Vol. 55, page 7, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot $6.G1; amount $140.25. Assessment No. 20 Gussl C. and William E. Thomas. Lot 4, block 70, original townslto of tho city of Mcd ford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho west side of South Holly street, and described in Vol. 55, page 7, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.61; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 21 Hntle S. Day. Lot 3, block 70, original townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west side of South Holly street, and described In Vol. 57, page 310, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.61; amount Exceptionally largo Hue of "BROTI nwi ioor l ' brand of union lnndott' Gloves all grades tho best values evor sold over a counter Work and dress gloves nnd gauntlets, from 60c to $2.50. Assessment No. 22 Emily L. Car- city of Medford. Oregen: frontago 50 foot on tho west side of South' Holly street, t ml described 1, H-7.; 50 feet; i.tu por foot $5.61; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 3S - LHy Shirley. Lot 3, block 3, Helms addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontrgo 50 feet on tho west Bldo of South Holly strot, nnd described la R-15; 50 foot; rnto per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 39 G. G. Shirley. Lot 4, block 3, Helms addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontigo 50 feet on tho west side of South Holly! r street, nnd described In R-53; 50 foet: rate per foot $5.61; account $280.50. Assessment No. 40 AHzn Wood ford. Lot, 5, block 3, Holms iddttlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet o i the west side of South tTrtllt atti-wif mill rl nantttirwt In 171 AQ 50 feet; rato per foot $5.G1; aniQuntll OVOmlls stl'Ollg, (lum -au.uu. , J Assessment No. 41 Allza Wood-, ford. North 20 feet lot 6, block 3, Helms addition to tho cttv of Med- I fnril. Orecrm: frontneo 20 foot on tho ! ' west sldo of South Holly street, nnd j ! ', desc-Ibed In R-109; 20 feet; rate per foot $5.61: amount $112.20. Assessment No. 42 Lillian Wood ford. South 30 foot lot 6, blocks. Holms addition to tho city of Med ford, Oregen: frontago 30 foot on tho west side of South Holly street, nnd described In R-10S; 30 feet: rate per foot $5.61: amount $16S.30. Assessment No. 43 Lillian Wood- J ford. Lot 7, block 3, Holms nddltion to the city of Medford, Oregen: front- I ngo 56 feet on the west sldo of South Holly street, and described in R-10S; 56 feet: rate per foot $5.61; amount son feet on the west side of Holly trcet, and described in Vol. 15, page . j2S050 zu,' county retuiuw '"" , r . t.i.icih rmiiitv. Orecen: 300 feet; I Tate per foot $6.14; amount $1S42. (penter. Lot 2, block 70. original town A.ce0Tnnf Xn. 2 Trustees of the f site of the city of Medford. Oregon; First Presbyterian Church of Med- frontago 50 feet on the west sldo of j3141e lord. Lot 9, block 4, original town- aouin nouy sireei, anu uescnuuu m Assessment No . .- .. . .... ., n . IVnl. S3, nntro R07. poiintv recorder's'.-. . ...., !to or tno City Oi aieaioru, vii-&uu, r --- -- .- 7 ' 1 A . I loi iv, uiock -, Menus ;uww tWl40 feet on tho east side of , records of Jackson county .Oregon; . tho clt' of Medford. Oregon; Holly street, and described In Vol. . & reei: rate per loot ?o.ti, amount , nRe 24 5 feet on t!uvca8t stdo of South 12 page 1S5, county recorder's rec-' $-S0.50. ,,,,,.. T Holly street, and described In R-51; rtB ot Jackapn county. Oregon; 140 Assessment No 23-EmIly L. ( 245' feet. rato per foot $5G1. foet: rate per foot $6.14; amount Carpenter. Lot 1. block .0 original t $13745 S8S9 GO. townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore- Asscsamcnt No. 45 Wm. Stalloy. 44 Wm. Stalloy. Helms addition to front- Gloves UNIPN MADE Overalls UNJ,ON MADE ' The "WILLING," brand oi? union made ble, honest values. i The Wardrobe THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES AT THE CHURCH : jj TLJ i r"i JrlTimlnlBrvi i Ylrst Assessment No. 3-Trustees of the , 6 Jn: frontage 50 feet on th west , f y ViIaI ITnlmo rtflil If tr f rt Presbvterian Church of Med-' side of South Holly street, and des- R- of Mcou, Oregon; front- In Vol. 53, page 507, county I.".J V.Tr, it i rriliPd STEW'S JMK?HTO I S-SS I'SfSS WSK- 140 feet on tue easi siuu ui viiu, .v-v, ....- ,-. -. T.-., South Holly street, ana uescnuvu ,.M-...v.-. y-w.-v.. in m 43 county recoider's, Assessment No. 24 G Vol' i' ?a?l,. ' Cfv Oregen: Lot 6. block 71. original L40 feet; rate per foot $G.14 J8S9.60. , , , f...nmnt Sn. 4 V. J. Emcrlck. Xt 0 block 69. original townslte of the city of Medford, Oregen: front age 50 feet on the west side of South "Hollv street, and described in Vol. 58. i- .nnrtv rornrder's records OI TvCnA rnnntv. Orecen: 50 fe rate per foot $5.GG; amount $283. Assessment No. 5 V. J. Emerick. "Lot 5, block 69, original townslte of tho city of Medford, Oregen: frontage BO feet on the west side of Smith Solly street, and described In Aoi. S8. nage 6. county recorder's records t Jackson county. Oregen: 50 1 feet. rata ner foot 5.6l: arauunu.-o- trontage .11.. rwnr inn iipsrriniii in miuvuuv vvww . G. Shlrloy. I townslto or .... ( thn flfx- rT MPfUnn flrppon! front- ri no5 P ae 50 feet on the" west side of South :y.ou. .... ,r T c...,i,i- ' TTnllv strp1 nml -ilosprlbod In Vol 71. page 330, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $a.61; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 25 G. O. Shirley. feet; 'Lot 5, block 71. original townslte or the city of Medford, Oregon; rront age 50 feet on the west side of South Holly street, and described in vol. 71. nana 330. county recorder's rec ords of Jackcon county, "Oregon; 50 feet: rate per"foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 26 FranK Mw I Amy. Lot 4. block 71, original town- .'"" v z -v t. RmorlcK. i site or tne city or aieaiora. uregon; jASsesoiuuiii. .w. -" r . i - . -. - . ,.,- - ?iui; m uuiu aw Tforth half lot 4. block 69. orlgmai iromage ou leet on me wwi,t.'ub "' crlbed In R-130; 50 feet: rate -SrSte of the city of Medford, Ore-.South Holly street, and described in amount $280.50. , frontago 25 feet on the west vol. 7S. page jj. county recoraers Assessment No. 49 Eliza "t.i ' ar,M, Wol r street, anu aes- recoras oi jscksou cuuiu, uibuu, , , ago 50 feet on tho cast sldo of South Holly street, and described In R-51; 50 feet: rate per foot $5.61; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 46 Ada Carnell. Lot 12. block 2, Helms addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 50 feet on tho cast sldo' of South Holly street, and described In Vol. SI. page 345. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feo4;- rate per foot $5.61: amount $280.50. Assessment No. 47 Samuel S. Swenning. Lot 13, block 2, Helms addition to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on the east side of South Holly street, and des cribed In R-130; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.61; amount $2S0.50. Assessment No. 48 Samuel S. Swenning. Lot 14, block 2, Helms addlflon to tho city of Medford, Ore Ore eon: frontace 50 feet on the east -side of South Holly street, and des- per lrvsb)-tvrliin Church. Preaching morning and evening nt tho Presbyterian church by tho pas tor. Sunday schoool at 10 a. in.; C. E. society at 6:30 p. m.; J. C. E. so ciety at 5 p. m. - : MetluMlJAt Church South. Comer Main nnd Oakdale. Regu lar services morning and evening; 11 o'clock, 'subject, "Fellowship"; 7:30 p. m "An Important Question and Answer." J. P. Hlpps, pastor. lde' of South Holly street, and Is. Lot 15, block J. Lew- Helms addition -Side or SSOUin nimj ", -- -. I . . . ..-. '8. L.Ol la, UIUCK , ntuiun auuiuui bribed In Vol. 58. page 6, county re- '50 feet: rato per-foot $5.61; amount, tQ tho city of Medford, Oregon; front eoruer's records of Jackson county, $280.50. , age 50 feet on the east side of Soutl Christian Church. Services today as follews: 10:30 to 12, morning service; 6:30 p. in., Christian Endeavor; 7:30, evening service, subject, "Objections to Or egon Dry Answered." All welcome. W. Theo. Matlock. Christian Sclonrv. Service Sunday at 11 a. m., sub ject of leBBon-sermou, "Everlasting Punlshmont"; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; testimonial meeting Wednes day at 7: 30 j), ,m. All are welcomo. 128 North Grnpo street, north Sher man-Clay music house. oruer a lllu,u . . r rr.. Uo.mont Vn o? A w ctiircln egu0nt: $1416? n V iLo?.rbTockVj. origlnaV townsfto of Assessment No. 7 Lucretia E. Eu- the city of Medford, Oregon; f ront- rt smith I ha f lot 4. block 69. orlg- age 50 feet on the west side of South Tart bouin naii lot -i, Bfr.r .and described in Vol. Innl townslte m -" ;-raV ' Wr'LZL Vi .n,.n ;0Mr,i0r', r.o. onn- frontEEO SO ieei ou mc .,, ,,u(,i. -. . , .. - - n " w - " j .1. t,i ..r Rnntb Hour Dtreet, uuu uco- .cribed In Vol. 80, page 74. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot $6.14, amount $153.50. Assessment No. 8 Lucretia E. En ;yart. Lot 3, block 69, original town ille of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the west side of Bnuth Holly street, ana urawn. Vol. 80 record -50 feet; rato per 4307 Assessment No. 9 Orvls, Steven son. Lot 2, block 69orIglnal town site of tho city of Medford Oregen: Trontntjo 50 feet on the west side of South Holly street, and dcscrioeu in recorder's rec-' ords of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 t feet; rato per foot $5.61: Amount' $280.50. Assessment No. 28 Mrs. Martha , 1. Miller. Lot 2. block 71. original townslte of the city of Medford, Ore- i gon; frontage ou feet on the west ' side of South Holly street., and des cribed In Vol. 74. pago 159, county recorder's records of Jackson county, 80 pare 74,'county recortler's Oregen: 50 feet; rate per foot $5.61; '50' is of Jackson county. Oregon; amount $280 50. , A88eB8meE is ot jatttBu t. , nmount Assessment No. 29 Martha J. Mil- . t nt 12 jf. rato per foot $6.14, amount ,,,v 7i nriinnl town-1 l9r L,.V.1'! age DO reet on tne east siae or aouui Holly street, and described in R-134; 50 feet; rato por foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 50 Eliza J. Lew Is. Lot 16, block 2 Helms addition to tho city of Medford, Oregen: front age 50 feet on tho cast side of South Holly street, 'and described In R-134; 50 feet: rate per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 51 Eliza J. Low Is. Lot 17, block 2, Helms addition to the city of Mcdford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on the east sldo of South Holly street, and described In R-134; 50 feet; rate per foot $o.ci; amount Assessment No. 52 Palm & Vaw- T v 10 ItlnsiW ft A npfrvlnnf tntL'TI. ler. Lot i, block 71, original town-' ,. . f. '.. nf M,lfnrd. nreeen: slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; . ,0 . t th t 8ldo of frontage 50 feet on the west eme or .. , t d degcrlbed jn South Holly street, and described In Vol. 66, pago 155, county recorder s records of Jackson county. Oregon; 0 feet; ra'o per foot $u.oi; amount Vol. 73. page 279, county 'recorder h -u loci. records of Jackson county. b-. AbSessment No. 30-Socety of tho 60 xeet; rmo '"" t .sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus Assessment Ko. 10 C. W. and Cy rena Stovenson. Lot 1. block 69, prig in. T townslte of tho city ot Medford, and Marv. Lot 6. block 72. orlglnnl townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore iron: frontaco 50 feet on tho west side of South Holly street, and des tna.i w'w."' "- - -. ,. .aat "side or Houtn Oregon; Srontogo 6u wuvu-v-., county Ido oi South Holly street, and aes. recorder,8 records of JackBOn countV( irecorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato por foot $6.14; "SESLSJJt No. 11-Jonn R. White Lot 7. block 53. original towns to of the city of Medford, Oregon; front So 50 feet on the east side o South llolly street, and described In Vol. 68. pago H9. county recorder's roc .ords of Jackfion county, Oregon; 50 reet; rate per foot $0.14; amount "Assessment No. 12 John F. White lx)t 8, block 53. original townslto of tlio city of Medford, Oregon; front uiu : .. nBf .rtft 0f south ago ou leot.u.i w.v -"""--,, Vnl iKOn: Holly street, ana """'" "" ", ' ' Bido of South Holly street, and des 158. page 119, county " Jrec bed n yo '1)agt county rds of JackBon county. "tb"ount recorder's records of Jackson county, teet; rato por foot $C14, amouu Orogon. G0 feet; ,ato per foot $5.01; Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 31 Society of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Lot 5, block 72. original townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 50 feet on tho west side of South Holly street, and des cribed In Vol. .., pago ... county recorder's reco ds of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No, 32 Society of the Sisters of tho Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Lot 4. block 72, original ownsite of the city of Medford, Ore- frontage ru reet on tno west " .- n an. Rlmnn Assessment nu. -?' "' t of Assessment No Iot 9, blocK oa, uriBim """""- y 4bo city of Mcdford, Oregon; front. ,gc 50 feet on tho oast side of South ii otoot nnrt described In Vol. nmnnnt t9BA Flfl 33 Society of tho SIstors of tho Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Lot 3, block 72, orlglnnl townslte of tho city of Medford, Oro- tho west reet. nna "-'1""- '-"I gen: frontago 50 feot on n nnM r,B7. COUniy rccuiuci o .w .... a..ti. TTit,. .t...i ., ---..' - . Ciravnn: 50 " u ouum uun dvck ords or juckuou "'c w..o . - foot; rato por foot $6.14; amount fTssessmont No. I-'?-"' m mock ti. oriKinui w""- Lot 4Tt tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ge 50 feet on tho cast side of South 'Holly street, and described .in Vol. 73. 'pago 65 , couuty recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 'feet; ratfl per foot $6.14M nmount 3Asiessment No, 15 Mary Jano ebrugge. Lot . block 53, or g. iiui towniiteoiw" .w -;,,rr;: Oregon; frontage ou i. y - ---Sde of South Holly Btroet, and des .ilbadln Vol. 49, Pgo 66, county ScoSer record 'of Jackson county, SrYgoB; 60 fwt rate per foot $6.14; jESiJmiZi No. ft-Mry Jano .OSrugg. Lot 19, block 63, orlg taki towmsK of the city et JI4for, ?ioBT"ontg BO fert o the east and des cribed in Vol. .., pago .., county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 34 Society of tho Sisters of tho Holy Names of Jcbub and Mary. Lot 2, block 72, original townslte of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the west sldo of South Holly street, and described in Vol, . . , pago .., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.61; amount $280.60. Assessment No, 36 Society-of tho Sisters of tho Holy Nnmoa of Jesus and Mary. Lot 1, block 72, original townslto or tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago 60 feet on the west sldo of South Holly street, and des cribed In Vol. ,,, pago .., county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet; rato por foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Vol. 73. page 388, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 53 Palm & Vaw ter. Lot 11, block 50, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and described In Vol. 73, pago 388, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 54 Palm & Vaw ter. Lot 10, block 50, original town slto of the city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and described in Vol. 73, pago 388, county rocordor's records of Jnckson county, Orogen: 50 feet; rato per foot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 55 Palm & Vaw tor. Lot 9, block 50, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on tho east sldo of South Holly street, nnd described in Vol. 73, -pago 388, county recorder's recordB of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet: rato por fftot $5.61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 56 Palm & Vaw tor. Lot 8, block 50, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and described in Vol. 73, pago 388, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato pofoot $5.61; nmount $280.50. Assessment No. 57 Palm & Vaw tor. Lot 7, block 50, original town site of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feot on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and descrlabed In Vol. 73, pago 388, county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $6.01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 58 Unas. w. Palm. Lot 12, block 51, orlglnnl townslto of tho city pf Medford, Ore gon; frontago 50 feet on tho oast sldo of South Holly street, and des cribed in Vol. 78, pago 473, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 60 foot; rato per foot $5,61; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 59 0. W. Palm. Lot 11, block 61, original townslte of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 60 feot on tho east side ot South Holly street, and described in Vol. 78, of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feot; rato nor foot $5.61: amount JZHU.bU, pngo 473, county recorder's records First Baptist Church. "Dr. William Wasson's Argument Answered' Prohibition Is a Chris tian Doctrine." Is tho subject at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Ser mons by tho pastor; Sunday school, 9:45; preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Personnl workers' class, 6:30 p. m. Special music at all services. All are welcome. A. A. Holmes, pastor. 10 00 Ileal Etmc. Sarah E. Bellamy, part lot 1, block 10, Beatty's addi tion to Medford $ W. B. Jnckson to E. N. War ner, lots 9 and 10, bloock 1, Jackson's nddltion to Mcdford 1, T. J. Williamson to S. M. NIchol, land In Jackson ville Mollle Keono to Siskiyou Heights Co., lots In blocks 1, 2 and 3, Siskiyou Heights addition to Med ford -. Siskiyou Heights Co. to O. M. CornoIliiB, lots 1, 2, 1.0 nnd 11, block 3, and lots 7, 8 nnd 9, block 2, Siskiyou Heights addition to Medford Ella May Townsond to A. H, Isbell, lots 1 nnd 2, block 4, -Orchard Home Associa tion tract 2,000 It. W. Holbrook to Sarah E. Bollamy, pnrt lot 1, block 10, Beatty's addition to Medford Lillian 12. Polk to E. N. War nor, lot 10, block 4, Wal nut Park addition Helen M. Page to W. G. Mar tin, pnrt lot 8, block 26, Mcdford II. N. Lofland to W. E. Phlppa, lot 10, block 75, Medford 3,500 500 100 100 - 10 185 10 Good tenants urc the advertising. . to be had for Assessment No. 60 Nelllo Wing. Lot 10, block 51, original, townslto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; front ago 50 feet on tho east sldo of South Holly street, nnd described In Vol. ..1 pago p,,,county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rate por foot $5.61; nmount $280,50. , Assessmont No. 0;i C. W. Palm. Lot 9, blocker original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feot on tho east sldo of South Holly street,, and described in Vol, 73, pago 373, couuty rocordor's rec ords of Jackson 'county, Orogon; 50 foot; rate per foot .$5.61; amount $280.50. AssoBsmont No. 62 0. W. Palm. Lot 8, block 51, original townslto of tho city of Mcdford, Oregou; front age 50 foot on tho east sldo of South Holly street, and described In Vol. 73, pngo 373, county recordor's rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rnto per foot $6,01; amount $280.50. Assessment No. 630. W. Palm. Lot 7, block 61, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on tho east side ot South Holly stroot, and described in Vol. 73, pago 373, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato por foot $5.01; amount $280.50. IRRIGATED ORCHARDS .. PLANTED TO STANDARD VARIETIES OF TREES PLOWED, LEVELED AND FENCED $350 Per Acre 20 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE COVERING PERIOD OF FOUR YEARS. Tlio variety octrees in your-orchard is of vast importance When your orchard is in bearing it should produce niai kotable fruit, tho kind that is in demand in the market and 4I10 kind for which this district is famous. , TRANSPORTATION Nothing is more important to the grower than convenient transportation. This feature of our proposition is one of its attractions. The Hill System has built its P. & E. It. tt. directly through tho center of our lands and exactly in the middle of our orchard tracts tho company will build a sta tion, giving prompt and adequate service to the growers, . both for shipment and for passenger traffic. OUR LARGE AREA Wo have C500 acres of orchard land, which includes nearly every kind of soil represented in tho valley, and every acre of this land carries with it a perpetual water right in the Rogue River Valley Canal Company. OUR PAYMENT PLAN Our small payment plan covering more than sufficient ' time for the development of your orchard, which provides for the care and development of orchard tracts, should, interest every salaried man. If you will call at our office or write to us, we will take pleasuro in giving you full in formation relative to this attractive proposition. ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Medford National Bank Bldg., MEDFORD, OREGON. Attention! Working man! I J. G. Wanhope STATE ORGANIZER SOCIALIST PARTY OF OREGON, . Will Speak at Medford Sunday Afternoon, 3 P. M., Edge City Park Sunday afternoon the speaker will answer the editor of Morning Sun in his attack of Debs' speech. 1 Other dates for Wanhope in Jackson county are: Phoenix October 33, 7:30 p. m. Talent November 1, 7:30 p. m. Asliland November 2, 3 and 4, 7:30 p. m. Central Point November, Satur day afternoon, 2 p. m. Tolo November 5, Saturday eve ning, 7:30 p. m. Butte Palls November G, Sunday afternoon, 1:30 p. m. . Eagle Point November 6, Sunday evening 7:30 p. m. Come Prepared to Ask Questions ABBeBsmont No. 04 4vi. J. Frodon burg. Lot 12, block 52, original townutto of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago GO foot on tlio oaHt Hldo of South llolly iitroot, nnd den crlhcd In Vol. 20, pugo C20, county recorder's recordB of Jnclcson county, Oregon; GO foot; rato nor foot f 5.01 ; nmount $280.50. AHSOBBinont No. 05 M. J. Frodon burg. Lot 11, block 52, orlglnnl townBlto of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho oust sldo of South Holly atroot, and do crlbod In Vol. 20, pago 520, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; GO footf rato por foot f$,Cl; amount $280.5i. Assessment No. 00 O. la. Ends. Lot 10, block 52, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; front ngo 50 foot on tho oast sldo of South Holly street, ana aoscnueu in vui. 02, pago 455, county rocordor's rec ordB of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rato por foot ?5.01; amount $280.50, Assessment No. 07 J. W. Hamlin. Lot 0, block 52, original townBlto of the city of Medford, Orogon; front nrn RO feet on tho oast sldo of South iTniiv ntrnnt. nnd described In Vol, 61, page 615, county rpcordor'a roc-1 Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of ords of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $5.01; nmount $280.50. Assessment No. 08 Wnltor Mun coy. Lot 8, block 52, orlglnnl town slto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo GO foot on tho oast sldo of South Holly street, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. 37, pngo 337, county rocordor'B records of Jackson county, Orogon; GO feet; rnto por foot $5,01; amount $28O.G0, Assessment No, 60 Lulu II, Kol ly. Lot 7, block 52, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; front ngo 50 foot on tho oast eldo of South Holly street, nnd doscrlbod In Vol, 52, pngo 009, county rocordor's rec ords of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rato por foot $5,01; amount $280.50. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is horoby dlroctod to outer n statomont of tho assessments horo by mndo In tho docket of city lions, and to give notice by publication as realred by tho chartor and ordlnanco No. 250 of eald city, In tho Dally1 Mull Trlbuno, a nowspapor published and of gonoral circulation In said elty. Tho forogolng ordlnanco was pass ed by the city council ot tho city of Octoborj'lOlO, by tho following vote: Welch nyo, Morrlck ayo, Bmorlck nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Hlfort ayo and Demmor ayo. Approvod Uctobor 5th, 1010. W. II. OANON, Mayor. , Attest: v nODT. W. TIDLFEn, City Rocordor. NOTICE. To tho ownor, or roputod ownor, of each pnrcol of proporty doscrlbod In tho forogolng ordinance, as named therein, and In tho Hon doclarod by Httld ordlnanco ub recorded In tho dockot of city lions; You aro horoby notified that tho assossmont doclarod by tho forogo lng ordlnanco has boon mado and tho lion thorofor ontorod In tho city Hen docket, and that tho snmo Is duo and you aro horoby roqulrod to pay tho samo to tho city rocordor within ton days from tho sorvlco of this notlco, which sorvlco Is mado bv nntilfnHnn of tho forogolng ordlnanco and this notlco throo times In the Medford Mall Tilbuno, pursuant to an order of tho city council of eald city, RODT, W. TELFHIt, City Recordor. He